BranchCommit messageAuthorAge
mainBlends pixels that would be missed during downscaleneonloop4 months
AgeCommit messageAuthor
2023-12-16Blends pixels that would be missed during downscaleHEADmainneonloop
2023-12-16Fixes incorrect variable for h break pointneonloop
2023-12-15Fixes smooth shader on FunKey Sneonloop
2023-12-15Remove unnecessary patchneonloop
2023-07-26Adds mednafen_ngp, mednafen_wswan, and stella2014 coresneonloop
2023-07-24Changes funkey-s platform to unix-armv7-hardfloat-neonneonloop
2023-07-22Opens internal file browser to last played content on coreneonloop
2023-07-16Adds automatic prerequisites to Makefileneonloop
2023-07-16Renames force-clean target to distcleanneonloop
2023-07-16Handles unzip failureneonloop