path: root/plugins/gpu-gles/gpuTexture.c
diff options
authornotaz2010-12-31 16:57:02 +0200
committernotaz2010-12-31 16:57:02 +0200
commitce879073e4f228deec8bec5db8a2ff640636c88f (patch)
tree38f36f8cd9ac803abefb8515a687becab11f3310 /plugins/gpu-gles/gpuTexture.c
parent3a255ce52a55a2065429b8baad000c72aed31e97 (diff)
gpu-gles from psx4m
Diffstat (limited to 'plugins/gpu-gles/gpuTexture.c')
1 files changed, 4226 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/plugins/gpu-gles/gpuTexture.c b/plugins/gpu-gles/gpuTexture.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d047a62
--- /dev/null
+++ b/plugins/gpu-gles/gpuTexture.c
@@ -0,0 +1,4226 @@
+ texture.c - description
+ -------------------
+ begin : Sun Mar 08 2009
+ copyright : (C) 1999-2009 by Pete Bernert
+ web : www.pbernert.com
+ ***************************************************************************/
+ * *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify *
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by *
+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or *
+ * (at your option) any later version. See also the license.txt file for *
+ * additional informations. *
+ * *
+ ***************************************************************************/
+// History of changes:
+// 2009/03/08 - Pete
+// - generic cleanup for the Peops release
+// Texture related functions are here !
+// The texture handling is heart and soul of this gpu. The plugin was developed
+// 1999, by this time no shaders were available. Since the psx gpu is making
+// heavy use of CLUT (="color lookup tables", aka palettized textures), it was
+// an interesting task to get those emulated at good speed on NV TNT cards
+// (which was my major goal when I created the first "gpuPeteTNT"). Later cards
+// (Geforce256) supported texture palettes by an OGL extension, but at some point
+// this support was dropped again by gfx card vendors.
+// Well, at least there is a certain advatage, if no texture palettes extension can
+// be used: it is possible to modify the textures in any way, allowing "hi-res"
+// textures and other tweaks.
+// My main texture caching is kinda complex: the plugin is allocating "n" 256x256 textures,
+// and it places small psx texture parts inside them. The plugin keeps track what
+// part (with what palette) it had placed in which texture, so it can re-use this
+// part again. The more ogl textures it can use, the better (of course the managing/
+// searching will be slower, but everything is faster than uploading textures again
+// and again to a gfx card). My first card (TNT1) had 16 MB Vram, and it worked
+// well with many games, but I recommend nowadays 64 MB Vram to get a good speed.
+// Sadly, there is also a second kind of texture cache needed, for "psx texture windows".
+// Those are "repeated" textures, so a psx "texture window" needs to be put in
+// a whole texture to use the GL_TEXTURE_WRAP_ features. This cache can get full very
+// fast in games which are having an heavy "texture window" usage, like RRT4. As an
+// alternative, this plugin can use the OGL "palette" extension on texture windows,
+// if available. Nowadays also a fragment shader can easily be used to emulate
+// texture wrapping in a texture atlas, so the main cache could hold the texture
+// windows as well (that's what I am doing in the OGL2 plugin). But currently the
+// OGL1 plugin is a "shader-free" zone, so heavy "texture window" games will cause
+// much texture uploads.
+// Some final advice: take care if you change things in here. I've removed my ASM
+// handlers (they didn't cause much speed gain anyway) for readability/portability,
+// but still the functions/data structures used here are easy to mess up. I guess it
+// can be a pain in the ass to port the plugin to another byte order :)
+#define _IN_TEXTURE
+#ifdef _WINDOWS
+#include "stdafx.h"
+#include "externals.h"
+#include "texture.h"
+#include "gpu.h"
+#include "prim.h"
+#include "gpuStdafx.h"
+#ifdef __NANOGL__
+#include <gl/gl.h>
+#include <gl/gl.h>
+#pragma softfp_linkage
+ #include <GLES/glplatform.h>
+ #include <GLES/gl.h>
+ #include <GLES/glext.h>
+ #include <EGL/egl.h>
+ #include <gles/gl.h> // for opengl es types
+ #include <gles/egltypes.h>
+#pragma no_softfp_linkage
+#include "gpuDraw.h"
+//#include "plugins.h"
+#include "gpuExternals.h"
+#include "gpuTexture.h"
+#include "gpuPlugin.h"
+#include "gpuPrim.h"
+#define CLUTCHK 0x00060000
+#define CLUTSHIFT 17
+// texture conversion buffer ..
+GLubyte ubPaletteBuffer[256][4];
+GLuint gTexMovieName=0;
+GLuint gTexBlurName=0;
+GLuint gTexFrameName=0;
+int iTexGarbageCollection=1;
+unsigned long dwTexPageComp=0;
+int iVRamSize=0;
+#ifdef _WINDOWS
+int iClampType=GL_CLAMP;
+int iClampType=GL_CLAMP_TO_EDGE;
+int iFilter = GL_LINEAR;
+void (*LoadSubTexFn) (int,int,short,short);
+unsigned long (*PalTexturedColourFn) (unsigned long);
+// defines
+#define PALCOL(x) PalTexturedColourFn (x)
+#define CSUBSIZE 2048
+#define CSUBSIZEA 8192
+#define CSUBSIZES 4096
+#define OFFA 0
+#define OFFB 2048
+#define OFFC 4096
+#define OFFD 6144
+#define XOFFA 0
+#define XOFFB 512
+#define XOFFC 1024
+#define XOFFD 1536
+#define SOFFA 0
+#define SOFFB 1024
+#define SOFFC 2048
+#define SOFFD 3072
+#define XCHECK(pos1,pos2) ((pos1.c[0]>=pos2.c[1])&&(pos1.c[1]<=pos2.c[0])&&(pos1.c[2]>=pos2.c[3])&&(pos1.c[3]<=pos2.c[2]))
+#define INCHECK(pos2,pos1) ((pos1.c[0]<=pos2.c[0]) && (pos1.c[1]>=pos2.c[1]) && (pos1.c[2]<=pos2.c[2]) && (pos1.c[3]>=pos2.c[3]))
+u8 * CheckTextureInSubSCache(long TextureMode,unsigned long GivenClutId,unsigned short * pCache);
+void LoadSubTexturePageSort(int pageid, int mode, short cx, short cy);
+void LoadPackedSubTexturePageSort(int pageid, int mode, short cx, short cy);
+void DefineSubTextureSort(void);
+// some globals
+long GlobalTexturePage;
+GLint XTexS;
+GLint YTexS;
+GLint DXTexS;
+GLint DYTexS;
+int iSortTexCnt=32;
+BOOL bUseFastMdec=FALSE;
+BOOL bUse15bitMdec=FALSE;
+int iFrameTexType=0;
+int iFrameReadType=0;
+unsigned long (*TCF[2]) (unsigned long);
+unsigned short (*PTCF[2]) (unsigned short);
+// texture cache implementation
+#ifdef _WINDOWS
+#pragma pack(1)
+// "texture window" cache entry
+typedef struct textureWndCacheEntryTag
+ unsigned long ClutID;
+ short pageid;
+ short textureMode;
+ short Opaque;
+ short used;
+ EXLong pos;
+ GLuint texname;
+} textureWndCacheEntry;
+// "standard texture" cache entry (12 byte per entry, as small as possible... we need lots of them)
+typedef struct textureSubCacheEntryTagS
+ unsigned long ClutID;
+ EXLong pos;
+ u8 posTX;
+ u8 posTY;
+ u8 cTexID;
+ u8 Opaque;
+} textureSubCacheEntryS;
+#ifdef _WINDOWS
+#pragma pack()
+#define MAXTPAGES_MAX 64
+#define MAXSORTTEX_MAX 196
+textureWndCacheEntry wcWndtexStore[MAXWNDTEXCACHE];
+textureSubCacheEntryS * pscSubtexStore[3][MAXTPAGES_MAX];
+EXLong * pxSsubtexLeft [MAXSORTTEX_MAX];
+GLuint uiStexturePage[MAXSORTTEX_MAX];
+unsigned short usLRUTexPage=0;
+int iMaxTexWnds=0;
+int iTexWndTurn=0;
+int iTexWndLimit=MAXWNDTEXCACHE/2;
+GLubyte * texturepart=NULL;
+GLubyte * texturebuffer=NULL;
+unsigned long g_x1,g_y1,g_x2,g_y2;
+u8 ubOpaqueDraw=0;
+unsigned short MAXTPAGES = 32;
+unsigned short CLUTMASK = 0x7fff;
+unsigned short CLUTYMASK = 0x1ff;
+unsigned short MAXSORTTEX = 196;
+// Texture color conversions... all my ASM funcs are removed for easier
+// porting... and honestly: nowadays the speed gain would be pointless
+unsigned long XP8RGBA(unsigned long BGR)
+ if(!(BGR&0xffff)) return 0x50000000;
+ if(DrawSemiTrans && !(BGR&0x8000))
+ {ubOpaqueDraw=1;return ((((BGR<<3)&0xf8)|((BGR<<6)&0xf800)|((BGR<<9)&0xf80000))&0xffffff);}
+ return ((((BGR<<3)&0xf8)|((BGR<<6)&0xf800)|((BGR<<9)&0xf80000))&0xffffff)|0xff000000;
+unsigned long XP8RGBAEx(unsigned long BGR)
+ if(!(BGR&0xffff)) return 0x03000000;
+ if(DrawSemiTrans && !(BGR&0x8000))
+ {ubOpaqueDraw=1;return ((((BGR<<3)&0xf8)|((BGR<<6)&0xf800)|((BGR<<9)&0xf80000))&0xffffff);}
+ return ((((BGR<<3)&0xf8)|((BGR<<6)&0xf800)|((BGR<<9)&0xf80000))&0xffffff)|0xff000000;
+unsigned long CP8RGBA(unsigned long BGR)
+ unsigned long l;
+ if(!(BGR&0xffff)) return 0x50000000;
+ if(DrawSemiTrans && !(BGR&0x8000))
+ {ubOpaqueDraw=1;return ((((BGR<<3)&0xf8)|((BGR<<6)&0xf800)|((BGR<<9)&0xf80000))&0xffffff);}
+ l=((((BGR<<3)&0xf8)|((BGR<<6)&0xf800)|((BGR<<9)&0xf80000))&0xffffff)|0xff000000;
+ if(l==0xffffff00) l=0xff000000;
+ return l;
+unsigned long CP8RGBAEx(unsigned long BGR)
+ unsigned long l;
+ if(!(BGR&0xffff)) return 0x03000000;
+ if(DrawSemiTrans && !(BGR&0x8000))
+ {ubOpaqueDraw=1;return ((((BGR<<3)&0xf8)|((BGR<<6)&0xf800)|((BGR<<9)&0xf80000))&0xffffff);}
+ l=((((BGR<<3)&0xf8)|((BGR<<6)&0xf800)|((BGR<<9)&0xf80000))&0xffffff)|0xff000000;
+ if(l==0xffffff00) l=0xff000000;
+ return l;
+unsigned long XP8RGBA_0(unsigned long BGR)
+ if(!(BGR&0xffff)) return 0x50000000;
+ return ((((BGR<<3)&0xf8)|((BGR<<6)&0xf800)|((BGR<<9)&0xf80000))&0xffffff)|0xff000000;
+unsigned long XP8RGBAEx_0(unsigned long BGR)
+ if(!(BGR&0xffff)) return 0x03000000;
+ return ((((BGR<<3)&0xf8)|((BGR<<6)&0xf800)|((BGR<<9)&0xf80000))&0xffffff)|0xff000000;
+unsigned long XP8BGRA_0(unsigned long BGR)
+ if(!(BGR&0xffff)) return 0x50000000;
+ return ((((BGR>>7)&0xf8)|((BGR<<6)&0xf800)|((BGR<<19)&0xf80000))&0xffffff)|0xff000000;
+unsigned long XP8BGRAEx_0(unsigned long BGR)
+ if(!(BGR&0xffff)) return 0x03000000;
+ return ((((BGR>>7)&0xf8)|((BGR<<6)&0xf800)|((BGR<<19)&0xf80000))&0xffffff)|0xff000000;
+unsigned long CP8RGBA_0(unsigned long BGR)
+ unsigned long l;
+ if(!(BGR&0xffff)) return 0x50000000;
+ l=((((BGR<<3)&0xf8)|((BGR<<6)&0xf800)|((BGR<<9)&0xf80000))&0xffffff)|0xff000000;
+ if(l==0xfff8f800) l=0xff000000;
+ return l;
+unsigned long CP8RGBAEx_0(unsigned long BGR)
+ unsigned long l;
+ if(!(BGR&0xffff)) return 0x03000000;
+ l=((((BGR<<3)&0xf8)|((BGR<<6)&0xf800)|((BGR<<9)&0xf80000))&0xffffff)|0xff000000;
+ if(l==0xfff8f800) l=0xff000000;
+ return l;
+unsigned long CP8BGRA_0(unsigned long BGR)
+ unsigned long l;
+ if(!(BGR&0xffff)) return 0x50000000;
+ l=((((BGR>>7)&0xf8)|((BGR<<6)&0xf800)|((BGR<<19)&0xf80000))&0xffffff)|0xff000000;
+ if(l==0xff00f8f8) l=0xff000000;
+ return l;
+unsigned long CP8BGRAEx_0(unsigned long BGR)
+ unsigned long l;
+ if(!(BGR&0xffff)) return 0x03000000;
+ l=((((BGR>>7)&0xf8)|((BGR<<6)&0xf800)|((BGR<<19)&0xf80000))&0xffffff)|0xff000000;
+ if(l==0xff00f8f8) l=0xff000000;
+ return l;
+unsigned long XP8RGBA_1(unsigned long BGR)
+ if(!(BGR&0xffff)) return 0x50000000;
+ if(!(BGR&0x8000)) {ubOpaqueDraw=1;return ((((BGR<<3)&0xf8)|((BGR<<6)&0xf800)|((BGR<<9)&0xf80000))&0xffffff);}
+ return ((((BGR<<3)&0xf8)|((BGR<<6)&0xf800)|((BGR<<9)&0xf80000))&0xffffff)|0xff000000;
+unsigned long XP8RGBAEx_1(unsigned long BGR)
+ if(!(BGR&0xffff)) return 0x03000000;
+ if(!(BGR&0x8000)) {ubOpaqueDraw=1;return ((((BGR<<3)&0xf8)|((BGR<<6)&0xf800)|((BGR<<9)&0xf80000))&0xffffff);}
+ return ((((BGR<<3)&0xf8)|((BGR<<6)&0xf800)|((BGR<<9)&0xf80000))&0xffffff)|0xff000000;
+unsigned long XP8BGRA_1(unsigned long BGR)
+ if(!(BGR&0xffff)) return 0x50000000;
+ if(!(BGR&0x8000)) {ubOpaqueDraw=1;return ((((BGR>>7)&0xf8)|((BGR<<6)&0xf800)|((BGR<<19)&0xf80000))&0xffffff);}
+ return ((((BGR>>7)&0xf8)|((BGR<<6)&0xf800)|((BGR<<19)&0xf80000))&0xffffff)|0xff000000;
+unsigned long XP8BGRAEx_1(unsigned long BGR)
+ if(!(BGR&0xffff)) return 0x03000000;
+ if(!(BGR&0x8000)) {ubOpaqueDraw=1;return ((((BGR>>7)&0xf8)|((BGR<<6)&0xf800)|((BGR<<19)&0xf80000))&0xffffff);}
+ return ((((BGR>>7)&0xf8)|((BGR<<6)&0xf800)|((BGR<<19)&0xf80000))&0xffffff)|0xff000000;
+unsigned long P8RGBA(unsigned long BGR)
+ if(!(BGR&0xffff)) return 0;
+ return ((((BGR<<3)&0xf8)|((BGR<<6)&0xf800)|((BGR<<9)&0xf80000))&0xffffff)|0xff000000;
+unsigned long P8BGRA(unsigned long BGR)
+ if(!(BGR&0xffff)) return 0;
+ return ((((BGR>>7)&0xf8)|((BGR<<6)&0xf800)|((BGR<<19)&0xf80000))&0xffffff)|0xff000000;
+unsigned short XP5RGBA(unsigned short BGR)
+ if(!BGR) return 0;
+ if(DrawSemiTrans && !(BGR&0x8000))
+ {ubOpaqueDraw=1;return ((((BGR<<11))|((BGR>>9)&0x3e)|((BGR<<1)&0x7c0)));}
+ return ((((BGR<<11))|((BGR>>9)&0x3e)|((BGR<<1)&0x7c0)))|1;
+unsigned short XP5RGBA_0 (unsigned short BGR)
+ if(!BGR) return 0;
+ return ((((BGR<<11))|((BGR>>9)&0x3e)|((BGR<<1)&0x7c0)))|1;
+unsigned short CP5RGBA_0 (unsigned short BGR)
+ unsigned short s;
+ if(!BGR) return 0;
+ s=((((BGR<<11))|((BGR>>9)&0x3e)|((BGR<<1)&0x7c0)))|1;
+ if(s==0x07ff) s=1;
+ return s;
+unsigned short XP5RGBA_1(unsigned short BGR)
+ if(!BGR) return 0;
+ if(!(BGR&0x8000))
+ {ubOpaqueDraw=1;return ((((BGR<<11))|((BGR>>9)&0x3e)|((BGR<<1)&0x7c0)));}
+ return ((((BGR<<11))|((BGR>>9)&0x3e)|((BGR<<1)&0x7c0)))|1;
+unsigned short P5RGBA(unsigned short BGR)
+ if(!BGR) return 0;
+ return ((((BGR<<11))|((BGR>>9)&0x3e)|((BGR<<1)&0x7c0)))|1;
+unsigned short XP4RGBA(unsigned short BGR)
+ if(!BGR) return 6;
+ if(DrawSemiTrans && !(BGR&0x8000))
+ {ubOpaqueDraw=1;return ((((BGR<<11))|((BGR>>9)&0x3e)|((BGR<<1)&0x7c0)));}
+ return (((((BGR&0x1e)<<11))|((BGR&0x7800)>>7)|((BGR&0x3c0)<<2)))|0xf;
+unsigned short XP4RGBA_0 (unsigned short BGR)
+ if(!BGR) return 6;
+ return (((((BGR&0x1e)<<11))|((BGR&0x7800)>>7)|((BGR&0x3c0)<<2)))|0xf;
+unsigned short CP4RGBA_0 (unsigned short BGR)
+ unsigned short s;
+ if(!BGR) return 6;
+ s=(((((BGR&0x1e)<<11))|((BGR&0x7800)>>7)|((BGR&0x3c0)<<2)))|0xf;
+ if(s==0x0fff) s=0x000f;
+ return s;
+unsigned short XP4RGBA_1(unsigned short BGR)
+ if(!BGR) return 6;
+ if(!(BGR&0x8000))
+ {ubOpaqueDraw=1;return ((((BGR<<11))|((BGR>>9)&0x3e)|((BGR<<1)&0x7c0)));}
+ return (((((BGR&0x1e)<<11))|((BGR&0x7800)>>7)|((BGR&0x3c0)<<2)))|0xf;
+unsigned short P4RGBA(unsigned short BGR)
+ if(!BGR) return 0;
+ return (((((BGR&0x1e)<<11))|((BGR&0x7800)>>7)|((BGR&0x3c0)<<2)))|0xf;
+// CHECK TEXTURE MEM (on plugin startup)
+int iFTexA=512;
+int iFTexB=512;
+void CheckTextureMemory(void)
+ GLboolean b;GLboolean * bDetail;
+ int i,iCnt,iRam=iVRamSize*1024*1024;
+ int iTSize;s8 * p;
+ if(iVRamSize)
+ {
+ int ts;
+ iRam-=(iResX*iResY*8);
+ iRam-=(iResX*iResY*(iZBufferDepth/8));
+ ts=4;
+ iSortTexCnt=iRam/(256*256*ts);
+ if(iSortTexCnt>MAXSORTTEX)
+ {
+ iSortTexCnt=MAXSORTTEX-min(1,0);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ iSortTexCnt-=3+min(1,0);
+ if(iSortTexCnt<8) iSortTexCnt=8;
+ }
+ for(i=0;i<MAXSORTTEX;i++)
+ uiStexturePage[i]=0;
+ return;
+ }
+ iTSize=256;
+ p=(s8 *)malloc(iTSize*iTSize*4);
+ iCnt=0;
+ glGenTextures(MAXSORTTEX,uiStexturePage);
+ for(i=0;i<MAXSORTTEX;i++)
+ {
+ glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D,uiStexturePage[i]);
+ glTexParameteri(GL_TEXTURE_2D, GL_TEXTURE_WRAP_S, iClampType);
+ glTexParameteri(GL_TEXTURE_2D, GL_TEXTURE_WRAP_T, iClampType);
+ glTexParameteri(GL_TEXTURE_2D, GL_TEXTURE_MIN_FILTER, iFilter);
+ glTexParameteri(GL_TEXTURE_2D, GL_TEXTURE_MAG_FILTER, iFilter);
+ glTexImage2D(GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0, GL_RGBA, iTSize, iTSize, 0,GL_RGBA, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, p);
+ }
+ glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D,0);
+ free(p);
+ bDetail=(GLboolean*)malloc(MAXSORTTEX*sizeof(GLboolean));
+ memset(bDetail,0,MAXSORTTEX*sizeof(GLboolean));
+ glDeleteTextures(MAXSORTTEX,uiStexturePage);
+ for(i=0;i<MAXSORTTEX;i++)
+ {
+ if(bDetail[i]) iCnt++;
+ uiStexturePage[i]=0;
+ }
+ free(bDetail);
+ if(b) iSortTexCnt=MAXSORTTEX-min(1,0);
+ else iSortTexCnt=iCnt-3+min(1,0); // place for menu&texwnd
+ if(iSortTexCnt<8) iSortTexCnt=8;
+// Main init of textures
+void InitializeTextureStore()
+ int i,j;
+ if(iGPUHeight==1024)
+ {
+ CLUTMASK = 0xffff;
+ CLUTYMASK = 0x3ff;
+ iTexGarbageCollection=0;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ CLUTMASK = 0x7fff;
+ CLUTYMASK = 0x1ff;
+ }
+ memset(vertex,0,4*sizeof(OGLVertex)); // init vertices
+ gTexName=0; // init main tex name
+/* if(!iUsePalTextures) */iTexWndLimit/=2;
+ memset(wcWndtexStore,0,sizeof(textureWndCacheEntry)*
+ texturepart=(GLubyte *)malloc(256*256*4);
+ memset(texturepart,0,256*256*4);
+ texturebuffer=NULL;
+ for(i=0;i<3;i++) // -> info for 32*3
+ for(j=0;j<MAXTPAGES;j++)
+ {
+ pscSubtexStore[i][j]=(textureSubCacheEntryS *)malloc(CSUBSIZES*sizeof(textureSubCacheEntryS));
+ memset(pscSubtexStore[i][j],0,CSUBSIZES*sizeof(textureSubCacheEntryS));
+ }
+ for(i=0;i<MAXSORTTEX;i++) // -> info 0..511
+ {
+ pxSsubtexLeft[i]=(EXLong *)malloc(CSUBSIZE*sizeof(EXLong));
+ memset(pxSsubtexLeft[i],0,CSUBSIZE*sizeof(EXLong));
+ uiStexturePage[i]=0;
+ }
+// Clean up on exit
+void CleanupTextureStore()
+ int i,j;textureWndCacheEntry * tsx;
+ //----------------------------------------------------//
+ glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D,0);
+ //----------------------------------------------------//
+ free(texturepart); // free tex part
+ texturepart=0;
+ if(texturebuffer)
+ {
+ free(texturebuffer);
+ texturebuffer=0;
+ }
+ //----------------------------------------------------//
+ tsx=wcWndtexStore; // loop tex window cache
+ for(i=0;i<MAXWNDTEXCACHE;i++,tsx++)
+ {
+ if(tsx->texname) // -> some tex?
