path: root/devtools/blade_runner/subtitles/fontCreator/fonFileLib.py
diff options
authorEugene Sandulenko2018-12-25 12:37:23 +0100
committerEugene Sandulenko2018-12-25 12:37:23 +0100
commit1f6727eab85c8f544718deba6a820e1b71ee5c93 (patch)
tree5d86c27377baa8fac79ced213a8fe4b21a3a1344 /devtools/blade_runner/subtitles/fontCreator/fonFileLib.py
parentb6e93680f449b6d988aeceac0c0a58218b2992d0 (diff)
DEVTOOLS: Rename blade_runner to create_bladerunner
Diffstat (limited to 'devtools/blade_runner/subtitles/fontCreator/fonFileLib.py')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 233 deletions
diff --git a/devtools/blade_runner/subtitles/fontCreator/fonFileLib.py b/devtools/blade_runner/subtitles/fontCreator/fonFileLib.py
deleted file mode 100644
index c523162950..0000000000
--- a/devtools/blade_runner/subtitles/fontCreator/fonFileLib.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,233 +0,0 @@
-# -*- coding: UTF-8 -*-
-import os, sys, shutil
-import struct
-from struct import *
-import Image
-my_module_version = "0.50"
-my_module_name = "fonFileLib"
-class FonHeader:
- maxEntriesInTableOfDetails = -1 # this is probably always the number of entries in table of details, but it won't work for the corrupted TAHOMA18.FON file
- maxGlyphWidth = -1 # in pixels
- maxGlyphHeight = -1 # in pixels
- graphicSegmentByteSize = -1 # Graphic segment byte size
- def __init__(self):
- return
-class fonFile:
- m_header = FonHeader()
- simpleFontFileName = "GENERIC.FON"
- realNumOfCharactersInImageSegment = 0 # this is used for the workaround for the corrupted TAHOME18.FON
- nonEmptyCharacters = 0
- glyphDetailEntriesLst = [] # list of 5-value tuples. Tuple values are (X-offset, Y-offset, Width, Height, Offset in Graphics segment)
- glyphPixelData = None # buffer of pixel data for glyphs
- def __init__(self):
- del self.glyphDetailEntriesLst[:]
- self.glyphPixelData = None # buffer of pixel data for glyphs
- self.simpleFontFileName = "GENERIC.FON"
- self.realNumOfCharactersInImageSegment = 0 # this is used for the workaround for the corrupted TAHOME18.FON
- self.nonEmptyCharacters = 0
- return
- def loadFonFile(self, fonBytesBuff, maxLength, fonFileName):
- self.simpleFontFileName = fonFileName
- offsInFonFile = 0
- localLstOfDataOffsets = []
- del localLstOfDataOffsets[:]
- #
- # parse FON file fields for header
- #
- try:
- tmpTuple = struct.unpack_from('I', fonBytesBuff, offsInFonFile) # unsigned integer 4 bytes
- self.header().maxEntriesInTableOfDetails = tmpTuple[0]
- offsInFonFile += 4
- if self.simpleFontFileName == 'TAHOMA18.FON': # deal with corrupted original 'TAHOMA18.FON' file
- self.realNumOfCharactersInImageSegment = 176
- print "SPECIAL CASE. WORKAROUND FOR CORRUPTED %s FILE. Only %d characters supported!" % (self.simpleFontFileName, self.realNumOfCharactersInImageSegment)
- else:
- self.realNumOfCharactersInImageSegment = self.header().maxEntriesInTableOfDetails
- tmpTuple = struct.unpack_from('I', fonBytesBuff, offsInFonFile) # unsigned integer 4 bytes
- self.header().maxGlyphWidth = tmpTuple[0]
- offsInFonFile += 4
- tmpTuple = struct.unpack_from('I', fonBytesBuff, offsInFonFile) # unsigned integer 4 bytes
- self.header().maxGlyphHeight = tmpTuple[0]
- offsInFonFile += 4
- tmpTuple = struct.unpack_from('I', fonBytesBuff, offsInFonFile) # unsigned integer 4 bytes
