path: root/plugins/peopsxgl/menu.c
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'plugins/peopsxgl/menu.c')
1 files changed, 1443 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/plugins/peopsxgl/menu.c b/plugins/peopsxgl/menu.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f26d5ce
--- /dev/null
+++ b/plugins/peopsxgl/menu.c
@@ -0,0 +1,1443 @@
+ menu.c - description
+ -------------------
+ begin : Sun Mar 08 2009
+ copyright : (C) 1999-2009 by Pete Bernert
+ web : www.pbernert.com
+ ***************************************************************************/
+ * *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify *
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by *
+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or *
+ * (at your option) any later version. See also the license.txt file for *
+ * additional informations. *
+ * *
+ ***************************************************************************/
+#include "stdafx.h"
+#define _IN_MENU
+#include "externals.h"
+#include "draw.h"
+#include "menu.h"
+#include "gpu.h"
+uint32_t dwCoreFlags=0;
+PSXPoint_t ptCursorPoint[8];
+unsigned short usCursorActive=0;
+// field with menu chars... like good old C64 time :)
+GLubyte texrasters[40][12]= {
+// 0,0 FPS
+// 4,0 0
+// 5,0 1
+// 6,0 2
+// 7,0 3
+// 0,1 4
+// 1,1 5
+// 2,1 6
+// 3,1 7
+// 4,1 8
+// 5,1 9
+// 6,1 smiley
+// 7,1 sun
+// 0,2 fl + empty box
+// 1,2 fs + grey box
+// 2,2 od + filled box
+// 3,2 fi + half grey box
+// 4,2 di + half filled box
+// 5,2 am + grey box
+// 6,2 ab + filled box
+// 7,2 fa
+// 0,3 fb
+// 1,3 gf
+// 2,3 D
+// 3,3 G
+// 4,3
+// 5,3
+// 6,3 tex pal smiley
+// 7,3
+// 0,4 subtract blending (moon)
+// 1,4 blurring
+// 2,4 (M)
+// 3,4 (A)
+// 4,4 blank
+// 5,4
+// 6,4 <-
+// 7,4 .
+// create lists/stuff for fonts
+// (as a matter of fact: no more display list used, just a texture)
+GLuint gTexFontName=0;
+GLuint gTexPicName=0;
+GLuint gTexCursorName=0;
+void MakeDisplayLists(void) // MAKE FONT
+ GLubyte TexBytes[64][64][3]; // we use a 64x64 texture
+ int x,y,i,j,n=0; GLubyte col,IB;
+ glPixelStorei(GL_UNPACK_ALIGNMENT,1);
+ memset(TexBytes,0,64*64*3);
+ for(y=0;y<5;y++) // create texture out of raster infos
+ {
+ for(x=0;x<8;x++,n++)
+ {
+ for(i=0;i<12;i++)
+ {
+ IB=texrasters[n][i];
+ for(j=0;j<8;j++)
+ {
+ if(IB&(1<<(7-j))) col=255; else col=0;
+ TexBytes[y*12+i][x*8+j][0]=col;
+ TexBytes[y*12+i][x*8+j][1]=col;
+ TexBytes[y*12+i][x*8+j][2]=col;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ glGenTextures(1, &gTexFontName); // set tex params for font texture
+ glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, gTexFontName);
+ glTexImage2D(GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0, 3, 64, 64, 0, GL_RGB,
+// kill existing font stuff
