path: root/engines/startrek/text.h
diff options
authorMatthew Stewart2018-06-28 16:04:13 -0400
committerEugene Sandulenko2018-08-09 08:37:30 +0200
commitc47150358157524c4b0079b7927ded660359f99f (patch)
treee770cab5ba492905cd056435b0d7fca482fbfa16 /engines/startrek/text.h
parent7cff7248642f3639f9f880178232686f60b7e315 (diff)
Diffstat (limited to 'engines/startrek/text.h')
1 files changed, 130 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/engines/startrek/text.h b/engines/startrek/text.h
index c5034a510a..611305a697 100644
--- a/engines/startrek/text.h
+++ b/engines/startrek/text.h
@@ -1273,7 +1273,73 @@ enum GameStringIDs {
+ TX_MUD2_001,
+ TX_MUD2_002,
+ TX_MUD2_003,
+ TX_MUD2_004,
+ TX_MUD2_005,
+ TX_MUD2_006,
+ TX_MUD2_007,
+ TX_MUD2_008,
+ TX_MUD2_009,
+ TX_MUD2_010,
+ TX_MUD2_011,
+ TX_MUD2_012,
+ TX_MUD2_013,
+ TX_MUD2_014,
+ TX_MUD2_015,
+ TX_MUD2_016,
+ TX_MUD2_018,
+ TX_MUD2_019,
+ TX_MUD2_020,
+ TX_MUD2_021,
+ TX_MUD2_022,
+ TX_MUD2_023,
+ TX_MUD2_024,
+ TX_MUD2_025,
+ TX_MUD2_026,
+ TX_MUD2_027,
+ TX_MUD2_028,
+ TX_MUD2_029,
+ TX_MUD2_030,
+ TX_MUD2_031,
+ TX_MUD2_032,
+ TX_MUD2_033,
+ TX_MUD2_034,
+ TX_MUD2_035,
+ TX_MUD2_036,
+ TX_MUD2_037,
+ TX_MUD2_038,
+ TX_MUD2_039,
+ TX_MUD2_042,
+ TX_MUD2_043,
+ TX_MUD2_044,
+ TX_MUD2_045,
+ TX_MUD2_046,
+ TX_MUD2_047,
+ TX_MUD2_048,
+ TX_MUD2_049,
+ TX_MUD2_050,
+ TX_MUD2_051,
+ TX_MUD2_052,
+ TX_MUD2_053,
+ TX_MUD2_054,
+ TX_MUD2_055,
+ TX_MUD2N000,
+ TX_MUD2N001,
+ TX_MUD2N002,
+ TX_MUD2N003,
+ TX_MUD2N004,
+ TX_MUD2N005,
+ TX_MUD2N006,
+ TX_MUD2N007,
+ TX_MUD2N008,
+ TX_MUD2N009,
+ TX_MUD2N010,
+ TX_MUD2N011,
@@ -2501,7 +2567,71 @@ const char * const g_gameStrings[] = {
"#MUD1\\MUD1N016#Two yellow triangular buttons.",
+ "#MUD2\\MUD2_001#Spock, see if you can outflank him...",
+ "#MUD2\\MUD2_002#Well, now I think we know why the Elasi pirates were so interested in finding out where Mudd was getting these>",
+ "#MUD2\\MUD2_003#Almost worth a try. Bones? ",
+ "#MUD2\\MUD2_004#Do they pose any threat to us, Doctor?",
+ "#MUD2\\MUD2_005#Harry! Calm down Harry, it's only us! ",
+ "#MUD2\\MUD2_006#Harry, when did you become a comedian? ",
+ "#MUD2\\MUD2_007#I can't think of anything we did that was THAT bad. ",
+ "#MUD2\\MUD2_008#There's not much I wouldn't do to not have to deal with Mudd. ",
+ "#MUD2\\MUD2_009#Kirk to Enterprise...",
+ "#MUD2\\MUD2_010#Sometimes I wish I had become an archeology professor instead of a Starfleet Captain. ",
+ "#MUD2\\MUD2_011#Sorry if I was bothering you. I was just silently cursing the day I met Harry Mudd. ",
+ "#MUD2\\MUD2_012#All yours now, Doctor McCoy.",
+ "#MUD2\\MUD2_013#He's showing definite signs of hallucination and a marked increase in adrenalin. I would recommend extreme caution in handling him.",
+ "#MUD2\\MUD2_014#I feel sure that these would have been used here, but I don't understand enough of how the aliens thought, to make it work.",
+ "#MUD2\\MUD2_015#I need to understand more about the aliens before I can make this bed and its instrumentation function.",
+ "#MUD2\\MUD2_016#I'm not fast enough to get him with a tranquilizer hypo, Jim!",
+ "#MUD2\\MUD2_018#Jim, these look like the capsules we might use in a hypo. I wouldn't recommend experimenting with them, though. Alien physiology or not, you can never be sure what unusual chemicals will do to the human body.",
+ "#MUD2\\MUD2_019#None seems likely to have any effect on human -- or Vulcan -- physiology. To be on the safe side, though, I wouldn't recommend taking a snootful from one of the capsules!",
+ "#MUD2\\MUD2_020#The capsules slide into the machinery on the bed exactly as they're designed to.",
+ "#MUD2\\MUD2_021#The volatile chemicals have evaporated over the time the derelict hung in space. I need to refill the capsule-dispenser for the bed to activate and effect a cure on our friend Harry, here.",
+ "#MUD2\\MUD2_022#This is no time for a nap!", // TYPO
+ "#MUD2\\MUD2_023#We can't get near that equipment with mudd going nuts over there, Jim.",
+ "#MUD2\\MUD2_024#We won't be able to operate any of this equipment unless we can learn more about the aliens, Jim.",
+ "#MUD2\\MUD2_025#Are you religious, Jim? Is Harry Mudd a divine punishment for anything we did wrong? ",
+ "#MUD2\\MUD2_026#Deleterious effects. I guess I don't even need my tricorder to know that.",
+ "#MUD2\\MUD2_027#He's delirious Jim. Actually, it's kinda funny. ",
