path: root/engines/lure/diassembly
diff options
authorPaul Gilbert2006-03-17 21:59:29 +0000
committerPaul Gilbert2006-03-17 21:59:29 +0000
commitdcf029e947fc8cfafe06c86957222040a08df321 (patch)
tree116618dbb30163a5a66b21db619bf156c051f94a /engines/lure/diassembly
parent0ebebb1176446512d502794ee25b0b07beab7051 (diff)
Further work on disassembling player tick/movement handler
svn-id: r21349
Diffstat (limited to 'engines/lure/diassembly')
2 files changed, 284 insertions, 216 deletions
diff --git a/engines/lure/diassembly/LURE.ASM b/engines/lure/diassembly/LURE.ASM
index 0fedcbe337..3cbcc416b0 100644
--- a/engines/lure/diassembly/LURE.ASM
+++ b/engines/lure/diassembly/LURE.ASM
@@ -135,13 +135,14 @@ ANIM_CAN_UNLOAD equ 10h
-ANIM_UNKOWN1 equ 27h
+ANIM_UNKNOWN1 equ 27h
; Hotspot header record constants
@@ -166,6 +167,8 @@ HS_HEIGHT equ 13h
HS_LAYER equ 15h
HS_TICK_PROC equ 17h
@@ -186,11 +189,6 @@ HS_MOMENT_SRC_OFFSET equ 5Ah
-; Room header record constants
-RH_ROOM_NUM equ 2
-RH_DESC_ID equ 4
; Pixel record constants
@@ -222,6 +220,11 @@ REHS_HOTSPOT_2 equ 6
+; Room header record constants
+RH_ROOM_NUM equ 2
+RH_DESC_ID equ 4
; Room record constants
@@ -231,6 +234,16 @@ ROOM_X_START equ 19h
ROOM_X_END equ 1Bh
+; Room exit constants for room exit list within room records
; Room number constants
@@ -2769,7 +2782,7 @@ PLAYER_ACTION_CONTINUE_WALK equ 5
273F:10E8 úBF B14E mov di,offset animation_table
273F:10EB B9 002D mov cx, NUM_ANIMATION_SLOTS
-273F:10EE locloop_157: ; Check if hotspot can be unloaded
+273F:10EE locloop_157: ; Check if hotspot can be unloaded
273F:10EE F6 45 10 FF test byte ptr [di+ANIM_CAN_UNLOAD],0FFh
273F:10F2 74 11 jz loc_159 ; If no, then skip
@@ -2798,7 +2811,7 @@ PLAYER_ACTION_CONTINUE_WALK equ 5
273F:110D 8B 55 0E mov dx, [di+ANIM_ROOM_NUM]
273F:1110 úBE B14E mov si, offset animation_table
273F:1113 B9 002D mov cx, NUM_ANIMATION_SLOTS
-273F:1116 úBB 10C0 mov bx, 10C0h
+273F:1116 úBB 10C0 mov bx, offset data_616
273F:1119 C7 06 10BE 0000 mov data_615, 0
273F:111F 8B 05 mov ax, [di]
273F:1121 A3 10E6 mov word ptr ds:[10E6h],ax ; (273F:10E6=0C329h)
@@ -2875,72 +2888,78 @@ PLAYER_ACTION_CONTINUE_WALK equ 5
273F:11B5 sub_41 proc near
273F:11B5 53 push bx
-273F:11B6 úBB 10C0 mov bx,10C0h ; (273F:10C0=3)
-273F:11B9 C7 06 10EE 0000 mov word ptr ds:[10EEh],0 ; (273F:10EE=45F6h)
-273F:11BF loc_163: ; xref 273F:11F9, 126F
-273F:11BF ú8B 07 mov ax,[bx]
-273F:11C1 83 C3 02 add bx,2
-273F:11C4 0B C0 or ax,ax ; Zero ?
+273F:11B6 úBB 10C0 mov bx, offset data_616
+273F:11B9 C7 06 10EE 0000 mov data_617, 0
+273F:11BF loc_163:
+273F:11BF ú8B 07 mov ax, [bx] ; Get character Id
+273F:11C1 83 C3 02 add bx, 2
+273F:11C4 0B C0 or ax, ax ; Is it zero?
273F:11C6 75 05 jnz loc_164 ; Jump if not zero
-273F:11C8 A1 10EE mov ax,word ptr ds:[10EEh] ; (273F:10EE=45F6h)
+273F:11C8 A1 10EE mov ax, data_617
273F:11CB 5B pop bx
273F:11CC C3 retn
-273F:11CD loc_164: ; xref 273F:11C6
-273F:11CD 8B EB mov bp,bx
+273F:11CD loc_164:
+273F:11CD 8B EB mov bp,bx ; Store current table offset
273F:11CF 50 push ax
273F:11D0 56 push si
-273F:11D1 E8 FB16 call get_room_resource_pointer2
-273F:11D4 8B DE mov bx,si
-273F:11D6 03 5C 61 add bx,[si+61h]
-273F:11D9 83 C3 63 add bx,63h
-273F:11DC 8A 1F mov bl,[bx]
+273F:11D1 E8 FB16 call get_room_resource_pointer2 ;Get hotspot resource
+273F:11D4 8B DE mov bx, si
+273F:11D6 03 5C 61 add bx, [si+HS_ACTION_OFFSET]
+273F:11D9 83 C3 63 add bx, HS_FIRST_ACTION_OFFSET
+273F:11DC 8A 1F mov bl, [bx] ; bl = char's current action
273F:11DE 5E pop si
273F:11DF 58 pop ax
-273F:11E0 80 FB 03 cmp bl,3
-273F:11E3 74 12 je loc_166 ; Jump if equal
+273F:11E0 80 FB 03 cmp bl, PLAYER_ACTION_EXEC_SCRIPT ; Char in animation sequence?
+273F:11E3 74 12 je loc_166 ; Jump if yes
273F:11E5 BB B0AE mov bx, offset hotspot_action_list
273F:11E8 B9 0014 mov cx, NUM_HOTSPOT_ACTION_SLOTS
273F:11EB 8B 55 1B mov dx, [di+ANIM_HOTSPOT_ID]
273F:11EE locloop_165:
-273F:11EE 3B 17 cmp dx, [bx]
-273F:11F0 75 09 jne loc_167 ; Jump if not equal
-273F:11F2 3B 47 02 cmp ax, [bx+2]
+273F:11EE 3B 17 cmp dx, [bx] ; Source char in list?
+273F:11F0 75 09 jne loc_167 ; Jump if not
+273F:11F2 3B 47 02 cmp ax, [bx+2] ; List char Id in list?
