path: root/engines
diff options
authorStrangerke2016-08-17 21:58:51 +0200
committerBendegúz Nagy2016-08-26 23:02:22 +0200
commit09c865fb8f004015a8bc8da8c6119387516a80e0 (patch)
tree7ed989897ce896928f0fe22d8caab8d948aa5438 /engines
parente4e30eaafd0d40313bd4d693f535267ea532d1be (diff)
DM: Some refactoring, get rid of some more globals
Diffstat (limited to 'engines')
2 files changed, 239 insertions, 219 deletions
diff --git a/engines/dm/gfx.cpp b/engines/dm/gfx.cpp
index 38a43257c9..558c5d9190 100644
--- a/engines/dm/gfx.cpp
+++ b/engines/dm/gfx.cpp
@@ -705,9 +705,8 @@ void DisplayMan::f461_allocateFlippedWallBitmaps() {
void DisplayMan::f102_drawDoorBitmap(Frame* frame) {
if (frame->_srcByteWidth) {
- f132_blitToBitmap(_g74_tmpBitmap,
- _g296_bitmapViewport,
- frame->_box, frame->_srcX, frame->_srcY, frame->_srcByteWidth, k112_byteWidthViewport, k10_ColorFlesh, frame->_srcHeight, k136_heightViewport);
+ f132_blitToBitmap(_g74_tmpBitmap, _g296_bitmapViewport, frame->_box, frame->_srcX, frame->_srcY,
+ frame->_srcByteWidth, k112_byteWidthViewport, k10_ColorFlesh, frame->_srcHeight, k136_heightViewport);
@@ -2170,29 +2169,30 @@ void DisplayMan::f94_loadFloorSet(FloorSet set) {
void DisplayMan::f95_loadWallSet(WallSet set) {
- if ((_g231_currentWallSet != set) || _vm->_g523_restartGameRequest) {
- _g231_currentWallSet = set;
- int16 graphicIndice = (set * k13_WallSetGraphicCount) + k77_FirstWallSet;
- f466_loadIntoBitmap(graphicIndice++, _g709_bitmapWallSet_DoorFrameFront);
- f466_loadIntoBitmap(graphicIndice++, _g708_bitmapWallSet_DoorFrameLeft_D1C);
- f466_loadIntoBitmap(graphicIndice++, _g707_bitmapWallSet_DoorFrameLeft_D2C);
- f466_loadIntoBitmap(graphicIndice++, _g706_bitmapWallSet_DoorFrameLeft_D3C);
- f466_loadIntoBitmap(graphicIndice++, _g705_bitmapWallSet_DoorFrameLeft_D3L);
- f466_loadIntoBitmap(graphicIndice++, _g704_bitmapWallSet_DoorFrameTop_D1LCR);
- f466_loadIntoBitmap(graphicIndice++, _g703_bitmapWallSet_DoorFrameTop_D2LCR);
- f466_loadIntoBitmap(graphicIndice++, _g702_bitmapWallSet_Wall_D0R);
- f466_loadIntoBitmap(graphicIndice++, _g701_bitmapWallSet_Wall_D0L);
- f466_loadIntoBitmap(graphicIndice++, _g700_bitmapWallSet_Wall_D1LCR);
- f466_loadIntoBitmap(graphicIndice++, _g699_bitmapWallSet_Wall_D2LCR);
- f466_loadIntoBitmap(graphicIndice++, _g698_bitmapWallSet_Wall_D3LCR);
- f466_loadIntoBitmap(graphicIndice++, _g697_bitmapWallSet_Wall_D3L2);
- f99_copyBitmapAndFlipHorizontal(_g708_bitmapWallSet_DoorFrameLeft_D1C, _g710_bitmapWallSet_DoorFrameRight_D1C,
- _doorFrameRightD1C._srcByteWidth, _doorFrameRightD1C._srcHeight);
- f99_copyBitmapAndFlipHorizontal(_g697_bitmapWallSet_Wall_D3L2, _g696_bitmapWallSet_Wall_D3R2,
- _frameWallD3R2._srcByteWidth, _frameWallD3R2._srcHeight);
- }
+ if ((_g231_currentWallSet == set) && !_vm->_g523_restartGameRequest)
+ return;
+ _g231_currentWallSet = set;
+ int16 graphicIndice = (set * k13_WallSetGraphicCount) + k77_FirstWallSet;
+ f466_loadIntoBitmap(graphicIndice++, _g709_bitmapWallSet_DoorFrameFront);
+ f466_loadIntoBitmap(graphicIndice++, _g708_bitmapWallSet_DoorFrameLeft_D1C);
+ f466_loadIntoBitmap(graphicIndice++, _g707_bitmapWallSet_DoorFrameLeft_D2C);