- self.header().graphicSegmentByteSize = tmpTuple[0]
- offsInFonFile += 4
- print "FON Header Info: "
- print "Num of entries: %d\tGlyph max-Width: %d\tGlyph max-Height: %d\tGraphic Segment size %d" % (self.header().maxEntriesInTableOfDetails, self.header().maxGlyphWidth, self.header().maxGlyphHeight, self.header().graphicSegmentByteSize)
- #print "Num of entries: %d\tGlyph max-Width: %d\tGlyph max-Height: %d\tGraphic Segment size %d" % (self.realNumOfCharactersInImageSegment, self.header().maxGlyphWidth, self.header().maxGlyphHeight, self.header().graphicSegmentByteSize)
- #
- # Glyph details table (each entry is 5 unsigned integers == 5*4 = 20 bytes)
- # For most characters, their ASCII value + 1 is the index of their glyph's entry in the details table. The 0 entry of this table is reserved
- #
- #tmpXOffset, tmpYOffset, tmpWidth, tmpHeight, tmpDataOffset
- print "FON glyph details table: "
- for idx in range(0, self.realNumOfCharactersInImageSegment):
- tmpTuple = struct.unpack_from('i', fonBytesBuff, offsInFonFile) # unsigned integer 4 bytes
- tmpXOffset = tmpTuple[0]
- offsInFonFile += 4
- tmpTuple = struct.unpack_from('I', fonBytesBuff, offsInFonFile) # unsigned integer 4 bytes
- tmpYOffset = tmpTuple[0]
- offsInFonFile += 4
- tmpTuple = struct.unpack_from('I', fonBytesBuff, offsInFonFile) # unsigned integer 4 bytes
- tmpWidth = tmpTuple[0]
- offsInFonFile += 4
- tmpTuple = struct.unpack_from('I', fonBytesBuff, offsInFonFile) # unsigned integer 4 bytes
- tmpHeight = tmpTuple[0]
- offsInFonFile += 4
- tmpTuple = struct.unpack_from('I', fonBytesBuff, offsInFonFile) # unsigned integer 4 bytes
- tmpDataOffset = tmpTuple[0]
- offsInFonFile += 4
- if tmpWidth == 0 or tmpHeight == 0:
- print "Index: %d\t UNUSED *****************************************************************" % (idx)
- else:
- self.nonEmptyCharacters += 1
- print "Index: %d\txOffs: %d\tyOffs: %d\twidth: %d\theight: %d\tdataOffs: %d" % (idx, tmpXOffset, tmpYOffset, tmpWidth, tmpHeight, tmpDataOffset)
- if tmpDataOffset not in localLstOfDataOffsets:
- localLstOfDataOffsets.append(tmpDataOffset)
- else:
- # This never happens in the original files. Offsets are "re-used" but not really because it happens only for empty (height = 0) characters which all seem to point to the next non-empty character
- print "Index: %d\t RE-USING ANOTHER GLYPH *****************************************************************" % (idx)
- self.glyphDetailEntriesLst.append( ( tmpXOffset, tmpYOffset, tmpWidth, tmpHeight, tmpDataOffset) )
- offsInFonFile = (4 * 4) + (self.header().maxEntriesInTableOfDetails * 5 * 4) # we need the total self.header().maxEntriesInTableOfDetails here and not self.realNumOfCharactersInImageSegment
- self.glyphPixelData = fonBytesBuff[offsInFonFile:]
- return True
- except:
- print "Loading failure!"
- raise
- return False
- def outputFonToPNG(self):
- targWidth = 0
- targHeight = 0
- paddingFromTopY = 2
- paddingBetweenGlyphsX = 10
- if len(self.glyphDetailEntriesLst) == 0 or (len(self.glyphDetailEntriesLst) != self.realNumOfCharactersInImageSegment and len(self.glyphDetailEntriesLst) != self.header().maxEntriesInTableOfDetails) :
- print "Error. Fon file load process did not complete correctly. Missing important data in structures. Cannot output image!"
