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authorStrangerke2013-02-20 23:54:14 +0100
committerStrangerke2013-02-20 23:54:14 +0100
commit42b0f5535e8bc55417af91bc49e1ebf8500d4bd4 (patch)
parent3f60cd79fed0e245dffe97e8cd33a7990ae90f48 (diff)
MORTEVIELLE:Add initial English translation
1 files changed, 143 insertions, 143 deletions
diff --git a/devtools/create_mortdat/gametext.h b/devtools/create_mortdat/gametext.h
index 0e0948e95f..9efb55bc53 100644
--- a/devtools/create_mortdat/gametext.h
+++ b/devtools/create_mortdat/gametext.h
@@ -320,149 +320,149 @@ const char *gameDataEn[] = {
- "TBT - Les vieux appelaient ainsi la chaine de montagne qui se dresse au pied du manoir !$",
- "TBT - C'est le massif montagneux que l'on aper‡oit devant le manoir$",
- "TBT - Je n'en sais rien !$",
- "TBT - Elle est morte d'une embolie pulmonaire$",
- "TBT - Ma m‚re est morte soudainement . Son ‚tat semblait pourtant s'ˆtre am‚lior‚$",
- "TBT - Madame DEFRANCK est morte d'un coup de froid$",
- "TBT - Elle est morte d'une embolie pulmonaire$",
- "TBT - Pardonnez moi mais je pr‚fŠre, actuellement garder le silence$",
- "TBT - Ce sont toujours les meilleurs qui partent les premiers$",
- "TBT - J'aimais beaucoup ma mŠre . Je regrette seulement qu'elle soit morte dans le manoir des DEFRANCK$",
- "TBT - C'est une r‚gion qui a un pass‚ charg‚ et j'ai largement de quoi m'occuper . Et puis j'aime beaucoup les chevaux..$",
- "TBT - C'est un passionn‚ d'histoire et un joueur inv‚t‚r‚ . D'ailleurs, voici un an il a gagn‚ une grosse somme$",
- "TBT - Il a d‚j… beaucoup a faire avec la gestion et l'entretien du manoir ...$",
- "TBT - Je suis PDG d'une petite soci‚t‚ de parfums . Mais quand je suis ici, je me repose$",
- "TBT - C'est un homme dynamique qui a r‚ussi dans le parfum$",
- "TBT - Lui ! C'est un arriviste v‚reux ! Les parfums ont du endormir son bon sens . D'ailleurs ici il passe ses soir‚es dans sa chambre$",
- "TBT - J'ai ‚t‚ trŠs pr‚occup‚ par la sant‚ de ma mŠre, et maintenant je n'ai plus go–t … rien$",
- "TBT - Il aurait mieux fait de s'occuper un peu plus de moi et un peu moins de sa mŠre$",
- "TBT - Ce sont ses affaires ...$",
- "TBT - Il n'a pas trop de chance en ce moment bien que ses affaires soient satisfaisantes$",
- "TBT - Je travaille avec Pat mais ‡a ne va pas trŠs fort en ce moment$",
- "TBT - Ah oui ?! Il a des occupations ? Il ferait bien de s'en occuper s‚rieusement alors$",
- "TBT - Lui et Pat sont associ‚s . Je crois que ‡a ne va pas trop mal$",
- "TBT - Je m'occupe de moi et c'est d‚j… beaucoup . Et vous ?$",
- "TBT - Oh ‡a ! Je lui fais confiance . Elle sait s'occuper$",
- "TBT - Mais ! Vous n'avez pas encore d‚couvert son occupation principale ..?$",
- "TBT - Elle fait dans la d‚coration avec beaucoup dego–t d'ailleurs . Elle est toujours trŠs bien habill‚e$",
- "TBT - Si les bijoux vous interessent, j'ai quelques affaires interessantes … saisir rapidement$",
- "TBT - Les bijoux ...$",
- "TBT - Je ne sais pas, mais j'aimerais bien qu'il s'occupe un peu moins de mes affaires !$",
- "TBT - Quand on est une femme d'int‚rieur on trouve toujours de quoi s'occuper...$",
- "TBT - Elle pourrait rester sans rien faire, mais non ! Elle coud, elle lit ...$",
- "TBT - Elle n'a s–rement pas des occupations trŠs ‚panouissantes ...$",
- "TBT - Une femme comme il n'y en a plus : Elle s'interesse a tout !$",
- "TBT - Entre la cuisine et le m‚nage, je n'ai pas beaucoup de temps … vous accorder$",
- "TBT - Je ne sais pas comment il s'y prend pour tout faire . C'est merveilleux !$",
- "TBT - Il en ferait plus si il s'occupait moins des rag“ts et de la bouteille$",
- "TBT - Je suis trŠs ind‚pendant . Tant qu'on ne s'occupe pas de mes affaires : Pas de problŠme$",
- "TBT - C'est un ‚go‹ste . Je me demande si il aime autre chose que ses chevaux et ses grimoires$",
- "TBT - Je crois qu'il s'entend bien avec tout le monde, mis … part, peut ˆtre, avec Guy$",
- "TBT - C'est un homme de caractŠre . Il faut savoir le prendre ..$",