+ glDeleteTextures(1,&tsx->texname); // --> delete it
+ }
+ iMaxTexWnds=0; // no more tex wnds
+ //----------------------------------------------------//
+ if(gTexMovieName!=0) // some movie tex?
+ glDeleteTextures(1, &gTexMovieName); // -> delete it
+ gTexMovieName=0; // no more movie tex
+ //----------------------------------------------------//
+ if(gTexFrameName!=0) // some 15bit framebuffer tex?
+ glDeleteTextures(1, &gTexFrameName); // -> delete it
+ gTexFrameName=0; // no more movie tex
+ //----------------------------------------------------//
+ if(gTexBlurName!=0) // some 15bit framebuffer tex?
+ glDeleteTextures(1, &gTexBlurName); // -> delete it
+ gTexBlurName=0; // no more movie tex
+ //----------------------------------------------------//
+ for(i=0;i<3;i++) // -> loop
+ for(j=0;j<MAXTPAGES;j++) // loop tex pages
+ {
+ free(pscSubtexStore[i][j]); // -> clean mem
+ }
+ for(i=0;i<MAXSORTTEX;i++)
+ {
+ if(uiStexturePage[i]) // --> tex used ?
+ {
+ glDeleteTextures(1,&uiStexturePage[i]);
+ uiStexturePage[i]=0; // --> delete it
+ }
+ free(pxSsubtexLeft[i]); // -> clean mem
+ }
+ //----------------------------------------------------//
+// Reset textures in game...
+void ResetTextureArea(BOOL bDelTex)
+ int i,j;textureSubCacheEntryS * tss;EXLong * lu;
+ textureWndCacheEntry * tsx;
+ //----------------------------------------------------//
+ dwTexPageComp=0;
+ //----------------------------------------------------//
+ if(bDelTex) {glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D,0);gTexName=0;}
+ //----------------------------------------------------//
+ tsx=wcWndtexStore;
+ for(i=0;i<MAXWNDTEXCACHE;i++,tsx++)
+ {
+ tsx->used=0;
+ if(bDelTex && tsx->texname)
+ {
+ glDeleteTextures(1,&tsx->texname);
+ tsx->texname=0;
+ }
+ }
+ iMaxTexWnds=0;
+ //----------------------------------------------------//
+ for(i=0;i<3;i++)
+ for(j=0;j<MAXTPAGES;j++)
+ {
+ tss=pscSubtexStore[i][j];
+ (tss+SOFFA)->pos.l=0;
+ (tss+SOFFB)->pos.l=0;
+ (tss+SOFFC)->pos.l=0;
+ (tss+SOFFD)->pos.l=0;
+ }
+ for(i=0;i<iSortTexCnt;i++)
+ {
+ lu=pxSsubtexLeft[i];
+ lu->l=0;
+ if(bDelTex && uiStexturePage[i])
+ {glDeleteTextures(1,&uiStexturePage[i]);uiStexturePage[i]=0;}
+ }
+// Invalidate tex windows
+void InvalidateWndTextureArea(long X,long Y,long W, long H)
+ int i,px1,px2,py1,py2,iYM=1;
+ textureWndCacheEntry * tsw=wcWndtexStore;
+ W+=X-1;
+ H+=Y-1;
+ if(X<0) X=0;if(X>1023) X=1023;
+ if(W<0) W=0;if(W>1023) W=1023;
+ if(Y<0) Y=0;if(Y>iGPUHeightMask) Y=iGPUHeightMask;
+ if(H<0) H=0;if(H>iGPUHeightMask) H=iGPUHeightMask;
+ W++;H++;
+ if(iGPUHeight==1024) iYM=3;
+ py1=min(iYM,Y>>8);
+ py2=min(iYM,H>>8); // y: 0 or 1
+ px1=max(0,(X>>6));
+ px2=min(15,(W>>6));
+ if(py1==py2)
+ {
+ py1=py1<<4;px1+=py1;px2+=py1; // change to 0-31
+ for(i=0;i<iMaxTexWnds;i++,tsw++)
+ {
+ if(tsw->used)
+ {
+ if(tsw->pageid>=px1 && tsw->pageid<=px2)
+ {
+ tsw->used=0;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ py1=px1+16;py2=px2+16;
+ for(i=0;i<iMaxTexWnds;i++,tsw++)
+ {
+ if(tsw->used)
+ {
+ if((tsw->pageid>=px1 && tsw->pageid<=px2) ||
+ (tsw->pageid>=py1 && tsw->pageid<=py2))
+ {
+ tsw->used=0;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // adjust tex window count
+ tsw=wcWndtexStore+iMaxTexWnds-1;
+ while(iMaxTexWnds && !tsw->used) {iMaxTexWnds--;tsw--;}
+// same for sort textures
+void MarkFree(textureSubCacheEntryS * tsx)
+ EXLong * ul, * uls;
+ int j,iMax;u8 x1,y1,dx,dy;
+ uls=pxSsubtexLeft[tsx->cTexID];
+ iMax=uls->l;ul=uls+1;
+ if(!iMax) return;
+ for(j=0;j<iMax;j++,ul++)
+ if(ul->l==0xffffffff) break;
+ if(j<CSUBSIZE-2)
+ {
+ if(j==iMax) uls->l=uls->l+1;
+ x1=tsx->posTX;dx=tsx->pos.c[2]-tsx->pos.c[3];
+ if(tsx->posTX) {x1--;dx+=3;}
+ y1=tsx->posTY;dy=tsx->pos.c[0]-tsx->pos.c[1];
+ if(tsx->posTY) {y1--;dy+=3;}
+ ul->c[3]=x1;
+ ul->c[2]=dx;
+ ul->c[1]=y1;
+ ul->c[0]=dy;
+ }
+void InvalidateSubSTextureArea(long X,long Y,long W, long H)
+ int i,j,k,iMax,px,py,px1,px2,py1,py2,iYM=1;
+ EXLong npos;textureSubCacheEntryS * tsb;
+ long x1,x2,y1,y2,xa,sw;
+ W+=X-1;
+ H+=Y-1;
+ if(X<0) X=0;if(X>1023) X=1023;
+ if(W<0) W=0;if(W>1023) W=1023;
+ if(Y<0) Y=0;if(Y>iGPUHeightMask) Y=iGPUHeightMask;
+ if(H<0) H=0;if(H>iGPUHeightMask) H=iGPUHeightMask;
+ W++;H++;
+ if(iGPUHeight==1024) iYM=3;
+ py1=min(iYM,Y>>8);
+ py2=min(iYM,H>>8); // y: 0 or 1
+ px1=max(0,(X>>6)-3);
+ px2=min(15,(W>>6)+3); // x: 0-15
+ for(py=py1;py<=py2;py++)
+ {
+ j=(py<<4)+px1; // get page
+ y1=py*256;y2=y1+255;
+ if(H<y1) continue;
+ if(Y>y2) continue;
+ if(Y>y1) y1=Y;
+ if(H<y2) y2=H;
+ if(y2<y1) {sw=y1;y1=y2;y2=sw;}
+ y1=((y1%256)<<8);
+ y2=(y2%256);
+ for(px=px1;px<=px2;px++,j++)
+ {
+ for(k=0;k<3;k++)
+ {
+ xa=x1=px<<6;
+ if(W<x1) continue;
+ x2=x1+(64<<k)-1;
+ if(X>x2) continue;
+ if(X>x1) x1=X;
+ if(W<x2) x2=W;
+ if(x2<x1) {sw=x1;x1=x2;x2=sw;}
+ if (dwGPUVersion == 2)
+ npos.l=0x00ff00ff;
+ else
+ npos.l=((x1-xa)<<(26-k))|((x2-xa)<<(18-k))|y1|y2;
+ {
+ tsb=pscSubtexStore[k][j]+SOFFA;iMax=tsb->pos.l;tsb++;
+ for(i=0;i<iMax;i++,tsb++)
+ if(tsb->ClutID && XCHECK(tsb->pos,npos)) {tsb->ClutID=0;MarkFree(tsb);}
+// if(npos.l & 0x00800000)
+ {
+ tsb=pscSubtexStore[k][j]+SOFFB;iMax=tsb->pos.l;tsb++;
+ for(i=0;i<iMax;i++,tsb++)
+ if(tsb->ClutID && XCHECK(tsb->pos,npos)) {tsb->ClutID=0;MarkFree(tsb);}
+ }
+// if(npos.l & 0x00000080)
+ {
+ tsb=pscSubtexStore[k][j]+SOFFC;iMax=tsb->pos.l;tsb++;
+ for(i=0;i<iMax;i++,tsb++)
+ if(tsb->ClutID && XCHECK(tsb->pos,npos)) {tsb->ClutID=0;MarkFree(tsb);}
+ }
+// if(npos.l & 0x00800080)
+ {
+ tsb=pscSubtexStore[k][j]+SOFFD;iMax=tsb->pos.l;tsb++;
+ for(i=0;i<iMax;i++,tsb++)
+ if(tsb->ClutID && XCHECK(tsb->pos,npos)) {tsb->ClutID=0;MarkFree(tsb);}
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+// Invalidate some parts of cache: main routine
+void InvalidateTextureAreaEx(void)
+ short W=sxmax-sxmin;
+ short H=symax-symin;
+ if(W==0 && H==0) return;
+ if(iMaxTexWnds)
+ InvalidateWndTextureArea(sxmin,symin,W,H);
+ InvalidateSubSTextureArea(sxmin,symin,W,H);
+void InvalidateTextureArea(long X,long Y,long W, long H)
+ if(W==0 && H==0) return;
+ if(iMaxTexWnds) InvalidateWndTextureArea(X,Y,W,H);
+ InvalidateSubSTextureArea(X,Y,W,H);
+// tex window: define
+void DefineTextureWnd(void)
+ if(gTexName==0)
+ glGenTextures(1, &gTexName);
+ glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, gTexName);
+ glTexParameteri(GL_TEXTURE_2D, GL_TEXTURE_MIN_FILTER, iFilter);
+ glTexParameteri(GL_TEXTURE_2D, GL_TEXTURE_MAG_FILTER, iFilter);
+ }
+ glTexImage2D(GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0,GL_RGBA,
+ TWin.Position.x1,
+ TWin.Position.y1,
+ 0, GL_RGBA, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, texturepart);
+// tex window: load packed stretch
+void LoadStretchPackedWndTexturePage(int pageid, int mode, short cx, short cy)
+ unsigned long start,row,column,j,sxh,sxm,ldx,ldy,ldxo;
+ unsigned int palstart;
+ unsigned short *px,*pa,*ta;
+ u8 *cSRCPtr,*cOSRCPtr;
+ unsigned short *wSRCPtr,*wOSRCPtr;
+ unsigned long LineOffset;unsigned short s;
+ int pmult=pageid/16;
+ unsigned short (*LPTCOL)(unsigned short);
+ LPTCOL=PTCF[DrawSemiTrans];
+ ldxo=TWin.Position.x1-TWin.OPosition.x1;
+ ldy =TWin.Position.y1-TWin.OPosition.y1;
+ pa=px=(unsigned short *)ubPaletteBuffer;
+ ta=(unsigned short *)texturepart;
+ palstart=cx+(cy*1024);
+ ubOpaqueDraw=0;
+ switch(mode)
+ {
+ //--------------------------------------------------//
+ // 4bit texture load ..
+ case 0:
+ if(GlobalTextIL)
+ {
+ unsigned int TXV,TXU,n_xi,n_yi;
+ wSRCPtr=psxVuw+palstart;
+ for(row=0;row<16;row++)
+ *px++=LPTCOL(*wSRCPtr++);
+ column=g_y2-ldy;
+ for(TXV=g_y1;TXV<=column;TXV++)
+ {
+ ldx=ldxo;
+ for(TXU=g_x1;TXU<=g_x2-ldxo;TXU++)
+ {
+ n_xi = ( ( TXU >> 2 ) & ~0x3c ) + ( ( TXV << 2 ) & 0x3c );
+ n_yi = ( TXV & ~0xf ) + ( ( TXU >> 4 ) & 0xf );
+ s=*(pa+((*( psxVuw + ((GlobalTextAddrY + n_yi)*1024) + GlobalTextAddrX + n_xi ) >> ( ( TXU & 0x03 ) << 2 ) ) & 0x0f ));
+ *ta++=s;
+ if(ldx) {*ta++=s;ldx--;}
+ }
+ if(ldy)
+ {ldy--;
+ for(TXU=g_x1;TXU<=g_x2;TXU++)
+ *ta++=*(ta-(g_x2-g_x1));
+ }
+ }
+ DefineTextureWnd();
+ break;
+ }
+ start=((pageid-16*pmult)*128)+256*2048*pmult;
+ // convert CLUT to 32bits .. and then use THAT as a lookup table
+ wSRCPtr=psxVuw+palstart;
+ for(row=0;row<16;row++)
+ *px++=LPTCOL(*wSRCPtr++);
+ sxm=g_x1&1;sxh=g_x1>>1;
+ if(sxm) j=g_x1+1; else j=g_x1;
+ cSRCPtr = psxVub + start + (2048*g_y1) + sxh;
+ for(column=g_y1;column<=g_y2;column++)
+ {
+ cOSRCPtr=cSRCPtr;ldx=ldxo;
+ if(sxm) *ta++=*(pa+((*cSRCPtr++ >> 4) & 0xF));
+ for(row=j;row<=g_x2-ldxo;row++)
+ {
+ s=*(pa+(*cSRCPtr & 0xF));
+ *ta++=s;
+ if(ldx) {*ta++=s;ldx--;}
+ row++;
+ if(row<=g_x2-ldxo)
+ {
+ s=*(pa+((*cSRCPtr >> 4) & 0xF));
+ *ta++=s;
+ if(ldx) {*ta++=s;ldx--;}
+ }
+ cSRCPtr++;
+ }
+ if(ldy && column&1)
+ {ldy--;cSRCPtr = cOSRCPtr;}
+ else cSRCPtr = psxVub + start + (2048*(column+1)) + sxh;
+ }
+ DefineTextureWnd();
+ break;
+ //--------------------------------------------------//
+ // 8bit texture load ..
