diff options
authorNicola Mettifogo2009-04-29 16:59:10 +0000
committerNicola Mettifogo2009-04-29 16:59:10 +0000
commit3607c637587c6b9e2442bc668fc4c8c9459c0168 (patch)
parent4688811024992e6370a1e4995301329b33da08ad (diff)
svn-id: r40210
5 files changed, 116 insertions, 162 deletions
diff --git a/engines/parallaction/disk.h b/engines/parallaction/disk.h
index 4faa9e666c..4cc2711e96 100644
--- a/engines/parallaction/disk.h
+++ b/engines/parallaction/disk.h
@@ -97,12 +97,18 @@ protected:
void addArchive(const Common::String& name, int priority);
+ virtual void decodeCnv(byte *data, uint16 numFrames, uint16 width, uint16 height, Common::SeekableReadStream *stream) = 0;
+ Cnv *makeCnv(Common::SeekableReadStream *stream);
Disk_ns(Parallaction *vm);
virtual ~Disk_ns();
Common::String selectArchive(const Common::String &name);
void setLanguage(uint16 language);
+ virtual Script* loadLocation(const char *name);
+ virtual Script* loadScript(const char* name);
class DosDisk_ns : public Disk_ns {
@@ -111,14 +117,14 @@ private:
void unpackBackground(Common::ReadStream *stream, byte *screen, byte *mask, byte *path);
Cnv* loadCnv(const char *filename);
void loadBackground(BackgroundInfo& info, const char *filename);
- void loadMaskAndPath(BackgroundInfo& info, const char *name);
+ void createMaskAndPathBuffers(BackgroundInfo &info);
void parseDepths(BackgroundInfo &info, Common::SeekableReadStream &stream);
- void parseBackground(BackgroundInfo& info, Common::SeekableReadStream &stream);
Font *createFont(const char *name, Cnv* cnv);
Gfx *_gfx;
virtual Common::SeekableReadStream *tryOpenFile(const char* name);
+ virtual void decodeCnv(byte *data, uint16 numFrames, uint16 width, uint16 height, Common::SeekableReadStream *stream);
DosDisk_ns(Parallaction *vm);
@@ -126,8 +132,6 @@ public:
void init();
- Script* loadLocation(const char *name);
- Script* loadScript(const char* name);
GfxObj* loadTalk(const char *name);
GfxObj* loadObjects(const char *name, uint8 part = 0);
Frames* loadPointer(const char *name);
@@ -145,7 +149,6 @@ public:
class AmigaDisk_ns : public Disk_ns {
- Cnv* makeCnv(Common::SeekableReadStream *stream);
void patchFrame(byte *dst, byte *dlta, uint16 bytesPerPlane, uint16 height);
void unpackFrame(byte *dst, byte *src, uint16 planeSize);
void unpackBitmap(byte *dst, byte *src, uint16 numFrames, uint16 bytesPerPlane, uint16 height);
@@ -156,14 +159,14 @@ protected:
void loadBackground(BackgroundInfo& info, const char *name);
void buildMask(byte* buf);
+ virtual void decodeCnv(byte *data, uint16 numFrames, uint16 width, uint16 height, Common::SeekableReadStream *stream);
AmigaDisk_ns(Parallaction *vm);
virtual ~AmigaDisk_ns();
void init();
- Script* loadLocation(const char *name);
- Script* loadScript(const char* name);
GfxObj* loadTalk(const char *name);
GfxObj* loadObjects(const char *name, uint8 part = 0);
Frames* loadPointer(const char *name);
diff --git a/engines/parallaction/disk_br.cpp b/engines/parallaction/disk_br.cpp
index e0d498d3df..ec4fc32cc1 100644
--- a/engines/parallaction/disk_br.cpp
+++ b/engines/parallaction/disk_br.cpp
@@ -396,10 +396,7 @@ void DosDisk_br::loadScenery(BackgroundInfo& info, const char *name, const char
Table* DosDisk_br::loadTable(const char* name) {
debugC(5, kDebugDisk, "DosDisk_br::loadTable");
- Common::SeekableReadStream *stream = openFile(name, ".tab");
- Table *t = createTableFromStream(100, *stream);
- delete stream;
- return t;
+ return createTableFromStream(100, openFile(name, ".tab"));
Common::SeekableReadStream* DosDisk_br::loadMusic(const char* name) {
diff --git a/engines/parallaction/disk_ns.cpp b/engines/parallaction/disk_ns.cpp
index a43b82b5c0..8aa2a9f543 100644
--- a/engines/parallaction/disk_ns.cpp
+++ b/engines/parallaction/disk_ns.cpp
@@ -266,16 +266,49 @@ Common::SeekableReadStream *DosDisk_ns::tryOpenFile(const char* name) {