+ f466_loadIntoBitmap(graphicIndice++, _g706_bitmapWallSet_DoorFrameLeft_D3C);
+ f466_loadIntoBitmap(graphicIndice++, _g705_bitmapWallSet_DoorFrameLeft_D3L);
+ f466_loadIntoBitmap(graphicIndice++, _g704_bitmapWallSet_DoorFrameTop_D1LCR);
+ f466_loadIntoBitmap(graphicIndice++, _g703_bitmapWallSet_DoorFrameTop_D2LCR);
+ f466_loadIntoBitmap(graphicIndice++, _g702_bitmapWallSet_Wall_D0R);
+ f466_loadIntoBitmap(graphicIndice++, _g701_bitmapWallSet_Wall_D0L);
+ f466_loadIntoBitmap(graphicIndice++, _g700_bitmapWallSet_Wall_D1LCR);
+ f466_loadIntoBitmap(graphicIndice++, _g699_bitmapWallSet_Wall_D2LCR);
+ f466_loadIntoBitmap(graphicIndice++, _g698_bitmapWallSet_Wall_D3LCR);
+ f466_loadIntoBitmap(graphicIndice++, _g697_bitmapWallSet_Wall_D3L2);
+ f99_copyBitmapAndFlipHorizontal(_g708_bitmapWallSet_DoorFrameLeft_D1C, _g710_bitmapWallSet_DoorFrameRight_D1C,
+ _doorFrameRightD1C._srcByteWidth, _doorFrameRightD1C._srcHeight);
+ f99_copyBitmapAndFlipHorizontal(_g697_bitmapWallSet_Wall_D3L2, _g696_bitmapWallSet_Wall_D3R2,
+ _frameWallD3R2._srcByteWidth, _frameWallD3R2._srcHeight);
void DisplayMan::f96_loadCurrentMapGraphics() {
@@ -2434,15 +2434,15 @@ void DisplayMan::f93_applyCreatureReplColors(int replacedColor, int replacementC
void DisplayMan::f104_drawFloorPitOrStairsBitmap(uint16 nativeIndex, Frame &f) {
if (f._srcByteWidth)
- f132_blitToBitmap(f489_getNativeBitmapOrGraphic(nativeIndex), _g296_bitmapViewport, f._box, f._srcX, f._srcY, f._srcByteWidth, k112_byteWidthViewport, k10_ColorFlesh,
- f._srcHeight, k136_heightViewport);
+ f132_blitToBitmap(f489_getNativeBitmapOrGraphic(nativeIndex), _g296_bitmapViewport, f._box, f._srcX, f._srcY,
+ f._srcByteWidth, k112_byteWidthViewport, k10_ColorFlesh, f._srcHeight, k136_heightViewport);
void DisplayMan::f105_drawFloorPitOrStairsBitmapFlippedHorizontally(uint16 nativeIndex, Frame &f) {
if (f._srcByteWidth) {
f99_copyBitmapAndFlipHorizontal(f489_getNativeBitmapOrGraphic(nativeIndex), _g74_tmpBitmap, f._srcByteWidth, f._srcHeight);
- f132_blitToBitmap(_g74_tmpBitmap, _g296_bitmapViewport, f._box, f._srcX, f._srcY, f._srcByteWidth, k112_byteWidthViewport, k10_ColorFlesh,
- f._srcHeight, k136_heightViewport);
+ f132_blitToBitmap(_g74_tmpBitmap, _g296_bitmapViewport, f._box, f._srcX, f._srcY, f._srcByteWidth,
+ k112_byteWidthViewport, k10_ColorFlesh, f._srcHeight, k136_heightViewport);
@@ -2739,22 +2739,20 @@ void DisplayMan::f129_blitToBitmapShrinkWithPalChange(byte *srcBitmap, byte *des
if (destPixelWidth % 8)
destPixelWidth = (destPixelWidth / 8) * 8 + 8;
- const uint32 SCALE_THRESHOLD = 32768;
- uint32 scaleX = (SCALE_THRESHOLD * srcPixelWidth) / destPixelWidth;
- uint32 scaleY = (SCALE_THRESHOLD * srcHeight) / destHeight;
+ uint32 scaleX = (kScaleThreshold * srcPixelWidth) / destPixelWidth;
+ uint32 scaleY = (kScaleThreshold * srcHeight) / destHeight;
warning(false, "MISSING CODE: No palette change takes place in f129_blitToBitmapShrinkWithPalChange");
// Loop through drawing output lines
for (uint32 destY = 0, scaleYCtr = 0; destY < (uint32)destHeight; ++destY, scaleYCtr += scaleY) {
- const byte *srcLine = &srcBitmap[(scaleYCtr / SCALE_THRESHOLD) * srcPixelWidth];