273F:11F5 75 04 jne loc_167 ; Jump if not equal
-273F:11F7 loc_166: ; xref 273F:11E3
-273F:11F7 8B DD mov bx,bp
-273F:11F9 EB C4 jmp short loc_163 ; (11BF)
-273F:11FB loc_167: ; xref 273F:11F0, 11F5
+273F:11F7 loc_166:
+273F:11F7 8B DD mov bx,bp ; Restore cached table offset
+273F:11F9 EB C4 jmp short loc_163 ; Check next entry
+273F:11FB loc_167:
273F:11FB 83 C3 08 add bx, HOTSPOT_ACTION_SLOT_SIZE
-273F:11FE E2 EE loop locloop_165 ; Loop if cx > 0
+273F:11FE E2 EE loop locloop_165 ; Loop remaining action list
-273F:1200 8B D8 mov bx,ax
+; At this point we've found a character in the data_616 list that isn't currently
+; blocked to execute a hotspot animation, and doesn't have a cross reference
+; against the calling character (such as the player) in the hotspot action list
+273F:1200 8B D8 mov bx, ax
273F:1202 57 push di
-273F:1203 8B FE mov di,si
+273F:1203 8B FE mov di, si
273F:1205 E8 FAE0 call get_room_resource_pointer
-273F:1208 87 F7 xchg si,di
-273F:120A 8B C3 mov ax,bx
-273F:120C 3D 03E8 cmp ax, PLAYER_HOTSPOT_ID
-273F:120F 75 0F jne loc_168 ; Jump if not equal
-273F:1211 F6 45 49 FF test byte ptr [di+49h],0FFh
+273F:1208 87 F7 xchg si, di ;di=list hotspot rec, si=caller rec
+273F:120A 8B C3 mov ax, bx
+273F:120C 3D 03E8 cmp ax, PLAYER_HOTSPOT_ID ; Is caller Id the player?
+273F:120F 75 0F jne loc_168 ; Jump if not
+273F:1211 F6 45 49 FF test byte ptr [di+49h], 0FFh ; ???
273F:1215 75 09 jnz loc_168 ; Jump if not zero
273F:1217 5F pop di
-273F:1218 E8 314B call sub_93 ; (4366)
+273F:1218 E8 314B call sub_93
273F:121B 5B pop bx
-273F:121C B8 0001 mov ax,1
+273F:121C B8 0001 mov ax, 1
273F:121F C3 retn
-273F:1220 loc_168: ; xref 273F:120F, 1215
+273F:1220 loc_168:
273F:1220 BB B0AE mov bx, offset hotspot_action_list
-273F:1223 loc_169: ; xref 273F:122C
-273F:1223 úF7 07 FFFF test word ptr [bx],0FFFFh
-273F:1227 74 05 jz loc_170 ; Jump if zero
+273F:1223 loc_169: ; Scan for end of list
+273F:1223 úF7 07 FFFF test word ptr [bx], 0FFFFh
+273F:1227 74 05 jz loc_170
273F:1229 83 C3 08 add bx, HOTSPOT_ACTION_SLOT_SIZE
-273F:122C EB F5 jmp short loc_169 ; (1223)
-273F:122E loc_170: ; xref 273F:1227
-273F:122E 89 17 mov [bx],dx
-273F:1230 89 47 02 mov [bx+2],ax
+273F:122C EB F5 jmp short loc_169
+273F:122E loc_170: ; Inject entry into hotspot action list
+273F:122E 89 17 mov [bx], dx
+273F:1230 89 47 02 mov [bx+2], ax
273F:1233 C7 47 04 000F mov word ptr [bx+4],0Fh
273F:1238 89 7F 06 mov [bx+6],di
273F:123B C6 44 4C 01 mov byte ptr [si+4Ch],1
@@ -2953,20 +2972,20 @@ PLAYER_ACTION_CONTINUE_WALK equ 5
273F:1251 75 09 jnz loc_172 ; Jump if not zero
273F:1253 F6 45 44 FF test byte ptr [di+44h],0FFh
273F:1257 75 03 jnz loc_172 ; Jump if not zero
-273F:1259 loc_171: ; xref 273F:124A
-273F:1259 89 55 47 mov [di+47h],dx
-273F:125C loc_172: ; xref 273F:1251, 1257
-273F:125C C7 45 4A 000F mov word ptr [di+4Ah],0Fh
-273F:1261 loc_173: ; xref 273F:1242
-273F:1261 C7 06 10EE 0002 mov word ptr ds:[10EEh],2 ; (273F:10EE=45F6h)
+273F:1259 loc_171:
+273F:1259 89 55 47 mov [di+47h], dx
+273F:125C loc_172:
+273F:125C C7 45 4A 000F mov word ptr [di+4Ah], 0Fh
+273F:1261 loc_173:
+273F:1261 C7 06 10EE 0002 mov data_617, 2
273F:1267 5F pop di
273F:1268 5B pop bx
-273F:1269 C6 07 01 mov byte ptr [bx],1
+273F:1269 C6 07 01 mov byte ptr [bx], 1
273F:126C 53 push bx
273F:126D 8B DD mov bx,bp
-273F:126F E9 FF4D jmp loc_163 ; (11BF)
- sub_41 endp
+273F:126F E9 FF4D jmp loc_163
+ sub_41 endp
@@ -10040,14 +10059,14 @@ PLAYER_ACTION_CONTINUE_WALK equ 5
273F:4199 B9 002D mov cx, NUM_ANIMATION_SLOTS
273F:419C locloop_822:
-273F:419C F6 45 0C FF test byte ptr [di+0Ch],0FFh
+273F:419C F6 45 0C FF test byte ptr [di+0Ch], 0FFh
273F:41A0 74 16 jz loc_823
-273F:41A2 8B 45 1B mov ax,[di+1Bh]
+273F:41A2 8B 45 1B mov ax, [di+ANIM_HOTSPOT_ID]
273F:41A5 A3 BA17 mov current_hotspot, ax
273F:41A8 89 3E 1927 mov active_animation_offset, di
-273F:41AC 8B 45 11 mov ax,[di+11h] ; ax = handler offset
-273F:41AF 8B 75 19 mov si,[di+19h] ; si = hotspot rsc
+273F:41AC 8B 45 11 mov ax, [di+ANIM_TICK_PROC]
+273F:41AF 8B 75 19 mov si, [di+ANIM_HOTSPOT_OFFSET]
273F:41B2 57 push di
273F:41B3 51 push cx
273F:41B4 FF D0 call ax ; Call entry's handler proc
@@ -10189,65 +10208,69 @@ PLAYER_ACTION_CONTINUE_WALK equ 5
; Called from: 273F:5242
-273F:4288 sub_91 proc near
-273F:4288 loc_833: ; xref 273F:6036
+ character_check_room_change proc near
273F:4288 ú56 push si
273F:4289 8B 45 0E mov ax, [di+ANIM_ROOM_NUM]
-273F:428C E8 CA5B call get_room_resource_pointer2
-273F:428F 83 C6 1D add si, 1Dh ; Move to list start
-273F:4292 8B 05 mov ax, [di] ; get X start
-273F:4294 8B 4D 13 mov cx, [di+13h] ; Get animation width?
