diff options
authorFilippos Karapetis2014-07-20 16:28:53 +0300
committerFilippos Karapetis2014-07-20 17:10:56 +0300
commite5b10aba570ae63154feda4cd3755a417f3d9064 (patch)
parente663395435764f14fcf9b561af408b25521d16ce (diff)
SAGA: Move the ITE intro text together with the other static ITE data
4 files changed, 248 insertions, 242 deletions
diff --git a/engines/saga/introproc_ite.cpp b/engines/saga/introproc_ite.cpp
index ded1d1cd0e..0d4227c8bd 100644
--- a/engines/saga/introproc_ite.cpp
+++ b/engines/saga/introproc_ite.cpp
@@ -28,6 +28,7 @@
#include "saga/animation.h"
#include "saga/events.h"
#include "saga/font.h"
+#include "saga/itedata.h"
#include "saga/sndres.h"
#include "saga/palanim.h"
#include "saga/music.h"
@@ -393,74 +394,7 @@ int Scene::ITEIntroCave1Proc(int param) {
else if (_vm->getLanguage() == Common::IT_ITA)
lang = 2;
- static const IntroDialogue dialogue[][4] = {
- { { // English
- 0, // cave voice 0
- "We see the sky, we see the land, we see the water, "
- "and we wonder: Are we the only ones?"
- },
- {
- 1, // cave voice 1
- "Long before we came to exist, the humans ruled the "
- "Earth."
- },
- {
- 2, // cave voice 2
- "They made marvelous things, and moved whole "
- "mountains."
- },
- {
- 3, // cave voice 3
- "They knew the Secret of Flight, the Secret of "
- "Happiness, and other secrets beyond our imagining."
- } },
- // -----------------------------------------------------
- { { // German
- 0, // cave voice 0
- "Um uns sind der Himmel, das Land und die Seen; und "
- "wir fragen uns - sind wir die einzigen?"
- },
- {
- 1, // cave voice 1
- "Lange vor unserer Zeit herrschten die Menschen "
- "\201ber die Erde."
- },
- {
- 2, // cave voice 2
- "Sie taten wundersame Dinge und versetzten ganze "
- "Berge."
- },
- {
- 3, // cave voice 3
- "Sie kannten das Geheimnis des Fluges, das Geheimnis "
- "der Fr\224hlichkeit und andere Geheimnisse, die "
- "unsere Vorstellungskraft \201bersteigen."
- } },
- // -----------------------------------------------------
- { { // Italian fan translation
- 0, // cave voice 0
- "Guardiamo il cielo, guardiamo la terra, guardiamo "
- "l'acqua, e ci chiediamo: Siamo forse soli?"
- },
- {
- 1, // cave voice 1
- "Molto tempo prima che noi esistessimo, gli Umani "
- "dominavano la terra."
- },
- {
- 2, // cave voice 2
- "Fecero cose meravigliose, e mossero intere "
- "montagne."
- },
- {
- 3, // cave voice 3
- "Conoscevano il Segreto del Volo, il Segreto della "
- "Felicit\205, ed altri segreti oltre ogni nostra "
- "immaginazione."
- } }
- };
- int n_dialogues = ARRAYSIZE(dialogue[lang]);
+ int n_dialogues = ARRAYSIZE(introDialogueCave1[lang]);
switch (param) {
@@ -472,7 +406,7 @@ int Scene::ITEIntroCave1Proc(int param) {
eventColumns = _vm->_events->queue(event);
// Queue narrator dialogue list
- ITEQueueDialogue(eventColumns, n_dialogues, dialogue[lang]);
+ ITEQueueDialogue(eventColumns, n_dialogues, introDialogueCave1[lang]);
// End scene after last dialogue over
event.type = kEvTOneshot;
@@ -508,56 +442,7 @@ int Scene::ITEIntroCave2Proc(int param) {
else if (_vm->getLanguage() == Common::IT_ITA)
lang = 2;
- static const IntroDialogue dialogue[][3] = {
- { { // English
- 4, // cave voice 4
- "The humans also knew the Secret of Life, and they "
- "used it to give us the Four Great Gifts:"
- },
- {
- 5, // cave voice 5
- "Thinking minds, feeling hearts, speaking mouths, and "
- "reaching hands."
