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--- a/TODO
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-Here is a list of things we plan to do in the future. Note that we
-don't promise to do any of these, nor when we will do them. It's just a
-list of what we hope to be able to do one day.
-If you want to dig in, this is the stuff where you might make the most
-useful contribution. Note that this list is never complete, and may be
-partially outdated, so just because you don't see something here doesn't
-mean it is not important.
-Before you start work on something, you should first talk to the team!
-Ideally ask on scummvm-devel, our mailing list. This will help us to
-prevent double work, i.e. several people working on the same stuff at
-once without knowing about each other. Furthermore, sometimes entries
-on our list are actually obsolete (because the feature has been
-implemented, or because for some reason we no longer think it to be
-desirable). Special caution should be taken for TODO entries that say
-"we may want to" or similar things; that usually means that we aren't
-sure whether we really want to implement that feature.
-So, to repeat it: Always talk to the team before implementing a change
-on this list, or else risk having your patch rejected :-/.
-Finally, always make sure to check out our bug tracker and our feature
-request tracker for things that need work.
-# Docs, Web site
-* Add port specific user documentation (dreamcast/palm especially). That
- would include things like:
- - How to use ScummVM on system XYZ
- - Which Palm / WinCE devices will run ScummVM, which definitely will not
- run it (or with which limitations)?
-* Update/enhance man page
-* Write a high level overview of how ScummVM and its engines work?
-README / Manual
-* Ender is working on a new multi-format manual/readme.
- Since so far we haven't seen anything of that, Fingolfin has started a
- DocBook based manual (and FAQ, and Developer's Guide). You can find it in
- the CVS module "docs".
- Finally, there is a LaTeX based version of the README in the "doc" subdir
- of the "scummvm" CVS module, but it tends to slip out of sync with the
- plain text README, and it's not really a manual, it's just the README
- in a different file format.
-* Everybody is welcome to start helping out with the public manual project
- in the "docs" CVS module. You can either reuse content from the README,
- or replace it with new, better written stuff. Contact Fingolfin or our
- mailing list, scummvm-devel, if you are interested in helping out.
-* It would be greate to have a "Developer's Guide to ScummVM" which explains
- the ScummVM framework, and also the engines, i.e.
- - stuff in common/, like the config manager etc.
- - the backend API, and how to create new backends
- - the sound system
- - how to create a new engine
- - a chapter for each engine, with as many/little details as the resp.
- engine teams deem appropriate...
- - ...
-LaTeX docs
-* These are constantly out of sync with the README :-/
-* The files are currently named in a very dumb fashion -- using their section
- IDs, which of course constantly change. Better would be to give them names
- based on their content instead. E.g. create a subdir for each chapter,
- move the (sub)section files into that directory and rename them to match
- their content, instead of their section number (which changes all the time).
- -> Fingolfin would do it, but wants to wait until the SVN switch.
-* Add more Doxygen comments. However, quality is preferable over quantity
-* Document the OSystem overlay API, it badly needs it...
-Web site
-* Add the "Manual" / README to the site
-# Common code, infrastructure
-* Revise the way "quit" is handled. Maybe add a global variable "g_quit" which
- we set when the application should be quit (e.g. when an EVENT_QUIT is
- received). This is useful if multiple levels of event loops have to be ended
-* Fix the Map<> template, make it more robust; maybe use a red-black tree?
-* Make some generic "EventLoop" API/class which all backends and the GUI
- use. Initially this would just call the backend poll_event() etc. methods.
- But eventually the EventLoop object(s) could be made by the backend.
- This may allow for more efficient CPU usage etc.
- The current event handling model essentially is polling: the engines run
- some kind of main loop, which, besides many other things, also polls and
- dispatches events. The idea is to turn this around: the event loop
- frequently gives the engine time to do these "other things".
-* Make the autosave interval configurable (via GUI, command line, config file).