+ case 1:
+ if(GlobalTextIL)
+ {
+ unsigned int TXV,TXU,n_xi,n_yi;
+ wSRCPtr=psxVuw+palstart;
+ for(row=0;row<256;row++)
+ *px++=LPTCOL(*wSRCPtr++);
+ column=g_y2-ldy;
+ for(TXV=g_y1;TXV<=column;TXV++)
+ {
+ ldx=ldxo;
+ for(TXU=g_x1;TXU<=g_x2-ldxo;TXU++)
+ {
+ n_xi = ( ( TXU >> 1 ) & ~0x78 ) + ( ( TXU << 2 ) & 0x40 ) + ( ( TXV << 3 ) & 0x38 );
+ n_yi = ( TXV & ~0x7 ) + ( ( TXU >> 5 ) & 0x7 );
+ s=*(pa+((*( psxVuw + ((GlobalTextAddrY + n_yi)*1024) + GlobalTextAddrX + n_xi ) >> ( ( TXU & 0x01 ) << 3 ) ) & 0xff));
+ *ta++=s;
+ if(ldx) {*ta++=s;ldx--;}
+ }
+ if(ldy)
+ {ldy--;
+ for(TXU=g_x1;TXU<=g_x2;TXU++)
+ *ta++=*(ta-(g_x2-g_x1));
+ }
+ }
+ DefineTextureWnd();
+ break;
+ }
+ start=((pageid-16*pmult)*128)+256*2048*pmult;
+ // not using a lookup table here... speeds up smaller texture areas
+ cSRCPtr = psxVub + start + (2048*g_y1) + g_x1;
+ LineOffset = 2048 - (g_x2-g_x1+1) +ldxo;
+ for(column=g_y1;column<=g_y2;column++)
+ {
+ cOSRCPtr=cSRCPtr;ldx=ldxo;
+ for(row=g_x1;row<=g_x2-ldxo;row++)
+ {
+ s=LPTCOL(psxVuw[palstart+ *cSRCPtr++]);
+ *ta++=s;
+ if(ldx) {*ta++=s;ldx--;}
+ }
+ if(ldy && column&1) {ldy--;cSRCPtr=cOSRCPtr;}
+ else cSRCPtr+=LineOffset;
+ }
+ DefineTextureWnd();
+ break;
+ //--------------------------------------------------//
+ // 16bit texture load ..
+ case 2:
+ start=((pageid-16*pmult)*64)+256*1024*pmult;
+ wSRCPtr = psxVuw + start + (1024*g_y1) + g_x1;
+ LineOffset = 1024 - (g_x2-g_x1+1) +ldxo;
+ for(column=g_y1;column<=g_y2;column++)
+ {
+ wOSRCPtr=wSRCPtr;ldx=ldxo;
+ for(row=g_x1;row<=g_x2-ldxo;row++)
+ {
+ s=LPTCOL(*wSRCPtr++);
+ *ta++=s;
+ if(ldx) {*ta++=s;ldx--;}
+ }
+ if(ldy && column&1) {ldy--;wSRCPtr=wOSRCPtr;}
+ else wSRCPtr+=LineOffset;
+ }
+ DefineTextureWnd();
+ break;
+ //--------------------------------------------------//
+ // others are not possible !
+ }
+// tex window: load stretched
+void LoadStretchWndTexturePage(int pageid, int mode, short cx, short cy)
+ unsigned long start,row,column,j,sxh,sxm,ldx,ldy,ldxo,s;
+ unsigned int palstart;
+ unsigned long *px,*pa,*ta;
+ u8 *cSRCPtr,*cOSRCPtr;
+ unsigned short *wSRCPtr,*wOSRCPtr;
+ unsigned long LineOffset;
+ int pmult=pageid/16;
+ unsigned long (*LTCOL)(unsigned long);
+ LTCOL=TCF[DrawSemiTrans];
+ ldxo=TWin.Position.x1-TWin.OPosition.x1;
+ ldy =TWin.Position.y1-TWin.OPosition.y1;
+ pa=px=(unsigned long *)ubPaletteBuffer;
+ ta=(unsigned long *)texturepart;
+ palstart=cx+(cy*1024);
+ ubOpaqueDraw=0;
+ switch(mode)
+ {
+ //--------------------------------------------------//
+ // 4bit texture load ..
+ case 0:
+ //------------------- ZN STUFF
+ if(GlobalTextIL)
+ {
+ unsigned int TXV,TXU,n_xi,n_yi;
+ wSRCPtr=psxVuw+palstart;
+ row=4;do
+ {
+ *px =LTCOL(*wSRCPtr);
+ *(px+1)=LTCOL(*(wSRCPtr+1));
+ *(px+2)=LTCOL(*(wSRCPtr+2));
+ *(px+3)=LTCOL(*(wSRCPtr+3));
+ row--;px+=4;wSRCPtr+=4;
+ }
+ while (row);
+ column=g_y2-ldy;
+ for(TXV=g_y1;TXV<=column;TXV++)
+ {
+ ldx=ldxo;
+ for(TXU=g_x1;TXU<=g_x2-ldxo;TXU++)
+ {
+ n_xi = ( ( TXU >> 2 ) & ~0x3c ) + ( ( TXV << 2 ) & 0x3c );
+ n_yi = ( TXV & ~0xf ) + ( ( TXU >> 4 ) & 0xf );
+ s=*(pa+((*( psxVuw + ((GlobalTextAddrY + n_yi)*1024) + GlobalTextAddrX + n_xi ) >> ( ( TXU & 0x03 ) << 2 ) ) & 0x0f ));
+ *ta++=s;
+ if(ldx) {*ta++=s;ldx--;}
+ }
+ if(ldy)
+ {ldy--;
+ for(TXU=g_x1;TXU<=g_x2;TXU++)
+ *ta++=*(ta-(g_x2-g_x1));
+ }
+ }
+ DefineTextureWnd();
+ break;
+ }
+ //-------------------
+ start=((pageid-16*pmult)*128)+256*2048*pmult;
+ // convert CLUT to 32bits .. and then use THAT as a lookup table
+ wSRCPtr=psxVuw+palstart;
+ for(row=0;row<16;row++)
+ *px++=LTCOL(*wSRCPtr++);
+ sxm=g_x1&1;sxh=g_x1>>1;
+ if(sxm) j=g_x1+1; else j=g_x1;
+ cSRCPtr = psxVub + start + (2048*g_y1) + sxh;
+ for(column=g_y1;column<=g_y2;column++)
+ {
+ cOSRCPtr=cSRCPtr;ldx=ldxo;
+ if(sxm) *ta++=*(pa+((*cSRCPtr++ >> 4) & 0xF));
+ for(row=j;row<=g_x2-ldxo;row++)
+ {
+ s=*(pa+(*cSRCPtr & 0xF));
+ *ta++=s;
+ if(ldx) {*ta++=s;ldx--;}
+ row++;
+ if(row<=g_x2-ldxo)
+ {
+ s=*(pa+((*cSRCPtr >> 4) & 0xF));
+ *ta++=s;
+ if(ldx) {*ta++=s;ldx--;}
+ }
+ cSRCPtr++;
+ }
+ if(ldy && column&1)
+ {ldy--;cSRCPtr = cOSRCPtr;}
+ else cSRCPtr = psxVub + start + (2048*(column+1)) + sxh;
+ }
+ DefineTextureWnd();
+ break;
+ //--------------------------------------------------//
+ // 8bit texture load ..
+ case 1:
+ //------------ ZN STUFF
+ if(GlobalTextIL)
+ {
+ unsigned int TXV,TXU,n_xi,n_yi;
+ wSRCPtr=psxVuw+palstart;
+ row=64;do
+ {
+ *px =LTCOL(*wSRCPtr);
+ *(px+1)=LTCOL(*(wSRCPtr+1));
+ *(px+2)=LTCOL(*(wSRCPtr+2));
+ *(px+3)=LTCOL(*(wSRCPtr+3));
+ row--;px+=4;wSRCPtr+=4;
+ }
+ while (row);
+ column=g_y2-ldy;
+ for(TXV=g_y1;TXV<=column;TXV++)
+ {
+ ldx=ldxo;
+ for(TXU=g_x1;TXU<=g_x2-ldxo;TXU++)
+ {
+ n_xi = ( ( TXU >> 1 ) & ~0x78 ) + ( ( TXU << 2 ) & 0x40 ) + ( ( TXV << 3 ) & 0x38 );
+ n_yi = ( TXV & ~0x7 ) + ( ( TXU >> 5 ) & 0x7 );
+ s=*(pa+((*( psxVuw + ((GlobalTextAddrY + n_yi)*1024) + GlobalTextAddrX + n_xi ) >> ( ( TXU & 0x01 ) << 3 ) ) & 0xff));
+ *ta++=s;
+ if(ldx) {*ta++=s;ldx--;}
+ }
+ if(ldy)
+ {ldy--;
+ for(TXU=g_x1;TXU<=g_x2;TXU++)
+ *ta++=*(ta-(g_x2-g_x1));
+ }
+ }
+ DefineTextureWnd();
+ break;
+ }
+ //------------
+ start=((pageid-16*pmult)*128)+256*2048*pmult;
+ // not using a lookup table here... speeds up smaller texture areas
+ cSRCPtr = psxVub + start + (2048*g_y1) + g_x1;
+ LineOffset = 2048 - (g_x2-g_x1+1) +ldxo;
+ for(column=g_y1;column<=g_y2;column++)
+ {
+ cOSRCPtr=cSRCPtr;ldx=ldxo;
+ for(row=g_x1;row<=g_x2-ldxo;row++)
+ {
+ s=LTCOL(psxVuw[palstart+ *cSRCPtr++]);
+ *ta++=s;
+ if(ldx) {*ta++=s;ldx--;}
+ }
+ if(ldy && column&1) {ldy--;cSRCPtr=cOSRCPtr;}
+ else cSRCPtr+=LineOffset;
+ }
+ DefineTextureWnd();
+ break;
+ //--------------------------------------------------//
+ // 16bit texture load ..
+ case 2:
+ start=((pageid-16*pmult)*64)+256*1024*pmult;
+ wSRCPtr = psxVuw + start + (1024*g_y1) + g_x1;
+ LineOffset = 1024 - (g_x2-g_x1+1) +ldxo;
+ for(column=g_y1;column<=g_y2;column++)
+ {
+ wOSRCPtr=wSRCPtr;ldx=ldxo;
+ for(row=g_x1;row<=g_x2-ldxo;row++)
+ {
+ s=LTCOL(*wSRCPtr++);
+ *ta++=s;
+ if(ldx) {*ta++=s;ldx--;}
+ }
+ if(ldy && column&1) {ldy--;wSRCPtr=wOSRCPtr;}
+ else wSRCPtr+=LineOffset;
+ }
+ DefineTextureWnd();
+ break;
+ //--------------------------------------------------//
+ // others are not possible !
+ }
+// tex window: load packed simple
+void LoadPackedWndTexturePage(int pageid, int mode, short cx, short cy)
+ unsigned long start,row,column,j,sxh,sxm;
+ unsigned int palstart;
+ unsigned short *px,*pa,*ta;
+ u8 *cSRCPtr;
+ unsigned short *wSRCPtr;
+ unsigned long LineOffset;
+ int pmult=pageid/16;
+ unsigned short (*LPTCOL)(unsigned short);
+ LPTCOL=PTCF[DrawSemiTrans];
+ pa=px=(unsigned short *)ubPaletteBuffer;
+ ta=(unsigned short *)texturepart;
+ palstart=cx+(cy*1024);
+ ubOpaqueDraw=0;
+ switch(mode)
+ {
+ //--------------------------------------------------//
+ // 4bit texture load ..
+ case 0:
+ if(GlobalTextIL)
+ {
+ unsigned int TXV,TXU,n_xi,n_yi;
+ wSRCPtr=psxVuw+palstart;
+ for(row=0;row<16;row++)
+ *px++=LPTCOL(*wSRCPtr++);
+ for(TXV=g_y1;TXV<=g_y2;TXV++)
+ {
+ for(TXU=g_x1;TXU<=g_x2;TXU++)
+ {
+ n_xi = ( ( TXU >> 2 ) & ~0x3c ) + ( ( TXV << 2 ) & 0x3c );
+ n_yi = ( TXV & ~0xf ) + ( ( TXU >> 4 ) & 0xf );
+ *ta++=*(pa+((*( psxVuw + ((GlobalTextAddrY + n_yi)*1024) + GlobalTextAddrX + n_xi ) >> ( ( TXU & 0x03 ) << 2 ) ) & 0x0f ));
+ }
+ }
+ DefineTextureWnd();
+ break;
+ }
+ start=((pageid-16*pmult)*128)+256*2048*pmult;
+ // convert CLUT to 32bits .. and then use THAT as a lookup table
+ wSRCPtr=psxVuw+palstart;
+ for(row=0;row<16;row++)
+ *px++=LPTCOL(*wSRCPtr++);
+ sxm=g_x1&1;sxh=g_x1>>1;
+ if(sxm) j=g_x1+1; else j=g_x1;
+ cSRCPtr = psxVub + start + (2048*g_y1) + sxh;
+ for(column=g_y1;column<=g_y2;column++)
+ {
+ cSRCPtr = psxVub + start + (2048*column) + sxh;
+ if(sxm) *ta++=*(pa+((*cSRCPtr++ >> 4) & 0xF));
+ for(row=j;row<=g_x2;row++)
+ {
+ *ta++=*(pa+(*cSRCPtr & 0xF)); row++;
+ if(row<=g_x2) *ta++=*(pa+((*cSRCPtr >> 4) & 0xF));
+ cSRCPtr++;
+ }
+ }
+ DefineTextureWnd();
+ break;
+ //--------------------------------------------------//
+ // 8bit texture load ..
+ case 1:
+ if(GlobalTextIL)
+ {
+ unsigned int TXV,TXU,n_xi,n_yi;
+ wSRCPtr=psxVuw+palstart;
+ for(row=0;row<256;row++)
+ *px++=LPTCOL(*wSRCPtr++);
+ for(TXV=g_y1;TXV<=g_y2;TXV++)
+ {
+ for(TXU=g_x1;TXU<=g_x2;TXU++)
+ {
+ n_xi = ( ( TXU >> 1 ) & ~0x78 ) + ( ( TXU << 2 ) & 0x40 ) + ( ( TXV << 3 ) & 0x38 );
+ n_yi = ( TXV & ~0x7 ) + ( ( TXU >> 5 ) & 0x7 );
+ *ta++=*(pa+((*( psxVuw + ((GlobalTextAddrY + n_yi)*1024) + GlobalTextAddrX + n_xi ) >> ( ( TXU & 0x01 ) << 3 ) ) & 0xff));
+ }
+ }
+ DefineTextureWnd();
+ break;
+ }
+ start=((pageid-16*pmult)*128)+256*2048*pmult;
+ // not using a lookup table here... speeds up smaller texture areas
+ cSRCPtr = psxVub + start + (2048*g_y1) + g_x1;
+ LineOffset = 2048 - (g_x2-g_x1+1);
+ for(column=g_y1;column<=g_y2;column++)
+ {
+ for(row=g_x1;row<=g_x2;row++)
+ *ta++=LPTCOL(psxVuw[palstart+ *cSRCPtr++]);
+ cSRCPtr+=LineOffset;
+ }
+ DefineTextureWnd();
+ break;
+ //--------------------------------------------------//
+ // 16bit texture load ..
+ case 2:
+ start=((pageid-16*pmult)*64)+256*1024*pmult;
+ wSRCPtr = psxVuw + start + (1024*g_y1) + g_x1;
+ LineOffset = 1024 - (g_x2-g_x1+1);
+ for(column=g_y1;column<=g_y2;column++)
+ {
+ for(row=g_x1;row<=g_x2;row++)
+ *ta++=LPTCOL(*wSRCPtr++);
+ wSRCPtr+=LineOffset;
+ }
+ DefineTextureWnd();
+ break;
+ //--------------------------------------------------//
+ // others are not possible !
+ }
+// tex window: load simple
+void LoadWndTexturePage(int pageid, int mode, short cx, short cy)
+ unsigned long start,row,column,j,sxh,sxm;
+ unsigned int palstart;
+ unsigned long *px,*pa,*ta;
+ u8 *cSRCPtr;
+ unsigned short *wSRCPtr;
+ unsigned long LineOffset;
+ int pmult=pageid/16;
+ unsigned long (*LTCOL)(unsigned long);
+ LTCOL=TCF[DrawSemiTrans];
+ pa=px=(unsigned long *)ubPaletteBuffer;
+ ta=(unsigned long *)texturepart;
+ palstart=cx+(cy*1024);
+ ubOpaqueDraw=0;
+ switch(mode)
+ {
+ //--------------------------------------------------//
+ // 4bit texture load ..
