path: root/engines/glk/agt/agxfile.cpp
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authorPaul Gilbert2019-11-24 18:15:56 -0800
committerPaul Gilbert2019-11-27 21:10:29 -0800
commit28c3584148c49c1c6f118c5cbf13d0bf53d56726 (patch)
tree03102c6aeccebf3aec189deaf19cfd641673245e /engines/glk/agt/agxfile.cpp
parentf9921a7a177dd506640211dd05751e046100a57b (diff)
GLK: AGT: Added subengine files
Diffstat (limited to 'engines/glk/agt/agxfile.cpp')
1 files changed, 1483 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/engines/glk/agt/agxfile.cpp b/engines/glk/agt/agxfile.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..04729f5959
--- /dev/null
+++ b/engines/glk/agt/agxfile.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,1483 @@
+/* ScummVM - Graphic Adventure Engine
+ *
+ * ScummVM is the legal property of its developers, whose names
+ * are too numerous to list here. Please refer to the COPYRIGHT
+ * file distributed with this source distribution.
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+ * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
+ * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
+ * of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
+ *
+ */
+#include "glk/agt/agility.h"
+namespace Glk {
+namespace AGT {
+ First of all, don't.
+ One of the benefits of adventure creation systems like this is
+ that the same game files can be played on a variety of different
+ platforms without any extra effort on the part of the game
+ author. If you change the file format, this is no longer true: games
+ created under the new format won't run on the old interpreters.
+ Even if you distribute a new interpreter with your game, there are two
+ problems:
+ i) People on other platforms won't be able to play your game unless
+ and until your modified interpreter is ported to their machine. Since
+ I-F players as a group tend to use a wider range of different computers
+ and operating systems than the population at large, this is bad.
+ ii) Even for machines that you port your modified interpreter to,
+ people will now need to maintain two interpreters: the original one
+ (for most of the games) and your modified one (for your new game).
+ This is not only a nuisance but it wastes disk space.
+ If you *do* decide to change the file format anyhow, please adhere to
+ the following guidelines, to minimize confusion.
+ File format version are labled by a series of four bytes near the
+beginning of the file. (They are actually the fifth, sixth, seventh,
+and eight bytes-- the first four bytes are the file format signature
+that indicate the file is an AGX file and not, say, a PCX file)
+ In order, they are the version owner id and number, and the
+extension owner id and number. In "vanilla" AGX, both owner id's are
+'R', the version number is 2, and the extension number is 1 (the
+extension associated with AGiliTy 1.0). (There are AGX files with
+version numbers 0 and 1 created by earlier releases of agt2agx. In
+fact, for downward compatibility, agt2agx will sometimes create a file
+of version 1 and extnum 7 if later features aren't being used.)
+ I will discuss the difference between "versions" and "extensions"
+further below, but briefly: extensions are minor changes whereas versions
+represent vast reoganizations of the file format. The routines below
+will still try to read in a file with an unrecognized extension, but
+they will give up on an unrecognized version.
+ If you create a new extension, then you should first change the
+extension owner id to something else; the owner id is intended to
+indicate who is responsible for defining this extension; 'R' indicates
+Robert Masenten (the author of this file) and so shouldn't be used by anyone
+else. The id isn't required to be a printable character.
+ You can then define the extension number however you want. The
+extension number is intended to differentiate between different
+extensions defined by the same source (e.g. two extensions both
+defined by me would have the same owner id but different extension
+numbers). The extensions that I define are numbered sequentially
+starting at 0, but you don't have to follow this convention if you
+don't want to.
+ Finally, send me an e-mail note telling me what you've done so I can
+keep track of the different extensions and prevent conflicts between
+ Creating a new version works the same way: change the version owner-id to
+something no one is using and set the version number however you want.
+If you're defining a new version, you can do whatever you want with
+the two extension bytes.
+ For purposes of the file format, an 'extension' is a change to the
+format that follows certain restrictions given below; a 'version' is one that
+violates one or more of these restrictions.
+ If at all possible you should try to fit your changes to the format
+within the limitations of an 'extension': it is more likely that other
+programs will work with your new file format and it is also more
+likely that your modified interpreter will still be able to understand
+the original file format.
+ An extension shouldn't change any of the existing data fields; nor
+should it insert new data fields into the middle of records. An
+extension *may* add new fields onto the end of one or more of the
+records and it can define new blocks.
+ Examples of things that would be extensions (create a new extension
+id and number, but keep the version the same):
+--Adding a new field onto the end of the creature record, containing
+ the code for a sound file that should be played whenever
+ the creature is in the room.
+--Adding a new block to the file containing debugging information for
+ the new AGT compiler you've just written, numbered 35.
+ Things that would *not* be extensions (create a new version id and
+number; do what you want with the extension id and number)
+ --Going to 32-bit object numbers for everything. (There *are*
+sneaky ways you could make this an extension; but not if you just do this
+by converting all the int16 fields in the file to int32)
+ --Changing metacommands to accept an arbitrary string of tokens
+ (These notes only apply if you are creating an extension; if you are
+creating a new version, then anything goes)
+ If you add a new field onto an existing record (like the creature
+soundtrack example above) and read in an old-format file, then the new
+data fields will be automatically initialized to zero so long as none
+of them are individually longer than 81 bytes (if any *are* longer than
+81 bytes then the file routines may break). (There is nothing magic
+about 81 bytes; it just happens to be the length of the largest data
+structure that shows up in 'vanilla' AGX files).
+ If you add a new block, then you should check the extension number
+of the file and if the block doesn't exists be prepared to either
+initialize the data to something sensible or to exit cleanly with an
+error message.
+ */
+/* AGX File format versions and corresponding versions of AGiliTy
+ and Magx: (versions given as 'Version-Extension')
+ AGX AGiliTy Magx
+ 0-0 0.5
+ 0-1 0.7 0.1
+ 1-0 0.7.2 0.2
+ 1-1 0.8
+ 1-2 0.8.1 0.3
+ 1-3 0.8.3 0.4
+ 1-4 0.8.5
+ 1-5 0.8.6 0.5
+ 1-6 0.8.7 0.5.2
+ 1-7 0.8.8 0.6
+ 2-0 0.8.9 0.6.1
+ 2-1 1.0 0.6.3
+ 2-2 1.1 0.6.4
+ */
+/* Changes is AGX File format versions:
+ 0-0: Original format.
+ 0-1: Add
+ PURE_TIME, PURE_OBJ_DESC, exitmsg_base
+ noun.related_name
+ command.noun_adj, command.obj_adj
+ 1-0: Change index file format, fixing a bug
+ 1-1: Add
+ Multi-word verb block(28)
+ Preposition block(29)
+ (room|noun|creature).oclass
+ 1-2: Add (room|noun|creature).unused
+ 1-4: Add (noun|creature).isglobal and (noun|creature).flagnum
+ 1-5: Add min_ver
+ 1-6: Add (noun|creature).seen
+ 1-7: Add objflag and objprop blocks (with corrosponding
+ support data in the gameinfo block).
+ 2-0: No change in file format; version upped to protect against
+ a bug in early versions of the AGX file code.
+ 2-1: Added (noun|creature).proper
+ 2-2: Added noun_obj and obj_obj to cmd header
+ Added objflag.ystr, objflag.nstr, objprop.str_cnt, objprop.str_list
+ Added propstr block.
+ Added fallback_ext to file header.
+#define AGX_NUMBLOCK 37
+#define AGT_FILE_SIG 0x51C1C758L
+/* AGX File format:
+ (This tends to lag a little behind the code below;
+ you should double check against the actual file_info definitions
+ below)
+All integer values stored little-endian.
+desc_ptrs: int32 ofs, int32 leng (both in lines)
+dictionary word: int16
+slist ptr: int16
+tline: char[81]
+filename: char[10]
+rbool values are packed into bytes, 1 bit per value, from lsb to msb.
+cfgopt: 0=false, 1=true, 2=leave alone
+Mandatory blocks are marked with astericks.
+*File header: 16 bytes
+ uint 32 File ID [AGT_FILE_SIG, 4 bytes]
+ byte Version owner: 'R'
+ byte Version 0
+ byte Extension owner 'R'
+ byte Extension 0
+ char[2]: '\n\r' -- to catch download errors
+ byte Extension fallback. For non-'R' extensions, this gives the
+ 'R' extension to fall back to.
