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authorNorbert Lange2009-08-07 21:00:34 +0000
committerNorbert Lange2009-08-07 21:00:34 +0000
commit78e06a0e1c8260b5e1b1ecb4cf9ae2912ca03ce5 (patch)
parentd51e8be2bf42009a3dbbdd28070ccb35f7f78aa5 (diff)
refactored noteOn
removed channel.voicesActive variable svn-id: r43104
2 files changed, 189 insertions, 83 deletions
diff --git a/sound/mods/maxtrax.cpp b/sound/mods/maxtrax.cpp
index f9e2a509cf..090401da9e 100644
--- a/sound/mods/maxtrax.cpp
+++ b/sound/mods/maxtrax.cpp
@@ -45,6 +45,11 @@ int32 calcVolumeDelta(int32 delta, uint16 time, uint16 vBlankFreq) {
int32 calcTempo(const uint16 tempo, uint16 vBlankFreq) {
return (int32)(((uint32)(tempo & 0xFFF0) << 8) / (uint16)(5 * vBlankFreq));
+// 0x9fd77 ~ log2(1017) MIDI F5 ?
+// 0x8fd77 ~ log2(508.5) MIDI F4 ?
+// 0x6f73d ~ log2(125) ~ 5675Hz
+enum { K_VALUE = 0x9fd77, PREF_PERIOD = 0x8fd77, PERIOD_LIMIT = 0x6f73d };
namespace Audio {
@@ -183,7 +188,9 @@ void MaxTrax::interrupt() {
case 0xB0: // CONTROL
- // TODO: controlChange((byte)stopTime, (byte)(stopTime >> 8))
+ controlCh(channel, (byte)(curEvent->stopTime >> 8), (byte)curEvent->stopTime);
+ break;
debug("Unhandled Command");
@@ -337,6 +344,110 @@ endOfEventLoop:
+void MaxTrax::controlCh(ChannelContext &channel, const byte command, const byte data) {
+ switch (command) {
+ case 0x01: // modulation level MSB
+ channel.modulation = data << 8;
+ break;
+ case 0x21: // modulation level LSB
+ channel.modulation = (channel.modulation & 0xFF00) || ((data * 2) & 0xFF);
+ break;
+ case 0x05: // portamento time MSB
+ channel.portamentoTime = data << 7;
+ break;
+ case 0x25: // portamento time LSB
+ channel.portamentoTime = (channel.portamentoTime & 0x3f80) || data;
+ break;
+ case 0x06: // data entry MSB
+ // TODO implement
+ break;
+ case 0x07: // Main Volume MSB
+ channel.volume = (data == 0) ? 0 : data + 1;
+ channel.isAltered = true;
+ break;
+ case 0x0A: // Pan
+ if (data > 0x40 || (data == 0x40 && ((&channel - _channelCtx) & 1) != 0))
+ channel.flags |= ChannelContext::kFlagRightChannel;
+ else
+ channel.flags &= ~ChannelContext::kFlagRightChannel;
+ break;
+ case 0x10: // GPC as Modulation Time MSB
+ channel.modulationTime = data << 7;
+ break;
+ case 0x30: // GPC as Modulation Time LSB
+ channel.modulationTime = (channel.modulationTime & 0x3f80) || data;
+ break;
+ case 0x11: // GPC as Microtonal Set MSB
+ channel.microtonal = data << 8;
+ break;
+ case 0x31: // GPC as Microtonal Set LSB
+ channel.microtonal = (channel.microtonal & 0xFF00) || ((data * 2) & 0xFF);
+ break;
+ case 0x40: // Damper Pedal
+ if ((data & 0x40) != 0)
+ channel.flags |= ChannelContext::kFlagDamper;
+ else {
+ channel.flags &= ~ChannelContext::kFlagDamper;
+ // release all dampered voices on this channel
+ for (int i = 0; i < ARRAYSIZE(_voiceCtx); ++i) {
+ if (_voiceCtx[i].channel == &channel && _voiceCtx[i].hasDamper) {
+ _voiceCtx[i].hasDamper = false;
+ _voiceCtx[i].status = VoiceContext::kStatusRelease;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ case 0x41: // Portamento off/on
+ if ((data & 0x40) != 0)
+ channel.flags |= ChannelContext::kFlagPortamento;
+ else
+ channel.flags &= ~ChannelContext::kFlagPortamento;
+ break;
+ case 0x50: // Microtonal off/on
+ if ((data & 0x40) != 0)
+ channel.flags |= ChannelContext::kFlagMicrotonal;
+ else
+ channel.flags &= ~ChannelContext::kFlagMicrotonal;
+ break;
+ case 0x51: // Audio Filter off/on
