path: root/audio/softsynth/mt32/srchelper/srctools/src/FIRResampler.cpp
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Diffstat (limited to 'audio/softsynth/mt32/srchelper/srctools/src/FIRResampler.cpp')
1 files changed, 107 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/audio/softsynth/mt32/srchelper/srctools/src/FIRResampler.cpp b/audio/softsynth/mt32/srchelper/srctools/src/FIRResampler.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..2cded0c3d7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/audio/softsynth/mt32/srchelper/srctools/src/FIRResampler.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,107 @@
+/* Copyright (C) 2015-2017 Sergey V. Mikayev
+ *
+ * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation, either version 2.1 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
+ * along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+ */
+#include <cmath>
+#include <cstring>
+#include "FIRResampler.h"
+using namespace SRCTools;
+FIRResampler::Constants::Constants(const unsigned int upsampleFactor, const double downsampleFactor, const FIRCoefficient kernel[], const unsigned int kernelLength) {
+ usePhaseInterpolation = downsampleFactor != floor(downsampleFactor);
+ FIRCoefficient *kernelCopy = new FIRCoefficient[kernelLength];
+ memcpy(kernelCopy, kernel, kernelLength * sizeof(FIRCoefficient));
+ taps = kernelCopy;
+ numberOfTaps = kernelLength;
+ numberOfPhases = upsampleFactor;
+ phaseIncrement = downsampleFactor;
+ unsigned int minDelayLineLength = static_cast<unsigned int>(ceil(double(kernelLength) / upsampleFactor));
+ unsigned int delayLineLength = 2;
+ while (delayLineLength < minDelayLineLength) delayLineLength <<= 1;
+ delayLineMask = delayLineLength - 1;
+ ringBuffer = new FloatSample[delayLineLength][FIR_INTERPOLATOR_CHANNEL_COUNT];
+ FloatSample *s = *ringBuffer;
+ FloatSample *e = ringBuffer[delayLineLength];
+ while (s < e) *(s++) = 0;
+FIRResampler::FIRResampler(const unsigned int upsampleFactor, const double downsampleFactor, const FIRCoefficient kernel[], const unsigned int kernelLength) :
+ constants(upsampleFactor, downsampleFactor, kernel, kernelLength),
+ ringBufferPosition(0),
+ phase(constants.numberOfPhases)
+FIRResampler::~FIRResampler() {
+ delete[] constants.ringBuffer;
+ delete[] constants.taps;
+void FIRResampler::process(const FloatSample *&inSamples, unsigned int &inLength, FloatSample *&outSamples, unsigned int &outLength) {
+ while (outLength > 0) {
+ while (needNextInSample()) {
+ if (inLength == 0) return;
+ addInSamples(inSamples);
+ --inLength;
+ }
+ getOutSamplesStereo(outSamples);
+ --outLength;
+ }
+unsigned int FIRResampler::estimateInLength(const unsigned int outLength) const {
+ return static_cast<unsigned int>((outLength * constants.phaseIncrement + phase) / constants.numberOfPhases);
+bool FIRResampler::needNextInSample() const {
+ return constants.numberOfPhases <= phase;
+void FIRResampler::addInSamples(const FloatSample *&inSamples) {
+ ringBufferPosition = (ringBufferPosition - 1) & constants.delayLineMask;
+ for (unsigned int i = 0; i < FIR_INTERPOLATOR_CHANNEL_COUNT; i++) {
+ constants.ringBuffer[ringBufferPosition][i] = *(inSamples++);
+ }
+ phase -= constants.numberOfPhases;
+// Optimised for processing stereo interleaved streams
+void FIRResampler::getOutSamplesStereo(FloatSample *&outSamples) {
+ FloatSample leftSample = 0.0;
+ FloatSample rightSample = 0.0;
+ unsigned int delaySampleIx = ringBufferPosition;
+ if (constants.usePhaseInterpolation) {
+ double phaseFraction = phase - floor(phase);
+ unsigned int maxTapIx = phaseFraction == 0 ? constants.numberOfTaps : constants.numberOfTaps - 1;
+ for (unsigned int tapIx = static_cast<unsigned int>(phase); tapIx < maxTapIx; tapIx += constants.numberOfPhases) {
+ FIRCoefficient tap = FIRCoefficient(constants.taps[tapIx] + (constants.taps[tapIx + 1] - constants.taps[tapIx]) * phaseFraction);
+ leftSample += tap * constants.ringBuffer[delaySampleIx][0];
+ rightSample += tap * constants.ringBuffer[delaySampleIx][1];
+ delaySampleIx = (delaySampleIx + 1) & constants.delayLineMask;
+ }
+ } else {
+ // Optimised for rational resampling ratios when phase is always integer
+ for (unsigned int tapIx = static_cast<unsigned int>(phase); tapIx < constants.numberOfTaps; tapIx += constants.numberOfPhases) {
+ FIRCoefficient tap = constants.taps[tapIx];
+ leftSample += tap * constants.ringBuffer[delaySampleIx][0];
+ rightSample += tap * constants.ringBuffer[delaySampleIx][1];
+ delaySampleIx = (delaySampleIx + 1) & constants.delayLineMask;
+ }
+ }
+ *(outSamples++) = leftSample;
+ *(outSamples++) = rightSample;
+ phase += constants.phaseIncrement;