+ const byte *srcLine = &srcBitmap[(scaleYCtr / kScaleThreshold) * srcPixelWidth];
byte *destLine = &destBitmap[destY * destPixelWidth];
// Loop through drawing the pixels of the row
- for (uint32 destX = 0, xCtr = 0, scaleXCtr = 0; destX < (uint32)destPixelWidth; ++destX, ++xCtr, scaleXCtr += scaleX) {
- destLine[xCtr] = srcLine[scaleXCtr / SCALE_THRESHOLD];
- }
+ for (uint32 destX = 0, xCtr = 0, scaleXCtr = 0; destX < (uint32)destPixelWidth; ++destX, ++xCtr, scaleXCtr += scaleX)
+ destLine[xCtr] = srcLine[scaleXCtr / kScaleThreshold];
@@ -2766,31 +2764,21 @@ Common::MemoryReadStream DisplayMan::getCompressedData(uint16 index) {
return Common::MemoryReadStream(_packedBitmaps + _packedItemPos[index], getCompressedDataSize(index), DisposeAfterUse::NO);
uint32 DisplayMan::getCompressedDataSize(uint16 index) {
return _packedItemPos[index + 1] - _packedItemPos[index];
-/* Field Aspect Mask */
-#define kMaskFieldAspectFlipMask 0x0080 // @ MASK0x0080_FLIP_MASK
-#define kMaskFieldAspectIndex 0x007F // @ MASK0x007F_MASK_INDEX
-#define kMaskFieldAspectNoMask 255 // @ C255_NO_MASK
void DisplayMan::f113_drawField(FieldAspect* fieldAspect, Box& box) {
warning(false, "STUB METHOD: f113_drawField");
- DisplayMan &dispMan = *_vm->_displayMan;
- byte *bitmapMask;
- if (fieldAspect->_mask == kMaskFieldAspectNoMask) {
- bitmapMask = nullptr;
- } else {
- bitmapMask = dispMan._g74_tmpBitmap;
+ if (fieldAspect->_mask != kMaskFieldAspectNoMask) {
+ DisplayMan &dispMan = *_vm->_displayMan;
+ byte *bitmapMask = dispMan._g74_tmpBitmap;
memmove(bitmapMask, dispMan.f489_getNativeBitmapOrGraphic(k69_FieldMask_D3R_GraphicIndice + getFlag(fieldAspect->_mask, kMaskFieldAspectIndex)),
fieldAspect->_height * fieldAspect->_byteWidth * 2 * sizeof(bitmapMask[0]));
- if (getFlag(fieldAspect->_mask, kMaskFieldAspectFlipMask)) {
+ if (getFlag(fieldAspect->_mask, kMaskFieldAspectFlipMask))
dispMan.f130_flipBitmapHorizontal(bitmapMask, fieldAspect->_byteWidth, fieldAspect->_height);
- }
@@ -2802,162 +2790,6 @@ int16 DisplayMan::M78_getScaledDimension(int16 dimension, int16 scale) {
return (dimension * scale + scale / 2) / 32;
-/* This is the full dungeon view */
-Box g105_BoxExplosionPattern_D0C = Box(0, 223, 0, 135); // @ G0105_s_Graphic558_Box_ExplosionPattern_D0C
-byte g216_ExplosionBaseScales[5] = { // @ G0216_auc_Graphic558_ExplosionBaseScales
- 10,/* D4 */ 16,/* D3 */ 23,/* D2 */ 32,/* D1 */ 32};/* D0 */
-byte g217_ObjectPileShiftSetIndices[16][2] = { // @ G0217_aauc_Graphic558_ObjectPileShiftSetIndices
- /* { X shift index, Y shift index } */
- {2, 5},
- {0, 6},
- {5, 7},
- {3, 0},
- {7, 1},
- {1, 2},
- {6, 3},
- {3, 3},
- {5, 5},
- {2, 6},
- {7, 7},
- {1, 0},
- {3, 1},
- {6, 2},
- {1, 3},
- {5, 3}}; /* 16 pairs of X and Y shift values */
-byte g218_ObjectCoordinateSets[3][10][5][2] = { // @ G0218_aaaauc_Graphic558_ObjectCoordinateSets
- /* { {X, Y }, {X, Y }, {X, Y }, {X, Y }, {X, Y } } */
- {{{0, 0},{0, 0},{125, 72},{95, 72},{112, 64}}, /* D3C */
- {{0, 0},{0, 0},{62, 72},{25, 72},{24, 64}}, /* D3L */
- {{0, 0},{0, 0},{200, 72},{162, 72},{194, 64}}, /* D3R */
- {{92, 78},{132, 78},{136, 86},{88, 86},{112, 74}}, /* D2C */
