path: root/src/mmus2mid.c
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authorSimon Howard2005-09-05 22:50:56 +0000
committerSimon Howard2005-09-05 22:50:56 +0000
commitb09ff6f00346a6aacf09930888523ab8a68115e2 (patch)
treebb0b6c0ebbf23e18e3f6f3c71c97312a63df1a0c /src/mmus2mid.c
parentb932593c9e68337bfcbd43f8b69f5a4cc8d04ff8 (diff)
Add mmus2mid code from prboom. Use 'void *' for music handles. Pass
length of data when registering music. Subversion-branch: /trunk/chocolate-doom Subversion-revision: 75
Diffstat (limited to 'src/mmus2mid.c')
1 files changed, 858 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/mmus2mid.c b/src/mmus2mid.c
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..6db59308
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/mmus2mid.c
@@ -0,0 +1,858 @@
+// Emacs style mode select -*- C++ -*-
+// $Id: mmus2mid.c 75 2005-09-05 22:50:56Z fraggle $
+// Copyright(C) 1993-1996 Id Software, Inc.
+// Copyright (C) 1999 by
+// id Software, Chi Hoang, Lee Killough, Jim Flynn,
+// Rand Phares, Ty Halderman
+// Copyright (C) 1999-2000 by
+// Jess Haas, Nicolas Kalkhof, Colin Phipps, Florian Schulze
+// Copyright(C) 2005 Simon Howard
+// This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+// modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
+// as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
+// of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+// GNU General Public License for more details.
+// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+// along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+// Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA
+// 02111-1307, USA.
+// $Log$
+// Revision 1.1 2005/09/05 22:50:56 fraggle
+// Add mmus2mid code from prboom. Use 'void *' for music handles. Pass
+// length of data when registering music.
+// MUS to MID conversion utility from PrBoom.
+// This file supports conversion of MUS format music in memory
+// to MIDI format 1 music in memory.
+// The primary routine, mmus2mid, converts a block of memory in MUS format
+// to an Allegro MIDI structure. This supports playing MUS lumps in a wad
+// file with BOOM.
+// Another routine, Midi2MIDI, converts a block of memory in MIDI format 1 to
+// an Allegro MIDI structure. This supports playing MIDI lumps in a wad
+// file with BOOM.
+// For testing purposes, and to make a utility if desired, if the symbol
+// STANDALONE is defined by uncommenting the definition below, a main
+// routine is compiled that will convert a possibly wildcarded set of MUS
+// files to a similarly named set of MIDI files.
+// Much of the code here is thanks to S. Bacquet's source for QMUS2MID.C
+#include <ctype.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include <sys/types.h>
+#include <sys/stat.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include "mmus2mid.h"
+//#define STANDALONE /* uncomment this to make MMUS2MID.EXE */
+#include "m_swap.h"
+#include "z_zone.h"
+// some macros to decode mus event bit fields
+#define last(e) ((UBYTE)((e) & 0x80))
+#define event_type(e) ((UBYTE)(((e) & 0x7F) >> 4))
+#define channel(e) ((UBYTE)((e) & 0x0F))
+// event types
+typedef enum
+} mus_event_t;
+// MUS format header structure
+typedef struct
+ char ID[4]; // identifier "MUS"0x1A
+ UWORD ScoreLength; // length of music portion
+ UWORD ScoreStart; // offset of music portion
+ UWORD channels; // count of primary channels
+ UWORD SecChannels; // count of secondary channels
+ UWORD InstrCnt; // number of instruments
+} MUSheader;
+// to keep track of information in a MIDI track
