path: root/engines/sci/engine
diff options
authorMax Horn2010-06-10 15:25:54 +0000
committerMax Horn2010-06-10 15:25:54 +0000
commit5424d8aecb0d2c078aa8e18e94a2ac104d4bf039 (patch)
tree74a2fd59f24548b20d05dfe19268ec6bc458d5c3 /engines/sci/engine
parent874151f5d12d86557dbea3bde180dbba0dfd4a2c (diff)
SCI: Get rid of DEFUN, cleanup
svn-id: r49579
Diffstat (limited to 'engines/sci/engine')
1 files changed, 199 insertions, 206 deletions
diff --git a/engines/sci/engine/kernel.cpp b/engines/sci/engine/kernel.cpp
index 33a4d68c88..011dd0802e 100644
--- a/engines/sci/engine/kernel.cpp
+++ b/engines/sci/engine/kernel.cpp
@@ -53,10 +53,8 @@ namespace Sci {
-// Default kernel name table
-static const char *sci_default_knames[SCI_KNAMES_DEFAULT_ENTRIES_NR] = {
+/** Default kernel name table. */
+static const char *s_defaultKernelNames[] = {
/*0x00*/ "Load",
/*0x01*/ "UnLoad",
/*0x02*/ "ScriptID",
@@ -207,205 +205,203 @@ struct SciKernelFunction {
const char *signature; /* kfunct signature */
-#define DEFUN(name, fun, sig) {name, fun, sig}
SciKernelFunction kfunct_mappers[] = {
- /*00*/ DEFUN("Load", kLoad, "iii*"),
- /*01*/ DEFUN("UnLoad", kUnLoad, "i.*"), // Work around SQ1 bug, when exiting the Ulence flats bar
- /*02*/ DEFUN("ScriptID", kScriptID, "Ioi*"),
- /*03*/ DEFUN("DisposeScript", kDisposeScript, "Oii*"), // Work around QfG1 bug
- /*04*/ DEFUN("Clone", kClone, "o"),
- /*05*/ DEFUN("DisposeClone", kDisposeClone, "o"),
- /*06*/ DEFUN("IsObject", kIsObject, "."),
- /*07*/ DEFUN("RespondsTo", kRespondsTo, ".i"),
- /*08*/ DEFUN("DrawPic", kDrawPic, "i*"),
- /*0a*/ DEFUN("PicNotValid", kPicNotValid, "i*"),
- /*0b*/ DEFUN("Animate", kAnimate, "LI*"), // More like (li?)?
- /*0c*/ DEFUN("SetNowSeen", kSetNowSeen, "oi*"), // The second parameter is ignored
- /*0d*/ DEFUN("NumLoops", kNumLoops, "o"),
- /*0e*/ DEFUN("NumCels", kNumCels, "o"),
- /*0f*/ DEFUN("CelWide", kCelWide, "iOi*"),
- /*10*/ DEFUN("CelHigh", kCelHigh, "iOi*"),
- /*11*/ DEFUN("DrawCel", kDrawCel, "iiiiii*i*r*"),
- /*12*/ DEFUN("AddToPic", kAddToPic, "Il*"),
+ /*00*/ { "Load", kLoad, "iii*" },
+ /*01*/ { "UnLoad", kUnLoad, "i.*" }, // Work around SQ1 bug, when exiting the Ulence flats bar
+ /*02*/ { "ScriptID", kScriptID, "Ioi*" },
+ /*03*/ { "DisposeScript", kDisposeScript, "Oii*" }, // Work around QfG1 bug
+ /*04*/ { "Clone", kClone, "o" },
+ /*05*/ { "DisposeClone", kDisposeClone, "o" },
+ /*06*/ { "IsObject", kIsObject, "." },
+ /*07*/ { "RespondsTo", kRespondsTo, ".i" },
+ /*08*/ { "DrawPic", kDrawPic, "i*" },
+ /*0a*/ { "PicNotValid", kPicNotValid, "i*" },
+ /*0b*/ { "Animate", kAnimate, "LI*" }, // More like (li?)?