- {{10, 78},{53, 78},{41, 86},{0, 0},{3, 74}}, /* D2L */
- {{171, 78},{218, 78},{0, 0},{183, 86},{219, 74}}, /* D2R */
- {{83, 96},{141, 96},{148, 111},{76, 111},{112, 94}}, /* D1C */
- {{0, 0},{26, 96},{5, 111},{0, 0},{0, 0}}, /* D1L */
- {{197, 96},{0, 0},{0, 0},{220, 111},{0, 0}}, /* D1R */
- {{66, 131},{158, 131},{0, 0},{0, 0},{0, 0}}}, /* D0C */
- {{{0, 0},{0, 0},{125, 72},{95, 72},{112, 63}}, /* D3C */
- {{0, 0},{0, 0},{62, 72},{25, 72},{24, 63}}, /* D3L */
- {{0, 0},{0, 0},{200, 72},{162, 72},{194, 63}}, /* D3R */
- {{92, 78},{132, 78},{136, 86},{88, 86},{112, 73}}, /* D2C */
- {{10, 78},{53, 78},{41, 86},{0, 0},{3, 73}}, /* D2L */
- {{171, 78},{218, 78},{0, 0},{183, 86},{219, 73}}, /* D2R */
- {{83, 96},{141, 96},{148, 111},{76, 111},{112, 89}}, /* D1C */
- {{0, 0},{26, 96},{5, 111},{0, 0},{0, 0}}, /* D1L */
- {{197, 96},{0, 0},{0, 0},{220, 111},{0, 0}}, /* D1R */
- {{66, 131},{158, 131},{0, 0},{0, 0},{0, 0}}}, /* D0C */
- {{{0, 0},{0, 0},{125, 75},{95, 75},{112, 65}}, /* D3C */
- {{0, 0},{0, 0},{62, 75},{25, 75},{24, 65}}, /* D3L */
- {{0, 0},{0, 0},{200, 75},{162, 75},{194, 65}}, /* D3R */
- {{92, 81},{132, 81},{136, 88},{88, 88},{112, 76}}, /* D2C */
- {{10, 81},{53, 81},{41, 88},{0, 0},{3, 76}}, /* D2L */
- {{171, 81},{218, 81},{0, 0},{183, 88},{219, 76}}, /* D2R */
- {{83, 98},{141, 98},{148, 115},{76, 115},{112, 98}}, /* D1C */
- {{0, 0},{26, 98},{5, 115},{0, 0},{0, 0}}, /* D1L */
- {{197, 98},{0, 0},{0, 0},{220, 115},{0, 0}}, /* D1R */
- {{66, 135},{158, 135},{0, 0},{0, 0},{0, 0}}}}; /* D0C */
-int16 g223_ShiftSets[3][8] = { // @ G0223_aac_Graphic558_ShiftSets
- {0, 1, 2, 3, 0, -3, -2, -1}, /* D0 Back or D1 Front */
- {0, 1, 1, 2, 0, -2, -1, -1}, /* D1 Back or D2 Front */
- {0, 1, 1, 1, 0, -1, -1, -1}}; /* D2 Back or D3 Front */
-byte g224_CreatureCoordinateSets[3][11][5][2] = { // @ G0224_aaaauc_Graphic558_CreatureCoordinateSets
- /* { { X, Y }, { X, Y }, { X, Y }, { X, Y }, { X, Y } } */
- {{{95, 70},{127, 70},{129, 75},{93, 75},{111, 72}}, /* D3C */
- {{131, 70},{163, 70},{158, 75},{120, 75},{145, 72}}, /* D3L */
- {{59, 70},{91, 70},{107, 75},{66, 75},{79, 72}}, /* D3R */
- {{92, 81},{131, 81},{132, 90},{91, 90},{111, 85}}, /* D2C */
- {{99, 81},{146, 81},{135, 90},{80, 90},{120, 85}}, /* D2L */
- {{77, 81},{124, 81},{143, 90},{89, 90},{105, 85}}, /* D2R */
- {{83, 103},{141, 103},{148, 119},{76, 119},{109, 111}}, /* D1C */
- {{46, 103},{118, 103},{101, 119},{0, 0},{79, 111}}, /* D1L */
- {{107, 103},{177, 103},{0, 0},{123, 119},{144, 111}}, /* D1R */
- {{0, 0},{67, 135},{0, 0},{0, 0},{0, 0}}, /* D0L */
- {{156, 135},{0, 0},{0, 0},{0, 0},{0, 0}}}, /* D0R */
- {{{94, 75},{128, 75},{111, 70},{111, 72},{111, 75}}, /* D3C */
- {{120, 75},{158, 75},{149, 70},{145, 72},{150, 75}}, /* D3L */
- {{66, 75},{104, 75},{75, 70},{79, 72},{73, 75}}, /* D3R */
- {{91, 90},{132, 90},{111, 83},{111, 85},{111, 90}}, /* D2C */
- {{80, 90},{135, 90},{125, 83},{120, 85},{125, 90}}, /* D2L */
- {{89, 90},{143, 90},{99, 83},{105, 85},{98, 90}}, /* D2R */
- {{81, 119},{142, 119},{111, 105},{111, 111},{111, 119}}, /* D1C */
- {{0, 0},{101, 119},{84, 105},{70, 111},{77, 119}}, /* D1L */
- {{123, 119},{0, 0},{139, 105},{153, 111},{146, 119}}, /* D1R */