+typedef struct Track
+ char velocity;
+ long deltaT;
+ UBYTE lastEvt;
+ long alloced;
+} TrackInfo;
+// array of info about tracks
+static TrackInfo track[MIDI_TRACKS];
+// initial track size allocation
+// lookup table MUS -> MID controls
+static UBYTE MUS2MIDcontrol[15] =
+ 0, // Program change - not a MIDI control change
+ 0x00, // Bank select
+ 0x01, // Modulation pot
+ 0x07, // Volume
+ 0x0A, // Pan pot
+ 0x0B, // Expression pot
+ 0x5B, // Reverb depth
+ 0x5D, // Chorus depth
+ 0x40, // Sustain pedal
+ 0x43, // Soft pedal
+ 0x78, // All sounds off
+ 0x7B, // All notes off
+ 0x7E, // Mono
+ 0x7F, // Poly
+ 0x79 // Reset all controllers
+// some strings of bytes used in the midi format
+static UBYTE midikey[] =
+{0x00,0xff,0x59,0x02,0x00,0x00}; // C major
+static UBYTE miditempo[] =
+{0x00,0xff,0x51,0x03,0x09,0xa3,0x1a}; // uS/qnote
+static UBYTE midihdr[] =
+{'M','T','h','d',0,0,0,6,0,1,0,0,0,0}; // header (length 6, format 1)
+static UBYTE trackhdr[] =
+{'M','T','r','k'}; // track header
+// static routine prototypes
+static int TWriteByte(MIDI *mididata, int MIDItrack, UBYTE byte);
+static int TWriteVarLen(MIDI *mididata, int MIDItrack, register ULONG value);
+static ULONG ReadTime(const UBYTE **musptrp);
+static int FirstChannelAvailable(int MUS2MIDchannel[]);
+static UBYTE MidiEvent(MIDI *mididata,UBYTE midicode,UBYTE MIDIchannel,
+ UBYTE MIDItrack,int nocomp);
+// TWriteByte()
+// write one byte to the selected MIDItrack, update current position
+// if track allocation exceeded, double it
+// if track not allocated, initially allocate TRACKBUFFERSIZE bytes
+// Passed pointer to Allegro MIDI structure, number of the MIDI track being
+// written, and the byte to write.
+// Returns 0 on success, MEMALLOC if a memory allocation error occurs
+static int TWriteByte(MIDI *mididata, int MIDItrack, UBYTE byte)
+ ULONG pos ;
+ pos = mididata->track[MIDItrack].len;
+ if (pos >= (ULONG)track[MIDItrack].alloced)
+ {
+ track[MIDItrack].alloced = // double allocation
+ track[MIDItrack].alloced? // or set initial TRACKBUFFERSIZE
+ 2*track[MIDItrack].alloced :
+ if (!(mididata->track[MIDItrack].data = // attempt to reallocate
+ realloc(mididata->track[MIDItrack].data,
+ track[MIDItrack].alloced)))
+ return MEMALLOC;
+ }
+ mididata->track[MIDItrack].data[pos] = byte;
+ mididata->track[MIDItrack].len++;
+ return 0;
+// TWriteVarLen()
+// write the ULONG value to tracknum-th track, in midi format, which is
+// big endian, 7 bits per byte, with all bytes but the last flagged by
+// bit 8 being set, allowing the length to vary.
+// Passed the Allegro MIDI structure, the track number to write,
+// and the ULONG value to encode in midi format there
+// Returns 0 if sucessful, MEMALLOC if a memory allocation error occurs
+static int TWriteVarLen(MIDI *mididata, int tracknum, register ULONG value)
+ register ULONG buffer;
+ buffer = value & 0x7f;
+ while ((value >>= 7)) // terminates because value unsigned
+ {
+ buffer <<= 8; // note first value shifted in has bit 8 clear
+ buffer |= 0x80; // all succeeding values do not
+ buffer += (value & 0x7f);
+ }
+ while (1) // write bytes out in opposite order
+ {
+ if (TWriteByte(mididata, tracknum, (UBYTE)(buffer&0xff))) // insure buffer masked
+ return MEMALLOC;
+ if (buffer & 0x80)
+ buffer >>= 8;
+ else // terminate on the byte with bit 8 clear
+ break;
+ }
+ return 0;
+// ReadTime()
+// Read a time value from the MUS buffer, advancing the position in it
+// A time value is a variable length sequence of 8 bit bytes, with all
+// but the last having bit 8 set.