-273F:4297 D1 E9 shr cx,1
-273F:4299 03 C1 add ax,cx
-273F:429B 8B 55 02 mov dx,[di+ANIM_Y]
-273F:429E 03 55 15 add dx,[di+ANIM_HEIGHT_COPY]
-273F:42A1 8B 4D 17 mov cx,[di+17h]
+273F:428C E8 CA5B call get_room_resource_pointer2 ; Get room resource
+273F:428F 83 C6 1D add si, ROOM_EXITS_START ; Get pointer to room exits list
+273F:4292 8B 05 mov ax, [di+ANIM_X] ; get X start
+273F:4294 8B 4D 13 mov cx, [di+ANIM_WIDTH_COPY]; Get animation width
+273F:4297 D1 E9 shr cx, 1
+273F:4299 03 C1 add ax, cx
+273F:429B 8B 55 02 mov dx, [di+ANIM_Y]
+273F:429E 03 55 15 add dx, [di+ANIM_HEIGHT_COPY]
+273F:42A1 8B 4D 17 mov cx, [di+ANIM_Y_CORRECTION]
273F:42A4 D1 E9 shr cx,1
273F:42A6 2B D1 sub dx,cx ; ax=x, dx=y
273F:42A8 loc_834:
273F:42A8 ú83 3C FF cmp word ptr [si],0FFFFh ; End of list reached?
273F:42AB 74 3A je loc_837 ; Jump if yes
-273F:42AD 3B 04 cmp ax, [si] ; Bounds x left
-273F:42AF 72 27 jb loc_836
-273F:42B1 3B 44 02 cmp ax, [si+2] ; Bounds x right
+273F:42AD 3B 04 cmp ax, [si+ROOMREC_EXIT_X_START] ; Check bounds of the
+273F:42AF 72 27 jb loc_836 ; room exit against character
+273F:42B1 3B 44 02 cmp ax, [si+ROOMREC_EXIT_X_END]
273F:42B4 73 22 jae loc_836
-273F:42B6 3B 54 04 cmp dx, [si+4] ; Bounds y start
+273F:42B6 3B 54 04 cmp dx, [si+ROOMREC_EXIT_Y_START]
273F:42B9 72 1D jb loc_836
-273F:42BB 3B 54 06 cmp dx, [si+6] ; Bounds y end
+273F:42BB 3B 54 06 cmp dx, [si+ROOMREC_EXIT_Y_END]
273F:42BE 73 18 jae loc_836
-273F:42C0 8B 44 08 mov ax, [si+8]
+273F:42C0 8B 44 08 mov ax, [si+ROOMREC_EXIT_SEQUENCE]
273F:42C3 3D FFFF cmp ax, 0FFFFh ; Any sequence to run?
-273F:42C6 74 04 je loc_835 ; If no, go set room
+273F:42C6 74 04 je loc_835 ; If no, go set room directly
273F:42C8 5E pop si
273F:42C9 E9 FB68 jmp sequence_execute
273F:42CC loc_835: ; xref 273F:42C6
-273F:42CC 8B 54 0A mov dx, [si+0Ah] ; Get new room #
-273F:42CF 8B 4C 0C mov cx, [si+0Ch] ; Get new X
-273F:42D2 8B 5C 0E mov bx, [si+0Eh] ; Get new Y
+273F:42CC 8B 54 0A mov dx, [si+ROOMREC_EXIT_ROOM_NUM] ; Get new room #
+273F:42CF 8B 4C 0C mov cx, [si+ROOMREC_EXIT_NEW_X] ; Get new X
+273F:42D2 8B 5C 0E mov bx, [si+ROOMREC_EXIT_NEW_Y] ; Get new Y
273F:42D5 5E pop si
-273F:42D6 EB 11 jmp sub_92 ; Set room and exit
+273F:42D6 EB 11 jmp character_change_room
273F:42D8 loc_836:
-273F:42D8 8B 5C 08 mov bx,[si+8]
-273F:42DB 83 C6 0A add si,0Ah ; Move to next entry?
-273F:42DE 0B DB or bx,bx ; Was it a script entry?
-273F:42E0 79 C6 jns loc_834 ; If yes, check next rec
-273F:42E2 83 C6 06 add si,6 ; Skip over room/x/y vals
+273F:42D8 8B 5C 08 mov bx, [si+ROOMREC_EXIT_SEQUENCE] ; Get sequence Id
+273F:42DB 83 C6 0A add si, 0Ah ; Move to next entry
+273F:42DE 0B DB or bx, bx ; Did entry have a script?
+273F:42E0 79 C6 jns loc_834 ; If not, go check next record
+273F:42E2 83 C6 06 add si, 6 ; Skip over room/x/y vals
273F:42E5 EB C1 jmp short loc_834 ; Check next record
-273F:42E7 loc_837:
+273F:42E7 loc_837:
273F:42E7 5E pop si
273F:42E8 C3 retn
+ character_check_room_change endp
- ;ßßßß External Entry into Subroutine ßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßß
+ ;ßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßß
; Called from: 273F:960F, 9628
-273F:42E9 sub_92:
+ character_change_room proc near
273F:42E9 A1 BA17 mov ax, current_hotspot
-273F:42EC 3D 03E8 cmp ax, PLAYER_HOTSPOT_ID
-273F:42EF 75 2E jne loc_840 ; Jump if not equal
-273F:42F1 F6 06 9834 FF test byte ptr data_427,0FFh ; (273F:9834=0F9h)
+273F:42EC 3D 03E8 cmp ax, PLAYER_HOTSPOT_ID ; Is character the player?
