path: root/plugins/gpu-gles/gpuDraw.c
diff options
authornotaz2010-12-31 16:57:02 +0200
committernotaz2010-12-31 16:57:02 +0200
commitce879073e4f228deec8bec5db8a2ff640636c88f (patch)
tree38f36f8cd9ac803abefb8515a687becab11f3310 /plugins/gpu-gles/gpuDraw.c
parent3a255ce52a55a2065429b8baad000c72aed31e97 (diff)
gpu-gles from psx4m
Diffstat (limited to 'plugins/gpu-gles/gpuDraw.c')
1 files changed, 1345 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/plugins/gpu-gles/gpuDraw.c b/plugins/gpu-gles/gpuDraw.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3d09c33
--- /dev/null
+++ b/plugins/gpu-gles/gpuDraw.c
@@ -0,0 +1,1345 @@
+ draw.c - description
+ -------------------
+ begin : Sun Mar 08 2009
+ copyright : (C) 1999-2009 by Pete Bernert
+ web : www.pbernert.com
+ ***************************************************************************/
+ * *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify *
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by *
+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or *
+ * (at your option) any later version. See also the license.txt file for *
+ * additional informations. *
+ * *
+ ***************************************************************************/
+// History of changes:
+// 2009/03/08 - Pete
+// - generic cleanup for the Peops release
+#define _IN_DRAW
+#ifdef _WINDOWS
+#include "stdafx.h"
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <math.h>
+#include "externals.h"
+#include "gpu.h"
+#include "draw.h"
+#include "prim.h"
+#include "texture.h"
+#include "gpuExternals.h"
+#include "GPUPlugin.h"
+#include "gpuDraw.h"
+#include "gpuPrim.h"
+#include "gpuTexture.h"
+#include "gpuStdafx.h"
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <math.h>
+//#include "menu.h"
+// defines
+#define SIGNBIT 0x800
+#define S_MASK 0xf000
+#define L_MASK 0xfffff000
+// ownscale: some ogl drivers have buggy texture matrix funcs, so it
+// is safer to calc sow/tow ourselves
+#ifdef OWNSCALE
+#define ST_FACSPRITE 255.99f
+#define ST_BFFACSPRITE 0.5f/256.0f
+#define ST_BFFACSPRITESORT 0.333f/256.0f
+#define ST_OFFSET 0.5f/256.0f;
+#define ST_FAC 255.99f
+#define ST_BFFAC 0.5f/256.0f
+#define ST_BFFACSORT 0.333f/256.0f
+#define ST_FACTRI 255.99f
+#define ST_BFFACTRI 0.5f/256.0f
+#define ST_BFFACTRISORT 0.333f/256.0f
+#define ST_FACVRAMX 255.0f
+#define ST_FACVRAM 256.0f
+#define ST_BFFACSPRITE 0.5f
+#define ST_BFFACSPRITESORT 0.333f
+#define ST_BFFAC 0.5f
+#define ST_BFFACSORT 0.333f
+#define ST_BFFACTRI 0.5f
+#define ST_BFFACTRISORT 0.333f
+#define ST_OFFSET 0.5f;
+// draw globals
+#ifdef _WINDOWS
+HDC dcGlobal=NULL;
+HWND hWWindow;
+void glBlendEquationEXT(GLenum mode);
+void glColorTableEXT(GLenum target, GLenum internalFormat, GLsizei width, GLenum format,GLenum type, const GLvoid *data);
+// draw globals; most will be initialized again later (by config or checks)
+BOOL bIsFirstFrame=TRUE;
+// resolution/ratio vars
+int iResX;
+int iResY;
+BOOL bKeepRatio=FALSE;
+RECT rRatioRect;
+// psx mask related vars
+BOOL bCheckMask=FALSE;
+int iUseMask=0;
+int iSetMask=0;
+unsigned short sSetMask=0;
+unsigned long lSetMask=0;
+// drawing/coord vars
+OGLVertex vertex[4];
+GLubyte gl_ux[8];
+GLubyte gl_vy[8];
+short sprtY,sprtX,sprtH,sprtW;
+// drawing options
+BOOL bOpaquePass;
+BOOL bAdvancedBlend;
+// OGL extension support
+// gfx card buffer infos
+int iDepthFunc=0;
+int iZBufferDepth=0;
+GLbitfield uiBufferBits=GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT;
+// Set OGL pixel format
+#ifdef _WINDOWS
+BOOL bSetupPixelFormat(HDC hDC)
+ int pixelformat;
+ {
+ sizeof(PIXELFORMATDESCRIPTOR), // size of this pfd
+ 1, // version number
+ PFD_DRAW_TO_WINDOW | // support window
+ PFD_SUPPORT_OPENGL | // support OpenGL
+ PFD_DOUBLEBUFFER, // double buffered
+ 16, // 16-bit color depth (adjusted later)
+ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, // color bits ignored
+ 0, // no alpha buffer
+ 0, // shift bit ignored
+ 0, // no accumulation buffer
+ 0, 0, 0, 0, // accum bits ignored
+ 0, // z-buffer
+ 0,
+ 0, // no auxiliary buffer
+ PFD_MAIN_PLANE, // main layer
+ 0, // reserved
+ 0, 0, 0 // layer masks ignored
+ };
+ pfd.cColorBits=iColDepth; // set user color depth
+ pfd.cDepthBits=iZBufferDepth; // set user zbuffer (by psx mask)
+ if((pixelformat=ChoosePixelFormat(hDC,&pfd))==0)
+ {
+ MessageBox(NULL,"ChoosePixelFormat failed","Error",MB_OK);
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ if(SetPixelFormat(hDC,pixelformat, &pfd)==FALSE)
+ {
+ MessageBox(NULL,"SetPixelFormat failed","Error",MB_OK);
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ return TRUE;
+// Get extension infos (f.e. pal textures / packed pixels)
+void GetExtInfos(void)
+ BOOL bPacked=FALSE; // default: no packed pixel support
+ if(strstr((s8 *)glGetString(GL_EXTENSIONS), // packed pixels available?