+ char[5] Reserved for future use (should be 0 right now)
+*0-File index:
+ For each block (including itself): [16 bytes]
+ uint32 starting offset
+ uint32 block size
+ uint32 number of records
+ uint32 size of a record (recsize*numrec == blocksize)
+11-Description strings (block of tline)
+12-Command text (block of int16)
+*1-Game header
+ uint16 AGT_version_code; +1 for "big/soggy" games
+ uint32 game_sig (game signature, used to check save files and debug info)
+ rbool debug_mode, freeze_mode, milltime_mode, bold_mode,
+ have_meta, mars_fix, intro_first, TWO_CYCLE;
+ uchar score_mode, statusmode;
+ uint16 max_lives
+ uint32 max_score;
+ uint16 startup_time, delta_time;
+ descr_ptr intro_ptr, title_ptr, ins_ptr;
+ int16 start_room, treas_room, resurrect_room
+ int16 first_room, first_noun, first_creat
+ int16 BASE_VERB
+ cfgopt irun_mode, verboseflag;
+ cfgopt PURE_GRAMMAR (Extension R1-R3)
+ rbool TWO_CYCLE (R1-R4)
+ int16 min_ver
+ uchar font_status;
+ int16 num_rflags, num_nflags, num_cflags;
+ int16 num_rprops, num_nprops, num_cprops;
+2-Room data (room_rec format, pointers->int ref into static string)
+ include help, desc, special ptrs
+3-Noun data (noun_rec format)
+ include noun, text, turn, push, pull, play ptrs
+4-Creature data (creat_rec format)
+ include creature, talk, ask ptrs
+5-Command headers (cmd_rec format), pointers into command text
+ must be in increasing order.
+6-Standard error message ptrs (array of descptr
+7-Message ptrs (array of descptr)
+8-Question pointers (array of descptr)
+9-Answer pointers (array of descptr)
+10-User strings (array of tline)
+*13-Static string block (block of chars)
+14-Subroutine dictionary ids (array of word:int16)
+*15-Synlist (for verbs) (array of slist:int16)
+16-Pix names (array of word:int16 -- pointers into dictionary)
+17-Global nouns (array of word:int16 -- ptrs into dictionary)
+18-Flag nouns (array of word:int16)
+*19-Syntbl (block of word:int16)
+*20-Dictionary text (block of char)
+*21-Dictionary 'index' (array of uint32)
+22-OPT block (14 bytes)
+23-Picture filename ptrs
+24-Pix filename ptrs
+25-Font filename ptrs
+26-Sound filename ptrs
+27-VOC block, an array of verbinfo_rec
+28-Multi-word verbs (Extension R1-R1)
+29-Prep table (Extension R1-R1)
+30- ObjFlag Data (Extension R1-R7)
+31- ObjProp Data (Extension R1-R7)
+32- ObjFlag Lookup (Extension R1-R7)
+33- ObjProp Lookup (Extension R1-R7)
+34- ObjProp string pointers (array of FT_STR) (Extension R2-R2)
+35- Variable itemization array (Extension R2-R2)
+36- Flag itemization array (Extension R2-R2)
+/* AGT Version IDs; +1 for LARGE/SOGGY
+ 00000=v1.0
+ 01800=v1.18
+ 01900=v1.19
+ 02000=v1.20 ("Early Classic")
+ 03200=v1.32/COS
+ 03500=v1.35 ("Classic")
+ 05000=v1.5/H
+ 05050=v1.5/F (MDT)
+ 05070=v1.6 (PORK)
+ 08200=v1.82
+ 08300=v1.83
+ 10000=ME/1.0
+ 15000=ME/1.5
+ 15500=ME/1.55
+ 16000=ME/1.6
+ 20000=Magx/0.0
+ etc.
+/* ------------------------------------------------------------- */
+/* AGX Block Descriptions */
+/* ------------------------------------------------------------- */
+static integer old_base_verb;
+/* AGX file info blocks */
+#define g(ft,dt,var) {ft,dt,&var,0}
+#define r(ft,dt,str,f) {ft,dt,NULL,offsetof(str,f)}
+#define dptype {FT_DESCPTR,DT_DESCPTR,NULL,0}
+#define xx DT_DEFAULT
+#define u16 FT_UINT16
+#define u32 FT_UINT32
+#define bb FT_BOOL
+#define i16 FT_INT16
+static file_info fi_gameinfo[] = {
+ /* 0 */
+ g(FT_VERSION, xx, aver), /* FT_VERSION converter also sets ver */
+ g(u32, DT_LONG, game_sig),
+ /* 6 */
+ g(bb, xx, debug_mode), g(bb, xx, freeze_mode), g(bb, xx, milltime_mode),
+ g(bb, xx, bold_mode), g(bb, xx, have_meta), g(bb, xx, mars_fix),
+ g(bb, xx, intro_first), g(bb, xx, box_title),
+ /* 7 */
+ g(FT_BYTE, xx, score_mode), g(FT_BYTE, xx, statusmode),
+ g(i16, xx, max_lives), g(u32, DT_LONG, max_score),
+ /* 15 */
+ g(i16, xx, startup_time), g(i16, xx, delta_time),
+ /* 19 */
+ g(FT_DESCPTR, xx, intro_ptr), g(FT_DESCPTR, xx, title_ptr),
+ g(FT_DESCPTR, xx, ins_ptr),
+ /* 43 */
+ g(i16, xx, treas_room),
+ g(i16, xx, start_room), g(i16, xx, resurrect_room),
+ g(i16, xx, first_room), g(i16, xx, first_noun),
+ g(i16, xx, first_creat), g(i16, xx, FLAG_NUM),
+ g(i16, xx, CNT_NUM), g(i16, xx, VAR_NUM),
+ g(i16, xx, old_base_verb),
+ /* 63 */
+ g(FT_CFG, xx, PURE_SYN), g(FT_CFG, xx, PURE_NOUN), g(FT_CFG, xx, PURE_ADJ),
+ g(FT_CFG, xx, PURE_ALL),
+ g(FT_CFG, xx, irun_mode), g(FT_CFG, xx, verboseflag),
+ g(FT_CFG, xx, PURE_TIME), /* Ext R0-1 */
+ g(FT_CFG, xx, PURE_OBJ_DESC), /* Ext R0-1 */
+ /* 81 */
+ g(i16, xx, exitmsg_base), /* Ext R0-1 */
+ /* 83 */
+ g(FT_CFG, xx, PURE_GRAMMAR), /* Ext R1-3 */
+ g(bb, xx, TWO_CYCLE), /* Ext R1-4 */
+ g(bb, xx, PURE_AFTER), /* Ext R1-5 */
+ g(i16, xx, min_ver), /* Ext R1-5 */
+ g(FT_BYTE, xx, font_status), /* Ext R1-5 */
+ g(i16, xx, num_rflags), g(i16, xx, num_nflags), g(i16, xx, num_cflags), /* Ext R1-7 */
+ g(i16, xx, num_rprops), g(i16, xx, num_nprops), g(i16, xx, num_cprops), /* Ext R1-7 */
+ endrec
+static file_info fi_room[] = {
+ dptype, /* help */
+ dptype, /* desc */
+ dptype, /* special */
+ r(FT_STR, xx, room_rec, name),
+ r(FT_INT32, xx, room_rec, flag_noun_bits),
+ r(FT_INT32, xx, room_rec, PIX_bits),
+ r(FT_SLIST, xx, room_rec, replacing_word),
+ r(FT_WORD, xx, room_rec, replace_word),
+ r(FT_WORD, xx, room_rec, autoverb),
+ r(FT_PATHARRAY, xx, room_rec, path),
+ r(FT_INT16, xx, room_rec, key),
+ r(FT_INT16, xx, room_rec, points),
+ r(FT_INT16, xx, room_rec, light),