+ /*0c*/ { "SetNowSeen", kSetNowSeen, "oi*" }, // The second parameter is ignored
+ /*0d*/ { "NumLoops", kNumLoops, "o" },
+ /*0e*/ { "NumCels", kNumCels, "o" },
+ /*0f*/ { "CelWide", kCelWide, "iOi*" },
+ /*10*/ { "CelHigh", kCelHigh, "iOi*" },
+ /*11*/ { "DrawCel", kDrawCel, "iiiiii*i*r*" },
+ /*12*/ { "AddToPic", kAddToPic, "Il*" },
// FIXME: signature check removed (set to .*) as kNewWindow is different in Mac versions
- /*13*/ DEFUN("NewWindow", kNewWindow, "*."),
- ///*13*/ DEFUN("NewWindow", kNewWindow, "iiiiZRi*"),
- /*14*/ DEFUN("GetPort", kGetPort, ""),
- /*15*/ DEFUN("SetPort", kSetPort, "ii*"),
- /*16*/ DEFUN("DisposeWindow", kDisposeWindow, "ii*"),
- /*17*/ DEFUN("DrawControl", kDrawControl, "o"),
- /*18*/ DEFUN("HiliteControl", kHiliteControl, "o"),
- /*19*/ DEFUN("EditControl", kEditControl, "ZoZo"),
- /*1a*/ DEFUN("TextSize", kTextSize, "rZrii*r*"),
- /*1b*/ DEFUN("Display", kDisplay, ".*"),
- /*1c*/ DEFUN("GetEvent", kGetEvent, "ioi*"), // Mac versions pass an extra 3rd parameter (ignored - always 0?)
- /*1d*/ DEFUN("GlobalToLocal", kGlobalToLocal, "oo*"),
- /*1e*/ DEFUN("LocalToGlobal", kLocalToGlobal, "oo*"),
- /*1f*/ DEFUN("MapKeyToDir", kMapKeyToDir, "o"),
- /*20*/ DEFUN("DrawMenuBar", kDrawMenuBar, "i"),
- /*21*/ DEFUN("MenuSelect", kMenuSelect, "oi*"),
- /*22*/ DEFUN("AddMenu", kAddMenu, "rr"),
- /*23*/ DEFUN("DrawStatus", kDrawStatus, "Zri*"),
- /*24*/ DEFUN("Parse", kParse, "ro"),
- /*25*/ DEFUN("Said", kSaid, "Zr"),
- /*26*/ DEFUN("SetSynonyms", kSetSynonyms, "o"),
- /*27*/ DEFUN("HaveMouse", kHaveMouse, ""),
- /*28*/ DEFUN("SetCursor", kSetCursor, "i*"),
+ /*13*/ { "NewWindow", kNewWindow, "*." },
+ ///*13*/ { "NewWindow", kNewWindow, "iiiiZRi*" },
+ /*14*/ { "GetPort", kGetPort, "" },
+ /*15*/ { "SetPort", kSetPort, "ii*" },
+ /*16*/ { "DisposeWindow", kDisposeWindow, "ii*" },
+ /*17*/ { "DrawControl", kDrawControl, "o" },
+ /*18*/ { "HiliteControl", kHiliteControl, "o" },
+ /*19*/ { "EditControl", kEditControl, "ZoZo" },
+ /*1a*/ { "TextSize", kTextSize, "rZrii*r*" },
+ /*1b*/ { "Display", kDisplay, ".*" },
+ /*1c*/ { "GetEvent", kGetEvent, "ioi*" }, // Mac versions pass an extra 3rd parameter (ignored - always 0?)