+ "GL_EXT_packed_pixels"))
+ bPacked=TRUE; // -> ok
+ #ifdef _WINDOWS
+ iClampType=GL_CLAMP;
+ iClampType=GL_CLAMP_TO_EDGE;
+// Setup some stuff depending on user settings or in-game toggle
+void SetExtGLFuncs(void)
+ //----------------------------------------------------//
+ SetFixes(); // update fix infos
+ //----------------------------------------------------//
+ {
+ if(bAdvancedBlend) bUseMultiPass=TRUE; // -> pseudo-advanced with 2 passes
+ else bUseMultiPass=FALSE; // -> or simple 'bright color' mode
+// bGLBlend=FALSE; // -> no ext blending!
+ }
+ if(bOpaquePass) // opaque mode?
+ {
+ if(dwActFixes&32)
+ {
+ TCF[0]=CP8RGBA_0;
+ PalTexturedColourFn=CP8RGBA; // -> init col func
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ TCF[0]=XP8RGBA_0;
+ PalTexturedColourFn=XP8RGBA; // -> init col func
+ }
+ TCF[1]=XP8RGBA_1;
+ glAlphaFuncx(GL_GREATER,0.49f);
+ }
+ else // no opaque mode?
+ {
+ TCF[0]=TCF[1]=P8RGBA;
+ PalTexturedColourFn=P8RGBA; // -> init col func
+ glAlphaFuncx(GL_NOTEQUAL,0); // --> set alpha func
+ }
+ //----------------------------------------------------//
+ LoadSubTexFn=LoadSubTexturePageSort; // init load tex ptr
+ bBlendEnable=FALSE; // init blending: off
+ glDisable(GL_BLEND);
+ SetScanTrans(); // init scan lines (if wanted)
+// setup scan lines
+#define R_TSP 0x00,0x45,0x00,0xff
+#define G_TSP 0x00,0x00,0x45,0xff
+#define B_TSP 0x45,0x00,0x00,0xff
+#define O_TSP 0x45,0x45,0x45,0xff
+#define N_TSP 0x00,0x00,0x00,0xff
+GLuint gTexScanName=0;
+GLubyte texscan[4][16]=
+void CreateScanLines(void)
+// Initialize OGL
+#ifdef _WINDOWS
+bool TestEGLError(const char* pszLocation)
+ /*
+ eglGetError returns the last error that has happened using egl,
+ not the status of the last called function. The user has to
+ check after every single egl call or at least once every frame.
+ */
+ EGLint iErr = eglGetError();
+ if (iErr != EGL_SUCCESS)
+ {
+ printf("%s failed (%d).\n", pszLocation, iErr);
+ return false;
+ }
+ return true;
+void maemoGLinit(){
+ iResX= 800;
+ iResY =480;
+ printf ("maemo GL init\n");
+ long int winxid=GDK_WINDOW_XID(GTK_WIDGET(windowG)->window);
+ printf ("%d\n",winxid);
+ EGLContext context = 0;
+ EGLConfig eglConfig = 0;
+ EGLContext eglContext = 0;
+ display = eglGetDisplay( EGL_DEFAULT_DISPLAY );
+ if( eglInitialize( display, NULL, NULL ) == EGL_FALSE )
+ {
+ printf( "EGL Initialize failed!\n" );
+ }
+const EGLint attributeList[] = {
+ /*EGL_BUFFER_SIZE, 32, */
+ };
+ EGLint pi32ConfigAttribs[5];
+ pi32ConfigAttribs[0] = EGL_SURFACE_TYPE;
+ pi32ConfigAttribs[1] = EGL_WINDOW_BIT;
+ pi32ConfigAttribs[2] = EGL_RENDERABLE_TYPE;
+ pi32ConfigAttribs[3] = EGL_OPENGL_ES2_BIT;
+ pi32ConfigAttribs[4] = EGL_NONE;
+ EGLint pi32ContextAttribs[3];
+ pi32ContextAttribs[0] = EGL_CONTEXT_CLIENT_VERSION;
+ pi32ContextAttribs[1] = 2;
+ pi32ContextAttribs[2] = EGL_NONE;
+ int iConfigs;
+ if (!eglChooseConfig(display, attributeList, &eglConfig, 1, &iConfigs) || (iConfigs != 1))
+ {
+ printf("Error: eglChooseConfig() failed.\n");
+ }
+ printf ("%d\n",iConfigs);
+ surface = eglCreateWindowSurface(display, eglConfig, (void*)winxid, NULL);
+ printf ("%d\n",surface);
+ if (!TestEGLError("eglCreateWindowSurface"))
+ {
+ printf ("eglCreateWindowSurface fail");
+ }
+ //context = eglCreateContext(display, eglConfig, NULL, pi32ContextAttribs);
+ context =eglCreateContext( display, eglConfig,
+ );
+printf ("%d\n",context);
+ if (!TestEGLError("eglCreateContext"))
+ {
+ printf("error eglCreateContext");
+ }
+ eglMakeCurrent(display, surface, surface, context);
+ if (!TestEGLError("eglMakeCurrent"))
+ {
+ printf("error eglMakeCurrent");
+ }
+int GLinitialize()
+ //----------------------------------------------------//
+#ifdef _WINDOWS
+ HGLRC objectRC;
+ // init
+ dcGlobal = GetDC(hWWindow); // FIRST: dc/rc stuff
+ objectRC = wglCreateContext(dcGlobal);
+ wglMakeCurrent(dcGlobal, objectRC);
+ // CheckWGLExtensions(dcGlobal);
+ if(bWindowMode) ReleaseDC(hWWindow,dcGlobal); // win mode: release dc again
+ maemoGLinit();
+ //----------------------------------------------------//
+ glViewport(rRatioRect.left, // init viewport by ratio rect
+ iResY-(rRatioRect.top+rRatioRect.bottom),
+ rRatioRect.right,
+ rRatioRect.bottom);
+ glScissor(0, 0, iResX, iResY); // init clipping (fullscreen)
+ glEnable(GL_SCISSOR_TEST);
+#ifndef OWNSCALE
+ glMatrixMode(GL_TEXTURE); // init psx tex sow and tow if not "ownscale"
+ glLoadIdentity();
+ glScalef(1.0f/255.99f,1.0f/255.99f,1.0f); // geforce precision hack
+ glMatrixMode(GL_PROJECTION); // init projection with psx resolution
+ glLoadIdentity();
+ glOrtho(0,PSXDisplay.DisplayMode.x,
+ PSXDisplay.DisplayMode.y, 0, -1, 1);
+ if(iZBufferDepth) // zbuffer?