+// Passed a pointer to the pointer to the MUS buffer
+// Returns the integer unsigned long time value there and advances the pointer
+static ULONG ReadTime(const UBYTE **musptrp)
+ register ULONG timeval = 0;
+ int byte;
+ do // shift each byte read up in the result until a byte with bit 8 clear
+ {
+ byte = *(*musptrp)++;
+ timeval = (timeval << 7) + (byte & 0x7F);
+ }
+ while(byte & 0x80);
+ return timeval;
+// FirstChannelAvailable()
+// Return the next unassigned MIDI channel number
+// The assignment for MUS channel 15 is not counted in the caculation, that
+// being percussion and always assigned to MIDI channel 9 (base 0).
+// Passed the array of MIDI channels assigned to MUS channels
+// Returns the maximum channel number unassigned unless that is 9 in which
+// case 10 is returned.
+// killough 10/7/98: changed char parameter, return values to int
+static int FirstChannelAvailable(int MUS2MIDchannel[])
+ int i ;
+ int max = -1 ;
+ // find the largest MIDI channel assigned so far
+ for (i = 0; i < 15; i++)
+ if (MUS2MIDchannel[i] > max)
+ max = MUS2MIDchannel[i];
+ return (max == 8 ? 10 : max+1); // skip MIDI channel 9 (percussion)
+// MidiEvent()
+// Constructs a MIDI event code, and writes it to the current MIDI track
+// unless its the same as the last event code and compressio is enabled
+// in which case nothing is written.
+// Passed the Allegro MIDI structure, the midi event code, the current
+// MIDI channel number, the current MIDI track number, and whether compression
+// (running status) is enabled.
+// Returns the new event code if successful, 0 if a memory allocation error
+static UBYTE MidiEvent(MIDI *mididata,UBYTE midicode,UBYTE MIDIchannel,
+ UBYTE MIDItrack,int nocomp)
+ UBYTE newevent;
+ newevent = midicode | MIDIchannel;
+ if ((newevent != track[MIDItrack].lastEvt) || nocomp)
+ {
+ if (TWriteByte(mididata,MIDItrack, newevent))
+ return 0; // indicates MEMALLOC error
+ track[MIDItrack].lastEvt = newevent;
+ }
+ return newevent;
+// mmus2mid()
+// Convert a memory buffer contain MUS data to an Allegro MIDI structure
+// with specified time division and compression.
+// Passed a pointer to the buffer containing MUS data, a pointer to the
+// Allegro MIDI structure, the divisions, and a flag whether to compress.
+// Returns 0 if successful, otherwise an error code (see mmus2mid.h).
+int mmus2mid(const UBYTE *mus, MIDI *mididata, UWORD division, int nocomp)
+ UWORD TrackCnt = 0;
+ UBYTE evt, MUSchannel, MIDIchannel, MIDItrack=0, NewEvent;
+ int i, event, data;
+ const UBYTE *musptr;
+ size_t muslen;
+ static MUSheader MUSh;
+ UBYTE MIDIchan2track[MIDI_TRACKS]; // killough 10/7/98: fix too small array
+ int MUS2MIDchannel[MIDI_TRACKS]; // killough 10/7/98: fix too small array
+ // copy the MUS header from the MUS buffer to the MUSh header structure
+ memcpy(&MUSh,mus,sizeof(MUSheader));
+ MUSh.ScoreLength = doom_wtohs(MUSh.ScoreLength);
+ MUSh.ScoreStart = doom_wtohs(MUSh.ScoreStart);
+ MUSh.channels = doom_wtohs(MUSh.channels);
+ MUSh.SecChannels = doom_wtohs(MUSh.SecChannels);
+ MUSh.InstrCnt = doom_wtohs(MUSh.InstrCnt);
+ // check some things and set length of MUS buffer from internal data
+ if (!(muslen = MUSh.ScoreLength + MUSh.ScoreStart))
