path: root/graphics
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authorEugene Sandulenko2016-02-07 19:02:53 +0100
committerEugene Sandulenko2016-02-14 17:13:03 +0100
commit5e002c4fe2e1019e2d4f33b335d41eabb41ed63f (patch)
tree0ad2ebc36ccf5033b17eb1da2ed78357f68f2a03 /graphics
parent1d5220ef3fb5ed1a869d88ee67b28cb0433f8578 (diff)
GRAPHICS: Move generic primitives from WAGE engine
Diffstat (limited to 'graphics')
2 files changed, 368 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/graphics/primitives.cpp b/graphics/primitives.cpp
index 564bdb9673..0e970655d4 100644
--- a/graphics/primitives.cpp
+++ b/graphics/primitives.cpp
@@ -21,6 +21,7 @@
#include "common/util.h"
+#include "graphics/primitives.h"
namespace Graphics {
@@ -62,6 +63,22 @@ void drawLine(int x0, int y0, int x1, int y1, int color, void (*plotProc)(int, i
+void drawHLine(int x1, int x2, int y, int color, void (*plotProc)(int, int, int, void *), void *data) {
+ if (x1 > x2)
+ SWAP(x1, x2);
+ for (int x = x1; x <= x2; x++)
+ (*plotProc)(x, y, color, data);
+void drawVLine(int x, int y1, int y2, int color, void (*plotProc)(int, int, int, void *), void *data) {
+ if (y1 > y2)
+ SWAP(y1, y2);
+ for (int y = y1; y <= y2; y++)
+ (*plotProc)(x, y, color, data);
void drawThickLine(int x0, int y0, int x1, int y1, int penX, int penY, int color, void (*plotProc)(int, int, int, void *), void *data) {
assert(penX > 0 && penY > 0);
@@ -79,4 +96,344 @@ void drawThickLine(int x0, int y0, int x1, int y1, int penX, int penY, int color
drawLine(x0 + x, y0 + y, x1 + x, y1 + y, color, plotProc, data);
+/* Bresenham as presented in Foley & Van Dam */
+/* Code is based on GD lib http://libgd.github.io/ */
+void drawThickLine2(int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2, int thick, int color, void (*plotProc)(int, int, int, void *), void *data) {
+ int incr1, incr2, d, x, y, xend, yend, xdirflag, ydirflag;
+ int wid;
+ int w, wstart;
+ int dx = abs(x2 - x1);
+ int dy = abs(y2 - y1);
+ if (dx == 0) {
+ if (y1 > y2)
+ SWAP(y1, y2);
+ Common::Rect r(x1, y1, x1 + thick - 1, y2);
+ drawFilledRect(r, color, plotProc, data);
+ return;
+ } else if (dy == 0) {
+ if (x1 > x2)
+ SWAP(x1, x2);
+ Common::Rect r(x1, y1, x2, y1 + thick - 1);
+ drawFilledRect(r, color, plotProc, data);
+ return;
+ }
+ if (dy <= dx) {
+ /* More-or-less horizontal. use wid for vertical stroke */
+ /* Doug Claar: watch out for NaN in atan2 (2.0.5) */
+ /* 2.0.12: Michael Schwartz: divide rather than multiply;
+ TBB: but watch out for /0! */
+ double ac = cos(atan2 (dy, dx));
+ if (ac != 0) {
+ wid = thick / ac;
+ } else {
+ wid = 1;
+ }
+ if (wid == 0) {
+ wid = 1;
+ }
+ d = 2 * dy - dx;
+ incr1 = 2 * dy;
+ incr2 = 2 * (dy - dx);
+ if (x1 > x2) {
+ x = x2;
+ y = y2;
+ ydirflag = (-1);
+ xend = x1;
+ } else {
+ x = x1;
+ y = y1;
+ ydirflag = 1;
+ xend = x2;
+ }
+ /* Set up line thickness */
+ wstart = y - wid / 2;
+ for (w = wstart; w < wstart + wid; w++)
