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authorMatthew Hoops2011-09-20 11:49:20 -0400
committerMatthew Hoops2011-09-20 11:49:20 -0400
commitfec7a123fd34bd167528b49ddb46a3123f31c416 (patch)
parent635c8aa370e78cfc74dc66dd7efad5924ba348d2 (diff)
PEGASUS: Begin hooking the new code in as the main code
The first notification has been received!
3 files changed, 303 insertions, 3 deletions
diff --git a/engines/pegasus/constants.h b/engines/pegasus/constants.h
index b9b8540663..89fdeefad2 100755
--- a/engines/pegasus/constants.h
+++ b/engines/pegasus/constants.h
@@ -27,6 +27,7 @@
#include "common/endian.h"
+#include "common/rect.h"
#include "pegasus/types.h"
@@ -264,6 +265,261 @@ const uint32 kPegasusPrimeVersion = 0x00009019;
const char kNormalSave = 0;
const char kContinueSave = 1;
+// Display IDs.
+const tDisplayElementID kNavMovieID = 1;
+const tDisplayElementID kTurnPushID = 2;
+const tDisplayElementID kMaxGameShellDisplayID = kTurnPushID;
+// Display ordering.
+const tDisplayOrder kNavLayer = 10000;
+const tDisplayOrder kNavMovieOrder = kNavLayer;
+const tDisplayOrder kTurnPushOrder = kNavMovieOrder + 1;
+// Display IDs.
+const tDisplayElementID kScreenDimmerID = kMaxGameShellDisplayID + 1;
+const tDisplayElementID kInterface1ID = kScreenDimmerID + 1;
+const tDisplayElementID kInterface2ID = kInterface1ID + 1;
+const tDisplayElementID kInterface3ID = kInterface2ID + 1;
+const tDisplayElementID kInterface4ID = kInterface3ID + 1;
+const tDisplayElementID kDateID = kInterface4ID + 1;
+const tDisplayElementID kCompassID = kDateID + 1;
+const tDisplayElementID kInventoryPushID = kCompassID + 1;
+const tDisplayElementID kInventoryLidID = kInventoryPushID + 1;
+const tDisplayElementID kBiochipPushID = kInventoryLidID + 1;
+const tDisplayElementID kBiochipLidID = kBiochipPushID + 1;
+const tDisplayElementID kEnergyBarID = kBiochipLidID + 1;
+const tDisplayElementID kWarningLightID = kEnergyBarID + 1;
+const tDisplayElementID kAILeftAreaID = kWarningLightID + 1;
+const tDisplayElementID kAIMiddleAreaID = kAILeftAreaID + 1;
+const tDisplayElementID kAIRightAreaID = kAIMiddleAreaID + 1;
+const tDisplayElementID kAIMovieID = kAIRightAreaID + 1;
+const tDisplayElementID kInventoryDropHighlightID = kAIMovieID + 1;
+const tDisplayElementID kBiochipDropHighlightID = kInventoryDropHighlightID + 1;
+const tDisplayElementID kDraggingSpriteID = 1000;
+const tDisplayElementID kCroppedMovieID = 2000;
+const tDisplayElementID kNeighborhoodDisplayID = 3000;
+const tDisplayElementID kItemPictureBaseID = 5000;
+const tCoordType kNavAreaLeft = 64;
+const tCoordType kNavAreaTop = 64;
+const tCoordType kBackground1Left = 0;
+const tCoordType kBackground1Top = 64;
+const tCoordType kBackground2Left = 0;
+const tCoordType kBackground2Top = 0;
+const tCoordType kBackground3Left = 576;
+const tCoordType kBackground3Top = 64;
+const tCoordType kBackground4Left = 0;
+const tCoordType kBackground4Top = 320;
+const tCoordType kOverviewControllerLeft = 540;
+const tCoordType kOverviewControllerTop = 348;
+const tCoordType kSwapLeft = 194;
+const tCoordType kSwapTop = 116;
+const tCoordType kSwapHiliteLeft = 200;
+const tCoordType kSwapHiliteTop = 206;
+const tCoordType kDateLeft = 136;
+const tCoordType kDateTop = 44;
+const tCoordType kCompassLeft = 222;
+const tCoordType kCompassTop = 42;
+const tCoordType kCompassWidth = 92;
+const tCoordType kInventoryPushLeft = 74;
+const tCoordType kInventoryPushTop = 92;
+const tCoordType kInventoryLidLeft = 74;
+const tCoordType kInventoryLidTop = 316;
+const tCoordType kBiochipPushLeft = 362;
+const tCoordType kBiochipPushTop = 192;
+const tCoordType kBiochipLidLeft = 362;
+const tCoordType kBiochipLidTop = 316;
+// TODO: Remove global variable needs
+//const Common::Rect kInventoryHiliteBounds(334, 76, 430, 172);
+//const Common::Rect kBiochipHiliteBounds (334, 364, 430, 460);
+const tCoordType kInventoryDropLeft = 0;
+const tCoordType kInventoryDropTop = 320;
+const tCoordType kInventoryDropRight = 232;
+const tCoordType kInventoryDropBottom = 480;
+const tCoordType kBiochipDropLeft = 302;
+const tCoordType kBiochipDropTop = 320;
+const tCoordType kBiochipDropRight = 640;
+const tCoordType kBiochipDropBottom = 480;
+const tCoordType kFinalMessageLeft = kInventoryPushLeft + 1;
+const tCoordType kFinalMessageTop = kInventoryPushTop + 24;
+// Notifications.