+void KillDisplayLists(void)
+ if(gTexFontName) // del font/info textures
+ {glDeleteTextures(1,&gTexFontName);gTexFontName=0;}
+ if(gTexPicName)
+ {glDeleteTextures(1,&gTexPicName);gTexPicName=0;}
+ if(gTexCursorName)
+ {glDeleteTextures(1,&gTexCursorName);gTexCursorName=0;}
+// display text/infos in gpu menu
+#ifdef OWNSCALE
+#define DRAWTEXCHAR glTexCoord2f(fX1/256.0f,fY2/256.0f);glVertex3f(fXS1,fYS2,1.0f);glTexCoord2f(fX1/256.0f,fY1/256.0f);glVertex3f(fXS1,fYS1,1.0f);glTexCoord2f(fX2/256.0f,fY1/256.0f);glVertex3f(fXS2,fYS1,1.0f);glTexCoord2f(fX2/256.0f,fY2/256.0f);glVertex3f(fXS2,fYS2,1.0f);
+#define DRAWTEXCHAR glTexCoord2f(fX1,fY2);glVertex3f(fXS1,fYS2,1.0f);glTexCoord2f(fX1,fY1);glVertex3f(fXS1,fYS1,1.0f);glTexCoord2f(fX2,fY1);glVertex3f(fXS2,fYS1,1.0f);glTexCoord2f(fX2,fY2);glVertex3f(fXS2,fYS2,1.0f);
+int iMPos=0;
+void DisplayText(void)
+ int iX,iY,i;
+ GLfloat fX1,fY1,fX2,fY2,fYS1,fYS2,fXS1,fXS2,fXS,fXSC,fYSC,fYD;
+ glDisable(GL_SCISSOR_TEST); // disable unwanted ogl states
+ glDisable(GL_ALPHA_TEST);
+ if(bOldSmoothShaded) {glShadeModel(GL_FLAT);bOldSmoothShaded=FALSE;}
+ if(bBlendEnable) {glDisable(GL_BLEND);bBlendEnable=FALSE;}
+ if(!bTexEnabled) {glEnable(GL_TEXTURE_2D);bTexEnabled=TRUE;}
+ gTexName=gTexFontName;
+ glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D,gTexFontName); // now set font texture
+ fYD=fYSC=(GLfloat)PSXDisplay.DisplayMode.y/(GLfloat)iResY; // some pre-calculations
+ fYS1=12.0f*fYSC;fYSC*=13.0f;
+ fYS2=0.0f;
+ fXS= (GLfloat)PSXDisplay.DisplayMode.x/(GLfloat)iResX;
+ fXSC= 8.0f*fXS;fXS*=10.0f;
+ fXS1=0.0f;
+ fXS2=50.0f*fXS; // 3 is one option
+#ifdef OWNSCALE
+ vertex[0].c.lcol=0xff00ff00; // set menu text color
+ vertex[0].c.lcol=0xff00ffff; // set menu text color
+ SETCOL(vertex[0]);
+ glBegin(GL_QUADS);
+#ifdef OWNSCALE
+ glTexCoord2f(128.0f/256.0f,240.0f/256.0f); // make blank (ownscale)
+ glVertex3f(fXS1,fYS2,0.99996f);
+ glTexCoord2f(128.0f/256.0f,192.0f/256.0f);
+ glVertex3f(fXS1,fYSC,0.99996f);
+ glTexCoord2f(160.0f/256.0f,192.0f/256.0f);
+ glVertex3f(fXS2,fYSC,0.99996f);
+ glTexCoord2f(160.0f/256.0f,240.0f/256.0f);
+ glVertex3f(fXS2,fYS2,0.99996f);
+ glTexCoord2f(128.0f,240.0f); // make blank
+ glVertex3f(fXS1,fYS2,0.99996f);
+ glTexCoord2f(128.0f,192.0f);
+ glVertex3f(fXS1,fYSC,0.99996f);
+ glTexCoord2f(160.0f,192.0f);
+ glVertex3f(fXS2,fYSC,0.99996f);
+ glTexCoord2f(160.0f,240.0f);
+ glVertex3f(fXS2,fYS2,0.99996f);
+ fXS1=0.0f;fXS2=4.0f*fXSC; // draw fps
+ fX1=0.0f; fX2=128.0f;
+ fY1=0.0f; fY2=48.0f;
+ fYSC=fXS1=3.0f*fXS; // start pos of numbers
+ i=0;do // paint fps numbers
+ {
+ iX=4;iY=4;
+ if(szDispBuf[i]>='0' && szDispBuf[i]<='3')
+ {iX=4+szDispBuf[i]-'0';iY=0;}
+ else
+ if(szDispBuf[i]>='4' && szDispBuf[i]<='9')
+ {iX=szDispBuf[i]-'4';iY=1;}
+ else
+ if(szDispBuf[i]=='.')