+ /*1d*/ { "GlobalToLocal", kGlobalToLocal, "oo*" },
+ /*1e*/ { "LocalToGlobal", kLocalToGlobal, "oo*" },
+ /*1f*/ { "MapKeyToDir", kMapKeyToDir, "o" },
+ /*20*/ { "DrawMenuBar", kDrawMenuBar, "i" },
+ /*21*/ { "MenuSelect", kMenuSelect, "oi*" },
+ /*22*/ { "AddMenu", kAddMenu, "rr" },
+ /*23*/ { "DrawStatus", kDrawStatus, "Zri*" },
+ /*24*/ { "Parse", kParse, "ro" },
+ /*25*/ { "Said", kSaid, "Zr" },
+ /*26*/ { "SetSynonyms", kSetSynonyms, "o" },
+ /*27*/ { "HaveMouse", kHaveMouse, "" },
+ /*28*/ { "SetCursor", kSetCursor, "i*" },
// FIXME: The number 0x28 occurs twice :-)
- /*28*/ DEFUN("MoveCursor", kMoveCursor, "ii"),
- /*29*/ DEFUN("FOpen", kFOpen, "ri"),
- /*2a*/ DEFUN("FPuts", kFPuts, "ir"),
- /*2b*/ DEFUN("FGets", kFGets, "rii"),
- /*2c*/ DEFUN("FClose", kFClose, "i"),
- /*2d*/ DEFUN("SaveGame", kSaveGame, "rirr*"),
- /*2e*/ DEFUN("RestoreGame", kRestoreGame, "rir*"),
- /*2f*/ DEFUN("RestartGame", kRestartGame, ""),
- /*30*/ DEFUN("GameIsRestarting", kGameIsRestarting, "i*"),
- /*31*/ DEFUN("DoSound", kDoSound, "iIo*"),
- /*32*/ DEFUN("NewList", kNewList, ""),
- /*33*/ DEFUN("DisposeList", kDisposeList, "l"),
- /*34*/ DEFUN("NewNode", kNewNode, ".."),
- /*35*/ DEFUN("FirstNode", kFirstNode, "Zl"),
- /*36*/ DEFUN("LastNode", kLastNode, "l"),
- /*37*/ DEFUN("EmptyList", kEmptyList, "l"),
- /*38*/ DEFUN("NextNode", kNextNode, "n"),
- /*39*/ DEFUN("PrevNode", kPrevNode, "n"),
- /*3a*/ DEFUN("NodeValue", kNodeValue, "Zn"),
- /*3b*/ DEFUN("AddAfter", kAddAfter, "lnn"),
- /*3c*/ DEFUN("AddToFront", kAddToFront, "ln"),
- /*3d*/ DEFUN("AddToEnd", kAddToEnd, "ln"),
- /*3e*/ DEFUN("FindKey", kFindKey, "l."),
- /*3f*/ DEFUN("DeleteKey", kDeleteKey, "l."),
- /*40*/ DEFUN("Random", kRandom, "i*"),
- /*41*/ DEFUN("Abs", kAbs, "Oi"),
- /*42*/ DEFUN("Sqrt", kSqrt, "i"),
- /*43*/ DEFUN("GetAngle", kGetAngle, "iiiii*"), // occasionally KQ6 passes a 5th argument by mistake
- /*44*/ DEFUN("GetDistance", kGetDistance, "iiiii*"),
- /*45*/ DEFUN("Wait", kWait, "i"),
- /*46*/ DEFUN("GetTime", kGetTime, "i*"),
- /*47*/ DEFUN("StrEnd", kStrEnd, "r"),
- /*48*/ DEFUN("StrCat", kStrCat, "rr"),
- /*49*/ DEFUN("StrCmp", kStrCmp, "rri*"),
- /*4a*/ DEFUN("StrLen", kStrLen, "Zr"),
- /*4b*/ DEFUN("StrCpy", kStrCpy, "rZri*"),
- /*4c*/ DEFUN("Format", kFormat, "r.*"),
- /*4d*/ DEFUN("GetFarText", kGetFarText, "iiZr"),