-* Maybe add ways to modify the game configs via the command line. E.g. allow
- ./scummvm --add new_target --path=/foo monkey2
- ./scummvm --remove new_target
-* Maybe allow launching games even if no target is specified? I.e. the user
- only has to specify a path (or run ScummVM from the right directory), and
- ScummVM auto-detects the game in that location
- ./scummvm --auto-detect
- Of course, if we do it, it has to be done so that the launcher is still
- reachable :-)
-* Some source files should be moved. But that's a pain with CVS, so let's
- wait until we switch to something better, like Subversion. In particular:
- - consider moving the MIDI stuff from sound/ to sound/midi/
- - move fmopl code to softsynth dir
- - maybe common/system.h / system.cpp should go to backends/, too ?
-* The following things should be put into namespaces:
- - AudioStream and subclasses into Audio
- - MIDI related classes either to Audio, or a new "MIDI" namespace
- - backend specific stuff into ??? (maybe new namespace "Backends" ?)
- not sure about this one.
-Build System
-* Add test(s) for backend usability in the configure script.
-* Enhance the Makefile-based build system to support VPATH and stuff, so that
- one can compile scummvm in a directory tree separate from the source tree.
- That would make it possible to build ScummVM with different build options,
- e.g. have one debug build and one optimized build.
- Fingolfin implemented most of this; the only thing missing is that configure
- should detect when it is run in a directory outside the source tree, and in
- that case generate a custom Makefile, with content like this:
- srcdir = /path/to/source/dir
- vpath %.cpp $(srcdir)
- vpath %.h $(srcdir)
- include $(srcdir)/Makefile
-* Allow automatic re-runs of configure (this would have to 'save' the values of
- env vars like CXXFLAGS and also command line params)
-* Add an install target to the Makefile - Copy binary, install manpage, add
- menu items, install README. See also patch #891909 (Gnome/KDE .desktop file)
-* Get the high quality resample code to work
- [Fingolfin has started work on this]
-* Consider changing the mixer volume to use range 0-255, for sake of
- consistency (but at a slight loss of efficiency). Note that this requires
- changes in at least rate.cpp and mixer.cpp.
-* MIDI: Add API to OSystem which allows client code to query for "native"
- MIDI drivers (like Windows, ALSA, Zodiac, CoreAudio). Then change the
- MIDI interfacing code (GUI, command line, config file, etc.) and also
- MidiDriver::createMidi() to use both that list and the list of
- 'emulated' MIDI devices (Adlib, MT-32, PC Speaker, etc.) in an appropriate
- way.
-* The Audio CD Manager, and especially the DigitalTrackInfo class could
- stand an overhaul. The system currently is not as easy to extend as one would
- wish. In particular, it would be nice if arbitrary AudioStream classes could
- be used here (this then would reduce code duplication and make it instantly
- possible to use WAV/VOC encoded audio tracks, should we desire to support
- those).
-* Modify our audio stream classes (for MP3/Vorbis/FLAC/... playback) to use
- SeekableReadStream instead of Files -> allow from-memory-playback.
- And could take advantage of a new hypothetical "Sub(Seekable)Stream" class.
- (See below for more info on that).
-Config Manager
-* Add a 'notification' system. E.g. the SoundMixer could request to be notified
- whenever the value of the "volume" config option changes. In other words,
- instead of a "pull" approach (where each subsystem has to check whether any
- config option relevant to it has been changed) we use a "push" approach.
- Of course the current approach is "push", too: whenever e.g. the volume
- setting is changed, the code doing so has to updated the SoundMixer etc.
- That's cumbersome, and error prone. Would be much nicer if updating the
- volume config value automatically notifies the SoundMixer, iMuse etc.
-* Modify the ConfigManager to make use of the ConfigFile class.
-* Maybe even follow the pentagram (http://pentragram.sf.net) approach and have
- three classes:
- - SettingsManager (like our current ConfigManager)
- - ConfigFileManager (manages a set of config files, possibly merging the data
- from multiple config files)
- - ConfigFile (a simple .ini file accessor).
- This makes it easy to add additional config sources (e.g. XMLConfigFile);
- makes it possible to treat the command line data like another config file
- (CommandLineConfig); and simply follows the good old MVC approach, which
- is always a good idea.
-* Add a FilesystemManager or FileManager or so which should unify and/or
- replace the current File/FilesystemNode classes (and maybe SaveFileManager).
