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2 files changed, 25 insertions, 5 deletions
diff --git a/engines/scumm/saveload.cpp b/engines/scumm/saveload.cpp
index 2f9f4c1195..572e46009c 100644
--- a/engines/scumm/saveload.cpp
+++ b/engines/scumm/saveload.cpp
@@ -1286,17 +1286,35 @@ void ScummEngine::saveOrLoad(Serializer *s) {
// Save/load palette data
- //
- if (_16BitPalette && !(_game.platform == Common::kPlatformFMTowns && s->isLoading() && s->getVersion() < VER(82))) {
+ // Don't save 16 bit palette in FM-Towns and PCE games, since it gets regenerated afterwards anyway.
+ if (_16BitPalette && !(_game.platform == Common::kPlatformFMTowns && s->getVersion() < VER(82)) && !((_game.platform == Common::kPlatformFMTowns || _game.platform == Common::kPlatformPCEngine) && s->getVersion() > VER(87))) {
s->saveLoadArrayOf(_16BitPalette, 512, sizeof(_16BitPalette[0]), sleUint16);
// FM-Towns specific (extra palette data, color cycle data, etc.)
// In earlier save game versions (below 87) the FM-Towns specific data would get saved (and loaded) even in non FM-Towns games.
// This would cause an unnecessary save file incompatibility between DS (which uses the DISABLE_TOWNS_DUAL_LAYER_MODE setting)
// and other ports.
- if ((_game.platform == Common::kPlatformFMTowns && s->getVersion() >= VER(87)) || (s->getVersion() >= VER(82) && s->getVersion() < VER(87))) {
+ // In version 88 and later the save files from FM-Towns targets are compatible between DS and other platforms, too.
+ byte hasTownsData = 0;
+ if (_game.platform == Common::kPlatformFMTowns && s->getVersion() > VER(87))
+ s->saveLoadArrayOf(&hasTownsData, 1, sizeof(byte), sleByte);
+ if (hasTownsData) {
+ // Skip FM-Towns specific data
+ for (int i = 69 * sizeof(uint8) + 11 * sizeof(Common::Rect); i; i--)
+ s->loadByte();
+ }
+ byte hasTownsData = ((_game.platform == Common::kPlatformFMTowns && s->getVersion() >= VER(87)) || (s->getVersion() >= VER(82) && s->getVersion() < VER(87))) ? 1 : 0;
+ if (_game.platform == Common::kPlatformFMTowns && s->getVersion() > VER(87))
+ s->saveLoadArrayOf(&hasTownsData, 1, sizeof(byte), sleByte);
+ if (hasTownsData) {
const SaveLoadEntry townsFields[] = {
MKLINE(Common::Rect, left, sleInt16, VER(82)),
MKLINE(Common::Rect, top, sleInt16, VER(82)),
@@ -1319,6 +1337,8 @@ void ScummEngine::saveOrLoad(Serializer *s) {
s->saveLoadArrayOf(&_curStringRect, 1, sizeof(_curStringRect), townsFields);
s->saveLoadArrayOf(_townsCharsetColorMap, 16, sizeof(_townsCharsetColorMap[0]), sleUint8);
s->saveLoadEntries(this, townsExtraEntries);
+ } else if (_game.platform == Common::kPlatformFMTowns && s->getVersion() >= VER(82)) {
+ warning("Save file is missing FM-Towns specific graphic data (game was apparently saved on another platform)");
diff --git a/engines/scumm/saveload.h b/engines/scumm/saveload.h
index d55ec2d047..064bdf1406 100644
--- a/engines/scumm/saveload.h
+++ b/engines/scumm/saveload.h
@@ -47,7 +47,7 @@ namespace Scumm {
* only saves/loads those which are valid for the version of the savegame
* which is being loaded/saved currently.
-#define CURRENT_VER 87
+#define CURRENT_VER 88
* An auxillary macro, used to specify savegame versions. We use this instead