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4 files changed, 284 insertions, 3 deletions
diff --git a/engines/sherlock/tattoo/tattoo_darts.cpp b/engines/sherlock/tattoo/tattoo_darts.cpp
index 05113da958..77f6b59211 100644
--- a/engines/sherlock/tattoo/tattoo_darts.cpp
+++ b/engines/sherlock/tattoo/tattoo_darts.cpp
@@ -21,12 +21,31 @@
#include "sherlock/tattoo/tattoo_darts.h"
+#include "sherlock/tattoo/tattoo_fixed_text.h"
#include "sherlock/tattoo/tattoo.h"
namespace Sherlock {
namespace Tattoo {
+enum {
+const int STATUS_INFO_X = 430;
+const int STATUS_INFO_Y = 50;
+const int STATUS_INFO_WIDTH = 205;
+const int STATUS_INFO_HEIGHT = 330;
+const int STATUS2_INFO_X = 510;
+const int DART_BAR_VX = 10;
+const int DART_HEIGHT_Y = 121;
+const int DART_BAR_SIZE = 150;
+const int DARTBOARD_LEFT = 73;
+const int DARTBOARD_WIDTH = 257;
+const int DARTBOARD_HEIGHT = 256;
Darts::Darts(SherlockEngine *vm) : _vm(vm) {
_gameType = GAME_301;
_hand1 = _hand2 = nullptr;
@@ -38,11 +57,28 @@ Darts::Darts(SherlockEngine *vm) : _vm(vm) {
Common::fill(&_cricketScore[1][0], &_cricketScore[1][7], 0);
_score1 = _score2 = 0;
_roundNum = 0;
+ _roundScore = 0;
_level = 0;
+ _oldDartButtons = false;
+ _handX = 0;
void Darts::playDarts(GameType gameType) {
+ Screen &screen = *_vm->_screen;
+ int oldFontType = screen.fontNumber();
+ int playerNum = 0;
+ int roundStart, score;
+ screen.setFont(7);
+ _spacing = screen.fontHeight() + 2;
+ while (!_vm->shouldQuit()) {
+ roundStart = score = (playerNum == 0) ? _score1 : _score2;
+ showNames(playerNum);
+ showStatus(playerNum);
+ _roundScore = 0;
+ }
void Darts::initDarts() {
@@ -88,7 +124,7 @@ void Darts::initDarts() {
- _opponent = "Jock";
+ _opponent = FIXED(Jock);
void Darts::loadDarts() {
@@ -126,6 +162,193 @@ void Darts::closeDarts() {
delete _hand2;
+void Darts::showNames(int playerNum) {
+ Screen &screen = *_vm->_screen;
+ byte color;
+ color = playerNum == 0 ? PLAYER_COLOR : DART_COLOR_FORE;
+ screen.print(Common::Point(STATUS_INFO_X, STATUS_INFO_Y), 0, "%s", FIXED(Holmes));
+ screen._backBuffer1.fillRect(Common::Rect(STATUS_INFO_X, STATUS_INFO_Y + _spacing + 1,
+ STATUS_INFO_X + 50, STATUS_INFO_Y + _spacing + 3), color);
+ screen.fillRect(Common::Rect(STATUS_INFO_X, STATUS_INFO_Y + _spacing + 1,
+ STATUS_INFO_X + 50, STATUS_INFO_Y + _spacing + 3), color);
+ color = playerNum == 1 ? PLAYER_COLOR : DART_COLOR_FORE;
+ screen.print(Common::Point(STATUS_INFO_X, STATUS_INFO_Y), 0, "%s", _opponent.c_str());
+ screen._backBuffer1.fillRect(Common::Rect(STATUS2_INFO_X, STATUS_INFO_Y + _spacing + 1,
+ STATUS2_INFO_X + 50, STATUS_INFO_Y + _spacing + 3), color);
+ screen.fillRect(Common::Rect(STATUS2_INFO_X, STATUS_INFO_Y + _spacing + 1,
+ STATUS2_INFO_X + 50, STATUS_INFO_Y + _spacing + 3), color);
+ screen._backBuffer2.blitFrom(screen._backBuffer1);
+void Darts::showStatus(int playerNum) {
+ Screen &screen = *_vm->_screen;
+ byte color;
+ const char *const CRICKET_SCORE_NAME[7] = { "20", "19", "18", "17", "16", "15", FIXED(Bull) };
+ screen._backBuffer2.blitFrom(screen._backBuffer1, Common::Point(STATUS_INFO_X, STATUS_INFO_Y + 10),
+ color = (playerNum == 0) ? PLAYER_COLOR : DART_COLOR_FORE;
+ screen.print(Common::Point(STATUS_INFO_X + 30, STATUS_INFO_Y + _spacing + 4), 0, "%d", _score1);
+ color = (playerNum == 1) ? PLAYER_COLOR : DART_COLOR_FORE;
+ screen.print(Common::Point(STATUS2_INFO_X + 30, STATUS_INFO_Y + _spacing + 4), 0, "%d", _score2);