+273F:42EF 75 2E jne loc_840 ; Jump if not
+273F:42F1 F6 06 9834 FF test byte ptr data_427, 0FFh
273F:42F6 75 26 jnz loc_ret_839 ; Jump if not zero
+; Room change code for the player
273F:42F8 úBE 6CEF mov si, offset player_hotspot_rec
273F:42FB 88 74 50 mov [si+50h],dh
273F:42FE C6 44 51 00 mov byte ptr [si+51h],0
@@ -10259,12 +10282,12 @@ PLAYER_ACTION_CONTINUE_WALK equ 5
273F:4313 E8 1D23 call sub_136 ; (6039)
273F:4316 75 06 jnz loc_ret_839 ; Jump if not zero
273F:4318 C7 06 982C 0000 mov new_room_number_2, 0
+273F:431E loc_ret_839: retn
-273F:431E loc_ret_839: ; xref 273F:42F6, 4316
-273F:431E C3 retn
-273F:431F loc_840: ; xref 273F:42EF
+; Room change code for other characters
+273F:431F loc_840:
273F:431F 8B 3E 1927 mov di, active_animation_offset
-273F:4323 8B 75 19 mov si,[di+19h]
+273F:4323 8B 75 19 mov si, [di+ANIM_HOTSPOT_OFFSET]
273F:4326 53 push bx
273F:4327 51 push cx
273F:4328 52 push dx
@@ -10277,23 +10300,23 @@ PLAYER_ACTION_CONTINUE_WALK equ 5
273F:4333 E8 01F2 call sub_104 ; (4528)
273F:4336 C3 retn
273F:4337 loc_841: ; xref 273F:432F
-273F:4337 83 E1 F8 and cx,0FFF8h
-273F:433A 83 C9 05 or cx,5
-273F:433D 89 0D mov [di],cx
-273F:433F 89 4C 0D mov [si+0Dh],cx
-273F:4342 8A CE mov cl,dh
-273F:4344 32 F6 xor dh,dh ; Zero register
-273F:4346 89 55 0E mov [di+0Eh],dx
-273F:4349 89 54 06 mov [si+6],dx
-273F:434C 2B 5C 1B sub bx,[si+1Bh]
-273F:434F 83 E3 F8 and bx,0FFF8h
-273F:4352 89 5D 02 mov [di+2],bx
-273F:4355 89 5C 0F mov [si+0Fh],bx
-273F:4358 8B DE mov bx,si
-273F:435A 03 5C 61 add bx,[si+61h]
-273F:435D 83 C3 63 add bx,63h
-273F:4360 E9 0EE3 jmp loc_1067 ; (5246)
- sub_91 endp
+273F:4337 83 E1 F8 and cx, 0FFF8h
+273F:433A 83 C9 05 or cx, 5
+273F:433D 89 0D mov [di+ANIM_X], cx
+273F:433F 89 4C 0D mov [si+HS_X], cx
+273F:4342 8A CE mov cl, dh
+273F:4344 32 F6 xor dh, dh ; Zero register
+273F:4346 89 55 0E mov [di+ANIM_ROOM_NUM], dx
+273F:4349 89 54 06 mov [si+HS_ROOM_NUM], dx
+273F:434C 2B 5C 1B sub bx, [si+HS_HEIGHT_COPY]
+273F:434F 83 E3 F8 and bx, 0FFF8h
+273F:4352 89 5D 02 mov [di+ANIM_Y], bx
+273F:4355 89 5C 0F mov [si+HS_Y], bx
+273F:4358 8B DE mov bx, si
+273F:435A 03 5C 61 add bx, [si+HS_ACTION_OFFSET]
+273F:435D 83 C3 63 add bx, HS_FIRST_ACTION_OFFSET
+273F:4360 E9 0EE3 jmp character_change_room_2
+ character_change_room endp
@@ -10548,7 +10571,7 @@ PLAYER_ACTION_CONTINUE_WALK equ 5
273F:44C1 75 0A jne loc_859 ; Jump if not equal
273F:44C3 53 push bx
273F:44C4 8B 5F 19 mov bx,[bx+19h]
-273F:44C7 E8 10D7 call sub_131 ; (55A1)
+273F:44C7 E8 10D7 call skorl_caught_check
273F:44CA 5B pop bx
273F:44CB 75 09 jnz loc_860 ; Jump if not zero
273F:44CD loc_859: ; xref 273F:44B6, 44BC, 44C1
@@ -12104,17 +12127,18 @@ PLAYER_ACTION_CONTINUE_WALK equ 5
+ ; Contains all the standard handling for characters, such as the Skorl
-273F:4F82 loc_1021: ; xref 273F:7C8B, 7C98, 7D37
+ standard_character_tick_proc proc near
273F:4F82 ú8B DE mov bx, si
-273F:4F84 03 5C 61 add bx, [si+61h]
-273F:4F87 83 C3 63 add bx, 63h
+273F:4F84 03 5C 61 add bx, [si+HS_ACTION_OFFSET]
+273F:4F87 83 C3 63 add bx, HS_FIRST_ACTION_OFFSET
273F:4F8A E8 11EB call talk_countdown_handler
-273F:4F8D F7 44 2F FFFF test word ptr [si+2Fh],0FFFFh
+273F:4F8D F7 44 2F FFFF test word ptr [si+2Fh], 0FFFFh
273F:4F92 74 1F jz loc_1023 ; Jump if zero
-273F:4F94 8B 44 2B mov ax,[si+2Bh]
-273F:4F97 3D 002A cmp ax,2Ah
+273F:4F94 8B 44 2B mov ax, [si+2Bh]
+273F:4F97 3D 002A cmp ax, 2Ah
273F:4F9A 74 03 je loc_1022 ; Jump if equal
273F:4F9C E9 F3C7 jmp loc_843 ; (4366)
273F:4F9F loc_1022: ; xref 273F:4F9A
@@ -12133,10 +12157,10 @@ PLAYER_ACTION_CONTINUE_WALK equ 5
273F:4FBF E8 C149 call sub_40 ; (110B)
273F:4FC2 F6 45 1D FF test byte ptr [di+1Dh],0FFh
273F:4FC6 74 4C jz loc_1028 ; Jump if zero
-273F:4FC8 F7 06 10BE FFFF test data_615, 0FFFFh
+273F:4FC8 F7 06 10BE FFFF test data_615, 0FFFFh
273F:4FCE 74 40 jz loc_1027 ; Jump if zero
273F:4FD0 56 push si
-273F:4FD1 úBE 10C0 mov si,10C0h ; (273F:10C0=3)
+273F:4FD1 úBE 10C0 mov si, offset data_616
273F:4FD4 loc_1025: ; xref 273F:4FDC
273F:4FD4 AD lodsw ; String [si] to ax
273F:4FD5 0B C0 or ax,ax ; Zero ?