+ {
+ glEnable(GL_DEPTH_TEST);
+ glDepthFunc(GL_ALWAYS);
+ iDepthFunc=1;
+ }
+ else // no zbuffer?
+ {
+ glDisable(GL_DEPTH_TEST);
+ }
+ glClearColor(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f); // first buffer clear
+ glClear(uiBufferBits);
+ GetExtInfos(); // get ext infos
+ SetExtGLFuncs(); // init all kind of stuff (tex function pointers)
+ glEnable(GL_ALPHA_TEST); // wanna alpha test
+ {
+ glDisable(GL_LINE_SMOOTH);
+ glDisable(GL_POINT_SMOOTH);
+ }
+ ubGloAlpha=127; // init some drawing vars
+ ubGloColAlpha=127;
+ TWin.UScaleFactor = 1;
+ TWin.VScaleFactor = 1;
+ bDrawMultiPass=FALSE;
+ bTexEnabled=FALSE;
+ bUsingTWin=FALSE;
+ if(bDrawDither) glEnable(GL_DITHER); // dither mode
+ else glDisable(GL_DITHER);
+ glDisable(GL_FOG); // turn all (currently) unused modes off
+ glDisable(GL_LIGHTING);
+ glDisable(GL_STENCIL_TEST);
+ glDisable(GL_TEXTURE_2D);
+ glDisable(GL_CULL_FACE);
+ glFlush(); // we are done...
+ glFinish();
+ CreateScanLines(); // setup scanline stuff (if wanted)
+ CheckTextureMemory(); // check available tex memory
+ if(bKeepRatio) SetAspectRatio(); // set ratio
+ bIsFirstFrame = FALSE; // we have survived the first frame :)
+ return 0;
+// clean up OGL stuff
+void GLcleanup()
+ CleanupTextureStore(); // bye textures
+#ifdef _WINDOWS
+ wglMakeCurrent(NULL, NULL); // bye context
+ if(GLCONTEXT) wglDeleteContext(GLCONTEXT);
+ if(!bWindowMode && dcGlobal)
+ ReleaseDC(hWWindow,dcGlobal);
+// Offset stuff
+// please note: it is hardly do-able in a hw/accel plugin to get the
+// real psx polygon coord mapping right... the following
+// works not to bad with many games, though
+__inline BOOL CheckCoord4()
+ if(lx0<0)
+ {
+ if(((lx1-lx0)>CHKMAX_X) ||
+ ((lx2-lx0)>CHKMAX_X))
+ {
+ if(lx3<0)
+ {
+ if((lx1-lx3)>CHKMAX_X) return TRUE;
+ if((lx2-lx3)>CHKMAX_X) return TRUE;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if(lx1<0)
+ {
+ if((lx0-lx1)>CHKMAX_X) return TRUE;
+ if((lx2-lx1)>CHKMAX_X) return TRUE;
+ if((lx3-lx1)>CHKMAX_X) return TRUE;
+ }
+ if(lx2<0)
+ {
+ if((lx0-lx2)>CHKMAX_X) return TRUE;
+ if((lx1-lx2)>CHKMAX_X) return TRUE;
+ if((lx3-lx2)>CHKMAX_X) return TRUE;
+ }
+ if(lx3<0)
+ {
+ if(((lx1-lx3)>CHKMAX_X) ||
+ ((lx2-lx3)>CHKMAX_X))
+ {
+ if(lx0<0)
+ {
+ if((lx1-lx0)>CHKMAX_X) return TRUE;
+ if((lx2-lx0)>CHKMAX_X) return TRUE;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if(ly0<0)
+ {
+ if((ly1-ly0)>CHKMAX_Y) return TRUE;
+ if((ly2-ly0)>CHKMAX_Y) return TRUE;
+ }
+ if(ly1<0)
+ {
+ if((ly0-ly1)>CHKMAX_Y) return TRUE;
+ if((ly2-ly1)>CHKMAX_Y) return TRUE;
+ if((ly3-ly1)>CHKMAX_Y) return TRUE;
+ }
+ if(ly2<0)
+ {
+ if((ly0-ly2)>CHKMAX_Y) return TRUE;
+ if((ly1-ly2)>CHKMAX_Y) return TRUE;
+ if((ly3-ly2)>CHKMAX_Y) return TRUE;
+ }
+ if(ly3<0)
+ {
+ if((ly1-ly3)>CHKMAX_Y) return TRUE;
+ if((ly2-ly3)>CHKMAX_Y) return TRUE;
+ }
+ return FALSE;
+__inline BOOL CheckCoord3()
+ if(lx0<0)
+ {
+ if((lx1-lx0)>CHKMAX_X) return TRUE;
+ if((lx2-lx0)>CHKMAX_X) return TRUE;
+ }
+ if(lx1<0)
+ {
+ if((lx0-lx1)>CHKMAX_X) return TRUE;
+ if((lx2-lx1)>CHKMAX_X) return TRUE;
+ }
+ if(lx2<0)
+ {
+ if((lx0-lx2)>CHKMAX_X) return TRUE;
+ if((lx1-lx2)>CHKMAX_X) return TRUE;
+ }
+ if(ly0<0)
+ {
+ if((ly1-ly0)>CHKMAX_Y) return TRUE;
+ if((ly2-ly0)>CHKMAX_Y) return TRUE;
+ }
+ if(ly1<0)
+ {
+ if((ly0-ly1)>CHKMAX_Y) return TRUE;
+ if((ly2-ly1)>CHKMAX_Y) return TRUE;
+ }
+ if(ly2<0)
+ {
+ if((ly0-ly2)>CHKMAX_Y) return TRUE;