- {{0, 0},{83, 130},{57, 121},{47, 126},{57, 130}}, /* D0L */
- {{140, 130},{0, 0},{166, 121},{176, 126},{166, 130}}}, /* D0R */
- {{{95, 59},{127, 59},{129, 61},{93, 61},{111, 60}}, /* D3C */
- {{131, 59},{163, 59},{158, 61},{120, 61},{145, 60}}, /* D3L */
- {{59, 59},{91, 59},{107, 61},{66, 61},{79, 60}}, /* D3R */
- {{92, 65},{131, 65},{132, 67},{91, 67},{111, 66}}, /* D2C */
- {{99, 65},{146, 65},{135, 67},{80, 67},{120, 66}}, /* D2L */
- {{77, 65},{124, 65},{143, 67},{89, 67},{105, 66}}, /* D2R */
- {{83, 79},{141, 79},{148, 85},{76, 85},{111, 81}}, /* D1C */
- {{46, 79},{118, 79},{101, 85},{0, 0},{79, 81}}, /* D1L */
- {{107, 79},{177, 79},{0, 0},{123, 85},{144, 81}}, /* D1R */
- {{0, 0},{67, 96},{0, 0},{0, 0},{0, 0}}, /* D0L */
- {{156, 96},{0, 0},{0, 0},{0, 0},{0, 0}}}}; /* D0R */
-int16 g226_ExplosionCoordinates[15][2][2] = { // @ G0226_aaai_Graphic558_ExplosionCoordinates
- /* { { Front Left X, Front Left Y }, { Front Right X, Front Right Y } } */
- {{100, 47},{122, 47}}, /* D4C */
- {{52, 47},{76, 47}}, /* D4L */
- {{148, 47},{172, 47}}, /* D4R */
- {{95, 50},{127, 50}}, /* D3C */
- {{31, 50},{63, 50}}, /* D3L */
- {{159, 50},{191, 50}}, /* D3R */
- {{92, 53},{131, 53}}, /* D2C */
- {{-3, 53},{46, 53}}, /* D2L */
- {{177, 53},{226, 53}}, /* D2R */
- {{83, 57},{141, 57}}, /* D1C */
- {{-54, 57},{18, 57}}, /* D1L */
- {{207, 57},{277, 57}}, /* D1R */
- {{0, 0},{0, 0}}, /* D0C */
- {{-73, 60},{-33, 60}}, /* D0L */
- {{256, 60},{296, 60}}}; /* D0R */
-int16 g227_RebirthStep2ExplosionCoordinates[7][3] = { // @ G0227_aai_Graphic558_RebirthStep2ExplosionCoordinates
- /* { X, Y, Scale } */
- {113, 57, 12}, /* D3C */
- {24, 57, 12}, /* D3L */
- {195, 57, 12}, /* D3R */
- {111, 63, 16}, /* D2C */
- {12, 63, 16}, /* D2L */
- {213, 63, 16}, /* D2R */
- {112, 76, 24}}; /* D1C */
-int16 g228_RebirthStep1ExplosionCoordinates[7][3] = { // @ G0228_aai_Graphic558_RebirthStep1ExplosionCoordinates
- /* { X, Y, Scale } */
- {112, 53, 15}, /* D3C */
- {24, 53, 15}, /* D3L */
- {194, 53, 15}, /* D3R */
- {112, 59, 20}, /* D2C */
- {15, 59, 20}, /* D2L */
- {208, 59, 20}, /* D2R */
- {112, 70, 32}}; /* D1C */
-int16 g225_CenteredExplosionCoordinates[15][2] = { // @ G0225_aai_Graphic558_CenteredExplosionCoordinates
- /* { X, Y } */
- {111, 47}, /* D4C */
- {57, 47}, /* D4L */
- {167, 47}, /* D4R */
- {111, 50}, /* D3C */
- {45, 50}, /* D3L */
- {179, 50}, /* D3R */
- {111, 53}, /* D2C */
- {20, 53}, /* D2L */
- {205, 53}, /* D2R */
- {111, 57}, /* D1C */
- {-30, 57}, /* D1L */
- {253, 57}, /* D1R */
- {111, 60}, /* D0C */
- {-53, 60}, /* D0L */
- {276, 60}}; /* D0R */
-#define k0x0080_BlitDoNotUseMask 0x0080 // @ MASK0x0080_DO_NOT_USE_MASK
void DisplayMan::f115_cthulhu(Thing thingParam, Direction directionParam, int16 mapXpos,
int16 mapYpos, int16 viewSquareIndex, uint16 orderedViewCellOrdinals) {
int16 AL_0_creatureGraphicInfoRed;
@@ -3052,9 +2884,189 @@ void DisplayMan::f115_cthulhu(Thing thingParam, Direction directionParam, int16
bool smoke;
FieldAspect fieldAspect;
- if (thingParam == Thing::_endOfList) {
+ /* This is the full dungeon view */
+ Box g105_BoxExplosionPattern_D0C = Box(0, 223, 0, 135); // @ G0105_s_Graphic558_Box_ExplosionPattern_D0C