+ case 0:
+ if(GlobalTextIL)
+ {
+ unsigned int TXV,TXU,n_xi,n_yi;
+ wSRCPtr=psxVuw+palstart;
+ row=4;do
+ {
+ *px =LTCOL(*wSRCPtr);
+ *(px+1)=LTCOL(*(wSRCPtr+1));
+ *(px+2)=LTCOL(*(wSRCPtr+2));
+ *(px+3)=LTCOL(*(wSRCPtr+3));
+ row--;px+=4;wSRCPtr+=4;
+ }
+ while (row);
+ for(TXV=g_y1;TXV<=g_y2;TXV++)
+ {
+ for(TXU=g_x1;TXU<=g_x2;TXU++)
+ {
+ n_xi = ( ( TXU >> 2 ) & ~0x3c ) + ( ( TXV << 2 ) & 0x3c );
+ n_yi = ( TXV & ~0xf ) + ( ( TXU >> 4 ) & 0xf );
+ *ta++=*(pa+((*( psxVuw + ((GlobalTextAddrY + n_yi)*1024) + GlobalTextAddrX + n_xi ) >> ( ( TXU & 0x03 ) << 2 ) ) & 0x0f ));
+ }
+ }
+ DefineTextureWnd();
+ break;
+ }
+ start=((pageid-16*pmult)*128)+256*2048*pmult;
+ // convert CLUT to 32bits .. and then use THAT as a lookup table
+ wSRCPtr=psxVuw+palstart;
+ for(row=0;row<16;row++)
+ *px++=LTCOL(*wSRCPtr++);
+ sxm=g_x1&1;sxh=g_x1>>1;
+ if(sxm) j=g_x1+1; else j=g_x1;
+ cSRCPtr = psxVub + start + (2048*g_y1) + sxh;
+ for(column=g_y1;column<=g_y2;column++)
+ {
+ cSRCPtr = psxVub + start + (2048*column) + sxh;
+ if(sxm) *ta++=*(pa+((*cSRCPtr++ >> 4) & 0xF));
+ for(row=j;row<=g_x2;row++)
+ {
+ *ta++=*(pa+(*cSRCPtr & 0xF)); row++;
+ if(row<=g_x2) *ta++=*(pa+((*cSRCPtr >> 4) & 0xF));
+ cSRCPtr++;
+ }
+ }
+ DefineTextureWnd();
+ break;
+ //--------------------------------------------------//
+ // 8bit texture load ..
+ case 1:
+ if(GlobalTextIL)
+ {
+ unsigned int TXV,TXU,n_xi,n_yi;
+ wSRCPtr=psxVuw+palstart;
+ row=64;do
+ {
+ *px =LTCOL(*wSRCPtr);
+ *(px+1)=LTCOL(*(wSRCPtr+1));
+ *(px+2)=LTCOL(*(wSRCPtr+2));
+ *(px+3)=LTCOL(*(wSRCPtr+3));
+ row--;px+=4;wSRCPtr+=4;
+ }
+ while (row);
+ for(TXV=g_y1;TXV<=g_y2;TXV++)
+ {
+ for(TXU=g_x1;TXU<=g_x2;TXU++)
+ {
+ n_xi = ( ( TXU >> 1 ) & ~0x78 ) + ( ( TXU << 2 ) & 0x40 ) + ( ( TXV << 3 ) & 0x38 );
+ n_yi = ( TXV & ~0x7 ) + ( ( TXU >> 5 ) & 0x7 );
+ *ta++=*(pa+((*( psxVuw + ((GlobalTextAddrY + n_yi)*1024) + GlobalTextAddrX + n_xi ) >> ( ( TXU & 0x01 ) << 3 ) ) & 0xff));
+ }
+ }
+ DefineTextureWnd();
+ break;
+ }
+ start=((pageid-16*pmult)*128)+256*2048*pmult;
+ // not using a lookup table here... speeds up smaller texture areas
+ cSRCPtr = psxVub + start + (2048*g_y1) + g_x1;
+ LineOffset = 2048 - (g_x2-g_x1+1);
+ for(column=g_y1;column<=g_y2;column++)
+ {
+ for(row=g_x1;row<=g_x2;row++)
+ *ta++=LTCOL(psxVuw[palstart+ *cSRCPtr++]);
+ cSRCPtr+=LineOffset;
+ }
+ DefineTextureWnd();
+ break;
+ //--------------------------------------------------//
+ // 16bit texture load ..
+ case 2:
+ start=((pageid-16*pmult)*64)+256*1024*pmult;
+ wSRCPtr = psxVuw + start + (1024*g_y1) + g_x1;
+ LineOffset = 1024 - (g_x2-g_x1+1);
+ for(column=g_y1;column<=g_y2;column++)
+ {
+ for(row=g_x1;row<=g_x2;row++)
+ *ta++=LTCOL(*wSRCPtr++);
+ wSRCPtr+=LineOffset;
+ }
+ DefineTextureWnd();
+ break;
+ //--------------------------------------------------//
+ // others are not possible !
+ }
+void UploadTexWndPal(int mode,short cx,short cy)
+ unsigned int i,iSize;
+ unsigned short * wSrcPtr;
+ unsigned long * ta=(unsigned long *)texturepart;
+ wSrcPtr=psxVuw+cx+(cy*1024);
+ if(mode==0) i=4; else i=64;
+ iSize=i<<2;
+ ubOpaqueDraw=0;
+ do
+ {
+ *ta =PALCOL(*wSrcPtr);
+ *(ta+1)=PALCOL(*(wSrcPtr+1));
+ *(ta+2)=PALCOL(*(wSrcPtr+2));
+ *(ta+3)=PALCOL(*(wSrcPtr+3));
+ ta+=4;wSrcPtr+=4;i--;
+ }
+ while(i);
+/* (*glColorTableEXTEx)(GL_TEXTURE_2D,GL_RGBA8,iSize,
+ GL_RGBA,GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE,texturepart);
+void DefinePalTextureWnd(void)
+ if(gTexName==0)
+ glGenTextures(1, &gTexName);
+ glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, gTexName);
+ glTexParameteri(GL_TEXTURE_2D, GL_TEXTURE_MIN_FILTER, iFilter);
+ glTexParameteri(GL_TEXTURE_2D, GL_TEXTURE_MAG_FILTER, iFilter);
+ }
+ glTexImage2D(GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0,GL_RGBA,
+ TWin.Position.x1,
+ TWin.Position.y1,
+ 0, GL_RGBA, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE,texturepart);
+void LoadPalWndTexturePage(int pageid, int mode, short cx, short cy)
+ unsigned long start,row,column,j,sxh,sxm;
+ u8 *ta;
+ u8 *cSRCPtr;
+ unsigned long LineOffset;
+ int pmult=pageid/16;
+ ta=(u8 *)texturepart;
+ switch(mode)
+ {
+ //--------------------------------------------------//
+ // 4bit texture load ..
+ case 0:
+ start=((pageid-16*pmult)*128)+256*2048*pmult;
+ sxm=g_x1&1;sxh=g_x1>>1;
+ if(sxm) j=g_x1+1; else j=g_x1;
+ cSRCPtr = psxVub + start + (2048*g_y1) + sxh;
+ for(column=g_y1;column<=g_y2;column++)
+ {
+ cSRCPtr = psxVub + start + (2048*column) + sxh;
+ if(sxm) *ta++=((*cSRCPtr++ >> 4) & 0xF);
+ for(row=j;row<=g_x2;row++)
+ {
+ *ta++=(*cSRCPtr & 0xF); row++;
+ if(row<=g_x2) *ta++=((*cSRCPtr >> 4) & 0xF);
+ cSRCPtr++;
+ }
+ }
+ DefinePalTextureWnd();
+ break;
+ //--------------------------------------------------//
+ // 8bit texture load ..
+ case 1:
+ start=((pageid-16*pmult)*128)+256*2048*pmult;
+ // not using a lookup table here... speeds up smaller texture areas
+ cSRCPtr = psxVub + start + (2048*g_y1) + g_x1;
+ LineOffset = 2048 - (g_x2-g_x1+1);
+ for(column=g_y1;column<=g_y2;column++)
+ {
+ for(row=g_x1;row<=g_x2;row++)
+ *ta++=*cSRCPtr++;
+ cSRCPtr+=LineOffset;
+ }
+ DefinePalTextureWnd();
+ break;
+ }
+ UploadTexWndPal(mode,cx,cy);
+void LoadStretchPalWndTexturePage(int pageid, int mode, short cx, short cy)
+ unsigned long start,row,column,j,sxh,sxm,ldx,ldy,ldxo;
+ u8 *ta,s;
+ u8 *cSRCPtr,*cOSRCPtr;
+ unsigned long LineOffset;
+ int pmult=pageid/16;
+ ldxo=TWin.Position.x1-TWin.OPosition.x1;
+ ldy =TWin.Position.y1-TWin.OPosition.y1;
+ ta=(u8 *)texturepart;
+ switch(mode)
+ {
+ //--------------------------------------------------//
+ // 4bit texture load ..
+ case 0:
+ start=((pageid-16*pmult)*128)+256*2048*pmult;
+ sxm=g_x1&1;sxh=g_x1>>1;
+ if(sxm) j=g_x1+1; else j=g_x1;
+ cSRCPtr = psxVub + start + (2048*g_y1) + sxh;
+ for(column=g_y1;column<=g_y2;column++)
+ {
+ cOSRCPtr=cSRCPtr;ldx=ldxo;
+ if(sxm) *ta++=((*cSRCPtr++ >> 4) & 0xF);
+ for(row=j;row<=g_x2-ldxo;row++)
+ {
+ s=(*cSRCPtr & 0xF);
+ *ta++=s;
+ if(ldx) {*ta++=s;ldx--;}
+ row++;
+ if(row<=g_x2-ldxo)
+ {
+ s=((*cSRCPtr >> 4) & 0xF);
+ *ta++=s;
+ if(ldx) {*ta++=s;ldx--;}
+ }
+ cSRCPtr++;
+ }
+ if(ldy && column&1)
+ {ldy--;cSRCPtr = cOSRCPtr;}
+ else cSRCPtr = psxVub + start + (2048*(column+1)) + sxh;
+ }
+ DefinePalTextureWnd();
+ break;
+ //--------------------------------------------------//
+ // 8bit texture load ..
+ case 1:
+ start=((pageid-16*pmult)*128)+256*2048*pmult;
+ cSRCPtr = psxVub + start + (2048*g_y1) + g_x1;
+ LineOffset = 2048 - (g_x2-g_x1+1) +ldxo;
+ for(column=g_y1;column<=g_y2;column++)
+ {
+ cOSRCPtr=cSRCPtr;ldx=ldxo;
+ for(row=g_x1;row<=g_x2-ldxo;row++)
+ {
+ s=*cSRCPtr++;
+ *ta++=s;
+ if(ldx) {*ta++=s;ldx--;}
+ }
+ if(ldy && column&1) {ldy--;cSRCPtr=cOSRCPtr;}
+ else cSRCPtr+=LineOffset;
+ }
+ DefinePalTextureWnd();
+ break;
+ }
+ UploadTexWndPal(mode,cx,cy);
+// tex window: main selecting, cache handler included
+GLuint LoadTextureWnd(long pageid,long TextureMode,unsigned long GivenClutId)
+ textureWndCacheEntry * ts, * tsx=NULL;
+ int i;short cx,cy;
+ EXLong npos;
+ npos.c[3]=TWin.Position.x0;
+ npos.c[2]=TWin.OPosition.x1;
+ npos.c[1]=TWin.Position.y0;
+ npos.c[0]=TWin.OPosition.y1;
+ g_x1=TWin.Position.x0;g_x2=g_x1+TWin.Position.x1-1;
+ g_y1=TWin.Position.y0;g_y2=g_y1+TWin.Position.y1-1;
+ if(TextureMode==2) {GivenClutId=0;cx=cy=0;}
+ else
+ {
+ cx=((GivenClutId << 4) & 0x3F0);cy=((GivenClutId >> 6) & CLUTYMASK);
+ GivenClutId=(GivenClutId&CLUTMASK)|(DrawSemiTrans<<30);
+ // palette check sum
+ {
+ unsigned long l=0,row;
+ unsigned long * lSRCPtr=(unsigned long *)(psxVuw+cx+(cy*1024));
+ if(TextureMode==1) for(row=1;row<129;row++) l+=((*lSRCPtr++)-1)*row;
+ else for(row=1;row<9;row++) l+=((*lSRCPtr++)-1)<<row;
+ l=(l+HIWORD(l))&0x3fffL;
+ GivenClutId|=(l<<16);
+ }
+ }
+ ts=wcWndtexStore;
+ for(i=0;i<iMaxTexWnds;i++,ts++)
+ {
+ if(ts->used)
+ {
+ if(ts->pos.l==npos.l &&
+ ts->pageid==pageid &&
+ ts->textureMode==TextureMode)
+ {
+ if(ts->ClutID==GivenClutId)
+ {
+ ubOpaqueDraw=ts->Opaque;
+ return ts->texname;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else tsx=ts;
+ }
+ if(!tsx)
+ {
+ if(iMaxTexWnds==iTexWndLimit)
+ {
+ tsx=wcWndtexStore+iTexWndTurn;
+ iTexWndTurn++;
+ if(iTexWndTurn==iTexWndLimit) iTexWndTurn=0;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ tsx=wcWndtexStore+iMaxTexWnds;
+ iMaxTexWnds++;
+ }
+ }
+ gTexName=tsx->texname;
+ if(TWin.OPosition.y1==TWin.Position.y1 &&
+ TWin.OPosition.x1==TWin.Position.x1)
+ {
+ LoadWndTexturePage(pageid,TextureMode,cx,cy);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ LoadStretchWndTexturePage(pageid,TextureMode,cx,cy);
+ }
+ tsx->Opaque=ubOpaqueDraw;
+ tsx->pos.l=npos.l;
+ tsx->ClutID=GivenClutId;
+ tsx->pageid=pageid;
+ tsx->textureMode=TextureMode;
+ tsx->texname=gTexName;
+ tsx->used=1;
+ return gTexName;
+// movie texture: define
+void DefinePackedTextureMovie(void)
+ if(gTexMovieName==0)
+ {
+ glGenTextures(1, &gTexMovieName);
+ gTexName=gTexMovieName;
+ glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, gTexName);
+ glTexParameteri(GL_TEXTURE_2D, GL_TEXTURE_WRAP_S, iClampType);
+ glTexParameteri(GL_TEXTURE_2D, GL_TEXTURE_WRAP_T, iClampType);
+ if(!bUseFastMdec)
+ {
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ glTexParameteri(GL_TEXTURE_2D, GL_TEXTURE_MIN_FILTER, iFilter);
+ glTexParameteri(GL_TEXTURE_2D, GL_TEXTURE_MAG_FILTER, iFilter);
+ }
+ glTexImage2D(GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0, //giWantedRGBA,
+ 256, 256, 0, GL_RGBA, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, texturepart);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ gTexName=gTexMovieName;glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, gTexName);
+ }
+ glTexSubImage2D(GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0, 0, 0,
+ (xrMovieArea.x1-xrMovieArea.x0),
+ (xrMovieArea.y1-xrMovieArea.y0),
+ texturepart);
+void DefineTextureMovie(void)
+ if(gTexMovieName==0)
+ {
+ glGenTextures(1, &gTexMovieName);
+ gTexName=gTexMovieName;
+ glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, gTexName);
+ glTexParameteri(GL_TEXTURE_2D, GL_TEXTURE_WRAP_S, iClampType);
+ glTexParameteri(GL_TEXTURE_2D, GL_TEXTURE_WRAP_T, iClampType);
+ if(!bUseFastMdec)
+ {
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ glTexParameteri(GL_TEXTURE_2D, GL_TEXTURE_MIN_FILTER, iFilter);
+ glTexParameteri(GL_TEXTURE_2D, GL_TEXTURE_MAG_FILTER, iFilter);
+ }
+ glTexImage2D(GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0, GL_RGBA, 256, 256, 0, GL_RGBA, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, texturepart);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ gTexName=gTexMovieName;glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, gTexName);
+ }
+ glTexSubImage2D(GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0, 0, 0,
+ (xrMovieArea.x1-xrMovieArea.x0),
+ (xrMovieArea.y1-xrMovieArea.y0),
+ GL_RGBA, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, texturepart);
+// movie texture: load
+#define MRED(x) ((x>>3) & 0x1f)
+#define MGREEN(x) ((x>>6) & 0x3e0)
+#define MBLUE(x) ((x>>9) & 0x7c00)
+#define XMGREEN(x) ((x>>5) & 0x07c0)
+#define XMRED(x) ((x<<8) & 0xf800)
+#define XMBLUE(x) ((x>>18) & 0x003e)
+// movie texture: load
+u8 * LoadDirectMovieFast(void)
+ long row,column;
+ unsigned int startxy;
+ unsigned long * ta=(unsigned long *)texturepart;
+ if(PSXDisplay.RGB24)
+ {
+ u8 * pD;
+ startxy=((1024)*xrMovieArea.y0)+xrMovieArea.x0;
+ for(column=xrMovieArea.y0;column<xrMovieArea.y1;column++,startxy+=1024)
+ {
+ pD=(u8 *)&psxVuw[startxy];
+ for(row=xrMovieArea.x0;row<xrMovieArea.x1;row++)
+ {
+ *ta++=*((unsigned long *)pD)|0xff000000;
+ pD+=3;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ unsigned long (*LTCOL)(unsigned long);
+ ubOpaqueDraw=0;
+ for(column=xrMovieArea.y0;column<xrMovieArea.y1;column++)
+ {
+ startxy=((1024)*column)+xrMovieArea.x0;
+ for(row=xrMovieArea.x0;row<xrMovieArea.x1;row++)
+ *ta++=LTCOL(psxVuw[startxy++]|0x8000);
+ }
+ }
+ return texturepart;
+GLuint LoadTextureMovieFast(void)
+ long row,column;
+ unsigned int start,startxy;
+ if(PSXDisplay.RGB24)
+ {
+ u8 * pD;
+ unsigned long * ta=(unsigned long *)texturepart;
+ startxy=((1024)*xrMovieArea.y0)+xrMovieArea.x0;
+ for(column=xrMovieArea.y0;column<xrMovieArea.y1;column++,startxy+=1024)
+ {
+ //startxy=((1024)*column)+xrMovieArea.x0;