- The goal is to make these things as portable as possible while keeping it
- easy to use for the coder. Some new functionality we need:
- - check for existence of file/directory
- - check whether given directory is readable/writeable
- - convert FSNode into a string representation (for prefs file)
- - convert said string representation back to FSNode
- Of course that can be added w/o a FileManager class, too - but it might be
- nice to have all of these integrated.
-* Get rid of the incRef/decRef API of class File. Instead, add a clone() method
- which generates a new (independant) File object for the same file (only would
- work for files in read mode, obviously). Convert the audio code to use this
- instead of the ref counting.
- Reason: Using a shared file object can lead to race conditions if multiple
- threads try to use it at the same time; on some systems (Symbian) it is
- apparently not even possible to do it; iahd t can also cause problems even in
- non-threaded code, when we seek in one block of code, and then try to access it
- from another block, w/o reseeking first.
-* Remove hard coded 320x200 assumptions, use game screen size. In particular,
- all the dialogs should be rewritten to allow for that. At this point, most
- (all?) dialogs are able to scale themselves, but the way they do so is
- sometimes a bit hackish, the layout could be improved, and there are glitches
- with the small version of the GUI.
-* EditableWidget: Make it possible to specify a min/max length for the text
-* EditableWidget: Let setEditString filter the string it gets
-* EditableWidget: Right now, custom filtering requires the user to subclass;
- it would be nice if there was simply a "validator hook" or so.
- Maybe take some inspiration from Java's Swing in this matter.
-* Improve EditTextWidget::drawCaret and ListWidget::drawCaret support for
- alternate fonts (the current code overdraws chars partly, and relies on the
- fact that our default built-in font has a separation pixel column on the
- *left* side; most other bitmap fonts have it on the right, though). To this
- end, we maybe should backup the background before drawing the caret, and
- restore it when erasing the caret.
-* PopUpDialog: Must be able to handle longer lists (by adding scrolling?). The
- language popup currently doesn't fit in the small version of the GUI.
-* Add a new "options" dialog which is used by all frontends: for this, we'd
- agree on a hotkey used in all engines to invoke that dialog; it would sport
- settings for the volume, graphics, paths, etc.; it would co-exist with the
- engines "native" option dialogs.
- The about dialog would be reachable from here, too, as well as a quit button.
- Justification: This ensures that all settings are really reachable from
- all of the engines, which is not the case currently.
- Problem: It's not fully clear to me how to "best" deal with global vs. local
- settings here...
-* Maybe add the ScummVM logo (+typeface?) to the about dialog
-* There is currently no way to unset the SoundFont from the GUI, if any was
- set. Maybe add a 'clear' button for it? The same holds for other path
- settings.
-* ScrollBarWidget: Add auto-repeat: if user clicks & holds on one of the
- arrows, then after a brief delay, it should start to contiously scroll.
-* AboutDialog: Add a "fade" effect for the top/bottom text lines
-* AboutDialog: Maybe prerender all of the text into another surface, and then
- simply compose that over the screen surface in the right way.
-* Add some more fonts/font variants? Maybe a tool like ttf2bdf could be used
- to convert on (free!) TTF font to both a small and a big font for the GUI,
- maybe including bold/italic variants
-* Allow loading external fonts (BDF format?). Useful for GUI customization.
-* Use 'complete' fonts, encoding wise. In particular, we should probably pick
- one encoding (e.g. ISO Latin 1) and standardize on it. Oh yeah, a map from
- the SCUMM encoding to that encoding would be useful.
- That way, we can at least all systems/languages which use that encoding.
- Of course, kyrillic and asian users, amongst others, wouldn't be helped
- by this, but there is nothing we can do for them anyway, short of
- implementing an UTF8 based font rendering engine. (And no, there is no way
- we are going to do such an absurd thing. Better to implement native GUIs
- than to write our own OS :-).
-* Consider implementing a new internal font format which
- - takes up less space in the executable (ascii vs. binary encoding)
- - allows for multi-color/anti-aliased fonts
-* Add more options to global options dialog
-* Add more options to game target options dialog
-* Add a plugin API that allows querying a plugin for the savegames associated
- with a given game; that is, you pass the name of a target from the config
- to the plugin, and it returns a list of savegames. How that list would look
- like exactly is debatable; but it should be possible to extract a user
- friendly name; a slot ID corresponding to the "-x" command line param;
- and possibly a filename.