- },
- {
- 6, // cave voice 6
- "We are their children."
- } },
- // -----------------------------------------------------
- { { // German
- 4, // cave voice 4
- "Au$erdem kannten die Menschen das Geheimnis des "
- "Lebens. Und sie nutzten es, um uns die vier gro$en "
- "Geschenke zu geben -"
- },
- {
- 5, // cave voice 5
- "den denkenden Geist, das f\201hlende Herz, den "
- "sprechenden Mund und die greifende Hand."
- },
- {
- 6, // cave voice 6
- "Wir sind ihre Kinder."
- } },
- // -----------------------------------------------------
- { { // Italian fan translation
- 4, // cave voice 4
- "Gli Umani conoscevano anche il Segreto della Vita, "
- "e lo usarono per darci i Quattro Grandi Doni:"
- },
- {
- 5, // cave voice 5
- "Il pensiero, le emozioni, la parola e la manualit\205."
- },
- {
- 6, // cave voice 6
- "Siamo i loro figli."
- } }
- };
- int n_dialogues = ARRAYSIZE(dialogue[lang]);
+ int n_dialogues = ARRAYSIZE(introDialogueCave2[lang]);
switch (param) {
@@ -577,7 +462,7 @@ int Scene::ITEIntroCave2Proc(int param) {
_vm->_events->chain(eventColumns, event);
// Queue narrator dialogue list
- ITEQueueDialogue(eventColumns, n_dialogues, dialogue[lang]);
+ ITEQueueDialogue(eventColumns, n_dialogues, introDialogueCave2[lang]);
// End scene after last dialogue over
event.type = kEvTOneshot;
@@ -612,57 +497,7 @@ int Scene::ITEIntroCave3Proc(int param) {
else if (_vm->getLanguage() == Common::IT_ITA)
lang = 2;
- static const IntroDialogue dialogue[][3] = {
- { { // English
- 7, // cave voice 7
- "They taught us how to use our hands, and how to "
- "speak."
- },
- {
- 8, // cave voice 8
- "They showed us the joy of using our minds."
- },
- {
- 9, // cave voice 9
- "They loved us, and when we were ready, they surely "
- "would have given us the Secret of Happiness."
- } },
- // -----------------------------------------------------
- { { // German
- 7, // cave voice 7
- "Sie lehrten uns zu sprechen und unsere H\204nde zu "
- "benutzen."
- },
- {
- 8, // cave voice 8
- "Sie zeigten uns die Freude am Denken."
- },
- {
- 9, // cave voice 9
- "Sie liebten uns, und w\204ren wir bereit gewesen, "
- "h\204tten sie uns sicherlich das Geheimnis der "
- "Fr\224hlichkeit offenbart."
- } },
- // -----------------------------------------------------
- { { // Italian fan translation
- 7, // cave voice 7
- "Ci insegnarono come usare le mani e come parlare. "
- },
- {
- 8, // cave voice 8
- "Ci mostrarono le gioie che l'uso della mente "
- "pu\225 dare. "
- },
- {
- 9, // cave voice 9
- "Ci amarono, ed una volta pronti, ci avrebbero "
- "sicuramente svelato il Segreto della Felicit\205."