- /*4e*/ DEFUN("ReadNumber", kReadNumber, "r"),
- /*4f*/ DEFUN("BaseSetter", kBaseSetter, "o"),
- /*50*/ DEFUN("DirLoop", kDirLoop, "oi"),
+ /*28*/ { "MoveCursor", kMoveCursor, "ii" },
+ /*29*/ { "FOpen", kFOpen, "ri" },
+ /*2a*/ { "FPuts", kFPuts, "ir" },
+ /*2b*/ { "FGets", kFGets, "rii" },
+ /*2c*/ { "FClose", kFClose, "i" },
+ /*2d*/ { "SaveGame", kSaveGame, "rirr*" },
+ /*2e*/ { "RestoreGame", kRestoreGame, "rir*" },
+ /*2f*/ { "RestartGame", kRestartGame, "" },
+ /*30*/ { "GameIsRestarting", kGameIsRestarting, "i*" },
+ /*31*/ { "DoSound", kDoSound, "iIo*" },
+ /*32*/ { "NewList", kNewList, "" },
+ /*33*/ { "DisposeList", kDisposeList, "l" },
+ /*34*/ { "NewNode", kNewNode, ".." },
+ /*35*/ { "FirstNode", kFirstNode, "Zl" },
+ /*36*/ { "LastNode", kLastNode, "l" },
+ /*37*/ { "EmptyList", kEmptyList, "l" },
+ /*38*/ { "NextNode", kNextNode, "n" },
+ /*39*/ { "PrevNode", kPrevNode, "n" },
+ /*3a*/ { "NodeValue", kNodeValue, "Zn" },
+ /*3b*/ { "AddAfter", kAddAfter, "lnn" },
+ /*3c*/ { "AddToFront", kAddToFront, "ln" },
+ /*3d*/ { "AddToEnd", kAddToEnd, "ln" },
+ /*3e*/ { "FindKey", kFindKey, "l." },
+ /*3f*/ { "DeleteKey", kDeleteKey, "l." },
+ /*40*/ { "Random", kRandom, "i*" },
+ /*41*/ { "Abs", kAbs, "Oi" },
+ /*42*/ { "Sqrt", kSqrt, "i" },
+ /*43*/ { "GetAngle", kGetAngle, "iiiii*" }, // occasionally KQ6 passes a 5th argument by mistake
+ /*44*/ { "GetDistance", kGetDistance, "iiiii*" },
+ /*45*/ { "Wait", kWait, "i" },
+ /*46*/ { "GetTime", kGetTime, "i*" },
+ /*47*/ { "StrEnd", kStrEnd, "r" },
+ /*48*/ { "StrCat", kStrCat, "rr" },
+ /*49*/ { "StrCmp", kStrCmp, "rri*" },
+ /*4a*/ { "StrLen", kStrLen, "Zr" },
+ /*4b*/ { "StrCpy", kStrCpy, "rZri*" },
+ /*4c*/ { "Format", kFormat, "r.*" },
+ /*4d*/ { "GetFarText", kGetFarText, "iiZr" },
+ /*4e*/ { "ReadNumber", kReadNumber, "r" },
+ /*4f*/ { "BaseSetter", kBaseSetter, "o" },
+ /*50*/ { "DirLoop", kDirLoop, "oi" },
// Opcode 51 is defined twice for a reason: In older SCI versions
// it is CanBeHere, whereas in newer version it is CantBeHere
- /*51*/ DEFUN("CanBeHere", kCanBeHere, "ol*"),
- /*51*/ DEFUN("CantBeHere", kCantBeHere, "ol*"),
- /*52*/ DEFUN("OnControl", kOnControl, "i*"),
- /*53*/ DEFUN("InitBresen", kInitBresen, "oi*"),
- /*54*/ DEFUN("DoBresen", kDoBresen, "o"),
- /*55*/ DEFUN("DoAvoider", kDoAvoider, "o"),