+ byte g216_ExplosionBaseScales[5] = { // @ G0216_auc_Graphic558_ExplosionBaseScales
+ 10, /* D4 */
+ 16, /* D3 */
+ 23, /* D2 */
+ 32, /* D1 */
+ 32 /* D0 */
+ };
+ byte g217_ObjectPileShiftSetIndices[16][2] = { // @ G0217_aauc_Graphic558_ObjectPileShiftSetIndices
+ /* { X shift index, Y shift index } */
+ {2, 5},
+ {0, 6},
+ {5, 7},
+ {3, 0},
+ {7, 1},
+ {1, 2},
+ {6, 3},
+ {3, 3},
+ {5, 5},
+ {2, 6},
+ {7, 7},
+ {1, 0},
+ {3, 1},
+ {6, 2},
+ {1, 3},
+ {5, 3}
+ };
+ byte g218_ObjectCoordinateSets[3][10][5][2] = { // @ G0218_aaaauc_Graphic558_ObjectCoordinateSets
+ /* { {X, Y }, {X, Y }, {X, Y }, {X, Y }, {X, Y } } */
+ {
+ {{ 0, 0}, { 0, 0}, {125, 72}, { 95, 72}, {112, 64}}, /* D3C */
+ {{ 0, 0}, { 0, 0}, { 62, 72}, { 25, 72}, { 24, 64}}, /* D3L */
+ {{ 0, 0}, { 0, 0}, {200, 72}, {162, 72}, {194, 64}}, /* D3R */
+ {{ 92, 78}, {132, 78}, {136, 86}, { 88, 86}, {112, 74}}, /* D2C */
+ {{ 10, 78}, { 53, 78}, { 41, 86}, { 0, 0}, { 3, 74}}, /* D2L */
+ {{171, 78}, {218, 78}, { 0, 0}, {183, 86}, {219, 74}}, /* D2R */
+ {{ 83, 96}, {141, 96}, {148, 111}, { 76, 111}, {112, 94}}, /* D1C */
+ {{ 0, 0}, { 26, 96}, { 5, 111}, { 0, 0}, { 0, 0}}, /* D1L */
+ {{197, 96}, { 0, 0}, { 0, 0}, {220, 111}, { 0, 0}}, /* D1R */
+ {{ 66, 131}, {158, 131}, { 0, 0}, { 0, 0}, { 0, 0}} /* D0C */
+ },
+ {
+ {{ 0, 0}, { 0, 0}, {125, 72}, { 95, 72}, {112, 63}}, /* D3C */
+ {{ 0, 0}, { 0, 0}, { 62, 72}, { 25, 72}, { 24, 63}}, /* D3L */
+ {{ 0, 0}, { 0, 0}, {200, 72}, {162, 72}, {194, 63}}, /* D3R */
+ {{ 92, 78}, {132, 78}, {136, 86}, { 88, 86}, {112, 73}}, /* D2C */
+ {{ 10, 78}, { 53, 78}, { 41, 86}, { 0, 0}, { 3, 73}}, /* D2L */
+ {{171, 78}, {218, 78}, { 0, 0}, {183, 86}, {219, 73}}, /* D2R */
+ {{ 83, 96}, {141, 96}, {148, 111}, { 76, 111}, {112, 89}}, /* D1C */
+ {{ 0, 0}, { 26, 96}, { 5, 111}, { 0, 0}, { 0, 0}}, /* D1L */
+ {{197, 96}, { 0, 0}, { 0, 0}, {220, 111}, { 0, 0}}, /* D1R */
+ {{ 66, 131}, {158, 131}, { 0, 0}, { 0, 0}, { 0, 0}} /* D0C */
+ },
+ {
+ {{ 0, 0}, { 0, 0}, {125, 75}, { 95, 75}, {112, 65}}, /* D3C */
+ {{ 0, 0}, { 0, 0}, { 62, 75}, { 25, 75}, { 24, 65}}, /* D3L */
+ {{ 0, 0}, { 0, 0}, {200, 75}, {162, 75}, {194, 65}}, /* D3R */
+ {{ 92, 81}, {132, 81}, {136, 88}, { 88, 88}, {112, 76}}, /* D2C */
+ {{ 10, 81}, { 53, 81}, { 41, 88}, { 0, 0}, { 3, 76}}, /* D2L */
+ {{171, 81}, {218, 81}, { 0, 0}, {183, 88}, {219, 76}}, /* D2R */
+ {{ 83, 98}, {141, 98}, {148, 115}, { 76, 115}, {112, 98}}, /* D1C */
+ {{ 0, 0}, { 26, 98}, { 5, 115}, { 0, 0}, { 0, 0}}, /* D1L */
+ {{197, 98}, { 0, 0}, { 0, 0}, {220, 115}, { 0, 0}}, /* D1R */
+ {{ 66, 135}, {158, 135}, { 0, 0}, { 0, 0}, { 0, 0}} /* D0C */
+ }
+ };
+ int16 g223_ShiftSets[3][8] = { // @ G0223_aac_Graphic558_ShiftSets
+ {0, 1, 2, 3, 0, -3, -2, -1}, /* D0 Back or D1 Front */
+ {0, 1, 1, 2, 0, -2, -1, -1}, /* D1 Back or D2 Front */
+ {0, 1, 1, 1, 0, -1, -1, -1} /* D2 Back or D3 Front */
+ };
+ byte g224_CreatureCoordinateSets[3][11][5][2] = { // @ G0224_aaaauc_Graphic558_CreatureCoordinateSets
+ /* { { X, Y }, { X, Y }, { X, Y }, { X, Y }, { X, Y } } */
+ {
+ {{ 95, 70}, {127, 70}, {129, 75}, { 93, 75}, {111, 72}}, /* D3C */