- "TBT - Les affaires sont les affaires . Quant … la famille, je la laisse pour ce qu'elle est ...$",
- "TBT - Relations ? Relations amicales ? Relations financiŠres sans doute$",
- "TBT - Moi je n'ai rien … lui reprocher$",
- "TBT - C'est un homme d'affaire d‚brouillard . Il nage parfois … contre-courant mais ... il s'en sortira toujours$",
- "TBT - Ils m'ennuient tous .. Non ! Ce n'est mˆme pas ‡a .. Quoique .. certains ..$",
- "TBT - A l'inverse de sa mŠre, c'est une personne trŠs renferm‚e ! Alors question relations ..$",
- "TBT - Il doit sans doute faire beaucoup d'effort pour rester agr‚able malgr‚ tous ses ennuis$",
- "TBT - Ses relations amoureuses : C'est termin‚ . Ses relations avec moi : Pas vraiment commenc‚es . Quant aux autres : Je ne suis pas les \"autres\"$",
- "TBT - J'aime bien tout le monde, tant qu'on ne m'escroque pas$",
- "TBT - Il ne suffit pas d'avoir un peu d'argent et d'ˆtre beau parleur pour plaire … tout le monde$",
- "TBT - Sans histoire .. C'est quelqu'un d'agr‚able et g‚n‚reux . De plus, il ne manque pas d'humour$",
- "TBT - Actuellement je m'entends plut“t bien avec tout le monde . Mais, ici, je ne vais pas m'‚tendre sur le sujet$",
- "TBT - Beau plumage, mais ‡a ne vole pas haut ... Parlez en … son mari$",
- "TBT - C'est pour un rendez-vous ?$",
- "TBT - Elle est trŠs vivante ! Elle ne s'embarrasse pas de pr‚jug‚s stupides$",
- "TBT - Dans mon m‚tier, on c“toit surtout des belles femmes et des truands$",
- "TBT - La seule valeur s–re chez lui, c'est ses bijoux .. Et sa femme, mais ‡a il ne s'en rend pas compte$",
- "TBT - C'est quelqu'un d'interessant . De pas toujours facile … comprendre, mais qui m‚rite le d‚tour$",
- "TBT - Je ne d‚teste personne, mais j'aime les choses et les gens quand ils sont … leur place$",
- "TBT - C'est entre nous . Mais voyez : quand je parle avec elle, je me sens vite … l'‚troit !$",
- "TBT - Pour ne pas s'entendre avec elle, faut y mettre de la mauvaise volont‚$",
- "TBT - Vous savez dans mon m‚tier on entend tout mais on ne retient rien, et le service est bien fait$",
- "TBT - C'est un hypocrite, un larbin ! Personnellement je ne lui fais pas confiance$",
- "TBT - Je ne connait pas le fond de sa pens‚e mais c'est quelqu'un de toujours trŠs correct et impeccable$",
- "TBT - C'‚tait une personne qui a v‚cu au manoir, il y a un an .. peut ˆtre plus$",
- "TBT - C'‚tait plus qu'une amie pour ma mŠre . En ces moments, j'aurais aim‚ qu'elle soit … mes cot‚s$",
- "TBT - Murielle a ‚t‚ la dame de compagnie de Julia$",
- "TBT - Elle aussi, faisait des recherches ...$",
- "TBT - C'‚tait une femme trŠs cultiv‚e . Son brusque d‚part, il y a un an, m'a surpris et beaucoup chagrin‚$",
- "TBT - Elle partageait avec L‚o sa passion de l'histoire et de la r‚gion$",
- "TBT - Je crois que tout le monde l'aimait bien$",
- "TBT - Elle s'entendait bien avec tout le monde . Elle aimait beaucoup son fils . Quant aux relations belle-mŠre, belle-fille ..$",
- "TBT - A part L‚o, elle avait de trŠs bon rapport avec Max ...$",
- "TBT - Bien que vos relations furent peu soutenues, J‚r“me, elle vous portait toujours dans son coeur ...$",
- "TBT - A part sa famille, pas grand monde$",
- "TBT - Ah oui ! Je crois qu'elle a beaucoup regrett‚ le d‚part de cette amie .. euh ! Marielle .. ou Mireille ...$",
- "TBT - Non rien !$",
- "TBT - Non ... Pas que le sache$",
- "TBT - J'ai connu Julia en achetant le manoir . C'‚tait son seul bien . Mais toute ma fortune ‚tait la sienne ...$",
- "TBT - Si ce n'est quelques objets personnels, je crois qu'elle n'avait plus rien … elle$",
- "TBT - Je crois que toute sa fortune venait de L‚o . Alors, Pfuuut !$",
- "TBT - A part la lettre pour vous que j'ai post‚, rien de bien important !$",
- "TBT - J'ai ‚t‚ trŠs heureuse qu'elle m'offre sa bible reli‚e$",
- "TBT - Ca a ‚t‚ rapide et elle n'a pas eu le temps de prendre des dispositions particuliŠres$",
- "TBT - Son dernier pr‚sent m'a surpris$",
- "TBT - Quel cadeau ?$",
- "TBT - Un chandellier ...$",
