path: root/engines/avalanche
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authoruruk2013-08-04 12:54:11 +0200
committeruruk2013-08-04 12:54:11 +0200
commit471933a3fd0719a938c635735c56652e01a3ee36 (patch)
tree1b8417e640fea68068ca39e0b0a9d9d20f627d5c /engines/avalanche
parent832a11a2bad40b8330fe9bd0a9f6c7cdb871e670 (diff)
AVALANCHE: Remove comment from Graphics, partially implement Scrolls::drawscroll(), repair Scrolls::solidify(), broaden scrolls2.h.
Diffstat (limited to 'engines/avalanche')
3 files changed, 143 insertions, 7 deletions
diff --git a/engines/avalanche/graphics.h b/engines/avalanche/graphics.h
index 074031f55d..f1dbe4a0e0 100644
--- a/engines/avalanche/graphics.h
+++ b/engines/avalanche/graphics.h
@@ -76,7 +76,7 @@ public:
byte *getPixel(int16 x, int16 y);
- void drawFrame(int16 x1, int16 y1, int16 x2, int16 y2, int16 color); // Solely for testing purposes!
+ void drawFrame(int16 x1, int16 y1, int16 x2, int16 y2, int16 color);
void drawBar(int16 x1, int16 y1, int16 x2, int16 y2, int16 color);
diff --git a/engines/avalanche/scrolls2.cpp b/engines/avalanche/scrolls2.cpp
index 4c3ebc0d68..bf039d6322 100644
--- a/engines/avalanche/scrolls2.cpp
+++ b/engines/avalanche/scrolls2.cpp
@@ -106,7 +106,7 @@ void Scrolls::say(int16 x, int16 y, Common::String z) { /* Fancy FAST screenwrit
warning("STUB: Scrolls::say()");
-/* Here are the func2edures that Scroll calls */ /* So they must be... */ /*$F+*/
+/* Here are the procedures that Scroll calls */ /* So they must be... */ /*$F+*/
void Scrolls::normscroll() {
warning("STUB: Scrolls::normscroll()");
@@ -223,7 +223,141 @@ void Scrolls::block_drop(Common::String fn, int16 xl, int16 yl, int16 y) {
-void Scrolls::drawscroll(func2 gotoit) { /* This is one of the oldest func2s in the game. */
+void Scrolls::drawscroll(func2 gotoit) { // This is one of the oldest procs in the game.
+ byte b, groi;
+ int16 lx, ly, mx, my, ex, ey;
+ bool centre;
+ byte icon_indent;
+ _vm->_gyro->off_virtual();
+ //setvisualpage(cp);
+ //setactivepage(1 - cp);
+ _vm->_gyro->oncandopageswap = false; /* On can now no longer swap pages. So we can do what we want without its interference! */
+ _vm->_logger->log_epsonroman(); /* Scrolls always START with Roman. */
+ lx = 0;
+ ly = (_vm->_gyro->scrolln + 1) * 6;
+ for (b = 0; b <= _vm->_gyro->scrolln; b++) {
+ ex = _vm->_gyro->scroll[b].size() * 8;
+ if (lx < ex)
+ lx = ex;
+ }
+ mx = 320;
+ my = 100; // Getmaxx & getmaxy div 2, both.
+ lx = lx / 2;
+ ly -= 2;
+ if ((1 <= use_icon) && (use_icon <= 34))
+ lx += halficonwidth;
+ _vm->_gyro->off();
+ /* mblit(mx-lx-46,my-ly-6,mx+lx+15,my+ly+6,0,3);*/
+ /*setfillstyle(1, 7);
+ setcolor(7);
+ pieslice(mx + lx, my - ly, 360, 90, 15);
+ pieslice(mx + lx, my + ly, 270, 360, 15);
+ setcolor(4);
+ arc(mx + lx, my - ly, 360, 90, 15);
+ arc(mx + lx, my + ly, 270, 360, 15);*/
+ _vm->_graphics->drawBar(mx - lx - 30, my + ly, mx + lx, my + ly + 6, lightgray);
+ _vm->_graphics->drawBar(mx - lx - 30, my - ly - 6, mx + lx, my - ly, lightgray);
+ _vm->_graphics->drawBar(mx - lx - 15, my - ly, mx + lx + 15, my + ly, lightgray);
+ /*setfillstyle(1, 8);
+ pieslice(mx - lx - 31, my - ly, 360, 180, 15);
+ pieslice(mx - lx - 31, my + ly, 180, 360, 15);
+ setfillstyle(1, 4);*/
+ _vm->_graphics->drawBar(mx - lx - 30, my - ly - 6, mx + lx, my - ly - 5, red);
+ _vm->_graphics->drawBar(mx - lx - 30, my + ly + 6, mx + lx, my + ly + 7, red);
+ _vm->_graphics->drawBar(mx - lx - 15, my - ly, mx - lx - 14, my + ly, red);
+ _vm->_graphics->drawBar(mx + lx + 15, my - ly, mx + lx + 16, my + ly, red);
+ ex = mx - lx;
+ ey = my - ly;
+ mx -= lx;
+ my -= ly + 2;
+ //setcolor(0);
+ centre = false;
+ switch (use_icon) {
+ case 0:
+ icon_indent = 0;
+ break; /* No icon. */
+ case 34: {
+ block_drop("about", 28, 76, 15);
+ icon_indent = 0;
+ }
+ break;
+ case 35: {
+ block_drop("gameover", 52, 59, 71);
+ icon_indent = 0;
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ if ((1 <= use_icon) && (use_icon <= 33)) { // Standard icon.
