path: root/devtools/tasmrecover/dreamweb/print.asm
diff options
authorVladimir Menshakov2011-06-15 17:53:45 +0400
committerAlyssa Milburn2011-06-15 17:35:05 +0200
commit9599894a4b2f79672fc3e2ca5a93ef9c7d457c08 (patch)
tree9a6aab04f15f6bdf0fb5c2e206bcdaaf50edc90b /devtools/tasmrecover/dreamweb/print.asm
parentae8edebd65deafc1376a9c3a51331929815b6c64 (diff)
DREAMWEB: Added original sources. Released with permission from Neil Dodwell.
Diffstat (limited to 'devtools/tasmrecover/dreamweb/print.asm')
1 files changed, 591 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/devtools/tasmrecover/dreamweb/print.asm b/devtools/tasmrecover/dreamweb/print.asm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..2dbf616efc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devtools/tasmrecover/dreamweb/print.asm
@@ -0,0 +1,591 @@
+;Copyright (c) 1990-2011 by Neil Dodwell
+;Released with permission from Neil Dodwell under GPLv2
+;See LICENSE file for full license text
+Printchar proc near
+ cmp al,255
+ jz ignoreit
+ push si bx di
+ if foreign
+ sub bx,3
+ endif
+ push ax
+ sub al,32 ;"A"
+ mov ah,0
+ add ax,charshift
+ call showframe
+ pop ax di bx si
+ cmp kerning,0
+ jnz nokern
+ call kernchars
+nokern: push cx
+ mov ch,0
+ add di,cx
+ pop cx
+ ;dec di
+ignoreit: ret
+ endp
+Kernchars proc near
+ ;sub al,13
+ cmp al,"a"
+ jz iskern
+ cmp al,"u"
+ jz iskern
+ ret
+iskern: cmp ah,"n"
+ jz kernit
+ cmp ah,"t"
+ jz kernit
+ cmp ah,"r"
+ jz kernit
+ cmp ah,"i"
+ jz kernit
+ cmp ah,"l"
+ jz kernit
+ ret
+kernit: dec cl
+ ret
+ endp
+;------------------------------------------------Proportional text printing----
+;Memprint proc near
+; call usecharset1
+; push ax bx cx dx es ds si di
+; call deltextline
+; pop di si ds es dx cx bx ax
+; pop si
+; push cs
+; pop es
+; inc si
+; mov ds,currentset
+; mov di,textaddressx
+; mov bx,textaddressy
+; mov dl,textlen
+; mov al,0
+; mov ah,0
+; call printdirect
+; push si
+; mov newtextline,1
+; ret
+; endp
+;------------------------------------------------Proportional text printing----
+;Print proc near
+; pop si
+; mov bx,[cs:si+2]
+; mov di,[cs:si+0]
+; mov dl,[cs:si+4]
+; add si,6
+; mov ds,currentset
+;printloop2: push bx di dx
+; push es cs
+; pop es
+; call getnumber
+; pop es
+; mov ch,0
+;printloop1: mov ax,[cs:si]
+; inc si
+; cmp al,0
+; jz finishprint
+; push cx es
+; call modifychar
+; call printchar
+; pop es cx
+; loop printloop1
+; pop dx di bx
+; add bx,linespacing
+; jmp printloop2
+;finishprint: pop dx di bx
+ ; push si
+ ; ret
+ ; endp
+Printslow proc near
+ mov pointerframe,1
+ mov pointermode,3
+ mov ds,charset1
+printloopslow6: push bx di dx
+ call getnumber
+ mov ch,0
+printloopslow5: push cx si es
+ mov ax,[es:si]
+ push bx cx es si ds
+ if foreign
+ call modifychar
+ endif
+ call printboth
+ pop ds si es cx bx
+ mov ax,[es:si+1]
+ inc si
+ cmp al,0
+ jz finishslow
+ cmp al,":"
+ jz finishslow
+ cmp cl,1
+ jz afterslow
+ push di ds bx cx es si
+ if foreign
+ call modifychar
+ endif
+ mov charshift,91
+ call printboth
+ mov charshift,0
+ pop si es cx bx ds di
+ call waitframes
+ cmp ax,0
+ jz keepgoing
+ cmp ax,oldbutton
+ jnz finishslow2
+keepgoing: call waitframes
+noslow: cmp ax,0
+ jz afterslow
+ cmp ax,oldbutton
+ jnz finishslow2 ;used to finish early
+afterslow: pop es si cx
+ inc si
+ loop printloopslow5
+ pop dx di bx
+ add bx,10
+ jmp printloopslow6
+finishslow: pop es si cx dx di bx
+ mov al,0
+ ret
+finishslow2: pop es si cx dx di bx
+ mov al,1
+ ret
+ endp
+Waitframes proc near
+ push di bx es si ds
+ call readmouse
+ call showpointer
+ call vsync
+ call dumppointer
+ call delpointer
+ mov ax,mousebutton
+ pop ds si es bx di
+ ret
+ endp
+Printboth proc near
+ push ax cx bx
+ push di
+ call printchar
+ pop ax
+ push di
+ mov di,ax
+ call multidump
+ pop di
+ pop bx cx ax
+ ret
+ endp
+Printdirect proc near
+ mov lastxpos,di
+ mov ds,currentset