- "TBT - Oui, j'ai eu un cadeau . Ma femme a mˆme eu une bible$",
- "TBT - Et bien oui ! Comme tout le monde, je crois$",
- "TBT - Un poignard$",
- "TBT - Je n'ai jamais ‚t‚ fouiller dans le grenier !$",
- "TBT - Vous avez un don de double-vue ou un passe-partout$",
- "TBT - Le portrait d'une jeune fille : C'est Murielle ...$",
- "TBT - Vous savez, je la connaissais assez peu$",
- "TBT - Elle ‚tait trŠs charmante, mais c'‚tait surtout la dame de compagnie de Julia$",
- "TBT - C'est la seule femme vraiment interessante que j'ai rencontr‚$",
- "TBT - Elle avait de grandes connaissances historiques, et la consulter ‚tait trŠs enrichissant$",
- "TBT - Je me suis toujours demand‚ ce que certains pouvaient lui trouver !$",
- "TBT - Si la chambre est ferm‚e, demandez … L‚o$",
- "TBT - J'ai ferm‚ sa chambre aprŠs sa mort et j'aimerais qu'il en soit ainsi encore un certain temps$",
- "TBT - Vous savez ce que c'est : Des relations familiales$",
- "TBT - Durant toutes ces ann‚es, je ne l'ai jamais servie … contre-coeur$",
- "TBT - Je l'aimais autant qu'elle m'aimais, je crois$",
- "TBT - De quel droit avez-vous p‚n‚tr‚ dans la chambre de ma femme ?!!$",
- "TBT - C'est sans doute la photo de Murielle avec le filleul de Julia$",
- "TBT - Je ne me rappelle pas$",
- "TBT - C'est Murielle . C'est moi qui l'ai prise. et d'ailleurs elle est tir‚e … l'envers$",
- "TBT - Vous ˆtes bien curieux !... C'est sans valeur$",
- "TBT - Grimoires, parchemins et manuscrits : C'est le domaine de L‚o$",
- "TBT - Dommage que la devise soit manquante ...$",
- "TBT - C'est trŠs beau ... Et trŠs vieux ...$",
- "TBT - Tiens ! C'est un endroit que je n'ai jamais visit‚$",
- "TBT - D'apr‚s L‚o, il semblerait que les Lunes soient plus r‚centes$",
- "TBT - Mˆme par ce temps, vous avez d‚nich‚ un soleil ...$",
- "TBT - Profond et inqui‚tant : Le progrŠs a du bon$",
- "TBT - Ca reste pour moi le plus grand des mystŠres$",
- "TBT - Les derniers temps elle parlait d'un voyage . Et puis ...$",
- "TBT - Il y a un peu plus d'un an, un soir, elle a d‚cid‚ de partir ...$",
- "TBT - De toutes fa‡ons elle n'‚tait pas faite pour vivre ici$",
- "TBT - Quoi ?! Quel corps ? Quel crypte ?$",
- "TBT - Si il y en a, je ne les ai jamais trouv‚ ...$",
- "TBT - Bien s–r ! ... Et des fant“mes aussi ...$",
- "TBT - C'est la plus vielle de la r‚gion : Elle date du XI eme siŠcle$",
- "TBT - Elle fut l‚gŠrement restaur‚e aprŠs la r‚volution$",
- "TBT - Julia aimait beaucoup la peinture$",
- "TBT - Ils ont diff‚rents styles, mais n'ont pas tous une trŠs grande valeur$",
- "TBT - Que faites-vous l… ?$",
- "TBT - Je suis s–r que vous cherchez quelque chose ici$",
- "TBT - Je vous ‚coute$",
- "TBT - Que d‚sirez-vous ?$",
- "TBT - Oui ?$",
- "TBT - Je suis … vous ...$",
- "TBT - C'est pourquoi ?$",
- "TBT - Allez-y$",
- "TBT - C'est … quel sujet ?$",
- "TBT - Max : … votre service, monsieur$",
- "TBT - De toutes fa‡ons vous n'avez rien … faire ici ! Sortez !!$",
- "TBT - Vous ˆtes trop curieux !$",
- "TBT - J‚r“me ! Il y a longtemps ... Quelle tristesse, Julia est morte . Sa famille est ici : Guy, son fils . Eva, sa brue . L‚o, son mari bien s–r . Son beau fils, Pat . Des cousins : Bob, Ida, Luc . La tempŠte redouble, il vous faut rester . Les repas sont … 12h et 19h et il y a un recueillement … la chapelle tous les jours … 10h$",
- "TBT - En vous voyant j'ai compris que vous decouvririez la v‚rit‚ ... Car je savais pourquoi vous veniez : J'avais retrouv‚ le brouillon de la lettre de Julia . Mais je suis trŠs joueur, alors ... Elle n'avait pas voulu que votre tƒche soit trop facile, pour me prot‚ger, sans doute, mais elle n'a pu mourir avec cette incertitude sur la conscience . Avez vous d‚couvert que le mur du silence est le nom que les ma‡ons ont donn‚ au mur qui porte ce blason, lors de la construction du manoir ? .. Et ces cadeaux que Julia a laiss‚ avant de mourir ‚taient autant de faux indices qui ne servaient qu'… faire ressortir l'importance des parchemins ... Effectivement, il y