+ Paula::setAudioFilter(data > 0x40 || (data == 0x40 && _playerCtx.filterOn));
+ break;
+ case 0x65: // RPN MSB
+ channel.regParamNumber = (data << 8) || (channel.regParamNumber & 0xFF);
+ break;
+ case 0x64: // RPN LSB
+ channel.regParamNumber = (channel.regParamNumber & 0xFF00) || data;
+ break;
+ case 0x79: // Reset All Controllers
+ // TODO: dont reset Pan
+ resetChannel(channel, false);
+ break;
+ case 0x7E: // MONO mode
+ channel.flags |= ChannelContext::kFlagMono;
+ goto allNotesOff;
+ case 0x7F: // POLY mode
+ channel.flags &= ~ChannelContext::kFlagMono;
+ // Fallthrough
+ case 0x7B: // All Notes Off
+ for (int i = 0; i < ARRAYSIZE(_voiceCtx); ++i) {
+ if (_voiceCtx[i].channel == &channel) {
+ if ((channel.flags & ChannelContext::kFlagDamper) != 0)
+ _voiceCtx[i].hasDamper = true;
+ else
+ _voiceCtx[i].status = VoiceContext::kStatusRelease;
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ case 0x78: // All Sounds Off
+ for (int i = 0; i < ARRAYSIZE(_voiceCtx); ++i) {
+ if (_voiceCtx[i].channel == &channel)
+ killVoice(i);
+ }
+ break;
+ }
void MaxTrax::setTempo(const uint16 tempo) {
Common::StackLock lock(_mutex);
_playerCtx.tickUnit = calcTempo(tempo, _playerCtx.vBlankFreq);
@@ -392,8 +503,6 @@ void MaxTrax::advanceSong(int advance) {
void MaxTrax::killVoice(byte num) {
VoiceContext &voice = _voiceCtx[num];
- if (voice.channel)
- --(voice.channel->voicesActive);
voice.channel = 0;
voice.envelope = 0;
voice.status = VoiceContext::kStatusFree;
@@ -404,6 +513,8 @@ void MaxTrax::killVoice(byte num) {
voice.dmaOff = 0;
//voice.uinqueId = 0;
+ voice.stopEventCommand = 0xFF;
// "stop" voice, set period to 1, vol to 0
Paula::setChannelPeriod(num, 1);
@@ -459,11 +570,6 @@ uint16 MaxTrax::calcNote(const VoiceContext &voice) {
if (voice.hasPortamento)
bend += (int16)(((int8)(voice.endNote - voice.baseNote)) * voice.portaTicks) / channel.portamentoTime;
- // 0x9fd77 ~ log2(1017) MIDI F5 ?
- // 0x8fd77 ~ log2(508.5) MIDI F4 ?
- // 0x6f73d ~ log2(125) ~ 5675Hz
- enum { K_VALUE = 0x9fd77, PREF_PERIOD = 0x8fd77, PERIOD_LIMIT = 0x6f73d };
// tone = voice.baseNote << 8 + microtonal
// bend = channelPitch + porta + modulation
@@ -488,110 +594,109 @@ int8 MaxTrax::noteOn(ChannelContext &channel, const byte note, uint16 volume, ui
if (!patch.samplePtr || patch.sampleTotalLen == 0)
return -1;
int8 voiceNum = -1;
- if ((channel.flags & ChannelContext::kFlagMono) != 0 && channel.voicesActive) {
+ if ((channel.flags & ChannelContext::kFlagMono) == 0) {
+ voiceNum = pickvoice(_voiceCtx, (channel.flags & ChannelContext::kFlagRightChannel) != 0 ? 1 : 0, pri);
+ } else {
VoiceContext *voice = _voiceCtx + ARRAYSIZE(_voiceCtx) - 1;
for (voiceNum = ARRAYSIZE(_voiceCtx) - 1; voiceNum >= 0 && voice->channel != &channel; --voiceNum, --voice)
- if (voiceNum >= 0 && voice->status >= VoiceContext::kStatusSustain && (channel.flags & ChannelContext::kFlagPortamento) != 0) {
+ if (voiceNum < 0)
+ voiceNum = pickvoice(_voiceCtx, (channel.flags & ChannelContext::kFlagRightChannel) != 0 ? 1 : 0, pri);
+ else if (voice->status >= VoiceContext::kStatusSustain && (channel.flags & ChannelContext::kFlagPortamento) != 0) {
// reset previous porta
if (voice->hasPortamento)
voice->baseNote = voice->endNote;
voice->preCalcNote = precalcNote(voice->baseNote, patch.tune, voice->octave);
+ voice->noteVolume = (_playerCtx.handleVolume) ? volume + 1 : 128;
voice->portaTicks = 0;
voice->hasPortamento = true;
voice->endNote = channel.lastNote = note;