@@ -12220,7 +12244,7 @@ PLAYER_ACTION_CONTINUE_WALK equ 5
273F:5095 8B 44 06 mov ax,[si+6]
273F:5098 3B 47 06 cmp ax,[bx+6]
273F:509B 75 0B jne loc_1038 ; Jump if not equal
-273F:509D E8 0501 call sub_131 ; (55A1)
+273F:509D E8 0501 call skorl_caught_check
273F:50A0 74 06 jz loc_1038 ; Jump if zero
273F:50A2 loc_1035: ; xref 273F:5089
273F:50A2 83 6C 42 01 sub word ptr [si+42h],1
@@ -12247,7 +12271,7 @@ PLAYER_ACTION_CONTINUE_WALK equ 5
273F:50C8 loc_1040: ; xref 273F:505A
273F:50C8 F7 44 58 FFFF test word ptr [si+58h],0FFFFh
273F:50CD 74 0F jz loc_1041 ; Jump if zero
-273F:50CF F6 06 6D52 FF test player_action_state, 0FFh
+273F:50CF F6 06 6D52 FF test player_action_state, 0FFh
273F:50D4 74 08 jz loc_1041 ; Jump if zero
273F:50D6 C6 44 2A C7 mov byte ptr [si+2Ah],0C7h
273F:50DA C6 07 02 mov byte ptr [bx],2
@@ -12336,7 +12360,7 @@ PLAYER_ACTION_CONTINUE_WALK equ 5
273F:518B C3 retn
273F:518C loc_1054: ; xref 273F:5166
273F:518C 53 push bx
-273F:518D úBB 10C0 mov bx,10C0h ; (273F:10C0=3)
+273F:518D úBB 10C0 mov bx, offset data_616
273F:5190 loc_1055: ; xref 273F:519C
273F:5190 8B 07 mov ax,[bx]
273F:5192 0B C0 or ax,ax ; Zero ?
@@ -12350,6 +12374,7 @@ PLAYER_ACTION_CONTINUE_WALK equ 5
273F:51A6 C3 retn
273F:51A7 loc_1056: ; xref 273F:5194
273F:51A7 5B pop bx
+ standard_character_tick_proc endp
@@ -12415,50 +12440,61 @@ PLAYER_ACTION_CONTINUE_WALK equ 5
273F:521E F6 44 49 FF test byte ptr [si+49h],0FFh
273F:5222 74 03 jz loc_1063 ; Jump if zero
273F:5224 E8 F160 call sub_94 ; (4387)
-273F:5227 loc_1063: ; xref 273F:5222
+273F:5227 loc_1063:
273F:5227 8B DE mov bx,si
273F:5229 03 5C 61 add bx, [si+HS_ACTION_OFFSET]
273F:522C 83 C3 63 add bx, HS_FIRST_ACTION_OFFSET
273F:522F E8 BC7E call character_update_frame
-273F:5232 0A C0 or al,al ; Zero ?
+273F:5232 0A C0 or al, al ; Zero ?
273F:5234 75 02 jnz loc_1064 ; Jump if not zero
-273F:5236 EB 03 jmp short loc_1065 ; (523B)
-273F:5238 loc_1064: ; xref 273F:5234
-273F:5238 C6 07 02 mov byte ptr [bx],2
-273F:523B loc_1065: ; xref 273F:5236
-273F:523B F7 44 52 FFFF test [si+HS_DEST_HOTSPOT], 0FFFFh
-273F:5240 74 03 jz loc_ret_1066 ; Jump if zero
-273F:5242 E8 F043 call sub_91 ; (4288)
-273F:5245 loc_ret_1066: ; xref 273F:5240
+273F:5236 EB 03 jmp short loc_1065
+273F:5238 loc_1064:
+273F:5238 C6 07 02 mov byte ptr [bx], PLAYER_ACTION_DISPATCH_ACTION
+273F:523B loc_1065:
+273F:523B F7 44 52 FFFF test [si+HS_DEST_HOTSPOT], 0FFFFh ; Walking to exit?
+273F:5240 74 03 jz loc_ret_1066 ; If not then return
+273F:5242 E8 F043 call character_check_room_change ; Room change check
+273F:5245 loc_ret_1066:
273F:5245 C3 retn
-273F:5246 loc_1067: ; xref 273F:4360
-273F:5246 80 25 F8 and byte ptr [di],0F8h
-273F:5249 80 64 0D F8 and byte ptr [si+0Dh],0F8h
-273F:524D 80 0D 05 or byte ptr [di],5
-273F:5250 80 4C 0D 05 or byte ptr [si+0Dh],5
-273F:5254 C6 44 60 00 mov byte ptr [si+60h],0
-273F:5258 C6 45 1D 2A mov byte ptr [di+1Dh],2Ah ; '*'
-273F:525C C6 07 02 mov byte ptr [bx],2
-273F:525F F6 C1 FF test cl,0FFh
-273F:5262 74 12 jz loc_ret_1068 ; Jump if zero
-273F:5264 F6 C1 80 test cl,80h
-273F:5267 75 0E jnz loc_1069 ; Jump if not zero
-273F:5269 F6 C1 40 test cl,40h ; '@'
-273F:526C 75 0C jnz loc_1070 ; Jump if not zero
-273F:526E F6 C1 20 test cl,20h ; ' '
-273F:5271 75 0A jnz loc_1071 ; Jump if not zero
+ ;ßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßß
+ ;
+ ;ßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßß
+ character_change_room_2:
+273F:5246 80 25 F8 and byte ptr [di+ANIM_X], 0F8h
+273F:5249 80 64 0D F8 and byte ptr [si+HS_X], 0F8h
+273F:524D 80 0D 05 or byte ptr [di+ANIM_X], 5
+273F:5250 80 4C 0D 05 or byte ptr [si+HS_X], 5
+273F:5254 C6 44 60 00 mov byte ptr [si+60h], 0
+273F:5258 C6 45 1D 2A mov byte ptr [di+ANIM_LAYER1_SKIP], 2Ah
+273F:525C C6 07 02 mov byte ptr [bx], PLAYER_ACTION_DISPATCH_ACTION
+273F:525F F6 C1 FF test cl, 0FFh ; Any direction specified?
