path: root/devtools/tasmrecover/dreamweb/dreamweb.asm
diff options
authorVladimir Menshakov2011-06-15 17:53:45 +0400
committerAlyssa Milburn2011-06-15 17:35:05 +0200
commit9599894a4b2f79672fc3e2ca5a93ef9c7d457c08 (patch)
tree9a6aab04f15f6bdf0fb5c2e206bcdaaf50edc90b /devtools/tasmrecover/dreamweb/dreamweb.asm
parentae8edebd65deafc1376a9c3a51331929815b6c64 (diff)
DREAMWEB: Added original sources. Released with permission from Neil Dodwell.
Diffstat (limited to 'devtools/tasmrecover/dreamweb/dreamweb.asm')
1 files changed, 6262 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/devtools/tasmrecover/dreamweb/dreamweb.asm b/devtools/tasmrecover/dreamweb/dreamweb.asm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..2b98b97b34
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devtools/tasmrecover/dreamweb/dreamweb.asm
@@ -0,0 +1,6262 @@
+;Copyright (c) 1990-2011 by Neil Dodwell
+;Released with permission from Neil Dodwell under GPLv2
+;See LICENSE file for full license text
+;³ ³
+;³ ³
+;³ ³
+;³ ³
+;³ ³
+;³ Written by Neil Dodwell. Graphics by Dave Dew. ³
+;³ ³
+;³ Started on Friday 28 December 1990 at 1:20 pm ³
+;³ ³
+;³ Copyright 1990/1991 Creative Reality ³ ³
+;³ ³
+;³ ³
+;----------------------------------------------------------Assembly options----
+playback equ 0
+recording equ 0
+debuglevel1 equ 0 ;memory debug on
+debuglevel2 equ 0 ;debug keys on+shouts
+demo equ 0
+CD equ 1
+Foreign equ 0
+Spanish equ 0
+German equ 0
+;----------------------------------------------------------------Code start----
+DREAMWEBPROG segment para public 'CODE'
+include \pc\dreamweb\vars.asm ;variables and equates
+include \pc\dreamweb\sprite.asm ;sprite routines
+include \pc\dreamweb\vgagrafx.asm ;screen routines for vga
+include \pc\dreamweb\vgafades.asm ;fade routines
+include \pc\dreamweb\titles.asm ;guess!
+include \pc\dreamweb\print.asm ;text printing routines
+include \pc\dreamweb\object.asm ;pickup
+include \pc\dreamweb\backdrop.asm ;draws floor etc.
+include \pc\dreamweb\look.asm ;look command
+include \pc\dreamweb\talk.asm ;conversations
+include \pc\dreamweb\newplace.asm ;travel
+include \pc\dreamweb\monitor.asm ;network machine
+include \pc\dreamweb\use.asm ;individual use routines
+include \pc\dreamweb\keypad.asm ;accept code with keypad
+include \pc\dreamweb\saveload.asm ;in game options
+include \pc\dreamweb\sblaster.asm
+ if debuglevel1
+include \pc\dreamweb\debug.asm
+ else
+ if debuglevel2
+include \pc\dreamweb\debug.asm
+ endif
+ endif
+;-----------------------------------------------------------------Main loop----
+Dreamweb proc near
+ call seecommandtail
+ call checkbasemem
+ call soundstartup
+ call setkeyboardint
+ call setupemm
+ call allocatebuffers
+ call setmouse
+ call fadedos
+ call gettime
+ call clearbuffers
+ call clearpalette
+ call set16colpalette
+ call readsetdata
+ if demo
+ call changeroomnums
+ endif
+ mov wongame,0
+ mov dx,offset cs:basicsample
+ call loadsample
+ call setsoundoff
+ if demo
+ else
+ call scanfornames
+ cmp al,0
+ jnz dodecisions
+ endif
+ call setmode
+ call loadpalfromiff
+ call titles
+ call credits
+ jmp playgame
+dodecisions: call cls
+ call setmode
+ call decide
+ cmp getback,4
+ jz mainloop
+ call titles
+ call credits
+playgame: call clearchanges
+ call setmode
+ call loadpalfromiff
+ mov location,255
+ mov roomafterdream,1
+ if demo
+ mov newlocation,5
+ else
+ mov newlocation,35
+ endif
+ mov volume,7
+ call loadroom
+ call clearsprites
+ call initman
+ call entrytexts
+ call entryanims
+ mov destpos,3
+ call initialinv
+ mov lastflag,32
+ call startup1
+ mov volumeto,0
+ mov volumedirection,-1
+ mov commandtype,255
+ jmp mainloop
+loadnew: if demo
+ cmp newlocation,27
+ jnz not27
+ call fadescreendowns
+ mov cx,260
+ call hangon
+ call clearbeforeload
+ jmp playgame
+ endif
+ call clearbeforeload
+ call loadroom
+ call clearsprites
+ call initman
+ call entrytexts
+ call entryanims
+ mov newlocation,255
+ call startup
+ mov commandtype,255
+ call worktoscreenm
+ jmp mainloop
+alreadyloaded: mov newlocation,255
+ call clearsprites
+ call initman
+ call startup
+ mov commandtype,255
+mainloop: call screenupdate
+ cmp wongame,0
+ jnz endofgame
+ cmp mandead,1
+ jz gameover
+ cmp mandead,2
+ jz gameover
+ cmp watchingtime,0
+ jz notwatching
+ mov al,finaldest
+ cmp al,manspath
+ jnz mainloop
+ dec watchingtime
+ jnz mainloop
+notwatching: cmp mandead,4
+ jz gameover
+ cmp newlocation,255
+ jnz loadnew
+ jmp mainloop
+gameover: if demo
+ call fadescreendowns
+ mov cx,260
+ call hangon
+ call clearbeforeload
+ jmp playgame
+ endif
+ call clearbeforeload
+ call showgun
+ call fadescreendown
+ mov cx,100
+ call hangon
+ jmp dodecisions
+endofgame: call clearbeforeload
+ call fadescreendowns
+ mov cx,200
+ call hangon
+ call endgame
+ jmp quickquit2
+ endp
+ endp
+ if demo
+Changeroomnums proc near
+ mov di,offset cs:roomdata+10
+ mov cx,50
+changenumloop: mov al,[cs:di]
+ cmp al,"0"
+ jnz nochange
+ mov al,[cs:di+1]
+ cmp al,"5"
+ jnz nochange
+ mov al,"6"
+ mov ah,"0"
+ mov [cs:di],ax
+nochange: add di,32
+ loop changenumloop
+ ret
+ endp
+ endif
+Entrytexts proc near
+ cmp location,21
+ jnz notloc15
+ mov al,28
+ mov cx,60
+ mov dx,11
+ mov bl,68
+ mov bh,64
+ call setuptimeduse
+ ret
+notloc15: cmp location,30
+ jnz notloc43
+ mov al,27
+ mov cx,60
+ mov dx,11
+ mov bl,68
+ mov bh,64
+ call setuptimeduse
+ ret
+notloc43: cmp location,23
+ jnz notloc23
+ mov al,29
+ mov cx,60
+ mov dx,11
+ mov bl,68
+ mov bh,64
+ call setuptimeduse
+ ret
+notloc23: cmp location,31
+ jnz notloc44
+ mov al,30
+ mov cx,60
+ mov dx,11
+ mov bl,68
+ mov bh,64
+ call setuptimeduse
+ ret
+notloc44: cmp location,20
+ jnz notsarters2
+ mov al,31
+ mov cx,60
+ mov dx,11
+ mov bl,68
+ mov bh,64
+ call setuptimeduse
+ ret
+notsarters2: cmp location,24
+ jnz notedenlob
+ mov al,32
+ mov cx,60
+ mov dx,3
+ mov bl,68
+ mov bh,64
+ call setuptimeduse
+ ret
+notedenlob: cmp location,34
+ jnz noteden2
+ mov al,33
+ mov cx,60
+ mov dx,3
+ mov bl,68
+ mov bh,64
+ call setuptimeduse
+ ret
+noteden2: ret
+ endp
+Entryanims proc near
+ mov reeltowatch,-1
+ mov watchmode,-1
+ cmp location,33
+ jnz notinthebeach
+ call switchryanoff
+ mov watchingtime,76*2
+ mov reeltowatch,0
+ mov endwatchreel,76
+ mov watchspeed,1
+ mov speedcount,1
+ ret
+notinthebeach: cmp location,44
+ jnz notsparkys
+ mov al,8
+ call resetlocation
+ mov watchingtime,50*2
+ mov reeltowatch,247
+ mov endwatchreel,297
+ mov watchspeed,1
+ mov speedcount,1
+ call switchryanoff
+ ret
+notsparkys: cmp location,22
+ jnz notinthelift
+ mov watchingtime,31*2
+ mov reeltowatch,0
+ mov endwatchreel,30
+ mov watchspeed,1
+ mov speedcount,1
+ call switchryanoff
+ ret
+notinthelift: cmp location,26
+ jnz notunderchurch
+ mov symboltopnum,2
+ mov symbolbotnum,1
+ ret
+notunderchurch: cmp location,45
+ jnz notenterdream
+ mov keeperflag,0
+ mov watchingtime,296
+ mov reeltowatch,45
+ mov endwatchreel,198
+ mov watchspeed,1
+ mov speedcount,1
+ call switchryanoff
+ ret
+notenterdream: cmp reallocation,46
+ jnz notcrystal
+ cmp sartaindead,1
+ jnz notcrystal
+ mov al,0
+ call removefreeobject
+ ret
+notcrystal: cmp location,9
+ jnz nottopchurch
+ mov al,2
+ call checkifpathison
+ jz nottopchurch
+ cmp aidedead,0
+ jz nottopchurch
+ mov al,3
+ call checkifpathison
+ jnz makedoorsopen
+ mov al,2
+ call turnpathon
+makedoorsopen: mov al,4
+ call removesetobject
+ mov al,5
+ call placesetobject
+ ret
+nottopchurch: cmp location,47
+ jnz notdreamcentre
+ mov al,4
+ call placesetobject
+ mov al,5
+ call placesetobject
+ ret
+notdreamcentre: cmp location,38
+ jnz notcarpark
+ mov watchingtime,57*2
+ mov reeltowatch,4
+ mov endwatchreel,57
+ mov watchspeed,1
+ mov speedcount,1
+ call switchryanoff
+ ret
+notcarpark: cmp location,32
+ jnz notalley
+ mov watchingtime,66*2
+ mov reeltowatch,0
+ mov endwatchreel,66
+ mov watchspeed,1
+ mov speedcount,1
+ call switchryanoff
+ ret
+notalley: cmp location,24
+ jnz notedensagain
+ mov al,2
+ mov ah,roomnum
+ dec ah
+ call turnanypathon
+notedensagain: ret
+ endp
+ if demo
+Initialinv proc near
+ mov al,11
+ mov ah,5
+ call pickupob
+ mov al,12
+ mov ah,6
+ call pickupob
+ mov al,13
+ mov ah,7
+ call pickupob
+ mov al,14
+ mov ah,8
+ call pickupob
+ mov al,18
+ mov ah,0
+ call pickupob
+ mov al,19
+ mov ah,1
+ call pickupob
+ mov al,20
+ mov ah,9
+ call pickupob
+ mov al,16
+ mov ah,2
+ call pickupob
+ mov al,2
+ mov ah,4
+ call pickupob
+ mov al,29
+ mov ah,10
+ call pickupob
+ mov al,33
+ mov ah,11
+ call pickupob
+ mov al,44
+ mov ah,12
+ call pickupob
+ mov card1money,12342
+ ret
+ endp
+ else
+Initialinv proc near
+ cmp reallocation,24
+ jz isedens
+ ret
+isedens: mov al,11
+ mov ah,5
+ call pickupob
+ mov al,12
+ mov ah,6
+ call pickupob
+ mov al,13
+ mov ah,7
+ call pickupob
+ mov al,14
+ mov ah,8
+ call pickupob
+ mov al,18
+ mov al,18
+ mov ah,0
+ call pickupob
+ mov al,19
+ mov ah,1
+ call pickupob
+ mov al,20
+ mov ah,9
+ call pickupob
+ mov al,16
+ mov ah,2
+ call pickupob
+ mov watchmode,1
+ mov reeltohold,0
+ mov endofholdreel,6
+ mov watchspeed,1
+ mov speedcount,1
+ call switchryanoff
+ ret
+ endp
+ endif
+Pickupob proc near
+ mov lastinvpos,ah
+ mov objecttype,2
+ mov itemframe,al
+ mov command,al
+ call getanyad
+ call transfertoex
+ ret
+ endp
+;---------------------------------------------------------Memory allocation----
+Setupemm proc near
+ cmp soundint,255
+ jz noneedforemm
+ call checkforemm
+ mov ah,43h ;allocate handle and 160 pages
+ mov bx,176 ;was 176
+ int 67h
+ cmp ah,0
+ jnz emmerror1 ;if there's an error drop to DOS
+ mov emmhandle,dx
+ mov ah,41h ;get the page frame base address
+ int 67h
+ cmp ah,0
+ jnz emmerror1
+ mov emmpageframe,bx
+ mov ax,bx
+ mov cl,12
+ shr ax,cl
+ mov emmhardwarepage,al
+noneedforemm: ret
+emmerror1: mov gameerror,1
+ jmp quickquit2
+ endp
+Removeemm proc near
+ cmp soundint,255
+ jz noneedtoremove
+ mov ah,45h
+ mov dx,emmhandle
+ int 67h
+noneedtoremove: ret