- voice->noteVolume = (_playerCtx.handleVolume) ? volume + 1 : 128;
+ return voiceNum;
+ }
+ if (voiceNum >= 0) {
+ VoiceContext &voice = _voiceCtx[voiceNum];
+ voice.hasDamper = false;
+ voice.isBlocked = false;
+ voice.hasPortamento = false;
+ if (voice.channel)
+ killVoice(voiceNum);
+ voice.channel = &channel;
+ voice.patch = &patch;
+ voice.baseNote = note;
+ // always base octave on the note in the command, regardless of porta
+ const int32 plainNote = precalcNote(note, patch.tune, 0);
+ const int32 PREF_PERIOD1 = PREF_PERIOD + (1 << 16);
+ // calculate which sample to use
+ const int useOctave = (plainNote <= PREF_PERIOD1) ? 0 : MIN<int32>((plainNote + 0xFFFF - PREF_PERIOD1) >> 16, patch.sampleOctaves - 1);
+ voice.octave = (byte)useOctave;
+ voice.preCalcNote = plainNote - (useOctave << 16);
+ // next calculate the actual period which depends on wheter porta is enabled
+ if (&channel < &_channelCtx[kNumChannels] && (channel.flags & ChannelContext::kFlagPortamento) != 0) {
+ if ((channel.flags & ChannelContext::kFlagMono) != 0 && channel.lastNote < 0x80 && channel.lastNote != note) {
+ voice.portaTicks = 0;
+ voice.baseNote = channel.lastNote;
+ voice.endNote = note;
+ voice.hasPortamento = true;
+ voice.preCalcNote = precalcNote(voice.baseNote, patch.tune, voice.octave);
+ }
+ channel.lastNote = note;
+ }
+ voice.lastPeriod = calcNote(voice);
- } else {
- voiceNum = pickvoice(_voiceCtx, (channel.flags & ChannelContext::kFlagRightChannel) != 0 ? 1 : 0, pri);
- if (voiceNum >= 0) {
- VoiceContext &voice = _voiceCtx[voiceNum];
- voice.hasDamper = false;
- voice.isBlocked = false;
- voice.hasPortamento = false;
- if (voice.channel)
- killVoice(voiceNum);
- voice.channel = &channel;
- voice.patch = &patch;
- voice.baseNote = note;
- const int32 plainNote = precalcNote(voice.baseNote, patch.tune, 0);
- const int32 PREF_PERIOD1 = 0x8fd77 + (1 << 16);
- // calculate which sample to use
- const int useOctave = (plainNote <= PREF_PERIOD1) ? 0 : MIN<int32>((plainNote + 0xFFFF - PREF_PERIOD1) >> 16, patch.sampleOctaves - 1);
- voice.octave = (byte)useOctave;
- voice.preCalcNote = plainNote - (useOctave << 16);
- voice.lastPeriod = calcNote(voice);
- voice.priority = (byte)pri;
- voice.status = VoiceContext::kStatusStart;
+ voice.priority = (byte)pri;
+ voice.status = VoiceContext::kStatusStart;
- voice.noteVolume = (_playerCtx.handleVolume) ? volume + 1 : 128;
+ voice.noteVolume = (_playerCtx.handleVolume) ? volume + 1 : 128;
+ voice.baseVolume = 0;
- // ifeq HAS_FULLCHANVOL macro
- if (channel.volume < 128)
- voice.noteVolume = (voice.noteVolume * channel.volume) >> 7;
+ const uint16 period = (voice.lastPeriod) ? voice.lastPeriod : 1000;
- voice.baseVolume = 0;
+ // TODO: since the original player is using the OS-functions, more than 1 sample could be queued up already
+ // get samplestart for the given octave
+ const int8 *samplePtr = patch.samplePtr + (patch.sampleTotalLen << useOctave) - patch.sampleTotalLen;
+ if (patch.sampleAttackLen) {
+ Paula::setChannelSampleStart(voiceNum, samplePtr);
+ Paula::setChannelSampleLen(voiceNum, (patch.sampleAttackLen << useOctave) / 2);
+ Paula::setChannelPeriod(voiceNum, period);
+ Paula::setChannelVolume(voiceNum, 0);
- const uint16 period = (voice.lastPeriod) ? voice.lastPeriod : 1000;
+ Paula::enableChannel(voiceNum);
+ // wait for dma-clear
+ }
- // TODO: since the original player is using the OS-functions, more than 1 sample could be queued up already