a plus d'un an, je travailais avec Murielle au d‚cryptage de ces manuscrits que je venais de trouver . Ma femme a fait la relation entre notre travail et la disparition de Murielle mais elle n'a jamais eu de preuves . Si ce n'est cette bague qu'elle a retrouv‚ un jour dans mes affaires . Une nuit, nous nous sommes aventur‚s dans le passage secret que nous avions d‚couvert . Murielle est morte par accident dans la piŠce de la vierge . J'ai r‚cup‚r‚ la bague rapidement, trouv‚ le tr‚sor et me suis enfuis . Je ne pensais pas qu'elle vivait encore, et je n'ai rien dit car j'avais besoin d'argent . J'ai fait passer cette somme sur le compte des courses de chevaux ...Partez maintenant, puisque vous n'ˆtes pas de la police . Laissez moi seul !$",
- "TBT - F‚vrier 1951 ... Profession : detective priv‚ . Le froid figeait Paris et mes affaires lorsque ...$",
- "TBT - Une lettre, un appel, des souvenirs d'une enfance encore proche . Que de jeux dans les piŠces d‚labr‚es du manoir de Mortevielle . Julia, une vieille femme a pr‚sent .$",
+ "That was the name old people gave to the mountain range that lies at the foot of the manor!$",
+ "These are the mountains one can see in front of the manor$",
+ "I don't know!$",
+ "She died from pulmonary embolism$",
+ "Mother died suddenly. And yet her health had seemed to improve‚$",
+ "Miss DEFRANCK died from a cold$",
+ "She died from pulmonary embolism$",
+ "Excuse me but I prefer to say nothing for now$",
+ "Only the good die young$",
+ "I loved my mother . My only regret is that she died in the DEFRANCK's manor$",
+ "That region has a lot of history and there is plenty to keep me busy. And also I love horses..$",
+ "He is a history enthusiast and a gambler. By the way he won a large sum one year ago$",
+ "He is already very busy with the management and maintenance of the mansion...$",
+ "I am the CEO of a small perfume company. But when I am here, I rest$",
+ "He is a dynamic man who has succeeded in perfurmes$",
+ "Him! He is an upstart rogue! Perfumes must have killed his common sense. Moreover, when he's here he spends his evenings in his room$",
+ "I was very concerned about my mother's health, and now I don't feel like doing anything at all$",
+ "He would have done better to look after me a bit more and a bit less after his mother$",
+ "(313) It is his business...$",
+ "He does not have much luck at the moment although his business is satisfactory$",
+ "I work with Pat but it's not going too well at the moment$",
+ "Oh really?! He has activities? He better take care of them seriously then$",
+ "Him and Pat are patners. I think it's going pretty well$",
+ "I take care of myself and that's already lots. How about you?$",
+ "(319) Oh that! I trust her. She knows how to keep herself busy$",
+ "(320) What! You have not yet discovered her main occupation..?$",
+ "She is working in the decoration business, and tastefully with that. She is always very well dressed$",
+ "If you like jewels, I have some good deals to propose for a short while$",
+ "The jewels...$",
+ "I don't know, but I'd like him to give me a bit more slack!$",
+ "When one is a housewife, one always find something to do...$",
+ "She could stay there doing nothing, but no! She sews, she reads ...$",
+ "She probably doesn't have very fulfilling occupations...$",
+ "A woman like there is no more: She is interested in everything!$",
+ "With the cooking and the cleaning I do not have much time for you$",
+ "I do not know how he manages to do everything. That's wonderful!$",
+ "He would do more if he showed less interest in gossip and alcohol$",
+ "I am very independant. As long as nobody interferes in my business: No problem$",
+ "He is selfish. I wonder if he likes something else than his horses and grimoires$",
+ "I think he gets along well with everyone, except, perhaps, with Guy$",
+ "He has a temper. You have to learn how to deal with him ..$",
+ "Business is business. As for the family, I leave it as it is ...$",
