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authorKari Salminen2007-08-09 17:44:07 +0000
committerKari Salminen2007-08-09 17:44:07 +0000
commitf200150590de533059d2fdd4fd6497a4ed96da32 (patch)
parentae1f66994e1e5ac2217a601472d8945785896bd4 (diff)
Added Apple IIGS instruments and wave file loading.\n(Apple IIGS music playing is broken at the moment).
svn-id: r28508
2 files changed, 221 insertions, 2 deletions
diff --git a/engines/agi/sound.cpp b/engines/agi/sound.cpp
index 0d2bb853cf..3ce6d57d0e 100644
--- a/engines/agi/sound.cpp
+++ b/engines/agi/sound.cpp
@@ -25,6 +25,10 @@
#include "common/stdafx.h"
+#include "common/md5.h"
+#include "common/config-manager.h"
+#include "common/fs.h"
+#include "common/algorithm.h"
#include "sound/mixer.h"
#include "agi/agi.h"
@@ -460,7 +464,7 @@ int SoundMgr::initSound() {
- /*loadInstruments("demo.sys"); */
+ loadInstruments();
_mixer->playInputStream(Audio::Mixer::kPlainSoundType, &_soundHandle, this, -1, Audio::Mixer::kMaxChannelVolume, 0, false, true);
@@ -729,6 +733,221 @@ void Sound::unloadInstruments() {
+/** Apple IIGS AGI instrument set information. */
+struct instrumentSetInfo {
+ uint byteCount; ///< Length of the whole instrument set in bytes
+ uint instCount; ///< Amount of instrument in the set
+ const char *md5; ///< MD5 hex digest of the whole instrument set
+ const char *waveFileMd5; ///< MD5 hex digest of the wave file (i.e. the sample data used by the instruments)
+/** Older Apple IIGS AGI instrument set. Used only by Space Quest I (AGI v1.002). */
+static const instrumentSetInfo instSetV1 = {
+ 1192, 26, "7ee16bbc135171ffd6b9120cc7ff1af2", "edd3bf8905d9c238e02832b732fb2e18"
+/** Newer Apple IIGS AGI instrument set (AGI v1.003+). Used by all others than Space Quest I. */
+static const instrumentSetInfo instSetV2 = {
+ 1292, 28, "b7d428955bb90721996de1cbca25e768", "c05fb0b0e11deefab58bc68fbd2a3d07"
+/** Apple IIGS AGI executable file information. */
+struct IIgsExeInfo {
+ enum AgiGameID gameid; ///< Game ID
+ const char *exePrefix; ///< Prefix of the Apple IIGS AGI executable (e.g. "SQ", "PQ", "KQ4" etc)
+ uint agiVer; ///< Apple IIGS AGI version number, not strictly needed
+ uint exeSize; ///< Size of the Apple IIGS AGI executable file in bytes
+ uint instSetStart; ///< Starting offset of the instrument set inside the executable file
+ const instrumentSetInfo &instSet; ///< Information about the used instrument set
+/** Information about different Apple IIGS AGI executables. */
+static const IIgsExeInfo IIgsExeInfos[] = {
+ {GID_SQ1, "SQ", 0x1002, 138496, 0x80AD, instSetV1},
+ {GID_LSL1, "LL", 0x1003, 141003, 0x844E, instSetV2},
+ {GID_AGIDEMO, "DEMO", 0x1005, 141884, 0x8469, instSetV2},
+ {GID_KQ1, "KQ", 0x1006, 141894, 0x8469, instSetV2},
+ {GID_PQ1, "PQ", 0x1007, 141882, 0x8469, instSetV2},
+ {GID_MIXEDUP, "MG", 0x1013, 142552, 0x84B7, instSetV2},
+ {GID_KQ2, "KQ2", 0x1013, 143775, 0x84B7, instSetV2},
+ {GID_KQ3, "KQ3", 0x1014, 144312, 0x84B7, instSetV2},
+ {GID_SQ2, "SQ2", 0x1014, 107882, 0x6563, instSetV2},
+ {GID_MH1, "MH", 0x2004, 147678, 0x8979, instSetV2},
+ {GID_KQ4, "KQ4", 0x2006, 147652, 0x8979, instSetV2},
+ {GID_BC, "BC", 0x3001, 148192, 0x8979, instSetV2},
+ {GID_GOLDRUSH, "GR", 0x3003, 148268, 0x8979, instSetV2}
+ * Finds information about an Apple IIGS AGI executable based on the game ID.