+ r(FT_INT16, xx, room_rec, pict),
+ r(FT_INT16, xx, room_rec, initdesc),
+ r(bb, xx, room_rec, seen), r(bb, xx, room_rec, locked_door),
+ r(bb, xx, room_rec, end), r(bb, xx, room_rec, win), r(bb, xx, room_rec, killplayer),
+ r(bb, xx, room_rec, unused), /* Ext R1-2: Can add here since rbool */
+ r(FT_INT16, xx, room_rec, oclass), /* Ext R1-1 */
+ endrec
+static file_info fi_noun[] = {
+ dptype, /* Noun */
+ dptype, /* Text */
+ dptype, dptype, dptype, dptype, /* Turn, push, pull, play */
+ r(FT_STR, xx, noun_rec, shortdesc),
+ r(FT_STR, xx, noun_rec, position),
+ r(FT_SLIST, xx, noun_rec, syns),
+ r(FT_WORD, xx, noun_rec, name), r(FT_WORD, xx, noun_rec, adj),
+ /* r(FT_WORD,xx,noun_rec,pos_prep), r(FT_WORD,xx,noun_rec,pos_name),*/
+ r(FT_INT16, xx, noun_rec, nearby_noun),
+ r(FT_INT16, xx, noun_rec, num_shots), r(FT_INT16, xx, noun_rec, points),
+ r(FT_INT16, xx, noun_rec, weight), r(FT_INT16, xx, noun_rec, size),
+ r(FT_INT16, xx, noun_rec, key),
+ r(FT_INT16, xx, noun_rec, initdesc), r(FT_INT16, xx, noun_rec, pict),
+ r(FT_INT16, xx, noun_rec, location),
+ r(bb, xx, noun_rec, plural),
+ r(bb, xx, noun_rec, something_pos_near_noun),
+ r(bb, xx, noun_rec, has_syns),
+ r(bb, xx, noun_rec, pushable), r(bb, xx, noun_rec, pullable),
+ r(bb, xx, noun_rec, turnable), r(bb, xx, noun_rec, playable),
+ r(bb, xx, noun_rec, readable), r(bb, xx, noun_rec, on),
+ r(bb, xx, noun_rec, closable), r(bb, xx, noun_rec, open),
+ r(bb, xx, noun_rec, lockable), r(bb, xx, noun_rec, locked),
+ r(bb, xx, noun_rec, edible), r(bb, xx, noun_rec, wearable),
+ r(bb, xx, noun_rec, drinkable), r(bb, xx, noun_rec, poisonous),
+ r(bb, xx, noun_rec, movable), r(bb, xx, noun_rec, light),
+ r(bb, xx, noun_rec, shootable), r(bb, xx, noun_rec, win),
+ r(bb, xx, noun_rec, unused), /* Ext R1-2: Can add here since packed rbool*/
+ r(bb, xx, noun_rec, isglobal), /* Ext R1-4: ditto (&room for 1 more). */
+ r(FT_WORD, xx, noun_rec, related_name), /* Ext R0-1 */
+ r(FT_INT16, xx, noun_rec, oclass), /* Ext R1-1 */
+ r(FT_INT16, xx, noun_rec, flagnum), /* Ext R1-4 */
+ r(bb, xx, noun_rec, seen), /* Ext R1-6 */
+ r(bb, xx, noun_rec, proper), /* Ext R2-1 */
+ endrec
+static file_info fi_creat[] = {
+ dptype, /* Creature */
+ dptype, dptype, /* Talk, ask */
+ r(FT_STR, xx, creat_rec, shortdesc),
+ r(FT_SLIST, xx, creat_rec, syns),
+ r(FT_WORD, xx, creat_rec, name), r(FT_WORD, xx, creat_rec, adj),
+ r(FT_INT16, xx, creat_rec, location),
+ r(FT_INT16, xx, creat_rec, weapon), r(FT_INT16, xx, creat_rec, points),
+ r(FT_INT16, xx, creat_rec, counter), r(FT_INT16, xx, creat_rec, threshold),
+ r(FT_INT16, xx, creat_rec, timethresh), r(FT_INT16, xx, creat_rec, timecounter),
+ r(FT_INT16, xx, creat_rec, pict), r(FT_INT16, xx, creat_rec, initdesc),
+ r(bb, xx, creat_rec, has_syns), r(bb, xx, creat_rec, groupmemb),
+ r(bb, xx, creat_rec, hostile),
+ r(bb, xx, creat_rec, unused), /* Ext R1-2: Can add since packed rbool */
+ r(bb, xx, creat_rec, isglobal), /* Ext R1-4: ditto (& space for 3 more) */
+ r(FT_BYTE, xx, creat_rec, gender),
+ r(FT_INT16, xx, creat_rec, oclass), /* Ext R1-1 */
+ r(FT_INT16, xx, creat_rec, flagnum), /* Ext R1-4 */
+ r(bb, xx, creat_rec, seen), /* Ext R1-6 */
+ r(bb, xx, creat_rec, proper), /* Ext R2-1 */
+ endrec
+static file_info fi_cmdhead[] = {
+ r(FT_INT16, xx, cmd_rec, actor),
+ r(FT_WORD, xx, cmd_rec, verbcmd), r(FT_WORD, xx, cmd_rec, nouncmd),
+ r(FT_WORD, xx, cmd_rec, objcmd), r(FT_WORD, xx, cmd_rec, prep),
+ r(FT_INT16, xx, cmd_rec, cmdsize),
+ r(FT_WORD, xx, cmd_rec, noun_adj), r(FT_WORD, xx, cmd_rec, obj_adj), /* Ext R0-1*/
+ r(FT_INT16, xx, cmd_rec, noun_obj), /* Ext R2-2 */
+ r(FT_INT16, xx, cmd_rec, obj_obj), /* Ext R2-2 */
+ endrec
+static file_info fi_verbentry[] = {
+ r(FT_WORD, xx, verbentry_rec, verb),
+ r(FT_WORD, xx, verbentry_rec, prep),
+ r(FT_INT16, xx, verbentry_rec, objnum),
+ endrec
+static file_info fi_descptr[] = {
+ r(FT_INT32, xx, descr_ptr, start),
+ r(FT_INT32, xx, descr_ptr, size),
+ endrec
+static file_info fi_tline[] = {
+ {FT_TLINE, xx, NULL, 0},
+ endrec
+static file_info fi_attrrec[] = { /* Ext R1-R7 */
+ r(FT_INT32, xx, attrdef_rec, r),
+ r(FT_INT32, xx, attrdef_rec, n),
+ r(FT_INT32, xx, attrdef_rec, c),
+ r(FT_BYTE, xx, attrdef_rec, rbit),
+ r(FT_BYTE, xx, attrdef_rec, nbit),
+ r(FT_BYTE, xx, attrdef_rec, cbit),
+ r(FT_STR, xx, attrdef_rec, ystr), /* Ext R2-R2 */
+ r(FT_STR, xx, attrdef_rec, nstr), /* Ext R2-R2 */
+ endrec
+static file_info fi_proprec[] = { /* Ext R1-R7 */
+ r(FT_INT32, xx, propdef_rec, r),
+ r(FT_INT32, xx, propdef_rec, n),
+ r(FT_INT32, xx, propdef_rec, c),
+ r(FT_INT32, xx, propdef_rec, str_cnt), /* Ext R2-R2 */
+ r(FT_INT32, xx, propdef_rec, str_list), /* Ext R2-R2 */
+ endrec
+static file_info fi_varrec[] = { /* Ext R2-R2 */
+ r(FT_INT32, xx, vardef_rec, str_cnt),
+ r(FT_INT32, xx, vardef_rec, str_list),
+ endrec
+static file_info fi_flagrec[] = { /* Ext R2-R2 */
+ r(FT_STR, xx, flagdef_rec, ystr),
+ r(FT_STR, xx, flagdef_rec, nstr),
+ endrec
+#undef g
+#undef r
+#undef xx
+#undef u16
+#undef u32
+#undef bb
+#undef i16
+#undef dptype
+static void set_endrec(file_info *fi, int index) {
+ fi[index].ftype = FT_END;
+ fi[index].dtype = 0;
+ fi[index].ptr = NULL;
+ fi[index].offset = 0;
+/* ------------------------------------------------------------- */
+/* If <to_intern> is true, convert "0" string ptrs to "yes/no" ptrs.
+ If it is false, convert the other way. */
+/* This is done for the sake of downward compatibility.