+ if((ly1-ly2)>CHKMAX_Y) return TRUE;
+ }
+ return FALSE;
+__inline BOOL CheckCoord2()
+ if(lx0<0)
+ {
+ if((lx1-lx0)>CHKMAX_X) return TRUE;
+ }
+ if(lx1<0)
+ {
+ if((lx0-lx1)>CHKMAX_X) return TRUE;
+ }
+ if(ly0<0)
+ {
+ if((ly1-ly0)>CHKMAX_Y) return TRUE;
+ }
+ if(ly1<0)
+ {
+ if((ly0-ly1)>CHKMAX_Y) return TRUE;
+ }
+ return FALSE;
+// Pete's way: a very easy (and hopefully fast) approach for lines
+// without sqrt... using a small float -> short cast trick :)
+#define VERTEX_OFFX 0.2f
+#define VERTEX_OFFY 0.2f
+BOOL offsetline(void)
+ short x0,x1,y0,y1,dx,dy;float px,py;
+ if(bDisplayNotSet)
+ SetOGLDisplaySettings(1);
+ if(!(dwActFixes&16))
+ {
+ lx0=(short)(((int)lx0<<SIGNSHIFT)>>SIGNSHIFT);
+ lx1=(short)(((int)lx1<<SIGNSHIFT)>>SIGNSHIFT);
+ ly0=(short)(((int)ly0<<SIGNSHIFT)>>SIGNSHIFT);
+ ly1=(short)(((int)ly1<<SIGNSHIFT)>>SIGNSHIFT);
+ if(CheckCoord2()) return TRUE;
+ }
+ x0 = (lx0 + PSXDisplay.CumulOffset.x)+1;
+ x1 = (lx1 + PSXDisplay.CumulOffset.x)+1;
+ y0 = (ly0 + PSXDisplay.CumulOffset.y)+1;
+ y1 = (ly1 + PSXDisplay.CumulOffset.y)+1;
+ dx=x1-x0;
+ dy=y1-y0;
+ if(dx>=0)
+ {
+ if(dy>=0)
+ {
+ px=0.5f;
+ if(dx>dy) py=-0.5f;
+ else if(dx<dy) py= 0.5f;
+ else py= 0.0f;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ py=-0.5f;
+ dy=-dy;
+ if(dx>dy) px= 0.5f;
+ else if(dx<dy) px=-0.5f;
+ else px= 0.0f;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if(dy>=0)
+ {
+ py=0.5f;
+ dx=-dx;
+ if(dx>dy) px=-0.5f;
+ else if(dx<dy) px= 0.5f;
+ else px= 0.0f;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ px=-0.5f;
+ if(dx>dy) py=-0.5f;
+ else if(dx<dy) py= 0.5f;
+ else py= 0.0f;
+ }
+ }
+ vertex[0].x=(short)((float)x0-px);
+ vertex[3].x=(short)((float)x0+py);
+ vertex[0].y=(short)((float)y0-py);
+ vertex[3].y=(short)((float)y0-px);
+ vertex[1].x=(short)((float)x1-py);
+ vertex[2].x=(short)((float)x1+px);
+ vertex[1].y=(short)((float)y1+px);
+ vertex[2].y=(short)((float)y1+py);
+ if(vertex[0].x==vertex[3].x && // ortho rect? done
+ vertex[1].x==vertex[2].x &&
+ vertex[0].y==vertex[1].y &&
+ vertex[2].y==vertex[3].y) return FALSE;
+ if(vertex[0].x==vertex[1].x &&
+ vertex[2].x==vertex[3].x &&
+ vertex[0].y==vertex[3].y &&
+ vertex[1].y==vertex[2].y) return FALSE;
+ vertex[0].x-=VERTEX_OFFX; // otherwise a small offset
+ vertex[0].y-=VERTEX_OFFY; // to get better accuracy
+ vertex[1].x-=VERTEX_OFFX;
+ vertex[1].y-=VERTEX_OFFY;
+ vertex[2].x-=VERTEX_OFFX;
+ vertex[2].y-=VERTEX_OFFY;
+ vertex[3].x-=VERTEX_OFFX;
+ vertex[3].y-=VERTEX_OFFY;
+ return FALSE;
+BOOL offset2(void)
+ if(bDisplayNotSet)
+ SetOGLDisplaySettings(1);
+ if(!(dwActFixes&16))
+ {
+ lx0=(short)(((int)lx0<<SIGNSHIFT)>>SIGNSHIFT);
+ lx1=(short)(((int)lx1<<SIGNSHIFT)>>SIGNSHIFT);
+ ly0=(short)(((int)ly0<<SIGNSHIFT)>>SIGNSHIFT);
+ ly1=(short)(((int)ly1<<SIGNSHIFT)>>SIGNSHIFT);
+ if(CheckCoord2()) return TRUE;
+ }
+ vertex[0].x=lx0+PSXDisplay.CumulOffset.x;
+ vertex[1].x=lx1+PSXDisplay.CumulOffset.x;
+ vertex[0].y=ly0+PSXDisplay.CumulOffset.y;
+ vertex[1].y=ly1+PSXDisplay.CumulOffset.y;
+ return FALSE;
+BOOL offset3(void)
+ if(bDisplayNotSet)
+ SetOGLDisplaySettings(1);
+ if(!(dwActFixes&16))
+ {
+ lx0=(short)(((int)lx0<<SIGNSHIFT)>>SIGNSHIFT);
+ lx1=(short)(((int)lx1<<SIGNSHIFT)>>SIGNSHIFT);
+ lx2=(short)(((int)lx2<<SIGNSHIFT)>>SIGNSHIFT);
+ ly0=(short)(((int)ly0<<SIGNSHIFT)>>SIGNSHIFT);
+ ly1=(short)(((int)ly1<<SIGNSHIFT)>>SIGNSHIFT);
+ ly2=(short)(((int)ly2<<SIGNSHIFT)>>SIGNSHIFT);