+ return MUSDATAMT; // MUS file empty
+ if (MUSh.channels > 15) // MUSchannels + drum channel > 16
+ return TOOMCHAN ;
+ musptr = mus+MUSh.ScoreStart; // init musptr to start of score
+ for (i = 0; i < MIDI_TRACKS; i++) // init the track structure's tracks
+ {
+ MUS2MIDchannel[i] = -1; // flag for channel not used yet
+ track[i].velocity = 64;
+ track[i].deltaT = 0;
+ track[i].lastEvt = 0;
+ free(mididata->track[i].data);//jff 3/5/98 remove old allocations
+ mididata->track[i].data=NULL;
+ track[i].alloced = 0;
+ mididata->track[i].len = 0;
+ }
+ if (!division)
+ division = 70;
+ // allocate the first track which is a special tempo/key track
+ // note multiple tracks means midi format 1
+ // set the divisions (ticks per quarter note)
+ mididata->divisions = division;
+ // allocate for midi tempo/key track, allow for end of track
+ if (!(mididata->track[0].data =
+ realloc(mididata->track[0].data,sizeof(midikey)+sizeof(miditempo)+4)))
+ return MEMALLOC;
+ // key C major
+ memcpy(mididata->track[0].data,midikey,sizeof(midikey));
+ // tempo uS/qnote
+ memcpy(mididata->track[0].data+sizeof(midikey),miditempo,sizeof(miditempo));
+ mididata->track[0].len = sizeof(midikey)+sizeof(miditempo);
+ TrackCnt++; // music tracks start at 1
+ // process the MUS events in the MUS buffer
+ do
+ {
+ // get a mus event, decode its type and channel fields
+ event = *musptr++;
+ if ((evt = event_type(event)) == SCORE_END) //jff 1/23/98 use symbol
+ break; // if end of score event, leave
+ MUSchannel = channel(event);
+ // if this channel not initialized, do so
+ if (MUS2MIDchannel[MUSchannel] == -1)
+ {
+ // set MIDIchannel and MIDItrack
+ MIDIchannel = MUS2MIDchannel[MUSchannel] =
+ (MUSchannel == 15 ? 9 : FirstChannelAvailable(MUS2MIDchannel));
+ MIDItrack = MIDIchan2track[MIDIchannel] = (UBYTE)TrackCnt++;
+ }
+ else // channel already allocated as a track, use those values
+ {
+ MIDIchannel = MUS2MIDchannel[MUSchannel];
+ MIDItrack = MIDIchan2track[MIDIchannel];
+ }
+ if (TWriteVarLen(mididata, MIDItrack, track[MIDItrack].deltaT))
+ return MEMALLOC;
+ track[MIDItrack].deltaT = 0;
+ switch(evt)
+ {
+ // killough 10/7/98: Fix noise problems by not allowing compression
+ if (!(NewEvent=MidiEvent(mididata,0x90,MIDIchannel,MIDItrack,1)))
+ return MEMALLOC;
+ data = *musptr++;
+ if (TWriteByte(mididata, MIDItrack, (UBYTE)(data & 0x7F)))
+ return MEMALLOC;
+ if (TWriteByte(mididata, MIDItrack, 0))
+ return MEMALLOC;
+ break;
+ case PLAY_NOTE:
+ if (!(NewEvent=MidiEvent(mididata,0x90,MIDIchannel,MIDItrack,nocomp)))
+ return MEMALLOC;
+ data = *musptr++;
+ if (TWriteByte(mididata, MIDItrack, (UBYTE)(data & 0x7F)))
+ return MEMALLOC;
+ if( data & 0x80 )
+ track[MIDItrack].velocity = (*musptr++) & 0x7f;
+ if (TWriteByte(mididata, MIDItrack, track[MIDItrack].velocity))
+ return MEMALLOC;
+ break;
+ case BEND_NOTE:
+ if (!(NewEvent=MidiEvent(mididata,0xE0,MIDIchannel,MIDItrack,nocomp)))
+ return MEMALLOC;
+ data = *musptr++;
+ if (TWriteByte(mididata, MIDItrack, (UBYTE)((data & 1) << 6)))
+ return MEMALLOC;
+ if (TWriteByte(mididata, MIDItrack, (UBYTE)(data >> 1)))
+ return MEMALLOC;
+ break;
+ case SYS_EVENT:
+ if (!(NewEvent=MidiEvent(mididata,0xB0,MIDIchannel,MIDItrack,nocomp)))
+ return MEMALLOC;