+ "#MUD2\\MUD2_028#I think I liked him better when he was less delirious. ",
+ "#MUD2\\MUD2_029#I'm telling the program our physiology is not the same as the aliens' physiology. Don't want it to try to cure us of being human!",
+ "#MUD2\\MUD2_030#It would be interesting to analyze them back aboard the Enterprise, but these are probably vaccines, medicines, and research viruses.",
+ "#MUD2\\MUD2_031#If we can get him on one of the beds, and get it active, I think he can be cured. Otherwise, he's likely to become increasingly violent.",
+ "#MUD2\\MUD2_032#Jim, that doesn't look good at all... Harry, let me take a look at you and check whether that had some deleterious effect...",
+ "#MUD2\\MUD2_033#Okay, Harry, you should start to feel better in a few minutes. Just lie there quietly until you feel like moving.",
+ "#MUD2\\MUD2_034#Particularly when we're talking about Harry Mudd...",
+ "#MUD2\\MUD2_035#Well, he got one thing right. ",
+ "#MUD2\\MUD2_036#Who knows what effect a phaser might have on him with all those chemicals in his system? We must find another way to handle this. ",
+ "#MUD2\\MUD2_037#This room closely resembles the Enterprise sickbay. The beds are powered, as is the central post console. ",
+ "#MUD2\\MUD2_038#It would appear that the accident has made Harry Mudd even less logical than before. ",
+ "#MUD2\\MUD2_039#That would be too much to hope for, would it not, Doctor?",
"#MUD2\\MUD2_040#You look troubled, Captain.",
+ "#MUD2\\MUD2_042#Ahh, I feel faster -- smarter -- strong enough to take you all on! You're really lizard men wearing human masks -- his is coming off -- Hahahahahah!",
+ "#MUD2\\MUD2_043#I know you for what you really are! I'll tell the whole world, and then where will you be!",
+ "#MUD2\\MUD2_044#Why C-c-Captain!",
+ "#MUD2\\MUD2_045#*Groan.* Give me something for this headache, Doc. A herd of Hamali tree-elephants landed behind my eyeballs and did a mating dance...",
+ "#MUD2\\MUD2_046#Argh! My most dire enemies have found me! ",
+ "#MUD2\\MUD2_047#Kirk, you sound as though you aren't happy to see me! After all we've been through together, I thought we had built a genuine bond of camraderie, two men fighting side by side against impossible odds! ",
+ "#MUD2\\MUD2_048#No! You're going to sell me to space aliens! Use my brain as a weapon to destroy the human race! And here I am, willing to help out in a good cause... ",
+ "#MUD2\\MUD2_049#No! You're all space aliens! You're little grey men from inside the hollow earth! You want to experiment on my body parts! Stay away from me!",
+ "#MUD2\\MUD2_050#Stay away from me!>",
+ "#MUD2\\MUD2_051#You'll mind control me, kidnap my children! Dissect my dog!",
+ "#MUD2\\MUD2_052#He's unnaturally strong, Captain! I can't take him down!",
+ "#MUD2\\MUD2_053#I don't think the phaser will have the usual effect, Captain.... we'll have to think of something else!",
+ "#MUD2\\MUD2_054#Captain, count your blessings! We haven't met any salt vampires, deranged computers, blood-draining clouds, cell imploding sirens, Greek gods, or any of the other things people keep telling me about in security. ",
+ "#MUD2\\MUD2_055#Sir, I can phaser him. A stun setting would just leave him queasy. ",
+ "#MUD2\\MUD2N000#Dr. McCoy, who isn't arguing as much with Spock as usual. ",
+ "#MUD2\\MUD2N001#Dust and grease lifts off the surface, leaving this item clean as new.",
+ "#MUD2\\MUD2N002#Harcourt Fenton Mudd. Three of the most prominent psychologists in the galaxy became famous by publishing case studies in sociopathy about him. ",
+ "#MUD2\\MUD2N003#James Kirk, the paragon of a Starfleet captain, feels nothing like a paragon right now. ",
+ "#MUD2\\MUD2N004#Lieutenant Buchert. His is not to reason why. His is to obey orders and stay alert. ",
+ "#MUD2\\MUD2N005#Life support fails completely and you fall unconscious.",
+ "#MUD2\\MUD2N006#Mr. Spock, your loyal science officer. ",
+ "#MUD2\\MUD2N007#Padded inclines resembling a bed.",
+ "#MUD2\\MUD2N008#Small containers of oddly-colored liquids.",
+ "#MUD2\\MUD2N009#The atmosphere in the ship has dropped below the level needed to sustain life. You drop to unconsciousness and slowly die.",
+ "#MUD2\\MUD2N010#These two things fit together like they were made for each other.",
+ "#MUD2\\MUD2N011#This seems to be the main monitoring station for the beds. Above it is some sort of dispensary.",
"#MUD4\\MUD4_018#Kirk to Enterprise ... Kirk to Enterprise.",