+ pD=(u8 *)&psxVuw[startxy];
+ for(row=xrMovieArea.x0;row<xrMovieArea.x1;row++)
+ {
+ *ta++=*((unsigned long *)pD)|0xff000000;
+ pD+=3;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ unsigned long (*LTCOL)(unsigned long);
+ unsigned long *ta;
+ ubOpaqueDraw=0;
+ ta=(unsigned long *)texturepart;
+ for(column=xrMovieArea.y0;column<xrMovieArea.y1;column++)
+ {
+ startxy=((1024)*column)+xrMovieArea.x0;
+ for(row=xrMovieArea.x0;row<xrMovieArea.x1;row++)
+ *ta++=LTCOL(psxVuw[startxy++]|0x8000);
+ }
+ }
+ DefineTextureMovie();
+ }
+ return gTexName;
+GLuint LoadTextureMovie(void)
+ short row,column,dx;
+ unsigned int startxy;
+ BOOL b_X,b_Y;
+ if(bUseFastMdec) return LoadTextureMovieFast();
+ if((xrMovieArea.x1-xrMovieArea.x0)<255) b_X=TRUE;
+ if((xrMovieArea.y1-xrMovieArea.y0)<255) b_Y=TRUE;
+ if(PSXDisplay.RGB24)
+ {
+ u8 * pD;
+ unsigned long * ta=(unsigned long *)texturepart;
+ if(b_X)
+ {
+ for(column=xrMovieArea.y0;column<xrMovieArea.y1;column++)
+ {
+ startxy=((1024)*column)+xrMovieArea.x0;
+ pD=(u8 *)&psxVuw[startxy];
+ for(row=xrMovieArea.x0;row<xrMovieArea.x1;row++)
+ {
+ *ta++=*((unsigned long *)pD)|0xff000000;
+ pD+=3;
+ }
+ *ta++=*(ta-1);
+ }
+ if(b_Y)
+ {
+ dx=xrMovieArea.x1-xrMovieArea.x0+1;
+ for(row=xrMovieArea.x0;row<xrMovieArea.x1;row++)
+ *ta++=*(ta-dx);
+ *ta++=*(ta-1);
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ for(column=xrMovieArea.y0;column<xrMovieArea.y1;column++)
+ {
+ startxy=((1024)*column)+xrMovieArea.x0;
+ pD=(u8 *)&psxVuw[startxy];
+ for(row=xrMovieArea.x0;row<xrMovieArea.x1;row++)
+ {
+ *ta++=*((unsigned long *)pD)|0xff000000;
+ pD+=3;
+ }
+ }
+ if(b_Y)
+ {
+ dx=xrMovieArea.x1-xrMovieArea.x0;
+ for(row=xrMovieArea.x0;row<xrMovieArea.x1;row++)
+ *ta++=*(ta-dx);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ unsigned long (*LTCOL)(unsigned long);
+ unsigned long *ta;
+ ubOpaqueDraw=0;
+ ta=(unsigned long *)texturepart;
+ if(b_X)
+ {
+ for(column=xrMovieArea.y0;column<xrMovieArea.y1;column++)
+ {
+ startxy=((1024)*column)+xrMovieArea.x0;
+ for(row=xrMovieArea.x0;row<xrMovieArea.x1;row++)
+ *ta++=LTCOL(psxVuw[startxy++]|0x8000);
+ *ta++=*(ta-1);
+ }
+ if(b_Y)
+ {
+ dx=xrMovieArea.x1-xrMovieArea.x0+1;
+ for(row=xrMovieArea.x0;row<xrMovieArea.x1;row++)
+ *ta++=*(ta-dx);
+ *ta++=*(ta-1);
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ for(column=xrMovieArea.y0;column<xrMovieArea.y1;column++)
+ {
+ startxy=((1024)*column)+xrMovieArea.x0;
+ for(row=xrMovieArea.x0;row<xrMovieArea.x1;row++)
+ *ta++=LTCOL(psxVuw[startxy++]|0x8000);
+ }
+ if(b_Y)
+ {
+ dx=xrMovieArea.x1-xrMovieArea.x0;
+ for(row=xrMovieArea.x0;row<xrMovieArea.x1;row++)
+ *ta++=*(ta-dx);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ xrMovieArea.x1+=b_X;xrMovieArea.y1+=b_Y;
+ DefineTextureMovie();
+ xrMovieArea.x1-=b_X;xrMovieArea.y1-=b_Y;
+ }
+ return gTexName;
+GLuint BlackFake15BitTexture(void)
+ long pmult;short x1,x2,y1,y2;
+ if(PSXDisplay.InterlacedTest) return 0;
+ pmult=GlobalTexturePage/16;
+ x1=gl_ux[7];
+ x2=gl_ux[6]-gl_ux[7];
+ y1=gl_ux[5];
+ y2=gl_ux[4]-gl_ux[5];
+ if(iSpriteTex)
+ {
+ if(x2<255) x2++;
+ if(y2<255) y2++;
+ }
+ y1+=pmult*256;
+ x1+=((GlobalTexturePage-16*pmult)<<6);
+ if( FastCheckAgainstFrontScreen(x1,y1,x2,y2)
+ || FastCheckAgainstScreen(x1,y1,x2,y2))
+ {
+ if(!gTexFrameName)
+ {
+ glGenTextures(1, &gTexFrameName);
+ gTexName=gTexFrameName;
+ glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, gTexName);
+ glTexParameteri(GL_TEXTURE_2D, GL_TEXTURE_WRAP_S, iClampType);
+ glTexParameteri(GL_TEXTURE_2D, GL_TEXTURE_WRAP_T, iClampType);
+ glTexParameteri(GL_TEXTURE_2D, GL_TEXTURE_MIN_FILTER, iFilter);
+ glTexParameteri(GL_TEXTURE_2D, GL_TEXTURE_MAG_FILTER, iFilter);
+ {
+ unsigned long * ta=(unsigned long *)texturepart;
+ for(y1=0;y1<=4;y1++)
+ for(x1=0;x1<=4;x1++)
+ *ta++=0xff000000;
+ }
+ glTexImage2D(GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0, GL_RGBA, 4, 4, 0, GL_RGBA, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, texturepart);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ gTexName=gTexFrameName;
+ glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, gTexName);
+ }
+ ubOpaqueDraw=0;
+ return (GLuint)gTexName;
+ }
+ return 0;
+BOOL bFakeFrontBuffer=FALSE;
+BOOL bIgnoreNextTile =FALSE;
+int iFTex=512;
+GLuint Fake15BitTexture(void)
+ long pmult;short x1,x2,y1,y2;int iYAdjust;
+ float ScaleX,ScaleY;RECT rSrc;
+ if(iFrameTexType==1) return BlackFake15BitTexture();
+ if(PSXDisplay.InterlacedTest) return 0;
+ pmult=GlobalTexturePage/16;
+ x1=gl_ux[7];
+ x2=gl_ux[6]-gl_ux[7];
+ y1=gl_ux[5];
+ y2=gl_ux[4]-gl_ux[5];
+ y1+=pmult*256;
+ x1+=((GlobalTexturePage-16*pmult)<<6);
+ if(iFrameTexType==3)
+ {
+ if(iFrameReadType==4) return 0;
+ if(!FastCheckAgainstFrontScreen(x1,y1,x2,y2) &&
+ !FastCheckAgainstScreen(x1,y1,x2,y2))
+ return 0;
+ if(bFakeFrontBuffer) bIgnoreNextTile=TRUE;
+ CheckVRamReadEx(x1,y1,x1+x2,y1+y2);
+ return 0;
+ }
+ /////////////////////////
+ if(FastCheckAgainstFrontScreen(x1,y1,x2,y2))
+ {
+ x1-=PSXDisplay.DisplayPosition.x;
+ y1-=PSXDisplay.DisplayPosition.y;
+ }
+ else
+ if(FastCheckAgainstScreen(x1,y1,x2,y2))
+ {
+ x1-=PreviousPSXDisplay.DisplayPosition.x;
+ y1-=PreviousPSXDisplay.DisplayPosition.y;
+ }
+ else return 0;
+ bDrawMultiPass = FALSE;
+ if(!gTexFrameName)
+ {
+ s8 * p;
+ if(iResX>1280 || iResY>1024) iFTex=2048;
+ else
+ if(iResX>640 || iResY>480) iFTex=1024;
+ else iFTex=512;
+ glGenTextures(1, &gTexFrameName);
+ gTexName=gTexFrameName;
+ glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, gTexName);
+ glTexParameteri(GL_TEXTURE_2D, GL_TEXTURE_WRAP_S, iClampType);
+ glTexParameteri(GL_TEXTURE_2D, GL_TEXTURE_WRAP_T, iClampType);
+ glTexParameteri(GL_TEXTURE_2D, GL_TEXTURE_MIN_FILTER, iFilter);
+ glTexParameteri(GL_TEXTURE_2D, GL_TEXTURE_MAG_FILTER, iFilter);
+ p=(s8 *)malloc(iFTex*iFTex*4);
+ memset(p,0,iFTex*iFTex*4);
+ glTexImage2D(GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0, GL_RGBA, iFTex, iFTex, 0, GL_RGBA, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, p);
+ free(p);
+ glGetError();
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ gTexName=gTexFrameName;
+ glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, gTexName);
+ }
+ x1+=PreviousPSXDisplay.Range.x0;
+ y1+=PreviousPSXDisplay.Range.y0;
+ if(PSXDisplay.DisplayMode.x)
+ ScaleX=(float)rRatioRect.right/(float)PSXDisplay.DisplayMode.x;
+ else ScaleX=1.0f;
+ if(PSXDisplay.DisplayMode.y)
+ ScaleY=(float)rRatioRect.bottom/(float)PSXDisplay.DisplayMode.y;
+ else ScaleY=1.0f;
+ rSrc.left =max(x1*ScaleX,0);
+ rSrc.right =min((x1+x2)*ScaleX+0.99f,iResX-1);
+ rSrc.top =max(y1*ScaleY,0);
+ rSrc.bottom=min((y1+y2)*ScaleY+0.99f,iResY-1);
+ iYAdjust=(y1+y2)-PSXDisplay.DisplayMode.y;
+ if(iYAdjust>0)
+ iYAdjust=(int)((float)iYAdjust*ScaleY)+1;
+ else iYAdjust=0;
+ gl_vy[0]=255-gl_vy[0];
+ gl_vy[1]=255-gl_vy[1];
+ gl_vy[2]=255-gl_vy[2];
+ gl_vy[3]=255-gl_vy[3];
+ y1=min(gl_vy[0],min(gl_vy[1],min(gl_vy[2],gl_vy[3])));
+ gl_vy[0]-=y1;
+ gl_vy[1]-=y1;
+ gl_vy[2]-=y1;
+ gl_vy[3]-=y1;
+ gl_ux[0]-=gl_ux[7];
+ gl_ux[1]-=gl_ux[7];
+ gl_ux[2]-=gl_ux[7];
+ gl_ux[3]-=gl_ux[7];
+ ScaleX*=256.0f/((float)(iFTex));
+ ScaleY*=256.0f/((float)(iFTex));
+ y1=((float)gl_vy[0]*ScaleY); if(y1>255) y1=255;
+ gl_vy[0]=y1;
+ y1=((float)gl_vy[1]*ScaleY); if(y1>255) y1=255;
+ gl_vy[1]=y1;
+ y1=((float)gl_vy[2]*ScaleY); if(y1>255) y1=255;
+ gl_vy[2]=y1;
+ y1=((float)gl_vy[3]*ScaleY); if(y1>255) y1=255;
+ gl_vy[3]=y1;
+ x1=((float)gl_ux[0]*ScaleX); if(x1>255) x1=255;
+ gl_ux[0]=x1;
+ x1=((float)gl_ux[1]*ScaleX); if(x1>255) x1=255;
+ gl_ux[1]=x1;
+ x1=((float)gl_ux[2]*ScaleX); if(x1>255) x1=255;
+ gl_ux[2]=x1;
+ x1=((float)gl_ux[3]*ScaleX); if(x1>255) x1=255;
+ gl_ux[3]=x1;
+ x1=rSrc.right-rSrc.left;
+ if(x1<=0) x1=1;
+ if(x1>iFTex) x1=iFTex;
+ y1=rSrc.bottom-rSrc.top;
+ if(y1<=0) y1=1;
+ if(y1+iYAdjust>iFTex) y1=iFTex-iYAdjust;
+ glCopyTexSubImage2D( GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0,
+ 0,
+ iYAdjust,
+ rSrc.left+rRatioRect.left,
+ iResY-rSrc.bottom-rRatioRect.top,
+ x1,y1);
+ if(glGetError())
+ {
+ s8 * p=(s8 *)malloc(iFTex*iFTex*4);
+ memset(p,0,iFTex*iFTex*4);
+ glTexSubImage2D(GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0, 0, 0, iFTex, iFTex,
+ free(p);
+ }
+ ubOpaqueDraw=0;
+ if(iSpriteTex)
+ {
+ sprtW=gl_ux[1]-gl_ux[0];
+ sprtH=-(gl_vy[0]-gl_vy[2]);
+ }
+ return (GLuint)gTexName;
+// load texture part (unpacked)
+void LoadSubTexturePageSort(int pageid, int mode, short cx, short cy)
+ unsigned long start,row,column,j,sxh,sxm;
+ unsigned int palstart;
+ unsigned long *px,*pa,*ta;
+ u8 *cSRCPtr;
+ unsigned short *wSRCPtr;
+ unsigned long LineOffset;
+ unsigned long x2a,xalign=0;
+ unsigned long x1=gl_ux[7];
+ unsigned long x2=gl_ux[6];
+ unsigned long y1=gl_ux[5];
+ unsigned long y2=gl_ux[4];
+ unsigned long dx=x2-x1+1;
+ unsigned long dy=y2-y1+1;
+ int pmult=pageid/16;
+ unsigned long (*LTCOL)(unsigned long);
+ unsigned int a,r,g,b,cnt,h;
+ unsigned long scol[8];
+ LTCOL=TCF[DrawSemiTrans];
+ pa=px=(unsigned long *)ubPaletteBuffer;
+ ta=(unsigned long *)texturepart;
+ palstart=cx+(cy<<10);
+ ubOpaqueDraw=0;
+ if(YTexS) {ta+=dx;if(XTexS) ta+=2;}
+ if(XTexS) {ta+=1;xalign=2;}
+ switch(mode)
+ {
+ //--------------------------------------------------//
+ // 4bit texture load ..
+ case 0:
+ if(GlobalTextIL)
+ {
+ unsigned int TXV,TXU,n_xi,n_yi;
+ wSRCPtr=psxVuw+palstart;
+ row=4;do
+ {
+ *px =LTCOL(*wSRCPtr);
+ *(px+1)=LTCOL(*(wSRCPtr+1));
+ *(px+2)=LTCOL(*(wSRCPtr+2));
+ *(px+3)=LTCOL(*(wSRCPtr+3));
+ row--;px+=4;wSRCPtr+=4;
+ }
+ while (row);
+ for(TXV=y1;TXV<=y2;TXV++)
+ {
+ for(TXU=x1;TXU<=x2;TXU++)
+ {
+ n_xi = ( ( TXU >> 2 ) & ~0x3c ) + ( ( TXV << 2 ) & 0x3c );
+ n_yi = ( TXV & ~0xf ) + ( ( TXU >> 4 ) & 0xf );
+ *ta++=*(pa+((*( psxVuw + ((GlobalTextAddrY + n_yi)*1024) + GlobalTextAddrX + n_xi ) >> ( ( TXU & 0x03 ) << 2 ) ) & 0x0f ));
+ }
+ ta+=xalign;
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ start=((pageid-16*pmult)<<7)+524288*pmult;
+ // convert CLUT to 32bits .. and then use THAT as a lookup table
+ wSRCPtr=psxVuw+palstart;
+ row=4;do
+ {
+ *px =LTCOL(*wSRCPtr);
+ *(px+1)=LTCOL(*(wSRCPtr+1));
+ *(px+2)=LTCOL(*(wSRCPtr+2));
+ *(px+3)=LTCOL(*(wSRCPtr+3));
+ row--;px+=4;wSRCPtr+=4;
+ }
+ while (row);
+ x2a=x2?(x2-1):0;//if(x2) x2a=x2-1; else x2a=0;
+ sxm=x1&1;sxh=x1>>1;
+ j=sxm?(x1+1):x1;//if(sxm) j=x1+1; else j=x1;
+ for(column=y1;column<=y2;column++)
+ {
+ cSRCPtr = psxVub + start + (column<<11) + sxh;
+ if(sxm) *ta++=*(pa+((*cSRCPtr++ >> 4) & 0xF));
+ for(row=j;row<x2a;row+=2)
+ {
+ *ta =*(pa+(*cSRCPtr & 0xF));
+ *(ta+1)=*(pa+((*cSRCPtr >> 4) & 0xF));
+ cSRCPtr++;ta+=2;
+ }
+ if(row<=x2)
+ {
+ *ta++=*(pa+(*cSRCPtr & 0xF)); row++;
+ if(row<=x2) *ta++=*(pa+((*cSRCPtr >> 4) & 0xF));
+ }
+ ta+=xalign;
+ }
+ break;
+ //--------------------------------------------------//
+ // 8bit texture load ..
+ case 1:
+ if(GlobalTextIL)
+ {
+ unsigned int TXV,TXU,n_xi,n_yi;
+ wSRCPtr=psxVuw+palstart;
+ row=64;do
+ {
+ *px =LTCOL(*wSRCPtr);
+ *(px+1)=LTCOL(*(wSRCPtr+1));
+ *(px+2)=LTCOL(*(wSRCPtr+2));
+ *(px+3)=LTCOL(*(wSRCPtr+3));
+ row--;px+=4;wSRCPtr+=4;
+ }
+ while (row);
+ for(TXV=y1;TXV<=y2;TXV++)
+ {
+ for(TXU=x1;TXU<=x2;TXU++)
+ {
+ n_xi = ( ( TXU >> 1 ) & ~0x78 ) + ( ( TXU << 2 ) & 0x40 ) + ( ( TXV << 3 ) & 0x38 );
+ n_yi = ( TXV & ~0x7 ) + ( ( TXU >> 5 ) & 0x7 );
+ *ta++=*(pa+((*( psxVuw + ((GlobalTextAddrY + n_yi)*1024) + GlobalTextAddrX + n_xi ) >> ( ( TXU & 0x01 ) << 3 ) ) & 0xff));
+ }
+ ta+=xalign;
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ start=((pageid-16*pmult)<<7)+524288*pmult;
+ cSRCPtr = psxVub + start + (y1<<11) + x1;
+ LineOffset = 2048 - dx;
+ if(dy*dx>384)
+ {
+ wSRCPtr=psxVuw+palstart;
+ row=64;do
+ {
+ *px =LTCOL(*wSRCPtr);
+ *(px+1)=LTCOL(*(wSRCPtr+1));
+ *(px+2)=LTCOL(*(wSRCPtr+2));
+ *(px+3)=LTCOL(*(wSRCPtr+3));
+ row--;px+=4;wSRCPtr+=4;
+ }
+ while (row);
+ column=dy;do
+ {
+ row=dx;
+ do {*ta++=*(pa+(*cSRCPtr++));row--;} while(row);
+ ta+=xalign;
+ cSRCPtr+=LineOffset;column--;
+ }
+ while(column);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ wSRCPtr=psxVuw+palstart;
+ column=dy;do
+ {
+ row=dx;
+ do {*ta++=LTCOL(*(wSRCPtr+*cSRCPtr++));row--;} while(row);
+ ta+=xalign;
+ cSRCPtr+=LineOffset;column--;
+ }
+ while(column);
+ }
+ break;
+ //--------------------------------------------------//
+ // 16bit texture load ..