+ It *does* mean that the first string in static_str cannot
+ be an attribute's yes/no string. */
+/* "0" pointers in this case will actually be equal to static_str
+ (since that is the base point for all pointers to static strings.) */
+const char base_yesstr[] = "yes";
+const char base_nostr[] = "no";
+static void conv_fstr(const char **s, rbool yes, rbool to_intern) {
+ if (to_intern) { /* Convert to internal form */
+ assert(*s != NULL);
+ if (*s == static_str) *s = yes ? base_yesstr : base_nostr;
+ } else { /* convert to external form */
+ if (*s == NULL || *s == base_yesstr || *s == base_nostr)
+ *s = static_str;
+ }
+static void fix_objflag_str(rbool to_intern) {
+ int i;
+ for (i = 0; i < oflag_cnt; i++) {
+ conv_fstr(&attrtable[i].ystr, 1, to_intern);
+ conv_fstr(&attrtable[i].nstr, 0, to_intern);
+ }
+ if (flagtable)
+ for (i = 0; i <= FLAG_NUM; i++) {
+ conv_fstr(&flagtable[i].ystr, 1, to_intern);
+ conv_fstr(&flagtable[i].nstr, 0, to_intern);
+ }
+/* ------------------------------------------------------------- */
+/* AGX Reading Code */
+/* ------------------------------------------------------------- */
+static long descr_ofs;
+void agx_close_descr(void) {
+ if (mem_descr != NULL)
+ rfree(mem_descr);
+ else if (descr_ofs != -1)
+ buffclose(); /* This closes the whole AGX file */
+descr_line *agx_read_descr(long start, long size) {
+ long i, line, len;
+ descr_line *txt;
+ char *buff;
+ if (size <= 0) return NULL;
+ if (mem_descr == NULL && descr_ofs != -1)
+ buff = (char *)read_recblock(NULL, FT_CHAR, size,
+ descr_ofs + start, size * ft_leng[FT_CHAR]);
+ else
+ buff = mem_descr + start;
+ len = 0;
+ for (i = 0; i < size; i++) /* Count the number of lines */
+ if (buff[i] == 0) len++;
+ txt = (descr_line *)rmalloc(sizeof(descr_line) * (len + 1));
+ txt[0] = buff;
+ i = 0;
+ for (line = 1; line < len;) /* Determine where each of the lines is */
+ if (buff[i++] == 0)
+ txt[line++] = buff + i;
+ txt[len] = NULL; /* Mark the end of the array */
+ return txt;
+/* We need to read in command text and use cmd_rec[] values to
+ rebuild command[].data. We are guaranteed that cmd_rec[] is in
+ increasing order */
+static void read_command(long cmdcnt, long cmdofs, rbool diag) {
+ long i;
+ for (i = 0; i < last_cmd; i++) {
+ command[i].data = (integer *)rmalloc(sizeof(integer) * command[i].cmdsize);
+ read_recblock(command[i].data, FT_INT16, command[i].cmdsize,
+ cmdofs + 2 * cmd_ptr[i], 2 * command[i].cmdsize);
+ }
+ if (!diag) rfree(cmd_ptr);
+/* Correct for differences between old_base_verb and BASE_VERB.
+ This means that the interpreter's set of built-inv verbs has changed
+ since the file was created. */
+static void correct_synlist(void) {
+ int i;
+ if (BASE_VERB == old_base_verb) return; /* Nothing needs to be done */
+ /* Need to move everything >= old_base_verb to BASE_VERB */
+ memmove(synlist + BASE_VERB, synlist + old_base_verb,
+ sizeof(slist) * (DVERB + MAX_SUB));
+ if (BASE_VERB < old_base_verb) /* We've _lost_ verbs */
+ agtwarn("Missing built-in verbs.", 0);
+ /* Now we need to give the "new" verbs empty synonym lists */
+ for (i = old_base_verb; i < BASE_VERB; i++)
+ synlist[i] = synptr;
+ addsyn(-1);
+static void set_roomdesc(file_info fi[]) {
+ fi[0].ptr = help_ptr = (descr_ptr *)rmalloc(sizeof(descr_ptr) * (maxroom - first_room + 1));
+ fi[1].ptr = room_ptr = (descr_ptr *)rmalloc(sizeof(descr_ptr) * (maxroom - first_room + 1));
+ fi[2].ptr = special_ptr = (descr_ptr *)rmalloc(sizeof(descr_ptr) * (maxroom - first_room + 1));
+static void wset_roomdesc(file_info fi[]) {
+ fi[0].ptr = help_ptr;
+ fi[1].ptr = room_ptr;
+ fi[2].ptr = special_ptr;
+static void set_noundesc(file_info *fi) {
+ fi[0].ptr = noun_ptr = (descr_ptr *)rmalloc(sizeof(descr_ptr) * (maxnoun - first_noun + 1));
+ fi[1].ptr = text_ptr = (descr_ptr *)rmalloc(sizeof(descr_ptr) * (maxnoun - first_noun + 1));
+ fi[2].ptr = turn_ptr = (descr_ptr *)rmalloc(sizeof(descr_ptr) * (maxnoun - first_noun + 1));
+ fi[3].ptr = push_ptr = (descr_ptr *)rmalloc(sizeof(descr_ptr) * (maxnoun - first_noun + 1));
+ fi[4].ptr = pull_ptr = (descr_ptr *)rmalloc(sizeof(descr_ptr) * (maxnoun - first_noun + 1));
+ fi[5].ptr = play_ptr = (descr_ptr *)rmalloc(sizeof(descr_ptr) * (maxnoun - first_noun + 1));
+static void wset_noundesc(file_info *fi) {
+ fi[0].ptr = noun_ptr;
+ fi[1].ptr = text_ptr;
+ fi[2].ptr = turn_ptr;
+ fi[3].ptr = push_ptr;
+ fi[4].ptr = pull_ptr;
+ fi[5].ptr = play_ptr;
+static void set_creatdesc(file_info *fi) {
+ fi[0].ptr = creat_ptr = (descr_ptr *)rmalloc(sizeof(descr_ptr) * (maxcreat - first_creat + 1));
+ fi[1].ptr = talk_ptr = (descr_ptr *)rmalloc(sizeof(descr_ptr) * (maxcreat - first_creat + 1));
+ fi[2].ptr = ask_ptr = (descr_ptr *)rmalloc(sizeof(descr_ptr) * (maxcreat - first_creat + 1));
+static void wset_creatdesc(file_info *fi) {
+ fi[0].ptr = creat_ptr;
+ fi[1].ptr = talk_ptr;
+ fi[2].ptr = ask_ptr;
+static void set_cmdptr(file_info *fi) {
+ fi[0].ptr = cmd_ptr = (long *)rmalloc(sizeof(long) * last_cmd);
+static void wset_cmdptr(file_info *fi) {
+ fi[0].ptr = cmd_ptr;
+typedef struct { /* Entries in the index header of the AGX file */
+ uint32 file_offset;
+ uint32 blocksize;
+ uint32 numrec;
+ uint32 recsize;
+} index_rec;
+static file_info fi_index[] = {
+ {FT_UINT32, DT_DEFAULT, NULL, offsetof(index_rec, file_offset)},
+ {FT_UINT32, DT_DEFAULT, NULL, offsetof(index_rec, blocksize)},
+ {FT_UINT32, DT_DEFAULT, NULL, offsetof(index_rec, numrec)},
+ {FT_UINT32, DT_DEFAULT, NULL, offsetof(index_rec, recsize)},
+ endrec
+ uint32 File ID ['....' 4 bytes]
+ byte Version owner: 'R'
+ byte Version 0
+ byte Extension owner 'R'
+ byte Extension 0
+ */
+typedef struct {
+ unsigned long fileid;
+ unsigned long res1; /* Reserved for future use */
+ uchar res2;
+ uchar eol_chk1; /* Catch non-binary upload errors */
+ uchar eol_chk2;
+ uchar ver_own;
+ uchar version;
+ uchar ext_own;
+ uchar extnum;
+ uchar fallback_ext; /* For non-'R' extensions, this is the 'R' extension
+ to fall back to. */
+} file_head_rec;
+static file_info fi_header[] = {
+ {FT_UINT32, DT_LONG, NULL, offsetof(file_head_rec, fileid)}, /* File ID */
+ {FT_BYTE, DT_DEFAULT, NULL, offsetof(file_head_rec, ver_own)}, /* Owner */
+ {FT_BYTE, DT_DEFAULT, NULL, offsetof(file_head_rec, version)}, /* Version */