return _sset.createReadStreamForMember(path);
+Script* Disk_ns::loadLocation(const char *name) {
+ char path[PATH_LEN];
-Cnv* DosDisk_ns::loadCnv(const char *filename) {
- Common::SeekableReadStream *stream = openFile(filename);
+ sprintf(path, "%s%s/%s.loc", _vm->_char.getBaseName(), _language.c_str(), name);
+ debugC(3, kDebugDisk, "Disk_ns::loadLocation(%s): trying '%s'", name, path);
+ Common::SeekableReadStream *stream = tryOpenFile(path);
+ if (!stream) {
+ sprintf(path, "%s/%s.loc", _language.c_str(), name);
+ debugC(3, kDebugDisk, "DosDisk_ns::loadLocation(%s): trying '%s'", name, path);
+ stream = openFile(path);
+ }
+ return new Script(stream, true);
+Script* Disk_ns::loadScript(const char* name) {
+ debugC(1, kDebugDisk, "Disk_ns::loadScript '%s'", name);
+ char path[PATH_LEN];
+ sprintf(path, "%s.script", name);
+ Common::SeekableReadStream *stream = openFile(path);
+ return new Script(stream, true);
+Cnv *Disk_ns::makeCnv(Common::SeekableReadStream *stream) {
+ assert(stream);
uint16 numFrames = stream->readByte();
uint16 width = stream->readByte();
+ assert((width & 7) == 0);
uint16 height = stream->readByte();
- int32 decsize = numFrames * width * height;
+ uint32 decsize = numFrames * width * height;
byte *data = new byte[decsize];
+ assert(data);
+ memset(data, 0, decsize);
+ decodeCnv(data, numFrames, width, height, stream);
+ delete stream;
+ return new Cnv(numFrames, width, height, data, true);
+void DosDisk_ns::decodeCnv(byte *data, uint16 numFrames, uint16 width, uint16 height, Common::SeekableReadStream *stream) {
+ int32 decsize = numFrames * width * height;
bool packed = (stream->size() - stream->pos()) != decsize;
if (packed) {
Graphics::PackBitsReadStream decoder(*stream);
@@ -283,20 +316,21 @@ Cnv* DosDisk_ns::loadCnv(const char *filename) {
} else {
stream->read(data, decsize);
- delete stream;
- return new Cnv(numFrames, width, height, data, true);
+Cnv* DosDisk_ns::loadCnv(const char *filename) {
+ Common::SeekableReadStream *stream = openFile(filename);
+ assert(stream);
+ return makeCnv(stream);
GfxObj* DosDisk_ns::loadTalk(const char *name) {
const char *ext = strstr(name, ".talk");
- if (ext != NULL) {
+ if (ext) {
// npc talk
return new GfxObj(0, loadCnv(name), name);
char v20[30];
@@ -309,29 +343,6 @@ GfxObj* DosDisk_ns::loadTalk(const char *name) {
return new GfxObj(0, loadCnv(v20), name);
-Script* DosDisk_ns::loadLocation(const char *name) {
- char archivefile[PATH_LEN];
- sprintf(archivefile, "%s%s/%s.loc", _vm->_char.getBaseName(), _language.c_str(), name);
- debugC(3, kDebugDisk, "DosDisk_ns::loadLocation(%s): trying '%s'", name, archivefile);
- Common::SeekableReadStream *stream = tryOpenFile(archivefile);
- if (!stream) {
- sprintf(archivefile, "%s/%s.loc", _language.c_str(), name);
- debugC(3, kDebugDisk, "DosDisk_ns::loadLocation(%s): trying '%s'", name, archivefile);
- stream = openFile(archivefile);
- }
- return new Script(stream, true);
-Script* DosDisk_ns::loadScript(const char* name) {
- char path[PATH_LEN];
- sprintf(path, "%s.script", name);
- Common::SeekableReadStream *stream = openFile(path);
- return new Script(stream, true);
GfxObj* DosDisk_ns::loadHead(const char* name) {
char path[PATH_LEN];
@@ -424,106 +435,93 @@ void DosDisk_ns::parseDepths(BackgroundInfo &info, Common::SeekableReadStream &s
info.layers[3] = stream.readByte();
+void DosDisk_ns::createMaskAndPathBuffers(BackgroundInfo &info) {
+ info._mask = new MaskBuffer;
+ assert(info._mask);
+ info._mask->create(info.width, info.height);
+ info._mask->bigEndian = true;
-void DosDisk_ns::parseBackground(BackgroundInfo& info, Common::SeekableReadStream &stream) {
+ info._path = new PathBuffer;
+ assert(info._path);
+ info._path->create(info.width, info.height);
+ info._path->bigEndian = true;
- byte tmp[3];
+void DosDisk_ns::loadBackground(BackgroundInfo& info, const char *filename) {