- /*56*/ DEFUN("SetJump", kSetJump, "oiii"),
- /*57*/ DEFUN("SetDebug", kSetDebug, "i*"),
- /*5c*/ DEFUN("MemoryInfo", kMemoryInfo, "i"),
- /*5f*/ DEFUN("GetMenu", kGetMenu, "i."),
- /*60*/ DEFUN("SetMenu", kSetMenu, "i.*"),
- /*61*/ DEFUN("GetSaveFiles", kGetSaveFiles, "rrr"),
- /*62*/ DEFUN("GetCWD", kGetCWD, "r"),
- /*63*/ DEFUN("CheckFreeSpace", kCheckFreeSpace, "r.*"),
- /*64*/ DEFUN("ValidPath", kValidPath, "r"),
- /*65*/ DEFUN("CoordPri", kCoordPri, "ii*"),
- /*66*/ DEFUN("StrAt", kStrAt, "rii*"),
- /*67*/ DEFUN("DeviceInfo", kDeviceInfo, "i.*"),
- /*68*/ DEFUN("GetSaveDir", kGetSaveDir, ".*"), // accepts a parameter in SCI2+ games
- /*69*/ DEFUN("CheckSaveGame", kCheckSaveGame, ".*"),
- /*6a*/ DEFUN("ShakeScreen", kShakeScreen, "ii*"),
- /*6b*/ DEFUN("FlushResources", kFlushResources, "i"),
- /*6c*/ DEFUN("TimesSin", kTimesSin, "ii"),
- /*6d*/ DEFUN("TimesCos", kTimesCos, "ii"),
- /*6e*/ DEFUN("6e", kTimesSin, "ii"),
- /*6f*/ DEFUN("6f", kTimesCos, "ii"),
- /*70*/ DEFUN("Graph", kGraph, ".*"),
- /*71*/ DEFUN("Joystick", kJoystick, ".*"),
+ /*51*/ { "CanBeHere", kCanBeHere, "ol*" },
+ /*51*/ { "CantBeHere", kCantBeHere, "ol*" },
+ /*52*/ { "OnControl", kOnControl, "i*" },
+ /*53*/ { "InitBresen", kInitBresen, "oi*" },
+ /*54*/ { "DoBresen", kDoBresen, "o" },
+ /*55*/ { "DoAvoider", kDoAvoider, "o" },
+ /*56*/ { "SetJump", kSetJump, "oiii" },
+ /*57*/ { "SetDebug", kSetDebug, "i*" },
+ /*5c*/ { "MemoryInfo", kMemoryInfo, "i" },
+ /*5f*/ { "GetMenu", kGetMenu, "i." },
+ /*60*/ { "SetMenu", kSetMenu, "i.*" },
+ /*61*/ { "GetSaveFiles", kGetSaveFiles, "rrr" },
+ /*62*/ { "GetCWD", kGetCWD, "r" },
+ /*63*/ { "CheckFreeSpace", kCheckFreeSpace, "r.*" },
+ /*64*/ { "ValidPath", kValidPath, "r" },
+ /*65*/ { "CoordPri", kCoordPri, "ii*" },
+ /*66*/ { "StrAt", kStrAt, "rii*" },
+ /*67*/ { "DeviceInfo", kDeviceInfo, "i.*" },
+ /*68*/ { "GetSaveDir", kGetSaveDir, ".*" }, // accepts a parameter in SCI2+ games
+ /*69*/ { "CheckSaveGame", kCheckSaveGame, ".*" },
+ /*6a*/ { "ShakeScreen", kShakeScreen, "ii*" },
+ /*6b*/ { "FlushResources", kFlushResources, "i" },
+ /*6c*/ { "TimesSin", kTimesSin, "ii" },
+ /*6d*/ { "TimesCos", kTimesCos, "ii" },
+ /*6e*/ { "6e", kTimesSin, "ii" },
+ /*6f*/ { "6f", kTimesCos, "ii" },
+ /*70*/ { "Graph", kGraph, ".*" },
+ /*71*/ { "Joystick", kJoystick, ".*" },
