path: root/src/enemies/knight.c
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'src/enemies/knight.c')
1 files changed, 232 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/enemies/knight.c b/src/enemies/knight.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..06df4b7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/enemies/knight.c
@@ -0,0 +1,232 @@
+#include "knight.h"
+#include "../enemy.h"
+#include "../hero.h"
+#include "../PHL.h"
+#include "../game.h"
+#include <stdlib.h>
+void knightDestroy(Knight* k);
+void createKnight(int x, int y, int type)
+ int i;
+ for (i = 0; i < MAX_ENEMIES; i++) {
+ if (enemies[i] == NULL) {
+ Enemy* e = malloc(sizeof *e);
+ Knight* k = malloc(sizeof *k);
+ k->id = i;
+ k->type = type;
+ k->x = x;
+ k->y = y;
+ //They face the player when they are spawned
+ k->dir = -1;
+ if (herox > x + 20) {
+ k->dir = 1;
+ }
+ k->vsp = 0;
+ k->grav = 0.2;
+ k->state = 0;
+ k->timer = 60 + (((rand() % 5) + 1) * 60);
+ k->imageIndex = 0;
+ k->hp = 2;
+ //Shield Knight
+ if (k->type == 1) {
+ k->hp = 3;
+ }
+ k->invincible = 0;
+ k->shieldhit = 0;
+ k->mask.circle = 0;
+ k->mask.unused = 0;
+ k->mask.x = x + 4;
+ k->mask.y = y + 8;
+ k->mask.w = 32;
+ k->mask.h = 32;
+ e->data = k;
+ e->enemyStep = knightStep;
+ e->enemyDraw = knightDraw;
+ e->type = 3;
+ enemies[i] = e;
+ }
+ }
+void knightStep(Knight* k)
+ if (k->shieldhit > 0) {
+ k->shieldhit -= 1;
+ }
+ if (k->invincible > 0) {
+ k->invincible -= 1;
+ }
+ if (k->state == 0) { //Walk
+ k->imageIndex += 0.1;
+ if (k->imageIndex >= 2) {
+ k->imageIndex -= 2;
+ }
+ double spd = 1;
+ if (k->type == 1) {
+ spd = 0.5;
+ }
+ spd *= k->dir;
+ k->x += spd;
+ k->mask.x = k->x + 4;
+ k->mask.y = k->y + 8;
+ Mask emask;
+ emask.circle = emask.unused = 0;
+ emask.w = 16;
+ emask.h = 32;
+ emask.x = k->x + 12;
+ emask.y = k->y + 8;
+ //Turn when colliding with a wall
+ if (checkTileCollision(1, emask)) {
+ k->dir *= -1;
+ }else{
+ //Turn when on an edge
+ k->mask.x += k->mask.w * k->dir;
+ k->mask.y += 1;
+ PHL_Rect collide = getTileCollision(1, k->mask);
+ if (collide.x == -1) {
+ collide = getTileCollision(3, k->mask);
+ }
+ if (collide.x == -1) {
+ k->dir *= -1;
+ }
+ }
+ if (k->x + 20 >= 640 || k->x + 20 <= 0) {
+ k->dir *= -1;
+ }
+ k->mask.x = k->x + 4;
+ k->mask.y = k->y + 8;
+ k->timer -= 1;
+ if (k->timer <= 0) {
+ k->state = 1;
+ k->timer = 120;
+ k->imageIndex = 0;
+ }
+ }
+ else if (k->state == 1) { //Wait
+ k->timer -= 1;
+ if (k->timer <= 0) {
+ k->state = 0;
+ k->dir = 1;
+ if (herox < k->x + 20) {
+ k->dir = -1;
+ }
+ k->timer = 60 + (((rand() % 5) + 1) * 60);
+ }
+ }
+ //Green Sword Knight
+ if (k->type == 0) {
+ //Hit player
+ Mask swordMask;
+ swordMask.unused = 0;
+ swordMask.circle = 0;
+ swordMask.x = k->x + (24 * k->dir);
+ swordMask.y = k->y + 20;
+ swordMask.w = 40;
+ swordMask.h = 10;
+ if (checkCollision(getHeroMask(), swordMask)) {
+ heroHit(30, k->x + 20);
+ }
+ }
+ if (checkCollision(getHeroMask(), k->mask)) {
+ heroHit(15, k->x + 20);
+ }
+ //Weapon collision
+ int i;
+ for (i = 0; i < MAX_WEAPONS; i++) {
+ if (weapons[i] != NULL) {
+ if (weapons[i]->cooldown == 0) {
+ if (checkCollision(k->mask, weapons[i]->weaponMask)) {
+ char gotHit = 1;
+ int weapondir = weapons[i]->dir;
+ weaponHit(weapons[i]);
+ //Shield Collision
+ if (k->type == 1) {
+ if (weapondir == k->dir * -1) {
+ gotHit = 0;
+ k->shieldhit = 15;
+ PHL_PlaySound(sounds[sndHit03], CHN_WEAPONS);
+ }
+ }
+ if (gotHit == 1) {
+ k->hp -= 1;
+ k->invincible = 15;
+ }
+ if (k->hp <= 0) {
+ knightDestroy(k);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+void knightDraw(Knight* k)
+ if (k->invincible % 2 == 0) {
+ int cx = 0, cy = 200;
+ //Green Knight's Sword
+ if (k->type == 0) {
+ int swordimg = 0;
+ if (k->dir == -1) {
+ swordimg = 1;
+ }
+ int posx = 24, posy = 8;
+ if ((int)k->imageIndex == 1) {
+ posx -= 2;
+ posy -= 2;
+ }
+ PHL_DrawSurfacePart(k->x + (posx * k->dir), k->y + posy, 160 + (swordimg * 40), 200, 40, 40, images[imgEnemies]);
+ }
+ //Shield Knight
+ if (k->type == 1) {
+ cx = 240;
+ }
+ if (k->dir == -1) {
+ cx += 80;
+ }
+ PHL_DrawSurfacePart(k->x, k->y, cx + ((int)k->imageIndex * 40), cy, 40, 40, images[imgEnemies]);
+ }
+void knightDestroy(Knight* k)
+ createEffect(2, k->x - 12, k->y - 6);
+ spawnCollectable(k->x + 20, k->y);
+ enemyDestroy(k->id);
+} \ No newline at end of file