+ {iX=7;iY=4;}
+ else
+ if(szDispBuf[i]==0) break;
+ fX1=(GLfloat)iX*32.0f; fX2=fX1+32.0f;
+ fY1=(GLfloat)iY*48.0f; fY2=fY1+48.0f;
+ fXS1+=fXS;
+ fXS2=fXS1+fXSC;
+ i++;
+ }
+ while(i);
+ //----------------------------------------------------//
+ // draw small chars
+ //----------------------------------------------------//
+ fXS1=12.0f*fXS;fYS1=6.0f*fYD;
+ fY1=120.0f;fY2=144.0f;
+ fX1=0.0f;fX2=32.0f;
+ for(i=0;i<8;i++)
+ {
+ fXS2=fXS1+fXSC;
+ fX1+=32.0f;fX2+=32.0f;fXS1+=fYSC;
+ }
+ fY1=168.0f;fY2=192.0f;
+ fX1=0.0f;fX2=32.0f;
+ for(i=0;i<2;i++)
+ {
+ fXS2=fXS1+fXSC;
+ fX1+=32.0f;fX2+=32.0f;fXS1+=fYSC;
+ }
+ //----------------------------------------------------//
+ fYSC=fXS+fXS;
+ fYS1=12.0f*fYD;
+ if(iBlurBuffer && gTexBlurName) // blur
+ {
+ fXS1-=fXS;fY1=192.0f;fY2=240.0f;
+ fXS2=fXS1+fXSC;fX1=32.0f;fX2=64.0f;
+ fXS1+=fXS;
+ }
+ fY1=48.0f;fY2=96.0f;
+ if(bGLExt) // packed pixel
+ {
+ fXS2=fXS1+fXSC;fX1=192.0f;fX2=224.0f;
+ }
+ if(glColorTableEXTEx) // tex wnd pal
+ {
+ fY1=144.0f;fY2=192.0f;
+ fXS2=fXS1+fXSC;fX1=192.0f;
+ if(bGLExt) {fX2=208.0f;fXS2-=fXSC/2.0f;}
+ else fX2=224.0f;
+ fY1=48.0f;fY2=96.0f;
+ }
+ if(!bUseMultiPass && glBlendEquationEXTEx) // multipass blend
+ {
+ fY1=192.0f;fY2=240.0f;
+ fXS1+=fYSC-fXSC;fXS2=fXS1+fXSC;fX1=0.0f;fX2=32.0f;
+ fXS1+=fXSC;
+ fY1=48.0f;fY2=96.0f;
+ }
+ else fXS1+=fYSC;
+ if(bGLBlend) // modulate2x
+ {
+ fXS2=fXS1+fXSC;fX1=224.0f;fX2=256.0f;
+ }
+ fY1=192.0f;fY2=240.0f;
+ if(iHiResTextures) // 2x textures
+ {
+ fXS1+=fYSC-fXS;fXS2=fXS1+fXSC;
+ fX1=160.0f;fX2=192.0f;
+ fXS1+=fXS;
+ }
+ else fXS1+=fYSC;
+ if(dwCoreFlags&1) //A
+ {
+ fXS2=fXS1+fXSC;fX1=96.0f;fX2=128.0f;
+ }
+ if(dwCoreFlags&2) //M
+ {
+ fXS2=fXS1+fXSC;fX1=64.0f;fX2=96.0f;
+ }
+ // 00 -> digital, 01 -> analog, 02 -> mouse, 03 -> gun
+ if(dwCoreFlags&0xff00) //A/M/G/D
+ {
+ int k;
+ fXS2=fXS1+fXSC;
+ if((dwCoreFlags&0x0f00)==0x0000) // D
+ {
+ fY1=144.0f;fY2=192.0f;
+ fX1=64.0f;fX2=96.0f;
+ }
+ else
+ if((dwCoreFlags&0x0f00)==0x0100) // A
+ {
+ fX1=96.0f;fX2=128.0f;
+ }
+ else
+ if((dwCoreFlags&0x0f00)==0x0200) // M
+ {
+ fX1=64.0f;fX2=96.0f;
+ }
+ else
+ if((dwCoreFlags&0x0f00)==0x0300) // G
+ {
+ fY1=144.0f;fY2=192.0f;
+ fX1=96.0f;fX2=128.0f;
+ }
+ k=(dwCoreFlags&0xf000)>>12; // number
+ fXS1+=fXS;
+ fXS2=fXS1+fXSC;
+ iX=4;iY=4;
+ if(k>=0 && k<=3)
+ {iX=4+k;iY=0;}
+ else
+ if(k>=4 && k<=9)
+ {iX=k-4;iY=1;}
+ fX1=(GLfloat)iX*32.0f; fX2=fX1+32.0f;
+ fY1=(GLfloat)iY*48.0f; fY2=fY1+48.0f;
+ }
+ fXS1+=fYSC;
+ if(lSelectedSlot) // save state num
+ {
+ fXS2=fXS1+fXSC;
+ iX=4;iY=4;
+ if(lSelectedSlot>=0 && lSelectedSlot<=3)
+ {iX=4+lSelectedSlot;iY=0;}
+ else
+ if(lSelectedSlot>=4 && lSelectedSlot<=9)
+ {iX=lSelectedSlot-4;iY=1;}
+ fX1=(GLfloat)iX*32.0f; fX2=fX1+32.0f;
+ fY1=(GLfloat)iY*48.0f; fY2=fY1+48.0f;
+ }
+ fXS1=(GLfloat)(13+iMPos*3)*fXS;fXS2=fXS1+fXSC; // arrow
+ fX1=192.0f; fX2=224.0f;
+ fY1=192.0f; fY2=240.0f;