+ case 2:
+ start=((pageid-16*pmult)<<6)+262144*pmult;
+ wSRCPtr = psxVuw + start + (y1<<10) + x1;
+ LineOffset = 1024 - dx;
+ column=dy;do
+ {
+ row=dx;
+ do {*ta++=LTCOL(*wSRCPtr++);row--;} while(row);
+ ta+=xalign;
+ wSRCPtr+=LineOffset;column--;
+ }
+ while(column);
+ break;
+ //--------------------------------------------------//
+ // others are not possible !
+ }
+ x2a=dx+xalign;
+ if(YTexS)
+ {
+ ta=(unsigned long *)texturepart;
+ pa=(unsigned long *)texturepart+x2a;
+ row=x2a;do {*ta++=*pa++;row--;} while(row);
+ pa=(unsigned long *)texturepart+dy*x2a;
+ ta=pa+x2a;
+ row=x2a;do {*ta++=*pa++;row--;} while(row);
+ YTexS--;
+ dy+=2;
+ }
+ if(XTexS)
+ {
+ ta=(unsigned long *)texturepart;
+ pa=ta+1;
+ row=dy;do {*ta=*pa;ta+=x2a;pa+=x2a;row--;} while(row);
+ pa=(unsigned long *)texturepart+dx;
+ ta=pa+1;
+ row=dy;do {*ta=*pa;ta+=x2a;pa+=x2a;row--;} while(row);
+ XTexS--;
+ dx+=2;
+ }
+ DXTexS=dx;DYTexS=dy;
+ if(!iFilterType) {DefineSubTextureSort();return;}
+ if(iFilterType!=2 && iFilterType!=4 && iFilterType!=6) {DefineSubTextureSort();return;}
+ if((iFilterType==4 || iFilterType==6) && ly0==ly1 && ly2==ly3 && lx0==lx3 && lx1==lx2)
+ {DefineSubTextureSort();return;}
+ ta=(unsigned long *)texturepart;
+ x1=dx-1;
+ y1=dy-1;
+ if(bOpaquePass)
+ {
+ for(column=0;column<dy;column++)
+ {
+ for(row=0;row<dx;row++)
+ {
+ if(*ta==0x50000000)
+ {
+ cnt=0;
+ if( column && *(ta-dx) !=0x50000000 && *(ta-dx)>>24!=1) scol[cnt++]=*(ta-dx);
+ if(row && *(ta-1) !=0x50000000 && *(ta-1)>>24!=1) scol[cnt++]=*(ta-1);
+ if(row!=x1 && *(ta+1) !=0x50000000 && *(ta+1)>>24!=1) scol[cnt++]=*(ta+1);
+ if( column!=y1 && *(ta+dx) !=0x50000000 && *(ta+dx)>>24!=1) scol[cnt++]=*(ta+dx);
+ if(row && column && *(ta-dx-1)!=0x50000000 && *(ta-dx-1)>>24!=1) scol[cnt++]=*(ta-dx-1);
+ if(row!=x1 && column && *(ta-dx+1)!=0x50000000 && *(ta-dx+1)>>24!=1) scol[cnt++]=*(ta-dx+1);
+ if(row && column!=y1 && *(ta+dx-1)!=0x50000000 && *(ta+dx-1)>>24!=1) scol[cnt++]=*(ta+dx-1);
+ if(row!=x1 && column!=y1 && *(ta+dx+1)!=0x50000000 && *(ta+dx+1)>>24!=1) scol[cnt++]=*(ta+dx+1);
+ if(cnt)
+ {
+ r=g=b=a=0;
+ for(h=0;h<cnt;h++)
+ {
+ a+=(scol[h]>>24);
+ r+=(scol[h]>>16)&0xff;
+ g+=(scol[h]>>8)&0xff;
+ b+=scol[h]&0xff;
+ }
+ r/=cnt;b/=cnt;g/=cnt;
+ *ta=(r<<16)|(g<<8)|b;
+ if(a) *ta|=0x50000000;
+ else *ta|=0x01000000;
+ }
+ }
+ ta++;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ for(column=0;column<dy;column++)
+ {
+ for(row=0;row<dx;row++)
+ {
+ if(*ta==0x00000000)
+ {
+ cnt=0;
+ if(row!=x1 && *(ta+1) !=0x00000000) scol[cnt++]=*(ta+1);
+ if( column!=y1 && *(ta+dx) !=0x00000000) scol[cnt++]=*(ta+dx);
+ if(cnt)
+ {
+ r=g=b=0;
+ for(h=0;h<cnt;h++)
+ {
+ r+=(scol[h]>>16)&0xff;
+ g+=(scol[h]>>8)&0xff;
+ b+=scol[h]&0xff;
+ }
+ r/=cnt;b/=cnt;g/=cnt;
+ *ta=(r<<16)|(g<<8)|b;
+ }
+ }
+ ta++;
+ }
+ }
+ DefineSubTextureSort();
+// load texture part (packed)
+void LoadPackedSubTexturePageSort(int pageid, int mode, short cx, short cy)
+ unsigned long start,row,column,j,sxh,sxm;
+ unsigned int palstart;
+ unsigned short *px,*pa,*ta;
+ u8 *cSRCPtr;
+ unsigned short *wSRCPtr;
+ unsigned long LineOffset;
+ unsigned long x2a,xalign=0;
+ unsigned long x1=gl_ux[7];
+ unsigned long x2=gl_ux[6];
+ unsigned long y1=gl_ux[5];
+ unsigned long y2=gl_ux[4];
+ unsigned long dx=x2-x1+1;
+ unsigned long dy=y2-y1+1;
+ int pmult=pageid/16;
+ unsigned short (*LPTCOL)(unsigned short);
+ unsigned int a,r,g,b,cnt,h;
+ unsigned short scol[8];
+ LPTCOL=PTCF[DrawSemiTrans];
+ pa=px=(unsigned short *)ubPaletteBuffer;
+ ta=(unsigned short *)texturepart;
+ palstart=cx+(cy<<10);
+ ubOpaqueDraw=0;
+ if(YTexS) {ta+=dx;if(XTexS) ta+=2;}
+ if(XTexS) {ta+=1;xalign=2;}
+ switch(mode)
+ {
+ //--------------------------------------------------//
+ // 4bit texture load ..
+ case 0:
+ if(GlobalTextIL)
+ {
+ unsigned int TXV,TXU,n_xi,n_yi;
+ wSRCPtr=psxVuw+palstart;
+ row=4;do
+ {
+ *px =LPTCOL(*wSRCPtr);
+ *(px+1)=LPTCOL(*(wSRCPtr+1));
+ *(px+2)=LPTCOL(*(wSRCPtr+2));
+ *(px+3)=LPTCOL(*(wSRCPtr+3));
+ row--;px+=4;wSRCPtr+=4;
+ }
+ while (row);
+ for(TXV=y1;TXV<=y2;TXV++)
+ {
+ for(TXU=x1;TXU<=x2;TXU++)
+ {
+ n_xi = ( ( TXU >> 2 ) & ~0x3c ) + ( ( TXV << 2 ) & 0x3c );
+ n_yi = ( TXV & ~0xf ) + ( ( TXU >> 4 ) & 0xf );
+ *ta++=*(pa+((*( psxVuw + ((GlobalTextAddrY + n_yi)*1024) + GlobalTextAddrX + n_xi ) >> ( ( TXU & 0x03 ) << 2 ) ) & 0x0f ));
+ }
+ ta+=xalign;
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ start=((pageid-16*pmult)<<7)+524288*pmult;
+ wSRCPtr=psxVuw+palstart;
+ row=4;do
+ {
+ *px =LPTCOL(*wSRCPtr);
+ *(px+1)=LPTCOL(*(wSRCPtr+1));
+ *(px+2)=LPTCOL(*(wSRCPtr+2));
+ *(px+3)=LPTCOL(*(wSRCPtr+3));
+ row--;px+=4;wSRCPtr+=4;
+ }
+ while (row);
+ x2a=x2?(x2-1):0;//if(x2) x2a=x2-1; else x2a=0;
+ sxm=x1&1;sxh=x1>>1;
+ j=sxm?(x1+1):x1;//if(sxm) j=x1+1; else j=x1;
+ for(column=y1;column<=y2;column++)
+ {
+ cSRCPtr = psxVub + start + (column<<11) + sxh;
+ if(sxm) *ta++=*(pa+((*cSRCPtr++ >> 4) & 0xF));
+ for(row=j;row<x2a;row+=2)
+ {
+ *ta =*(pa+(*cSRCPtr & 0xF));
+ *(ta+1)=*(pa+((*cSRCPtr >> 4) & 0xF));
+ cSRCPtr++;ta+=2;
+ }
+ if(row<=x2)
+ {
+ *ta++=*(pa+(*cSRCPtr & 0xF));row++;
+ if(row<=x2) *ta++=*(pa+((*cSRCPtr >> 4) & 0xF));
+ }
+ ta+=xalign;
+ }
+ break;
+ //--------------------------------------------------//
+ // 8bit texture load ..
+ case 1:
+ if(GlobalTextIL)
+ {
+ unsigned int TXV,TXU,n_xi,n_yi;
+ wSRCPtr=psxVuw+palstart;
+ row=64;do
+ {
+ *px =LPTCOL(*wSRCPtr);
+ *(px+1)=LPTCOL(*(wSRCPtr+1));
+ *(px+2)=LPTCOL(*(wSRCPtr+2));
+ *(px+3)=LPTCOL(*(wSRCPtr+3));
+ row--;px+=4;wSRCPtr+=4;
+ }
+ while (row);
+ for(TXV=y1;TXV<=y2;TXV++)
+ {
+ for(TXU=x1;TXU<=x2;TXU++)
+ {
+ n_xi = ( ( TXU >> 1 ) & ~0x78 ) + ( ( TXU << 2 ) & 0x40 ) + ( ( TXV << 3 ) & 0x38 );
+ n_yi = ( TXV & ~0x7 ) + ( ( TXU >> 5 ) & 0x7 );
+ *ta++=*(pa+((*( psxVuw + ((GlobalTextAddrY + n_yi)*1024) + GlobalTextAddrX + n_xi ) >> ( ( TXU & 0x01 ) << 3 ) ) & 0xff));
+ }
+ ta+=xalign;
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ start=((pageid-16*pmult)<<7)+524288*pmult;
+ cSRCPtr = psxVub + start + (y1<<11) + x1;
+ LineOffset = 2048 - dx;
+ if(dy*dx>384) // more pix? use lut
+ {
+ wSRCPtr=psxVuw+palstart;
+ row=64;do
+ {
+ *px =LPTCOL(*wSRCPtr);
+ *(px+1)=LPTCOL(*(wSRCPtr+1));
+ *(px+2)=LPTCOL(*(wSRCPtr+2));
+ *(px+3)=LPTCOL(*(wSRCPtr+3));
+ row--;px+=4;wSRCPtr+=4;
+ }
+ while (row);
+ column=dy;do
+ {
+ row=dx;
+ do {*ta++=*(pa+(*cSRCPtr++));row--;} while(row);
+ ta+=xalign;
+ cSRCPtr+=LineOffset;column--;
+ }
+ while(column);
+ }
+ else // small area? no lut
+ {
+ wSRCPtr=psxVuw+palstart;
+ column=dy;do
+ {
+ row=dx;
+ do {*ta++=LPTCOL(*(wSRCPtr+*cSRCPtr++));row--;} while(row);
+ ta+=xalign;
+ cSRCPtr+=LineOffset;column--;
+ }
+ while(column);
+ }
+ break;
+ //--------------------------------------------------//
+ // 16bit texture load ..
+ case 2:
+ start=((pageid-16*pmult)<<6)+262144*pmult;
+ wSRCPtr = psxVuw + start + (y1<<10) + x1;
+ LineOffset = 1024 - dx;
+ column=dy;do
+ {
+ row=dx;
+ do {*ta++=LPTCOL(*wSRCPtr++);row--;} while(row);
+ ta+=xalign;
+ wSRCPtr+=LineOffset;column--;
+ }
+ while(column);
+ break;
+ //--------------------------------------------------//
+ // others are not possible !
+ }
+ ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ x2a=dx+xalign;
+ if(YTexS)
+ {
+ ta=(unsigned short *)texturepart;
+ pa=(unsigned short *)texturepart+x2a;
+ row=x2a;do {*ta++=*pa++;row--;} while(row);
+ pa=(unsigned short *)texturepart+dy*x2a;
+ ta=pa+x2a;
+ row=x2a;do {*ta++=*pa++;row--;} while(row);
+ YTexS--;
+ dy+=2;
+ }
+ if(XTexS)
+ {
+ ta=(unsigned short *)texturepart;
+ pa=ta+1;
+ row=dy;do {*ta=*pa;ta+=x2a;pa+=x2a;row--;} while(row);
+ pa=(unsigned short *)texturepart+dx;
+ ta=pa+1;
+ row=dy;do {*ta=*pa;ta+=x2a;pa+=x2a;row--;} while(row);
+ XTexS--;
+ dx+=2;
+ }
+ DXTexS=dx;DYTexS=dy;
+ if(!iFilterType) {DefineSubTextureSort();return;}
+ if(iFilterType!=2 && iFilterType!=4 && iFilterType!=6) {DefineSubTextureSort();return;}
+ if((iFilterType==4 || iFilterType==6) && ly0==ly1 && ly2==ly3 && lx0==lx3 && lx1==lx2)
+ {DefineSubTextureSort();return;}
+ ta=(unsigned short *)texturepart;
+ x1=dx-1;
+ y1=dy-1;
+ for(column=0;column<dy;column++)
+ {
+ for(row=0;row<dx;row++)
+ {
+ if(*ta==0)
+ {
+ cnt=0;
+ if( column && *(ta-dx) &1) scol[cnt++]=*(ta-dx);
+ if(row && *(ta-1) &1) scol[cnt++]=*(ta-1);
+ if(row!=x1 && *(ta+1) &1) scol[cnt++]=*(ta+1);
+ if( column!=y1 && *(ta+dx) &1) scol[cnt++]=*(ta+dx);
+ if(row && column && *(ta-dx-1)&1) scol[cnt++]=*(ta-dx-1);
+ if(row!=x1 && column && *(ta-dx+1)&1) scol[cnt++]=*(ta-dx+1);
+ if(row && column!=y1 && *(ta+dx-1)&1) scol[cnt++]=*(ta+dx-1);
+ if(row!=x1 && column!=y1 && *(ta+dx+1)&1) scol[cnt++]=*(ta+dx+1);
+ if(cnt)
+ {
+ r=g=b=0;
+ for(h=0;h<cnt;h++)
+ {
+ r+=scol[h]>>11;
+ g+=(scol[h]>>6)&0x1f;
+ b+=(scol[h]>>1)&0x1f;
+ }
+ r/=cnt;b/=cnt;g/=cnt;
+ *ta=(r<<11)|(g<<6)|(b<<1);
+ }
+ }
+ ta++;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ DefineSubTextureSort();
+// hires texture funcs
+#define GET_RESULT(A, B, C, D) ((A != C || A != D) - (B != C || B != D))
+#define colorMask8 0x00FEFEFE
+#define lowPixelMask8 0x00010101
+#define qcolorMask8 0x00FCFCFC
+#define qlowpixelMask8 0x00030303
+#define INTERPOLATE8_02(A, B) (((((A & colorMask8) >> 1) + ((B & colorMask8) >> 1) + (A & B & lowPixelMask8))|((((A&0xFF000000)==0x03000000)?0x03000000:(((B&0xFF000000)==0x03000000)?0x03000000:(((A&0xFF000000)==0x00000000)?0x00000000:(((B&0xFF000000)==0x00000000)?0x00000000:0xFF000000)))))))
+#define Q_INTERPOLATE8_02(A, B, C, D) (((((A & qcolorMask8) >> 2) + ((B & qcolorMask8) >> 2) + ((C & qcolorMask8) >> 2) + ((D & qcolorMask8) >> 2) + ((((A & qlowpixelMask8) + (B & qlowpixelMask8) + (C & qlowpixelMask8) + (D & qlowpixelMask8)) >> 2) & qlowpixelMask8))|((((A&0xFF000000)==0x03000000)?0x03000000:(((B&0xFF000000)==0x03000000)?0x03000000:(((C&0xFF000000)==0x03000000)?0x03000000:(((D&0xFF000000)==0x03000000)?0x03000000:(((A&0xFF000000)==0x00000000)?0x00000000:(((B&0xFF000000)==0x00000000)?0x00000000:(((C&0xFF000000)==0x00000000)?0x00000000:(((D&0xFF000000)==0x00000000)?0x00000000:0xFF000000)))))))))))
+#define INTERPOLATE8(A, B) (((((A & colorMask8) >> 1) + ((B & colorMask8) >> 1) + (A & B & lowPixelMask8))|((((A&0xFF000000)==0x50000000)?0x50000000:(((B&0xFF000000)==0x50000000)?0x50000000:(((A&0xFF000000)==0x00000000)?0x00000000:(((B&0xFF000000)==0x00000000)?0x00000000:0xFF000000)))))))
+#define Q_INTERPOLATE8(A, B, C, D) (((((A & qcolorMask8) >> 2) + ((B & qcolorMask8) >> 2) + ((C & qcolorMask8) >> 2) + ((D & qcolorMask8) >> 2) + ((((A & qlowpixelMask8) + (B & qlowpixelMask8) + (C & qlowpixelMask8) + (D & qlowpixelMask8)) >> 2) & qlowpixelMask8))|((((A&0xFF000000)==0x50000000)?0x50000000:(((B&0xFF000000)==0x50000000)?0x50000000:(((C&0xFF000000)==0x50000000)?0x50000000:(((D&0xFF000000)==0x50000000)?0x50000000:(((A&0xFF000000)==0x00000000)?0x00000000:(((B&0xFF000000)==0x00000000)?0x00000000:(((C&0xFF000000)==0x00000000)?0x00000000:(((D&0xFF000000)==0x00000000)?0x00000000:0xFF000000)))))))))))
+void Super2xSaI_ex8_Ex(u8 *srcPtr, DWORD srcPitch,
+ u8 *dstBitmap, int width, int height)
+ DWORD dstPitch = srcPitch * 2;
+ DWORD line;
+ DWORD *dP;
+ DWORD *bP;
+ int width2 = width*2;
+ int iXA,iXB,iXC,iYA,iYB,iYC,finish;
+ DWORD color4, color5, color6;
+ DWORD color1, color2, color3;
+ DWORD colorA0, colorA1, colorA2, colorA3,
+ colorB0, colorB1, colorB2, colorB3,
+ colorS1, colorS2;
+ DWORD product1a, product1b,
+ product2a, product2b;
+ line = 0;
+ {
+ for (; height; height-=1)
+ {
+ bP = (DWORD *)srcPtr;
+ dP = (DWORD *)(dstBitmap + line*dstPitch);
+ for (finish = width; finish; finish -= 1 )
+ {
+//--------------------------------------- B1 B2
+// 4 5 6 S2
+// 1 2 3 S1
+// A1 A2
+ if(finish==width) iXA=0;
+ else iXA=1;
+ if(finish>4) {iXB=1;iXC=2;}
+ else
+ if(finish>3) {iXB=1;iXC=1;}
+ else {iXB=0;iXC=0;}
+ if(line==0) iYA=0;
+ else iYA=width;
+ if(height>4) {iYB=width;iYC=width2;}
+ else
+ if(height>3) {iYB=width;iYC=width;}
+ else {iYB=0;iYC=0;}
+ colorB0 = *(bP- iYA - iXA);
+ colorB1 = *(bP- iYA);
+ colorB2 = *(bP- iYA + iXB);
+ colorB3 = *(bP- iYA + iXC);
+ color4 = *(bP - iXA);
+ color5 = *(bP);
+ color6 = *(bP + iXB);
+ colorS2 = *(bP + iXC);
+ color1 = *(bP + iYB - iXA);
+ color2 = *(bP + iYB);
+ color3 = *(bP + iYB + iXB);
+ colorS1= *(bP + iYB + iXC);
+ colorA0 = *(bP + iYC - iXA);
+ colorA1 = *(bP + iYC);
+ colorA2 = *(bP + iYC + iXB);
+ colorA3 = *(bP + iYC + iXC);
+ if (color2 == color6 && color5 != color3)
+ {
+ product2b = product1b = color2;
+ }
+ else
+ if (color5 == color3 && color2 != color6)
+ {
+ product2b = product1b = color5;
+ }
+ else
+ if (color5 == color3 && color2 == color6)
+ {
+ register int r = 0;
+ r += GET_RESULT ((color6&0x00ffffff), (color5&0x00ffffff), (color1&0x00ffffff), (colorA1&0x00ffffff));
+ r += GET_RESULT ((color6&0x00ffffff), (color5&0x00ffffff), (color4&0x00ffffff), (colorB1&0x00ffffff));
+ r += GET_RESULT ((color6&0x00ffffff), (color5&0x00ffffff), (colorA2&0x00ffffff), (colorS1&0x00ffffff));
+ r += GET_RESULT ((color6&0x00ffffff), (color5&0x00ffffff), (colorB2&0x00ffffff), (colorS2&0x00ffffff));
+ if (r > 0)
+ product2b = product1b = color6;
+ else
+ if (r < 0)
+ product2b = product1b = color5;
+ else
+ {
+ product2b = product1b = INTERPOLATE8_02(color5, color6);
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if (color6 == color3 && color3 == colorA1 && color2 != colorA2 && color3 != colorA0)
+ product2b = Q_INTERPOLATE8_02 (color3, color3, color3, color2);
+ else
+ if (color5 == color2 && color2 == colorA2 && colorA1 != color3 && color2 != colorA3)
+ product2b = Q_INTERPOLATE8_02 (color2, color2, color2, color3);
+ else
+ product2b = INTERPOLATE8_02 (color2, color3);
+ if (color6 == color3 && color6 == colorB1 && color5 != colorB2 && color6 != colorB0)
+ product1b = Q_INTERPOLATE8_02 (color6, color6, color6, color5);
+ else
+ if (color5 == color2 && color5 == colorB2 && colorB1 != color6 && color5 != colorB3)
+ product1b = Q_INTERPOLATE8_02 (color6, color5, color5, color5);
+ else
+ product1b = INTERPOLATE8_02 (color5, color6);
+ }
+ if (color5 == color3 && color2 != color6 && color4 == color5 && color5 != colorA2)
+ product2a = INTERPOLATE8_02(color2, color5);
+ else
+ if (color5 == color1 && color6 == color5 && color4 != color2 && color5 != colorA0)
+ product2a = INTERPOLATE8_02(color2, color5);
+ else
+ product2a = color2;
+ if (color2 == color6 && color5 != color3 && color1 == color2 && color2 != colorB2)
+ product1a = INTERPOLATE8_02(color2, color5);
+ else
+ if (color4 == color2 && color3 == color2 && color1 != color5 && color2 != colorB0)
+ product1a = INTERPOLATE8_02(color2, color5);
+ else
+ product1a = color5;
+ *dP=product1a;
+ *(dP+1)=product1b;
+ *(dP+(width2))=product2a;
+ *(dP+1+(width2))=product2b;
+ bP += 1;
+ dP += 2;
+ }//end of for ( finish= width etc..)
