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authorsluicebox2018-09-10 23:14:49 -0700
committerFilippos Karapetis2018-09-16 18:50:07 +0300
commit2373fd8152eebd1ec3191dafb0169159a637808d (patch)
parent07b83997b77e16a57ade66abcab05547b787fa45 (diff)
SCI: Script patch for LB2 crate room bug #10701
Fixes a lockup in the original game
1 files changed, 51 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/engines/sci/engine/script_patches.cpp b/engines/sci/engine/script_patches.cpp
index bcd1f177c7..e5c0a0dc7c 100644
--- a/engines/sci/engine/script_patches.cpp
+++ b/engines/sci/engine/script_patches.cpp
@@ -3711,6 +3711,56 @@ static const uint16 laurabow2PatchRememberWiredEastDoor[] = {
+// The crate room (room 460) in act 5 locks up the game if you enter from the
+// elevator (room 660), swing the hanging crate, and then attempt to leave
+// back through the elevator door.
+// The state of the wall crate that blocks the elevator door is tracked by
+// setting local0 to 1 when you push it out of the way, but Sierra forgot
+// to reinitialize local0 when you re-enter via the elevator door, causing
+// it to be out of sync with the room state. When you then swing the hanging
+// crate, sSwingIt:changeState(6) tests local0 to see which polygon it should
+// set as the room's obstacle and incorrectly uses the one that blocks both
+// doors. Attempting to use the elevator door then locks up the game as the
+// obstacle polygon prevents ego from reaching the destination.
+// Someone noticed that local0 wasn't always initialized as shoveCrate:doVerb(4)
+// tests both local0 and the previous room to see if it was the elevator.
+// We fix this by setting local0 to 1 if the previous room was the elevator
+// during sSwingIt:changeState(3), just in time before it gets tested in
+// sSwingIt:changeState(6). Luckily for us, the handlers for states 3 and 4
+// don't do anything but load zero, making them two consecutive conditions
+// of no-ops. By merging them into a single condition for state 3 we have
+// a whopping 13 bytes available to add code to set local0 correctly.
+// Affects floppy/cd, all versions, all languages, and occurs in Sierra's interpreter.
+// Fixes bug #10701
+static const uint16 laurabow2SignatureFixCrateRoomEastDoorLockup[] = {
+ 0x1a, // eq? [ state 3? ]
+ 0x31, 0x05, // bnt [ state 4 ]
+ 0x35, 0x00, // ldi 0
+ 0x32, SIG_ADDTOOFFSET(2), // jmp [ exit switch. floppy: b3, cd: bb ]
+ 0x3c, // dup
+ 0x35, 0x04, // ldi 4
+ 0x1a, // eq? [ state 4? ]
+ 0x31, 0x05, // bnt [ state 5 ]
+static const uint16 laurabow2PatchFixCrateRoomEastDoorLockup[] = {
+ PATCH_ADDTOOFFSET(1), // eq? [ state 3? ]
+ 0x31, 0x10, // bnt [ state 5 ]
+ 0x89, 0x0c, // lsg global12 [ previous room # ]
+ 0x34, PATCH_UINT16(0x0294), // ldi 660d [ elevator room # ]
+ 0x1a, // eq?
+ 0x8b, 0x00, // lsl local0
+ 0x02, // add
+ 0xa3, 0x00, // sal local0 [ local0 += (global12 == 660d) ]
// Laura Bow 2 CD resets the audio mode to speech on init/restart
// We already sync the settings from ScummVM (see SciEngine::syncIngameAudioOptions())
// and this script code would make it impossible to see the intro using "dual" mode w/o using debugger command
@@ -3803,6 +3853,7 @@ static const SciScriptPatcherEntry laurabow2Signatures[] = {
{ true, 350, "CD/Floppy: museum party fix entering south 2/2", 1, laurabow2SignatureMuseumPartyFixEnteringSouth2, laurabow2PatchMuseumPartyFixEnteringSouth2 },
{ true, 430, "CD/Floppy: make wired east door persistent", 1, laurabow2SignatureRememberWiredEastDoor, laurabow2PatchRememberWiredEastDoor },
{ true, 430, "CD/Floppy: fix wired east door", 1, laurabow2SignatureFixWiredEastDoor, laurabow2PatchFixWiredEastDoor },
+ { true, 460, "CD/Floppy: fix crate room east door lockup", 1, laurabow2SignatureFixCrateRoomEastDoorLockup, laurabow2PatchFixCrateRoomEastDoorLockup },
// King's Quest 6 and Laura Bow 2 share basic patches for audio + text support
{ false, 924, "CD: audio + text support 1", 1, kq6laurabow2CDSignatureAudioTextSupport1, kq6laurabow2CDPatchAudioTextSupport1 },
{ false, 924, "CD: audio + text support 2", 1, kq6laurabow2CDSignatureAudioTextSupport2, kq6laurabow2CDPatchAudioTextSupport2 },