+ int temp = (_gameType == GAME_CRICKET) ? STATUS_INFO_Y + 10 * _spacing + 5 : STATUS_INFO_Y + 55;
+ screen.print(Common::Point(STATUS_INFO_X, temp), 0, "%s: %d", FIXED(Round), _roundNum);
+ if (_gameType == GAME_301) {
+ screen.print(Common::Point(STATUS_INFO_X, STATUS_INFO_Y + 75), 0, "%s: %d", FIXED(TurnTotal), _roundScore);
+ } else {
+ // Show cricket scores
+ for (int x = 0; x < 7; ++x) {
+ screen.print(Common::Point(STATUS_INFO_X, STATUS_INFO_Y + 40 + x * _spacing), 0, "%s:", CRICKET_SCORE_NAME[x]);
+ for (int y = 0; y < 2; ++y) {
+ color = (playerNum == y) ? PLAYER_COLOR : DART_COLOR_FORE;
+ switch (CRICKET_SCORE_NAME[y][x]) {
+ case 1:
+ screen.print(Common::Point(STATUS_INFO_X + 38 + y*STATUS2_X_ADD, STATUS_INFO_Y + 40 + x * _spacing), 0, "/");
+ break;
+ case 2:
+ screen.print(Common::Point(STATUS_INFO_X + 38 + y*STATUS2_X_ADD, STATUS_INFO_Y + 40 + x * _spacing), 0, "X");
+ break;
+ case 3:
+ screen.print(Common::Point(STATUS_INFO_X + 38 + y * STATUS2_X_ADD - 1, STATUS_INFO_Y + 40 + x * _spacing), 0, "X");
+ screen.print(Common::Point(STATUS_INFO_X + 37 + y * STATUS2_X_ADD, STATUS_INFO_Y + 40 + x * _spacing), 0, "O");
+ break;
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ screen.blitFrom(screen._backBuffer1, Common::Point(STATUS_INFO_X, STATUS_INFO_Y + 10),
+void Darts::erasePowerBars() {
+ Screen &screen = *_vm->_screen;
+ // Erase the old power bars and replace them with empty ones
+ screen.fillRect(Common::Rect(DART_BAR_VX, DART_HEIGHT_Y, DART_BAR_VX + 9, DART_HEIGHT_Y + DART_BAR_SIZE), 0);
+ screen._backBuffer1.transBlitFrom((*_dartGraphics)[0], Common::Point(DART_BAR_VX - 1, DART_HEIGHT_Y - 1));
+ screen.slamArea(DART_BAR_VX - 1, DART_HEIGHT_Y - 1, 10, DART_BAR_SIZE + 2);
+bool Darts::dartHit() {
+ Events &events = *_vm->_events;
+ events.pollEventsAndWait();
+ // Keyboard check
+ if (events.kbHit()) {
+ events.clearEvents();
+ return true;
+ }
+ bool result = events._pressed && !_oldDartButtons;
+ _oldDartButtons = events._pressed;
+ return result;
+int Darts::doPowerBar(const Common::Point &pt, byte color, int goToPower, int orientation) {
+ Events &events = *_vm->_events;
+ Screen &screen = *_vm->_screen;
+ int x = 0;
+ events.clearEvents();
+ events.delay(100);
+ while (!_vm->shouldQuit()) {
+ if (x >= DART_BAR_SIZE)
+ break;
+ if ((goToPower - 1) == x)
+ break;
+ else if (goToPower == 0) {
+ if (dartHit())
+ break;
+ }
+ screen._backBuffer1.fillRect(Common::Rect(pt.x, pt.y + DART_BAR_SIZE - 1 - x,
+ pt.x + 8, pt.y + DART_BAR_SIZE - 2 - x), color);
+ screen._backBuffer1.transBlitFrom((*_dartGraphics)[0], Common::Point(pt.x - 1, pt.y - 1));
+ screen.slamArea(pt.x, pt.y + DART_BAR_SIZE - 1 - x, 8, 2);
+ if (!(x % 8))
+ events.wait(1);
+ x += 1;
+ }
+ return MIN(x * 100 / DART_BAR_SIZE, 100);
+int Darts::drawHand(int goToPower, int computer) {
+ Events &events = *_vm->_events;
+ Screen &screen = *_vm->_screen;
+ const int HAND_OFFSET[2] = { 72, 44 };
+ ImageFile *hands;
+ int hand;
+ goToPower = (goToPower * DARTBOARD_WIDTH) / 150;
+ if (!computer) {
+ hand = 0;
+ hands = _hand1;
+ } else {
+ hand = 1;
+ hands = _hand2;
+ }
+ _handSize.x = (*hands)[0]._offset.x + (*hands)[0]._width;
+ _handSize.y = (*hands)[0]._offset.y + (*hands)[0]._height;
+ // Clear keyboard buffer
+ events.clearEvents();
+ events.delay(100);
+ Common::Point pt(DARTBOARD_LEFT - HAND_OFFSET[hand], SHERLOCK_SCREEN_HEIGHT - _handSize.y);
+ int x = 0;
+ while (!_vm->shouldQuit()) {
+ break;