+ endp
+Checkforemm proc near
+ ret
+ endp
+Checkbasemem proc near
+ mov bx,howmuchalloc
+ cmp bx,9360h
+ jnc enoughmem
+ mov gameerror,5
+ jmp quickquit
+enoughmem: ret
+ endp
+Allocatebuffers proc near
+ mov bx,lengthofextra/16
+ call allocatemem
+ mov extras,ax
+ call trysoundalloc
+ mov bx,lengthofmap/16
+ call allocatemem
+ mov mapdata,ax
+ call trysoundalloc
+ mov bx,lengthofbuffer/16
+ call allocatemem
+ mov buffers,ax
+ call trysoundalloc
+ mov bx,freedatlen/16
+ call allocatemem
+ mov freedat,ax
+ call trysoundalloc
+ mov bx,setdatlen/16
+ call allocatemem
+ mov setdat,ax
+ call trysoundalloc
+ mov bx,lenofmapstore/16
+ call allocatemem
+ mov mapstore,ax
+ if recording
+ mov bx,1028
+ call allocatemem
+ mov recordspace,ax
+ endif
+ if playback
+ mov bx,1028
+ call allocatemem
+ mov recordspace,ax
+ endif
+ call allocatework
+ mov bx,2048/16
+ call allocatemem
+ mov sounddata,ax
+ mov bx,2048/16
+ call allocatemem
+ mov sounddata2,ax
+ ret
+ endp
+Clearbuffers proc near
+ mov es,buffers
+ mov cx,lengthofbuffer/2
+ mov ax,0
+ mov di,0
+ rep stosw
+ mov es,extras
+ mov cx,lengthofextra/2
+ mov ax,0ffffh
+ mov di,0
+ rep stosw
+ mov es,buffers
+ mov di,initialreelrouts
+ push cs
+ pop ds
+ mov si,offset cs:reelroutines
+ mov cx,lenofreelrouts
+ rep movsb
+ mov es,buffers
+ mov di,initialvars
+ push cs
+ pop ds
+ mov si,offset cs:startvars
+ mov cx,lengthofvars
+ rep movsb
+ call clearchanges
+ ret
+ endp
+Clearchanges proc near
+ mov es,buffers
+ mov cx,numchanges*2
+ mov ax,0ffffh
+ mov di,listofchanges
+ rep stosw
+ mov ds,buffers
+ mov si,initialreelrouts
+ push cs
+ pop es
+ mov di,offset cs:reelroutines
+ mov cx,lenofreelrouts
+ rep movsb
+ mov ds,buffers
+ mov si,initialvars
+ push cs
+ pop es
+ mov di,offset cs:startvars
+ mov cx,lengthofvars
+ rep movsb
+ mov expos,0
+ mov exframepos,0
+ mov extextpos,0
+ mov es,extras
+ mov cx,lengthofextra/2
+ mov ax,0ffffh
+ mov di,0
+ rep stosw
+ push cs
+ pop es
+ mov di,offset cs:roomscango
+ mov al,1
+ stosb
+ stosb
+ mov al,0
+ stosb
+ mov al,1
+ stosb
+ mov ax,0
+ mov cx,6
+ rep stosw
+ ret
+ endp
+Clearbeforeload proc near ;deallocates variable buffers
+ ;and clears out fixed ones
+ cmp roomloaded,1
+ jnz noclear
+ call clearreels
+ call clearrest
+ mov roomloaded,0
+noclear: ret
+ endp
+;Clearnoreels proc near
+; cmp roomloaded,1
+; jnz noclear2
+; call clearrest
+; mov roomloaded,0
+;noclear2: ret
+; endp
+Clearreels proc near
+ mov es,reel1
+ call deallocatemem
+ mov es,reel2
+ call deallocatemem
+ mov es,reel3
+ call deallocatemem
+ ret
+ endp
+Clearrest proc near
+ mov es,mapdata
+ mov cx,maplen/2
+ mov ax,0
+ mov di,map
+ rep stosw
+ mov es,backdrop
+ call deallocatemem
+ mov es,setframes
+ call deallocatemem
+ mov es,reels
+ call deallocatemem
+ mov es,people
+ call deallocatemem
+ mov es,setdesc
+ call deallocatemem
+ mov es,blockdesc
+ call deallocatemem
+ mov es,roomdesc
+ call deallocatemem
+ mov es,freeframes
+ call deallocatemem
+ mov es,freedesc
+ call deallocatemem
+ ret
+ endp
+Deallocatemem proc near
+ mov ah,49h
+ int 21h
+ jc deallerror
+ ret
+deallerror: mov gameerror,4
+ jmp quickquit2
+ ret
+ endp
+Allocatemem proc near
+ add bx,2
+ mov ah,48h
+ int 21h
+ jc memerror
+ ret
+memerror: mov gameerror,3
+ jmp quickquit2
+ endp
+Seecommandtail proc near
+ mov soundbaseadd,220h
+ mov soundint,5
+ mov sounddmachannel,1
+ mov brightness,0
+ mov bx,2
+ mov ax,[es:bx]
+ mov dx,es
+ sub ax,dx
+ mov howmuchalloc,ax
+ mov bx,02ch
+ mov ax,[es:bx]
+ push es bx
+ mov es,ax
+ mov bx,0
+findblaster: mov ax,[es:bx]
+ cmp ax,0
+ jz endofenvironment
+ cmp al,"B"
+ jnz notblast
+ cmp ah,"L"
+ jnz notblast
+ cmp byte ptr [es:bx+2],"A"
+ jnz notblast
+ cmp byte ptr [es:bx+3],"S"
+ jnz notblast
+ cmp byte ptr [es:bx+4],"T"
+ jnz notblast
+ cmp byte ptr [es:bx+5],"E"
+ jnz notblast
+ cmp byte ptr [es:bx+6],"R"
+ jnz notblast
+ add bx,7
+ call parseblaster
+ jmp endofenvironment
+notblast: inc bx
+ jmp findblaster
+endofenvironment: pop bx es
+ mov bx,81h
+ call parseblaster
+ ret
+ endp
+Parseblaster proc near
+lookattail: mov al,[es:bx]
+ cmp al,0
+ jz endtail
+ cmp al,13
+ jz endtail
+ cmp al,"i"
+ jz issoundint
+ cmp al,"I"
+ jz issoundint
+ cmp al,"b"
+ jz isbright
+ cmp al,"B"
+ jz isbright
+ cmp al,"a"
+ jz isbaseadd
+ cmp al,"A"
+ jz isbaseadd
+ cmp al,"n"
+ jz isnosound
+ cmp al,"N"
+ jz isnosound
+ cmp al,"d"
+ jz isdma
+ cmp al,"D"
+ jz isdma
+ inc bx
+ loop lookattail
+ ret
+issoundint: mov al,[es:bx+1]
+ sub al,"0"
+ mov soundint,al
+ inc bx
+ jmp lookattail
+isdma: mov al,[es:bx+1]
+ sub al,"0"
+ mov sounddmachannel,al
+ inc bx
+ jmp lookattail
+isbaseadd: push cx
+ mov al,[es:bx+2]
+ sub al,"0"
+ mov ah,0
+ mov cl,4
+ shl ax,cl
+ add ax,200h
+ mov soundbaseadd,ax
+ pop cx
+ inc bx
+ jmp lookattail
+isbright: mov brightness,1
+ inc bx
+ jmp lookattail
+isnosound: mov soundint,255
+ inc bx
+ jmp lookattail
+endtail: ret
+ endp
+;-------------------------------------------------------High level routines----
+Startup proc near
+ mov currentkey,0
+ mov mainmode,0
+ call createpanel
+ mov newobs,1
+ call drawfloor
+ call showicon
+ call getunderzoom
+ call spriteupdate
+ call printsprites
+ call undertextline
+ call reelsonscreen
+ call atmospheres
+ ret
+ endp
+Startup1 proc near
+ call clearpalette
+ mov throughdoor,0
+ mov currentkey,"0"
+ mov mainmode,0
+ call createpanel
+ mov newobs,1
+ call drawfloor
+ call showicon
+ call getunderzoom
+ call spriteupdate
+ call printsprites
+ call undertextline
+ call reelsonscreen
+ call atmospheres
+ call worktoscreen
+ call fadescreenup
+ ret
+ endp
+;--------------------------------------------------Scroll location routines----
+Screenupdate proc near
+ call newplace
+ call mainscreen
+ call animpointer
+ call showpointer
+ cmp watchingtime,0
+ jnz iswatchingmode
+ cmp newlocation,255
+ jnz finishearly
+iswatchingmode: call vsync
+ call readmouse1
+ call dumppointer
+ call dumptextline
+ call delpointer
+ call autolook
+ call spriteupdate
+ call watchcount
+ call zoom
+ call showpointer
+ cmp wongame,0
+ jnz finishearly
+ call vsync
+ call readmouse2
+ call dumppointer
+ call dumpzoom
+ call delpointer
+ call deleverything
+ call printsprites
+ call reelsonscreen
+ call afternewroom
+ call showpointer
+ call vsync
+ call readmouse3
+ call dumppointer
+ call dumpmap
+ call dumptimedtext
+ call delpointer
+ call showpointer
+ call vsync
+ call readmouse4
+ call dumppointer
+ call dumpwatch
+ call delpointer
+finishearly: ret
+ endp
+Watchreel proc near
+ cmp reeltowatch,-1
+ jz notplayingreel
+ mov al,manspath
+ cmp al,finaldest
+ jnz waitstopwalk
+ mov al,turntoface
+ cmp al,facing
+ jz notwatchpath
+waitstopwalk: ret
+notwatchpath: dec speedcount
+ cmp speedcount,-1
+ jnz showwatchreel
+ mov al,watchspeed
+ mov speedcount,al
+ mov ax,reeltowatch
+ cmp ax,endwatchreel
+ jnz ismorereel
+ cmp watchingtime,0
+ jnz showwatchreel
+ mov reeltowatch,-1
+ mov watchmode,-1
+ cmp reeltohold,-1
+ jz nomorereel
+ mov watchmode,1
+ jmp notplayingreel
+ismorereel: inc reeltowatch
+showwatchreel: mov ax,reeltowatch
+ mov reelpointer,ax
+ call plotreel
+ mov ax,reelpointer
+ mov reeltowatch,ax
+ call checkforshake
+nomorereel: ret
+notplayingreel: cmp watchmode,1
+ jnz notholdingreel
+ mov ax,reeltohold
+ mov reelpointer,ax
+ call plotreel
+ ret
+notholdingreel: cmp watchmode,2
+ jnz notreleasehold
+ dec speedcount
+ cmp speedcount,-1
+ jnz notlastspeed2
+ mov al,watchspeed
+ mov speedcount,al
+ inc reeltohold
+notlastspeed2: mov ax,reeltohold
+ cmp ax,endofholdreel
+ jnz ismorereel2
+ mov reeltohold,-1
+ mov watchmode,-1
+ mov al,destafterhold
+ mov destination,al
+ mov finaldest,al
+ call autosetwalk
+ ret
+ismorereel2: mov ax,reeltohold
+ mov reelpointer,ax
+ call plotreel
+ ret
+notreleasehold: ret
+ endp
+Checkforshake proc near
+ cmp reallocation,26
+ jnz notstartshake
+ cmp ax,104
+ jnz notstartshake
+ mov shakecounter,-1
+notstartshake: ret
+ endp
+Watchcount proc near
+ cmp watchon,0
+ jz nowatchworn
+ inc timercount
+ cmp timercount,9
+ jz flashdots
+ cmp timercount,18
+ jz uptime
+nowatchworn: ret
+flashdots: mov ax,91*3+21
+ mov di,268+4
+ mov bx,21
+ mov ds,charset1
+ call showframe
+ jmp finishwatch
+uptime: mov timercount,0
+ add secondcount,1
+ cmp secondcount,60
+ jnz finishtime
+ mov secondcount,0
+ inc minutecount
+ cmp minutecount,60
+ jnz finishtime
+ mov minutecount,0
+ inc hourcount
+ cmp hourcount,24
+ jnz finishtime
+ mov hourcount,0
+finishtime: call showtime
+finishwatch: mov watchdump,1
+ ret
+ endp
+Showtime proc near
+ cmp watchon,0
+ jz nowatch
+ mov al,secondcount
+ mov cl,0
+ call twodigitnum
+ push ax
+ mov al,ah
+ mov ah,0
+ add ax,91*3+10
+ mov ds,charset1
+ mov di,282+5
+ mov bx,21
+ call showframe
+ pop ax
+ mov ah,0
+ add ax,91*3+10
+ mov ds,charset1
+ mov di,282+9
+ mov bx,21
+ call showframe
+ mov al,minutecount
+ mov cl,0
+ call twodigitnum
+ push ax
+ mov al,ah
+ mov ah,0
+ add ax,91*3
+ mov ds,charset1
+ mov di,270+5
+ mov bx,21
+ call showframe
+ pop ax
+ mov ah,0
+ add ax,91*3
+ mov ds,charset1
+ mov di,270+11
+ mov bx,21
+ call showframe
+ mov al,hourcount
+ mov cl,0
+ call twodigitnum
+ push ax
+ mov al,ah
+ mov ah,0
+ add ax,91*3
+ mov ds,charset1
+ mov di,256+5
+ mov bx,21
+ call showframe
+ pop ax
+ mov ah,0
+ add ax,91*3
+ mov ds,charset1
+ mov di,256+11
+ mov bx,21
+ call showframe
+ mov ax,91*3+20
+ mov ds,charset1
+ mov di,267+5
+ mov bx,21
+ call showframe
+nowatch: ret
+ endp
+Dumpwatch proc near
+ cmp watchdump,1
+ jnz nodumpwatch
+ mov di,256
+ mov bx,21
+ mov cl,40
+ mov ch,12
+ call multidump
+ mov watchdump,0
+nodumpwatch: ret
+ endp
+Showbyte proc near
+ mov dl,al
+ shr dl,1
+ shr dl,1
+ shr dl,1
+ shr dl,1
+ call onedigit
+ mov [es:di],dl
+ mov dl,al
+ and dl,15
+ call onedigit
+ mov [es:di+1],dl
+ add di,3
+ ret
+ endp
+Onedigit proc near
+ cmp dl,10
+ jnc morethan10
+ add dl,"0"
+ ret
+morethan10: sub dl,10
+ add dl,"A"
+ ret
+ endp
+Twodigitnum proc near
+ mov ah,cl