+const tNotificationID kJMPDCShellNotificationID = kLastNeighborhoodNotificationID + 1;
+const tNotificationID kInterfaceNotificationID = kJMPDCShellNotificationID + 1;
+const tNotificationID kAINotificationID = kInterfaceNotificationID + 1;
+const tNotificationID kNoradNotificationID = kAINotificationID + 1;
+const tNotificationID kNoradECRNotificationID = kNoradNotificationID + 1;
+const tNotificationID kNoradFillingStationNotificationID = kNoradECRNotificationID + 1;
+const tNotificationID kNoradPressureNotificationID = kNoradFillingStationNotificationID + 1;
+const tNotificationID kNoradUtilityNotificationID = kNoradPressureNotificationID + 1;
+const tNotificationID kNoradElevatorNotificationID = kNoradUtilityNotificationID + 1;
+const tNotificationID kNoradSubPlatformNotificationID = kNoradElevatorNotificationID + 1;
+const tNotificationID kSubControlNotificationID = kNoradSubPlatformNotificationID + 1;
+const tNotificationID kNoradGreenBallNotificationID = kSubControlNotificationID + 1;
+const tNotificationID kNoradGlobeNotificationID = kNoradGreenBallNotificationID + 1;
+const tNotificationID kCaldoriaVidPhoneNotificationID = kNoradGlobeNotificationID + 1;
+const tNotificationID kCaldoriaMessagesNotificationID = kCaldoriaVidPhoneNotificationID + 1;
+const tNotificationID kCaldoriaBombTimerNotificationID = kCaldoriaMessagesNotificationID + 1;
+// Sent to the shell by fShellNotification.
+const tNotificationFlags kGameStartingFlag = 1;
+const tNotificationFlags kNeedNewJumpFlag = kGameStartingFlag << 1;
+const tNotificationFlags kPlayerDiedFlag = kNeedNewJumpFlag << 1;
+const tNotificationFlags kJMPShellNotificationFlags = kGameStartingFlag |
+ kNeedNewJumpFlag |
+ kPlayerDiedFlag;
+// Sent to the interface.
+const tNotificationFlags kInventoryLidOpenFlag = 1;
+const tNotificationFlags kInventoryLidClosedFlag = kInventoryLidOpenFlag << 1;
+const tNotificationFlags kInventoryDrawerUpFlag = kInventoryLidClosedFlag << 1;
+const tNotificationFlags kInventoryDrawerDownFlag = kInventoryDrawerUpFlag << 1;
+const tNotificationFlags kBiochipLidOpenFlag = kInventoryDrawerDownFlag << 1;
+const tNotificationFlags kBiochipLidClosedFlag = kBiochipLidOpenFlag << 1;
+const tNotificationFlags kBiochipDrawerUpFlag = kBiochipLidClosedFlag << 1;
+const tNotificationFlags kBiochipDrawerDownFlag = kBiochipDrawerUpFlag << 1;
+const tNotificationFlags kInterfaceNotificationFlags = kInventoryLidOpenFlag |
+ kInventoryLidClosedFlag |
+ kInventoryDrawerUpFlag |
+ kInventoryDrawerDownFlag |
+ kBiochipLidOpenFlag |
+ kBiochipLidClosedFlag |
+ kBiochipDrawerUpFlag |
+ kBiochipDrawerDownFlag;
+// Hot spots.
+// Neighborhood hot spots.
+const tHotSpotID kFirstNeighborhoodSpotID = 5000;
+// kShellSpotFlag is a flag which marks all hot spots which belong to the shell, like
+// the current item and current biochip spots.
+const tHotSpotFlags kShellSpotFlag = 1;
+// kNeighborhoodSpotFlag is a flag which marks all hot spots which belong to a
+// neighborhood, like buttons on walls and so on.
+const tHotSpotFlags kNeighborhoodSpotFlag = kShellSpotFlag << 1;
+// kZoomInSpotFlag is a flag which marks all hot spots which indicate a zoom.