+ {FT_BYTE, DT_DEFAULT, NULL, offsetof(file_head_rec, ext_own)}, /*Ext owner*/
+ {FT_BYTE, DT_DEFAULT, NULL, offsetof(file_head_rec, extnum)}, /* Ext vers */
+ {FT_BYTE, DT_DEFAULT, NULL, offsetof(file_head_rec, eol_chk1)},
+ {FT_BYTE, DT_DEFAULT, NULL, offsetof(file_head_rec, eol_chk2)},
+ {FT_BYTE, DT_DEFAULT, NULL, offsetof(file_head_rec, fallback_ext)},
+ {FT_BYTE, DT_DEFAULT, NULL, offsetof(file_head_rec, res2)},
+ {FT_UINT32, DT_DEFAULT, NULL, offsetof(file_head_rec, res1)},
+ endrec
+static const char *block_name[AGX_NUMBLOCK] = {
+ "Index", "Game Info", "Room(DA2)", "Noun(DA3)", "Creature(DA4)",
+ "Command Header(DA5)", "Error Message(STD)", "Message",
+ "Question", "Answer", "User String", "Description Text(D$$)",
+ "Command Tokens(DA6)", "Static String", "Subroutine ID",
+ "Verb Synonym", "RoomPIX", "Global Noun", "Flag Noun", "Word Lists(Syntbl)",
+ "Dictionary Text", "Dictionary Index", "OPT",
+ "Picture Filename", "RoomPIX Filename", "Font Filename", "Sound Filename",
+ "Menu(VOC)", "Multi-word Verb", "Preposition", "ObjFlag", "ObjProp",
+ "Attrtable", "PropTable", "PropStr", "Itemized Variables",
+ "Itemized Flags"
+/* Return 0 on failure, 1 on success */
+int read_agx(fc_type fc, rbool diag) {
+ file_head_rec filehead;
+ unsigned long fsize;
+ index_rec *index;
+ long i;
+ int index_recsize;
+ int index_start;
+ agx_file = 1;
+ fsize = buffopen(fc, fAGX, 16, NULL, 1);
+ if (fsize == 0) {
+ agx_file = 0;
+ return 0;
+ }
+ /* Read header */
+ read_recarray(&filehead, sizeof(file_head_rec), 1, fi_header,
+ "File Header", 0, compute_recsize(fi_header));
+ if (filehead.fileid != AGT_FILE_SIG) {
+ buffclose();
+ return 0;
+ }
+ if (DIAG) {
+ rprintf("AGX file format");
+ if (isprint(filehead.ver_own) && isprint(filehead.ext_own))
+ rprintf(" Version:%c%d\tExtension:%c%d\n",
+ filehead.ver_own, filehead.version,
+ filehead.ext_own, filehead.extnum);
+ else
+ rprintf(" Version:%d:%d\tExtension:%d:%d\n",
+ filehead.ver_own, filehead.version,
+ filehead.ext_own, filehead.extnum);
+ }
+ if (filehead.ver_own != 'R' || filehead.version > 2) {
+ rprintf("Unsupported AGX file version.\n");
+ rprintf(" Either the file is corrupted or or you need a more recent "
+ "version of AGiliTy.\n");
+ rprintf("\n");
+ fatal("Can't read AGX file.");
+ }
+ index_recsize = compute_recsize(fi_index);
+ if (filehead.version == 0) {
+ if (debug_da1)
+ rprintf("[AGX version 0: obsolete.]\n");
+ index_recsize += 8; /* Extra junk block in version 0. */
+ index_start = 8;
+ } else {
+ index_start = 16;
+ if (filehead.eol_chk1 != '\n' || filehead.eol_chk2 != '\r')
+ fatal("File apparently downloaded as non-binary file.");
+ }
+ if (filehead.ext_own != 'R'
+ || (filehead.version == 0 && filehead.extnum > 1)
+ || (filehead.version == 1 && filehead.extnum > 7)
+ || (filehead.version == 2 && filehead.extnum > 2))
+ agtwarn("Unrecognized extension to AGX file format.", 0);
+ if (filehead.ext_own != 'R') { /* Assume lowest common denomenator */
+ if (filehead.version < 2)
+ fatal("Extensions of AGX beta versions not supported.");
+ if (filehead.fallback_ext < 1) filehead.fallback_ext = 1;
+ }
+ /* Now read master index */
+ /* This assumes that the file is long enough to absorb any
+ 'extra' blocks we read in in early versions with fewer blocks. */
+ /* (Right now, this must be true: the next block alone is big enough) */
+ index = (index_rec *)read_recarray(NULL, sizeof(index_rec), AGX_NUMBLOCK,
+ fi_index, "File Index", index_start,
+ index_recsize * AGX_NUMBLOCK);
+ /* Zero index entries for any blocks that are beyond the bounds of the
+ file's index */
+ if (AGX_NUMBLOCK > index[0].numrec)
+ memset(index + index[0].numrec, 0,
+ (AGX_NUMBLOCK - index[0].numrec)*sizeof(index_rec));
+ if (DIAG) {
+ rprintf("\n");
+ rprintf("File Index:\n");
+ rprintf(" Offset Size NumRec RecSz\n");
+ rprintf(" ------ ------ ------ ------\n");
+ for (i = 0; i < AGX_NUMBLOCK; i++)
+ rprintf("%2d: %6d %6d %6d %6d %s\n", i,
+ index[i].file_offset, index[i].blocksize,
+ index[i].numrec, index[i].recsize, block_name[i]);
+ }
+ if ((int)index[0].file_offset != index_start)
+ fatal("File header corrupted.");
+ for (i = 0; i < AGX_NUMBLOCK; i++) { /* Error checking */
+#ifdef DEBUG_AGX
+ rprintf(" Verifying block %d...\n", i);
+ if (index[i].recsize * index[i].numrec != index[i].blocksize)
+ fatal("File header corrupted.");
+ if (index[i].file_offset + index[i].blocksize > fsize)
+ fatal("File index points past end of file.");
+ }
+ /* Check for mandatory fields */
+ if (!index[0].numrec /* File index */
+ || !index[1].numrec /* Game header */
+ || !index[13].numrec /* Static string block */
+ || !index[15].numrec /* Synonym list */
+ || !index[19].numrec /* Syntbl */
+ || !index[20].numrec /* Dictionary text */
+ || !index[21].numrec /* Dictionary index */
+ )
+ fatal("AGX file missing mandatory block.");
+ read_globalrec(fi_gameinfo, "Game Info", index[1].file_offset,
+ index[1].blocksize);
+ if (filehead.version == 0 && filehead.extnum == 0) {
+ exitmsg_base = 1000;
+ if (aver >= AGT15)
+ box_title = 1;
+ }
+ if (index[1].blocksize == 83 && filehead.version == 1 && filehead.extnum >= 5) {
+ /* Detect 0.8-compatibility hack */
+ filehead.extnum = 2;
+ }
+ if (filehead.version == 0 || (filehead.version == 1 && filehead.extnum < 5)) {
+ if (aver >= AGT182 && aver <= AGT18MAX) {
+ if (filehead.extnum < 4) TWO_CYCLE = 1;
+ } else
+ }
+ /* Need to read in ss_array before rooms/nouns/creatures */
+ ss_size = ss_end = index[13].numrec;
+ static_str = (char *)read_recblock(NULL, FT_CHAR,
+ index[13].numrec, index[13].file_offset,
+ index[13].blocksize);
+ synptr = syntbl_size = index[19].numrec;
+ syntbl = (word *)read_recblock(NULL, FT_WORD, index[19].numrec, index[19].file_offset,
+ index[19].blocksize);
+ maxroom = first_room + index[2].numrec - 1;
+ set_roomdesc(fi_room);
+ room = (room_rec *)read_recarray(NULL, sizeof(room_rec), index[2].numrec,
+ fi_room, "Room", index[2].file_offset, index[2].blocksize);
+ maxnoun = first_noun + index[3].numrec - 1;
+ set_noundesc(fi_noun);
+ noun = (noun_rec *)read_recarray(NULL, sizeof(noun_rec), index[3].numrec,
+ fi_noun, "Noun", index[3].file_offset, index[3].blocksize);
+ last_obj = maxcreat = first_creat + index[4].numrec - 1;
+ set_creatdesc(fi_creat);