+ dec ah
+numloop1: inc ah
+ sub al,10
+ jnc numloop1
+ add al,10
+ add al,cl
+ ret
+ endp
+Showword proc near
+ mov ch,0
+ mov bx,10000
+ mov cl,47
+word1: inc cl
+ sub ax,bx
+ jnc word1
+ add ax,bx
+ call convnum
+ mov [cs:di],cl
+ mov bx,1000
+ mov cl,47
+word2: inc cl
+ sub ax,bx
+ jnc word2
+ add ax,bx
+ call convnum
+ mov [cs:di+1],cl
+ mov bx,100
+ mov cl,47
+word3: inc cl
+ sub ax,bx
+ jnc word3
+ add ax,bx
+ call convnum
+ mov [cs:di+2],cl
+ mov bx,10
+ mov cl,47
+word4: inc cl
+ sub ax,bx
+ jnc word4
+ add ax,bx
+ call convnum
+ mov [cs:di+3],cl
+ add al,48
+ mov cl,al
+ call convnum
+ mov [cs:di+4],cl
+ ret
+ endp
+Convnum proc near
+ cmp ch,0
+ jnz noconvnum
+ cmp cl,"0"
+ jnz notzeronum
+ mov cl,32
+ jmp noconvnum
+notzeronum: mov ch,1
+noconvnum: ret
+ endp
+;---------------------------------------------Handling of pointer on screen----
+Mainscreen proc near
+ mov inmaparea,0
+ mov bx,offset cs:mainlist
+ cmp watchon,1
+ jz checkmain
+ mov bx,offset cs:mainlist2
+checkmain: call checkcoords
+ cmp walkandexam,0
+ jz finishmain
+ call walkandexamine
+finishmain: ret
+mainlist: dw 44,70,32,46,look
+ dw 0,50,0,180,inventory
+ dw 226,244,10,26,zoomonoff
+ dw 226,244,26,40,saveload
+ dw 240,260,100,124,madmanrun
+ dw 0,320,0,200,identifyob
+ dw 0ffffh
+mainlist2: dw 44,70,32,46,look
+ dw 0,50,0,180,inventory
+ dw 226+48,244+48,10,26,zoomonoff
+ dw 226+48,244+48,26,40,saveload
+ dw 240,260,100,124,madmanrun
+ dw 0,320,0,200,identifyob
+ dw 0ffffh
+ endp
+Madmanrun proc near
+ cmp location,14
+ jnz identifyob
+ cmp mapx,22
+ jnz identifyob
+ cmp pointermode,2
+ jnz identifyob
+ cmp madmanflag,0
+ jnz identifyob
+ cmp commandtype,211
+ jz alreadyrun
+ mov commandtype,211
+ mov al,52
+ call commandonly
+alreadyrun: cmp mousebutton,1
+ jnz norun
+ mov ax,mousebutton
+ cmp ax,oldbutton
+ jz norun
+ mov lastweapon,8
+norun: ret
+ endp
+Checkcoords proc near
+ cmp newlocation,255 ;objects keep enumerated even in loading state, fixme
+ jz loop048
+ ret
+loop048: mov ax,[cs:bx]
+ cmp ax,0ffffh
+ jz nonefound
+ push bx
+ cmp mousex,ax
+ jl over045
+ mov ax,[cs:bx+2]
+ cmp mousex,ax
+ jge over045
+ mov ax,[cs:bx+4]
+ cmp mousey,ax
+ jl over045
+ mov ax,[cs:bx+6]
+ cmp mousey,ax
+ jge over045
+ mov ax,[cs:bx+8]
+ call ax
+finished: pop ax
+ ret
+over045: pop bx
+ add bx,10
+ jmp loop048
+nonefound: ret
+ endp
+;-------------------------------------------Printing of icons during scroll----
+Identifyob proc near
+ cmp watchingtime,0
+ jnz blank
+ mov ax,mousex
+ sub ax,mapadx
+ cmp ax,22*8
+ jc notover1
+ call blank
+ ret
+notover1: mov bx,mousey
+ sub bx,mapady
+ cmp bx,20*8
+ jc notover2
+ call blank
+ ret
+notover2: mov inmaparea,1
+ mov ah,bl
+ push ax
+ call findpathofpoint
+ mov pointerspath,dl
+ pop ax
+ push ax
+ call findfirstpath
+ mov pointerfirstpath,al
+ pop ax
+ call checkifex
+ jnz finishidentify
+ call checkiffree
+ jnz finishidentify
+ call checkifperson
+ jnz finishidentify
+ call checkifset
+ jnz finishidentify
+ mov ax,mousex
+ sub ax,mapadx
+ mov cl,al
+ mov ax,mousey
+ sub ax,mapady
+ mov ch,al
+ call checkone
+ cmp al,0
+ jz nothingund
+ ;cmp watchingtime,0
+ ;jnz nothingund
+ cmp mandead,1
+ jz nothingund
+ mov ah,3
+ call obname
+finishidentify: ret
+nothingund: call blank
+ ret
+ endp
+Checkifperson proc near
+ mov es,buffers
+ mov bx,peoplelist
+ mov cx,12
+identifyreel: push cx
+ cmp byte ptr [es:bx+4],255
+ jz notareelid
+ push es bx ax
+ mov ax,[es:bx+0]
+ mov reelpointer,ax
+ call getreelstart
+ cmp [es:si+2],0ffffh
+ jnz notblankpers
+ add si,5
+notblankpers: mov cx,[es:si+2] ;x,y of reel slot
+ mov ax,[es:si+0] ;frame number
+ push cx
+ call getreelframeax
+ pop cx
+ add cl,[es:bx+4]
+ add ch,[es:bx+5]
+ mov dx,cx
+ add dl,[es:bx+0]
+ add dh,[es:bx+1]
+ pop ax bx es
+ cmp al,cl
+ jc notareelid
+ cmp ah,ch
+ jc notareelid
+ cmp al,dl
+ jnc notareelid
+ cmp ah,dh
+ jnc notareelid
+ pop cx
+ mov ax,[es:bx+2]
+ mov persondata,ax
+ mov al,[es:bx+4]
+ mov ah,5
+ call obname
+ mov al,0
+ cmp al,1
+ ret
+notareelid: pop cx
+ add bx,5
+ dec cx
+ jnz identifyreel
+ ret
+ endp
+Checkifset proc near
+ mov es,buffers
+ mov bx,setlist+(127*5)
+ mov cx,127
+identifyset: cmp byte ptr [es:bx+4],255
+ jz notasetid
+ cmp al,[es:bx]
+ jc notasetid
+ cmp al,[es:bx+2]
+ jnc notasetid
+ cmp ah,[es:bx+1]
+ jc notasetid
+ cmp ah,[es:bx+3]
+ jnc notasetid
+ call pixelcheckset
+ jz notasetid
+ call isitdescribed
+ jz notasetid
+ mov al,[es:bx+4]
+ mov ah,1
+ call obname
+ mov al,0
+ cmp al,1
+ ret
+notasetid: sub bx,5
+ dec cx
+ cmp cx,-1
+ jnz identifyset
+ ret
+ endp
+Checkifex proc near
+ mov es,buffers
+ mov bx,exlist+(99*5)
+ mov cx,99
+identifyex: cmp byte ptr [es:bx+4],255
+ jz notanexid
+ cmp al,[es:bx]
+ jc notanexid
+ cmp al,[es:bx+2]
+ jnc notanexid
+ cmp ah,[es:bx+1]
+ jc notanexid
+ cmp ah,[es:bx+3]
+ jnc notanexid
+ mov al,[es:bx+4]
+ mov ah,4
+ call obname
+ mov al,1
+ cmp al,0
+ ret
+notanexid: sub bx,5
+ dec cx
+ cmp cx,-1
+ jnz identifyex
+ ret
+ endp
+Checkiffree proc near
+ mov es,buffers
+ mov bx,freelist+(79*5)
+ mov cx,79
+identifyfree: cmp byte ptr [es:bx+4],255
+ jz notafreeid
+ cmp al,[es:bx]
+ jc notafreeid
+ cmp al,[es:bx+2]
+ jnc notafreeid
+ cmp ah,[es:bx+1]
+ jc notafreeid
+ cmp ah,[es:bx+3]
+ jnc notafreeid
+ mov al,[es:bx+4]
+ mov ah,2
+ call obname
+ mov al,0
+ cmp al,1
+ ret
+notafreeid: sub bx,5
+ dec cx
+ cmp cx,-1
+ jnz identifyfree
+ ret
+ endp
+Isitdescribed proc near
+ push ax cx es bx
+ mov al,[es:bx+4] ;get object number
+ mov ah,0
+ add ax,ax
+ mov bx,ax
+ mov es,setdesc
+ add bx,settextdat
+ mov ax,[es:bx]
+ add ax,settext
+ mov bx,ax
+ mov dl,[es:bx]
+ pop bx es cx ax
+ cmp dl,0
+ ret
+ endp
+;Getcurrentpath proc near ;routine finds out which path
+; ;block the pointer is in.
+; push ax ;used to see if an object is
+; call findpathofpoint ;close or not
+; pop ax
+; mov pointerspath,dl
+; ret
+; endp
+Findpathofpoint proc near
+ push ax
+ mov bx,pathdata
+ mov es,reels
+ mov al,roomnum
+ mov ah,0
+ mov cx,144
+ mul cx
+ add bx,ax
+ pop cx
+ mov dl,0
+pathloop: mov al,[es:bx+6]
+ cmp al,255
+ jnz flunkedit
+ mov ax,[es:bx+2]
+ cmp ax,0ffffh
+ jz flunkedit
+ cmp cl,al
+ jc flunkedit
+ cmp ch,ah
+ jc flunkedit
+ mov ax,[es:bx+4]
+ cmp cl,al
+ jnc flunkedit
+ cmp ch,ah
+ jnc flunkedit
+ jmp gotvalidpath
+flunkedit: add bx,8
+ inc dl
+ cmp dl,12
+ jnz pathloop
+ mov dl,255
+gotvalidpath: ret
+ endp
+Findfirstpath proc near ;similar to last routine, but it
+ ;searches each path to see if
+ push ax ;pointer is within it, regardless
+ mov bx,pathdata ;of whether the path is on or off
+ mov es,reels ;it returns the on or off state in
+ mov al,roomnum ;al (255=on 0=off) 0 if no path
+ mov ah,0
+ mov cx,144
+ mul cx
+ add bx,ax
+ pop cx
+ mov dl,0
+fpathloop: mov ax,[es:bx+2]
+ cmp ax,0ffffh
+ jz nofirst
+ cmp cl,al
+ jc nofirst
+ cmp ch,ah
+ jc nofirst
+ mov ax,[es:bx+4]
+ cmp cl,al
+ jnc nofirst
+ cmp ch,ah
+ jnc nofirst
+ jmp gotfirst
+nofirst: add bx,8
+ inc dl
+ cmp dl,12
+ jnz fpathloop
+ mov al,0
+ ret
+gotfirst: mov al,[es:bx+6]
+ ret
+ endp
+Turnpathon proc near ;turns path on permanently
+ push ax ax
+ mov cl,255
+ mov ch,roomnum
+ add ch,100
+ call findormake
+ pop ax
+ call getroomspaths
+ pop ax
+ cmp al,255
+ jz nopathon
+ mov ah,0
+ add ax,ax
+ add ax,ax
+ add ax,ax
+ add bx,ax
+ mov al,255
+ mov [es:bx+6],al
+nopathon: ret
+ endp
+Turnpathoff proc near ;turns path on permanently
+ push ax ax
+ mov cl,0
+ mov ch,roomnum
+ add ch,100
+ call findormake
+ pop ax
+ call getroomspaths
+ pop ax
+ cmp al,255
+ jz nopathoff
+ mov ah,0
+ add ax,ax
+ add ax,ax
+ add ax,ax
+ add bx,ax
+ mov al,0
+ mov [es:bx+6],al
+nopathoff: ret
+ endp
+Turnanypathon proc near
+ push ax ax
+ mov cl,255
+ mov ch,ah
+ add ch,100
+ call findormake
+ pop ax
+ mov al,ah
+ mov ah,0
+ mov cx,144
+ mul cx
+ mov es,reels
+ mov bx,pathdata
+ add bx,ax
+ pop ax
+ mov ah,0
+ add ax,ax
+ add ax,ax
+ add ax,ax
+ add bx,ax
+ mov al,255
+ mov [es:bx+6],al
+ ret
+ endp
+Turnanypathoff proc near
+ push ax ax
+ mov cl,0
+ mov ch,ah
+ add ch,100
+ call findormake
+ pop ax
+ mov al,ah
+ mov ah,0
+ mov cx,144
+ mul cx
+ mov es,reels
+ mov bx,pathdata
+ add bx,ax
+ pop ax
+ mov ah,0
+ add ax,ax
+ add ax,ax
+ add ax,ax
+ add bx,ax
+ mov al,0
+ mov [es:bx+6],al
+ ret
+ endp
+Checkifpathison proc near
+ push ax
+ call getroomspaths
+ pop ax
+ mov ah,0
+ add ax,ax
+ add ax,ax
+ add ax,ax
+ add bx,ax
+ mov al,[es:bx+6]
+ cmp al,255
+ ret
+ endp
+Afternewroom proc near
+ cmp nowinnewroom,0
+ jz notnew
+ mov timecount,0
+ call createpanel
+ mov commandtype,0
+ call findroominloc
+ cmp ryanon,1
+ jz ryansoff
+ mov al,ryanx
+ add al,12
+ mov ah,ryany
+ add ah,12
+ call findpathofpoint
+ mov manspath,dl
+ call findxyfrompath
+ mov resetmanxy,1
+ryansoff: mov newobs,1
+ call drawfloor
+ mov lookcounter,160
+ mov nowinnewroom,0
+ call showicon
+ call spriteupdate
+ call printsprites
+ call undertextline
+ call reelsonscreen
+ call mainscreen
+ call getunderzoom
+ call zoom
+ call worktoscreenm
+ call walkintoroom
+ call reminders
+ call atmospheres
+notnew: ret
+ endp
+Atmospheres proc near
+ mov cl,mapx
+ mov ch,mapy
+ mov bx,offset cs:atmospherelist
+nextatmos: mov al,[cs:bx]
+ cmp al,255
+ jz nomoreatmos
+ cmp al,reallocation
+ jnz wrongatmos
+ mov ax,[cs:bx+1]
+ cmp ax,cx
+ jnz wrongatmos
+ mov ax,[cs:bx+3]
+ cmp al,ch0playing
+ jz playingalready
+ cmp location,45
+ jnz notweb
+ cmp reeltowatch,45
+ jz wrongatmos
+notweb: call playchannel0
+ cmp reallocation,2
+ cmp mapy,0
+ jz fullvol
+ jnz notlouisvol
+ cmp mapy,10
+ jnz notlouisvol
+ cmp mapx,22
+ jnz notlouisvol
+ mov volume,5
+notlouisvol: if cd
+ cmp reallocation,14
+ jnz notmad1
+ cmp mapx,33
+ jz ismad2
+ cmp mapx,22
+ jnz notmad1
+ mov volume,5
+ ret
+ismad2: mov volume,0
+ ret
+notmad1: endif
+playingalready: cmp reallocation,2
+ jnz notlouisvol2
+ cmp mapx,22
+ jz louisvol
+ cmp mapx,11
+ jnz notlouisvol2
+fullvol: mov volume,0
+notlouisvol2: ret
+louisvol: mov volume,5