+ data = *musptr++;
+ if (data<10 || data>14)
+ return BADSYSEVT;
+ if (TWriteByte(mididata, MIDItrack, MUS2MIDcontrol[data]))
+ return MEMALLOC;
+ if (data == 12)
+ {
+ if (TWriteByte(mididata, MIDItrack, (UBYTE)(MUSh.channels+1)))
+ return MEMALLOC;
+ }
+ else
+ if (TWriteByte(mididata, MIDItrack, 0))
+ return MEMALLOC;
+ break;
+ data = *musptr++;
+ if (data>9)
+ return BADCTLCHG;
+ if (data)
+ {
+ if (!(NewEvent=MidiEvent(mididata,0xB0,MIDIchannel,MIDItrack,nocomp)))
+ return MEMALLOC;
+ if (TWriteByte(mididata, MIDItrack, MUS2MIDcontrol[data]))
+ return MEMALLOC;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if (!(NewEvent=MidiEvent(mididata,0xC0,MIDIchannel,MIDItrack,nocomp)))
+ return MEMALLOC;
+ }
+ data = *musptr++;
+ if (TWriteByte(mididata, MIDItrack, (UBYTE)(data & 0x7F)))
+ return MEMALLOC;
+ break;
+ case UNKNOWN_EVENT1: // mus events 5 and 7
+ case UNKNOWN_EVENT2: // meaning not known
+ return BADMUSCTL;
+ case SCORE_END:
+ break;
+ default:
+ return BADMUSCTL; // exit with error
+ }
+ if (last(event))
+ {
+ ULONG DeltaTime = ReadTime(&musptr); // killough 10/7/98: make local
+ for (i = 0;i < MIDI_TRACKS; i++) //jff 3/13/98 update all tracks
+ track[i].deltaT += DeltaTime; //whether allocated yet or not
+ }
+ }
+ while ((evt != SCORE_END) && ((size_t)(musptr-mus) < muslen));
+ if (evt!=SCORE_END)
+ return MUSDATACOR;
+ // Now add an end of track to each mididata track, correct allocation
+ for (i = 0; i < MIDI_TRACKS; i++)
+ if (mididata->track[i].len)
+ { // killough 10/7/98: simplify code
+ if (TWriteByte(mididata, i, 0x00) || // midi end of track code
+ TWriteByte(mididata, i, 0xFF) ||
+ TWriteByte(mididata, i, 0x2F) ||
+ TWriteByte(mididata, i, 0x00))
+ return MEMALLOC;
+ // jff 1/23/98 fix failure to set data NULL, len 0 for unused tracks
+ // shorten allocation to proper length (important for Allegro)
+ if (!(mididata->track[i].data =
+ realloc(mididata->track[i].data,mididata->track[i].len)))
+ return MEMALLOC;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ free(mididata->track[i].data);
+ mididata->track[i].data = NULL;
+ }
+ return 0;
+// ReadLength()
+// Reads the length of a chunk in a midi buffer, advancing the pointer
+// 4 bytes, bigendian
+// Passed a pointer to the pointer to a MIDI buffer
+// Returns the chunk length at the pointer position
+size_t ReadLength(UBYTE **mid)
+ UBYTE *midptr = *mid;
+ size_t length = (*midptr++)<<24;
+ length += (*midptr++)<<16;
+ length += (*midptr++)<<8;
+ length += *midptr++;
+ *mid = midptr;
+ return length;
+// MidiToMIDI()
+// Convert an in-memory copy of a MIDI format 0 or 1 file to
+// an Allegro MIDI structure, that is valid or has been zeroed
+// Passed a pointer to a memory buffer with MIDI format music in it and a
+// pointer to an Allegro MIDI structure.
+// Returns 0 if successful, BADMIDHDR if the buffer is not MIDI format
+int MidiToMIDI(UBYTE *mid,MIDI *mididata)
+ int i;
+ int ntracks;
+ // read the midi header
+ if (memcmp(mid,midihdr,4))
+ return BADMIDHDR;
+ mididata->divisions = (mid[12]<<8)+mid[13];
+ ntracks = (mid[10]<<8)+mid[11];
+ if (ntracks>=MIDI_TRACKS)
+ return BADMIDHDR;
+ mid += 4;
+ { // killough 10/7/98: fix mid from being modified twice before sequence pt.