+273F:5262 74 12 jz loc_ret_1068 ; Exit if not
+273F:5264 F6 C1 80 test cl, 80h
+273F:5267 75 0E jnz loc_1069 ; Face up
+273F:5269 F6 C1 40 test cl, 40h
+273F:526C 75 0C jnz loc_1070 ; Face down
+273F:526E F6 C1 20 test cl, 20h
+273F:5271 75 0A jnz loc_1071 ; Face left
273F:5273 E9 F296 jmp char_face_right
-273F:5276 loc_ret_1068: ; xref 273F:5262
+273F:5276 loc_ret_1068:
273F:5276 C3 retn
-273F:5277 loc_1069: ; xref 273F:5267
+273F:5277 loc_1069:
273F:5277 E9 F25F jmp char_face_up
-273F:527A loc_1070: ; xref 273F:526C
+273F:527A loc_1070:
273F:527A E9 F26D jmp char_face_down
-273F:527D loc_1071: ; xref 273F:5271
+273F:527D loc_1071:
273F:527D E9 F27B jmp char_face_left
+ ;ßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßß
+ ;
+ ;ßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßß
;* No entry point to code
273F:5280 F6 06 6D52 FF test player_action_state, 0FFh
273F:5285 74 0E jz loc_1072 ; Jump if zero
@@ -12885,41 +12921,42 @@ PLAYER_ACTION_CONTINUE_WALK equ 5
; Called from: 273F:44C7, 509D, 7F5D
-273F:55A1 sub_131 proc near
-273F:55A1 8B 47 0D mov ax,[bx+0Dh]
-273F:55A4 03 47 19 add ax,[bx+19h]
-273F:55A7 05 0004 add ax,4
-273F:55AA 3B 44 0D cmp ax,[si+0Dh]
+ skorl_caught_check proc near
+273F:55A1 8B 47 0D mov ax, [bx+HS_X]
+273F:55A4 03 47 19 add ax, [bx+HS_WIDTH_COPY]
+273F:55A7 05 0004 add ax, 4
+273F:55AA 3B 44 0D cmp ax, [si+HS_X]
273F:55AD 72 44 jb loc_1104 ; Jump if below
-273F:55AF 8B 44 0D mov ax,[si+0Dh]
-273F:55B2 03 44 19 add ax,[si+19h]
-273F:55B5 05 0004 add ax,4
-273F:55B8 3B 47 0D cmp ax,[bx+0Dh]
+273F:55AF 8B 44 0D mov ax, [si+HS_X]
+273F:55B2 03 44 19 add ax, [si+HS_WIDTH_COPY]
+273F:55B5 05 0004 add ax, 4
+273F:55B8 3B 47 0D cmp ax, [bx+HS_X]
273F:55BB 72 36 jb loc_1104 ; Jump if below
-273F:55BD 8B 44 0F mov ax,[si+0Fh]
-273F:55C0 03 44 1B add ax,[si+1Bh]
-273F:55C3 2B 44 1D sub ax,[si+1Dh]
-273F:55C6 2D 0002 sub ax,2
-273F:55C9 8B 4F 0F mov cx,[bx+0Fh]
-273F:55CC 03 4F 1B add cx,[bx+1Bh]
-273F:55CF 83 C1 02 add cx,2
-273F:55D2 3B C1 cmp ax,cx
+273F:55BD 8B 44 0F mov ax, [si+HS_Y]
+273F:55C0 03 44 1B add ax, [si+HS_HEIGHT_COPY]
+273F:55C3 2B 44 1D sub ax, [si+HS_Y_CORRECTION]
+273F:55C6 2D 0002 sub ax, 2
+273F:55C9 8B 4F 0F mov cx, [bx+HS_Y]
+273F:55CC 03 4F 1B add cx, [bx+HS_HEIGHT_COPY]
+273F:55CF 83 C1 02 add cx, 2
+273F:55D2 3B C1 cmp ax, cx
273F:55D4 73 1D jae loc_1104 ; Jump if above or =
-273F:55D6 8B 44 0F mov ax,[si+0Fh]
-273F:55D9 03 44 1B add ax,[si+1Bh]
-273F:55DC 05 0002 add ax,2
-273F:55DF 8B 4F 0F mov cx,[bx+0Fh]
-273F:55E2 03 4F 1B add cx,[bx+1Bh]
-273F:55E5 2B 4F 1D sub cx,[bx+1Dh]
-273F:55E8 83 E9 02 sub cx,2
-273F:55EB 3B C1 cmp ax,cx
+273F:55D6 8B 44 0F mov ax, [si+HS_Y]
+273F:55D9 03 44 1B add ax, [si+HS_HEIGHT_COPY]
+273F:55DC 05 0002 add ax, 2
+273F:55DF 8B 4F 0F mov cx, [bx+HS_Y]
+273F:55E2 03 4F 1B add cx, [bx+HS_HEIGHT_COPY]
+273F:55E5 2B 4F 1D sub cx, [bx+HS_Y_CORRECTION]
+273F:55E8 83 E9 02 sub cx, 2
+273F:55EB 3B C1 cmp ax, cx
273F:55ED 72 04 jb loc_1104 ; Jump if below
273F:55EF 0D 0001 or ax,1
273F:55F2 C3 retn
273F:55F3 loc_1104: ; xref 273F:55AD, 55BB, 55D4, 55ED
273F:55F3 33 C0 xor ax,ax ; Zero register
273F:55F5 C3 retn
- sub_131 endp
+ skorl_caught_check endp
@@ -14177,7 +14214,7 @@ PLAYER_ACTION_CONTINUE_WALK equ 5
273F:5F08 8B 44 FD mov ax,[si-3]
273F:5F0B 89 44 56 mov [si+HS_DEST_Y], ax
273F:5F0E C6 07 01 mov byte ptr [bx], PLAYER_ACTION_START_WALK
-273F:5F11 C6 45 27 00 mov byte ptr [di+ANIM_UNKOWN1], 0
+273F:5F11 C6 45 27 00 mov byte ptr [di+ANIM_UNKNOWN1], 0
273F:5F15 loc_ret_1207: ; xref 273F:5EFC
273F:5F15 C3 retn
@@ -14247,7 +14284,7 @@ PLAYER_ACTION_CONTINUE_WALK equ 5
273F:5F86 loc_1215:
273F:5F86 3D 0001 cmp ax,1
273F:5F89 74 42 je loc_1218 ; Jump if equal
-273F:5F8B F6 45 27 01 test byte ptr [di+ANIM_UNKOWN1], 1
+273F:5F8B F6 45 27 01 test byte ptr [di+ANIM_UNKNOWN1], 1
273F:5F8F 75 05 jnz loc_1216 ; Jump if not zero
273F:5F91 3D 0002 cmp ax,2
273F:5F94 74 37 je loc_1218 ; Jump if equal
@@ -14322,7 +14359,7 @@ PLAYER_ACTION_CONTINUE_WALK equ 5
273F:6033 loc_1223: ; xref 273F:5FDB, 6027
273F:6033 C6 07 02 mov byte ptr [bx], PLAYER_ACTION_DISPATCH_ACTION
273F:6036 loc_1224: ; xref 273F:6015
-273F:6036 E9 E24F jmp loc_833 ; (4288)
+273F:6036 E9 E24F jmp character_check_room_change
action_look_3 endp
@@ -16810,25 +16847,25 @@ PLAYER_ACTION_CONTINUE_WALK equ 5
273F:717E 8B 44 0F mov ax, [si+HS_Y] ; Copy over Y start
273F:7181 89 45 02 mov [di+ANIM_Y], ax
273F:7184 8B 44 0D mov ax, [si+HS_X] ; Copy over X start
-273F:7187 89 05 mov [di], ax
+273F:7187 89 05 mov [di+ANIM_X], ax
273F:7189 8B 44 11 mov ax, [si+HS_WIDTH] ; Copy over width
273F:718C 89 45 04 mov [di+ANIM_WIDTH], ax
273F:718F 8B 44 13 mov ax, [si+HS_HEIGHT] ; Copy over height
273F:7192 89 45 06 mov [di+ANIM_HEIGHT], ax
273F:7195 8A 44 15 mov al, [si+HS_LAYER] ; Copy layer
273F:7198 88 45 0C mov [di+ANIM_LAYER], al
-273F:719B 8A 44 16 mov al, [si+16h] ; Flags byte?