+ (*plotProc)(x, y, color, data);
+ if (((y2 - y1) * ydirflag) > 0) {
+ while (x < xend) {
+ x++;
+ if (d < 0) {
+ d += incr1;
+ } else {
+ y++;
+ d += incr2;
+ }
+ wstart = y - wid / 2;
+ for (w = wstart; w < wstart + wid; w++)
+ (*plotProc)(x, w, color, data);
+ }
+ } else {
+ while (x < xend) {
+ x++;
+ if (d < 0) {
+ d += incr1;
+ } else {
+ y--;
+ d += incr2;
+ }
+ wstart = y - wid / 2;
+ for (w = wstart; w < wstart + wid; w++)
+ (*plotProc)(x, w, color, data);
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ /* More-or-less vertical. use wid for horizontal stroke */
+ /* 2.0.12: Michael Schwartz: divide rather than multiply;
+ TBB: but watch out for /0! */
+ double as = sin(atan2(dy, dx));
+ if (as != 0) {
+ wid = thick / as;
+ } else {
+ wid = 1;
+ }
+ if (wid == 0)
+ wid = 1;
+ d = 2 * dx - dy;
+ incr1 = 2 * dx;
+ incr2 = 2 * (dx - dy);
+ if (y1 > y2) {
+ y = y2;
+ x = x2;
+ yend = y1;
+ xdirflag = (-1);
+ } else {
+ y = y1;
+ x = x1;
+ yend = y2;
+ xdirflag = 1;
+ }
+ /* Set up line thickness */
+ wstart = x - wid / 2;
+ for (w = wstart; w < wstart + wid; w++)
+ (*plotProc)(w, y, color, data);
+ if (((x2 - x1) * xdirflag) > 0) {
+ while (y < yend) {
+ y++;
+ if (d < 0) {
+ d += incr1;
+ } else {
+ x++;
+ d += incr2;
+ }
+ wstart = x - wid / 2;
+ for (w = wstart; w < wstart + wid; w++)
+ (*plotProc)(w, y, color, data);
+ }
+ } else {
+ while (y < yend) {
+ y++;
+ if (d < 0) {
+ d += incr1;
+ } else {
+ x--;
+ d += incr2;
+ }
+ wstart = x - wid / 2;
+ for (w = wstart; w < wstart + wid; w++)
+ (*plotProc)(w, y, color, data);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+void drawFilledRect(Common::Rect &rect, int color, void (*plotProc)(int, int, int, void *), void *data) {
+ for (int y = rect.top; y <= rect.bottom; y++)
+ drawHLine(rect.left, rect.right, y, color, plotProc, data);
+// http://members.chello.at/easyfilter/bresenham.html
+void drawRoundRect(Common::Rect &rect, int arc, int color, bool filled, void (*plotProc)(int, int, int, void *), void *data) {
+ if (rect.height() < rect.width()) {
+ int x = -arc, y = 0, err = 2-2*arc; /* II. Quadrant */
+ int dy = rect.height() - arc * 2;
+ int r = arc;
+ int stop = 0;
+ int lastx, lasty;
+ if (dy < 0)
+ stop = -dy / 2;
+ do {
+ if (filled) {
+ drawHLine(rect.left+x+r, rect.right-x-r, rect.top-y+r-stop, color, plotProc, data);
+ drawHLine(rect.left+x+r, rect.right-x-r, rect.bottom+y-r+stop, color, plotProc, data);
+ } else {
+ (*plotProc)(rect.left+x+r, rect.top-y+r-stop, color, data);
+ (*plotProc)(rect.right-x-r, rect.top-y+r-stop, color, data);
+ (*plotProc)(rect.left+x+r, rect.bottom+y-r+stop, color, data);
+ (*plotProc)(rect.right-x-r, rect.bottom+y-r+stop, color, data);
+ lastx = x;
+ lasty = y;
+ }
+ arc = err;
+ if (arc <= y) err += ++y*2+1; /* e_xy+e_y < 0 */
+ if (arc > x || err > y) err += ++x*2+1; /* e_xy+e_x > 0 or no 2nd y-step */
+ if (stop && y > stop)
+ break;
+ } while (x < 0);