+ Common::SeekableReadStream *stream = openFile(filename);
+ info.width = _vm->_screenWidth; // 320
+ info.height = _vm->_screenHeight; // 200
+ // read palette
+ byte tmp[3];
for (uint i = 0; i < 32; i++) {
- tmp[0] = stream.readByte();
- tmp[1] = stream.readByte();
- tmp[2] = stream.readByte();
+ tmp[0] = stream->readByte();
+ tmp[1] = stream->readByte();
+ tmp[2] = stream->readByte();
info.palette.setEntry(i, tmp[0], tmp[1], tmp[2]);
- parseDepths(info, stream);
+ // read z coordinates
+ parseDepths(info, *stream);
+ // read palette rotation parameters
PaletteFxRange range;
for (uint32 _si = 0; _si < 6; _si++) {
- range._timer = stream.readUint16BE();
- range._step = stream.readUint16BE();
- range._flags = stream.readUint16BE();
- range._first = stream.readByte();
- range._last = stream.readByte();
+ range._timer = stream->readUint16BE();
+ range._step = stream->readUint16BE();
+ range._flags = stream->readUint16BE();
+ range._first = stream->readByte();
+ range._last = stream->readByte();
info.setPaletteRange(_si, range);
-void DosDisk_ns::loadBackground(BackgroundInfo& info, const char *filename) {
- Common::SeekableReadStream *stream = openFile(filename);
- info.width = _vm->_screenWidth; // 320
- info.height = _vm->_screenHeight; // 200
- parseBackground(info, *stream);
+ // read bitmap, mask and path data and extract them into the 3 buffers
info.bg.create(info.width, info.height, 1);
- info._mask = new MaskBuffer;
- info._mask->create(info.width, info.height);
- info._mask->bigEndian = true;
- info._path = new PathBuffer;
- info._path->create(info.width, info.height);
- info._path->bigEndian = true;
+ createMaskAndPathBuffers(info);
unpackBackground(stream, (byte*)info.bg.pixels, info._mask->data, info._path->data);
delete stream;
-// read background path and mask from a file
-// mask and path are normally combined (via OR) into the background picture itself
-// read the comment on the top of this file for more
-void DosDisk_ns::loadMaskAndPath(BackgroundInfo& info, const char *name) {
- char path[PATH_LEN];
- sprintf(path, "%s.msk", name);
- Common::SeekableReadStream *stream = openFile(path);
- parseDepths(info, *stream);
- info._path = new PathBuffer;
- info._path->create(info.width, info.height);
- info._path->bigEndian = true;
- stream->read(info._path->data, info._path->size);
- info._mask = new MaskBuffer;
- info._mask->create(info.width, info.height);
- info._mask->bigEndian = true;
- stream->read(info._mask->data, info._mask->size);
- delete stream;
void DosDisk_ns::loadSlide(BackgroundInfo& info, const char *filename) {
char path[PATH_LEN];
sprintf(path, "%s.slide", filename);
loadBackground(info, path);
- return;
void DosDisk_ns::loadScenery(BackgroundInfo& info, const char *name, const char *mask, const char* path) {
char filename[PATH_LEN];
sprintf(filename, "%s.dyn", name);
+ // load bitmap
loadBackground(info, filename);
- if (mask != NULL) {
- // load external masks and paths only for certain locations
- loadMaskAndPath(info, mask);
+ if (mask == 0) {
+ return;
- return;
+ // load external mask and path if present (overwriting the ones loaded by loadBackground)
+ char maskPath[PATH_LEN];
+ sprintf(maskPath, "%s.msk", mask);
+ Common::SeekableReadStream *stream = openFile(maskPath);
+ assert(stream);
+ parseDepths(info, *stream);
+ createMaskAndPathBuffers(info);
+ stream->read(info._path->data, info._path->size);
+ stream->read(info._mask->data, info._mask->size);
+ delete stream;
Table* DosDisk_ns::loadTable(const char* name) {
char path[PATH_LEN];
sprintf(path, "%s.tab", name);
- Common::SeekableReadStream *stream = openFile(path);
- Table *t = createTableFromStream(100, *stream);
- delete stream;
- return t;
+ return createTableFromStream(100, openFile(path));
Common::SeekableReadStream* DosDisk_ns::loadMusic(const char* name) {
@@ -534,7 +532,7 @@ Common::SeekableReadStream* DosDisk_ns::loadMusic(const char* name) {