+ line += 2;
+ srcPtr += srcPitch;
+ }; //endof: for (; height; height--)
+ }
+void Super2xSaI_ex8(u8 *srcPtr, DWORD srcPitch,
+ u8 *dstBitmap, int width, int height)
+ DWORD dstPitch = srcPitch * 2;
+ DWORD line;
+ DWORD *dP;
+ DWORD *bP;
+ int width2 = width*2;
+ int iXA,iXB,iXC,iYA,iYB,iYC,finish;
+ DWORD color4, color5, color6;
+ DWORD color1, color2, color3;
+ DWORD colorA0, colorA1, colorA2, colorA3,
+ colorB0, colorB1, colorB2, colorB3,
+ colorS1, colorS2;
+ DWORD product1a, product1b,
+ product2a, product2b;
+ line = 0;
+ {
+ for (; height; height-=1)
+ {
+ bP = (DWORD *)srcPtr;
+ dP = (DWORD *)(dstBitmap + line*dstPitch);
+ for (finish = width; finish; finish -= 1 )
+ {
+//--------------------------------------- B1 B2
+// 4 5 6 S2
+// 1 2 3 S1
+// A1 A2
+ if(finish==width) iXA=0;
+ else iXA=1;
+ if(finish>4) {iXB=1;iXC=2;}
+ else
+ if(finish>3) {iXB=1;iXC=1;}
+ else {iXB=0;iXC=0;}
+ if(line==0) iYA=0;
+ else iYA=width;
+ if(height>4) {iYB=width;iYC=width2;}
+ else
+ if(height>3) {iYB=width;iYC=width;}
+ else {iYB=0;iYC=0;}
+ colorB0 = *(bP- iYA - iXA);
+ colorB1 = *(bP- iYA);
+ colorB2 = *(bP- iYA + iXB);
+ colorB3 = *(bP- iYA + iXC);
+ color4 = *(bP - iXA);
+ color5 = *(bP);
+ color6 = *(bP + iXB);
+ colorS2 = *(bP + iXC);
+ color1 = *(bP + iYB - iXA);
+ color2 = *(bP + iYB);
+ color3 = *(bP + iYB + iXB);
+ colorS1= *(bP + iYB + iXC);
+ colorA0 = *(bP + iYC - iXA);
+ colorA1 = *(bP + iYC);
+ colorA2 = *(bP + iYC + iXB);
+ colorA3 = *(bP + iYC + iXC);
+ if (color2 == color6 && color5 != color3)
+ {
+ product2b = product1b = color2;
+ }
+ else
+ if (color5 == color3 && color2 != color6)
+ {
+ product2b = product1b = color5;
+ }
+ else
+ if (color5 == color3 && color2 == color6)
+ {
+ register int r = 0;
+ r += GET_RESULT ((color6&0x00ffffff), (color5&0x00ffffff), (color1&0x00ffffff), (colorA1&0x00ffffff));
+ r += GET_RESULT ((color6&0x00ffffff), (color5&0x00ffffff), (color4&0x00ffffff), (colorB1&0x00ffffff));
+ r += GET_RESULT ((color6&0x00ffffff), (color5&0x00ffffff), (colorA2&0x00ffffff), (colorS1&0x00ffffff));
+ r += GET_RESULT ((color6&0x00ffffff), (color5&0x00ffffff), (colorB2&0x00ffffff), (colorS2&0x00ffffff));
+ if (r > 0)
+ product2b = product1b = color6;
+ else
+ if (r < 0)
+ product2b = product1b = color5;
+ else
+ {
+ product2b = product1b = INTERPOLATE8(color5, color6);
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if (color6 == color3 && color3 == colorA1 && color2 != colorA2 && color3 != colorA0)
+ product2b = Q_INTERPOLATE8 (color3, color3, color3, color2);
+ else
+ if (color5 == color2 && color2 == colorA2 && colorA1 != color3 && color2 != colorA3)
+ product2b = Q_INTERPOLATE8 (color2, color2, color2, color3);
+ else
+ product2b = INTERPOLATE8 (color2, color3);
+ if (color6 == color3 && color6 == colorB1 && color5 != colorB2 && color6 != colorB0)
+ product1b = Q_INTERPOLATE8 (color6, color6, color6, color5);
+ else
+ if (color5 == color2 && color5 == colorB2 && colorB1 != color6 && color5 != colorB3)
+ product1b = Q_INTERPOLATE8 (color6, color5, color5, color5);
+ else
+ product1b = INTERPOLATE8 (color5, color6);
+ }
+ if (color5 == color3 && color2 != color6 && color4 == color5 && color5 != colorA2)
+ product2a = INTERPOLATE8(color2, color5);
+ else
+ if (color5 == color1 && color6 == color5 && color4 != color2 && color5 != colorA0)
+ product2a = INTERPOLATE8(color2, color5);
+ else
+ product2a = color2;
+ if (color2 == color6 && color5 != color3 && color1 == color2 && color2 != colorB2)
+ product1a = INTERPOLATE8(color2, color5);
+ else
+ if (color4 == color2 && color3 == color2 && color1 != color5 && color2 != colorB0)
+ product1a = INTERPOLATE8(color2, color5);
+ else
+ product1a = color5;
+ *dP=product1a;
+ *(dP+1)=product1b;
+ *(dP+(width2))=product2a;
+ *(dP+1+(width2))=product2b;
+ bP += 1;
+ dP += 2;
+ }//end of for ( finish= width etc..)
+ line += 2;
+ srcPtr += srcPitch;
+ }; //endof: for (; height; height--)
+ }
+#define colorMask4 0x0000EEE0
+#define lowPixelMask4 0x00001110
+#define qcolorMask4 0x0000CCC0
+#define qlowpixelMask4 0x00003330
+#define INTERPOLATE4(A, B) ((((A & colorMask4) >> 1) + ((B & colorMask4) >> 1) + (A & B & lowPixelMask4))|((((A&0x0000000F)==0x00000006)?0x00000006:(((B&0x0000000F)==0x00000006)?0x00000006:(((A&0x0000000F)==0x00000000)?0x00000000:(((B&0x0000000F)==0x00000000)?0x00000000:0x0000000F))))))
+#define Q_INTERPOLATE4(A, B, C, D) ((((A & qcolorMask4) >> 2) + ((B & qcolorMask4) >> 2) + ((C & qcolorMask4) >> 2) + ((D & qcolorMask4) >> 2) + ((((A & qlowpixelMask4) + (B & qlowpixelMask4) + (C & qlowpixelMask4) + (D & qlowpixelMask4)) >> 2) & qlowpixelMask4))| ((((A&0x0000000F)==0x00000006)?0x00000006:(((B&0x0000000F)==0x00000006)?0x00000006:(((C&0x0000000F)==0x00000006)?0x00000006:(((D&0x0000000F)==0x00000006)?0x00000006:(((A&0x0000000F)==0x00000000)?0x00000000:(((B&0x0000000F)==0x00000000)?0x00000000:(((C&0x0000000F)==0x00000000)?0x00000000:(((D&0x0000000F)==0x00000000)?0x00000000:0x0000000F))))))))))
+#define colorMask5 0x0000F7BC
+#define lowPixelMask5 0x00000842
+#define qcolorMask5 0x0000E738
+#define qlowpixelMask5 0x000018C6
+#define INTERPOLATE5(A, B) ((((A & colorMask5) >> 1) + ((B & colorMask5) >> 1) + (A & B & lowPixelMask5))|((((A&0x00000001)==0x00000000)?0x00000000:(((B&0x00000001)==0x00000000)?0x00000000:0x00000001))))
+#define Q_INTERPOLATE5(A, B, C, D) ((((A & qcolorMask5) >> 2) + ((B & qcolorMask5) >> 2) + ((C & qcolorMask5) >> 2) + ((D & qcolorMask5) >> 2) + ((((A & qlowpixelMask5) + (B & qlowpixelMask5) + (C & qlowpixelMask5) + (D & qlowpixelMask5)) >> 2) & qlowpixelMask5))| ((((A&0x00000001)==0x00000000)?0x00000000:(((B&0x00000001)==0x00000000)?0x00000000:(((C&0x00000001)==0x00000000)?0x00000000:(((D&0x00000001)==0x00000000)?0x00000000:0x00000001))))))
+// ogl texture defines
+void DefineSubTextureSortHiRes(void)
+ int x,y,dx2;
+ if(!gTexName)
+ {
+ glGenTextures(1, &gTexName);
+ glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, gTexName);
+ glTexParameteri(GL_TEXTURE_2D, GL_TEXTURE_WRAP_S, iClampType);
+ glTexParameteri(GL_TEXTURE_2D, GL_TEXTURE_WRAP_T, iClampType);
+ if(iFilterType)
+ {
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ glTexParameteri(GL_TEXTURE_2D, GL_TEXTURE_MIN_FILTER, iFilter);
+ glTexParameteri(GL_TEXTURE_2D, GL_TEXTURE_MAG_FILTER, iFilter);
+ }
+ glTexImage2D(GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0, GL_RGBA, 512, 512, 0, GL_RGBA, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, texturebuffer);
+ }
+ else glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, gTexName);
+ glTexSubImage2D(GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0, XTexS<<1, YTexS<<1,
+ DXTexS<<1, DYTexS<<1,
+ GL_RGBA, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, texturebuffer);
+void DefineSubTextureSort(void)
+ if(!gTexName)
+ {
+ glGenTextures(1, &gTexName);
+ glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, gTexName);
+ glTexParameteri(GL_TEXTURE_2D, GL_TEXTURE_WRAP_S, iClampType);
+ glTexParameteri(GL_TEXTURE_2D, GL_TEXTURE_WRAP_T, iClampType);
+ if(iFilterType)
+ {
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ glTexParameteri(GL_TEXTURE_2D, GL_TEXTURE_MIN_FILTER, iFilter);
+ glTexParameteri(GL_TEXTURE_2D, GL_TEXTURE_MAG_FILTER, iFilter);
+ }
+ glTexImage2D(GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0, GL_RGBA, 256, 256, 0,GL_RGBA, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, texturepart);
+ }
+ else glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, gTexName);
+ glTexSubImage2D(GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0, XTexS, YTexS,
+ DXTexS, DYTexS,
+ GL_RGBA, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, texturepart);
+// texture cache garbage collection
+void DoTexGarbageCollection(void)
+ static unsigned short LRUCleaned=0;
+ unsigned short iC,iC1,iC2;
+ int i,j,iMax;textureSubCacheEntryS * tsb;
+ iC=4;//=iSortTexCnt/2,
+ LRUCleaned+=iC; // we clean different textures each time
+ if((LRUCleaned+iC)>=iSortTexCnt) LRUCleaned=0; // wrap? wrap!
+ iC1=LRUCleaned; // range of textures to clean
+ iC2=LRUCleaned+iC;
+ for(iC=iC1;iC<iC2;iC++) // make some textures available
+ {
+ pxSsubtexLeft[iC]->l=0;
+ }
+ for(i=0;i<3;i++) // remove all references to that textures
+ for(j=0;j<MAXTPAGES;j++)
+ for(iC=0;iC<4;iC++) // loop all texture rect info areas
+ {
+ tsb=pscSubtexStore[i][j]+(iC*SOFFB);
+ iMax=tsb->pos.l;
+ if(iMax)
+ do
+ {
+ tsb++;
+ if(tsb->cTexID>=iC1 && tsb->cTexID<iC2) // info uses the cleaned textures? remove info
+ tsb->ClutID=0;
+ }
+ while(--iMax);
+ }
+ usLRUTexPage=LRUCleaned;
+// search cache for existing (already used) parts
+u8 * CheckTextureInSubSCache(long TextureMode,unsigned long GivenClutId,unsigned short * pCache)
+ textureSubCacheEntryS * tsx, * tsb, *tsg;//, *tse=NULL;
+ int i,iMax;EXLong npos;
+ u8 cx,cy;
+ int iC,j,k;unsigned long rx,ry,mx,my;
+ EXLong * ul=0, * uls;
+ EXLong rfree;
+ u8 cXAdj,cYAdj;
+ npos.l=*((unsigned long *)&gl_ux[4]);
+ //--------------------------------------------------------------//
+ // find matching texturepart first... speed up...
+ //--------------------------------------------------------------//
+ tsg=pscSubtexStore[TextureMode][GlobalTexturePage];
+ tsg+=((GivenClutId&CLUTCHK)>>CLUTSHIFT)*SOFFB;
+ iMax=tsg->pos.l;
+ if(iMax)
+ {
+ i=iMax;
+ tsb=tsg+1;
+ do
+ {
+ if(GivenClutId==tsb->ClutID &&
+ (INCHECK(tsb->pos,npos)))
+ {
+ {
+ cx=tsb->pos.c[3]-tsb->posTX;
+ cy=tsb->pos.c[1]-tsb->posTY;
+ gl_ux[0]-=cx;
+ gl_ux[1]-=cx;
+ gl_ux[2]-=cx;
+ gl_ux[3]-=cx;
+ gl_vy[0]-=cy;
+ gl_vy[1]-=cy;
+ gl_vy[2]-=cy;
+ gl_vy[3]-=cy;
+ ubOpaqueDraw=tsb->Opaque;
+ *pCache=tsb->cTexID;
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ }
+ tsb++;
+ }
+ while(--i);
+ }
+ //----------------------------------------------------//
+ cXAdj=1;cYAdj=1;
+ rx=(int)gl_ux[6]-(int)gl_ux[7];
+ ry=(int)gl_ux[4]-(int)gl_ux[5];
+ tsx=NULL;tsb=tsg+1;
+ for(i=0;i<iMax;i++,tsb++)
+ {
+ if(!tsb->ClutID) {tsx=tsb;break;}
+ }
+ if(!tsx)
+ {
+ iMax++;
+ if(iMax>=SOFFB-2)
+ {
+ if(iTexGarbageCollection) // gc mode?