+ if (!filled) {
+ x = lastx;
+ y = lasty;
+ drawHLine(rect.left+x+r, rect.right-x-r, rect.top-y+r-stop, color, plotProc, data);
+ drawHLine(rect.left+x+r, rect.right-x-r, rect.bottom+y-r+stop, color, plotProc, data);
+ }
+ for (int i = 0; i < dy; i++) {
+ if (filled) {
+ drawHLine(rect.left, rect.right, rect.top + r + i, color, plotProc, data);
+ } else {
+ (*plotProc)(rect.left, rect.top + r + i, color, data);
+ (*plotProc)(rect.right, rect.top + r + i, color, data);
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ int y = -arc, x = 0, err = 2-2*arc; /* II. Quadrant */
+ int dx = rect.width() - arc * 2;
+ int r = arc;
+ int stop = 0;
+ int lastx, lasty;
+ if (dx < 0)
+ stop = -dx / 2;
+ do {
+ if (filled) {
+ drawVLine(rect.left-x+r-stop, rect.top+y+r, rect.bottom-y-r, color, plotProc, data);
+ drawVLine(rect.right+x-r+stop, rect.top+y+r, rect.bottom-y-r, color, plotProc, data);
+ } else {
+ (*plotProc)(rect.left-x+r-stop, rect.top+y+r, color, data);
+ (*plotProc)(rect.left-x+r-stop, rect.bottom-y-r, color, data);
+ (*plotProc)(rect.right+x-r+stop, rect.top+y+r, color, data);
+ (*plotProc)(rect.right+x-r+stop, rect.bottom-y-r, color, data);
+ lastx = x;
+ lasty = y;
+ }
+ arc = err;
+ if (arc <= x) err += ++x*2+1; /* e_xy+e_y < 0 */
+ if (arc > y || err > x) err += ++y*2+1; /* e_xy+e_x > 0 or no 2nd y-step */
+ if (stop && x > stop)
+ break;
+ } while (y < 0);
+ if (!filled) {
+ x = lastx;
+ y = lasty;
+ drawVLine(rect.left-x+r-stop, rect.top+y+r, rect.bottom-y-r, color, plotProc, data);
+ drawVLine(rect.right+x-r+stop, rect.top+y+r, rect.bottom-y-r, color, plotProc, data);
+ }
+ for (int i = 0; i < dx; i++) {
+ if (filled) {
+ drawVLine(rect.left + r + i, rect.top, rect.bottom, color, plotProc, data);
+ } else {
+ (*plotProc)(rect.left + r + i, rect.top, color, data);
+ (*plotProc)(rect.left + r + i, rect.bottom, color, data);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+// Based on public-domain code by Darel Rex Finley, 2007
+// http://alienryderflex.com/polygon_fill/
+void drawPolygonScan(int *polyX, int *polyY, int npoints, Common::Rect &bbox, int color, void (*plotProc)(int, int, int, void *), void *data) {
+ int *nodeX = (int *)calloc(npoints, sizeof(int));
+ int i, j;
+ // Loop through the rows of the image.
+ for (int pixelY = bbox.top; pixelY < bbox.bottom; pixelY++) {
+ // Build a list of nodes.
+ int nodes = 0;
+ j = npoints - 1;
+ for (i = 0; i < npoints; i++) {
+ if ((polyY[i] < pixelY && polyY[j] >= pixelY) || (polyY[j] < pixelY && polyY[i] >= pixelY)) {
+ nodeX[nodes++] = (int)(polyX[i] + (double)(pixelY - polyY[i]) / (double)(polyY[j]-polyY[i]) *
+ (double)(polyX[j] - polyX[i]) + 0.5);
+ }
+ j = i;
+ }
+ // Sort the nodes, via a simple “Bubble” sort.
+ i = 0;
+ while (i < nodes - 1) {
+ if (nodeX[i] > nodeX[i + 1]) {
+ SWAP(nodeX[i], nodeX[i + 1]);
+ if (i)
+ i--;
+ } else {
+ i++;
+ }
+ }
+ // Fill the pixels between node pairs.