+printloop6: push bx di dx
+ call getnumber
+ mov ch,0
+printloop5: mov ax,[es:si]
+ inc si
+ cmp al,0
+ jz finishdirct
+ cmp al,":"
+ jz finishdirct
+ push cx es
+ if foreign
+ call modifychar
+ endif
+ call printchar
+ mov lastxpos,di
+ pop es cx
+ loop printloop5
+ pop dx di bx
+ add bx,linespacing
+ jmp printloop6
+finishdirct: pop dx di bx
+ ret
+ endp
+Monprint proc near
+ mov kerning,1
+ mov si,bx
+ mov dl,166
+ mov di,monadx
+ mov bx,monady
+ mov ds,tempcharset
+printloop8: push bx di dx
+ call getnumber
+ mov ch,0
+printloop7: mov al,[es:si]
+ inc si
+ cmp al,":"
+ jz finishmon2
+ cmp al,0
+ jz finishmon
+ cmp al,34
+ jz finishmon
+ cmp al,"="
+ jz finishmon
+ cmp al,"%"
+ jnz nottrigger
+ mov ah,[es:si]
+ inc si
+ inc si
+ jmp finishmon
+nottrigger: push cx es
+ if foreign
+ call modifychar
+ endif
+ call printchar
+ mov curslocx,di
+ mov curslocy,bx
+ mov maintimer,1
+ call printcurs
+ call vsync
+ push si dx ds es bx di
+ call lockmon
+ pop di bx es ds dx si
+ call delcurs
+ pop es cx
+ loop printloop7
+finishmon2: pop dx di bx
+ call scrollmonitor
+ mov curslocx,di
+ jmp printloop8
+finishmon: pop dx di bx
+ cmp al,"%"
+ jnz nottrigger2
+ mov lasttrigger,ah
+nottrigger2: mov curslocx,di
+ call scrollmonitor
+ mov bx,si
+ mov kerning,0
+ ret
+ endp
+Getnumber proc near
+ mov cx,0
+ push si bx di ds es
+ mov di,si
+wordloop: push cx dx
+ call getnextword
+ pop dx cx
+ cmp al,1
+ jz endoftext
+ mov al,cl
+ mov ah,0
+ push bx
+ mov bh,0
+ add ax,bx
+ pop bx
+ sub ax,10
+ mov dh,0
+ cmp ax,dx
+ jnc gotoverend
+ add cl,bl
+ add ch,bh
+ jmp wordloop
+gotoverend: mov al,dl
+ and al,1
+ jz notcentre
+ push cx
+ mov al,dl
+ and al,11111110b
+ mov ah,0
+ mov ch,0
+ sub ax,cx
+ add ax,20
+ shr ax,1
+ pop cx
+ pop es ds di bx si
+ add di,ax
+ mov cl,ch
+ ret
+notcentre: pop es ds di bx si
+ mov cl,ch
+ ret
+endoftext: mov al,cl
+ mov ah,0
+ push bx
+ mov bh,0
+ add ax,bx
+ pop bx
+ sub ax,10
+ mov dh,0
+ cmp ax,dx
+ jnc gotoverend2
+ add cl,bl
+ add ch,bh
+gotoverend2: mov al,dl
+ and al,1
+ jz notcent2
+ push cx
+ mov al,dl
+ and al,11111110b
+ add al,2
+ mov ah,0
+ mov ch,0
+ add ax,20
+ sub ax,cx
+ shr ax,1
+ pop cx
+ pop es ds di bx si
+ add di,ax
+ mov cl,ch
+ ret
+notcent2: pop es ds di bx si
+ mov cl,ch
+ ret
+ endp
+Getnextword proc near
+ mov bx,0
+getloop: mov ax,[es:di]
+ inc di
+ inc bh
+ cmp al,":"
+ jz endall
+ cmp al,0
+ jz endall
+ cmp al,32
+ jz endword
+ if foreign
+ call modifychar
+ endif
+ cmp al,255
+ jz getloop
+ push ax
+ sub al,32 ;"A"
+ mov ah,0
+ add ax,charshift
+ add ax,ax
+ mov si,ax
+ add ax,ax
+ add si,ax
+ mov cl,[si+0]
+ pop ax
+ call kernchars
+ add bl,cl
+ ;dec bl
+ jmp getloop
+endword: add bl,6
+ mov al,0
+ ret
+endall: add bl,6
+ mov al,1
+ ret
+ endp
+ if german
+Modifychar proc near
+ cmp al,128
+ jc nomod
+ cmp al,129
+ jnz not129
+ mov al,"Z"+3
+ ret
+not129: cmp al,132
+ jnz not132
+ mov al,"Z"+1
+ ret
+not132: cmp al,142
+ jnz not142
+ mov al,"Z"+4
+ ret
+not142: cmp al,154
+ jnz not154
+ mov al,"Z"+6
+ ret
+not154: cmp al,225
+ jnz not225
+ mov al,"A"-1
+ ret
+not225: cmp al,153
+ jnz not153
+ mov al,"Z"+5
+ ret
+not153: cmp al,148
+ jnz not148
+ mov al,"Z"+2
+ ret
+not148: ret
+nomod: ret
+ endp
+ endif
+ if spanish
+Modifychar proc near
+ cmp al,128
+ jc nomod
+ cmp al,160
+ jnz not160
+ mov al,"Z"+1
+ ret
+not160: cmp al,130
+ jnz not130
+ mov al,"Z"+2
+ ret
+not130: cmp al,161
+ jnz not161
+ mov al,"Z"+3
+ ret
+not161: cmp al,162
+ jnz not162
+ mov al,"Z"+4
+ ret
+not162: cmp al,163
+ jnz not163
+ mov al,"Z"+5
+ ret
+not163: cmp al,164
+ jnz not164
+ mov al,"Z"+6
+ ret
+not164: cmp al,165
+ jnz not165
+ mov al,","-1
+ ret
+not165: cmp al,168
+ jnz not168
+ mov al,"A"-1
+ ret
+not168: cmp al,173
+ jnz not173
+ mov al,"A"-4
+ ret
+not173: cmp al,129
+ jnz not129
+ mov al,"A"-5
+not129: ret
+nomod: ret
+ endp
+ endif
+ \ No newline at end of file