path: root/codeblocks/textscreen.cbp
diff options
authorSimon Howard2006-09-11 08:48:57 +0000
committerSimon Howard2006-09-11 08:48:57 +0000
commitfc3cf15fd5a01c93c70ac2441a2ff6f95c327f3a (patch)
treeb117f0ff8798ba73a00bb411d096bf3f99a0df2f /codeblocks/textscreen.cbp
parent0d1fcc1bb8650ee03a547d5a98270e51ff685089 (diff)
Add codeblocks project files; thanks to Russell Rice.
Subversion-branch: /trunk/chocolate-doom Subversion-revision: 604
Diffstat (limited to 'codeblocks/textscreen.cbp')
1 files changed, 253 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/codeblocks/textscreen.cbp b/codeblocks/textscreen.cbp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..ef9cb610
--- /dev/null
+++ b/codeblocks/textscreen.cbp
@@ -0,0 +1,253 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes" ?>
+ <FileVersion major="1" minor="5" />
+ <Project>
+ <Option title="textscreen" />
+ <Option pch_mode="2" />
+ <Option default_target="" />
+ <Option compiler="gcc" />
+ <Option virtualFolders="" />
+ <Build>
+ <Target title="Debug">
+ <Option output="bin\Debug\textscreen.dll" />
+ <Option working_dir="bin\Debug" />
+ <Option object_output="obj\Debug\" />
+ <Option type="3" />
+ <Option compiler="gcc" />
+ <Option createDefFile="1" />
+ <Option createStaticLib="1" />
+ <Compiler>
+ <Add option="-W" />
+ <Add option="-g" />
+ </Compiler>
+ </Target>
+ <Target title="Release">
+ <Option output="bin\Release\libtextscreen.a" />
+ <Option working_dir="" />
+ <Option object_output="obj\Release\" />
+ <Option type="2" />
+ <Option compiler="gcc" />
+ <Option createDefFile="1" />
+ <Compiler>
+ <Add option="-O2" />
+ </Compiler>
+ <Linker>
+ <Add option="-s" />
+ </Linker>
+ </Target>
+ </Build>
+ <Compiler>
+ <Add directory="src" />
+ </Compiler>
+ <Linker>
+ <Add option="-lmingw32 -lSDLmain -lSDL -mwindows" />
+ </Linker>
+ <Unit filename="textscreen\textscreen.h">
+ <Option compilerVar="CPP" />
+ <Option compile="0" />
+ <Option link="0" />
+ <Option target="Debug" />
+ <Option target="Release" />
+ </Unit>
+ <Unit filename="textscreen\txt_button.c">
+ <Option compilerVar="CC" />
+ <Option target="Debug" />
+ <Option target="Release" />
+ </Unit>
+ <Unit filename="textscreen\txt_button.h">
+ <Option compilerVar="CPP" />
+ <Option compile="0" />
+ <Option link="0" />
+ <Option target="Debug" />
+ <Option target="Release" />
+ </Unit>
+ <Unit filename="textscreen\txt_checkbox.c">
+ <Option compilerVar="CC" />
+ <Option target="Debug" />
+ <Option target="Release" />
+ </Unit>
+ <Unit filename="textscreen\txt_checkbox.h">
+ <Option compilerVar="CPP" />
+ <Option compile="0" />
+ <Option link="0" />
+ <Option target="Debug" />
+ <Option target="Release" />
+ </Unit>
+ <Unit filename="textscreen\txt_desktop.c">
+ <Option compilerVar="CC" />
+ <Option target="Debug" />
+ <Option target="Release" />
+ </Unit>
+ <Unit filename="textscreen\txt_desktop.h">
+ <Option compilerVar="CPP" />
+ <Option compile="0" />
+ <Option link="0" />
+ <Option target="Debug" />
+ <Option target="Release" />
+ </Unit>
+ <Unit filename="textscreen\txt_dropdown.c">
+ <Option compilerVar="CC" />
+ <Option target="Debug" />
+ <Option target="Release" />
+ </Unit>
+ <Unit filename="textscreen\txt_dropdown.h">
+ <Option compilerVar="CPP" />
+ <Option compile="0" />
+ <Option link="0" />
+ <Option target="Debug" />
+ <Option target="Release" />
+ </Unit>
+ <Unit filename="textscreen\txt_font.h">
+ <Option compilerVar="CPP" />
+ <Option compile="0" />
+ <Option link="0" />
+ <Option target="Debug" />
+ <Option target="Release" />
+ </Unit>
+ <Unit filename="textscreen\txt_gui.c">
+ <Option compilerVar="CC" />
+ <Option target="Debug" />
+ <Option target="Release" />
+ </Unit>
+ <Unit filename="textscreen\txt_gui.h">
+ <Option compilerVar="CPP" />
+ <Option compile="0" />
+ <Option link="0" />