+ ret
+wrongatmos: add bx,5
+ jmp nextatmos
+nomoreatmos: call cancelch0
+ ret
+atmospherelist: db 0,33,10,15,255
+ db 0,22,10,15,255
+ db 0,22,0,15,255
+ db 0,11,0,15,255
+ db 0,11,10,15,255
+ db 0,0,10,15,255
+ db 1,44,10,6,255 ;location,map x,y,sound,repeat
+ db 1,44,0,13,255
+ db 2,33,0,6,255
+ db 2,22,0,5,255
+ db 2,22,10,16,255
+ db 2,11,10,16,255
+ db 3,44,0,15,255
+ db 3,33,10,6,255
+ db 3,33,0,5,255
+ db 4,11,30,6,255
+ db 4,22,30,5,255
+ db 4,22,20,13,255
+ db 10,33,30,6,255
+ db 10,22,30,6,255
+ db 9,22,10,6,255
+ db 9,22,20,16,255
+ db 9,22,30,16,255
+ db 9,22,40,16,255
+ db 9,22,50,16,255
+ db 6,11,30,6,255
+ db 6,0,10,15,255
+ db 6,0,20,15,255
+ db 6,11,20,15,255
+ db 6,22,20,15,255
+ db 7,11,20,6,255
+ db 7,0,20,6,255
+ db 7,0,30,6,255
+ db 55,44,0,5,255
+ db 55,44,10,5,255
+ db 5,22,30,6,255
+ if demo
+ db 5,22,20,16,255
+ db 5,22,10,16,255
+ else
+ db 5,22,20,15,255
+ db 5,22,10,15,255
+ endif
+ db 24,22,0,15,255
+ db 24,33,0,15,255
+ db 24,44,0,15,255
+ db 24,33,10,15,255
+ db 8,0,10,6,255
+ db 8,11,10,6,255
+ db 8,22,10,6,255
+ db 8,33,10,6,255
+ db 8,33,20,6,255
+ db 8,33,30,6,255
+ db 8,33,40,6,255
+ db 8,22,40,6,255
+ db 8,11,40,6,255
+ db 11,11,20,12,255
+ db 11,11,30,12,255
+ db 11,22,20,12,255
+ db 11,22,30,12,255
+ db 12,22,20,12,255
+ db 13,22,20,12,255
+ db 13,33,20,12,255
+ db 14,44,20,12,255
+ db 14,33,0,12,255
+ db 14,33,10,12,255
+ db 14,33,20,12,255
+ db 14,33,30,12,255
+ db 14,33,40,12,255
+ db 14,22,0,16,255
+ db 19,0,0,12,255
+ db 20,0,20,16,255
+ db 20,0,30,16,255
+ db 20,11,30,16,255
+ db 20,0,40,16,255
+ db 20,11,40,16,255
+ if demo
+ db 21,11,10,16,255
+ db 21,11,20,16,255
+ db 21,0,20,16,255
+ db 21,22,20,16,255
+ db 21,33,20,16,255
+ db 21,44,20,16,255
+ db 21,44,10,16,255
+ else
+ db 21,11,10,15,255
+ db 21,11,20,15,255
+ db 21,0,20,15,255
+ db 21,22,20,15,255
+ db 21,33,20,15,255
+ db 21,44,20,15,255
+ db 21,44,10,15,255
+ endif
+ db 22,22,10,16,255
+ db 22,22,20,16,255
+ db 23,22,30,13,255
+ db 23,22,40,13,255
+ db 23,33,40,13,255
+ db 23,11,40,13,255
+ db 23,0,40,13,255
+ db 23,0,50,13,255
+ db 25,11,40,16,255
+ db 25,11,50,16,255
+ db 25,0,50,16,255
+ db 27,11,20,16,255
+ db 27,11,30,16,255
+ db 29,11,10,16,255
+ db 45,22,30,12,255
+ db 45,22,40,12,255
+ db 45,22,50,12,255
+ db 46,22,40,12,255
+ db 46,11,50,12,255
+ db 46,22,50,12,255
+ db 46,33,50,12,255
+ db 47,0,0,12,255
+ db 26,22,20,16,255
+ db 26,33,10,16,255
+ db 26,33,20,16,255
+ db 26,33,30,16,255
+ db 26,44,30,16,255
+ db 26,22,30,16,255
+ db 26,11,30,16,255
+ db 26,11,20,16,255
+ db 26,0,20,16,255
+ db 26,11,40,16,255
+ db 26,0,40,16,255
+ db 26,22,40,16,255
+ db 26,11,50,16,255
+ db 28,0,30,15,255
+ db 28,0,20,15,255
+ db 28,0,40,15,255
+ db 28,11,30,15,255
+ db 28,11,20,15,255
+ db 28,22,30,15,255
+ db 28,22,20,15,255
+ db 255
+ endp
+Walkintoroom proc near
+ cmp location,14
+ jnz notlair
+ cmp mapx,22
+ jnz notlair
+ mov destination,1
+ mov finaldest,1
+ call autosetwalk
+notlair: ret
+ endp
+Afterintroroom proc near
+ cmp nowinnewroom,0
+ jz notnewintro
+ call clearwork
+ call findroominloc
+ mov newobs,1
+ call drawfloor
+ call reelsonscreen
+ call spriteupdate
+ call printsprites
+ call worktoscreen
+ mov nowinnewroom,0
+notnewintro: ret
+ endp
+Obname proc near
+ cmp reasseschanges,0
+ jz notnewpath
+ mov reasseschanges,0
+ jmp diff
+notnewpath: cmp ah,commandtype
+ jz notdiffob
+ jmp diff
+notdiffob: cmp al,command
+ jnz diff
+ cmp walkandexam,1
+ jz walkandexamine
+ cmp mousebutton,0
+ jz noobselect
+ cmp commandtype,3
+ jnz isntblock
+ cmp lastflag,2
+ jc noobselect
+isntblock: mov bl,manspath
+ cmp bl,pointerspath
+ jnz wantstowalk
+ cmp commandtype,3
+ jz wantstowalk
+ call finishedwalking
+ jnz noobselect
+ cmp commandtype,5
+ jz wantstotalk
+ cmp watchingtime,0
+ jnz noobselect
+ call examineob
+ ret
+wantstotalk: cmp watchingtime,0
+ jnz noobselect
+ call talk
+ ret
+walkandexamine: call finishedwalking
+ jnz noobselect
+ mov al,walkexamtype
+ mov commandtype,al
+ mov al,walkexamnum
+ mov command,al
+ mov walkandexam,0
+ cmp commandtype,5
+ jz noobselect
+ call examineob
+ ret
+wantstowalk: call setwalk
+ mov reasseschanges,1
+noobselect: ret
+diff: mov command,al
+ mov commandtype,ah
+diff2: cmp linepointer,254
+ jnz middleofwalk
+ cmp watchingtime,0
+ jnz middleofwalk
+ mov al,facing
+ cmp al,turntoface
+ jnz middleofwalk
+ cmp commandtype,3
+ jnz notblock
+ mov bl,manspath
+ cmp bl,pointerspath
+ jnz dontcheck
+ mov cl,ryanx ;look under feet to see if
+ add cl,12 ;any flags are there
+ mov ch,ryany
+ add ch,12
+ call checkone
+ cmp cl,2
+ jc isblock
+dontcheck: call getflagunderp
+ cmp lastflag,2
+ jc isblock
+ cmp lastflag,128
+ jnc isblock
+ jmp toofaraway ; only here for turning on doorstep
+notblock: mov bl,manspath
+ cmp bl,pointerspath
+ jnz toofaraway
+ cmp commandtype,3
+ jz isblock
+ cmp commandtype,5
+ jz isaperson
+ call examineobtext
+ ret
+middleofwalk: call blocknametext
+ ret
+isblock: call blocknametext
+ ret
+isaperson: call personnametext
+ ret
+toofaraway: call walktotext
+ ret
+ endp
+Finishedwalking proc near
+ cmp linepointer,254
+ jnz iswalking
+ mov al,facing
+ cmp al,turntoface
+iswalking: ret
+ endp
+Examineobtext proc near
+ mov bl,command
+ mov bh,commandtype
+ mov al,1
+ call commandwithob
+ ret
+ endp
+Commandwithob proc near
+ push ax
+ push ax bx cx dx es ds si di
+ call deltextline
+ pop di si ds es dx cx bx ax
+ push bx
+ mov ah,0
+ add ax,ax
+ mov bx,ax
+ mov es,commandtext
+ mov ax,[es:bx]
+ add ax,textstart
+ mov si,ax
+ mov di,textaddressx
+ mov bx,textaddressy
+ mov dl,textlen
+ mov al,0
+ mov ah,0
+ call printdirect
+ pop ax
+ mov di,offset cs:commandline
+ call copyname
+ pop ax
+ mov di,lastxpos
+ cmp al,0
+ jz noadd
+ add di,5
+noadd: mov bx,textaddressy
+ push cs
+ pop es
+ mov si,offset cs:commandline
+ mov dl,textlen
+ mov al,0
+ mov ah,0
+ call printdirect
+ mov newtextline,1
+ ret
+commandline: db "OBJECT NAME ONE ",0
+ endp
+Commandonly proc near
+ push ax bx cx dx es ds si di
+ call deltextline
+ pop di si ds es dx cx bx ax
+ mov ah,0
+ add ax,ax
+ mov bx,ax
+ mov es,commandtext
+ mov ax,[es:bx]
+ add ax,textstart
+ mov si,ax
+ mov di,textaddressx
+ mov bx,textaddressy
+ mov dl,textlen
+ mov al,0
+ mov ah,0
+ call printdirect
+ mov newtextline,1
+ ret
+ endp
+Printmessage proc near
+ push dx bx di
+ mov ah,0
+ add ax,ax
+ mov bx,ax
+ mov es,commandtext
+ mov ax,[es:bx]
+ add ax,textstart
+ mov si,ax
+ pop di bx dx
+ mov al,0
+ mov ah,0
+ call printdirect
+ ret
+ endp
+Printmessage2 proc near
+ push dx bx di
+ push ax
+ mov ah,0
+ add ax,ax
+ mov bx,ax
+ mov es,commandtext
+ mov ax,[es:bx]
+ add ax,textstart
+ mov si,ax
+ pop ax
+searchmess: push ax
+ call findnextcolon
+ pop ax
+ dec ah
+ jnz searchmess
+ pop di bx dx
+ mov al,0
+ mov ah,0
+ call printdirect
+ ret
+ endp
+Blocknametext proc near
+ mov bl,command
+ mov bh,commandtype
+ mov al,0
+ call commandwithob
+ ret
+ endp
+Personnametext proc near
+ mov bl,command
+ and bl,127
+ mov bh,commandtype
+ mov al,2
+ call commandwithob
+ ret
+ endp
+Walktotext proc near
+ mov bl,command
+ mov bh,commandtype
+ mov al,3
+ call commandwithob
+ ret
+ endp
+Getflagunderp proc near
+ mov cx,mousex
+ sub cx,mapadx
+ mov ax,mousey
+ sub ax,mapady
+ mov ch,al
+ call checkone
+ mov lastflag,cl
+ mov lastflagex,ch
+ ret
+ endp
+Setwalk proc near
+ cmp linepointer,254
+ jnz alreadywalking
+ mov al,pointerspath
+ cmp al,manspath
+ jz cantwalk2
+ cmp watchmode,1
+ jz holdingreel
+ cmp watchmode,2
+ jz cantwalk
+ mov destination,al
+ mov finaldest,al
+ cmp mousebutton,2
+ jnz notwalkandexam
+ cmp commandtype,3
+ jz notwalkandexam
+ mov walkandexam,1
+ mov al,commandtype
+ mov walkexamtype,al
+ mov al,command
+ mov walkexamnum,al
+notwalkandexam: call autosetwalk
+cantwalk: ret
+cantwalk2: call facerightway
+ ret
+alreadywalking: mov al,pointerspath
+ mov finaldest,al
+ ret
+holdingreel: mov destafterhold,al
+ mov watchmode,2
+ ret
+ endp
+Autosetwalk proc near
+ mov al,manspath
+ cmp finaldest,al
+ jnz notsamealready
+ ret
+notsamealready: call getroomspaths
+ call checkdest
+ push bx
+ mov al,manspath
+ mov ah,0
+ add ax,ax
+ add ax,ax
+ add ax,ax
+ add bx,ax
+ mov al,[es:bx]
+ mov ah,0
+ sub ax,12
+ mov linestartx,ax
+ mov al,[es:bx+1]
+ mov ah,0
+ sub ax,12
+ mov linestarty,ax
+ pop bx
+ mov al,destination
+ mov ah,0
+ add ax,ax
+ add ax,ax
+ add ax,ax
+ add bx,ax
+ mov al,[es:bx]
+ mov ah,0
+ sub ax,12
+ mov lineendx,ax
+ mov al,[es:bx+1]
+ mov ah,0
+ sub ax,12
+ mov lineendy,ax
+ call bresenhams
+ cmp linedirection,0
+ jz normalline
+ mov al,linelength
+ dec al
+ mov linepointer,al
+ mov linedirection,1
+ ret
+normalline: mov linepointer,0
+ ret
+ endp
+Checkdest proc near
+ push bx
+ add bx,12*8
+ mov ah,manspath
+ mov cl,4
+ shl ah,cl
+ mov al,destination
+ mov cl,24
+ mov ch,destination
+checkdestloop: mov dh,[es:bx]
+ and dh,11110000b
+ mov dl,[es:bx]
+ and dl,00001111b
+ cmp ax,dx
+ jnz nextcheck
+ mov al,[es:bx+1]
+ and al,15
+ mov destination,al
+ pop bx
+ ret
+nextcheck: mov dl,[es:bx]
+ and dl,11110000b
+ shr dl,1
+ shr dl,1
+ shr dl,1
+ shr dl,1
+ mov dh,[es:bx]
+ and dh,00001111b
+ shl dh,1
+ shl dh,1
+ shl dh,1
+ shl dh,1
+ cmp ax,dx
+ jnz nextcheck2
+ mov ch,[es:bx+1]
+ and ch,15
+nextcheck2: add bx,2
+ dec cl
+ jnz checkdestloop
+ mov destination,ch
+ pop bx
+ ret
+ endp
+Bresenhams proc near
+ call workoutframes
+ mov dx,seg linedata
+ mov es,dx
+ mov di,offset es:linedata
+ mov si,1
+ mov linedirection,0
+ mov cx,lineendx
+ sub cx,linestartx
+ jz vertline
+ jns line1
+ neg cx
+ mov bx,lineendx
+ xchg bx,linestartx
+ mov lineendx,bx
+ mov bx,lineendy
+ xchg bx,linestarty
+ mov lineendy,bx
+ mov linedirection,1
+line1: mov bx,lineendy
+ sub bx,linestarty
+ jz horizline
+ jns line3
+ neg bx
+ neg si
+line3: push si
+ mov lineroutine,0 ; means lo slope
+ cmp bx,cx
+ jle line4
+ mov lineroutine,1 ; means hi slope
+ xchg bx,cx
+line4: shl bx,1
+ mov increment1,bx
+ sub bx,cx
+ mov si,bx
+ sub bx,cx
