path: root/audio/softsynth/mt32/Structures.h
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1 files changed, 217 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/audio/softsynth/mt32/Structures.h b/audio/softsynth/mt32/Structures.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..e4d98ad1fc
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+++ b/audio/softsynth/mt32/Structures.h
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+/* Copyright (C) 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2008, 2009 Dean Beeler, Jerome Fisher
+ * Copyright (C) 2011 Dean Beeler, Jerome Fisher, Sergey V. Mikayev
+ *
+ * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation, either version 2.1 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
+ * along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+ */
+namespace MT32Emu {
+// MT32EMU_MEMADDR() converts from sysex-padded, MT32EMU_SYSEXMEMADDR converts to it
+// Roland provides documentation using the sysex-padded addresses, so we tend to use that in code and output
+#define MT32EMU_MEMADDR(x) ((((x) & 0x7f0000) >> 2) | (((x) & 0x7f00) >> 1) | ((x) & 0x7f))
+#define MT32EMU_SYSEXMEMADDR(x) ((((x) & 0x1FC000) << 2) | (((x) & 0x3F80) << 1) | ((x) & 0x7f))
+#ifdef _MSC_VER
+#define MT32EMU_ALIGN_PACKED __declspec(align(1))
+#define MT32EMU_ALIGN_PACKED __attribute__((packed))
+typedef unsigned int Bit32u;
+typedef signed int Bit32s;
+typedef unsigned short int Bit16u;
+typedef signed short int Bit16s;
+typedef unsigned char Bit8u;
+typedef signed char Bit8s;
+// The following structures represent the MT-32's memory
+// Since sysex allows this memory to be written to in blocks of bytes,
+// we keep this packed so that we can copy data into the various
+// banks directly
+#if defined(_MSC_VER) || defined (__MINGW32__)
+#pragma pack(push, 1)
+#pragma pack(1)
+struct TimbreParam {
+ struct CommonParam {
+ char name[10];
+ Bit8u partialStructure12; // 1 & 2 0-12 (1-13)
+ Bit8u partialStructure34; // 3 & 4 0-12 (1-13)
+ Bit8u partialMute; // 0-15 (0000-1111)
+ Bit8u noSustain; // ENV MODE 0-1 (Normal, No sustain)
+ } MT32EMU_ALIGN_PACKED common;
+ struct PartialParam {
+ struct WGParam {
+ Bit8u pitchCoarse; // 0-96 (C1,C#1-C9)
+ Bit8u pitchFine; // 0-100 (-50 to +50 (cents - confirmed by Mok))
+ Bit8u pitchKeyfollow; // 0-16 (-1, -1/2, -1/4, 0, 1/8, 1/4, 3/8, 1/2, 5/8, 3/4, 7/8, 1, 5/4, 3/2, 2, s1, s2)
+ Bit8u pitchBenderEnabled; // 0-1 (OFF, ON)
+ Bit8u waveform; // MT-32: 0-1 (SQU/SAW); LAPC-I: WG WAVEFORM/PCM BANK 0 - 3 (SQU/1, SAW/1, SQU/2, SAW/2)
+ Bit8u pcmWave; // 0-127 (1-128)
+ Bit8u pulseWidth; // 0-100
+ Bit8u pulseWidthVeloSensitivity; // 0-14 (-7 - +7)
+ struct PitchEnvParam {
+ Bit8u depth; // 0-10
+ Bit8u veloSensitivity; // 0-100
+ Bit8u timeKeyfollow; // 0-4
+ Bit8u time[4]; // 0-100
+ Bit8u level[5]; // 0-100 (-50 - +50) // [3]: SUSTAIN LEVEL, [4]: END LEVEL
+ } MT32EMU_ALIGN_PACKED pitchEnv;
+ struct PitchLFOParam {
+ Bit8u rate; // 0-100
+ Bit8u depth; // 0-100
+ Bit8u modSensitivity; // 0-100
+ struct TVFParam {
+ Bit8u cutoff; // 0-100
+ Bit8u resonance; // 0-30
+ Bit8u keyfollow; // -1, -1/2, -1/4, 0, 1/8, 1/4, 3/8, 1/2, 5/8, 3/4, 7/8, 1, 5/4, 3/2, 2
+ Bit8u biasPoint; // 0-127 (<1A-<7C >1A-7C)
+ Bit8u biasLevel; // 0-14 (-7 - +7)
+ Bit8u envDepth; // 0-100
+ Bit8u envVeloSensitivity; // 0-100
+ Bit8u envDepthKeyfollow; // DEPTH KEY FOLL0W 0-4
+ Bit8u envTimeKeyfollow; // TIME KEY FOLLOW 0-4
+ Bit8u envTime[5]; // 0-100
+ Bit8u envLevel[4]; // 0-100 // [3]: SUSTAIN LEVEL
+ struct TVAParam {
+ Bit8u level; // 0-100
+ Bit8u veloSensitivity; // 0-100