- // get samplestart for the given octave
- const int8 *samplePtr = patch.samplePtr + (patch.sampleTotalLen << useOctave) - patch.sampleTotalLen;
- if (patch.sampleAttackLen) {
- Paula::setChannelSampleStart(voiceNum, samplePtr);
- Paula::setChannelSampleLen(voiceNum, (patch.sampleAttackLen << useOctave) / 2);
+ if (patch.sampleTotalLen > patch.sampleAttackLen) {
+ Paula::setChannelSampleStart(voiceNum, samplePtr + (patch.sampleAttackLen << useOctave));
+ Paula::setChannelSampleLen(voiceNum, ((patch.sampleTotalLen - patch.sampleAttackLen) << useOctave) / 2);
+ if (!patch.sampleAttackLen) {
+ // need to enable channel
Paula::setChannelPeriod(voiceNum, period);
Paula::setChannelVolume(voiceNum, 0);
- // wait for dma-clear
- // FIXME: this is a workaround to enable oneshot-samples and it currently might crash Paula
- if (patch.sampleTotalLen == patch.sampleAttackLen) {
- Paula::setChannelSampleStart(voiceNum, 0);
- Paula::setChannelSampleLen(voiceNum, 0);
- Paula::setChannelDmaCount(voiceNum);
- voice.dmaOff = 1;
- }
+ // another pointless wait for DMA-Clear???
- if (patch.sampleTotalLen > patch.sampleAttackLen) {
- Paula::setChannelSampleStart(voiceNum, samplePtr + (patch.sampleAttackLen << useOctave));
- Paula::setChannelSampleLen(voiceNum, ((patch.sampleTotalLen - patch.sampleAttackLen) << useOctave) / 2);
- if (!patch.sampleAttackLen) {
- // need to enable channel
- Paula::setChannelPeriod(voiceNum, period);
- Paula::setChannelVolume(voiceNum, 0);
- Paula::enableChannel(voiceNum);
- }
- // another pointless wait for DMA-Clear???
- }
+ } else { // no sustain sample
+ // this means we must stop playback after the attacksample finished
+ // so we queue up an "empty" sample and note that we need to kill the sample after dma finished
+ Paula::setChannelSampleStart(voiceNum, 0);
+ Paula::setChannelSampleLen(voiceNum, 0);
+ Paula::setChannelDmaCount(voiceNum);
+ voice.dmaOff = 1;
- channel.voicesActive++;
- if (&channel < &_channelCtx[kNumChannels]) {
- if ((channel.flags & ChannelContext::kFlagPortamento) != 0) {
- if ((channel.flags & ChannelContext::kFlagMono) != 0 && channel.lastNote < 0x80 && channel.lastNote != voice.baseNote) {
- voice.portaTicks = 0;
- voice.endNote = voice.baseNote;
- voice.baseNote = channel.lastNote;
- voice.preCalcNote = precalcNote(voice.baseNote, patch.tune, voice.octave);
- voice.hasPortamento = true;
- }
- channel.lastNote = note;
- }
- }
return voiceNum;
void MaxTrax::noteOff(VoiceContext &voice, const byte note) {
- ChannelContext &channel = *voice.channel;
- if (channel.voicesActive && voice.status != VoiceContext::kStatusRelease) {
+ const ChannelContext &channel = *voice.channel;
+ if (/*channel.voicesActive && */voice.status != VoiceContext::kStatusRelease) {
// TODO is this check really necessary?
const byte refNote = (voice.hasPortamento) ? voice.endNote : voice.baseNote;
assert(refNote == note);
diff --git a/sound/mods/maxtrax.h b/sound/mods/maxtrax.h
index 1ec696b6f6..5c17178b96 100644
--- a/sound/mods/maxtrax.h
+++ b/sound/mods/maxtrax.h
@@ -142,7 +142,7 @@ private:
int8 pitchBendRange;
uint8 volume;
- uint8 voicesActive;
+// uint8 voicesActive;
enum {
kFlagRightChannel = 1 << 0,
@@ -206,6 +206,7 @@ private:
byte stopEventParameter; // TODO: Remove?
} _voiceCtx[kNumVoices];
+ void MaxTrax::controlCh(ChannelContext &channel, byte command, byte data);
void freePatches();
void freeScores();
void resetChannel(ChannelContext &chan, bool rightChannel);