// Experimental functions
- /*74*/ DEFUN("FileIO", kFileIO, "i.*"),
- /*(?)*/ DEFUN("Memory", kMemory, "i.*"),
- /*(?)*/ DEFUN("Sort", kSort, "ooo"),
- /*(?)*/ DEFUN("AvoidPath", kAvoidPath, "ii.*"),
- /*(?)*/ DEFUN("Lock", kLock, "iii*"),
- /*(?)*/ DEFUN("Palette", kPalette, "i.*"),
- /*(?)*/ DEFUN("IsItSkip", kIsItSkip, "iiiii"),
- /*7b*/ DEFUN("StrSplit", kStrSplit, "rrZr"),
+ /*74*/ { "FileIO", kFileIO, "i.*" },
+ /*(?)*/ { "Memory", kMemory, "i.*" },
+ /*(?)*/ { "Sort", kSort, "ooo" },
+ /*(?)*/ { "AvoidPath", kAvoidPath, "ii.*" },
+ /*(?)*/ { "Lock", kLock, "iii*" },
+ /*(?)*/ { "Palette", kPalette, "i.*" },
+ /*(?)*/ { "IsItSkip", kIsItSkip, "iiiii" },
+ /*7b*/ { "StrSplit", kStrSplit, "rrZr" },
// Non-experimental functions without a fixed ID
- DEFUN("CosMult", kTimesCos, "ii"),
- DEFUN("SinMult", kTimesSin, "ii"),
+ { "CosMult", kTimesCos, "ii" },
+ { "SinMult", kTimesSin, "ii" },
// Misc functions
- /*(?)*/ DEFUN("CosDiv", kCosDiv, "ii"),
- /*(?)*/ DEFUN("PriCoord", kPriCoord, "i"),
- /*(?)*/ DEFUN("SinDiv", kSinDiv, "ii"),
- /*(?)*/ DEFUN("TimesCot", kTimesCot, "ii"),
- /*(?)*/ DEFUN("TimesTan", kTimesTan, "ii"),
- DEFUN("Message", kMessage, ".*"),
- DEFUN("GetMessage", kGetMessage, "iiir"),
- DEFUN("DoAudio", kDoAudio, ".*"),
- DEFUN("DoSync", kDoSync, ".*"),
- DEFUN("MemorySegment", kMemorySegment, "iri*"),
- DEFUN("Intersections", kIntersections, "iiiiriiiri"),
- DEFUN("MergePoly", kMergePoly, "rli"),
- DEFUN("ResCheck", kResCheck, "iii*"),
- DEFUN("SetQuitStr", kSetQuitStr, "r"),
- DEFUN("ShowMovie", kShowMovie, ".*"),
- DEFUN("SetVideoMode", kSetVideoMode, "i"),
- DEFUN("Platform", kPlatform, ".*"),
- DEFUN("TextColors", kTextColors, ".*"),
- DEFUN("TextFonts", kTextFonts, ".*"),
- DEFUN("Portrait", kPortrait, ".*"),
+ /*(?)*/ { "CosDiv", kCosDiv, "ii" },
+ /*(?)*/ { "PriCoord", kPriCoord, "i" },
+ /*(?)*/ { "SinDiv", kSinDiv, "ii" },
+ /*(?)*/ { "TimesCot", kTimesCot, "ii" },
+ /*(?)*/ { "TimesTan", kTimesTan, "ii" },
+ { "Message", kMessage, ".*" },
+ { "GetMessage", kGetMessage, "iiir" },
+ { "DoAudio", kDoAudio, ".*" },
+ { "DoSync", kDoSync, ".*" },
+ { "MemorySegment", kMemorySegment, "iri*" },
+ { "Intersections", kIntersections, "iiiiriiiri" },
+ { "MergePoly", kMergePoly, "rli" },
+ { "ResCheck", kResCheck, "iii*" },