+ if(CheckCoord3()) return TRUE;
+ }
+ vertex[0].x=lx0+PSXDisplay.CumulOffset.x;
+ vertex[1].x=lx1+PSXDisplay.CumulOffset.x;
+ vertex[2].x=lx2+PSXDisplay.CumulOffset.x;
+ vertex[0].y=ly0+PSXDisplay.CumulOffset.y;
+ vertex[1].y=ly1+PSXDisplay.CumulOffset.y;
+ vertex[2].y=ly2+PSXDisplay.CumulOffset.y;
+ return FALSE;
+BOOL offset4(void)
+ if(bDisplayNotSet)
+ SetOGLDisplaySettings(1);
+ if(!(dwActFixes&16))
+ {
+ lx0=(short)(((int)lx0<<SIGNSHIFT)>>SIGNSHIFT);
+ lx1=(short)(((int)lx1<<SIGNSHIFT)>>SIGNSHIFT);
+ lx2=(short)(((int)lx2<<SIGNSHIFT)>>SIGNSHIFT);
+ lx3=(short)(((int)lx3<<SIGNSHIFT)>>SIGNSHIFT);
+ ly0=(short)(((int)ly0<<SIGNSHIFT)>>SIGNSHIFT);
+ ly1=(short)(((int)ly1<<SIGNSHIFT)>>SIGNSHIFT);
+ ly2=(short)(((int)ly2<<SIGNSHIFT)>>SIGNSHIFT);
+ ly3=(short)(((int)ly3<<SIGNSHIFT)>>SIGNSHIFT);
+ if(CheckCoord4()) return TRUE;
+ }
+ vertex[0].x=lx0+PSXDisplay.CumulOffset.x;
+ vertex[1].x=lx1+PSXDisplay.CumulOffset.x;
+ vertex[2].x=lx2+PSXDisplay.CumulOffset.x;
+ vertex[3].x=lx3+PSXDisplay.CumulOffset.x;
+ vertex[0].y=ly0+PSXDisplay.CumulOffset.y;
+ vertex[1].y=ly1+PSXDisplay.CumulOffset.y;
+ vertex[2].y=ly2+PSXDisplay.CumulOffset.y;
+ vertex[3].y=ly3+PSXDisplay.CumulOffset.y;
+ return FALSE;
+void offsetST(void)
+ if(bDisplayNotSet)
+ SetOGLDisplaySettings(1);
+ if(!(dwActFixes&16))
+ {
+ lx0=(short)(((int)lx0<<SIGNSHIFT)>>SIGNSHIFT);
+ ly0=(short)(((int)ly0<<SIGNSHIFT)>>SIGNSHIFT);
+ if(lx0<-512 && PSXDisplay.DrawOffset.x<=-512)
+ lx0+=2048;
+ if(ly0<-512 && PSXDisplay.DrawOffset.y<=-512)
+ ly0+=2048;
+ }
+ ly1 = ly0;
+ ly2 = ly3 = ly0+sprtH;
+ lx3 = lx0;
+ lx1 = lx2 = lx0+sprtW;
+ vertex[0].x=lx0+PSXDisplay.CumulOffset.x;
+ vertex[1].x=lx1+PSXDisplay.CumulOffset.x;
+ vertex[2].x=lx2+PSXDisplay.CumulOffset.x;
+ vertex[3].x=lx3+PSXDisplay.CumulOffset.x;
+ vertex[0].y=ly0+PSXDisplay.CumulOffset.y;
+ vertex[1].y=ly1+PSXDisplay.CumulOffset.y;
+ vertex[2].y=ly2+PSXDisplay.CumulOffset.y;
+ vertex[3].y=ly3+PSXDisplay.CumulOffset.y;
+void offsetScreenUpload(long Position)
+ if(bDisplayNotSet)
+ SetOGLDisplaySettings(1);
+ if(Position==-1)
+ {
+ long lmdx,lmdy;
+ lmdx=xrUploadArea.x0;
+ lmdy=xrUploadArea.y0;
+ lx0-=lmdx;
+ ly0-=lmdy;
+ lx1-=lmdx;
+ ly1-=lmdy;
+ lx2-=lmdx;
+ ly2-=lmdy;
+ lx3-=lmdx;
+ ly3-=lmdy;
+ }
+ else
+ if(Position)
+ {
+ lx0-=PSXDisplay.DisplayPosition.x;
+ ly0-=PSXDisplay.DisplayPosition.y;
+ lx1-=PSXDisplay.DisplayPosition.x;
+ ly1-=PSXDisplay.DisplayPosition.y;
+ lx2-=PSXDisplay.DisplayPosition.x;
+ ly2-=PSXDisplay.DisplayPosition.y;
+ lx3-=PSXDisplay.DisplayPosition.x;
+ ly3-=PSXDisplay.DisplayPosition.y;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ lx0-=PreviousPSXDisplay.DisplayPosition.x;
+ ly0-=PreviousPSXDisplay.DisplayPosition.y;
+ lx1-=PreviousPSXDisplay.DisplayPosition.x;
+ ly1-=PreviousPSXDisplay.DisplayPosition.y;
+ lx2-=PreviousPSXDisplay.DisplayPosition.x;
+ ly2-=PreviousPSXDisplay.DisplayPosition.y;
+ lx3-=PreviousPSXDisplay.DisplayPosition.x;
+ ly3-=PreviousPSXDisplay.DisplayPosition.y;
+ }
+ vertex[0].x=lx0 + PreviousPSXDisplay.Range.x0;
+ vertex[1].x=lx1 + PreviousPSXDisplay.Range.x0;
+ vertex[2].x=lx2 + PreviousPSXDisplay.Range.x0;
+ vertex[3].x=lx3 + PreviousPSXDisplay.Range.x0;
+ vertex[0].y=ly0 + PreviousPSXDisplay.Range.y0;
+ vertex[1].y=ly1 + PreviousPSXDisplay.Range.y0;
+ vertex[2].y=ly2 + PreviousPSXDisplay.Range.y0;
+ vertex[3].y=ly3 + PreviousPSXDisplay.Range.y0;
+ if(iUseMask)
+ {