+ mov increment2,bx
+ mov ax,linestartx
+ mov bx,linestarty
+ mov ah,bl
+ inc cx
+ pop bx
+ cmp lineroutine,1
+ jz hislope
+ jmp loslope
+vertline: mov ax,linestarty
+ mov bx,lineendy
+ mov cx,bx
+ sub cx,ax
+ jge line31
+ neg cx
+ mov ax,bx
+ mov linedirection,1
+line31: inc cx
+ mov bx,linestartx
+ xchg ax,bx
+ mov ah,bl
+ mov bx,si
+line32: stosw
+ add ah,bl
+ loop line32
+ jmp lineexit
+horizline: mov ax,linestartx
+ mov bx,linestarty
+ mov ah,bl
+ inc cx
+horizloop: stosw
+ inc al
+ loop horizloop
+ jmp lineexit
+loloop: stosw
+ inc al
+ or si,si
+ jns line12
+ add si,increment1
+ loop loloop
+ jmp lineexit
+line12: add si,increment2
+ add ah,bl
+ loop loloop
+ jmp lineexit
+hiloop: stosw
+ add ah,bl
+ or si,si
+ jns line23
+ add si,increment1
+ loop hiloop
+ jmp lineexit
+line23: add si,increment2
+ inc al
+ loop hiloop
+lineexit: sub di,offset es:linedata
+ mov ax,di
+ shr ax,1
+ mov linelength,al
+ ret
+ endp
+Workoutframes proc near
+ mov bx,linestartx
+ add bx,32
+ mov ax,lineendx
+ add ax,32
+ sub bx,ax
+ jnc notneg1
+ neg bx
+notneg1: mov cx,linestarty
+ add cx,32
+ mov ax,lineendy
+ add ax,32
+ sub cx,ax
+ jnc notneg2
+ neg cx
+notneg2: cmp bx,cx
+ jnc tendstohoriz
+ mov dl,2
+ mov ax,cx
+ shr ax,1
+ cmp bx,ax
+ jc gotquad
+ mov dl,1
+ jmp gotquad
+tendstohoriz: mov dl,0
+ mov ax,bx
+ shr ax,1
+ cmp cx,ax
+ jc gotquad
+ mov dl,1
+ jmp gotquad
+gotquad: mov bx,linestartx
+ add bx,32
+ mov ax,lineendx
+ add ax,32
+ sub bx,ax
+ jc isinright
+isinleft: mov cx,linestarty
+ add cx,32
+ mov ax,lineendy
+ add ax,32
+ sub cx,ax
+ jnc topleft
+ cmp dl,1
+ jz noswap1
+ xor dl,2
+noswap1: add dl,4
+ jmp success
+topleft: add dl,6
+ jmp success
+isinright: mov cx,linestarty
+ add cx,32
+ mov ax,lineendy
+ add ax,32
+ sub cx,ax
+ jnc botright
+ add dl,2
+ jmp success
+botright: cmp dl,1
+ jz noswap2
+ xor dl,2
+success: and dl,7
+ mov turntoface,dl
+ mov turndirection,0
+ ret
+ endp
+;Multiply8 proc near
+; mov ah,0
+; mov cx,8
+; mul cx
+; ret
+; endp
+Getroomspaths proc near
+ mov al,roomnum
+ mov ah,0
+ mov cx,144
+ mul cx
+ mov es,reels
+ mov bx,pathdata
+ add bx,ax
+ ret
+ endp
+Copyname proc near
+ push di
+ call findobname
+ pop di
+ push cs
+ pop es
+copytext: mov cx,28
+make: lodsb
+ cmp al,":"
+ jz finishmakename
+ cmp al,0
+ jz finishmakename
+ stosb
+ loop make
+finishmakename: inc cx
+ mov al,0
+ stosb
+ ret
+ mov al,255
+ rep stosb
+ ret
+ endp
+Findobname proc near
+ push ax
+ mov ah,0
+ add ax,ax
+ mov bx,ax
+ pop ax
+ cmp ah,5
+ jnz notpersonname
+ push ax
+ and al,127
+ mov ah,0
+ mov bx,64*2
+ mul bx
+ mov si,ax
+ mov ds,people
+ add si,persontxtdat
+ mov cx,persontext
+ mov ax,[si]
+ add ax,cx
+ mov si,ax
+ pop ax
+ ret
+notpersonname: cmp ah,4
+ jnz notextraname
+ mov ds,extras
+ add bx,extextdat
+ mov ax,[bx]
+ add ax,extext
+ mov si,ax
+ ret
+notextraname: cmp ah,2
+ jnz notfreename
+ mov ds,freedesc
+ add bx,freetextdat
+ mov ax,[bx]
+ add ax,freetext
+ mov si,ax
+ ret
+notfreename: cmp ah,1
+ jnz notsetname
+ mov ds,setdesc
+ add bx,settextdat
+ mov ax,[bx]
+ add ax,settext
+ mov si,ax
+ ret
+notsetname: mov ds,blockdesc
+ add bx,blocktextdat
+ mov ax,[bx]
+ add ax,blocktext
+ mov si,ax
+ ret
+ endp
+;-------------------------------------------Printing of non scrolling icons----
+Showicon proc near
+ cmp reallocation,50
+ jnc isdream1
+ call showpanel
+ call showman
+ call roomname
+ call panelicons1
+ call zoomicon
+ ret
+isdream1: mov ds,tempsprites
+ mov di,72
+ mov bx,2
+ mov al,45
+ mov ah,0
+ call showframe
+ mov ds,tempsprites
+ mov di,72+47
+ mov bx,2
+ mov al,46
+ mov ah,0
+ call showframe
+ mov ds,tempsprites
+ mov di,69-10
+ mov bx,21
+ mov al,49
+ mov ah,0
+ call showframe
+ mov ds,tempsprites
+ mov di,160+88
+ mov bx,2
+ mov al,45
+ mov ah,4
+ call showframe
+ mov ds,tempsprites
+ mov di,160+43
+ mov bx,2
+ mov al,46
+ mov ah,4
+ call showframe
+ mov ds,tempsprites
+ mov di,160+101
+ mov bx,21
+ mov al,49
+ mov ah,4
+ call showframe
+ call middlepanel
+ ret
+ endp
+Middlepanel proc near
+ mov ds,tempsprites
+ mov di,72+47+20
+ mov bx,0
+ mov al,48
+ mov ah,0
+ call showframe
+ mov ds,tempsprites
+ mov di,72+19
+ mov bx,21
+ mov al,47
+ mov ah,0
+ call showframe
+ mov ds,tempsprites
+ mov di,160+23
+ mov bx,0
+ mov al,48
+ mov ah,4
+ call showframe
+ mov ds,tempsprites
+ mov di,160+71
+ mov bx,21
+ mov al,47
+ mov ah,4
+ call showframe
+ ret
+ endp
+Showman proc near
+ mov ds,icons1
+ mov di,0
+ mov bx,0
+ mov al,0
+ mov ah,0
+ call showframe
+ mov ds,icons1
+ mov di,0
+ mov bx,114
+ mov al,1
+ mov ah,0
+ call showframe
+ cmp shadeson,0
+ jz notverycool
+ mov ds,icons1
+ mov di,28
+ mov bx,25
+ mov al,2
+ mov ah,0
+ call showframe
+notverycool: ret
+ endp
+Showpanel proc near
+ mov ds,icons1
+ mov di,72
+ mov bx,0
+ mov al,19
+ mov ah,0
+ call showframe
+ mov ds,icons1
+ mov di,192
+ mov bx,0
+ mov al,19
+ mov ah,0
+ call showframe
+ ret
+ endp
+Roomname proc near
+ mov di,88
+ mov bx,18
+ mov al,53
+ mov dl,240
+ call printmessage
+ mov bl,roomnum
+ cmp bl,32
+ jc notover32
+ sub bl,32
+notover32: mov bh,0
+ add bx,bx
+ mov es,roomdesc
+ add bx,intextdat
+ mov ax,[es:bx]
+ add ax,intext
+ mov si,ax
+ mov linespacing,7
+ mov di,88
+ mov bx,25
+ mov dl,120
+ cmp watchon,1
+ jz gotpl
+ mov dl,160
+gotpl: mov al,0
+ mov ah,0
+ call printdirect
+ mov linespacing,10
+ call usecharset1
+ ret
+ endp
+Usecharset1 proc near
+ mov ax,charset1
+ mov currentset,ax
+ ret
+ endp
+Usetempcharset proc near
+ mov ax,tempcharset
+ mov currentset,ax
+ ret
+ endp
+Showexit proc near
+ mov ds,icons1
+ mov di,274
+ mov bx,154
+ mov al,11
+ mov ah,0
+ call showframe
+ ret
+ endp
+Panelicons1 proc near
+ mov di,0
+ cmp watchon,1
+ jz watchison
+ mov di,48
+watchison: push di
+ mov ds,icons2
+ add di,204
+ mov bx,4
+ mov al,2
+ mov ah,0
+ call showframe
+ pop di
+ push di
+ cmp zoomon,1
+ jz zoomisoff
+ mov ds,icons1
+ add di,228
+ mov bx,8
+ mov al,5
+ mov ah,0
+ call showframe
+zoomisoff: pop di
+ call showwatch
+ ret
+ endp
+Showwatch proc near
+ cmp watchon,0
+ jz nowristwatch
+ mov ds,icons1
+ mov di,250
+ mov bx,1
+ mov al,6
+ mov ah,0
+ call showframe
+ call showtime
+nowristwatch: ret
+ endp
+Gettime proc near
+ mov ah,2ch
+ int 21h
+ mov secondcount,dh
+ mov minutecount,cl
+ mov hourcount,ch
+ ret
+ endp
+Zoomicon proc near
+ cmp zoomon,0
+ jz nozoom1
+ mov ds,icons1
+ mov di,zoomx
+ mov bx,zoomy-1
+ mov al,8
+ mov ah,0
+ call showframe
+nozoom1: ret
+ endp
+Showblink proc near
+ cmp manisoffscreen,1
+ jz finblink1
+ inc blinkcount
+ cmp shadeson,0
+ jnz finblink1
+ cmp reallocation,50
+ jnc eyesshut
+ mov al,blinkcount
+ cmp al,3
+ jnz finblink1
+ mov blinkcount,0
+ mov al,blinkframe
+ inc al
+ mov blinkframe,al
+ cmp al,6
+ jc nomorethan6
+ mov al,6
+nomorethan6: mov ah,0
+ mov bx,offset cs:blinktab
+ add bx,ax
+ mov al,[cs:bx]
+ mov ds,icons1
+ mov di,44
+ mov bx,32
+ mov ah,0
+ call showframe
+finblink1: ret
+eyesshut: ;mov al,32
+ ;mov ds,icons1
+ ;mov di,44
+ ;mov bx,32
+ ;mov ah,0
+ ;call showframe
+ ret
+blinktab: db 16,18,18,17,16,16,16
+ endp
+Dumpblink proc near
+ cmp shadeson,0
+ jnz nodumpeye
+ cmp blinkcount,0
+ jnz nodumpeye
+ mov al,blinkframe
+ cmp al,6
+ jnc nodumpeye
+ push ds
+ mov di,44
+ mov bx,32
+ mov cl,16
+ mov ch,12
+ call multidump
+ pop ds
+nodumpeye: ret
+ endp
+Worktoscreenm proc near
+ call animpointer
+ call readmouse
+ call showpointer
+ call vsync
+ call worktoscreen
+ call delpointer
+ ret
+ endp
+;-------------------------------------------------------------Blank routine----
+Blank proc near
+ cmp commandtype,199
+ jz alreadyblnk
+ mov commandtype,199
+ mov al,0
+ call commandonly
+alreadyblnk: ret
+ endp
+;---------------------------------------------------------Standard routines----
+Allpointer proc near
+ call readmouse
+ call showpointer
+ call dumppointer
+ ret
+ endp
+Hangonp proc near
+ push cx
+ add cx,cx
+ pop ax
+ add cx,ax
+ mov maintimer,0
+ mov al,pointerframe
+ mov ah,pickup
+ push ax
+ mov pointermode,3
+ mov pickup,0
+ push cx
+ mov commandtype,255
+ call readmouse
+ call animpointer
+ call showpointer
+ call vsync
+ call dumppointer
+ pop cx
+hangloop: push cx
+ call delpointer
+ call readmouse
+ call animpointer
+ call showpointer
+ call vsync
+ call dumppointer
+ pop cx
+ mov ax,mousebutton
+ cmp ax,0
+ jz notpressed
+ cmp ax,oldbutton
+ jnz getoutofit
+notpressed: loop hangloop
+getoutofit: call delpointer
+ pop ax
+ mov pointerframe,al
+ mov pickup,ah
+ mov pointermode,0
+ ret
+ endp
+Hangonw proc near
+hangloopw: push cx
+ call delpointer
+ call readmouse
+ call animpointer
+ call showpointer
+ call vsync
+ call dumppointer
+ pop cx
+ loop hangloopw
+ ret
+ endp
+Hangoncurs proc near
+monloop1: push cx
+ call printcurs
+ call vsync
+ call delcurs
+ pop cx
+ loop monloop1
+ ret
+ endp
+Getunderzoom proc near
+ mov di,zoomx+5
+ mov bx,zoomy+4
+ mov ds,buffers
+ mov si,zoomspace
+ mov cl,46
+ mov ch,40
+ call multiget
+ ret
+ endp
+Dumpzoom proc near
+ cmp zoomon,1
+ jnz notzoomon
+ mov di,zoomx+5
+ mov bx,zoomy+4
+ mov cl,46
+ mov ch,40
+ call multidump
+notzoomon: ret
+ endp
+Putunderzoom proc near
+ mov di,zoomx+5
+ mov bx,zoomy+4
+ mov ds,buffers
+ mov si,zoomspace
+ mov cl,46
+ mov ch,40
+ call multiput
+ ret
+ endp
+Crosshair proc near
+ cmp commandtype,3
+ jz nocross
+ cmp commandtype,10
+ jnc nocross
+ mov es,workspace
+ mov ds,icons1
+ mov di,zoomx+24
+ mov bx,zoomy+19
+ mov al,9
+ mov ah,0
+ call showframe
+ ret
+nocross: mov es,workspace
+ mov ds,icons1
+ mov di,zoomx+24
+ mov bx,zoomy+19
+ mov al,29
+ mov ah,0
+ call showframe
+ ret
+ endp
+Showpointer proc near
+ call showblink
+ mov di,mousex
+ mov oldpointerx,di
+ mov bx,mousey
+ mov oldpointery,bx
+ cmp pickup,1
+ jz itsanobject
+ push bx di
+ mov ds,icons1
+ mov al,pointerframe
+ add al,20
+ mov ah,0
+ add ax,ax
+ mov si,ax
+ add ax,ax
+ add si,ax
+ mov cx,[si]
+ cmp cl,12
+ jnc notsmallx
+ mov cl,12
+notsmallx: cmp ch,12
+ jnc notsmally
+ mov ch,12
+notsmally: mov pointerxs,cl