- Justification: This API would make it possible to directly load savegames
- from the launcher.
-* This savegame API could return additional (optional) information for each
- savegame entry: name; creation date; thumbnail screenshot
-* When building with the fake static plugins: instead of hardcoding the list
- of plugins, plugins should automatically be "hooked in". This can be achieved
- by modifying REGISTER_PLUGIN to insert special code into the plugins.
- UPDATE: I tried this, but it doesn't really work due to constraints
- imposed by the way most C++ compilers/linkers out there realize global
- constructors.
-* On OSX: Support a plugin build in the bundle target: *.plugin files should
- be put into ScummVM.app/Contents/PlugIns/; this also means that the loader
- needs to search in the plugin dir of the active bundle. So use the
- CF bundle API, inside a #ifdef MACOSX block.
-* When creating an engine instance, there is currently no way for the plugin
- to indicate an error, except for returning a NULL value. It would be nice
- if the engine could specify why creating the engine instance failed (e.g.
- due to lack of memory, because a file couldn't be found, because the game
- was not recognized, etc.).
-* Currently, there is only a single list of game IDs return by each engine.
- That list is both used to detect which engine handles a given user target,
- and to display a list of supported game IDs. This leads to "-z" displaying
- e.g. the obsolete "zakTowns" target. So we should separate the two. There
- are multiple ways to do that, of course.
-* Split base/plugins.h into the part needed to implement a plugin, and the part
- needed by client code. Maybe also move DetectedGame and GameSettings to a new
- file base/game.h
-* Replace DetectedGame by a 'map' containing essentially the same data that the
- config file would contain -- i.e. gameid, description, language, platform;
- but also any further data, like e.g. basename, target_md5, or *anything*
- the engine deems important.
- -> far more flexible, and helps to simplify the launcher code, too.
-* Right now gBitFormat is part of common/scaler.cpp; we might want to move it
- to common/system.cpp, or replace it with something better.
- No hasty changes here, please, make sure you understand how it is used right
- now before messing with it ;-)
-* Document key codes to be used for special keys, like F1-F15 etc.
-* Add a Sub(Seekable)Stream wrapper class: You pass a (Seekable)Stream,
- an offset and a size to it. It will pass all calls on to the wrapped
- stream, but will restrict access to the specified byte range.
- This then can be used in various places, e.g. in many of the AudioStream
- classes, to simplify code.
-* Add a "clone" method that makes a copy of the (seekable/readable) stream.
- In the case of files, this would create a new file descriptor.
- Purpose: Replace the Symbian hack in MP3InputStream and other places;
- in particular, often we need two parts of code to access the same file
- but in separate positions...
-# Engines / frontends
-* Fix engines so they clean up after themselves, to allow proper re-entry
- to the launcher. See "FIXME: LAUNCHERHACK" in base/main.cpp
-* Get rid of GF_DEFAULT_TO_1X_SCALER and the 'defaultTo1XScaler' parameter of
- Engine::initCommonGFX. They form a crude hack to better support 640x480 games
- and are meant to prevent those games from being accidentally scaled to a size
- that won't fit on the screen. However, the proper fix would be to modify the
- backends so that they simply fall back to a smaller scaler when a combination
- is requested that can't be satisfied.
-* Make it possible to restart games properly
-* Add method of setting initial debug channels from command-line
-* Possibly implement a new resource manager, which then also could be shared
- by ScummEX. [Jamieson has some ideas about this].
-* Figure out how to extract resources from Apple II versions
-* Figure out how to extract resources from Turbografx/PC Engine version of Loom
-* Loom EGA: Add support for music and sound effects in Macintosh version
-* Add support for handling Kanji in FM-Towns games (foreground is rendered on a
- second plane at 640x480), text uses Shift_JIS encoding
- [implementation now that currently depends on font rom, not needing the rom
- would be preferable]
-* Add support for TFMX music format in Amiga version of Monkey Island 1
- Check http://darkstar.tabu.uni-bonn.de/~neo/audio.html for music format
- details
-* When SMUSH movies end, their music track sometimes should last a bit longer;
- currently, we stop the audio together with the animation, leading to cut off
- music.