+ vertex[0].z=vertex[1].z=vertex[2].z=vertex[3].z=gl_z;
+ gl_z+=0.00004f;
+ }
+void offsetBlk(void)
+ if(bDisplayNotSet)
+ SetOGLDisplaySettings(1);
+ vertex[0].x=lx0-PSXDisplay.GDrawOffset.x + PreviousPSXDisplay.Range.x0;
+ vertex[1].x=lx1-PSXDisplay.GDrawOffset.x + PreviousPSXDisplay.Range.x0;
+ vertex[2].x=lx2-PSXDisplay.GDrawOffset.x + PreviousPSXDisplay.Range.x0;
+ vertex[3].x=lx3-PSXDisplay.GDrawOffset.x + PreviousPSXDisplay.Range.x0;
+ vertex[0].y=ly0-PSXDisplay.GDrawOffset.y + PreviousPSXDisplay.Range.y0;
+ vertex[1].y=ly1-PSXDisplay.GDrawOffset.y + PreviousPSXDisplay.Range.y0;
+ vertex[2].y=ly2-PSXDisplay.GDrawOffset.y + PreviousPSXDisplay.Range.y0;
+ vertex[3].y=ly3-PSXDisplay.GDrawOffset.y + PreviousPSXDisplay.Range.y0;
+ if(iUseMask)
+ {
+ vertex[0].z=vertex[1].z=vertex[2].z=vertex[3].z=gl_z;
+ gl_z+=0.00004f;
+ }
+// texture sow/tow calculations
+void assignTextureVRAMWrite(void)
+#ifdef OWNSCALE
+ vertex[0].sow=0.5f/ ST_FACVRAMX;
+ vertex[0].tow=0.5f/ ST_FACVRAM;
+ vertex[1].sow=(float)gl_ux[1]/ ST_FACVRAMX;
+ vertex[1].tow=0.5f/ ST_FACVRAM;
+ vertex[2].sow=(float)gl_ux[2]/ ST_FACVRAMX;
+ vertex[2].tow=(float)gl_vy[2]/ ST_FACVRAM;
+ vertex[3].sow=0.5f/ ST_FACVRAMX;
+ vertex[3].tow=(float)gl_vy[3]/ ST_FACVRAM;
+ if(gl_ux[1]==255)
+ {
+ vertex[0].sow=(gl_ux[0]*255.99f)/255.0f;
+ vertex[1].sow=(gl_ux[1]*255.99f)/255.0f;
+ vertex[2].sow=(gl_ux[2]*255.99f)/255.0f;
+ vertex[3].sow=(gl_ux[3]*255.99f)/255.0f;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ vertex[0].sow=gl_ux[0];
+ vertex[1].sow=gl_ux[1];
+ vertex[2].sow=gl_ux[2];
+ vertex[3].sow=gl_ux[3];
+ }
+ vertex[0].tow=gl_vy[0];
+ vertex[1].tow=gl_vy[1];
+ vertex[2].tow=gl_vy[2];
+ vertex[3].tow=gl_vy[3];
+GLuint gLastTex=0;
+GLuint gLastFMode=(GLuint)-1;
+void assignTextureSprite(void)
+ if(bUsingTWin)
+ {
+ vertex[0].sow=vertex[3].sow=(float)gl_ux[0]/TWin.UScaleFactor;
+ vertex[1].sow=vertex[2].sow=(float)sSprite_ux2/TWin.UScaleFactor;
+ vertex[0].tow=vertex[1].tow=(float)gl_vy[0]/TWin.VScaleFactor;
+ vertex[2].tow=vertex[3].tow=(float)sSprite_vy2/TWin.VScaleFactor;
+ gLastTex=gTexName;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+#ifdef OWNSCALE
+ vertex[0].sow=vertex[3].sow=(float)gl_ux[0] / ST_FACSPRITE;
+ vertex[1].sow=vertex[2].sow=(float)sSprite_ux2 / ST_FACSPRITE;
+ vertex[0].tow=vertex[1].tow=(float)gl_vy[0] / ST_FACSPRITE;
+ vertex[2].tow=vertex[3].tow=(float)sSprite_vy2 / ST_FACSPRITE;
+ vertex[0].sow=vertex[3].sow=gl_ux[0];
+ vertex[1].sow=vertex[2].sow=sSprite_ux2;
+ vertex[0].tow=vertex[1].tow=gl_vy[0];
+ vertex[2].tow=vertex[3].tow=sSprite_vy2;
+ if(iFilterType>2)
+ {
+ if(gLastTex!=gTexName || gLastFMode!=0)
+ {
+ gLastTex=gTexName;gLastFMode=0;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if(usMirror & 0x1000)
+ {
+ vertex[0].sow=vertex[1].sow;
+ vertex[1].sow=vertex[2].sow=vertex[3].sow;
+ vertex[3].sow=vertex[0].sow;
+ }
+ if(usMirror & 0x2000)
+ {
+ vertex[0].tow=vertex[3].tow;
+ vertex[2].tow=vertex[3].tow=vertex[1].tow;
+ vertex[1].tow=vertex[0].tow;
+ }
+void assignTexture3(void)
+ if(bUsingTWin)
+ {
+ vertex[0].sow=(float)gl_ux[0]/TWin.UScaleFactor;
+ vertex[0].tow=(float)gl_vy[0]/TWin.VScaleFactor;
+ vertex[1].sow=(float)gl_ux[1]/TWin.UScaleFactor;
+ vertex[1].tow=(float)gl_vy[1]/TWin.VScaleFactor;
+ vertex[2].sow=(float)gl_ux[2]/TWin.UScaleFactor;
+ vertex[2].tow=(float)gl_vy[2]/TWin.VScaleFactor;
+ gLastTex=gTexName;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+#ifdef OWNSCALE