- } }
- };
- int n_dialogues = ARRAYSIZE(dialogue[lang]);
+ int n_dialogues = ARRAYSIZE(introDialogueCave3[lang]);
switch (param) {
@@ -682,7 +517,7 @@ int Scene::ITEIntroCave3Proc(int param) {
_vm->_events->chain(eventColumns, event);
// Queue narrator dialogue list
- ITEQueueDialogue(eventColumns, n_dialogues, dialogue[lang]);
+ ITEQueueDialogue(eventColumns, n_dialogues, introDialogueCave3[lang]);
// End scene after last dialogue over
event.type = kEvTOneshot;
@@ -717,70 +552,7 @@ int Scene::ITEIntroCave4Proc(int param) {
else if (_vm->getLanguage() == Common::IT_ITA)
lang = 2;
- static const IntroDialogue dialogue[][4] = {
- { { // English
- 10, // cave voice 10
- "And now we see the sky, the land, and the water that "
- "we are heirs to, and we wonder: why did they leave?"
- },
- {
- 11, // cave voice 11
- "Do they live still, in the stars? In the oceans "
- "depths? In the wind?"
- },
- {
- 12, // cave voice 12
- "We wonder, was their fate good or evil?"
- },
- {
- 13, // cave voice 13
- "And will we also share the same fate one day?"
- } },
- // -----------------------------------------------------
- { { // German
- 10, // cave voice 10
- "Und nun sehen wir den Himmel, das Land und die "
- "Seen - unser Erbe. Und wir fragen uns - warum "
- "verschwanden sie?"
- },
- {
- 11, // cave voice 11
- "Leben sie noch in den Sternen? In den Tiefen des "
- "Ozeans? Im Wind?"
- },
- {
- 12, // cave voice 12
- "Wir fragen uns - war ihr Schicksal gut oder b\224se?"
- },
- {
- 13, // cave voice 13
- "Und wird uns eines Tages das gleiche Schicksal "
- "ereilen?"
- } },
- // -----------------------------------------------------
- { { // Italian fan translation
- 10, // cave voice 10
- "Ed ora che guardiamo il cielo, la terra e l'acqua "
- "che abbiamo ereditato, pensiamo: Perch\202 partirono?"
- },
- {
- 11, // cave voice 11
- "Vivono ancora, nelle stelle? Nelle profondit\205 "
- "dell'oceano? Nel vento?"
- },
- {
- 12, // cave voice 12
- "Ci domandiamo, il loro destino fu felice o nefasto?"
- },
- {
- 13, // cave voice 13
- "E un giorno, condivideremo anche noi lo stesso "
- "destino?"
- } }
- };
- int n_dialogues = ARRAYSIZE(dialogue[lang]);
+ int n_dialogues = ARRAYSIZE(introDialogueCave4[lang]);
switch (param) {
@@ -800,7 +572,7 @@ int Scene::ITEIntroCave4Proc(int param) {
_vm->_events->chain(eventColumns, event);
// Queue narrator dialogue list
- ITEQueueDialogue(eventColumns, n_dialogues, dialogue[lang]);
+ ITEQueueDialogue(eventColumns, n_dialogues, introDialogueCave4[lang]);
// End scene after last dialogue over
event.type = kEvTOneshot;
diff --git a/engines/saga/itedata.cpp b/engines/saga/itedata.cpp
index cc3d7e0066..aaeac23596 100644
--- a/engines/saga/itedata.cpp
+++ b/engines/saga/itedata.cpp
@@ -569,4 +569,233 @@ const char *optionsStr[][4] = {
+const IntroDialogue introDialogueCave1[][4] = {
+ { { // English
+ 0, // cave voice 0
+ "We see the sky, we see the land, we see the water, "
+ "and we wonder: Are we the only ones?"
+ },
+ {
+ 1, // cave voice 1
+ "Long before we came to exist, the humans ruled the "
+ "Earth."
+ },
+ {
+ 2, // cave voice 2
+ "They made marvelous things, and moved whole "
+ "mountains."
+ },
+ {
+ 3, // cave voice 3
+ "They knew the Secret of Flight, the Secret of "
+ "Happiness, and other secrets beyond our imagining."