+ "Relations? Friendly relations? Financial relations, without a doubt$",
+ "Oh I don't have anything against him$",
+ "He is a resourceful businessman. He sometimes tries to swim upstream but … he will always find a way to make it work$",
+ "(340) They all bore me .. No! Not even that .. Even if .. some people ..$",
+ "Contrary to his mother, he is a very shy person ! So when you say relations ..$",
+ "He must be trying very hard to remain nice despite all his troubles$",
+ "(343) His romantic relationship: it's over. His relationship with me: hasn't really started. As for the other ones: I don't follow the \"other ones\"$",
+ "I like everyone, as long as they are not trying to screw me over$",
+ "It is not enough to have a bit of money and to know how to talk for everyone to like you$",
+ "Not much to say about him .. He is a nice and generous man. And what's more, he can be quite funny$",
+ "Nowadays I get along rather well with everyone. But, here, I am not going to say more about this$",
+ "(348) Nice feathers, but a bird's brain... Ask her husband$",
+ "Is it for an appointment?$",
+ "(350) She is very lively! She does not burden herself with stupids prejudices$",
+ "In my line of work, one mostly encounters beautiful women and gangsters$",
+ "The only sure thing he has going for him, it's his jewelery .. And his wife, but he doesn't realize that$",
+ "It's an interesting character. Who is not always very easy to follow, but worth knowing$",
+ "I hate no one, but I like things and people when they stay where they should be$",
+ "This stays between us. But you see: when I speak with her, I soon start to feel a bit uncomfortable!$",
+ "You'd have to try hard to not get along with her$",
+ "You know, in my line of work you hear everything but don't remember anything, and service is well done$",
+ "He's a submissive hypocrite! Personally I don't trust him$",
+ "I don't know what he thinks deep down inside, but he's always polite and impeccable$",
+ "Someone who lived in the manor, a year ago .. maybe more$",
+ "She was more than a friend to my mother. In these moments, I would have loved to have her by my side$",
+ "Murielle has been Julia's lady-in-waiting$",
+ "She, too, was doing some research ...$",
+ "She was a very educated person. Her abrupt leaving, a year ago, surprised me and caused me great sorrow$",
+ "Her and Leo shared a common passion for history and the local area$",
+ "I think everyone liked her$",
+ "She got along with everyone. She loved her son dearly. As for the relations between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law ..$",
+ "Apart from Leo, she got along very well with Max ...$",
+ "Even if your relations were unfrequent, Jerome, there was still a place for you in her heart ...$",
+ "(370) Apart from her family, not a lot of people$",
+ "Oh right! I think she deeply regretted this friend's leaving .. err! Marielle .. or Mireille ...$",
+ "No, nothing!$",
+ "No … Not that I know of$",
+ "I met Julia when buying the manor. It was the only thing she owned. But all my wealth was hers ...$",
+ "Apart from a few personal belongings, I think she didn't own anything anymore$",
+ "I think all her fortune came from Leo. So, pfft!$",
+ "(377) Apart from the letter for you I posted, nothing very important!$",
+ "I was very happy she gave me her bound bible as a present$",
+ "It happened fast and she didn't have time to make any particular will$",
+ "Her last gift suprised me$",
+ "Which gift?$",
+ "A chandelier ...$",
+ "Yes, I got a present. My wife even got a bible$",
+ "Well yes! Like everyone, I believe$",
+ "A dagger$",
+ "I have never been looking around in the attic!$",
+ "(387) You either can read the past or pick a door$",
+ "The portrait of a young girl: it's Murielle ...$",
+ "You know, I didn't know her that well$",
+ "She was very charming, but above all she was Julia's lady-in-waiting$",
+ "She was the only truly interesting woman I've met$",