+ if ((goToPower - 1) == x)
+ break;
+ else if (goToPower == 0) {
+ if (dartHit())
+ break;
+ }
+ screen._backBuffer1.transBlitFrom((*hands)[0], pt);
+ screen.slamArea(pt.x - 1, pt.y, _handSize.x + 1, _handSize.y);
+ screen.restoreBackground(Common::Rect(pt.x, pt.y, pt.x + _handSize.x, pt.y + _handSize.y));
+ if (!(x % 8))
+ events.wait(1);
+ ++x;
+ ++pt.x;
+ }
+ _handX = pt.x - 1;
+ return MIN(x * 100 / DARTBOARD_WIDTH, 100);
+Common::Point Darts::convertFromScreenToScoreCoords(const Common::Point &pt) const {
+ return Common::Point(CLIP((int)pt.x, 0, DARTBOARD_WIDTH), CLIP((int)pt.y, 0, DARTBOARD_HEIGHT));
} // End of namespace Tattoo
} // End of namespace Sherlock
diff --git a/engines/sherlock/tattoo/tattoo_darts.h b/engines/sherlock/tattoo/tattoo_darts.h
index 762eb35c83..679a41547c 100644
--- a/engines/sherlock/tattoo/tattoo_darts.h
+++ b/engines/sherlock/tattoo/tattoo_darts.h
@@ -47,9 +47,14 @@ private:
int _cricketScore[2][7];
int _score1, _score2;
int _roundNum;
+ int _roundScore;
int _level;
int _compPlay;
Common::String _opponent;
+ int _spacing;
+ bool _oldDartButtons;
+ int _handX;
+ Common::Point _handSize;
* Initialize game variables
@@ -65,6 +70,47 @@ private:
* Free loaded dart images
void closeDarts();
+ /**
+ * Show the player names
+ */
+ void showNames(int playerNum);
+ /**
+ * Show the current scores
+ */
+ void showStatus(int playerNum);
+ /**
+ * Erases the power bars
+ */
+ void erasePowerBars();
+ /**
+ * Returns true if a mouse button or key is pressed
+ */
+ bool dartHit();
+ /**
+ * Shows a power bar and increments it until a key or mouse button is pressed. If the bar
+ * reaches the end, it will also end. The reached power bar number is returned.
+ * @param pt Bar position
+ * @param color draw color
+ * @param goToPower If provided, input is ignored, and the bar is increased up to the specified level
+ * @param orientation 0=Horizontal, 1=Vertical
+ */
+ int doPowerBar(const Common::Point &pt, byte color, int goToPower, int orientation);
+ /**
+ * This is similar to doPowerBar, except it draws the player's hand moving across the
+ * bottom of the screen to indicate the positioning of the darts
+ */
+ int drawHand(int goToPower, int computer);
+ /**
+ * Converts a passed co-ordinates from screen co-ordinates to an offset within the dartboard
+ */
+ Common::Point convertFromScreenToScoreCoords(const Common::Point &pt) const;
Darts(SherlockEngine *vm);
diff --git a/engines/sherlock/tattoo/tattoo_fixed_text.cpp b/engines/sherlock/tattoo/tattoo_fixed_text.cpp
index 4ee9e5eb34..568b59f2de 100644
--- a/engines/sherlock/tattoo/tattoo_fixed_text.cpp
+++ b/engines/sherlock/tattoo/tattoo_fixed_text.cpp
@@ -64,7 +64,13 @@ static const char *const FIXED_TEXT_ENGLISH[] = {
"Abort Search",
"Search Backwards",
"Search Forwards",
- "Text Not Found !"
+ "Text Not Found !",
+ "Holmes",
+ "Jock",
+ "Bull",
+ "Round",
+ "Turn Total"
TattooFixedText::TattooFixedText(SherlockEngine *vm) : FixedText(vm) {
diff --git a/engines/sherlock/tattoo/tattoo_fixed_text.h b/engines/sherlock/tattoo/tattoo_fixed_text.h
index 117888d8e6..facb51721c 100644
--- a/engines/sherlock/tattoo/tattoo_fixed_text.h
+++ b/engines/sherlock/tattoo/tattoo_fixed_text.h
@@ -64,7 +64,13 @@ enum FixedTextId {
- kFixedText_TextNotFound
+ kFixedText_TextNotFound,
+ kFixedText_Holmes,
+ kFixedText_Jock,
+ kFixedText_Bull,
+ kFixedText_Round,
+ kFixedText_TurnTotal
class TattooFixedText: public FixedText {