-* Clean up class Gdi. This class right now mostly is about decoding various
- graphic formats. However some other functionality has crept into it, too.
- It would be nice if class Gdi would only contain the GFX decoding code, and
- nothing else (assuming that is feasible w/o too much trouble).
- OTOH, the code which is responsible for managing virtual screens, rendering
- virtual screens to the real display etc. could be grouped into a new class
- (e.g. VSManager or so).
-Broken Sword 2
-* Enforce ScummVM code formatting guidelines. (Mostly done?)
-* Encapsulate the code into sensible objects. (Partly done.)
-* Enable the CD swapping code. (Partly done.)
-* Fix the credits so they look more like the original. (Did we ever get the
- source code for that?)
-* Maybe work around script bug which causes the mop to disappear briefly when
- trying to pick it up from the top of the boat at the London docks. (The event
- to hide the mop is sent too early.) See bug #1214168.
-* Unify some of the code with Broken Sword 1 (e.g. in router.cpp).
-# Backends
-* Several of the backend factory functions take config parameters. It should
- be possible to get rid of those once the config system rewrite (see above)
- has been done. In that case, the backends simply can query the config
- manager for these parameters (or any others they might like :-).
-* Change backends to directly access the config manager
-* Add API to query backend for a list of available music engines
- Useful for Options dialog
-* MS DOS port using Allegro <http://www.talula.demon.co.uk/allegro/> and
- DJGPP <http://www.delorie.com/djgpp/> ?
-* Intent <http://withintent.biz/> port (already done by David Given, merge?)
-* Digita OS port? (play games on a select few digital cameras...)
- <http://digita.mame.net/reviews.htm>
-X11 backend
-* Add frills used by SDL backend like graphic filters usage and CD audio
-SDL backend
-* Right now, the WinCE backend subclasses the regular SDL backend. The
- Symbian backend will do that, too (it is not yet in CVS, though).
- They both overload a lot of methods (mostly the graphics stuff). Since
- graphics.cpp uses the scalers (e.g. hq3x), these derived backends
- carry that baggage around, too, even though they don't need that code.
- Idea: split the SDL backend into two classes, one base class which only
- has the code which is used by all subclasses; and a "desktop" subclass,
- which implements the rest. Then WinCE/Symbian would only subclass the
- "base" SDL class.
-* We implemented GFX transactions & commits some time ago -- but they are only
- half the story. We are still missing a rollback system -- that is, check
- whether the requested video mode works, if it doesn't, revert to the current
- settings -- at least "if it makes sense". That is, if the transaction
- only modified the scaler or aspect ratio, we can safely revert. Of course
- if the screen size changed (e.g. from 320x200 -> 640x480) we can't just
- revert to the old screen size -- unless we augment the API accordingly,
- and update all engines to deal with this possibility.
-# Tools
-* Try to unify the usage of the compression tools, where possible /
- necessary.
-* Make compress_san use the common encoder "API" in compress.c
-* Make compress_queen use the common encoder "API" in compress.c
-* Add FLAC support to compress_sword1 (and the sword1 engine)
-* Consider using library APIs to encode data, instead of invoking the
- lame/oggenc/flac binaries.
- Pro: Tighter integration, no need to create temporary files.
- Con: Requires the resp. libs/headers to be compiled in, and the resulting
- binary would only run if all needed shared libs are present
- (unless we static link), whereas the current binary will work even
- if lame/oggenc/flac are missing
-* Turn it into a library, to be used by a command line frontend (like now),
- ScummVM debugger, and ScummEX. Basically, the API could consist of a single
- function, which takes a pointer to a memory buffer, its length, the Scumm
- version and optionally a game id. Also, it would get a pointer to a print
- function (in the case of the CLI tool, print to stdout; for ScummVM, print
- to our GUI console; for ScummEX, append to some window/widget)
-* Rewrite code to use 2 passes; first pass builds an intermediate graph, the
- second pass then tries to detect loops, break/continue statements etc.
-* Proper implementation of o6_startObjectQuick decompilation (see comment in
- descumm6.c). May requre rewrite of core program logic