path: root/dists/androidsdl/How_to_Build.txt
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authorAntoniou Athanasios2019-04-28 16:08:37 +0300
committerFilippos Karapetis2019-04-28 16:08:37 +0300
commit793aa4033dafb9f399c362d5befc0389239ea18f (patch)
treec677e944ace72650a7af9a4d365908bec9eca7dd /dists/androidsdl/How_to_Build.txt
parentb3d5bb34ae52063abb23175de9bd4d6d525145e1 (diff)
ANDROIDSDL: Fix build with NDK r15c
This also disables cloud support Also, several corrections and additions in how_to_build instructions Tested in a clean installation of lubuntu 16.04.6 LTS
Diffstat (limited to 'dists/androidsdl/How_to_Build.txt')
1 files changed, 122 insertions, 35 deletions
diff --git a/dists/androidsdl/How_to_Build.txt b/dists/androidsdl/How_to_Build.txt
index 0e5afb13ff..c294fc8e67 100644
--- a/dists/androidsdl/How_to_Build.txt
+++ b/dists/androidsdl/How_to_Build.txt
@@ -1,49 +1,136 @@
-1) At first, for building you need (64bit) linux.
+1a) In order to build the androidsdl port you will need a 64-bit Linux OS installation with an Internet connection.
+ The following has been tested in lubuntu 64-bit 16.04.6 LTS (xenial), kernel 4.15.0-47-generic.
-2) Install Android SDK and NDK (You can unpack them into ~/Android directory), and download required tools.
+1b) Make sure you have the latest updates for your OS by running from a shell terminal:
+ sudo apt-get update
+ sudo apt-get upgrade
+ After installing any updates, reboot your PC if required.
+ You can also check the Software Updater GUI utility (or similar) for additional pending updates, such as kernel updates or Ubuntu Base updates (for Ubuntu based distributions).
+ Reboot your PC, if you are prompted to.
- https://developer.android.com/studio/index.html (you can download GUI Android Studio with SDK (which installs
-from studio) or download command-line tools)
-At current moment (01.01.2018) latest NDK version r16b not supported by pelya's liBSDL, so you need to use previous version r15c
- https://developer.android.com/ndk/downloads/older_releases.html
+1c) Install the Linux packages that are required for the build:
+ Commands:
+ sudo apt-get install build-essential
+ sudo apt-get install git
-Download this:
+1d) Install the JDK. You can do this using the apt-get tool or by downloading the JDK from Oracle's official site (in the latter case you must set environment variables for JDK; see guides "How install JDK and set environment variables for JDK").
+ Recommended command:
+ sudo apt-get install openjdk-8-jdk
- Android SDK Tools
- Android SDK Platform-tools
- Android SDL Build tools
- Android 7.1.1 (API 25) or higher
- SDK Platform (API 25) or higher
- Extras/Android Support Repository
+2a) This guide assumes that you create an "~/Android" folder inside your home directory to put the Android SDK and NDK.
-3) Install JDK. You can do it from apt-get tool or download from official site (in this case you must set envirnoment
-value to JDK, see guides "How install JDK and set envirnoment values to JDK).
+2b) Install the Android SDK.
- sudo apt-get install openjdk-8-jdk
+ a) Navigate to url: https://developer.android.com/studio/index.html
+ Download the "Command line tools only" packet for Linux ("sdk-tools-linux-4333796.zip" at the time of this writing).
+ Create an "~/.android" and an "~/Android" folder in your home directory.
+ Then, create a "~/Android/android-sdk" subfolder.
+ To do this using a shell terminal issue:
+ mkdir ~/.android
+ mkdir ~/Android
+ mkdir ~/Android/android-sdk
-4) Set envirnoment values to Android's tools. For set android environment I create and use simple script setenv-android.sh.
-In this sript you must set your paths and tools versions. If script don't work (see results from command "printenv") - set
-this values manually. Warning: values will be setted for one command-line session.
+ Unpack the command line tools zip packet inside the "~/Android/android-sdk" folder.
+ This should create a "tools" subfolder.
- #!/bin/sh
+ Install the required android SDK tools.
+ Using a shell terminal issue:
+ touch ~/.android/repositories.cfg
+ cd ~/Android/android-sdk/tools/bin
+ ./sdkmanager --install "platforms;android-26"
+ ./sdkmanager --install "build-tools;26.0.0"
+ ./sdkmanager --install "extras;android;m2repository"
- export ANDROID_HOME=~/Android/android-sdk
- export ANDROID_NDK_HOME=~/Android/android-ndk-r15c
+ Accept any license agreement you are prompted with during the above installation process.
+ Also, for good measure, issue the following command, then review and accept any pending license agreements:
+ ./sdkmanager --licenses
-5) Install packages, which needs for build:
+ Then, using the following command verify that you've installed the correct tools:
+ ./sdkmanager --list
- sudo apt-get install make
- sudo apt-get install git-core
+ You should see a printout that begins like the following:
-6) Create and put keystore (You can use debug version) in ~/.android/debug.keystore
+ Path | Version | Description | Location
+ ------- | ------- | ------- | -------
+ build-tools;26.0.0 | 26.0.0 | Android SDK Build-Tools 26.0.0 | build-tools/26.0.0/
+ extras;android;m2repository | 47.0.0 | Android Support Repository | extras/android/m2repository/
+ platforms;android-26 | 2 | Android SDK Platform 26 | platforms/android-26/
+ tools | 26.1.1 | Android SDK Tools 26.1.1 | tools/
-8) Now you can build project
- cd scummvm/dists/androidsdl
- ./build.sh
+ b) Alternatively, you could download and install the Android Studio for Linux 64-bit. You can then use sdk-manager GUI tool to install the required additional tools and SDK resources. Use the above list as a guide to what packages you should download and install.