+ * @return A non-null IIgsExeInfo pointer if successful, otherwise NULL.
+ */
+const IIgsExeInfo *getIIgsExeInfo(enum AgiGameID gameid) {
+ for (int i = 0; i < ARRAYSIZE(IIgsExeInfos); i++)
+ if (IIgsExeInfos[i].gameid == gameid)
+ return &IIgsExeInfos[i];
+ return NULL;
+bool loadInstrumentHeaders(const Common::String &exePath, const IIgsExeInfo &exeInfo) {
+ bool loadedOk = false; // Was loading successful?
+ Common::File file;
+ // Open the executable file and check that it has correct size
+ file.open(exePath);
+ if (file.size() != exeInfo.exeSize) {
+ debugC(3, kDebugLevelSound, "Apple IIGS executable (%s) has wrong size (Is %d, should be %d)",
+ exePath.c_str(), file.size(), exeInfo.exeSize);
+ }
+ // Read the whole executable file into memory
+ Common::MemoryReadStream *data = file.readStream(file.size());
+ file.close();
+ // Check that we got enough data to be able to parse the instruments
+ if (data != NULL && data->size() >= (exeInfo.instSetStart + exeInfo.instSet.byteCount)) {
+ // Check instrument set's length (The info's saved in the executable)
+ data->seek(exeInfo.instSetStart - 4);
+ uint16 instSetByteCount = data->readUint16LE();
+ if (instSetByteCount != exeInfo.instSet.byteCount) {
+ debugC(3, kDebugLevelSound, "Wrong instrument set size (Is %d, should be %d) in Apple IIGS executable (%s)",
+ instSetByteCount, exeInfo.instSet.byteCount, exePath.c_str());
+ }
+ // Check instrument set's md5sum
+ data->seek(exeInfo.instSetStart);
+ char md5str[32+1];
+ Common::md5_file_string(*data, md5str, exeInfo.instSet.byteCount);
+ if (scumm_stricmp(md5str, exeInfo.instSet.md5)) {
+ warning("Unknown Apple IIGS instrument set (md5: %s) in %s, trying to use it nonetheless",
+ md5str, exePath.c_str());
+ }
+ // Read in the instrument set one instrument at a time
+ data->seek(exeInfo.instSetStart);
+ g_numInstruments = 0; // Zero number of successfully loaded instruments
+ for (uint i = 0; i < exeInfo.instSet.instCount; i++) {
+ if (!readIIgsInstrumentHeader(g_instruments[i], *data)) {
+ warning("Error loading Apple IIGS instrument (%d. of %d) from %s, not loading more instruments",
+ i + 1, exeInfo.instSet.instCount, exePath.c_str());
+ break;
+ }
+ g_numInstruments++; // Increase number of successfully loaded instruments
+ }
+ // Loading was successful only if all instruments were loaded successfully
+ loadedOk = (g_numInstruments == exeInfo.instSet.instCount);
+ } else // Couldn't read enough data from the executable file
+ warning("Error loading instruments from Apple IIGS executable (%s)", exePath.c_str());
+ delete data; // Free the memory buffer allocated for reading the executable file
+ return loadedOk;
+bool loadWaveFile(const Common::String &wavePath, const IIgsExeInfo &exeInfo) {
+ bool loadedOk = false; // Was loading successful?
+ Common::File file;
+ // Open the wave file and read it into memory
+ file.open(wavePath);
+ Common::MemoryReadStream *uint8Wave = file.readStream(file.size());
+ file.close();
+ // Check that we got the whole wave file
+ if (uint8Wave != NULL && uint8Wave->size() == SIERRASTANDARD_SIZE) {
+ // Check wave file's md5sum
+ char md5str[32+1];
+ Common::md5_file_string(*uint8Wave, md5str, SIERRASTANDARD_SIZE);
+ if (scumm_stricmp(md5str, exeInfo.instSet.waveFileMd5)) {
+ warning("Unknown Apple IIGS wave file (md5: %s, game: %s).\n" \
+ "Please report the information on the previous line to the ScummVM team.\n",
+ "Using the wave file as it is - music may sound weird", md5str, exeInfo.exePrefix);
+ }
+ // Convert wave file from 8 bit unsigned to 16 bit signed format
+ uint8Wave->seek(0);
+ for (int i = 0; i < SIERRASTANDARD_SIZE; i++)
+ g_wave[i] = (int16) ((uint8Wave->readByte() - 128) * 256);
+ loadedOk = true; // Loading was successful
+ } else // Couldn't read the wave file or it had incorrect size
+ warning("Error loading Apple IIGS wave file (%s), not loading instruments", wavePath.c_str());
+ delete uint8Wave; // Free the memory buffer allocated for reading the wave file
+ return loadedOk;
+ * A function object (i.e. a functor) for testing if a FilesystemNode
+ * object's name is equal (Ignoring case) to a string or to at least
+ * one of the strings in a list of strings. Can be used e.g. with find_if().