+ geticon(mx, my + ly / 2, use_icon);
+ icon_indent = 53;
+ }
+ for (b = 0; b <= _vm->_gyro->scrolln; b++) {
+ switch (_vm->_gyro->scroll[b][_vm->_gyro->scroll[b].size() - 1]) {
+ case kControlCenter: {
+ centre = true;
+ _vm->_gyro->scroll[b].deleteLastChar();
+ }
+ break;
+ case kControlLeftJustified: {
+ centre = false;
+ _vm->_gyro->scroll[b].deleteLastChar();
+ }
+ break;
+ case kControlQuestion: {
+ //settextjustify(1, 1);
+ dix = mx + lx;
+ diy = my + ly;
+ _vm->_gyro->scroll[b].setChar(' ', 0);
+ groi = *_vm->_graphics->getPixel(0, 0);
+ // inc(diy,14);
+ _vm->_gyro->shbox(dix - 65, diy - 24, dix - 5, diy - 10, "Yes.");
+ _vm->_gyro->shbox(dix + 5, diy - 24, dix + 65, diy - 10, "No.");
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ if (centre)
+ say(320 - _vm->_gyro->scroll[b].size() * 4 + icon_indent, my, _vm->_gyro->scroll[b]);
+ else
+ say(mx + icon_indent, my, _vm->_gyro->scroll[b]);
+ _vm->_logger->log_scrollendline(centre);
+ my += 12;
+ }
+ _vm->_gyro->underscroll = my + 3;
+ //setvisualpage(1 - cp);
+ dingdongbell();
+ //my = getpixel(0, 0);
+ _vm->_gyro->dropsok = false;
+ dodgem();
+ (this->*gotoit)();
+ undodgem();
+ _vm->_gyro->dropsok = true;
+ _vm->_logger->log_divider();
+ //setvisualpage(cp);
+ //mousepage(cp);
+ _vm->_gyro->off();
+ /* mblit(ex-46,ey-6,ex+lx*2+15,ey+ly*2+6,3,0);*/
+ //mblit((ex - 46) / 8, ey - 6, 1 + (ex + lx * 2 + 15) / 8, ey + ly * 2 + 6, cp, 1 - cp);
+ //blitfix();
+ _vm->_gyro->oncandopageswap = true; // Normality again.
+ _vm->_gyro->on();
+ //settextjustify(0, 0); /*sink*/
+ resetscrolldriver();
+ if (_vm->_gyro->mpress > 0)
+ _vm->_gyro->after_the_scroll = true;
warning("STUB: Scrolls::drawscroll()");
@@ -273,7 +407,7 @@ Common::String Scrolls::lsd() {
-void Scrolls::strip(Common::String &q) { // Strip trailing spaces.
+void Scrolls::strip(Common::String &q) {
while (q[q.size() - 1] == ' ') {
@@ -287,7 +421,7 @@ void Scrolls::solidify(byte n) {
do {
_vm->_gyro->scroll[n + 1] = _vm->_gyro->scroll[n][_vm->_gyro->scroll[n].size() - 1] + _vm->_gyro->scroll[n + 1];
- } while (!_vm->_gyro->scroll[n][_vm->_gyro->scroll[n].size() - 1] != ' ');
+ } while (_vm->_gyro->scroll[n][_vm->_gyro->scroll[n].size() - 1] != ' ');
diff --git a/engines/avalanche/scrolls2.h b/engines/avalanche/scrolls2.h
index 1caaf5e037..a4f5c0991d 100644
--- a/engines/avalanche/scrolls2.h
+++ b/engines/avalanche/scrolls2.h
@@ -87,12 +87,14 @@ private:
static const char kControlSpeechBubble = 2; // ^B
static const char kControlCenter = 3; // ^C
static const char kControlToBuffer = 4; // ^D
+ static const char kControlItalic = 6; // ^F
static const char kControlBell = 7; // ^G
static const char kControlInsertSpaces = 9; // ^I
static const char kControlLeftJustified = 12; // ^L
static const char kControlNewLine = 13; // ^M
static const char kControlParagraph = 16; // ^P
static const char kControlQuestion = 17; // ^Q
+ static const char kControlRoman = 18; // ^R
static const char kControlRegister = 19; // ^S
static const char kControlNegative = 21; // ^U
static const char kControlIcon = 22; // ^V
@@ -134,9 +136,9 @@ private:
void block_drop(Common::String fn, int16 xl, int16 yl, int16 y);
- void strip(Common::String &q);
+ void strip(Common::String &q); // Strip trailing spaces.
- void solidify(byte n);
+ void solidify(byte n); // Does the word wrapping.
void loadfont();