+const tHotSpotFlags kZoomInSpotFlag = kNeighborhoodSpotFlag << 1;
+// kZoomOutSpotFlag is a flag which marks all hot spots which indicate a zoom.
+const tHotSpotFlags kZoomOutSpotFlag = kZoomInSpotFlag << 1;
+const tHotSpotFlags kClickSpotFlag = kZoomOutSpotFlag << 1;
+const tHotSpotFlags kPlayExtraSpotFlag = kClickSpotFlag << 1;
+const tHotSpotFlags kPickUpItemSpotFlag = kPlayExtraSpotFlag << 1;
+const tHotSpotFlags kDropItemSpotFlag = kPickUpItemSpotFlag << 1;
+const tHotSpotFlags kOpenDoorSpotFlag = kDropItemSpotFlag << 1;
+const tHotSpotFlags kZoomSpotFlags = kZoomInSpotFlag | kZoomOutSpotFlag;
+const tHotSpotFlags kHighestGameShellSpotFlag = kOpenDoorSpotFlag;
+// Hot spots.
+// Shell hot spots.
+// The shell reserves all hot spot IDs from 0 to 999
+const tHotSpotID kCurrentItemSpotID = 0;
+const tHotSpotID kCurrentBiochipSpotID = kCurrentItemSpotID + 1;
+const tHotSpotID kInventoryDropSpotID = kCurrentBiochipSpotID + 1;
+const tHotSpotID kBiochipDropSpotID = kInventoryDropSpotID + 1;
+const tHotSpotID kInfoReturnSpotID = kBiochipDropSpotID + 1;
+const tHotSpotID kAIHint1SpotID = kInfoReturnSpotID + 1;
+const tHotSpotID kAIHint2SpotID = kAIHint1SpotID + 1;
+const tHotSpotID kAIHint3SpotID = kAIHint2SpotID + 1;
+const tHotSpotID kAISolveSpotID = kAIHint3SpotID + 1;
+const tHotSpotID kAIBriefingSpotID = kAISolveSpotID + 1;
+const tHotSpotID kAIScanSpotID = kAIBriefingSpotID + 1;
+const tHotSpotID kPegasusRecallSpotID = kAIScanSpotID + 1;
+const tHotSpotID kAriesSpotID = kPegasusRecallSpotID + 1;
+const tHotSpotID kMercurySpotID = kAriesSpotID + 1;
+const tHotSpotID kPoseidonSpotID = kMercurySpotID + 1;
+const tHotSpotID kAirMaskToggleSpotID = kPoseidonSpotID + 1;
+const tHotSpotID kShuttleEnergySpotID = kAirMaskToggleSpotID + 1;
+const tHotSpotID kShuttleGravitonSpotID = kShuttleEnergySpotID + 1;
+const tHotSpotID kShuttleTractorSpotID = kShuttleGravitonSpotID + 1;
+const tHotSpotID kShuttleViewSpotID = kShuttleTractorSpotID + 1;
+const tHotSpotID kShuttleTransportSpotID = kShuttleViewSpotID + 1;
+// Most of these are obsolete:
+// kInventoryDropSpotFlag is a flag which marks hot spots which are valid drop spots
+// for inventory items.
+// const tHotSpotFlags kInventoryDropSpotFlag = kHighestGameShellSpotFlag << 1;
+// kBiochipDropSpotFlag is a flag which marks hot spots which are valid drop spots
+// for biochips.
+// const tHotSpotFlags kBiochipDropSpotFlag = kInventoryDropSpotFlag << 1;
+// kInventorySpotFlag is a flag which marks hot spots which indicate inventory items
+// in the environment.
+// const tHotSpotFlags kInventorySpotFlag = kBiochipDropSpotFlag << 1;
+// kBiochipSpotFlag is a flag which marks hot spots which indicate biochips
+// in the environment.
+const tHotSpotFlags kPickUpBiochipSpotFlag = kHighestGameShellSpotFlag << 1;
+const tHotSpotFlags kDropBiochipSpotFlag = kPickUpBiochipSpotFlag << 1;
+const tHotSpotFlags kInfoReturnSpotFlag = kDropBiochipSpotFlag << 1;
+// Biochip and inventory hot spot flags...