-Your apk will be stored in this folder
+3) Install the r15c (July 2017) version for Android NDK ("android-ndk-r15c-linux-x86_64.zip").
+ Newer versions are currently not supported. The r15c NDK can be found in the following url:
+ https://developer.android.com/ndk/downloads/older_releases.html
+ Extract the zip file you downloaded into the "~/Android" folder.
+ This should create a "android-ndk-r15c" subfolder.
+4) Set the environment variables for Android SDK and NDK tools.
+ For this purpose you can create and use a simple "setenv-android.sh" script.
+ In this script define variables for the paths to your SDK tools and NDK.
+ Sample (suggested) script:
+ #!/bin/sh
+ export ANDROID_HOME=~/Android/android-sdk
+ export ANDROID_SDK_ROOT=~/Android/android-sdk
+ export ANDROID_NDK_HOME=~/Android/android-ndk-r15c
+ export ANDROID_SDK_BTOOLS=$ANDROID_HOME/build-tools/26.0.0
+ Save the "setenv-android.sh" script in your "~/Android" folder.
+ In order to apply the script run from a shell terminal:
+ source ~/Android/setenv-android.sh
+ Verify that your environmental variables have been set correctly by running:
+ echo $PATH
+ You should see your NDK and SDK paths at the start of the $PATH variable.
+ WARNING: These environmental variables will be set only for that particular command-line session;
+ You will need to re-run this script if you start another shell terminal session.
+ You should not re-run this script within the same shell terminal session.
+5) Create and put a keystore (you can use the debug version) in "~/.android/debug.keystore".
+ To create a debug key store run from the shell terminal:
+ keytool -genkey -v -keystore ~/.android/debug.keystore -storepass android -alias androiddebugkey -keypass android -keyalg RSA -keysize 2048 -validity 10000
+ keytool -importkeystore -srckeystore ~/.android/debug.keystore -destkeystore ~/.android/debug.keystore -deststoretype pkcs12
+ Enter "android" without the quotes when asked for the keystore password.
+6) Clone the ScummVM repository. This guide assumes that you run the clone command from your home directory:
+ cd ~
+ git clone https://github.com/scummvm/scummvm.git
+ The above command will create a "scummvm" folder in your home directory.
+7) You can now start building the androidsdl port project by issuing the following commands from the terminal session where you have already set the Android NDK and SDK environmental variables:
+ cd ~/scummvm/dists/androidsdl
+ ./build.sh
+8) If the process completes successfully, a "scummvm-debug.apk" file will be stored in that folder (~/scummvm/dists/androidsdl).
+ Since this apk is self-signed you will need to enable installation by third-party sources on your Android device in order to install it.
+NOTE: You can significantly reduce the build time if you target a specific Android architecture and/or building scummvm for specific game engines only.
+ A) In order to target specific architectures edit the following line from the "~/scummvm/dists/androidsdl/scummvm/AndroidAppSettings.cfg" file:
+ From:
+ MultiABI="armeabi-v7a arm64-v8a x86 x86_64"
+ To:
+ MultiABI="arm64-v8a"
+ The above line is only an example; you might have to specify another architecture for your specific use case.
+ B) In order to build the scummvm androidsdl port for specific engines only:
+ - Open the "~/scummvm/dists/androidsdl/scummvm/AndroidBuild.sh" file
+ - Find the following line which contains the configure command:
+ $ANDROIDSDL/project/jni/application/setEnvironment-$1.sh sh -c "cd scummvm/bin-$1 && env LIBS='-lflac -lvorbis -logg -lmad -lz -lgcc -ltheora -lpng -lfreetype -lfaad -lgnustl_static' ../configure --host=androidsdl-$1 --enable-zlib --enable-vorbis --enable-mad --enable-flac --enable-png --enable-theoradec --disable-sdlnet --disable-libcurl --disable-cloud --enable-vkeybd --enable-release --enable-mt32emu --disable-readline --disable-nasm --disable-timidity --disable-fluidsynth --datadir=. "
+ - Edit the line and after "../configure" add "--disable-all-engines --enable-engine=YYYY", where in place of "YYYY" you should specify game engine for which you want to build scummvm.
+ For example (building only for the bladerunner engine):
+ $ANDROIDSDL/project/jni/application/setEnvironment-$1.sh sh -c "cd scummvm/bin-$1 && env LIBS='-lflac -lvorbis -logg -lmad -lz -lgcc -ltheora -lpng -lfreetype -lfaad -lgnustl_static' ../configure --host=androidsdl-$1 --disable-all-engines --enable-engine=bladerunner --enable-zlib --enable-vorbis --enable-mad --enable-flac --enable-png --enable-theoradec --disable-sdlnet --disable-libcurl --disable-cloud --enable-vkeybd --enable-release --enable-mt32emu --disable-readline --disable-nasm --disable-timidity --disable-fluidsynth --datadir=. "