Common::SeekableReadStream* DosDisk_ns::loadSound(const char* name) {
- return NULL;
+ return 0;
@@ -583,7 +581,7 @@ private:
byte *buf, *out, *dest_end, *off_lens, bits_left = 0, bit_cnt;
uint32 bit_buffer = 0, x, todo, offbits, offset, written = 0;
- if (src == NULL || dest == NULL) return 0;
+ if (!src || !dest) return 0;
/* set up input and output pointers */
off_lens = src; src = &src[4];
@@ -829,58 +827,17 @@ void AmigaDisk_ns::unpackBitmap(byte *dst, byte *src, uint16 numFrames, uint16 b
-Cnv* AmigaDisk_ns::makeCnv(Common::SeekableReadStream *stream) {
- assert(stream);
- uint16 numFrames = stream->readByte();
- uint16 width = stream->readByte();
- uint16 height = stream->readByte();
- assert((width & 7) == 0);
+void AmigaDisk_ns::decodeCnv(byte *data, uint16 numFrames, uint16 width, uint16 height, Common::SeekableReadStream *stream) {
byte bytesPerPlane = width / 8;
uint32 rawsize = numFrames * bytesPerPlane * NUM_PLANES * height;
- byte *buf = (byte*)malloc(rawsize);
+ byte *buf = new byte[rawsize];
+ assert(buf);
stream->read(buf, rawsize);
- uint32 decsize = numFrames * width * height;
- byte *data = new byte[decsize];
- memset(data, 0, decsize);
unpackBitmap(data, buf, numFrames, bytesPerPlane, height);
- free(buf);
- delete stream;
- return new Cnv(numFrames, width, height, data, true);
+ delete []buf;
-#undef NUM_PLANES
-Script* AmigaDisk_ns::loadLocation(const char *name) {
- debugC(1, kDebugDisk, "AmigaDisk_ns()::loadLocation '%s'", name);
- char path[PATH_LEN];
- sprintf(path, "%s%s/%s.loc", _vm->_char.getBaseName(), _language.c_str(), name);
- Common::SeekableReadStream *stream = tryOpenFile(path);
- if (!stream) {
- sprintf(path, "%s/%s.loc", _language.c_str(), name);
- stream = openFile(path);
- }
- debugC(3, kDebugDisk, "location file found: %s", path);
- return new Script(stream, true);
-Script* AmigaDisk_ns::loadScript(const char* name) {
- debugC(1, kDebugDisk, "AmigaDisk_ns::loadScript '%s'", name);
- char path[PATH_LEN];
- sprintf(path, "%s.script", name);
- Common::SeekableReadStream *stream = openFile(path);
- return new Script(stream, true);
+#undef NUM_PLANES
Frames* AmigaDisk_ns::loadPointer(const char* name) {
debugC(1, kDebugDisk, "AmigaDisk_ns::loadPointer");
@@ -1072,7 +1029,7 @@ void AmigaDisk_ns::loadScenery(BackgroundInfo& info, const char* background, con
loadBackground(info, filename);
- if (mask == NULL) {
+ if (mask == 0) {
loadMask(info, background);
loadPath(info, background);
} else {
@@ -1154,11 +1111,7 @@ Table* AmigaDisk_ns::loadTable(const char* name) {
sprintf(path, "%s.table", name);
- Common::SeekableReadStream *stream = openFile(path);
- Table *t = createTableFromStream(100, *stream);
- delete stream;
- return t;
+ return createTableFromStream(100, openFile(path));
Font* AmigaDisk_ns::loadFont(const char* name) {
diff --git a/engines/parallaction/objects.cpp b/engines/parallaction/objects.cpp
index 85e0215956..4ed198d240 100644
--- a/engines/parallaction/objects.cpp
+++ b/engines/parallaction/objects.cpp
@@ -423,18 +423,19 @@ void FixedTable::clear() {
_used -= deleted;
-Table* createTableFromStream(uint32 size, Common::SeekableReadStream &stream) {
+Table* createTableFromStream(uint32 size, Common::SeekableReadStream *stream) {
+ assert(stream);
Table *t = new Table(size);
+ assert(t);
- Script s(&stream, false);
+ Script s(stream, false);
while (scumm_stricmp(_tokens[0], "ENDTABLE")) {
+ delete stream;
return t;
diff --git a/engines/parallaction/objects.h b/engines/parallaction/objects.h
index e4f93c299a..6e4d4439bb 100644
--- a/engines/parallaction/objects.h
+++ b/engines/parallaction/objects.h
@@ -541,7 +541,7 @@ public:
void clear();
-Table* createTableFromStream(uint32 size, Common::SeekableReadStream &stream);
+Table* createTableFromStream(uint32 size, Common::SeekableReadStream *stream);
} // namespace Parallaction