+const tHotSpotFlags kAIBiochipSpotFlag = kInfoReturnSpotFlag << 1;
+const tHotSpotFlags kPegasusBiochipSpotFlag = kAIBiochipSpotFlag << 1;
+const tHotSpotFlags kOpticalBiochipSpotFlag = kPegasusBiochipSpotFlag << 1;
+const tHotSpotFlags kAirMaskSpotFlag = kOpticalBiochipSpotFlag << 1;
+const tHotSpotFlags kJMPClickingSpotFlags = kClickSpotFlag |
+ kPlayExtraSpotFlag |
+ kOpenDoorSpotFlag |
+ kInfoReturnSpotFlag |
+ kAIBiochipSpotFlag |
+ kPegasusBiochipSpotFlag |
+ kOpticalBiochipSpotFlag |
+ kAirMaskSpotFlag;
} // End of namespace Pegasus
diff --git a/engines/pegasus/pegasus.cpp b/engines/pegasus/pegasus.cpp
index 3a9c7d1a5f..bc162972c8 100644
--- a/engines/pegasus/pegasus.cpp
+++ b/engines/pegasus/pegasus.cpp
@@ -44,6 +44,7 @@
//#define RUN_SUB_MOVIE // :D :D :D :D :D :D
+//#define RUN_OLD_CODE
#include "pegasus/sound.h"
@@ -51,7 +52,8 @@
namespace Pegasus {
-PegasusEngine::PegasusEngine(OSystem *syst, const PegasusGameDescription *gamedesc) : Engine(syst), InputHandler(0), _gameDescription(gamedesc) {
+PegasusEngine::PegasusEngine(OSystem *syst, const PegasusGameDescription *gamedesc) : Engine(syst), InputHandler(0), _gameDescription(gamedesc),
+ _shellNotification(kJMPDCShellNotificationID, this), _returnHotspot(kInfoReturnSpotID) {
_continuePoint = 0;
_saveAllowed = _loadAllowed = true;
@@ -147,7 +149,7 @@ Common::Error PegasusEngine::run() {
+#elif defined(RUN_OLD_CODE)
while (!shouldQuit()) {
switch (_gameMode) {
case kIntroMode:
@@ -170,6 +172,30 @@ Common::Error PegasusEngine::run() {
+ // Set up input
+ InputHandler::setInputHandler(this);
+ allowInput(true);
+ // Set up inventories
+ _items.setWeightLimit(0);
+ _items.setOwnerID(kPlayerID);
+ _biochips.setWeightLimit(8);
+ _biochips.setOwnerID(kPlayerID);
+ _shellNotification.notifyMe(this, kJMPShellNotificationFlags, kJMPShellNotificationFlags);
+ _shellNotification.setNotificationFlags(kGameStartingFlag, kGameStartingFlag);
+ _returnHotspot.setArea(Common::Rect(kNavAreaLeft, kNavAreaTop, 512 + kNavAreaLeft, 256 + kNavAreaTop));
+ _returnHotspot.setHotspotFlags(kInfoReturnSpotFlag);
+ g_allHotspots.push_back(&_returnHotspot);
+ while (!shouldQuit()) {
+ checkNotifications();
+ InputHandler::pollForInput();
+ giveIdleTime();
+ _gfx->updateDisplay();
+ }
return Common::kNoError;
@@ -488,4 +514,11 @@ Common::Error PegasusEngine::saveGameState(int slot, const Common::String &desc)
return valid ? Common::kNoError : Common::kUnknownError;
+void PegasusEngine::receiveNotification(Notification *notification, const tNotificationFlags flags) {
+ if (&_shellNotification == notification) {
+ if (flags == kGameStartingFlag)
+ error("Notification test complete");
+ }
} // End of namespace Pegasus
diff --git a/engines/pegasus/pegasus.h b/engines/pegasus/pegasus.h
index 8d49050ab6..a9984ea66d 100644
--- a/engines/pegasus/pegasus.h
+++ b/engines/pegasus/pegasus.h
@@ -33,8 +33,11 @@
#include "engines/engine.h"
#include "pegasus/graphics.h"
+#include "pegasus/hotspot.h"
#include "pegasus/input.h"
+#include "pegasus/notification.h"
#include "pegasus/video.h"
+#include "pegasus/items/inventory.h"
#include "pegasus/neighborhood/neighborhood.h"
namespace Video {
@@ -66,7 +69,7 @@ enum GameMode {
-class PegasusEngine : public ::Engine, public InputHandler {
+class PegasusEngine : public ::Engine, public InputHandler, public NotificationManager {
friend class InputHandler;
@@ -101,6 +104,9 @@ protected:
Cursor *_cursor;
+ Notification _shellNotification;
+ virtual void receiveNotification(Notification *notification, const tNotificationFlags flags);
// Intro
void runIntro();
@@ -152,6 +158,8 @@ private:
// Items
void createItems();
void createItem(tItemID itemID, tNeighborhoodID neighborhoodID, tRoomID roomID, tDirectionConstant direction);
+ Inventory _items;
+ Inventory _biochips;
// TimeBases
Common::List<TimeBase *> _timeBases;
@@ -163,6 +171,9 @@ private:
void loadFromContinuePoint();
Common::ReadStream *_continuePoint;
bool _saveAllowed, _loadAllowed; // It's so nice that this was in the original code already :P
+ // Misc.
+ Hotspot _returnHotspot;
} // End of namespace Pegasus