+ size_t t = ReadLength(&mid); // seek past header
+ mid += t;
+ }
+ // now read each track
+ for (i=0;i<ntracks;i++)
+ {
+ while (memcmp(mid,trackhdr,4)) // simply skip non-track data
+ {
+ mid += 4;
+ {
+ size_t t = ReadLength(&mid); // seek past header
+ mid += t; // killough 10/7/98: prevent mid undefined behavior
+ }
+ }
+ mid += 4;
+ mididata->track[i].len = ReadLength(&mid); // get length, move mid past it
+ // read a track
+ mididata->track[i].data = realloc(mididata->track[i].data,mididata->track[i].len);
+ memcpy(mididata->track[i].data,mid,mididata->track[i].len);
+ mid += mididata->track[i].len;
+ }
+ for (;i<MIDI_TRACKS;i++)
+ if (mididata->track[i].len)
+ {
+ free(mididata->track[i].data);
+ mididata->track[i].data = NULL;
+ mididata->track[i].len = 0;
+ }
+ return 0;
+//#ifdef STANDALONE /* this code unused by BOOM provided for future portability */
+// /* it also provides a MUS to MID file converter*/
+// proff: I moved this down, because I need MIDItoMidi
+static void FreeTracks(MIDI *mididata);
+static void TWriteLength(UBYTE **midiptr,ULONG length);
+// FreeTracks()
+// Free all track allocations in the MIDI structure
+// Passed a pointer to an Allegro MIDI structure
+// Returns nothing
+static void FreeTracks(MIDI *mididata)
+ int i;
+ for (i=0; i<MIDI_TRACKS; i++)
+ {
+ free(mididata->track[i].data);
+ mididata->track[i].data = NULL;
+ mididata->track[i].len = 0;
+ }
+// TWriteLength()
+// Write the length of a MIDI chunk to a midi buffer. The length is four
+// bytes and is written byte-reversed for bigendian. The pointer to the
+// midi buffer is advanced.
+// Passed a pointer to the pointer to a midi buffer, and the length to write
+// Returns nothing
+static void TWriteLength(UBYTE **midiptr,ULONG length)
+// proff: Added typecast to avoid warning
+ *(*midiptr)++ = (unsigned char)((length>>24)&0xff);
+ *(*midiptr)++ = (unsigned char)((length>>16)&0xff);
+ *(*midiptr)++ = (unsigned char)((length>>8)&0xff);
+ *(*midiptr)++ = (unsigned char)((length)&0xff);
+// MIDIToMidi()
+// This routine converts an Allegro MIDI structure to a midi 1 format file
+// in memory. It is used to support memory MUS -> MIDI conversion
+// Passed a pointer to an Allegro MIDI structure, a pointer to a pointer to
+// a buffer containing midi data, and a pointer to a length return.
+// Returns 0 if successful, MEMALLOC if a memory allocation error occurs
+int MIDIToMidi(MIDI *mididata,UBYTE **mid,int *midlen)
+ size_t total;
+ int i,ntrks;
+ UBYTE *midiptr;
+ // calculate how long the mid buffer must be, and allocate
+ total = sizeof(midihdr);
+ for (i=0,ntrks=0;i<MIDI_TRACKS;i++)
+ if (mididata->track[i].len)
+ {
+ total += 8 + mididata->track[i].len; // Track hdr + track length
+ ntrks++;
+ }
+ if ((*mid = malloc(total))==NULL)
+ return MEMALLOC;
+ // fill in number of tracks and bigendian divisions (ticks/qnote)
+ midihdr[10] = 0;
+ midihdr[11] = (UBYTE)ntrks; // set number of tracks in header
+ midihdr[12] = (mididata->divisions>>8) & 0x7f;
+ midihdr[13] = (mididata->divisions) & 0xff;
+ // write the midi header
+ midiptr = *mid;
+ memcpy(midiptr,midihdr,sizeof(midihdr));
+ midiptr += sizeof(midihdr);
+ // write the tracks
+ for (i=0;i<MIDI_TRACKS;i++)
+ {
+ if (mididata->track[i].len)
+ {
+ memcpy(midiptr,trackhdr,sizeof(trackhdr)); // header
+ midiptr += sizeof(trackhdr);
+ TWriteLength(&midiptr,mididata->track[i].len); // track length
+ // data
+ memcpy(midiptr,mididata->track[i].data,mididata->track[i].len);
+ midiptr += mididata->track[i].len;
+ }
+ }
+ // return length information
+ *midlen = midiptr - *mid;
+ return 0;
+#ifdef STANDALONE /* this code unused by BOOM provided for future portability */
+ /* it also provides a MUS to MID file converter*/
+// proff: I moved this down, because I need MIDItoMidi
+// main()
+// Main routine that will convert a globbed set of MUS files to the
+// correspondingly named MID files using mmus2mid(). Only compiled
+// if the STANDALONE symbol is defined.