+ creature = (creat_rec *)read_recarray(NULL, sizeof(creat_rec), index[4].numrec,
+ fi_creat, "Creature", index[4].file_offset,
+ index[4].blocksize);
+ last_cmd = index[5].numrec;
+ set_cmdptr(fi_cmdhead);
+ command = (cmd_rec *)read_recarray(NULL, sizeof(cmd_rec), index[5].numrec,
+ fi_cmdhead, "Metacommand", index[5].file_offset,
+ index[5].blocksize);
+ if (filehead.ext_own != 'R' && filehead.fallback_ext <= 1) {
+ for (i = 0; i < last_cmd; i++)
+ command[i].noun_obj = command[i].obj_obj = 0;
+ }
+ NUM_ERR = index[6].numrec;
+ err_ptr = (descr_ptr *)read_recarray(NULL, sizeof(descr_ptr), index[6].numrec,
+ fi_descptr, "Error Message", index[6].file_offset,
+ index[6].blocksize);
+ last_message = index[7].numrec;
+ msg_ptr = (descr_ptr *)read_recarray(NULL, sizeof(descr_ptr), index[7].numrec,
+ fi_descptr, "Message", index[7].file_offset,
+ index[7].blocksize);
+ MaxQuestion = index[8].numrec;
+ question = answer = NULL;
+ quest_ptr = (descr_ptr *)read_recarray(NULL, sizeof(descr_ptr), index[8].numrec,
+ fi_descptr, "Question", index[8].file_offset,
+ index[8].blocksize);
+ if (index[9].numrec != index[8].numrec)
+ fatal("File corrputed: questions and answers don't match.");
+ ans_ptr = (descr_ptr *)read_recarray(NULL, sizeof(descr_ptr), index[9].numrec,
+ fi_descptr, "Answer", index[9].file_offset,
+ index[9].blocksize);
+ MAX_USTR = index[10].numrec;
+ userstr = (tline *)read_recarray(NULL, sizeof(tline), index[10].numrec,
+ fi_tline, "User String", index[10].file_offset,
+ index[10].blocksize);
+ MAX_SUB = index[14].numrec;
+ sub_name = (word *)read_recblock(NULL, FT_WORD, index[14].numrec, index[14].file_offset,
+ index[14].blocksize);
+ if (index[16].numrec > MAX_PIX) {
+ index[16].numrec = MAX_PIX;
+ index[16].blocksize = index[16].recsize * index[16].numrec;
+ }
+ maxpix = index[16].numrec;
+ for (i = 0; i < MAX_PIX; i++) pix_name[i] = 0; /* In case there are less than
+ MAX_PIX names */
+ read_recblock(pix_name, FT_WORD, index[16].numrec, index[16].file_offset,
+ index[16].blocksize);
+ numglobal = index[17].numrec;
+ globalnoun = (word *)read_recblock(NULL, FT_WORD,
+ index[17].numrec, index[17].file_offset,
+ index[17].blocksize);
+ if (index[18].numrec > MAX_FLAG_NOUN) {
+ index[18].numrec = MAX_FLAG_NOUN;
+ index[18].blocksize = index[18].recsize * index[18].numrec;
+ }
+ for (i = 0; i < MAX_FLAG_NOUN; i++) flag_noun[i] = 0;
+ read_recblock(flag_noun, FT_WORD, index[18].numrec, index[18].file_offset,
+ index[18].blocksize);
+ DVERB = index[15].numrec - old_base_verb - MAX_SUB;
+ synlist = (slist *)read_recblock(NULL, FT_SLIST, index[15].numrec, index[15].file_offset,
+ index[15].blocksize);
+ correct_synlist();
+ num_comb = index[28].numrec;
+ comblist = (slist *)read_recblock(NULL, FT_SLIST, index[28].numrec, index[28].file_offset,
+ index[28].blocksize);
+ num_prep = index[29].numrec;
+ userprep = (slist *)read_recblock(NULL, FT_SLIST, index[29].numrec, index[29].file_offset,
+ index[29].blocksize);
+ /* dicstr must be read in before dict */
+ dictstrsize = dictstrptr = index[20].numrec;
+ dictstr = (char *)read_recblock(NULL, FT_CHAR, index[20].numrec, index[20].file_offset,
+ index[20].blocksize);
+ dp = index[21].numrec;
+ dict = (char **)read_recblock(NULL, FT_DICTPTR,
+ index[21].numrec, index[21].file_offset,
+ index[21].blocksize);
+ have_opt = (index[22].numrec != 0);
+ for (i = 0; i < 14; i++) opt_data[i] = 0;
+ if (have_opt) {
+ if (index[22].numrec > 14) index[22].numrec = 14;
+ read_recblock(opt_data, FT_BYTE, index[22].numrec, index[22].file_offset,
+ index[22].blocksize);
+ }
+ maxpict = index[23].numrec;
+ pictlist = (filename *)read_recblock(NULL, FT_STR, index[23].numrec, index[23].file_offset,
+ index[23].blocksize);
+ maxpix = index[24].numrec;
+ pixlist = (filename *)read_recblock(NULL, FT_STR, index[24].numrec, index[24].file_offset,
+ index[24].blocksize);
+ maxfont = index[25].numrec;
+ fontlist = (filename *)read_recblock(NULL, FT_STR, index[25].numrec, index[25].file_offset,
+ index[25].blocksize);
+ maxsong = index[26].numrec;
+ songlist = (filename *)read_recblock(NULL, FT_STR, index[26].numrec, index[26].file_offset,
+ index[26].blocksize);
+ vm_size = index[27].numrec;
+ verbinfo = (verbentry_rec *)read_recarray(NULL, sizeof(verbentry_rec), index[27].numrec,
+ fi_verbentry, "Menu Vocabulary", index[27].file_offset,
+ index[27].blocksize);
+ /* Check that objflag and objprop fields are of correct size */
+ if (index[30].numrec != (uint32)objextsize(0))
+ fatal("Object flag block not of the correct size.");
+ if (index[31].numrec != (uint32)objextsize(1))
+ fatal("Object property block not of the correct size.");
+ objflag = (uchar *)read_recblock(NULL, FT_BYTE, index[30].numrec, index[30].file_offset,
+ index[30].blocksize);
+ objprop = (long *)read_recblock(NULL, FT_INT32, index[31].numrec, index[31].file_offset,
+ index[31].blocksize);
+ oflag_cnt = index[32].numrec;
+ attrtable = (attrdef_rec *)read_recarray(NULL, sizeof(attrdef_rec), index[32].numrec,
+ fi_attrrec, "Object Flag Table",
+ index[32].file_offset,
+ index[32].blocksize);
+ /* Objflags are converted to internal form later, after
+ block 36 has been read in. */
+ oprop_cnt = index[33].numrec;
+ proptable = (propdef_rec *)read_recarray(NULL, sizeof(propdef_rec), index[33].numrec,
+ fi_proprec, "Object Property Table",
+ index[33].file_offset,
+ index[33].blocksize);
+ if (filehead.ext_own != 'R' && filehead.fallback_ext <= 1) {
+ /* Non-standard extension */
+// int i;
+ for (i = 0; i < oflag_cnt; i++) /* These are converted later */
+ attrtable[i].ystr = NULL;
+ attrtable[i].nstr = NULL;
+ for (i = 0; i < oprop_cnt; i++)
+ proptable[i].str_cnt = 0;
+ propstr_size = 0;
+ propstr = NULL;
+ vartable = NULL;
+ flagtable = NULL;
+ } else { /* Normal case */
+ propstr_size = index[34].numrec;
+ propstr = (const char **)read_recblock(NULL, FT_STR, index[34].numrec,
+ index[34].file_offset, index[34].blocksize);
+ if (index[35].numrec && index[35].numrec != (uint32)VAR_NUM + 1)
+ fatal("AGX file corrupted: variable itemization table size mismatch.");
+ vartable = (vardef_rec *)read_recarray(NULL, sizeof(vardef_rec), index[35].numrec,
+ fi_varrec, "Variable Itemization Table",
+ index[35].file_offset,
+ index[35].blocksize);
+ if (index[36].numrec && index[36].numrec != (uint32)FLAG_NUM + 1)