+ <Option target="Debug" />
+ <Option target="Release" />
+ </Unit>
+ <Unit filename="textscreen\txt_inputbox.c">
+ <Option compilerVar="CC" />
+ <Option target="Debug" />
+ <Option target="Release" />
+ </Unit>
+ <Unit filename="textscreen\txt_inputbox.h">
+ <Option compilerVar="CPP" />
+ <Option compile="0" />
+ <Option link="0" />
+ <Option target="Debug" />
+ <Option target="Release" />
+ </Unit>
+ <Unit filename="textscreen\txt_io.c">
+ <Option compilerVar="CC" />
+ <Option target="Debug" />
+ <Option target="Release" />
+ </Unit>
+ <Unit filename="textscreen\txt_io.h">
+ <Option compilerVar="CPP" />
+ <Option compile="0" />
+ <Option link="0" />
+ <Option target="Debug" />
+ <Option target="Release" />
+ </Unit>
+ <Unit filename="textscreen\txt_label.c">
+ <Option compilerVar="CC" />
+ <Option target="Debug" />
+ <Option target="Release" />
+ </Unit>
+ <Unit filename="textscreen\txt_label.h">
+ <Option compilerVar="CPP" />
+ <Option compile="0" />
+ <Option link="0" />
+ <Option target="Debug" />
+ <Option target="Release" />
+ </Unit>
+ <Unit filename="textscreen\txt_main.c">
+ <Option compilerVar="CC" />
+ <Option target="Debug" />
+ <Option target="Release" />
+ </Unit>
+ <Unit filename="textscreen\txt_main.h">
+ <Option compilerVar="CPP" />
+ <Option compile="0" />
+ <Option link="0" />
+ <Option target="Debug" />
+ <Option target="Release" />
+ </Unit>
+ <Unit filename="textscreen\txt_radiobutton.c">
+ <Option compilerVar="CC" />
+ <Option target="Debug" />
+ <Option target="Release" />
+ </Unit>
+ <Unit filename="textscreen\txt_radiobutton.h">
+ <Option compilerVar="CPP" />
+ <Option compile="0" />
+ <Option link="0" />
+ <Option target="Debug" />
+ <Option target="Release" />
+ </Unit>
+ <Unit filename="textscreen\txt_separator.c">
+ <Option compilerVar="CC" />
+ <Option target="Debug" />
+ <Option target="Release" />
+ </Unit>
+ <Unit filename="textscreen\txt_separator.h">
+ <Option compilerVar="CPP" />
+ <Option compile="0" />
+ <Option link="0" />
+ <Option target="Debug" />
+ <Option target="Release" />
+ </Unit>
+ <Unit filename="textscreen\txt_strut.c">
+ <Option compilerVar="CC" />
+ <Option target="Debug" />
+ <Option target="Release" />
+ </Unit>
+ <Unit filename="textscreen\txt_strut.h">
+ <Option compilerVar="CPP" />
+ <Option compile="0" />
+ <Option link="0" />
+ <Option target="Debug" />
+ <Option target="Release" />
+ </Unit>
+ <Unit filename="textscreen\txt_table.c">
+ <Option compilerVar="CC" />
+ <Option target="Debug" />
+ <Option target="Release" />
+ </Unit>
+ <Unit filename="textscreen\txt_table.h">
+ <Option compilerVar="CPP" />
+ <Option compile="0" />
+ <Option link="0" />
+ <Option target="Debug" />
+ <Option target="Release" />
+ </Unit>
+ <Unit filename="textscreen\txt_widget.c">
+ <Option compilerVar="CC" />
+ <Option target="Debug" />
+ <Option target="Release" />
+ </Unit>
+ <Unit filename="textscreen\txt_widget.h">
+ <Option compilerVar="CPP" />
+ <Option compile="0" />
+ <Option link="0" />
+ <Option target="Debug" />
+ <Option target="Release" />
+ </Unit>
+ <Unit filename="textscreen\txt_window.c">
+ <Option compilerVar="CC" />
+ <Option target="Debug" />
+ <Option target="Release" />
+ </Unit>
+ <Unit filename="textscreen\txt_window.h">
+ <Option compilerVar="CPP" />
+ <Option compile="0" />
+ <Option link="0" />
+ <Option target="Debug" />
+ <Option target="Release" />
+ </Unit>
+ <Unit filename="textscreen\txt_window_action.c">
+ <Option compilerVar="CC" />
+ <Option target="Debug" />
+ <Option target="Release" />
+ </Unit>
+ <Unit filename="textscreen\txt_window_action.h">
+ <Option compilerVar="CPP" />
+ <Option compile="0" />
+ <Option link="0" />
+ <Option target="Debug" />
+ <Option target="Release" />
+ </Unit>
+ <Extensions />
+ </Project>
+</CodeBlocks_project_file> \ No newline at end of file