+// Passed the command line arguments, returns 0 if successful
+int main(int argc,char **argv)
+ FILE *musst,*midst;
+ char musfile[FILENAME_MAX],midfile[FILENAME_MAX];
+ MUSheader MUSh;
+ UBYTE *mus,*mid;
+ static MIDI mididata;
+ int err,midlen;
+ char *p,*q;
+ int i;
+ if (argc<2)
+ {
+ //jff 8/3/98 use logical output routine
+ lprintf(LO_INFO,"Usage: MMUS2MID musfile[.MUS]\n");
+ lprintf(LO_INFO,"writes musfile.MID as output\n");
+ lprintf(LO_INFO,"musfile may contain wildcards\n");
+ exit(1);
+ }
+ for (i=1;i<argc;i++)
+ {
+ strcpy(musfile,argv[i]);
+ p = strrchr(musfile,'.');
+ q = strrchr(musfile,'\\');
+ if (p && (!q || q<p)) *p='\0';
+ strcpy(midfile,musfile);
+ strcat(musfile,".MUS");
+ strcat(midfile,".MID");
+ musst = fopen(musfile,"rb");
+ if (musst)
+ {
+ fread(&MUSh,sizeof(MUSheader),1,musst);
+ mus = malloc(MUSh.ScoreLength+MUSh.ScoreStart);
+ if (mus)
+ {
+ fseek(musst,0,SEEK_SET);
+ if (!fread(mus,MUSh.ScoreLength+MUSh.ScoreStart,1,musst))
+ {
+ //jff 8/3/98 use logical output routine
+ lprintf(LO_FATAL,"Error reading MUS file\n");
+ free(mus);
+ exit(1);
+ }
+ fclose(musst);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ //jff 8/3/98 use logical output routine
+ lprintf(LO_FATAL,"Out of memory\n");
+ free(mus);
+ exit(1);
+ }
+ err = mmus2mid(mus,&mididata,89,1);
+ if (err)
+ {
+ //jff 8/3/98 use logical output routine
+ lprintf(LO_FATAL,"Error converting MUS file to MIDI: %d\n",err);
+ exit(1);
+ }
+ free(mus);
+ MIDIToMidi(&mididata,&mid,&midlen);
+ midst = fopen(midfile,"wb");
+ if (midst)
+ {
+ if (!fwrite(mid,midlen,1,midst))
+ {
+ //jff 8/3/98 use logical output routine
+ lprintf(LO_FATAL,"Error writing MIDI file\n");
+ FreeTracks(&mididata);
+ free(mid);
+ exit(1);
+ }
+ fclose(midst);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ //jff 8/3/98 use logical output routine
+ lprintf(LO_FATAL,"Can't open MIDI file for output: %s\n", midfile);
+ FreeTracks(&mididata);
+ free(mid);
+ exit(1);
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ //jff 8/3/98 use logical output routine
+ lprintf(LO_FATAL,"Can't open MUS file for input: %s\n", midfile);
+ exit(1);
+ }
+ //jff 8/3/98 use logical output routine
+ lprintf(LO_CONFIRM,"MUS file %s converted to MIDI file %s\n",musfile,midfile);
+ FreeTracks(&mididata);
+ free(mid);
+ }
+ exit(0);