+ */
+struct fsnodeNameEqualsIgnoreCase : public Common::UnaryFunction<const FilesystemNode&, bool> {
+ fsnodeNameEqualsIgnoreCase(const Common::StringList &str) : _str(str) {}
+ fsnodeNameEqualsIgnoreCase(const Common::String str) { _str.push_back(str); }
+ bool operator()(const FilesystemNode &param) const {
+ for (Common::StringList::const_iterator iter = _str.begin(); iter != _str.end(); iter++)
+ if (param.name().equalsIgnoreCase(*iter))
+ return true;
+ return false;
+ }
+ Common::StringList _str;
+bool SoundMgr::loadInstruments() {
+ // Check that the platform is Apple IIGS, as only it uses custom instruments
+ if (_vm->getPlatform() != Common::kPlatformApple2GS) {
+ debugC(3, kDebugLevelSound, "Platform isn't Apple IIGS so not loading any instruments");
+ return true;
+ }
+ // Get info on the particular Apple IIGS AGI game's executable
+ const IIgsExeInfo *exeInfo = getIIgsExeInfo((enum AgiGameID) _vm->getGameID());
+ if (exeInfo == NULL) {
+ warning("Unsupported Apple IIGS game, not loading instruments");
+ return false;
+ }
+ // List files in the game path
+ FSList fslist;
+ FilesystemNode dir(ConfMan.get("path"));
+ if (!dir.listDir(fslist, FilesystemNode::kListFilesOnly)) {
+ warning("Invalid game path (\"%s\"), not loading Apple IIGS instruments", dir.path().c_str());
+ return false;
+ }
+ // Populate executable filenames list (Long filename and short filename) for searching
+ Common::StringList exeNames;
+ exeNames.push_back(Common::String(exeInfo->exePrefix) + ".SYS16");
+ exeNames.push_back(Common::String(exeInfo->exePrefix) + ".SYS");
+ // Populate wave filenames list (Long filename and short filename) for searching
+ Common::StringList waveNames;
+ waveNames.push_back("SIERRASTANDARD");
+ waveNames.push_back("SIERRAST");
+ // Search for the executable file and the wave file (i.e. check if any of the filenames match)
+ FSList::const_iterator exeFsnode, waveFsnode;
+ exeFsnode = Common::find_if(fslist.begin(), fslist.end(), fsnodeNameEqualsIgnoreCase(exeNames));
+ waveFsnode = Common::find_if(fslist.begin(), fslist.end(), fsnodeNameEqualsIgnoreCase(waveNames));
+ // Make sure that we found the executable file
+ if (exeFsnode == fslist.end()) {
+ warning("Couldn't find Apple IIGS game executable (%s), not loading instruments", exeNames.begin()->c_str());
+ return false;
+ }
+ // Make sure that we found the wave file
+ if (waveFsnode == fslist.end()) {
+ warning("Couldn't find Apple IIGS wave file (%s), not loading instruments", waveNames.begin()->c_str());
+ return false;
+ }
+ // Load the instrument headers and the wave file
+ return loadInstrumentHeaders(exeFsnode->path(), *exeInfo) && loadWaveFile(waveFsnode->path(), *exeInfo);
#endif /* USE_IIGS_SOUND */
static void fillAudio(void *udata, int16 *stream, uint len) {
diff --git a/engines/agi/sound.h b/engines/agi/sound.h
index 5b3a16668b..426cbf5f1d 100644
--- a/engines/agi/sound.h
+++ b/engines/agi/sound.h
@@ -148,7 +148,7 @@ public:
void playNote(int i, int freq, int vol);
void playAgiSound();
uint32 mixSound();
- int loadInstruments(char *fname);
+ bool loadInstruments();
void playMidiSound();
void playSampleSound();