- return
- # TODO asdf refine this code here. the dimensions calculation is very crude for now
- if self.header().maxGlyphWidth > 0 :
- targWidth = (self.header().maxGlyphWidth + paddingBetweenGlyphsX) * (self.realNumOfCharactersInImageSegment + 1)
- else:
- targWidth = 1080
- # TODO asdf refine this code here. the dimensions calculation is very crude for now
- if self.header().maxGlyphHeight > 0 :
- targHeight = self.header().maxGlyphHeight * 2
- else:
- targHeight = 480
- imTargetGameFont = Image.new("RGBA",(targWidth, targHeight), (0,0,0,0))
- #print imTargetGameFont.getbands()
- #
- # Now fill in the image segment
- # Fonts in image segment are stored in pixel colors from TOP to Bottom, Left to Right per GLYPH.
- # Each pixel is 16 bit (2 bytes). Highest bit seems to determine transparency (on/off flag).
- # There seem to be 5 bits per RGB channel and the value is the corresponding 8bit value (from the 24 bit pixel color) shifting out (right) the 3 LSBs
- # First font image is the special character (border of top row and left column) - color of font pixels should be "0x7FFF" for filled and "0x8000" for transparent
- drawIdx = 0
- drawIdxDeductAmount = 0
- for idx in range(0, self.realNumOfCharactersInImageSegment):
- # TODO check for size > 0 for self.glyphPixelData
- # TODO mark glyph OUTLINES? (optional by switch)
- (glyphXoffs, glyphYoffs, glyphWidth, glyphHeight, glyphDataOffs) = self.glyphDetailEntriesLst[idx]
- glyphDataOffs = glyphDataOffs * 2
- #print idx, glyphDataOffs
- currX = 0
- currY = 0
- if (glyphWidth == 0 or glyphHeight == 0):
- drawIdxDeductAmount += 1
- drawIdx = idx - drawIdxDeductAmount
- for colorIdx in range(0, glyphWidth*glyphHeight):
- tmpTuple = struct.unpack_from('H', self.glyphPixelData, glyphDataOffs) # unsigned short 2 bytes
- pixelColor = tmpTuple[0]
- glyphDataOffs += 2
-# if pixelColor > 0x8000:
-# print "WEIRD CASE" # NEVER HAPPENS - TRANSPARENCY IS ON/OFF. There's no grades of transparency
- rgbacolour = (0,0,0,0)
- if pixelColor == 0x8000:
- rgbacolour = (0,0,0,0) # alpha: 0.0 fully transparent
- else:
- tmp8bitR1 = ( (pixelColor >> 10) ) << 3
- tmp8bitG1 = ( (pixelColor & 0x3ff) >> 5 ) << 3
- tmp8bitB1 = ( (pixelColor & 0x1f) ) << 3
- rgbacolour = (tmp8bitR1,tmp8bitG1,tmp8bitB1, 255) # alpha: 1.0 fully opaque
- #rgbacolour = (255,255,255, 255) # alpha: 1.0 fully opaque
- if currX == glyphWidth:
- currX = 0
- currY += 1
- imTargetGameFont.putpixel(( (drawIdx + 1) * (self.header().maxGlyphWidth + paddingBetweenGlyphsX ) + currX, paddingFromTopY + glyphYoffs + currY), rgbacolour)
- currX += 1
- imTargetGameFont.save(os.path.join('.', self.simpleFontFileName + ".PNG"), "PNG")
- def header(self):
- return self.m_header
-if __name__ == '__main__':
- # main()
- print "Running %s as main module" % (my_module_name)
- # assumes a file of name TAHOMA24.FON in same directory
- inFONFile = None
- inFONFileName = 'SUBTLS_E.FON' # Subtitles font custom
- errorFound = False
- try:
- print "Opening %s" % (inFONFileName)
- inFONFile = open(os.path.join('.',inFONFileName), 'rb')
- except:
- errorFound = True
- print "Unexpected error:", sys.exc_info()[0]
- raise
- if not errorFound:
- allOfFonFileInBuffer = inFONFile.read()
- fonFileInstance = fonFile()
- if (fonFileInstance.loadFonFile(allOfFonFileInBuffer, len(allOfFonFileInBuffer), inFONFileName)):
- print "FON file loaded successfully!"
- fonFileInstance.outputFonToPNG()
- else:
- print "Error while loading FON file!"
- inFONFile.close()
- #debug
- #print "Running %s imported from another module" % (my_module_name)
- pass \ No newline at end of file