+ Bit8u biasPoint1; // 0-127 (<1A-<7C >1A-7C)
+ Bit8u biasLevel1; // 0-12 (-12 - 0)
+ Bit8u biasPoint2; // 0-127 (<1A-<7C >1A-7C)
+ Bit8u biasLevel2; // 0-12 (-12 - 0)
+ Bit8u envTimeKeyfollow; // TIME KEY FOLLOW 0-4
+ Bit8u envTimeVeloSensitivity; // VELOS KEY FOLL0W 0-4
+ Bit8u envTime[5]; // 0-100
+ Bit8u envLevel[4]; // 0-100 // [3]: SUSTAIN LEVEL
+ } MT32EMU_ALIGN_PACKED partial[4];
+struct PatchParam {
+ Bit8u timbreGroup; // TIMBRE GROUP 0-3 (group A, group B, Memory, Rhythm)
+ Bit8u timbreNum; // TIMBRE NUMBER 0-63
+ Bit8u keyShift; // KEY SHIFT 0-48 (-24 - +24 semitones)
+ Bit8u fineTune; // FINE TUNE 0-100 (-50 - +50 cents)
+ Bit8u benderRange; // BENDER RANGE 0-24
+ Bit8u assignMode; // ASSIGN MODE 0-3 (POLY1, POLY2, POLY3, POLY4)
+ Bit8u reverbSwitch; // REVERB SWITCH 0-1 (OFF,ON)
+ Bit8u dummy; // (DUMMY)
+const unsigned int SYSTEM_MASTER_TUNE_OFF = 0;
+const unsigned int SYSTEM_REVERB_MODE_OFF = 1;
+const unsigned int SYSTEM_REVERB_TIME_OFF = 2;
+const unsigned int SYSTEM_REVERB_LEVEL_OFF = 3;
+const unsigned int SYSTEM_RESERVE_SETTINGS_START_OFF = 4;
+const unsigned int SYSTEM_RESERVE_SETTINGS_END_OFF = 12;
+const unsigned int SYSTEM_CHAN_ASSIGN_START_OFF = 13;
+const unsigned int SYSTEM_CHAN_ASSIGN_END_OFF = 21;
+const unsigned int SYSTEM_MASTER_VOL_OFF = 22;
+struct MemParams {
+ // NOTE: The MT-32 documentation only specifies PatchTemp areas for parts 1-8.
+ // The LAPC-I documentation specified an additional area for rhythm at the end,
+ // where all parameters but fine tune, assign mode and output level are ignored
+ struct PatchTemp {
+ PatchParam patch;
+ Bit8u outputLevel; // OUTPUT LEVEL 0-100
+ Bit8u panpot; // PANPOT 0-14 (R-L)
+ Bit8u dummyv[6];
+ } MT32EMU_ALIGN_PACKED patchTemp[9];
+ struct RhythmTemp {
+ Bit8u timbre; // TIMBRE 0-94 (M1-M64,R1-30,OFF); LAPC-I: 0-127 (M01-M64,R01-R63)
+ Bit8u outputLevel; // OUTPUT LEVEL 0-100
+ Bit8u panpot; // PANPOT 0-14 (R-L)
+ Bit8u reverbSwitch; // REVERB SWITCH 0-1 (OFF,ON)
+ } MT32EMU_ALIGN_PACKED rhythmTemp[85];
+ TimbreParam timbreTemp[8];
+ PatchParam patches[128];
+ // NOTE: There are only 30 timbres in the "rhythm" bank for MT-32; the additional 34 are for LAPC-I and above
+ struct PaddedTimbre {
+ TimbreParam timbre;
+ Bit8u padding[10];
+ } MT32EMU_ALIGN_PACKED timbres[64 + 64 + 64 + 64]; // Group A, Group B, Memory, Rhythm
+ struct System {
+ Bit8u masterTune; // MASTER TUNE 0-127 432.1-457.6Hz
+ Bit8u reverbMode; // REVERB MODE 0-3 (room, hall, plate, tap delay)
+ Bit8u reverbTime; // REVERB TIME 0-7 (1-8)
+ Bit8u reverbLevel; // REVERB LEVEL 0-7 (1-8)
+ Bit8u reserveSettings[9]; // PARTIAL RESERVE (PART 1) 0-32
+ Bit8u chanAssign[9]; // MIDI CHANNEL (PART1) 0-16 (1-16,OFF)
+ Bit8u masterVol; // MASTER VOLUME 0-100
+ } MT32EMU_ALIGN_PACKED system;
+#if defined(_MSC_VER) || defined (__MINGW32__)
+#pragma pack(pop)
+#pragma pack()
+struct ControlROMPCMStruct;
+struct PCMWaveEntry {
+ Bit32u addr;
+ Bit32u len;
+ bool loop;
+ ControlROMPCMStruct *controlROMPCMStruct;
+// This is basically a per-partial, pre-processed combination of timbre and patch/rhythm settings
+struct PatchCache {
+ bool playPartial;
+ bool PCMPartial;
+ int pcm;
+ char waveform;
+ Bit32u structureMix;
+ int structurePosition;
+ int structurePair;
+ // The following fields are actually common to all partials in the timbre
+ bool dirty;
+ Bit32u partialCount;
+ bool sustain;
+ bool reverb;
+ TimbreParam::PartialParam srcPartial;
+ // The following directly points into live sysex-addressable memory
+ const TimbreParam::PartialParam *partialParam;
+class Partial; // Forward reference for class defined in partial.h