+ /////////////////
+ fXS1=12.0f*fXS;fXS2=fXS1+fXSC;
+ fYS2=6.0f*fYD;fYSC=3.0f*fXS;
+ fY1=96.0f;fY2=120.0f;
+ if(bUseFrameLimit) // frame limit
+ {
+ if(iFrameLimit==2) {fX1=64.0f;fX2=96.0f;}
+ else {fX1=32.0f;fX2=64.0f;}
+ }
+ else {fX1=0.0f ;fX2=32.0f;}
+ fXS1+=fYSC;fXS2=fXS1+fXSC;
+ if(bUseFrameSkip) {fX1=64.0f;fX2=96.0f;} // frame skip
+ else {fX1=0.0f ;fX2=32.0f;}
+ fXS1+=fYSC;fXS2=fXS1+fXSC;
+ if(iOffscreenDrawing) fX1=(iOffscreenDrawing+2)*32.0f;// offscreen drawing
+ else fX1=0.0f;
+ fX2=fX1+32.0f;
+ fXS1+=fYSC;fXS2=fXS1+fXSC;
+ if(iFilterType<5) fX1=iFilterType*32.0f; // texture filter
+ else {fX1=(iFilterType-5)*32.0f;fY1=144.0f;fY2=168.0f;}
+ fX2=fX1+32.0f;
+ if(iFilterType>=5) {fY1=96.0f;fY2=120.0f;}
+ fXS1+=fYSC;fXS2=fXS1+fXSC;
+ if(bDrawDither) {fX1=64.0f;fX2=96.0f;} // dithering
+ else {fX1=0.0f ;fX2=32.0f;}
+ fXS1+=fYSC;fXS2=fXS1+fXSC;
+ if(bOpaquePass) {fX1=64.0f;fX2=96.0f;} // opaque pass
+ else {fX1=0.0f ;fX2=32.0f;}
+ fXS1+=fYSC;fXS2=fXS1+fXSC;
+ if(bAdvancedBlend) {fX1=64.0f;fX2=96.0f;} // advanced blend
+ else {fX1=0.0f ;fX2=32.0f;}
+ fXS1+=fYSC;fXS2=fXS1+fXSC;
+ if(!iFrameReadType) fX1=0.0f; // framebuffer reading
+ else if(iFrameReadType==2) {fX1=0.0f;fY1=144.0f;fY2=168.0f;}
+ else fX1=(iFrameReadType+2)*32.0f;
+ fX2=fX1+32.0f;
+ if(iFrameReadType==2) {fY1=96.0f;fY2=120.0f;}
+ fXS1+=fYSC;fXS2=fXS1+fXSC;
+ if(iFrameTexType<2) fX1=iFrameTexType*32.0f; // frame texture
+ else fX1=iFrameTexType*64.0f;
+ fX2=fX1+32.0f;
+ fXS1+=fYSC;fXS2=fXS1+fXSC;
+ if(dwActFixes) {fX1=64.0f;fX2=96.0f;} // game fixes
+ else {fX1=0.0f ;fX2=32.0f;}
+ fXS1+=fYSC;fXS2=fXS1+fXSC;
+ /////////////////
+ glEnd();
+ glEnable(GL_ALPHA_TEST); // repair needed states
+ glEnable(GL_SCISSOR_TEST);
+void HideText(void)
+ GLfloat fYS1,fYS2,fXS1,fXS2,fXS,fXSC,fYSC;
+ glDisable(GL_SCISSOR_TEST); // turn off unneeded ogl states
+ glDisable(GL_ALPHA_TEST);
+ if(bOldSmoothShaded) {glShadeModel(GL_FLAT);bOldSmoothShaded=FALSE;}
+ if(bBlendEnable) {glDisable(GL_BLEND);bBlendEnable=FALSE;}
+ if(bTexEnabled) {glDisable(GL_TEXTURE_2D);bTexEnabled=FALSE;}
+ fYSC=(GLfloat)PSXDisplay.DisplayMode.y/(GLfloat)iResY;
+ fYS1=12.0f*fYSC;fYSC*=13.0f;
+ fYS2=0.0f;
+ fXS= (GLfloat)PSXDisplay.DisplayMode.x/(GLfloat)iResX;
+ fXSC= 8.0f*fXS;fXS*=10.0f;
+ fXS1=0.0f;
+ fXS2=50.0f*fXS;
+ vertex[0].c.lcol=0xff000000; // black color
+ SETCOL(vertex[0]);
+ glBegin(GL_QUADS); // make one quad
+ glVertex3f(fXS1,fYS2,0.99996f);
+ glVertex3f(fXS1,fYSC,0.99996f);
+ glVertex3f(fXS2,fYSC,0.99996f);
+ glVertex3f(fXS2,fYS2,0.99996f);
+ glEnd();
+ glEnable(GL_ALPHA_TEST); // enable needed ogl states
+ glEnable(GL_SCISSOR_TEST);
+// Build Menu buffer (== Dispbuffer without FPS)
+void BuildDispMenu(int iInc)
+ if(!(ulKeybits&KEY_SHOWFPS)) return; // mmm, cheater ;)
+ iMPos+=iInc; // up or down
+ if(iMPos<0) iMPos=9; // wrap around
+ if(iMPos>9) iMPos=0;
+// gpu menu actions...