+ {{131, 70}, {163, 70}, {158, 75}, {120, 75}, {145, 72}}, /* D3L */
+ {{ 59, 70}, { 91, 70}, {107, 75}, { 66, 75}, { 79, 72}}, /* D3R */
+ {{ 92, 81}, {131, 81}, {132, 90}, { 91, 90}, {111, 85}}, /* D2C */
+ {{ 99, 81}, {146, 81}, {135, 90}, { 80, 90}, {120, 85}}, /* D2L */
+ {{ 77, 81}, {124, 81}, {143, 90}, { 89, 90}, {105, 85}}, /* D2R */
+ {{ 83, 103}, {141, 103}, {148, 119}, { 76, 119}, {109, 111}}, /* D1C */
+ {{ 46, 103}, {118, 103}, {101, 119}, { 0, 0}, { 79, 111}}, /* D1L */
+ {{107, 103}, {177, 103}, { 0, 0}, {123, 119}, {144, 111}}, /* D1R */
+ {{ 0, 0}, { 67, 135}, { 0, 0}, { 0, 0}, { 0, 0}}, /* D0L */
+ {{156, 135}, { 0, 0}, { 0, 0}, { 0, 0}, { 0, 0}} /* D0R */
+ },
+ {
+ {{ 94, 75}, {128, 75}, {111, 70}, {111, 72}, {111, 75}}, /* D3C */
+ {{120, 75}, {158, 75}, {149, 70}, {145, 72}, {150, 75}}, /* D3L */
+ {{ 66, 75}, {104, 75}, { 75, 70}, { 79, 72}, { 73, 75}}, /* D3R */
+ {{ 91, 90}, {132, 90}, {111, 83}, {111, 85}, {111, 90}}, /* D2C */
+ {{ 80, 90}, {135, 90}, {125, 83}, {120, 85}, {125, 90}}, /* D2L */
+ {{ 89, 90}, {143, 90}, { 99, 83}, {105, 85}, { 98, 90}}, /* D2R */
+ {{ 81, 119}, {142, 119}, {111, 105}, {111, 111}, {111, 119}}, /* D1C */
+ {{ 0, 0}, {101, 119}, { 84, 105}, { 70, 111}, { 77, 119}}, /* D1L */
+ {{123, 119}, { 0, 0}, {139, 105}, {153, 111}, {146, 119}}, /* D1R */
+ {{ 0, 0}, { 83, 130}, { 57, 121}, { 47, 126}, { 57, 130}}, /* D0L */
+ {{140, 130}, { 0, 0}, {166, 121}, {176, 126}, {166, 130}} /* D0R */
+ },
+ {
+ {{ 95, 59}, {127, 59}, {129, 61}, { 93, 61}, {111, 60}}, /* D3C */
+ {{131, 59}, {163, 59}, {158, 61}, {120, 61}, {145, 60}}, /* D3L */
+ {{ 59, 59}, { 91, 59}, {107, 61}, { 66, 61}, { 79, 60}}, /* D3R */
+ {{ 92, 65}, {131, 65}, {132, 67}, { 91, 67}, {111, 66}}, /* D2C */
+ {{ 99, 65}, {146, 65}, {135, 67}, { 80, 67}, {120, 66}}, /* D2L */
+ {{ 77, 65}, {124, 65}, {143, 67}, { 89, 67}, {105, 66}}, /* D2R */
+ {{ 83, 79}, {141, 79}, {148, 85}, { 76, 85}, {111, 81}}, /* D1C */
+ {{ 46, 79}, {118, 79}, {101, 85}, { 0, 0}, { 79, 81}}, /* D1L */
+ {{107, 79}, {177, 79}, { 0, 0}, {123, 85}, {144, 81}}, /* D1R */
+ {{ 0, 0}, { 67, 96}, { 0, 0}, { 0, 0}, { 0, 0}}, /* D0L */
+ {{156, 96}, { 0, 0}, { 0, 0}, { 0, 0}, { 0, 0}} /* D0R */
+ }
+ };
+ int16 g226_ExplosionCoordinates[15][2][2] = { // @ G0226_aaai_Graphic558_ExplosionCoordinates
+ /* { { Front Left X, Front Left Y }, { Front Right X, Front Right Y } } */
+ {{100, 47}, {122, 47}}, /* D4C */
+ {{ 52, 47}, { 76, 47}}, /* D4L */
+ {{148, 47}, {172, 47}}, /* D4R */
+ {{ 95, 50}, {127, 50}}, /* D3C */
+ {{ 31, 50}, { 63, 50}}, /* D3L */
+ {{159, 50}, {191, 50}}, /* D3R */
+ {{ 92, 53}, {131, 53}}, /* D2C */
+ {{ -3, 53}, { 46, 53}}, /* D2L */
+ {{177, 53}, {226, 53}}, /* D2R */
+ {{ 83, 57}, {141, 57}}, /* D1C */
+ {{-54, 57}, { 18, 57}}, /* D1L */
+ {{207, 57}, {277, 57}}, /* D1R */
+ {{ 0, 0}, { 0, 0}}, /* D0C */
+ {{-73, 60}, {-33, 60}}, /* D0L */
+ {{256, 60}, {296, 60}} /* D0R */
+ };
+ int16 g227_RebirthStep2ExplosionCoordinates[7][3] = { // @ G0227_aai_Graphic558_RebirthStep2ExplosionCoordinates
+ /* { X, Y, Scale } */
+ {113, 57, 12}, /* D3C */
+ { 24, 57, 12}, /* D3L */
+ {195, 57, 12}, /* D3R */