-273F:719E 88 45 0D mov [di+0Dh], al
+273F:719B 8A 44 16 mov al, [si+16h]
+273F:719E 88 45 0D mov [di+ANIM_FLAGS], al
273F:71A1 C6 45 10 01 mov byte ptr [di+ANIM_CAN_UNLOAD], 1
273F:71A5 8B 44 17 mov ax, [si+HS_TICK_PROC] ; Copy tick handler proc
273F:71A8 89 45 11 mov [di+ANIM_TICK_PROC], ax
-273F:71AB 8B 44 19 mov ax, [si+19h]
-273F:71AE 89 45 13 mov [di+13h],ax
-273F:71B1 8B 44 1B mov ax,[si+1Bh]
-273F:71B4 89 45 15 mov [di+15h],ax
-273F:71B7 8B 44 1D mov ax, [si+1Dh]
-273F:71BA 89 45 17 mov [di+17h], ax
-273F:71BD C7 45 1E 0000 mov word ptr [di+1Eh], 0 ; Hotspot Id?
+273F:71AB 8B 44 19 mov ax, [si+HS_WIDTH_COPY]
+273F:71AE 89 45 13 mov [di+ANIM_WIDTH_COPY], ax
+273F:71B1 8B 44 1B mov ax, [si+HS_HEIGHT_COPY]
+273F:71B4 89 45 15 mov [di+ANIM_HEIGHT_COPY], ax
+273F:71B7 8B 44 1D mov ax, [si+HS_Y_CORRECTION] ; Y correction
+273F:71BA 89 45 17 mov [di+ANIM_Y_CORRECTION], ax
+273F:71BD C7 45 1E 0000 mov word ptr [di+ANIM_VOICE_CHAR_ID], 0
273F:71C2 8B 44 06 mov ax, [si+HS_ROOM_NUM] ; Copy room number
273F:71C5 89 45 0E mov [di+ANIM_ROOM_NUM], ax
273F:71C8 8A 44 23 mov al, [si+HS_START_COLOUR] ; Copy colour offset
@@ -16838,13 +16875,13 @@ PLAYER_ACTION_CONTINUE_WALK equ 5
273F:71D1 8B 47 03 mov ax, [bx+PIXEL_DATA_SEGMENT] ; Get pixel data segment
273F:71D4 89 45 0A mov [di+ANIM_SEGMENT], ax ; Set it in animation
273F:71D7 33 C9 xor cx,cx
-273F:71D9 F6 47 02 04 test byte ptr [bx+PIXEL_FLAGS], 4
+273F:71D9 F6 47 02 04 test byte ptr [bx+PIXEL_FLAGS], PIXELFLAG_HAS_TABLE
273F:71DD 74 07 jz loc_1422 ; Jump if zero
273F:71DF 8E C0 mov es, ax
273F:71E1 26: 8B 0E 0000 mov cx, es:[0]
273F:71E6 loc_1422:
273F:71E6 89 4D 08 mov [di+ANIM_FRAME_OFFSET], cx ; Set frame
-273F:71E9 C6 45 27 01 mov byte ptr [di+ANIM_UNKOWN1], 1
+273F:71E9 C6 45 27 01 mov byte ptr [di+ANIM_UNKNOWN1], 1
273F:71ED C3 retn
animation_load endp
@@ -18503,13 +18540,13 @@ PLAYER_ACTION_CONTINUE_WALK equ 5
273F:7C7F C6 07 02 mov byte ptr [bx],2
273F:7C82 C7 47 03 0007 mov word ptr [bx+3],7
273F:7C87 C6 44 2A 00 mov byte ptr [si+2Ah],0
-273F:7C8B E9 D2F4 jmp loc_1021 ; (4F82)
+273F:7C8B E9 D2F4 jmp standard_character_tick_proc
273F:7C8E loc_1549: ; xref 273F:7C68
273F:7C8E F6 44 FF FF test byte ptr [si-1],0FFh
273F:7C92 74 07 jz loc_1551 ; Jump if zero
273F:7C94 80 6C FF 01 sub byte ptr [si-1],1
273F:7C98 loc_1550: ; xref 273F:7C61
-273F:7C98 E9 D2E7 jmp loc_1021 ; (4F82)
+273F:7C98 E9 D2E7 jmp standard_character_tick_proc
273F:7C9B loc_1551: ; xref 273F:7C92
273F:7C9B 8B 5C 06 mov bx,[si+6]
273F:7C9E 83 EB 01 sub bx,1
@@ -18571,7 +18608,7 @@ PLAYER_ACTION_CONTINUE_WALK equ 5
273F:7D32 F7 E1 mul cx ; dx:ax = reg * ax
273F:7D34 88 54 FF mov [si-1],dl
273F:7D37 loc_1557: ; xref 273F:7CD4, 7CE2
-273F:7D37 E9 D248 jmp loc_1021 ; (4F82)
+273F:7D37 E9 D248 jmp standard_character_tick_proc
@@ -18915,18 +18952,19 @@ PLAYER_ACTION_CONTINUE_WALK equ 5
skorl_tick_proc proc near
273F:7EFA F7 06 BA2B FFFF TEST data_1130, 0FFFFh
273F:7F00 74 22 jz vskorl_2
-273F:7F02 F6 45 1D FF test byte ptr [DI+1D], 0FFh
+273F:7F02 F6 45 1D FF test byte ptr [di+ANIM_LAYER1_SKIP], 0FFh
273F:7F06 75 1C jnz vskorl_2
273F:7F08 F6 06 1926 FF test data_669, 0FFh
273F:7F0D 75 15 jnz vskorl_2
273F:7F0F BB 6CEF mov bx, offset player_hotspot_rec
-273F:7F12 8B 44 06 mov ax, [si+06]
-273F:7F15 3B 47 06 cmp ax, [bx+06]
-273F:7F18 75 0A jnz vskorl_2
-273F:7F1A E8 84 D6 call 55A1
+273F:7F12 8B 44 06 mov ax, [si+HS_ROOM_NUM] ; Is Skorl in the same
+273F:7F15 3B 47 06 cmp ax, [bx+HS_ROOM_NUM] ; room as the player?