+ { "SetQuitStr", kSetQuitStr, "r" },
+ { "ShowMovie", kShowMovie, ".*" },
+ { "SetVideoMode", kSetVideoMode, "i" },
+ { "Platform", kPlatform, ".*" },
+ { "TextColors", kTextColors, ".*" },
+ { "TextFonts", kTextFonts, ".*" },
+ { "Portrait", kPortrait, ".*" },
#ifdef ENABLE_SCI32
// SCI2 Kernel Functions
- DEFUN("IsHiRes", kIsHiRes, ""),
- DEFUN("Array", kArray, ".*"),
- DEFUN("ListAt", kListAt, "li"),
- DEFUN("String", kString, ".*"),
- DEFUN("AddScreenItem", kAddScreenItem, "o"),
- DEFUN("UpdateScreenItem", kUpdateScreenItem, "o"),
- DEFUN("DeleteScreenItem", kDeleteScreenItem, "o"),
- DEFUN("AddPlane", kAddPlane, "o"),
- DEFUN("DeletePlane", kDeletePlane, "o"),
- DEFUN("UpdatePlane", kUpdatePlane, "o"),
- DEFUN("RepaintPlane", kRepaintPlane, "o"),
- DEFUN("GetHighPlanePri", kGetHighPlanePri, ""),
- DEFUN("FrameOut", kFrameOut, ""),
- DEFUN("ListEachElementDo", kListEachElementDo, "li.*"),
- DEFUN("ListFirstTrue", kListFirstTrue, "li.*"),
- DEFUN("ListAllTrue", kListAllTrue, "li.*"),
- DEFUN("ListIndexOf", kListIndexOf, "lZo"),
- DEFUN("OnMe", kOnMe, "iio.*"),
- DEFUN("InPolygon", kInPolygon, "iio"),
- DEFUN("CreateTextBitmap", kCreateTextBitmap, "i.*"),
+ { "IsHiRes", kIsHiRes, "" },
+ { "Array", kArray, ".*" },
+ { "ListAt", kListAt, "li" },
+ { "String", kString, ".*" },
+ { "AddScreenItem", kAddScreenItem, "o" },
+ { "UpdateScreenItem", kUpdateScreenItem, "o" },
+ { "DeleteScreenItem", kDeleteScreenItem, "o" },
+ { "AddPlane", kAddPlane, "o" },
+ { "DeletePlane", kDeletePlane, "o" },
+ { "UpdatePlane", kUpdatePlane, "o" },
+ { "RepaintPlane", kRepaintPlane, "o" },
+ { "GetHighPlanePri", kGetHighPlanePri, "" },
+ { "FrameOut", kFrameOut, "" },
+ { "ListEachElementDo", kListEachElementDo, "li.*" },
+ { "ListFirstTrue", kListFirstTrue, "li.*" },
+ { "ListAllTrue", kListAllTrue, "li.*" },
+ { "ListIndexOf", kListIndexOf, "lZo" },
+ { "OnMe", kOnMe, "iio.*" },
+ { "InPolygon", kInPolygon, "iio" },
+ { "CreateTextBitmap", kCreateTextBitmap, "i.*" },
// SCI2.1 Kernel Functions
- DEFUN("Save", kSave, ".*"),
- DEFUN("List", kList, ".*"),
- DEFUN("Robot", kRobot, ".*"),
- DEFUN("IsOnMe", kOnMe, "iio.*"), // TODO: this seems right, but verify...
+ { "Save", kSave, ".*" },
+ { "List", kList, ".*" },
+ { "Robot", kRobot, ".*" },
+ { "IsOnMe", kOnMe, "iio.*" }, // TODO: this seems right, but verify...