+ fatal("AGX file corrupted: flag itemization table size mismatch.");
+ flagtable = (flagdef_rec *)read_recarray(NULL, sizeof(flagdef_rec), index[36].numrec,
+ fi_flagrec, "Flag Itemization Table",
+ index[36].file_offset,
+ index[36].blocksize);
+ }
+ fix_objflag_str(1); /* Convert flags and objflags to internal form */
+ /* Block 12: Command text */
+ read_command(index[12].numrec, index[12].file_offset, diag);
+ /* Block 11 is description block; it doesn't get read in by
+ agxread() but during play */
+ if ((long)index[11].blocksize <= descr_maxmem) {
+ /* ... if we decided to load descriptions into memory */
+ mem_descr = (char *)read_recblock(NULL, FT_CHAR, index[11].numrec,
+ index[11].file_offset,
+ index[11].blocksize);
+ buffclose(); /* Don't need to keep it open */
+ descr_ofs = -1;
+ } else {
+ descr_ofs = index[11].file_offset;
+ mem_descr = NULL;
+ }
+ reinit_dict();
+ return 1;
+/* ------------------------------------------------------------- */
+/* AGX Writing Code */
+/* ------------------------------------------------------------- */
+static index_rec *gindex;
+/* This patches the block descriptions to create AGiliTy-0.8
+ compatible files. This is just a quick hack to solve a short-term
+ problem. */
+void patch_08(void) {
+ set_endrec(fi_gameinfo, 48); /* Should give size of 83 */
+ set_endrec(fi_noun, 45);
+ set_endrec(fi_creat, 23);
+/* This writes the file header; it needs to be called near the
+ end */
+void write_header(void) {
+ int i;
+ rbool simple;
+ file_head_rec filehead;
+ filehead.fileid = AGT_FILE_SIG;
+ filehead.ver_own = filehead.ext_own = 'R';
+ /* The following will be converted to 1-7 if advanced features aren't
+ being used. */
+ filehead.version = 2;
+ filehead.extnum = 2;
+ filehead.fallback_ext = 2; /* 'R' extension to fall back to;
+ only meaningful if ext_own is *not* 'R' */
+ filehead.eol_chk1 = '\n';
+ filehead.eol_chk2 = '\r';
+ filehead.res1 = 0;
+ filehead.res2 = 0;
+ /* This automatically patches the block descriptions to create
+ pre-AGiliTy-0.8.8 compatible files. If it can't (because the
+ file uses 0.8.8+ features) then it leaves the version at 2;
+ otherwise the version is reduced to 1. */
+ /* The files thus created are actually hybrid files-- they
+ have some 0.8.8+ features, just not the ones that might
+ break pre-0.8.8 interpreters. */
+ simple = 1;
+ for (i = 30; i < AGX_NUMBLOCK; i++)
+ if (gindex[i].numrec != 0) simple = 0;
+ if (simple) {
+ gindex[0].numrec = 30; /* 0.8.7 compatibility */
+ gindex[0].blocksize = gindex[0].recsize * gindex[0].numrec;
+ filehead.version = 1;
+ filehead.extnum = 7;
+ }
+ write_recarray(&filehead, sizeof(file_head_rec), 1, fi_header, 0);
+static void agx_compute_index(void)
+/* This computes the blocksize and offset values for all blocks */
+ int i;
+ for (i = 0; i < AGX_NUMBLOCK; i++)
+ gindex[i].blocksize = gindex[i].recsize * gindex[i].numrec;
+ gindex[0].file_offset = 16;
+ gindex[11].file_offset = gindex[0].file_offset + gindex[0].blocksize;
+ gindex[12].file_offset = gindex[11].file_offset + gindex[11].blocksize;
+ gindex[1].file_offset = gindex[12].file_offset + gindex[12].blocksize;
+ for (i = 2; i <= AGX_NUMBLOCK - 1; i++)
+ if (i == 13)
+ gindex[13].file_offset = gindex[10].file_offset + gindex[10].blocksize;
+ else if (i != 11 && i != 12)
+ gindex[i].file_offset = gindex[i - 1].file_offset + gindex[i - 1].blocksize;
+/* Create the preliminary gindex for the new file and set it up so we can
+ write descriptions to the new file */
+void agx_create(fc_type fc) {
+ int i;
+ bw_open(fc, fAGX);
+ gindex = (index_rec *)rmalloc(sizeof(index_rec) * AGX_NUMBLOCK);
+ gindex[0].numrec = AGX_NUMBLOCK;
+ for (i = 1; i < AGX_NUMBLOCK; i++) /* Initialize the rest to 0 */
+ gindex[i].numrec = 0;
+ /* This writes random data to the file; their only purpose
+ is to prevent problems with seeking beyond the end of file */
+ write_recarray(NULL, sizeof(file_head_rec), 1, fi_header, 0);
+ write_recarray(NULL, sizeof(index_rec), AGX_NUMBLOCK, fi_index, 16);
+ old_base_verb = BASE_VERB; /* This will be constant for any given version
+ of the interpreter, but may change across
+ versions of the interpreter */
+ /* Set record sizes */
+ gindex[0].recsize = compute_recsize(fi_index);
+ gindex[1].recsize = compute_recsize(fi_gameinfo);
+ gindex[2].recsize = compute_recsize(fi_room);
+ gindex[3].recsize = compute_recsize(fi_noun);
+ gindex[4].recsize = compute_recsize(fi_creat);
+ gindex[5].recsize = compute_recsize(fi_cmdhead);
+ gindex[6].recsize = gindex[7].recsize = gindex[8].recsize =
+ gindex[9].recsize = compute_recsize(fi_descptr);
+ gindex[10].recsize = ft_leng[FT_TLINE];
+ gindex[11].recsize = ft_leng[FT_CHAR];
+ gindex[12].recsize = ft_leng[FT_INT16];
+ gindex[13].recsize = gindex[20].recsize = ft_leng[FT_CHAR];
+ gindex[14].recsize = gindex[16].recsize = gindex[17].recsize =
+ gindex[18].recsize = ft_leng[FT_WORD];
+ gindex[15].recsize = ft_leng[FT_SLIST];
+ gindex[19].recsize = ft_leng[FT_WORD];
+ gindex[21].recsize = ft_leng[FT_DICTPTR];
+ gindex[22].recsize = ft_leng[FT_BYTE];
+ gindex[23].recsize = gindex[24].recsize = gindex[25].recsize =
+ gindex[26].recsize = ft_leng[FT_STR];
+ gindex[27].recsize = compute_recsize(fi_verbentry);
+ gindex[28].recsize = ft_leng[FT_SLIST];
+ gindex[29].recsize = ft_leng[FT_SLIST];
+ gindex[30].recsize = ft_leng[FT_BYTE];
+ gindex[31].recsize = ft_leng[FT_INT32];
+ gindex[32].recsize = compute_recsize(fi_attrrec);
+ gindex[33].recsize = compute_recsize(fi_proprec);
+ gindex[34].recsize = ft_leng[FT_STR];
+ gindex[35].recsize = compute_recsize(fi_varrec);
+ gindex[36].recsize = compute_recsize(fi_flagrec);
+ agx_compute_index(); /* Only the first 10 blocks will be correct */
+ /* The important thing is to get the offset of block 11, the desciption
+ text block, so we can write to it. */
+ /* Block 11 is the description block; it doesn't get written by agxwrite()
+ but by its own routines. */
+static void agx_finish_index(void) {
+ /* Still have 11, 27-29 */
+ /* Block 12 is taken care of elsewhere (in write_command) */
+ gindex[1].numrec = 1;
+ gindex[2].numrec = rangefix(maxroom - first_room + 1);
+ gindex[3].numrec = rangefix(maxnoun - first_noun + 1);
+ gindex[4].numrec = rangefix(maxcreat - first_creat + 1);
+ gindex[5].numrec = last_cmd;