+ mov pointerys,ch
+ push ds
+ mov ds,buffers
+ mov si,pointerback
+ call multiget
+ pop ds di bx
+ push di bx
+ mov al,pointerframe
+ add al,20
+ mov ah,0
+ call showframe
+ pop bx di
+ ret
+itsanobject: mov al,itemframe
+ mov ds,extras
+ cmp objecttype,4
+ jz itsfrominv
+ mov ds,freeframes
+itsfrominv: mov cl,al
+ add al,al
+ add al,cl
+ inc al
+ mov ah,0
+ push ax
+ add ax,ax
+ mov si,ax
+ add ax,ax
+ add si,ax
+ mov ax,2080
+ mov cx,[si]
+ cmp cl,12
+ jnc notsmallx2
+ mov cl,12
+notsmallx2: cmp ch,12
+ jnc notsmally2
+ mov ch,12
+notsmally2: mov pointerxs,cl
+ mov pointerys,ch
+ pop ax
+ push di bx
+ push ax bx di ds
+ mov al,cl
+ mov ah,0
+ shr ax,1
+ sub oldpointerx,ax
+ sub di,ax
+ mov al,ch
+ shr ax,1
+ sub oldpointery,ax
+ sub bx,ax
+ mov ds,buffers
+ mov si,pointerback
+ call multiget
+ pop ds di bx ax
+ mov ah,128
+ call showframe
+ pop bx di
+ mov ds,icons1
+ mov al,3
+ mov ah,128
+ call showframe
+ ret
+ endp
+Delpointer proc near
+ mov ax,oldpointerx
+ cmp ax,0ffffh
+ jz nevershown
+ mov delherex,ax
+ mov ax,oldpointery
+ mov delherey,ax
+ mov cl,pointerxs
+ mov delxs,cl
+ mov ch,pointerys
+ mov delys,ch
+ mov ds,buffers
+ mov si,pointerback
+ mov di,delherex
+ mov bx,delherey
+ call multiput
+nevershown: ret
+ endp
+Dumppointer proc near
+ call dumpblink
+ mov cl,delxs
+ mov ch,delys
+ mov di,delherex
+ mov bx,delherey
+ call multidump
+ mov bx,oldpointery
+ mov di,oldpointerx
+ cmp di,delherex
+ jnz difffound
+ cmp bx,delherey
+ jz notboth
+difffound: mov cl,pointerxs
+ mov ch,pointerys
+ call multidump
+notboth: ret
+ endp
+Undertextline proc near
+ mov di,textaddressx
+ mov bx,textaddressy
+ if foreign
+ sub bx,3
+ endif
+ mov ds,buffers
+ mov si,textunder
+ mov cl,undertextsizex
+ mov ch,undertextsizey
+ call multiget
+ ret
+ endp
+Deltextline proc near
+ mov di,textaddressx
+ mov bx,textaddressy
+ if foreign
+ sub bx,3
+ endif
+ mov ds,buffers
+ mov si,textunder
+ mov cl,undertextsizex
+ mov ch,undertextsizey
+ call multiput
+ ret
+ endp
+Dumptextline proc near
+ cmp newtextline,1
+ jnz nodumptextline
+ mov newtextline,0
+ mov di,textaddressx
+ mov bx,textaddressy
+ if foreign
+ sub bx,3
+ endif
+ mov cl,undertextsizex
+ mov ch,undertextsizey
+ call multidump
+nodumptextline: ret
+ endp
+Animpointer proc near
+ cmp pointermode,2
+ jz combathand
+ cmp pointermode,3
+ jz mousehand
+ cmp watchingtime,0
+ jz notwatchpoint
+ mov pointerframe,11
+ ret
+notwatchpoint: mov pointerframe,0
+ cmp inmaparea,0
+ jz gothand
+ cmp pointerfirstpath,0
+ jz gothand
+arrow: call getflagunderp
+ cmp cl,2
+ jc gothand
+ cmp cl,128
+ jnc gothand
+ mov pointerframe,3
+ test cl,4
+ jnz gothand
+ mov pointerframe,4
+ test cl,16
+ jnz gothand
+ mov pointerframe,5
+ test cl,2
+ jnz gothand
+ mov pointerframe,6
+ test cl,8
+ jnz gothand
+ mov pointerframe,8
+gothand: ret
+mousehand: cmp pointerspeed,0
+ jz rightspeed3
+ dec pointerspeed
+ jmp finflashmouse
+rightspeed3: mov pointerspeed,5
+ inc pointercount
+ cmp pointercount,16
+ jnz finflashmouse
+ mov pointercount,0
+finflashmouse: mov al,pointercount
+ mov ah,0
+ mov bx,offset cs:flashmousetab
+ add bx,ax
+ mov al,[cs:bx]
+ mov pointerframe,al
+ ret
+combathand: mov pointerframe,0
+ cmp reallocation,14
+ jnz notarrow
+ cmp commandtype,211
+ jnz notarrow
+ mov pointerframe,5
+notarrow: ret
+flashmousetab: db 1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2
+ endp
+;------------------------------------------------Mouse and keyboard-readers----
+Setmouse proc near
+ if recording
+ mov recordpos,-8
+ mov dx,seg recname
+ mov ds,dx
+ mov dx,offset recname
+ mov cx,0
+ mov ah,3ch
+ mov al,2
+ int 21h
+ mov rechandle,ax
+ endif
+ if playback
+ mov dx,seg recname
+ mov ds,dx
+ mov dx,offset recname
+ mov ah,3dh
+ mov al,2
+ int 21h
+ mov rechandle,ax
+ call loadrec
+ endif
+ mov oldpointerx,0ffffh
+ mov ax,0
+ int 33h
+ mov ax,8
+ mov cx,15
+ mov dx,184
+ int 33h
+ mov ax,7
+ mov cx,15
+ mov dx,298*2
+ int 33h
+ ret
+ endp
+Readmouse proc near
+ mov ax,mousebutton
+ mov oldbutton,ax
+ mov ax,mousex
+ mov oldx,ax
+ mov ax,mousey
+ mov oldy,ax
+ call mousecall
+ mov mousex,cx
+ mov mousey,dx
+ mov mousebutton,bx
+ ret
+ endp
+Mousecall proc near
+ if playback
+ call playmouse
+ ret
+ endif
+ mov ax,3
+ int 33h
+ shr cx,1
+ cmp cx,298
+ jc notxover
+ mov cx,298
+notxover: cmp cx,15
+ jnc notxover2
+ mov cx,15
+notxover2: cmp dx,184
+ jc notyover
+ mov dx,184
+notyover: cmp dx,15
+ jnc notyover2
+ mov dx,15
+ if recording
+ call recmouse
+ endif
+ ret
+ endp
+ if playback
+Playmouse proc near
+ mov es,recordspace
+ mov di,recordpos
+ cmp word ptr [es:di+6],0
+ jnz isthisplay
+ add di,8
+ add recordpos,8
+ cmp di,16384
+ jnz isthisplay
+ call loadrec
+isthisplay: mov cx,[es:di]
+ mov dx,[es:di+2]
+ mov bx,[es:di+4]
+ dec word ptr [es:di+6]
+ ret
+ endp
+ endif
+ if recording
+Recmouse proc near
+ mov es,recordspace
+ mov di,recordpos
+ cmp di,-8
+ jz diffrec
+ cmp [es:di],cx
+ jnz diffrec
+ cmp [es:di+2],dx
+ jnz diffrec
+ cmp [es:di+4],bx
+ jnz diffrec
+ inc word ptr [es:di+6]
+ cmp word ptr [es:di+5],0ffffh
+ jz diffrec
+ ret
+diffrec: add recordpos,8
+ add di,8
+ cmp di,16384
+ jnz notsaverec
+ push cx dx bx
+ call saverec
+ pop bx dx cx
+notsaverec: mov [es:di],cx
+ mov [es:di+2],dx
+ mov [es:di+4],bx
+ mov word ptr [es:di+6],1
+ ret
+ endp
+Saverec proc near
+ mov bx,rechandle
+ mov ds,recordspace
+ mov dx,0
+ mov cx,recordpos
+ add cx,8
+ mov ah,40h
+ int 21h
+ mov di,0
+ mov recordpos,0
+ ret
+ endp
+Loadrec proc near
+ mov bx,rechandle
+ mov ds,recordspace
+ mov dx,0
+ mov cx,16384+8
+ mov ah,3fh
+ int 21h
+ mov di,0
+ mov recordpos,0
+ ret
+ endp
+ endif
+Readmouse1 proc near
+ mov ax,mousex
+ mov oldx,ax
+ mov ax,mousey
+ mov oldy,ax
+ call mousecall
+ mov mousex,cx
+ mov mousey,dx
+ mov mousebutton1,bx
+ ret
+ endp
+Readmouse2 proc near
+ mov ax,mousex
+ mov oldx,ax
+ mov ax,mousey
+ mov oldy,ax
+ call mousecall
+ mov mousex,cx
+ mov mousey,dx
+ mov mousebutton2,bx
+ ret
+ endp
+Readmouse3 proc near
+ mov ax,mousex
+ mov oldx,ax
+ mov ax,mousey
+ mov oldy,ax
+ call mousecall
+ mov mousex,cx
+ mov mousey,dx
+ mov mousebutton3,bx
+ ret
+ endp
+Readmouse4 proc near
+ mov ax,mousebutton
+ mov oldbutton,ax
+ mov ax,mousex
+ mov oldx,ax
+ mov ax,mousey
+ mov oldy,ax
+ call mousecall
+ mov mousex,cx
+ mov mousey,dx
+ mov ax,mousebutton1
+ or ax,mousebutton2
+ or ax,mousebutton3
+ or bx,ax
+ mov mousebutton,bx
+ ret
+ endp
+Readkey proc near
+ mov bx,bufferout
+ cmp bx,bufferin
+ jz nokey
+ inc bx
+ and bx,15
+ mov bufferout,bx
+ mov di,offset cs:keybuffer
+ add di,bx
+ mov al,[cs:di]
+ mov currentkey,al
+ ret
+nokey: mov currentkey,0
+ ret
+ endp
+keybuffer: db 16 dup (0)
+Convertkey proc near
+ and al,127
+ mov ah,0
+ mov di,offset cs:keyconverttab
+ add di,ax
+ mov al,[cs:di]
+ ret
+keyconverttab: db 0,0,"1","2","3","4","5","6","7","8","9","0","-",0,8,0
+ db "Q","W","E","R","T","Y","U","I","O","P",0,0,13,0,"A","S"
+ db "D","F","G","H","J","K","L",0,0,0,0,0,"Z","X","C","V","B","N","M"
+ db 0,0,0,0,0,0,32,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0
+ db 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0
+ db 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0
+ db 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0
+ db 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0
+ endp
+Randomnum1 proc near
+ push ds es di bx cx
+ call randomnumber
+ pop cx bx di es ds
+ ret
+ endp
+Randomnum2 proc near
+ push ds es di bx ax
+ call randomnumber
+ mov cl,al
+ pop ax bx di es ds
+ ret
+ endp
+Randomnumber proc near
+ mov al,seed
+ and al,48h
+ add al,38h
+ sal al,1
+ sal al,1
+ rcl seed+2,1
+ rcl seed+1,1
+ rcl seed+0,1
+ mov al,seed
+ and al,48h
+ add al,38h
+ sal al,1
+ sal al,1
+ rcl seed+2,1
+ rcl seed+1,1
+ rcl seed+0,1
+ mov al,seed
+ and al,48h
+ add al,38h
+ sal al,1
+ sal al,1
+ rcl seed+2,1
+ rcl seed+1,1
+ rcl seed+0,1
+ mov al,seed
+ and al,48h
+ add al,38h
+ sal al,1
+ sal al,1
+ rcl seed+2,1
+ rcl seed+1,1
+ rcl seed+0,1
+ mov al,seed
+ and al,48h
+ add al,38h
+ sal al,1
+ sal al,1
+ rcl seed+2,1
+ rcl seed+1,1
+ rcl seed+0,1
+ mov al,seed
+ and al,48h
+ add al,38h
+ sal al,1
+ sal al,1
+ rcl seed+2,1
+ rcl seed+1,1
+ rcl seed+0,1
+ mov al,seed
+ and al,48h
+ add al,38h
+ sal al,1
+ sal al,1
+ rcl seed+2,1
+ rcl seed+1,1
+ rcl seed+0,1
+ mov al,seed
+ and al,48h
+ add al,38h
+ sal al,1
+ sal al,1
+ rcl seed+2,1
+ rcl seed+1,1
+ rcl seed+0,1
+ mov al,seed
+ ret
+ endp
+Hangon proc near
+hangonloop: push cx
+ call vsync
+ pop cx
+ loop hangonloop
+ ret
+ endp
+;-------------------------------------------------------------Disc handling----
+Loadtraveltext proc near
+ mov dx,offset cs:traveltextname
+ call standardload
+ mov traveltext,ax
+ ret
+ endp
+Loadintotemp proc near
+ push cs
+ pop ds
+ call standardload
+ mov tempgraphics,ax
+ ret
+ endp
+Loadintotemp2 proc near
+ push cs
+ pop ds
+ call standardload
+ mov tempgraphics2,ax
+ ret
+ endp
+Loadintotemp3 proc near
+ push cs
+ pop ds
+ call standardload
+ mov tempgraphics3,ax
+ ret
+ endp
+Loadtempcharset proc near
+ call standardload
+ mov tempcharset,ax
+ ret
+ endp
+Standardload proc near
+ call openfile
+ call readheader
+ mov bx,[es:di]
+ push bx
+ mov cl,4
+ shr bx,cl
+ call allocatemem
+ mov ds,ax
+ pop cx
+ push ax
+ mov dx,0
+ call readfromfile
+ call closefile
+ pop ax
+ ret
+ endp
+Loadtemptext proc near
+ call standardload
+ mov textfile1,ax
+ ret
+ endp
+Loadroom proc near
+ mov roomloaded,1
+ mov timecount,0
+ mov maintimer,0
+ mov mapoffsetx,104
+ mov mapoffsety,38
+ mov textaddressx,13
+ mov textaddressy,182
+ mov textlen,240
+ mov al,newlocation
+ mov location,al
+ call getroomdata
+ call startloading
+ call loadroomssample
+ call switchryanon
+ call drawflags
+ call getdimension
+ ret
+ endp
+Loadroomssample proc near
+ mov al,roomssample
+ cmp al,255
+ jz loadedalready
+ cmp al,currentsample
+ jz loadedalready
+ mov currentsample,al
+ mov al,currentsample
+ mov cl,"0"