+ } },
+ // -----------------------------------------------------
+ { { // German
+ 0, // cave voice 0
+ "Um uns sind der Himmel, das Land und die Seen; und "
+ "wir fragen uns - sind wir die einzigen?"
+ },
+ {
+ 1, // cave voice 1
+ "Lange vor unserer Zeit herrschten die Menschen "
+ "\201ber die Erde."
+ },
+ {
+ 2, // cave voice 2
+ "Sie taten wundersame Dinge und versetzten ganze "
+ "Berge."
+ },
+ {
+ 3, // cave voice 3
+ "Sie kannten das Geheimnis des Fluges, das Geheimnis "
+ "der Fr\224hlichkeit und andere Geheimnisse, die "
+ "unsere Vorstellungskraft \201bersteigen."
+ } },
+ // -----------------------------------------------------
+ { { // Italian fan translation
+ 0, // cave voice 0
+ "Guardiamo il cielo, guardiamo la terra, guardiamo "
+ "l'acqua, e ci chiediamo: Siamo forse soli?"
+ },
+ {
+ 1, // cave voice 1
+ "Molto tempo prima che noi esistessimo, gli Umani "
+ "dominavano la terra."
+ },
+ {
+ 2, // cave voice 2
+ "Fecero cose meravigliose, e mossero intere "
+ "montagne."
+ },
+ {
+ 3, // cave voice 3
+ "Conoscevano il Segreto del Volo, il Segreto della "
+ "Felicit\205, ed altri segreti oltre ogni nostra "
+ "immaginazione."
+ } }
+const IntroDialogue introDialogueCave2[][3] = {
+ { { // English
+ 4, // cave voice 4
+ "The humans also knew the Secret of Life, and they "
+ "used it to give us the Four Great Gifts:"
+ },
+ {
+ 5, // cave voice 5
+ "Thinking minds, feeling hearts, speaking mouths, and "
+ "reaching hands."
+ },
+ {
+ 6, // cave voice 6
+ "We are their children."
+ } },
+ // -----------------------------------------------------
+ { { // German
+ 4, // cave voice 4
+ "Au$erdem kannten die Menschen das Geheimnis des "
+ "Lebens. Und sie nutzten es, um uns die vier gro$en "
+ "Geschenke zu geben -"
+ },
+ {
+ 5, // cave voice 5
+ "den denkenden Geist, das f\201hlende Herz, den "
+ "sprechenden Mund und die greifende Hand."
+ },
+ {
+ 6, // cave voice 6
+ "Wir sind ihre Kinder."
+ } },
+ // -----------------------------------------------------
+ { { // Italian fan translation
+ 4, // cave voice 4
+ "Gli Umani conoscevano anche il Segreto della Vita, "
+ "e lo usarono per darci i Quattro Grandi Doni:"
+ },
+ {
+ 5, // cave voice 5
+ "Il pensiero, le emozioni, la parola e la manualit\205."
+ },
+ {
+ 6, // cave voice 6
+ "Siamo i loro figli."
+ } }
+const IntroDialogue introDialogueCave3[][3] = {
+ { { // English
+ 7, // cave voice 7
+ "They taught us how to use our hands, and how to "
+ "speak."
+ },
+ {
+ 8, // cave voice 8
+ "They showed us the joy of using our minds."
+ },
+ {
+ 9, // cave voice 9
+ "They loved us, and when we were ready, they surely "
+ "would have given us the Secret of Happiness."
+ } },
+ // -----------------------------------------------------
+ { { // German
+ 7, // cave voice 7
+ "Sie lehrten uns zu sprechen und unsere H\204nde zu "
+ "benutzen."
+ },
+ {
+ 8, // cave voice 8
+ "Sie zeigten uns die Freude am Denken."
+ },
+ {
+ 9, // cave voice 9
+ "Sie liebten uns, und w\204ren wir bereit gewesen, "
+ "h\204tten sie uns sicherlich das Geheimnis der "
+ "Fr\224hlichkeit offenbart."