+ "She had a great knowledge in history, and you learned a great deal when you asked her about it$",
+ "(393) I've always wondered why some people fancied her!$",
+ "If the room is closed, ask Leo$",
+ "(395) I closed her door after her death and I'd like it to remain this way for a while$",
+ "You know how it is: family relations$",
+ "All those years, I've never regretted serving her$",
+ "I loved her as much as she loved me, I think$",
+ "What made you think you could enter my wife's room?!!$",
+ "It must be the picture of Murielle with Julia's godson$",
+ "I don't remember$",
+ "This is Murielle. I took that picture, and actually they developed it backwards$",
+ "You sure are curious!... It's not worth anything$",
+ "(404) Grimoires, parchment and manuscripts: it is Leo's realm$",
+ "Too bad the motto doesn't appear here ...$",
+ "This is beautiful … And very old ...$",
+ "Hey! That's a place I've never visited$",
+ "According to Leo, it seems that the Moons are more recent$",
+ "Even under this weather, you managed to find a sun ...$",
+ "Profound and disturbing: Progress is good$",
+ "For me, it remains the biggest of all mysteries$",
+ "The last days she was talking about a trip. And then ...$",
+ "A little over a year ago, one night, she decided to leave ...$",
+ "In any case, she wasn't meant to live here$",
+ "What?! Whose body? Which crypt?$",
+ "If there are any, I have never found them ...$",
+ "Of course! And ghosts too ...$",
+ "It's the oldest in the area: it is from the 11th century$",
+ "It was slightly renovated after the French Revolution$",
+ "Julia loved paintings$",
+ "They are different in styles, but not all of them are worth a lot$",
+ "What are you doing h-$",
+ "I'm sure you are looking for something in here$",
+ "I'm listening$",
+ "What do you want?$",
+ "Yes?$",
+ "I'm all yours ...$",
+ "What's the matter?$",
+ "Go ahead$",
+ "What is it about?$",
+ "Max: at your service, sir$",
+ "In any case you have no business being in here! Get out!!$",
+ "You are too curious!$",
+ "Jerome! It's been a while … I'm very sad to announce you that Julia died. Her family is here: Guy, her son; Eva, her daughter-in-law; Leo, her husband, of course; her son-in-law Pat; cousins, too: Bob, Ida, Luc. The storm is getting stronger, you must stay here. Meals are served at 12am and 7pm, and there is a mass at the chapel every day at 10am$",
+ "When I saw you I knew you would uncover the truth … I knew why you were here: I had found the draft of Julia's letter. But I love to play, so … She hadn't wanted your task to be too easy, to protect me, probably, but she couldn't die knowing this mystery would remain unsolved. Did you find out that the wall of silence is the name the builders gave, during the construction of the manor, to the wall on which the coat of arms hangs? .. And those gifts Julia left before dying were as many false leads, and their true purpose was to highlight how important the parchments were … That's right, more than a year ago I was working with Murielle on the decryption of those manuscripts I had just found. My wife made the connection between our work and Murielle's disappearance, but she never had any proof. Except that ring she found one day while going through my belongings. One night, we went exploring the secret passage we had found. Murielle died by accident in the room of the Virgin. I quickly took the ring from her, found the treasure and ran away. I didn't think she was still alive, and I didn't say a word because I needed the money. I told everyone the money was coming from a winning bet at the horseraces … Leave now, since you're not a policeman. Leave me alone!$",
+ "February 1951 ,,, Occupation: private eye. The cold was freezing Paris off, and my cases as well, when ...$",
+ "A letter, a call, memories from a childhood not that long ago. Echoes of the many games we played in the disused rooms of Mortville Manor … And Julia, now an old woman.$",
" to the bureau$",
" to the kitchen$",
" to the cellar$",