+ call twodigitnum
+ mov di,offset cs:samplename
+ xchg al,ah
+ mov [cs:di+10],ax
+ mov dx,di
+ call loadsecondsample
+loadedalready: ret
+ endp
+Getridofreels proc near
+ cmp roomloaded,0
+ jz dontgetrid
+ mov es,reel1
+ call deallocatemem
+ mov es,reel2
+ call deallocatemem
+ mov es,reel3
+ call deallocatemem
+dontgetrid: ret
+ endp
+Getridofall proc near
+ mov es,backdrop
+ call deallocatemem
+ mov es,setframes
+ call deallocatemem
+ mov es,reel1
+ call deallocatemem
+ mov es,reel2
+ call deallocatemem
+ mov es,reel3
+ call deallocatemem
+ mov es,reels
+ call deallocatemem
+ mov es,people
+ call deallocatemem
+ mov es,setdesc
+ call deallocatemem
+ mov es,blockdesc
+ call deallocatemem
+ mov es,roomdesc
+ call deallocatemem
+ mov es,freeframes
+ call deallocatemem
+ mov es,freedesc
+ call deallocatemem
+ ret
+ endp
+Restorereels proc near
+ cmp roomloaded,0
+ jz dontrestore
+ mov al,reallocation
+ call getroomdata
+ mov dx,bx
+ call openfile
+ call readheader
+ call dontloadseg
+ call dontloadseg
+ call dontloadseg
+ call dontloadseg
+ call allocateload
+ mov reel1,ax
+ mov ds,ax
+ mov dx,0
+ call loadseg
+ call allocateload
+ mov reel2,ax
+ mov ds,ax
+ mov dx,0
+ call loadseg
+ call allocateload
+ mov reel3,ax
+ mov ds,ax
+ mov dx,0
+ call loadseg
+ call closefile
+dontrestore: ret
+ endp
+Restoreall proc near
+ mov al,location
+ call getroomdata
+ mov dx,bx
+ call openfile
+ call readheader
+ call allocateload
+ mov ds,ax
+ mov backdrop,ax
+ mov dx,flags
+ call loadseg
+ mov ds,workspace ;mapdata
+ mov dx,map
+ mov cx,132*66 ;maplen
+ mov al,0
+ call fillspace
+ call loadseg
+ call sortoutmap
+ call allocateload
+ mov setframes,ax
+ mov ds,ax
+ mov dx,framedata
+ call loadseg
+ ;mov ds,setdat
+ ;mov dx,0
+ ;mov cx,setdatlen
+ ;mov al,255
+ ;call fillspace
+ call dontloadseg
+ call allocateload
+ mov reel1,ax
+ mov ds,ax
+ mov dx,0
+ ;call bloc
+ ;BIG FIXME: undefined bloc, replaced with loadseg. dunno!
+ call loadseg
+ call allocateload
+ mov reel2,ax
+ mov ds,ax
+ mov dx,0
+ call loadseg
+ call allocateload
+ mov reel3,ax
+ mov ds,ax
+ mov dx,0
+ call loadseg
+ call allocateload
+ mov reels,ax
+ mov ds,ax
+ mov dx,0
+ call loadseg
+ call allocateload
+ mov people,ax
+ mov ds,ax
+ mov dx,0
+ call loadseg
+ call allocateload
+ mov setdesc,ax
+ mov ds,ax
+ mov dx,0
+ call loadseg
+ call allocateload
+ mov blockdesc,ax
+ mov ds,ax
+ mov dx,0
+ call loadseg
+ call allocateload
+ mov roomdesc,ax
+ mov ds,ax
+ mov dx,0
+ call loadseg
+ call allocateload
+ mov freeframes,ax
+ mov ds,ax
+ mov dx,0
+ call loadseg
+ ;mov ds,freedat
+ ;mov dx,0
+ ;mov cx,freedatlen
+ ;mov al,255
+ ;call fillspace
+ call dontloadseg
+ call allocateload
+ mov freedesc,ax
+ mov ds,ax
+ mov dx,freetextdat
+ call loadseg
+ call closefile
+ call setallchanges
+ ret
+ endp
+Sortoutmap proc near
+ push es di
+ mov ds,workspace
+ mov si,0
+ mov es,mapdata
+ mov di,0
+ mov cx,maplength
+blimey: push cx si
+ mov cx,mapwidth
+ rep movsb
+ pop si cx
+ add si,132
+ loop blimey
+ pop di es
+ ret
+ endp
+Startloading proc near
+ mov combatcount,0
+ mov al,[cs:bx+13]
+ mov roomssample,al
+ mov al,[cs:bx+15]
+ mov mapx,al
+ mov al,[cs:bx+16]
+ mov mapy,al
+ mov al,[cs:bx+20] ; start path pos
+ mov liftflag,al
+ mov al,[cs:bx+21] ; start path pos
+ mov manspath,al
+ mov destination,al
+ mov finaldest,al
+ mov al,[cs:bx+22]
+ mov facing,al
+ mov turntoface,al
+ mov al,[cs:bx+23]
+ mov counttoopen,al
+ mov al,[cs:bx+24]
+ mov liftpath,al
+ mov al,[cs:bx+25]
+ mov doorpath,al
+ mov lastweapon,-1
+ mov al,[cs:bx+27]
+ push ax
+ mov al,[cs:bx+31]
+ mov ah,reallocation
+ mov reallocation,al
+ mov dx,bx
+ call openfile
+ call readheader
+ call allocateload
+ mov ds,ax
+ mov backdrop,ax
+ mov dx,flags
+ call loadseg
+ mov ds,workspace ;mapdata
+ mov dx,map
+ mov cx,132*66 ;maplen
+ mov al,0
+ call fillspace
+ call loadseg
+ call sortoutmap
+ call allocateload
+ mov setframes,ax
+ mov ds,ax
+ mov dx,framedata
+ call loadseg
+ mov ds,setdat
+ mov dx,0
+ mov cx,setdatlen
+ mov al,255
+ call fillspace
+ call loadseg
+ call allocateload
+ mov reel1,ax
+ mov ds,ax
+ mov dx,0
+ call loadseg
+ call allocateload
+ mov reel2,ax
+ mov ds,ax
+ mov dx,0
+ call loadseg
+ call allocateload
+ mov reel3,ax
+ mov ds,ax
+ mov dx,0
+ call loadseg
+ call allocateload
+ mov reels,ax
+ mov ds,ax
+ mov dx,0
+ call loadseg
+ call allocateload
+ mov people,ax
+ mov ds,ax
+ mov dx,0
+ call loadseg
+ call allocateload
+ mov setdesc,ax
+ mov ds,ax
+ mov dx,0
+ call loadseg
+ call allocateload
+ mov blockdesc,ax
+ mov ds,ax
+ mov dx,0
+ call loadseg
+ call allocateload
+ mov roomdesc,ax
+ mov ds,ax
+ mov dx,0
+ call loadseg
+ call allocateload
+ mov freeframes,ax
+ mov ds,ax
+ mov dx,0
+ call loadseg
+ mov ds,freedat
+ mov dx,0
+ mov cx,freedatlen
+ mov al,255
+ call fillspace
+ call loadseg
+ call allocateload
+ mov freedesc,ax
+ mov ds,ax
+ mov dx,freetextdat
+ call loadseg
+ call closefile
+ call findroominloc
+ call deletetaken
+ call setallchanges
+ call autoappear
+ mov al,newlocation
+ call getroomdata
+ mov lastweapon,-1
+ mov mandead,0
+ mov lookcounter,160
+ mov newlocation,255
+ mov linepointer,254
+ pop ax
+ cmp al,255
+ jz dontwalkin
+ mov manspath,al
+ push bx
+ call autosetwalk
+ pop bx
+dontwalkin: call findxyfrompath
+ ret
+ endp
+Disablepath proc near ;needs al,ah map x,y cl=path
+ push cx
+ xchg al,ah
+ mov cx,-6
+looky2: add cx,6
+ sub al,10
+ jnc looky2
+ mov al,ah
+ dec cx
+lookx2: inc cx
+ sub al,11
+ jnc lookx2
+ mov al,cl
+ mov ah,0
+ mov cx,144
+ mul cx
+ mov es,reels
+ mov bx,pathdata
+ add bx,ax
+ pop ax
+ mov ah,0
+ add ax,ax
+ add ax,ax
+ add ax,ax
+ add bx,ax
+ mov al,0
+ mov [es:bx+6],al
+ ret
+ endp
+Findxyfrompath proc near ;path number was found from
+ ;room data. Fill ryanxy from
+ call getroomspaths ;the pathdata.
+ mov al,manspath
+ mov ah,0
+ add ax,ax
+ add ax,ax
+ add ax,ax
+ add bx,ax
+ mov ax,[es:bx]
+ sub al,12
+ sub ah,12
+ mov ryanx,al
+ mov ryany,ah
+ ret
+ endp
+Findroominloc proc near
+ mov al,mapy
+ mov cx,-6
+looky: add cx,6
+ sub al,10
+ jnc looky
+ mov al,mapx
+ dec cx
+lookx: inc cx
+ sub al,11
+ jnc lookx
+ mov roomnum,cl
+ ret
+ endp
+Getroomdata proc near
+ mov ah,0
+ mov cx,32
+ mul cx
+ mov bx,offset cs:roomdata
+ add bx,ax
+ ret
+ endp
+Readheader proc near
+ push cs
+ pop ds
+ mov dx,offset cs:fileheader
+ mov cx,headerlen
+ call readfromfile
+ push cs
+ pop es
+ mov di,offset cs:filedata
+ ret
+ endp
+Dontloadseg proc neqr
+ mov ax,[es:di]
+ add di,2
+ push bx di es
+ mov cx,0
+ mov dx,ax
+ mov al,1
+ mov ah,42h
+ int 21h
+ pop es di bx
+ ret
+ endp
+Allocateload proc near
+ push es di
+ mov bx,[es:di]
+ mov cl,4
+ shr bx,cl
+ call allocatemem
+ pop di es
+ ret
+ endp
+Fillspace proc near
+ push es ds dx di bx
+ mov di,dx
+ push ds
+ pop es
+ rep stosb
+ pop bx di dx ds es
+ ret
+ endp
+Getridoftemp proc near
+ mov es,tempgraphics
+ call deallocatemem
+ ret
+ endp
+Getridoftemptext proc near
+ mov es,textfile1
+ call deallocatemem
+ ret
+ endp
+Getridoftemp2 proc near
+ mov es,tempgraphics2
+ call deallocatemem
+ ret
+ endp
+Getridoftemp3 proc near
+ mov es,tempgraphics3
+ call deallocatemem
+ ret
+ endp
+Getridoftempcharset proc near
+ mov es,tempcharset
+ call deallocatemem
+ ret
+ endp
+Getridoftempsp proc near
+ mov es,tempsprites
+ call deallocatemem
+ ret
+ endp
+Readsetdata proc near
+ mov dx,offset cs:characterset1
+ call standardload
+ mov charset1,ax
+ mov dx,offset cs:icongraphics0
+ call standardload
+ mov icons1,ax
+ mov dx,offset cs:icongraphics1
+ call standardload
+ mov icons2,ax
+ mov dx,offset cs:spritename1
+ call standardload
+ mov mainsprites,ax
+ mov dx,offset cs:puzzletextname
+ call standardload
+ mov puzzletext,ax
+ mov dx,offset cs:commandtextname
+ call standardload
+ mov commandtext,ax
+ mov ax,charset1
+ mov currentset,ax
+ cmp soundint,255
+ jz novolumeload
+ mov dx,offset cs:volumetabname
+ call openfile
+ mov cx,2048-256
+ mov ds,soundbuffer
+ mov dx,16384
+ call readfromfile
+ call closefile
+novolumeload: ret
+ endp
+Createfile proc near
+ mov ah,3ch
+ mov cx,0
+ int 21h
+ mov bx,ax
+ ret
+ endp
+Openfile proc near
+ if cd
+ call makename
+ endif
+ push cs
+ pop ds
+ mov ah,3dh
+ mov al,2
+ push dx
+ int 21h
+ pop dx
+ jc fileerror
+ mov handle,ax
+ ret
+fileerror: mov gameerror,8
+ jmp quickquit2
+ endp
+ if cd
+Openfilefromc proc near
+ push cs
+ pop ds
+ mov ah,3dh
+ mov al,2
+ push dx
+ int 21h
+ pop dx
+ mov handle,ax
+ ret
+ endp
+ endif
+ if cd
+Makename proc near
+ if demo
+ ret
+ endif
+ mov si,dx
+ mov di,offset cs:place
+transfer: mov al,[cs:si]
+ mov [cs:di],al
+ inc si
+ inc di
+ cmp al,0
+ jnz transfer
+ mov dx,offset cs:id
+ ret
+id: db "D:\"
+place: db 30 dup (0)
+ endp
+ endif
+Openfilenocheck proc near
+ if cd
+ call makename
+ endif
+ push cs
+ pop ds
+ mov ah,3dh
+ mov al,2
+ int 21h
+ mov handle,ax
+ ret
+ endp
+Openforsave proc near
+ mov cx,0
+ mov ah,3ch
+ mov al,2
+ int 21h
+ mov handle,ax
+ ret
+ endp
+Closefile proc near
+ mov bx,handle
+ mov ah,3eh
+ int 21h
+ ret
+ endp
+Readfromfile proc near
+ mov bx,handle
+ mov ah,3fh
+ int 21h
+ ret
+ endp
+Setkeyboardint proc near
+ mov ah,35h
+ mov al,9
+ int 21h
+ mov oldint9seg,es ; Save es:bx to temp memory
+ mov oldint9add,bx
+ push cs
+ pop ds
+ mov dx,offset cs:keyboardread
+ mov ah,25h
+ mov al,9
+ int 21h ; Set to new
+ ret
+ endp
+Resetkeyboard proc near
+ cmp oldint9add,-1
+ jz noreset
+ mov dx,oldint9add ;Restore old interupt vector
+ mov ax,oldint9seg ;for keys
+ mov ds,ax
+ mov ah,25h
+ mov al,9
+ int 21h
+noreset: ret
+ endp
+Keyboardread proc near
+ push ax dx di ds es
+ in al,60h
+ cmp al,lasthardkey
+ jz same
+ mov lasthardkey,al
+ cmp al,128
+ jnc same
+ mov dx,bufferin
+ inc dx
+ and dx,15
+ cmp dx,bufferout
+ jz same ;buffer is full
+ mov bufferin,dx
+ call convertkey
+ mov di,offset cs:keybuffer
+ mov dx,bufferin
+ add di,dx
+ mov [cs:di],al
+same: in al,61h
+ mov ah,al
+ or al,80h ; Mask for Akn
+ out 61h,al ; Set Akn.