+ vertex[0].sow=(float)gl_ux[0] / ST_FACTRI;
+ vertex[0].tow=(float)gl_vy[0] / ST_FACTRI;
+ vertex[1].sow=(float)gl_ux[1] / ST_FACTRI;
+ vertex[1].tow=(float)gl_vy[1] / ST_FACTRI;
+ vertex[2].sow=(float)gl_ux[2] / ST_FACTRI;
+ vertex[2].tow=(float)gl_vy[2] / ST_FACTRI;
+ vertex[0].sow=gl_ux[0];
+ vertex[0].tow=gl_vy[0];
+ vertex[1].sow=gl_ux[1];
+ vertex[1].tow=gl_vy[1];
+ vertex[2].sow=gl_ux[2];
+ vertex[2].tow=gl_vy[2];
+ if(iFilterType>2)
+ {
+ if(gLastTex!=gTexName || gLastFMode!=1)
+ {
+ gLastTex=gTexName;gLastFMode=1;
+ }
+ }
+ if(iFilterType)
+ {
+ float fxmin=256.0f,fxmax=0.0f,fymin=256.0f,fymax=0.0f;int i;
+ for(i=0;i<3;i++)
+ {
+ if(vertex[i].sow<fxmin) fxmin=vertex[i].sow;
+ if(vertex[i].tow<fymin) fymin=vertex[i].tow;
+ if(vertex[i].sow>fxmax) fxmax=vertex[i].sow;
+ if(vertex[i].tow>fymax) fymax=vertex[i].tow;
+ }
+ for(i=0;i<3;i++)
+ {
+ if(vertex[i].sow==fxmin) vertex[i].sow+=ST_BFFACSORT;
+ if(vertex[i].sow==fxmax) vertex[i].sow-=ST_BFFACSORT;
+ if(vertex[i].tow==fymin) vertex[i].tow+=ST_BFFACSORT;
+ if(vertex[i].tow==fymax) vertex[i].tow-=ST_BFFACSORT;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+void assignTexture4(void)
+ if(bUsingTWin)
+ {
+ vertex[0].sow=(float)gl_ux[0]/TWin.UScaleFactor;
+ vertex[0].tow=(float)gl_vy[0]/TWin.VScaleFactor;
+ vertex[1].sow=(float)gl_ux[1]/TWin.UScaleFactor;
+ vertex[1].tow=(float)gl_vy[1]/TWin.VScaleFactor;
+ vertex[2].sow=(float)gl_ux[2]/TWin.UScaleFactor;
+ vertex[2].tow=(float)gl_vy[2]/TWin.VScaleFactor;
+ vertex[3].sow=(float)gl_ux[3]/TWin.UScaleFactor;
+ vertex[3].tow=(float)gl_vy[3]/TWin.VScaleFactor;
+ gLastTex=gTexName;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+#ifdef OWNSCALE
+ vertex[0].sow=(float)gl_ux[0] / ST_FAC;
+ vertex[0].tow=(float)gl_vy[0] / ST_FAC;
+ vertex[1].sow=(float)gl_ux[1] / ST_FAC;
+ vertex[1].tow=(float)gl_vy[1] / ST_FAC;
+ vertex[2].sow=(float)gl_ux[2] / ST_FAC;
+ vertex[2].tow=(float)gl_vy[2] / ST_FAC;
+ vertex[3].sow=(float)gl_ux[3] / ST_FAC;
+ vertex[3].tow=(float)gl_vy[3] / ST_FAC;
+ vertex[0].sow=gl_ux[0];
+ vertex[0].tow=gl_vy[0];
+ vertex[1].sow=gl_ux[1];
+ vertex[1].tow=gl_vy[1];
+ vertex[2].sow=gl_ux[2];
+ vertex[2].tow=gl_vy[2];
+ vertex[3].sow=gl_ux[3];
+ vertex[3].tow=gl_vy[3];
+ if(iFilterType>2)
+ {
+ if(gLastTex!=gTexName || gLastFMode!=1)
+ {
+ gLastTex=gTexName;gLastFMode=1;
+ }
+ }
+ if(iFilterType)
+ {
+ float fxmin=256.0f,fxmax=0.0f,fymin=256.0f,fymax=0.0f;int i;
+ for(i=0;i<4;i++)
+ {
+ if(vertex[i].sow<fxmin) fxmin=vertex[i].sow;
+ if(vertex[i].tow<fymin) fymin=vertex[i].tow;
+ if(vertex[i].sow>fxmax) fxmax=vertex[i].sow;
+ if(vertex[i].tow>fymax) fymax=vertex[i].tow;
+ }
+ for(i=0;i<4;i++)
+ {
+ if(vertex[i].sow==fxmin) vertex[i].sow+=ST_BFFACSORT;
+ if(vertex[i].sow==fxmax) vertex[i].sow-=ST_BFFACSORT;
+ if(vertex[i].tow==fymin) vertex[i].tow+=ST_BFFACSORT;
+ if(vertex[i].tow==fymax) vertex[i].tow-=ST_BFFACSORT;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+// render pos / buffers
+#ifndef _WINDOWS
+#define EqualRect(pr1,pr2) ((pr1)->left==(pr2)->left && (pr1)->top==(pr2)->top && (pr1)->right==(pr2)->right && (pr1)->bottom==(pr2)->bottom)
+// SetDisplaySettings: "simply" calcs the new drawing area and updates
+// the ogl clipping (scissor)
+void SetOGLDisplaySettings(BOOL DisplaySet)
+ static RECT rprev={0,0,0,0};
+ static RECT rC ={0,0,0,0};
+ static int iOldX=0;
+ static int iOldY=0;