// its a stub, but its needed for Pharkas to work
- DEFUN("PalVary", kPalVary, "ii*"),
- DEFUN("AssertPalette", kAssertPalette, "i"),
+ { "PalVary", kPalVary, "ii*" },
+ { "AssertPalette", kAssertPalette, "i" },
#if 0
// Stub functions
- /*09*/ DEFUN("Show", kShow, "i"),
- DEFUN("ShiftScreen", kShiftScreen, ".*"),
- DEFUN("ListOps", kListOps, ".*"),
- DEFUN("ATan", kATan, ".*"),
- DEFUN("Record", kRecord, ".*"),
- DEFUN("PlayBack", kPlayBack, ".*"),
- DEFUN("DbugStr", kDbugStr, ".*"),
+ /*09*/ { "Show", kShow, "i" },
+ { "ShiftScreen", kShiftScreen, ".*" },
+ { "ListOps", kListOps, ".*" },
+ { "ATan", kATan, ".*" },
+ { "Record", kRecord, ".*" },
+ { "PlayBack", kPlayBack, ".*" },
+ { "DbugStr", kDbugStr, ".*" },
{NULL, NULL, NULL} // Terminator
@@ -500,8 +496,7 @@ void Kernel::loadSelectorNames() {
static void kernel_compile_signature(const char **s) {
const char *src = *s;
char *result;
- int ellipsis = 0;
- char v;
+ bool ellipsis = false;
int index = 0;
if (!src)
@@ -511,7 +506,7 @@ static void kernel_compile_signature(const char **s) {
while (*src) {
char c;
- v = 0;
+ char v = 0;
if (ellipsis) {
error("Failed compiling kernel function signature '%s': non-terminal ellipsis '%c'", *s, *src);
@@ -554,7 +549,7 @@ static void kernel_compile_signature(const char **s) {
- ellipsis = 1;
+ ellipsis = true;
@@ -706,12 +701,13 @@ bool Kernel::signatureMatch(const char *sig, int argc, const reg_t *argv) {
if (*sig == 0 || (*sig & KSIG_ELLIPSIS))
return true;
warning("kernel_matches_signature: too few arguments");
return false;
void Kernel::setDefaultKernelNames() {
- _kernelNames = Common::StringArray(sci_default_knames, SCI_KNAMES_DEFAULT_ENTRIES_NR);
+ _kernelNames = Common::StringArray(s_defaultKernelNames, ARRAYSIZE(s_defaultKernelNames));
// Some (later) SCI versions replaced CanBeHere by CantBeHere
if (_selectorCache.cantBeHere != -1)
@@ -787,31 +783,28 @@ Common::String Kernel::lookupText(reg_t address, int index) {
if (address.segment)
return _segMan->getString(address);
- else {
- int textlen;
- int _index = index;
- textres = _resMan->findResource(ResourceId(kResourceTypeText, address.offset), 0);
- if (!textres) {
- error("text.%03d not found", address.offset);
- return NULL; /* Will probably segfault */
- }
- textlen = textres->size;
- seeker = (char *) textres->data;
+ int textlen;
+ int _index = index;
+ textres = _resMan->findResource(ResourceId(kResourceTypeText, address.offset), 0);
- while (index--)
- while ((textlen--) && (*seeker++))
- ;
+ if (!textres) {
+ error("text.%03d not found", address.offset);
+ return NULL; /* Will probably segfault */
+ }
- if (textlen)
- return seeker;
- else {
- error("Index %d out of bounds in text.%03d", _index, address.offset);
- return NULL;
- }
+ textlen = textres->size;
+ seeker = (char *) textres->data;
- }
+ while (index--)
+ while ((textlen--) && (*seeker++))
+ ;
+ if (textlen)
+ return seeker;
+ error("Index %d out of bounds in text.%03d", _index, address.offset);
+ return NULL;
} // End of namespace Sci