+void SwitchDispMenu(int iStep)
+ if(!(ulKeybits&KEY_SHOWFPS)) return; // tststs
+ switch(iMPos)
+ {//////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ case 0: // frame limit
+ {
+ int iType=0;
+ bInitCap = TRUE;
+ if(bUseFrameLimit) iType=iFrameLimit;
+ iType+=iStep;
+ if(iType<0) iType=2;
+ if(iType>2) iType=0;
+ if(iType==0) bUseFrameLimit=FALSE;
+ else
+ {
+ bUseFrameLimit=TRUE;
+ iFrameLimit=iType;
+ SetAutoFrameCap();
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ //////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ case 1: // frame skip
+ bInitCap = TRUE;
+ bUseFrameSkip=!bUseFrameSkip;
+ bSkipNextFrame=FALSE;
+ break;
+ //////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ case 2: // offscreen drawing
+ iOffscreenDrawing+=iStep;
+ if(iOffscreenDrawing>4) iOffscreenDrawing=0;
+ if(iOffscreenDrawing<0) iOffscreenDrawing=4;
+ break;
+ //////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ case 3: // filtering
+ if(iStep==-1) ulKeybits|=KEY_STEPDOWN;
+ break;
+ //////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ case 4: // dithering
+ break;
+ //////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ case 5: // alpha multipass
+ break;
+ //////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ case 6: // advanced blending
+ break;
+ //////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ case 7: // full vram
+ if(iStep==-1) ulKeybits|=KEY_STEPDOWN;
+ break;
+ //////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ case 8: // frame buffer texture
+ if(iStep==-1) ulKeybits|=KEY_STEPDOWN;
+ break;
+ //////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ case 9: // game fixes
+ ulKeybits|=KEY_BLACKWHITE;
+ break;
+ //////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ }
+ BuildDispMenu(0); // update info
+// Here comes my painting zone... just to paint stuff... like 3DStudio ;)
+ 12345678
+ 12345678
+5 111
+4 111
+ 12345678
+3 1111
+2 11 11
+111 11
+011 111
+911 1111
+811 11 11
+71111 11
+6111 11
+511 11
+4 11 11
+3 1111
+// 0
+// 1
+// 2
+// 3
+// 4
+// 5
+// 6
+// 7
+// 8
+// 9
+ 12345678123456781234567812345678
+3 11111111 1111111 111111
+2 11 11 11 11 11
+1 11 11 11 11
+0 11 11 11 11
+9 11 11 11 11
+8 111111 1111111 111111
+7 11 11 11
+6 11 11 11
+5 11 11 11
+4 11 11 11 11
+3 11 11 111111
+ 12345678
+311111111 0xff
+211 0xc0
+111 0xc0
+011 0xc0
+911 0xc0
+8111111 0xfc
+711 0xc0
+611 0xc0
+511 0xc0
+411 0xc0
+311 0xc0
+2 0x00
+1 0x00
+ 12345678
+31111111 0xfe
+211 11 0xc3
+111 11 0xc3
+011 11 0xc3
+911 11 0xc3
+81111111 0xfe
+711 0xc0
+611 0xc0
+511 0xc0
+411 0xc0
+311 0xc0
+2 0x00
+1 0x00
+ 12345678
+3 111111 0x7e
+211 11 0xc3
+111 0xc0
+011 0xc0
+911 0xc0
+8 111111 0x7e
+7 11 0x03
+6 11 0x03
+5 11 0x03
+411 11 0xc3
+3 111111 0x7e
+2 0x00
+1 0x00
+ 12345678
+3 0x00
+2 1111111 0x7f
+1 11 0x60
+0 11 0x60
+9 11111 0x7c
+8 11 0x60
+7 11 0x60
+6 11 0x60
+5 0x00
+4 0x00
+3 0x00
+2 0x00