+ RECT r;float XS,YS;
+ bDisplayNotSet = FALSE;
+ //----------------------------------------------------// that's a whole screen upload
+ if(!DisplaySet)
+ {
+ RECT rX;
+ PSXDisplay.GDrawOffset.x=0;
+ PSXDisplay.GDrawOffset.y=0;
+ PSXDisplay.CumulOffset.x = PSXDisplay.DrawOffset.x+PreviousPSXDisplay.Range.x0;
+ PSXDisplay.CumulOffset.y = PSXDisplay.DrawOffset.y+PreviousPSXDisplay.Range.y0;
+ rprev.left=rprev.left+1;
+ rX=rRatioRect;
+ rX.top=iResY-(rRatioRect.top+rRatioRect.bottom);
+ if(bSetClip || !EqualRect(&rC,&rX))
+ {
+ rC=rX;
+ glScissor(rC.left,rC.top,rC.right,rC.bottom);
+ bSetClip=FALSE;
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+ //----------------------------------------------------//
+ PSXDisplay.GDrawOffset.y = PreviousPSXDisplay.DisplayPosition.y;
+ PSXDisplay.GDrawOffset.x = PreviousPSXDisplay.DisplayPosition.x;
+ PSXDisplay.CumulOffset.x = PSXDisplay.DrawOffset.x - PSXDisplay.GDrawOffset.x+PreviousPSXDisplay.Range.x0;
+ PSXDisplay.CumulOffset.y = PSXDisplay.DrawOffset.y - PSXDisplay.GDrawOffset.y+PreviousPSXDisplay.Range.y0;
+ r.top =PSXDisplay.DrawArea.y0 - PreviousPSXDisplay.DisplayPosition.y;
+ r.bottom=PSXDisplay.DrawArea.y1 - PreviousPSXDisplay.DisplayPosition.y;
+ if(r.bottom<0 || r.top>=PSXDisplay.DisplayMode.y)
+ {
+ r.top =PSXDisplay.DrawArea.y0 - PSXDisplay.DisplayPosition.y;
+ r.bottom=PSXDisplay.DrawArea.y1 - PSXDisplay.DisplayPosition.y;
+ }
+ r.left =PSXDisplay.DrawArea.x0 - PreviousPSXDisplay.DisplayPosition.x;
+ r.right =PSXDisplay.DrawArea.x1 - PreviousPSXDisplay.DisplayPosition.x;
+ if(r.right<0 || r.left>=PSXDisplay.DisplayMode.x)
+ {
+ r.left =PSXDisplay.DrawArea.x0 - PSXDisplay.DisplayPosition.x;
+ r.right =PSXDisplay.DrawArea.x1 - PSXDisplay.DisplayPosition.x;
+ }
+ if(!bSetClip && EqualRect(&r,&rprev) &&
+ iOldX == PSXDisplay.DisplayMode.x &&
+ iOldY == PSXDisplay.DisplayMode.y)
+ return;
+ rprev = r;
+ iOldX = PSXDisplay.DisplayMode.x;
+ iOldY = PSXDisplay.DisplayMode.y;
+ XS=(float)rRatioRect.right/(float)PSXDisplay.DisplayMode.x;
+ YS=(float)rRatioRect.bottom/(float)PSXDisplay.DisplayMode.y;
+ if(PreviousPSXDisplay.Range.x0)
+ {
+ short s=PreviousPSXDisplay.Range.x0+PreviousPSXDisplay.Range.x1;
+ r.left+=PreviousPSXDisplay.Range.x0+1;
+ r.right+=PreviousPSXDisplay.Range.x0;
+ if(r.left>s) r.left=s;
+ if(r.right>s) r.right=s;
+ }
+ if(PreviousPSXDisplay.Range.y0)
+ {
+ short s=PreviousPSXDisplay.Range.y0+PreviousPSXDisplay.Range.y1;
+ r.top+=PreviousPSXDisplay.Range.y0+1;
+ r.bottom+=PreviousPSXDisplay.Range.y0;
+ if(r.top>s) r.top=s;
+ if(r.bottom>s) r.bottom=s;
+ }
+ // Set the ClipArea variables to reflect the new screen,
+ // offset from zero (since it is a new display buffer)
+ r.left = (int)(((float)(r.left)) *XS);
+ r.top = (int)(((float)(r.top)) *YS);
+ r.right = (int)(((float)(r.right + 1))*XS);
+ r.bottom = (int)(((float)(r.bottom + 1))*YS);
+ // Limit clip area to the screen size
+ if (r.left > iResX) r.left = iResX;
+ if (r.left < 0) r.left = 0;
+ if (r.top > iResY) r.top = iResY;
+ if (r.top < 0) r.top = 0;
+ if (r.right > iResX) r.right = iResX;
+ if (r.right < 0) r.right = 0;
+ if (r.bottom > iResY) r.bottom = iResY;
+ if (r.bottom < 0) r.bottom = 0;
+ r.right -=r.left;
+ r.bottom-=r.top;
+ r.top=iResY-(r.top+r.bottom);
+ r.left+=rRatioRect.left;
+ r.top -=rRatioRect.top;
+ if(bSetClip || !EqualRect(&r,&rC))
+ {
+ glScissor(r.left,r.top,r.right,r.bottom);
+ rC=r;
+ bSetClip=FALSE;
+ }