+ gindex[6].numrec = NUM_ERR;
+ gindex[7].numrec = last_message;
+ gindex[8].numrec = gindex[9].numrec = MaxQuestion;
+ if (userstr != NULL)
+ gindex[10].numrec = MAX_USTR;
+ else gindex[10].numrec = 0;
+ gindex[13].numrec = ss_end;
+ gindex[14].numrec = MAX_SUB;
+ gindex[15].numrec = TOTAL_VERB;
+ gindex[16].numrec = maxpix;
+ gindex[17].numrec = numglobal;
+ gindex[19].numrec = synptr;
+ gindex[20].numrec = dictstrptr;
+ gindex[21].numrec = dp;
+ gindex[23].numrec = maxpict;
+ gindex[24].numrec = maxpix;
+ gindex[25].numrec = maxfont;
+ gindex[26].numrec = maxsong;
+ gindex[27].numrec = vm_size;
+ gindex[28].numrec = num_comb;
+ gindex[29].numrec = num_prep;
+ gindex[30].numrec = objextsize(0);
+ gindex[31].numrec = objextsize(1);
+ gindex[32].numrec = oflag_cnt;
+ gindex[33].numrec = oprop_cnt;
+ gindex[34].numrec = propstr_size;
+ gindex[35].numrec = (vartable ? VAR_NUM + 1 : 0);
+ gindex[36].numrec = (flagtable ? FLAG_NUM + 1 : 0);
+ /* These may also be zero (?) */
+ gindex[22].numrec = have_opt ? 14 : 0;
+ gindex[18].numrec = MAX_FLAG_NOUN;
+ agx_compute_index(); /* This time it will be complete except for
+ the VOC-TTL-INS blocks at the end */
+/* The following routine writes a description to disk,
+ and stores the size and length in dp */
+void write_descr(descr_ptr *dp_, descr_line *txt) {
+ long i;
+ long size;
+ char *buff, *buffptr, *src;
+ size = 0;
+ if (txt == NULL) {
+ dp_->start = 0;
+ dp_->size = 0;
+ return;
+ }
+ for (i = 0; txt[i] != NULL; i++) /* Compute size */
+ size += strlen(txt[i]) + 1; /* Remember trailing \0 */
+ buff = (char *)rmalloc(sizeof(char) * size);
+ buffptr = buff;
+ for (i = 0; txt[i] != NULL; i++) {
+ for (src = txt[i]; *src != 0; src++, buffptr++)
+ *buffptr = *src;
+ *buffptr++ = 0;
+ }
+ dp_->start = gindex[11].numrec;
+ dp_->size = size;
+ gindex[11].numrec +=
+ write_recblock(buff, FT_CHAR, size,
+ gindex[11].file_offset + gindex[11].numrec);
+ rfree(buff);
+/* Write command text to file and return number of bytes written. */
+static long write_command(long cmdofs) {
+ long i, cnt;
+ cmd_ptr = (long *)rmalloc(sizeof(long) * last_cmd);
+ cnt = 0;
+ for (i = 0; i < last_cmd; i++) {
+ cmd_ptr[i] = cnt;
+ write_recblock(command[i].data, FT_INT16, command[i].cmdsize,
+ cmdofs + 2 * cnt);
+ cnt += command[i].cmdsize;
+ }
+ return cnt;
+/* Write the bulk of the AGX file. This requires that the descriptions,
+ etc. have already been written */
+void agx_write(void) {
+ gindex[11].blocksize = gindex[11].numrec * gindex[11].recsize;
+ gindex[12].file_offset = gindex[11].file_offset + gindex[11].blocksize;
+ gindex[12].numrec = write_command(gindex[12].file_offset);
+ agx_finish_index();
+ /* Need to write these blocks in order */
+ write_globalrec(fi_gameinfo, gindex[1].file_offset);
+ wset_roomdesc(fi_room);
+ write_recarray(room, sizeof(room_rec), gindex[2].numrec,
+ fi_room, gindex[2].file_offset);
+ wset_noundesc(fi_noun);
+ write_recarray(noun, sizeof(noun_rec), gindex[3].numrec,
+ fi_noun, gindex[3].file_offset);
+ wset_creatdesc(fi_creat);
+ write_recarray(creature, sizeof(creat_rec), gindex[4].numrec,
+ fi_creat, gindex[4].file_offset);
+ wset_cmdptr(fi_cmdhead);
+ write_recarray(command, sizeof(cmd_rec), gindex[5].numrec,
+ fi_cmdhead, gindex[5].file_offset);
+ write_recarray(err_ptr, sizeof(descr_ptr), gindex[6].numrec,
+ fi_descptr, gindex[6].file_offset);
+ write_recarray(msg_ptr, sizeof(descr_ptr), gindex[7].numrec,
+ fi_descptr, gindex[7].file_offset);
+ write_recarray(quest_ptr, sizeof(descr_ptr), gindex[8].numrec,
+ fi_descptr, gindex[8].file_offset);
+ write_recarray(ans_ptr, sizeof(descr_ptr), gindex[9].numrec,
+ fi_descptr, gindex[9].file_offset);
+ if (userstr != NULL)
+ write_recarray(userstr, sizeof(tline), gindex[10].numrec,
+ fi_tline, gindex[10].file_offset);
+ write_recblock(static_str, FT_CHAR,
+ gindex[13].numrec, gindex[13].file_offset);
+ write_recblock(sub_name, FT_WORD, gindex[14].numrec, gindex[14].file_offset);
+ write_recblock(synlist, FT_SLIST, gindex[15].numrec, gindex[15].file_offset);
+ write_recblock(pix_name, FT_WORD, gindex[16].numrec, gindex[16].file_offset);
+ write_recblock(globalnoun, FT_WORD, gindex[17].numrec, gindex[17].file_offset);
+ write_recblock(flag_noun, FT_WORD, gindex[18].numrec, gindex[18].file_offset);
+ write_recblock(syntbl, FT_WORD, gindex[19].numrec, gindex[19].file_offset);
+ write_recblock(dictstr, FT_CHAR, gindex[20].numrec, gindex[20].file_offset);
+ write_recblock(dict, FT_DICTPTR, gindex[21].numrec, gindex[21].file_offset);
+ if (have_opt)
+ write_recblock(opt_data, FT_BYTE, gindex[22].numrec, gindex[22].file_offset);
+ write_recblock(pictlist, FT_STR, gindex[23].numrec, gindex[23].file_offset);
+ write_recblock(pixlist, FT_STR, gindex[24].numrec, gindex[24].file_offset);
+ write_recblock(fontlist, FT_STR, gindex[25].numrec, gindex[25].file_offset);
+ write_recblock(songlist, FT_STR, gindex[26].numrec, gindex[26].file_offset);
+ write_recarray(verbinfo, sizeof(verbentry_rec), gindex[27].numrec,
+ fi_verbentry, gindex[27].file_offset);
+ write_recblock(comblist, FT_SLIST, gindex[28].numrec, gindex[28].file_offset);
+ write_recblock(userprep, FT_SLIST, gindex[29].numrec, gindex[29].file_offset);
+ write_recblock(objflag, FT_BYTE, gindex[30].numrec, gindex[30].file_offset);
+ write_recblock(objprop, FT_INT32, gindex[31].numrec, gindex[31].file_offset);
+ fix_objflag_str(0); /* Convert to external form */
+ write_recarray(attrtable, sizeof(attrdef_rec),
+ gindex[32].numrec, fi_attrrec, gindex[32].file_offset);
+ write_recarray(proptable, sizeof(propdef_rec),
+ gindex[33].numrec, fi_proprec, gindex[33].file_offset);
+ write_recblock(propstr, FT_STR, gindex[34].numrec, gindex[34].file_offset);
+ write_recarray(vartable, sizeof(vardef_rec),
+ gindex[35].numrec, fi_varrec, gindex[35].file_offset);
+ write_recarray(flagtable, sizeof(flagdef_rec),
+ gindex[36].numrec, fi_flagrec, gindex[36].file_offset);
+ fix_objflag_str(1); /* Restore to internal form */
+/* Write header and master gindex and then close AGX file */
+void agx_wclose(void) {
+ write_header();
+ write_recarray(gindex, sizeof(index_rec), AGX_NUMBLOCK, fi_index, 16);
+ bw_close();
+ rfree(gindex);
+void agx_wabort(void) {
+ bw_abort();
+ rfree(gindex);
+} // End of namespace AGT
+} // End of namespace Glk