+1 0x00
+ 12345678
+3 0x00
+2 1111111 0x7f
+1 11 0x60
+0 11 0x60
+9 11111 0x7c
+8 11 0x60
+7 11 0x60
+6 11 0x60
+5 0x00
+4 1 0x08
+3 111 0x1c
+2 11111 0x3e
+1 1111111 0x7f
+ 12345678
+3 0x00
+2 11 11 0x63
+1 11 11 0x63
+0 11 11 0x63
+9 11 11 0x63
+8 11 1 11 0x6b
+7 1111111 0x7f
+6 11 11 0x36
+5 0x00
+4 0x00
+3 0x00
+2 0x00
+1 0x00
+ 12345678
+3 0x00
+2 11 11 0x63
+1 11 11 0x63
+0 11 11 0x63
+9 11 11 0x63
+8 11 1 11 0x6b
+7 1111111 0x7f
+6 11 11 0x36
+5 0x00
+4 1 0x08
+3 111 0x1c
+2 11111 0x3e
+1 1111111 0x7f
+ 12345678
+3 0x00
+2 1 0x08
+1 111 0x1c
+0 11 11 0x36
+9 11 11 0x63
+8 1111111 0x7f
+7 11 11 0x63
+6 11 11 0x63
+5 0x00
+4 0x00
+3 0x00
+2 0x00
+1 0x00
+ 12345678
+3 0x00
+2 1 0x08
+1 111 0x1c
+0 11 11 0x36
+9 11 11 0x63
+8 1111111 0x7f
+7 11 11 0x63
+6 11 11 0x63
+5 0x00
+4 1 0x08
+3 111 0x1c
+2 11111 0x3e
+1 1111111 0x7f
+ 12345678
+3 0x00
+2 11111 0x3e
+1 11 11 0x63
+0 11 11 0x63
+9 11 11 0x63
+8 11 11 0x63
+7 11 11 0x63
+6 11111 0x3e
+5 0x00
+4 0x00
+3 0x00
+2 0x00
+1 0x00
+ 12345678
+3 0x00
+2 11111 0x3e
+1 11 11 0x63
+0 11 11 0x63
+9 11 11 0x63
+8 11 11 0x63
+7 11 11 0x63
+6 11111 0x3e
+5 0x00
+4 1 0x08
+3 111 0x1c
+2 11111 0x3e
+1 1111111 0x7f
+ 12345678
+3 1 0x10
+2 11 0x30
+1 111 0x70
+011111111 0xff
+9 111 0x70
+8 11 0x30
+7 1 0x10
+6 0x00
+5 0x00
+4 0x00
+3 0x00
+2 0x00
+1 0x00
+ 12345678
+3 1 0x10
+2 11 0x30
+1 1111111 0x7f
+011111111 0xff
+9 1111111 0x7f
+8 11 0x30
+7 1 0x10
+6 0x00
+5 0x00
+4 0x00
+3 0x00
+2 0x00
+1 0x00
+ 12345678
+3 0x00
+211111 0xf8
+11 1 1 0x85
+01111 1 1 0xf5
+91 1 1 0x85
+81 1 1 0x85
+71 1 0x82
+6 0x00
+5 0x00
+4 0x00
+3 0x00
+2 0x00
+1 0x00
+ 12345678
+3 0x00
+211111 0xf8
+11 111 0x87
+01111 1 0xf4
+91 111 0x87
+81 1 0x81
+71 111 0x87
+6 0x00
+5 0x00
+4 0x00
+3 0x00
+2 0x00
+1 0x00
+ 12345678
+3 0x00
+211111 0xf8
+11 1 0x84
+01111 1 0xf4
+91 1 0x84
+81 1 0x84
+71 111 0x87
+6 0x00
+5 0x00
+4 0x00
+3 0x00
+2 0x00
+1 0x00
+ 12345678
+3 0x00
+2 11 0x60
+11 1 11 0x96
+01 1 1 1 0x95
+91 1 1 1 0x95
+81 1 1 1 0x95
+7 11 11 0x66
+6 0x00
+5 0x00
+4 0x00
+3 0x00
+2 0x00
+1 0x00
+ 12345678
+3 0x00
+211111 0xf8
+1 1 1 0x22
+0 1 1 1 0x25
+9 1 111 0x27
+8 1 1 1 0x25
+7 1 1 1 0x25
+6 0x00
+5 0x00
+4 0x00
+3 0x00
+2 0x00
+1 0x00
+ 12345678
+3 0x00
+211111 0xf8
+11 1 0x82
+0111 1 0xe2
+91 1 0x82
+81 1 0x82
+71 1 0x82
+6 0x00
+5 0x00
+4 0x00
+3 0x00
+2 0x00
+1 0x00
+ 12345678
+3 0x00
+2111 0xe0
+11 1 1 0x92
+01 1 1 0x92
+91 1 1 0x92
+81 1 1 0x92
+7111 1 0xe2
+6 0x00
+5 0x00
+4 0x00
+3 0x00
+2 0x00
+1 0x00
+ 12345678
+3 0x00
+211111 0xf8
+1 1 1 0x41
+0 1 1 1 0x51
+9 1 1 1 1 0x55
+8 1 11 11 0x5b
+7 1 1 1 0x51
+6 0x00
+5 0x00
+4 0x00
+3 0x00
+2 0x00
+1 0x00
+ 12345678
+6 0x00
+511111111 0xff
+4111 111 0xe7
+31 11 1 0x99
+2111 111 0xe7
+111111111 0xff
+ 12345678
+6 0x00
+511111111 0xff
+41 1 0x81
+31 1 0x81
+21 1 0x81
+111111111 0xff
+ 12345678
+3 0x00
+2 11 0x60
+11 1 1 1 0x95
+01111 111 0xf7
+91 1 1 1 0x95
+81 1 1 1 0x95