+ and al,7fh
+ out 61h,al
+ cli
+ mov al,20h ; 8259 end of interrupt
+ out 20h,al
+ pop es ds di dx ax
+ iret
+ endp
+;------------------------------------------------------Text and tables data----
+Fileheader db "DREAMWEB DATA FILE "
+ db "COPYRIGHT 1992 "
+Filedata dw 20 dup (0)
+Extradata db 6 dup (0)
+Headerlen equ $-Fileheader
+Roomdata db "DREAMWEB.R00",0 ;Ryan's apartment
+ db 5,255,33,10
+ db 255,255,255,0
+ db 1,6,2,255,3,255,255,255,255,255,0
+ db "DREAMWEB.R01",0
+ db 1,255,44,10
+ db 255,255,255,0
+ db 7,2,255,255,255,255,6,255,255,255,1
+ db "DREAMWEB.R02",0
+ db 2,255,33,0
+ db 255,255,255,0
+ db 1,0,255,255,1,255,3,255,255,255,2
+ db "DREAMWEB.R03",0
+ db 5,255,33,10
+ db 255,255,255,0
+ db 2,2,0,2,4,255,0,255,255,255,3
+ db "DREAMWEB.R04",0
+ db 23,255,11,30
+ db 255,255,255,0
+ db 1,4,0,5,255,255,3,255,255,255,4
+ db "DREAMWEB.R05",0
+ if demo
+ db 22,255,22,30
+ else
+ db 5,255,22,30
+ endif
+ db 255,255,255,0
+ db 1,2,0,4,255,255,3,255,255,255,5
+ db "DREAMWEB.R06",0
+ db 5,255,11,30
+ db 255,255,255,0
+ db 1,0,0,1,2,255,0,255,255,255,6
+ db "DREAMWEB.R07",0
+ db 255,255,0,20
+ db 255,255,255,0
+ db 2,2,255,255,255,255,0,255,255,255,7
+ db "DREAMWEB.R08",0
+ db 8,255,0,10
+ db 255,255,255,0
+ db 1,2,255,255,255,255,0,11,40,0,8
+ db "DREAMWEB.R09",0
+ db 9,255,22,10
+ db 255,255,255,0
+ db 4,6,255,255,255,255,0,255,255,255,9
+ db "DREAMWEB.R10",0
+ db 10,255,33,30
+ db 255,255,255,0
+ db 2,0,255,255,2,2,4,22,30,255,10 ;22,30,0 switches
+ ;off path 0 in skip
+ db "DREAMWEB.R11",0
+ db 11,255,11,20
+ db 255,255,255,0
+ db 0,4,255,255,255,255,255,255,255,255,11
+ db "DREAMWEB.R12",0
+ db 12,255,22,20
+ db 255,255,255,0
+ db 1,4,255,255,255,255,255,255,255,255,12
+ db "DREAMWEB.R13",0
+ db 12,255,22,20
+ db 255,255,255,0
+ db 1,4,255,255,255,255,255,255,255,255,13
+ db "DREAMWEB.R14",0
+ db 14,255,44,20
+ db 255,255,255,0
+ db 0,6,255,255,255,255,255,255,255,255,14
+ db 32 dup (0)
+ db 32 dup (0)
+ db 32 dup (0)
+ db 32 dup (0)
+ db "DREAMWEB.R19",0
+ db 19,255,0,0
+ db 255,255,255,0
+ db 0,4,255,255,255,255,255,255,255,255,19
+ db "DREAMWEB.R20",0
+ db 22,255,0,20
+ db 255,255,255,0
+ db 1,4,2,15,255,255,255,255,255,255,20
+ db "DREAMWEB.R21",0
+ if demo
+ db 22,255,11,10
+ else
+ db 5,255,11,10
+ endif
+ db 255,255,255,0
+ db 1,4,2,15,1,255,255,255,255,255,21
+ db "DREAMWEB.R22",0
+ db 22,255,22,10
+ db 255,255,255,0
+ db 0,4,255,255,1,255,255,255,255,255,22
+ db "DREAMWEB.R23",0
+ db 23,255,22,30
+ db 255,255,255,0
+ db 1,4,2,15,3,255,255,255,255,255,23
+ db "DREAMWEB.R24",0
+ db 5,255,44,0
+ db 255,255,255,0
+ db 1,6,2,15,255,255,255,255,255,255,24
+ db "DREAMWEB.R25",0
+ db 22,255,11,40
+ db 255,255,255,0
+ db 1,0,255,255,255,255,255,255,255,255,25
+ db "DREAMWEB.R26",0
+ db 9,255,22,20
+ db 255,255,255,0
+ db 4,2,255,255,255,255,255,255,255,255,26
+ db "DREAMWEB.R27",0
+ db 22,255,11,20
+ db 255,255,255,0
+ db 0,6,255,255,255,255,255,255,255,255,27
+ db "DREAMWEB.R28",0
+ db 5,255,11,30
+ db 255,255,255,0
+ db 0,0,255,255,2,255,255,255,255,255,28
+ db "DREAMWEB.R29",0
+ db 22,255,11,10
+ db 255,255,255,0
+ db 0,2,255,255,255,255,255,255,255,255,29
+ db "DREAMWEB.R05",0 ;Duplicate of hotel lobby,
+ if demo
+ db 22,255,22,10 ;but emerging from the lift.
+ else
+ db 5,255,22,10
+ endif
+ db 255,255,255,0
+ db 1,4,1,15,255,255,255,255,255,255,5
+ db "DREAMWEB.R04",0 ;Duplicate of pool hall lobby,
+ db 23,255,22,20 ;but emerging from the lift.
+ db 255,255,255,0
+ db 1,4,2,15,255,255,255,255,255,255,4
+ db "DREAMWEB.R10",0 ;entering alley via skip
+ db 10,255,22,30
+ db 255,255,255,0
+ db 3,6,255,255,255,255,255,255,255,255,10
+ db "DREAMWEB.R12",0 ;on the beach, getting up.
+ db 12,255,22,20
+ db 255,255,255,0
+ db 0,2,255,255,255,255,255,255,255,255,12
+ db "DREAMWEB.R03",0 ;Duplicate of Eden's lobby
+ db 5,255,44,0 ;but emerging from the lift
+ db 255,255,255,0
+ db 1,6,2,255,4,255,255,255,255,255,3
+ db "DREAMWEB.R24",0 ;Duplicate of Eden's flat
+ db 5,255,22,0 ;but starting on the bed
+ db 255,255,255,0
+ db 3,6,0,255,255,255,255,33,0,3,24 ; 33,0,3 turns off
+ ; path for lift
+ db "DREAMWEB.R22",0 ;Duplicate
+ db 22,255,22,20 ;of hotel but in pool room
+ db 255,255,255,0
+ db 1,4,255,255,255,255,255,255,255,255,22
+ db "DREAMWEB.R22",0 ;Duplicate
+ db 22,255,22,20 ;of hotel but in pool room
+ db 255,255,255,0 ;coming out of bedroom
+ db 0,2,255,255,255,255,255,255,255,255,22
+ db "DREAMWEB.R11",0 ;Duplicate
+ db 11,255,22,30 ;of carpark but getting
+ db 255,255,255,0 ;up off the floor
+ db 0,0,255,255,255,255,255,255,255,255,11
+ db "DREAMWEB.R28",0
+ db 5,255,11,20
+ db 255,255,255,0
+ db 0,6,255,255,2,255,255,255,255,255,28
+ db "DREAMWEB.R21",0
+ if demo
+ db 22,255,11,10
+ else
+ db 5,255,11,10
+ endif
+ db 255,255,255,0
+ db 1,4,2,15,1,255,255,255,255,255,21
+ db "DREAMWEB.R26",0
+ db 9,255,0,40
+ db 255,255,255,0
+ db 0,0,255,255,255,255,255,255,255,255,26
+ db "DREAMWEB.R19",0
+ db 19,255,0,0
+ db 255,255,255,0
+ db 2,2,255,255,255,255,255,255,255,255,19
+ db "DREAMWEB.R08",0 ;leaving tvstudio into street
+ db 8,255,11,40
+ db 255,255,255,0
+ db 0,4,255,255,255,255,255,255,255,255,8
+ db "DREAMWEB.R01",0
+ db 1,255,44,10
+ db 255,255,255,0
+ db 3,6,255,255,255,255,255,255,255,255,1
+ db "DREAMWEB.R45",0 ;Dream room
+ db 35,255,22,30
+ db 255,255,255,0
+ db 0,6,255,255,255,255,255,255,255,255,45
+ db "DREAMWEB.R46",0 ;Dream room
+ db 35,255,22,40
+ db 255,255,255,0
+ db 0,4,255,255,255,255,255,255,255,255,46
+ db "DREAMWEB.R47",0 ;Dream room
+ db 35,255,0,0
+ db 255,255,255,0
+ db 0,0,255,255,255,255,255,255,255,255,47
+ db "DREAMWEB.R45",0 ;Dream room
+ db 35,255,22,30
+ db 255,255,255,0
+ db 4,0,255,255,255,255,255,255,255,255,45
+ db "DREAMWEB.R46",0 ;Dream room
+ db 35,255,22,50
+ db 255,255,255,0
+ db 0,4,255,255,255,255,255,255,255,255,46
+ db "DREAMWEB.R50",0 ; Intro sequence one
+ db 35,255,22,30
+ db 255,255,255,0
+ db 0,0,255,255,255,255,255,255,255,255,50
+ db "DREAMWEB.R51",0 ; Intro sequence two
+ db 35,255,11,30
+ db 255,255,255,0
+ db 0,0,255,255,255,255,255,255,255,255,51
+ db "DREAMWEB.R52",0 ; Intro sequence three
+ db 35,255,22,30
+ db 255,255,255,0
+ db 0,0,255,255,255,255,255,255,255,255,52
+ db "DREAMWEB.R53",0 ; Intro sequence four
+ db 35,255,33,0
+ db 255,255,255,0
+ db 0,0,255,255,255,255,255,255,255,255,53
+ db "DREAMWEB.R54",0 ; Intro sequence five - wasteland
+ db 35,255,0,0
+ db 255,255,255,0
+ db 0,0,255,255,255,255,255,255,255,255,54
+ db "DREAMWEB.R55",0 ; End sequence
+ db 14,255,44,0
+ db 255,255,255,0
+ db 0,0,255,255,255,255,255,255,255,255,55
+Madeuproomdat db 32 dup (0)
+Roomscango db 1,1,0,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0
+Roompics db 5,0,3,2,4,1,10,9,8,6,11,4,7,7,0
+Oplist db 3 dup (0)
+Inputline db 128 dup (0)
+linedata dw 200 dup (0ffffh)
+presslist db 6 dup (255)
+savenames db 2,0,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1
+ db 2,0,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1
+ db 2,0,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1
+ db 2,0,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1
+ db 2,0,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1
+ db 2,0,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1
+ db 2,0,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1
+savefiles db "DREAMWEB.D00",0
+ db "DREAMWEB.D01",0
+ db "DREAMWEB.D02",0
+ db "DREAMWEB.D03",0
+ db "DREAMWEB.D04",0
+ db "DREAMWEB.D05",0
+ db "DREAMWEB.D06",0
+Recname db "DREAMWEB.DEM",0
+;-------------------------------------------------------End of code segment----
+;---------------------------------------------------------------Stack space----s
+STACKSPACE segment para stack 'STACK'
+stak db 256 dup (?)
+;-----------------------------------------------------------End of all code----
+ end Dreamweb
+ \ No newline at end of file