diff options
authorPaul Gilbert2015-05-31 11:49:06 -0400
committerPaul Gilbert2015-05-31 11:49:06 -0400
commit53f6e1903b9f4247b231955b16dc49cb7d40d3e9 (patch)
parent656906da4276bdb0783f58be6e84164b2bf0ecbb (diff)
SHERLOCK: Implement TsAGE object mover code for Scalpel logo display
2 files changed, 161 insertions, 1 deletions
diff --git a/engines/sherlock/scalpel/tsage/logo.cpp b/engines/sherlock/scalpel/tsage/logo.cpp
index 0fa8bf808a..3fc9973499 100644
--- a/engines/sherlock/scalpel/tsage/logo.cpp
+++ b/engines/sherlock/scalpel/tsage/logo.cpp
@@ -160,6 +160,7 @@ Object::Object() {
_frame = 0;
_numFrames = 0;
_frameChange = 0;
+ _angle = _changeCtr = 0;
void Object::setVisage(int visage, int strip) {
@@ -176,6 +177,39 @@ void Object::setAnimMode(bool isAnimating) {
_frameChange = 1;
+void Object::setDestination(const Common::Point &pt) {
+ _destination = pt;
+ int moveRate = 10;
+ _walkStartFrame = _vm->_events->getFrameCounter();
+ _walkStartFrame += 60 / moveRate;
+ calculateMoveAngle();
+ // Get the difference
+ int diffX = _destination.x - _position.x;
+ int diffY = _destination.y - _position.y;
+ int xSign = (diffX < 0) ? -1 : (diffX > 0 ? 1 : 0);
+ int ySign = (diffY < 0) ? -1 : (diffY > 0 ? 1 : 0);
+ diffX = ABS(diffX);
+ diffY = ABS(diffY);
+ if (diffX < diffY) {
+ _minorDiff = diffX / 2;
+ _majorDiff = diffY;
+ } else {
+ _minorDiff = diffY / 2;
+ _majorDiff = diffX;
+ }
+ // Set the destination position
+ _moveDelta = Common::Point(diffX, diffY);
+ _moveSign = Common::Point(xSign, ySign);
+ _changeCtr = 0;
+ assert(diffX || diffY);
void Object::erase() {
Screen &screen = *_vm->_screen;
@@ -187,6 +221,9 @@ void Object::update() {
Screen &screen = *_vm->_screen;
if (_visage.isLoaded()) {
+ if (isMoving())
+ move();
if (_isAnimating) {
if (_frame < _visage.getFrameCount())
_frame = changeFrame();
@@ -235,6 +272,27 @@ int Object::getNewFrame() {
return frameNum;
+void Object::calculateMoveAngle() {
+ int xDiff = _destination.x - _position.x, yDiff = _position.y - _destination.y;
+ if (!xDiff && !yDiff)
+ _angle = 0;
+ else if (!xDiff)
+ _angle = (_destination.y >= _position.y) ? 180 : 0;
+ else if (!yDiff)
+ _angle = (_destination.x >= _position.x) ? 90 : 270;
+ else {
+ int result = (((xDiff * 100) / ((abs(xDiff) + abs(yDiff))) * 90) / 100);
+ if (yDiff < 0)
+ result = 180 - result;
+ else if (xDiff < 0)
+ result += 360;
+ _angle = result;
+ }
bool Object::isAnimEnded() const {
return _finished;
@@ -243,6 +301,82 @@ bool Object::isMoving() const {
return (_destination.x != 0) && (_destination != _position);
+void Object::move() {
+ Common::Point currPos = _position;
+ Common::Point moveDiff(5, 3);
+ int yDiff = 0;
+ int percent = 100;
+ if (dontMove())
+ return;
+ if (_moveDelta.x >= _moveDelta.y) {
+ int xAmount = _moveSign.x * moveDiff.x * percent / 100;
+ if (!xAmount)
+ xAmount = _moveSign.x;
+ currPos.x += xAmount;
+ int yAmount = ABS(_destination.y - currPos.y);
+ int yChange = _majorDiff / ABS(xAmount);
+ int ySign;
+ if (!yChange)
+ ySign = _moveSign.y;
+ else {
+ int v = yAmount / yChange;
+ _changeCtr += yAmount % yChange;
+ if (_changeCtr >= yChange) {
+ ++v;
+ _changeCtr -= yChange;
+ }
+ ySign = _moveSign.y * v;
+ }
+ currPos.y += ySign;
+ _majorDiff -= ABS(xAmount);
+ }
+ else {
+ int yAmount = _moveSign.y * moveDiff.y * percent / 100;
+ if (!yAmount)
+ yAmount = _moveSign.y;
+ currPos.y += yAmount;
+ int xAmount = ABS(_destination.x - currPos.x);
+ int xChange = _majorDiff / ABS(yAmount);
+ int xSign;
+ if (!xChange)
+ xSign = _moveSign.x;
+ else {
+ int v = xAmount / xChange;
+ _changeCtr += xAmount % xChange;
+ if (_changeCtr >= xChange) {
+ ++v;
+ _changeCtr -= xChange;
+ }
+ xSign = _moveSign.x * v;
+ }
+ currPos.x += xSign;
+ _majorDiff -= ABS(yAmount);
+ }
+ _position = currPos;
+ if (dontMove())
+ _position = _destination;
+bool Object::dontMove() const {
+ return (_majorDiff <= 0);
+void Object::endMove() {
+ _position = _destination;
bool Logo::show(ScalpelEngine *vm) {
diff --git a/engines/sherlock/scalpel/tsage/logo.h b/engines/sherlock/scalpel/tsage/logo.h
index 0dcd35e281..68b7353a15 100644
--- a/engines/sherlock/scalpel/tsage/logo.h
+++ b/engines/sherlock/scalpel/tsage/logo.h
@@ -97,6 +97,12 @@ private:
uint32 _updateStartFrame;
bool _isAnimating;
bool _finished;
+ uint32 _walkStartFrame;
+ int _angle;
+ int _changeCtr;
+ int _majorDiff, _minorDiff;
+ Common::Point _moveDelta;
+ Common::Point _moveSign;
* Return the next frame when the object is animating
@@ -107,6 +113,26 @@ private:
* Gets the next frame in the sequence
int getNewFrame();
+ /**
+ * Calculate the angle between the current position and a designated destination
+ */
+ void calculateMoveAngle();
+ /**
+ * Handle any object movement
+ */
+ void move();
+ /**
+ * Returns whether not to make any movement
+ */
+ bool dontMove() const;
+ /**
+ * Ends any current movement
+ */
+ void endMove();
static ScalpelEngine *_vm;
Common::Point _position;
@@ -131,7 +157,7 @@ public:
* Starts an object moving to a given destination
- void setDestination(const Common::Point &pt) { _destination = pt; }
+ void setDestination(const Common::Point &pt);
* Returns true if an animation is ended