+71 1 1 1 0x95
+6 0x00
+5 0x00
+4 0x00
+3 0x00
+2 0x00
+1 0x00
+ 12345678
+3 0x00
+2 0x00
+1 1111 0x3c
+0 1 1 0x42
+91 1 0x81
+81 1 1 1 0xa5
+71 1 0x81
+61 1 1 1 0xa5
+51 11 1 0x99
+4 1 1 0x42
+3 1111 0x3c
+2 0x00
+1 0x00
+ 12345678
+3 0x00
+2 0x00
+1 1 0x08
+0 1 1 1 0x49
+9 1 1 1 0x2a
+8 111 0x1c
+7 1111111 0x7f
+6 111 0x1c
+5 1 1 1 0x2a
+4 1 1 1 0x49
+3 1 0x08
+2 0x00
+1 0x00
+ 12345678
+3 0x00
+2 0x00
+1 11111 0x3e
+0 1 1 1 0x2a
+9 11 11 0x36
+8 1 1 1 0x2a
+7 11 11 0x36
+6 1 1 1 0x2a
+5 11 11 0x36
+4 1 1 1 0x2a
+3 11111 0x3e
+2 0x00
+1 0x00
+ 12345678
+3 0x00
+2 0x00
+1 11 0x06
+0 111 0x1c
+9 111 0x38
+8 1111 0x78
+7 1111 0x78
+6 1111 0x78
+5 111 0x38
+4 111 0x1c
+3 11 0x06
+2 0x00
+1 0x00
+ 12345678
+3 0x00
+2 11 0x60
+11 1 11 0x96
+01111 1 1 0xf5
+91 1 11 0x96
+81 1 1 1 0x95
+71 1 111 0x97
+6 0x00
+5 0x00
+4 0x00
+3 0x00
+2 0x00
+1 0x00
+// texture for gpu picture
+void CreatePic(unsigned char * pMem)
+ int x,y;
+ GLubyte TexBytes[128][128][3];
+ memset(TexBytes,0,128*128*3);
+ for(y=0;y<96;y++)
+ {
+ for(x=0;x<128;x++)
+ {
+ TexBytes[y][x][0]=*(pMem+2);
+ TexBytes[y][x][1]=*(pMem+1);
+ TexBytes[y][x][2]=*(pMem+0);
+ pMem+=3;
+ }
+ }
+ glGenTextures(1, &gTexPicName);
+ glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, gTexPicName);
+ glTexImage2D(GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0, 3, 128, 128, 0, GL_RGB,
+// destroy gpu picture texture
+void DestroyPic(void)
+ if(gTexPicName)
+ {
+ GLfloat fYS1,fYS2,fXS1,fXS2,fXS,fYS;
+ glDisable(GL_SCISSOR_TEST);
+ glDisable(GL_ALPHA_TEST);
+ if(bOldSmoothShaded) {glShadeModel(GL_FLAT);bOldSmoothShaded=FALSE;}
+ if(bBlendEnable) {glDisable(GL_BLEND);bBlendEnable=FALSE;}
+ if(!bTexEnabled) {glEnable(GL_TEXTURE_2D);bTexEnabled=TRUE;}
+ gTexName=0;
+ glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D,0);
+ vertex[0].c.lcol=0xff000000;
+ fYS=(GLfloat)PSXDisplay.DisplayMode.y/(GLfloat)iResY;
+ fXS=(GLfloat)PSXDisplay.DisplayMode.x/(GLfloat)iResX;
+ fYS2=96.0f*fYS;
+ fYS1=0.0f;
+ fXS2=(GLfloat)PSXDisplay.DisplayMode.x;
+ fXS1=fXS2-128.0f*fXS;
+ SETCOL(vertex[0]);
+ glBegin(GL_QUADS); // paint a black rect to hide texture
+ glVertex3f(fXS1,fYS1,0.99996f);
+ glVertex3f(fXS1,fYS2,0.99996f);
+ glVertex3f(fXS2,fYS2,0.99996f);
+ glVertex3f(fXS2,fYS1,0.99996f);
+ glEnd();
+ glEnable(GL_ALPHA_TEST);
+ glEnable(GL_SCISSOR_TEST);
+ glDeleteTextures(1,&gTexPicName);gTexPicName=0;
+ }
+// display info picture
+void DisplayPic(void)
+ GLfloat fYS1,fYS2,fXS1,fXS2,fXS,fYS;
+ glDisable(GL_SCISSOR_TEST);
+ glDisable(GL_ALPHA_TEST);
+ if(bOldSmoothShaded) {glShadeModel(GL_FLAT);bOldSmoothShaded=FALSE;}
+ if(bBlendEnable) {glDisable(GL_BLEND);bBlendEnable=FALSE;}
+ if(!bTexEnabled) {glEnable(GL_TEXTURE_2D);bTexEnabled=TRUE;}
+ gTexName=gTexPicName;
+ glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D,gTexPicName); // now set font texture
+ if(bGLBlend) vertex[0].c.lcol=0xff7f7f7f;