+ } },
+ // -----------------------------------------------------
+ { { // Italian fan translation
+ 7, // cave voice 7
+ "Ci insegnarono come usare le mani e come parlare. "
+ },
+ {
+ 8, // cave voice 8
+ "Ci mostrarono le gioie che l'uso della mente "
+ "pu\225 dare. "
+ },
+ {
+ 9, // cave voice 9
+ "Ci amarono, ed una volta pronti, ci avrebbero "
+ "sicuramente svelato il Segreto della Felicit\205."
+ } }
+const IntroDialogue introDialogueCave4[][4] = {
+ { { // English
+ 10, // cave voice 10
+ "And now we see the sky, the land, and the water that "
+ "we are heirs to, and we wonder: why did they leave?"
+ },
+ {
+ 11, // cave voice 11
+ "Do they live still, in the stars? In the oceans "
+ "depths? In the wind?"
+ },
+ {
+ 12, // cave voice 12
+ "We wonder, was their fate good or evil?"
+ },
+ {
+ 13, // cave voice 13
+ "And will we also share the same fate one day?"
+ } },
+ // -----------------------------------------------------
+ { { // German
+ 10, // cave voice 10
+ "Und nun sehen wir den Himmel, das Land und die "
+ "Seen - unser Erbe. Und wir fragen uns - warum "
+ "verschwanden sie?"
+ },
+ {
+ 11, // cave voice 11
+ "Leben sie noch in den Sternen? In den Tiefen des "
+ "Ozeans? Im Wind?"
+ },
+ {
+ 12, // cave voice 12
+ "Wir fragen uns - war ihr Schicksal gut oder b\224se?"
+ },
+ {
+ 13, // cave voice 13
+ "Und wird uns eines Tages das gleiche Schicksal "
+ "ereilen?"
+ } },
+ // -----------------------------------------------------
+ { { // Italian fan translation
+ 10, // cave voice 10
+ "Ed ora che guardiamo il cielo, la terra e l'acqua "
+ "che abbiamo ereditato, pensiamo: Perch\202 partirono?"
+ },
+ {
+ 11, // cave voice 11
+ "Vivono ancora, nelle stelle? Nelle profondit\205 "
+ "dell'oceano? Nel vento?"
+ },
+ {
+ 12, // cave voice 12
+ "Ci domandiamo, il loro destino fu felice o nefasto?"
+ },
+ {
+ 13, // cave voice 13
+ "E un giorno, condivideremo anche noi lo stesso "
+ "destino?"
+ } }
} // End of namespace Saga
diff --git a/engines/saga/itedata.h b/engines/saga/itedata.h
index d27b84781f..637a842284 100644
--- a/engines/saga/itedata.h
+++ b/engines/saga/itedata.h
@@ -79,6 +79,11 @@ struct IteFxTable {
byte vol;
+struct IntroDialogue {
+ uint32 i_voice_rn;
+ const char *i_str;
#define ITE_SFXCOUNT 63
@@ -106,6 +111,11 @@ extern const char *hintStr[][4];
extern const char portraitList[];
extern const char *optionsStr[][4];
+extern const IntroDialogue introDialogueCave1[][4];
+extern const IntroDialogue introDialogueCave2[][3];
+extern const IntroDialogue introDialogueCave3[][3];
+extern const IntroDialogue introDialogueCave4[][4];
} // End of namespace Saga
diff --git a/engines/saga/scene.h b/engines/saga/scene.h
index 0785be8035..9a88f013af 100644
--- a/engines/saga/scene.h
+++ b/engines/saga/scene.h
@@ -184,11 +184,6 @@ typedef Common::List<LoadSceneParams> SceneQueueList;
#define CREDIT_DURATION1 4000
-struct IntroDialogue {
- uint32 i_voice_rn;
- const char *i_str;
struct IntroCredit {
Common::Language lang;
int game;