+ {111, 63, 16}, /* D2C */
+ { 12, 63, 16}, /* D2L */
+ {213, 63, 16}, /* D2R */
+ {112, 76, 24} /* D1C */
+ };
+ int16 g228_RebirthStep1ExplosionCoordinates[7][3] = { // @ G0228_aai_Graphic558_RebirthStep1ExplosionCoordinates
+ /* { X, Y, Scale } */
+ {112, 53, 15}, /* D3C */
+ { 24, 53, 15}, /* D3L */
+ {194, 53, 15}, /* D3R */
+ {112, 59, 20}, /* D2C */
+ { 15, 59, 20}, /* D2L */
+ {208, 59, 20}, /* D2R */
+ {112, 70, 32} /* D1C */
+ };
+ int16 g225_CenteredExplosionCoordinates[15][2] = { // @ G0225_aai_Graphic558_CenteredExplosionCoordinates
+ /* { X, Y } */
+ {111, 47}, /* D4C */
+ { 57, 47}, /* D4L */
+ {167, 47}, /* D4R */
+ {111, 50}, /* D3C */
+ { 45, 50}, /* D3L */
+ {179, 50}, /* D3R */
+ {111, 53}, /* D2C */
+ { 20, 53}, /* D2L */
+ {205, 53}, /* D2R */
+ {111, 57}, /* D1C */
+ {-30, 57}, /* D1L */
+ {253, 57}, /* D1R */
+ {111, 60}, /* D0C */
+ {-53, 60}, /* D0L */
+ {276, 60} /* D0R */
+ };
+ if (thingParam == Thing::_endOfList)
- }
group = 0;
groupThing = Thing::_none;
drawCreaturesCompleted = sqaureHasProjectile = squareHasExplosion = false;
@@ -3732,9 +3744,9 @@ bool DisplayMan::f491_isDerivedBitmapInCache(int16 derivedBitmapIndex) {
// * 2, because the original uses 4 bits instead of 8 bits to store a pixel
_g638_derivedBitmaps[derivedBitmapIndex] = new byte[_g639_derivedBitmapByteCount[derivedBitmapIndex] * 2];
return false;
- } else {
- return true;
- }
+ }
+ return true;
byte* DisplayMan::f492_getDerivedBitmap(int16 derivedBitmapIndex) {
@@ -3751,15 +3763,15 @@ void DisplayMan::f480_releaseBlock(uint16 index) {
uint16 DisplayMan::f431_getDarkenedColor(uint16 RGBcolor) {
- if (getFlag(RGBcolor, D12_MASK_BLUE_COMPONENT)) {
+ if (getFlag(RGBcolor, D12_MASK_BLUE_COMPONENT))
- }
- if (getFlag(RGBcolor, D11_MASK_GREEN_COMPONENT)) {
+ if (getFlag(RGBcolor, D11_MASK_GREEN_COMPONENT))
RGBcolor -= 16;
- }
- if (getFlag(RGBcolor, D10_MASK_RED_COMPONENT)) {
+ if (getFlag(RGBcolor, D10_MASK_RED_COMPONENT))
RGBcolor -= 256;
- }
return RGBcolor;
diff --git a/engines/dm/gfx.h b/engines/dm/gfx.h
index b8b31f07e4..8d01365aee 100644
--- a/engines/dm/gfx.h
+++ b/engines/dm/gfx.h
@@ -147,6 +147,11 @@ namespace DM {
#define k303_FirstDoorOrn 303 // @ C303_GRAPHIC_FIRST_DOOR_ORNAMENT
#define k730_DerivedBitmapMaximumCount 730 // @ C730_DERIVED_BITMAP_MAXIMUM_COUNT
+/* Field Aspect Mask */
+#define kMaskFieldAspectFlipMask 0x0080 // @ MASK0x0080_FLIP_MASK
+#define kMaskFieldAspectIndex 0x007F // @ MASK0x007F_MASK_INDEX
+#define kMaskFieldAspectNoMask 255 // @ C255_NO_MASK
enum ViewSquare {
kM3_ViewSquare_D4C = -3, // @ CM3_VIEW_SQUARE_D4C
kM2_ViewSquare_D4L = -2, // @ CM2_VIEW_SQUARE_D4L
@@ -222,6 +227,9 @@ extern byte g215_ProjectileScales[7]; // @ G0215_auc_Graphic558_ProjectileScales
#define k12_ProjectileAspectExplosionSlime 12 // @ C12_PROJECTILE_ASPECT_EXPLOSION_SLIME
#define k13_ProjectileAspectExplosionPoisonBoltCloud 13 // @ C13_PROJECTILE_ASPECT_EXPLOSION_POISON_BOLT_POISON_CLOUD
+#define k0x0080_BlitDoNotUseMask 0x0080 // @ MASK0x0080_DO_NOT_USE_MASK
+#define kScaleThreshold 32768
enum ViewCell {
k0_ViewCellFronLeft = 0, // @ C00_VIEW_CELL_FRONT_LEFT
k1_ViewCellFrontRight = 1, // @ C01_VIEW_CELL_FRONT_RIGHT