+ for (i = 0; i < nodes; i += 2) {
+ if (nodeX[i ] >= bbox.right)
+ break;
+ if (nodeX[i + 1] > bbox.left) {
+ nodeX[i] = MAX<int16>(nodeX[i], bbox.left);
+ nodeX[i + 1] = MIN<int16>(nodeX[i + 1], bbox.right);
+ drawHLine(nodeX[i], nodeX[i + 1], pixelY, color, plotProc, data);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ free(nodeX);
+// http://members.chello.at/easyfilter/bresenham.html
+void drawEllipse(int x0, int y0, int x1, int y1, int color, bool filled, void (*plotProc)(int, int, int, void *), void *data) {
+ int a = abs(x1-x0), b = abs(y1-y0), b1 = b&1; /* values of diameter */
+ long dx = 4*(1-a)*b*b, dy = 4*(b1+1)*a*a; /* error increment */
+ long err = dx+dy+b1*a*a, e2; /* error of 1.step */
+ if (x0 > x1) { x0 = x1; x1 += a; } /* if called with swapped points */
+ if (y0 > y1) y0 = y1; /* .. exchange them */
+ y0 += (b+1)/2; y1 = y0-b1; /* starting pixel */
+ a *= 8*a; b1 = 8*b*b;
+ do {
+ if (filled) {
+ drawHLine(x0, x1, y0, color, plotProc, data);
+ drawHLine(x0, x1, y1, color, plotProc, data);
+ } else {
+ (*plotProc)(x1, y0, color, data); /* I. Quadrant */
+ (*plotProc)(x0, y0, color, data); /* II. Quadrant */
+ (*plotProc)(x0, y1, color, data); /* III. Quadrant */
+ (*plotProc)(x1, y1, color, data); /* IV. Quadrant */
+ }
+ e2 = 2*err;
+ if (e2 <= dy) { y0++; y1--; err += dy += a; } /* y step */
+ if (e2 >= dx || 2*err > dy) { x0++; x1--; err += dx += b1; } /* x step */
+ } while (x0 <= x1);
+ while (y0-y1 < b) { /* too early stop of flat ellipses a=1 */
+ if (filled) {
+ drawHLine(x0-1, x0-1, y0, color, plotProc, data); /* -> finish tip of ellipse */
+ drawHLine(x1+1, x1+1, y0, color, plotProc, data);
+ drawHLine(x0-1, x0-1, y1, color, plotProc, data);
+ drawHLine(x1+1, x1+1, y1, color, plotProc, data);
+ } else {
+ (*plotProc)(x0-1, y0, color, data); /* -> finish tip of ellipse */
+ (*plotProc)(x1+1, y0, color, data);
+ (*plotProc)(x0-1, y1, color, data);
+ (*plotProc)(x1+1, y1, color, data);
+ }
+ y0++;
+ y1--;
+ }
} // End of namespace Graphics
diff --git a/graphics/primitives.h b/graphics/primitives.h
index a3e8ab1565..62dc10bfdf 100644
--- a/graphics/primitives.h
+++ b/graphics/primitives.h
@@ -23,10 +23,21 @@
+#include "common/rect.h"
namespace Graphics {
void drawLine(int x0, int y0, int x1, int y1, int color, void (*plotProc)(int, int, int, void *), void *data);
+void drawHLine(int x1, int x2, int y, int color, void (*plotProc)(int, int, int, void *), void *data);
+void drawVLine(int x, int y1, int y2, int color, void (*plotProc)(int, int, int, void *), void *data);
void drawThickLine(int x0, int y0, int x1, int y1, int penX, int penY, int color, void (*plotProc)(int, int, int, void *), void *data);
+void drawThickLine2(int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2, int thick, int color,
+ void (*plotProc)(int, int, int, void *), void *data);
+void drawFilledRect(Common::Rect &rect, int color, void (*plotProc)(int, int, int, void *), void *data);
+void drawRoundRect(Common::Rect &rect, int arc, int color, bool filled, void (*plotProc)(int, int, int, void *), void *data);
+void drawPolygonScan(int *polyX, int *polyY, int npoints, Common::Rect &bbox, int color,
+ void (*plotProc)(int, int, int, void *), void *data);
+void drawEllipse(int x0, int y0, int x1, int y1, int color, bool filled, void (*plotProc)(int, int, int, void *), void *data);
} // End of namespace Graphics