+ else vertex[0].c.lcol=0xffffffff;
+ fYS=(GLfloat)PSXDisplay.DisplayMode.y/(GLfloat)iResY;
+ fXS=(GLfloat)PSXDisplay.DisplayMode.x/(GLfloat)iResX;
+ fYS2=96.0f*fYS;
+ fYS1=0.0f;
+ fXS2=(GLfloat)PSXDisplay.DisplayMode.x;
+ fXS1=fXS2-128.0f*fXS;
+ SETCOL(vertex[0]);
+ glBegin(GL_QUADS);
+#ifdef OWNSCALE
+ glTexCoord2f(0.0f,0.0f);
+ glVertex3f(fXS1,fYS1,0.99996f);
+ glTexCoord2f(0.0f,192.0f/256.0f);
+ glVertex3f(fXS1,fYS2,0.99996f);
+ glTexCoord2f(256.0f/256.0f,192.0f/256.0f);
+ glVertex3f(fXS2,fYS2,0.99996f);
+ glTexCoord2f(256.0f/256.0f,0.0f);
+ glVertex3f(fXS2,fYS1,0.99996f);
+ glTexCoord2f(0.0f,0.0f);
+ glVertex3f(fXS1,fYS1,0.99996f);
+ glTexCoord2f(0.0f,192.0f);
+ glVertex3f(fXS1,fYS2,0.99996f);
+ glTexCoord2f(256.0f,192.0f);
+ glVertex3f(fXS2,fYS2,0.99996f);
+ glTexCoord2f(256.0f,0.0f);
+ glVertex3f(fXS2,fYS1,0.99996f);
+ glEnd();
+ glEnable(GL_ALPHA_TEST);
+ glEnable(GL_SCISSOR_TEST);
+// show gun cursor
+#define TRA 0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00
+#define PNT 0xff,0xff,0xff,0xff
+GLubyte texcursor[8][32]=
+void ShowGunCursor(void)
+ int iPlayer;
+ GLfloat fX,fY,fDX,fDY,fYS,fXS;
+ const uint32_t crCursorColor32[8]={0xff00ff00,0xffff0000,0xff0000ff,0xffff00ff,0xffffff00,0xff00ffff,0xffffffff,0xff7f7f7f};
+ if(!gTexCursorName) // create gun cursor texture the first time
+ {
+ glGenTextures(1, &gTexCursorName);
+ glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, gTexCursorName);
+ glTexImage2D(GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0, 4, 8, 8, 0, GL_RGBA,
+ GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE,texcursor);
+ }
+ fYS=(GLfloat)PSXDisplay.DisplayMode.y/(GLfloat)iResY; // some pre-calculations
+ fXS=(GLfloat)PSXDisplay.DisplayMode.x/(GLfloat)iResX;
+ fDX=fXS*7;
+ fDY=fYS*7;
+ glDisable(GL_SCISSOR_TEST);
+ if(bOldSmoothShaded) {glShadeModel(GL_FLAT);bOldSmoothShaded=FALSE;}
+ if(bBlendEnable) {glDisable(GL_BLEND);bBlendEnable=FALSE;}
+ if(!bTexEnabled) {glEnable(GL_TEXTURE_2D);bTexEnabled=TRUE;}
+ gTexName=gTexCursorName;
+ glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D,gTexCursorName); // now set font texture
+ for(iPlayer=0;iPlayer<8;iPlayer++) // loop all possible players
+ {
+ if(usCursorActive&(1<<iPlayer)) // player is active?
+ {
+ fY=((GLfloat)ptCursorPoint[iPlayer].y*(GLfloat)PSXDisplay.DisplayMode.y)/256.0f;
+ fX=((GLfloat)ptCursorPoint[iPlayer].x*(GLfloat)PSXDisplay.DisplayMode.x)/512.0f;
+ vertex[0].c.lcol=crCursorColor32[iPlayer]; // -> set player color
+ SETCOL(vertex[0]);
+ glBegin(GL_QUADS);
+ glTexCoord2f(000.0f,224.0f/255.99f); // -> paint gun cursor
+ glVertex3f(fX-fDX,fY+fDY,0.99996f);
+ glTexCoord2f(000.0f,000.0f);
+ glVertex3f(fX-fDX,fY-fDY,0.99996f);
+ glTexCoord2f(224.0f/255.99f,000.0f);
+ glVertex3f(fX+fDX,fY-fDY,0.99996f);
+ glTexCoord2f(224.0f/255.99f,224.0f/255.99f);
+ glVertex3f(fX+fDX,fY+fDY,0.99996f);
+ glEnd();
+ }
+ }
+ glEnable(GL_SCISSOR_TEST);