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1 files changed, 5 insertions, 3 deletions
diff --git a/scumm/dialogs.cpp b/scumm/dialogs.cpp
index 849e63bee4..6747dd5cbc 100644
--- a/scumm/dialogs.cpp
+++ b/scumm/dialogs.cpp
@@ -582,10 +582,12 @@ AboutDialog::AboutDialog(NewGui *gui, Scumm *scumm)
: ScummDialog(gui, scumm, 30, 20, 260, 124) {
addButton((_w - kButtonWidth)/2, 100, queryCustomString(23), kCloseCmd, 'C'); // Close dialog - FIXME
new StaticTextWidget(this, 10, 10, 240, 16, "ScummVM " SCUMMVM_VERSION " (" SCUMMVM_CVS ")", kTextAlignCenter);
+ new StaticTextWidget(this, 10, 20, 240, 16, "(built on " __DATE__ ")", kTextAlignCenter);
new StaticTextWidget(this, 10, 30, 240, 16, "http://www.scummvm.org", kTextAlignCenter);
- new StaticTextWidget(this, 10, 50, 240, 16, "All games (c) LucasArts", kTextAlignCenter);
- new StaticTextWidget(this, 10, 64, 240, 16, "Except", kTextAlignCenter);
- new StaticTextWidget(this, 10, 78, 240, 16, "Simon the Sorcerer (c) Adventuresoft", kTextAlignCenter);
+ new StaticTextWidget(this, 10, 50, 240, 16, "SCUMM Games (c) LucasArts", kTextAlignCenter);
+ new StaticTextWidget(this, 10, 64, 240, 16, "Simon the Sorcerer (c) Adventuresoft", kTextAlignCenter);
+ new StaticTextWidget(this, 10, 78, 240, 16, "Beneath a Steel Sky (c) Revolution", kTextAlignCenter);