+ {
+ if(*pCache==0)
+ {
+ dwTexPageComp|=(1<<GlobalTexturePage);
+ *pCache=0xffff;
+ return 0;
+ }
+ iMax--;
+ tsb=tsg+1;
+ for(i=0;i<iMax;i++,tsb++) // 1. search other slots with same cluts, and unite the area
+ if(GivenClutId==tsb->ClutID)
+ {
+ if(!tsx) {tsx=tsb;rfree.l=npos.l;} //
+ else tsb->ClutID=0;
+ rfree.c[3]=min(rfree.c[3],tsb->pos.c[3]);
+ rfree.c[2]=max(rfree.c[2],tsb->pos.c[2]);
+ rfree.c[1]=min(rfree.c[1],tsb->pos.c[1]);
+ rfree.c[0]=max(rfree.c[0],tsb->pos.c[0]);
+ MarkFree(tsb);
+ }
+ if(tsx) // 3. if one or more found, create a new rect with bigger size
+ {
+ *((unsigned long *)&gl_ux[4])=npos.l=rfree.l;
+ rx=(int)rfree.c[2]-(int)rfree.c[3];
+ ry=(int)rfree.c[0]-(int)rfree.c[1];
+ DoTexGarbageCollection();
+ goto ENDLOOP3;
+ }
+ }
+ iMax=1;
+ }
+ tsx=tsg+iMax;
+ tsg->pos.l=iMax;
+ }
+ //----------------------------------------------------//
+ // now get a free texture space
+ //----------------------------------------------------//
+ if(iTexGarbageCollection) usLRUTexPage=0;
+ rx+=3;if(rx>255) {cXAdj=0;rx=255;}
+ ry+=3;if(ry>255) {cYAdj=0;ry=255;}
+ iC=usLRUTexPage;
+ for(k=0;k<iSortTexCnt;k++)
+ {
+ uls=pxSsubtexLeft[iC];
+ iMax=uls->l;ul=uls+1;
+ //--------------------------------------------------//
+ // first time
+ if(!iMax)
+ {
+ rfree.l=0;
+ if(rx>252 && ry>252)
+ {uls->l=1;ul->l=0xffffffff;ul=0;goto ENDLOOP;}
+ if(rx<253)
+ {
+ uls->l=uls->l+1;
+ ul->c[3]=rx;
+ ul->c[2]=255-rx;
+ ul->c[1]=0;
+ ul->c[0]=ry;
+ ul++;
+ }
+ if(ry<253)
+ {
+ uls->l=uls->l+1;
+ ul->c[3]=0;
+ ul->c[2]=255;
+ ul->c[1]=ry;
+ ul->c[0]=255-ry;
+ }
+ ul=0;
+ goto ENDLOOP;
+ }
+ //--------------------------------------------------//
+ for(i=0;i<iMax;i++,ul++)
+ {
+ if(ul->l!=0xffffffff &&
+ ry<=ul->c[0] &&
+ rx<=ul->c[2])
+ {
+ rfree=*ul;
+ mx=ul->c[2]-2;
+ my=ul->c[0]-2;
+ if(rx<mx && ry<my)
+ {
+ ul->c[3]+=rx;
+ ul->c[2]-=rx;
+ ul->c[0]=ry;
+ for(ul=uls+1,j=0;j<iMax;j++,ul++)
+ if(ul->l==0xffffffff) break;
+ if(j<CSUBSIZE-2)
+ {
+ if(j==iMax) uls->l=uls->l+1;
+ ul->c[3]=rfree.c[3];
+ ul->c[2]=rfree.c[2];
+ ul->c[1]=rfree.c[1]+ry;
+ ul->c[0]=rfree.c[0]-ry;
+ }
+ }
+ else if(rx<mx)
+ {
+ ul->c[3]+=rx;
+ ul->c[2]-=rx;
+ }
+ else if(ry<my)
+ {
+ ul->c[1]+=ry;
+ ul->c[0]-=ry;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ ul->l=0xffffffff;
+ }
+ ul=0;
+ goto ENDLOOP;
+ }
+ }
+ //--------------------------------------------------//
+ iC++; if(iC>=iSortTexCnt) iC=0;
+ }
+ //----------------------------------------------------//
+ // check, if free space got
+ //----------------------------------------------------//
+ if(ul)
+ {
+ //////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ {
+ dwTexPageComp=0;
+ for(i=0;i<3;i++) // cleaning up
+ for(j=0;j<MAXTPAGES;j++)
+ {
+ tsb=pscSubtexStore[i][j];
+ (tsb+SOFFA)->pos.l=0;
+ (tsb+SOFFB)->pos.l=0;
+ (tsb+SOFFC)->pos.l=0;
+ (tsb+SOFFD)->pos.l=0;
+ }
+ for(i=0;i<iSortTexCnt;i++)
+ {ul=pxSsubtexLeft[i];ul->l=0;}
+ usLRUTexPage=0;
+ }
+ //////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ iC=usLRUTexPage;
+ uls=pxSsubtexLeft[usLRUTexPage];
+ uls->l=0;ul=uls+1;
+ rfree.l=0;
+ if(rx>252 && ry>252)
+ {uls->l=1;ul->l=0xffffffff;}
+ else
+ {
+ if(rx<253)
+ {
+ uls->l=uls->l+1;
+ ul->c[3]=rx;
+ ul->c[2]=255-rx;
+ ul->c[1]=0;
+ ul->c[0]=ry;
+ ul++;
+ }
+ if(ry<253)
+ {
+ uls->l=uls->l+1;
+ ul->c[3]=0;
+ ul->c[2]=255;
+ ul->c[1]=ry;
+ ul->c[0]=255-ry;
+ }
+ }
+ tsg->pos.l=1;tsx=tsg+1;
+ }
+ rfree.c[3]+=cXAdj;
+ rfree.c[1]+=cYAdj;
+ tsx->cTexID =*pCache=iC;
+ tsx->pos = npos;
+ tsx->ClutID = GivenClutId;
+ tsx->posTX = rfree.c[3];
+ tsx->posTY = rfree.c[1];
+ cx=gl_ux[7]-rfree.c[3];
+ cy=gl_ux[5]-rfree.c[1];
+ gl_ux[0]-=cx;
+ gl_ux[1]-=cx;
+ gl_ux[2]-=cx;
+ gl_ux[3]-=cx;
+ gl_vy[0]-=cy;
+ gl_vy[1]-=cy;
+ gl_vy[2]-=cy;
+ gl_vy[3]-=cy;
+ XTexS=rfree.c[3];
+ YTexS=rfree.c[1];
+ return &tsx->Opaque;
+// search cache for free place (on compress)
+BOOL GetCompressTexturePlace(textureSubCacheEntryS * tsx)
+ int i,j,k,iMax,iC;unsigned long rx,ry,mx,my;
+ EXLong * ul=0, * uls, rfree;
+ u8 cXAdj=1,cYAdj=1;
+ rx=(int)tsx->pos.c[2]-(int)tsx->pos.c[3];
+ ry=(int)tsx->pos.c[0]-(int)tsx->pos.c[1];
+ rx+=3;if(rx>255) {cXAdj=0;rx=255;}
+ ry+=3;if(ry>255) {cYAdj=0;ry=255;}
+ iC=usLRUTexPage;
+ for(k=0;k<iSortTexCnt;k++)
+ {
+ uls=pxSsubtexLeft[iC];
+ iMax=uls->l;ul=uls+1;
+ //--------------------------------------------------//
+ // first time
+ if(!iMax)
+ {
+ rfree.l=0;
+ if(rx>252 && ry>252)
+ {uls->l=1;ul->l=0xffffffff;ul=0;goto TENDLOOP;}
+ if(rx<253)
+ {
+ uls->l=uls->l+1;
+ ul->c[3]=rx;
+ ul->c[2]=255-rx;
+ ul->c[1]=0;
+ ul->c[0]=ry;
+ ul++;
+ }
+ if(ry<253)
+ {
+ uls->l=uls->l+1;
+ ul->c[3]=0;
+ ul->c[2]=255;
+ ul->c[1]=ry;
+ ul->c[0]=255-ry;
+ }
+ ul=0;
+ goto TENDLOOP;
+ }
+ //--------------------------------------------------//
+ for(i=0;i<iMax;i++,ul++)
+ {
+ if(ul->l!=0xffffffff &&
+ ry<=ul->c[0] &&
+ rx<=ul->c[2])
+ {
+ rfree=*ul;
+ mx=ul->c[2]-2;
+ my=ul->c[0]-2;
+ if(rx<mx && ry<my)
+ {
+ ul->c[3]+=rx;
+ ul->c[2]-=rx;
+ ul->c[0]=ry;
+ for(ul=uls+1,j=0;j<iMax;j++,ul++)
+ if(ul->l==0xffffffff) break;
+ if(j<CSUBSIZE-2)
+ {
+ if(j==iMax) uls->l=uls->l+1;
+ ul->c[3]=rfree.c[3];
+ ul->c[2]=rfree.c[2];
+ ul->c[1]=rfree.c[1]+ry;
+ ul->c[0]=rfree.c[0]-ry;
+ }
+ }
+ else if(rx<mx)
+ {
+ ul->c[3]+=rx;
+ ul->c[2]-=rx;
+ }
+ else if(ry<my)
+ {
+ ul->c[1]+=ry;
+ ul->c[0]-=ry;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ ul->l=0xffffffff;
+ }
+ ul=0;
+ goto TENDLOOP;
+ }
+ }
+ //--------------------------------------------------//
+ iC++; if(iC>=iSortTexCnt) iC=0;
+ }
+ //----------------------------------------------------//
+ // check, if free space got
+ //----------------------------------------------------//
+ if(ul) return FALSE;
+ rfree.c[3]+=cXAdj;
+ rfree.c[1]+=cYAdj;
+ tsx->cTexID = iC;
+ tsx->posTX = rfree.c[3];
+ tsx->posTY = rfree.c[1];
+ XTexS=rfree.c[3];
+ YTexS=rfree.c[1];
+ return TRUE;
+// compress texture cache (to make place for new texture part, if needed)
+void CompressTextureSpace(void)
+ textureSubCacheEntryS * tsx, * tsg, * tsb;
+ int i,j,k,m,n,iMax;EXLong * ul, r,opos;
+ short sOldDST=DrawSemiTrans,cx,cy;
+ long lOGTP=GlobalTexturePage;
+ unsigned long l,row;
+ unsigned long * lSRCPtr;
+ opos.l=*((unsigned long *)&gl_ux[4]);
+ // 1. mark all textures as free
+ for(i=0;i<iSortTexCnt;i++)
+ {ul=pxSsubtexLeft[i];ul->l=0;}
+ usLRUTexPage=0;
+ // 2. compress
+ for(j=0;j<3;j++)
+ {
+ for(k=0;k<MAXTPAGES;k++)
+ {
+ tsg=pscSubtexStore[j][k];
+ if((!(dwTexPageComp&(1<<k))))
+ {
+ (tsg+SOFFA)->pos.l=0;
+ (tsg+SOFFB)->pos.l=0;
+ (tsg+SOFFC)->pos.l=0;
+ (tsg+SOFFD)->pos.l=0;
+ continue;
+ }
+ for(m=0;m<4;m++,tsg+=SOFFB)
+ {
+ iMax=tsg->pos.l;
+ tsx=tsg+1;
+ for(i=0;i<iMax;i++,tsx++)
+ {
+ if(tsx->ClutID)
+ {
+ r.l=tsx->pos.l;
+ for(n=i+1,tsb=tsx+1;n<iMax;n++,tsb++)
+ {
+ if(tsx->ClutID==tsb->ClutID)
+ {
+ r.c[3]=min(r.c[3],tsb->pos.c[3]);
+ r.c[2]=max(r.c[2],tsb->pos.c[2]);
+ r.c[1]=min(r.c[1],tsb->pos.c[1]);
+ r.c[0]=max(r.c[0],tsb->pos.c[0]);
+ tsb->ClutID=0;
+ }
+ }
+// if(r.l!=tsx->pos.l)
+ {
+ cx=((tsx->ClutID << 4) & 0x3F0);
+ cy=((tsx->ClutID >> 6) & CLUTYMASK);
+ if(j!=2)
+ {
+ // palette check sum
+ l=0;lSRCPtr=(unsigned long *)(psxVuw+cx+(cy*1024));
+ if(j==1) for(row=1;row<129;row++) l+=((*lSRCPtr++)-1)*row;
+ else for(row=1;row<9;row++) l+=((*lSRCPtr++)-1)<<row;
+ l=((l+HIWORD(l))&0x3fffL)<<16;
+ if(l!=(tsx->ClutID&(0x00003fff<<16)))
+ {
+ tsx->ClutID=0;continue;
+ }
+ }
+ tsx->pos.l=r.l;
+ if(!GetCompressTexturePlace(tsx)) // no place?
+ {
+ for(i=0;i<3;i++) // -> clean up everything
+ for(j=0;j<MAXTPAGES;j++)
+ {
+ tsb=pscSubtexStore[i][j];
+ (tsb+SOFFA)->pos.l=0;
+ (tsb+SOFFB)->pos.l=0;
+ (tsb+SOFFC)->pos.l=0;
+ (tsb+SOFFD)->pos.l=0;
+ }
+ for(i=0;i<iSortTexCnt;i++)
+ {ul=pxSsubtexLeft[i];ul->l=0;}
+ usLRUTexPage=0;
+ DrawSemiTrans=sOldDST;
+ GlobalTexturePage=lOGTP;
+ *((unsigned long *)&gl_ux[4])=opos.l;
+ dwTexPageComp=0;
+ return;
+ }
+ if(tsx->ClutID&(1<<30)) DrawSemiTrans=1;
+ else DrawSemiTrans=0;
+ *((unsigned long *)&gl_ux[4])=r.l;
+ gTexName=uiStexturePage[tsx->cTexID];
+ LoadSubTexFn(k,j,cx,cy);
+ uiStexturePage[tsx->cTexID]=gTexName;
+ tsx->Opaque=ubOpaqueDraw;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if(iMax)
+ {
+ tsx=tsg+iMax;
+ while(!tsx->ClutID && iMax) {tsx--;iMax--;}
+ tsg->pos.l=iMax;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if(dwTexPageComp==0xffffffff) dwTexPageComp=0;
+ *((unsigned long *)&gl_ux[4])=opos.l;
+ GlobalTexturePage=lOGTP;
+ DrawSemiTrans=sOldDST;
+// main entry for searching/creating textures, called from prim.c
+GLuint SelectSubTextureS(long TextureMode, unsigned long GivenClutId)
+ u8 * OPtr;unsigned short iCache;short cx,cy;
+ // sort sow/tow infos for fast access
+ u8 ma1,ma2,mi1,mi2;
+ if(gl_ux[0]>gl_ux[1]) {mi1=gl_ux[1];ma1=gl_ux[0];}
+ else {mi1=gl_ux[0];ma1=gl_ux[1];}
+ if(gl_ux[2]>gl_ux[3]) {mi2=gl_ux[3];ma2=gl_ux[2];}
+ else {mi2=gl_ux[2];ma2=gl_ux[3];}
+ if(mi1>mi2) gl_ux[7]=mi2;
+ else gl_ux[7]=mi1;
+ if(ma1>ma2) gl_ux[6]=ma1;
+ else gl_ux[6]=ma2;
+ if(gl_vy[0]>gl_vy[1]) {mi1=gl_vy[1];ma1=gl_vy[0];}
+ else {mi1=gl_vy[0];ma1=gl_vy[1];}
+ if(gl_vy[2]>gl_vy[3]) {mi2=gl_vy[3];ma2=gl_vy[2];}
+ else {mi2=gl_vy[2];ma2=gl_vy[3];}
+ if(mi1>mi2) gl_ux[5]=mi2;
+ else gl_ux[5]=mi1;
+ if(ma1>ma2) gl_ux[4]=ma1;
+ else gl_ux[4]=ma2;
+ // get clut infos in one 32 bit val
+ if(TextureMode==2) // no clut here
+ {
+ GivenClutId=CLUTUSED|(DrawSemiTrans<<30);cx=cy=0;
+ if(iFrameTexType && Fake15BitTexture())
+ return (GLuint)gTexName;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ cx=((GivenClutId << 4) & 0x3F0); // but here
+ cy=((GivenClutId >> 6) & CLUTYMASK);
+ GivenClutId=(GivenClutId&CLUTMASK)|(DrawSemiTrans<<30)|CLUTUSED;
+ // palette check sum.. removed MMX asm, this easy func works as well
+ {
+ unsigned long l=0,row;
+ unsigned long * lSRCPtr=(unsigned long *)(psxVuw+cx+(cy*1024));
+ if(TextureMode==1) for(row=1;row<129;row++) l+=((*lSRCPtr++)-1)*row;
+ else for(row=1;row<9;row++) l+=((*lSRCPtr++)-1)<<row;
+ l=(l+HIWORD(l))&0x3fffL;
+ GivenClutId|=(l<<16);
+ }
+ }
+ // search cache
+ iCache=0;
+ OPtr=CheckTextureInSubSCache(TextureMode,GivenClutId,&iCache);
+ // cache full? compress and try again
+ if(iCache==0xffff)
+ {
+ CompressTextureSpace();
+ OPtr=CheckTextureInSubSCache(TextureMode,GivenClutId,&iCache);
+ }
+ // found? fine
+ usLRUTexPage=iCache;
+ if(!OPtr) return uiStexturePage[iCache];
+ // not found? upload texture and store infos in cache
+ gTexName=uiStexturePage[iCache];
+ LoadSubTexFn(GlobalTexturePage,TextureMode,cx,cy);
+ uiStexturePage[iCache]=gTexName;
+ *OPtr=ubOpaqueDraw;
+ return (GLuint) gTexName;