+273F:7F18 75 0A jnz vskorl_2 ; No, so skip
+273F:7F1A E8 84 D6 call skorl_caught_check ; Check if Skorl has 'caught' player
273F:7F1D 74 05 jz vskorl_2
-273F:7F1F 80 0E 073D 70 or status_flags2, 70h
-273F:7F24 E9 5B D0 vskorl_2: jmp loc_1021
+273F:7F1F 80 0E 073D 70 or status_flags2, FLAG_RESTART || FLAG_CAUGHT || FLAG_RESTORERESTART
+273F:7F24 E9 5B D0 vskorl_2: jmp standard_character_tick_proc
skorl_tick_proc endp
@@ -18977,7 +19015,7 @@ PLAYER_ACTION_CONTINUE_WALK equ 5
273F:7F54 F6 44 2A FF test byte ptr [si+2Ah],0FFh
273F:7F58 75 0D jnz loc_1598 ; Jump if not zero
273F:7F5A úBB 6CEF mov bx, offset player_hotspot_rec
-273F:7F5D E8 D641 call sub_131 ; (55A1)
+273F:7F5D E8 D641 call skorl_caught_check
273F:7F60 74 04 jz loc_ret_1597 ; Jump if zero
273F:7F62 80 44 2A 01 add byte ptr [si+2Ah],1
@@ -25004,8 +25042,9 @@ PLAYER_ACTION_CONTINUE_WALK equ 5
31E4:10B5 4C 6F 6F 6B 20 61 look_at_str db 'Look at ', 0 ; xref 273F:136B
31E4:10BB 74 20 00
-31E4:10BE 0000 data_615 dw 0 ; xref 273F:60EA
-31E4:10C0 0030[00] db 48 dup (0)
+31E4:10BE 0000 data_615 dw 0
+31E4:10C0 002E[00] data_616 db 48 dup (0)
+31E4:10EE 0000 data_617 dw 0
31E4:10F0 00 animation_table2 db 0 ; xref 273F:1556, 273F:1598
; 273F:15C3
31E4:10F1 00CF[00] db 207 dup (0)
diff --git a/engines/lure/diassembly/Lure_notes.txt b/engines/lure/diassembly/Lure_notes.txt
index 8feb47f85a..f41b618c54 100644
--- a/engines/lure/diassembly/Lure_notes.txt
+++ b/engines/lure/diassembly/Lure_notes.txt
@@ -69,6 +69,18 @@ char_face_up/char_face_down/char_face_left/char_face_right - Faces the character
Input: si = Hotspot record
di = Animation slot
+character_change_room - Changes the current room for a given character
+ Input: current_hotspot = Character hotspot Id
+ dx = New room number
+ cx = New X position
+ bx = New Y position
+character_check_room_change - Checks whether the given character is within the
+ bounds of a room exit, and if so, handles moving the player to
+ the new room
+ Input: si = Character hotspot Id
+ di = Chracter animation slot
character_update_frame - Handles updating a character's current frame
Input: ?
Output: ax = 1 for end of ?? list, 0 = frame successfully changed
@@ -359,7 +371,7 @@ set_upper_vga_palette - Sets the last 16 palette entries of the VGA palette to a
sequence_execute - Outer execution method for handling a sequence of script instructions.
Input: ax = Pointer to script set. See tables section for instruction formats
Output: ax = sequence result value
- zf = set if the result value is zero
+ zf = set if the result value is zero
sequence_execute_inner - Inner handling method for script instructions
Input: si = Pointer to script set
@@ -373,6 +385,13 @@ show_disk_cursor - Shows the disk cursor
show_startup - Shows the starting screens of the game, and then calls the
show_introduction method to show the animated introduction sequence
+skorl_caught_check - Checks to see if the Skorl is close enough to the player
+ for it to 'catch' the player
+ Input: bx = Player hotspot record
+ si = Skorl hotspot record
+ di = Skorl animation slot
+ Output: ax = 1 -> Skorl is close to player, 0 -> Skorl is not
skorl_knockout - Runs the animation sequence of a Skorl knocking out the player
sleep - Sleeps for a given number of clock cycles (each being 1/18th of a second)
@@ -664,6 +683,9 @@ The format of hotspots are as follows:
17h 2 Tick handler proc offset
19h 2 Copy of hotspot width
1Bh 2 Copy of hotspot height
+ 1Dh 2 Y correction. Currently only known use is as a Y
+ correction factor when checking if a character is in
+ an exit region
1fh 2 Timeout decrement value for frame change
21h 2 Pointer to memory containing disk resource Id for the
pixel data for the hotspot's animation (or possibly
@@ -781,8 +803,15 @@ aren't necessarily animated.
sets this back to zero
11h 2 Tick handler proc offset - called every frame for hotspots
loaded into the animation table where [0Ch] is non-zero
- 13h 2 ??? Copy of the animation width
- 15h 2 ??? Copy of the animation height
+ 13h 2 Copy of the animation width - this the height copy are
+ used in some areas to, for example, varying the strict
+ Y ordering of objects in a scene (for example, Ratpouch
+ has a larger height copy to make him appear on top of
+ the rack rather than behind it).
+ 15h 2 Copy of the animation height
+ 17h 2 Y correction. Currently only known use is as a Y
+ correction factor when checking if a character is in
+ an exit region
19h 2 Offset of the original resource record used to load this
animation entry.
1Bh 2 Hotspot Id of the entry. Can also be 0ffffh, which seems