path: root/backends/platform/ds/arm9/source/fat/gba_nds_fat.h
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'backends/platform/ds/arm9/source/fat/gba_nds_fat.h')
1 files changed, 888 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/backends/platform/ds/arm9/source/fat/gba_nds_fat.h b/backends/platform/ds/arm9/source/fat/gba_nds_fat.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..8c44fafafb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/backends/platform/ds/arm9/source/fat/gba_nds_fat.h
@@ -0,0 +1,888 @@
+ gba_nds_fat.h
+ By chishm (Michael Chisholm)
+ Routines for reading a compact flash card
+ using the GBA Movie Player or M3.
+ Some FAT routines are based on those in fat.c, which
+ is part of avrlib by Pascal Stang.
+ This software is completely free. No warranty is provided.
+ If you use it, please give me credit and email me about your
+ project at chishm@hotmail.com
+ See gba_nds_fat.txt for help and license details.
+// Customisable features
+// Maximum number of files open at once
+// Increase this to open more files, decrease to save memory
+#define MAX_FILES_OPEN 4
+// Allow file writing
+// Disable this to remove file writing support
+// Allow file time functions
+// This adds ~ 14KB to the compiled size
+// Uncomment to enable
+// Platform specific includes
+// When compiling for NDS, make sure NDS is defined
+#ifndef NDS
+ #if defined ARM9 || defined ARM7
+ #define NDS
+ #endif
+#ifdef NDS
+ #include <nds/jtypes.h>
+ #include "gba_types.h"
+ #include <time.h>
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+extern "C" {
+// Important constants
+#define MAX_FILENAME_LENGTH 256 // Maximum LFN length. Don't change this one
+// File Constants
+#ifndef EOF
+#define EOF -1
+#define SEEK_SET 0
+#define SEEK_CUR 1
+#define SEEK_END 2
+// File attributes
+#define ATTRIB_ARCH 0x20 // Archive
+#define ATTRIB_DIR 0x10 // Directory
+#define ATTRIB_LFN 0x0F // Long file name
+#define ATTRIB_VOL 0x08 // Volume
+#define ATTRIB_SYS 0x04 // System
+#define ATTRIB_HID 0x02 // Hidden
+#define ATTRIB_RO 0x01 // Read only
+// Directory Constants
+typedef enum {FT_NONE, FT_FILE, FT_DIR} FILE_TYPE;
+// Filesystem type
+typedef enum {FS_UNKNOWN, FS_FAT12, FS_FAT16, FS_FAT32} FS_TYPE;
+// Open file information structure
+typedef struct
+ u32 firstCluster;
+ u32 length;
+ u32 curPos;
+ u32 curClus; // Current cluster to read from
+ int curSect; // Current sector within cluster
+ int curByte; // Current byte within sector
+ char readBuffer[512]; // Buffer used for unaligned reads
+ u32 appClus; // Cluster to append to
+ int appSect; // Sector within cluster for appending
+ int appByte; // Byte within sector for appending
+ bool read; // Can read from file
+ bool write; // Can write to file
+ bool append;// Can append to file
+ bool inUse; // This file is open
+ u32 dirEntSector; // The sector where the directory entry is stored
+ int dirEntOffset; // The offset within the directory sector
+// CF Card functions
+Reads the FAT information from the CF card.
+You need to call this before reading any files.
+bool return OUT: true if successful.
+bool FAT_InitFiles (void);
+Closes all open files then resets the CF card.
+Call this before exiting back to the GBAMP
+bool return OUT: true if successful.
+bool FAT_FreeFiles (void);
+Get the alias (short name) of the last file or directory entry read
+ using GetDirEntry. Works for FindFirstFile and FindNextFile
+char* alias OUT: will be filled with the alias (short filename),
+ should be at least 13 bytes long
+bool return OUT: return true if successful
+bool FAT_GetAlias (char* alias);
+Get the long name of the last file or directory retrived with
+ GetDirEntry. Also works for FindFirstFile and FindNextFile
+char* filename: OUT will be filled with the filename, should be at
+ least 256 bytes long
+bool return OUT: return true if successful
+bool FAT_GetLongFilename (char* filename);
+Get the file size of the last file found or openned.
+This idea is based on a modification by MoonShine
+u32 return OUT: the file size
+u32 FAT_GetFileSize (void);
+Get the first cluster of the last file found or openned.
+u32 return OUT: the file start cluster
+u32 FAT_GetFileCluster (void);
+Get the attributes of the last file found or openned.
+u8 return OUT: the file's attributes
+u8 FAT_GetFileAttributes (void);
+Set the attributes of a file.
+const char* filename IN: The name and path of the file to modify
+u8 attributes IN: The attribute values to assign
+u8 mask IN: Detemines which attributes are changed
+u8 return OUT: the file's new attributes
+u8 FAT_SetFileAttributes (const char* filename, u8 attributes, u8 mask);
+Get the creation time of the last file found or openned.
+time_t return OUT: the file's creation time
+time_t FAT_GetFileCreationTime (void);
+Get the creation time of the last file found or openned.
+time_t return OUT: the file's creation time
+time_t FAT_GetFileLastWriteTime (void);
+Gets the name of the next directory entry
+ (can be a file or subdirectory)
+char* filename: OUT filename, must be at least 13 chars long
+FILE_TYPE return: OUT returns FT_NONE if failed,
+ FT_FILE if it found a file and FT_DIR if it found a directory
+FILE_TYPE FAT_FindNextFile (char* filename);
+Gets the name of the first directory entry and resets the count
+ (can be a file or subdirectory)
+char* filename: OUT filename, must be at least 13 chars long
+FILE_TYPE return: OUT returns FT_NONE if failed,
+ FT_FILE if it found a file and FT_DIR if it found a directory
+FILE_TYPE FAT_FindFirstFile (char* filename);
+Gets the long file name of the first directory entry and resets
+ the count (can be a file or subdirectory)
+char* lfn: OUT long file name, must be at least 256 chars long
+FILE_TYPE return: OUT returns FT_NONE if failed,
+ FT_FILE if it found a file and FT_DIR if it found a directory
+FILE_TYPE FAT_FindFirstFileLFN(char* lfn);
+Gets the long file name of the next directory entry
+ (can be a file or subdirectory)
+char* lfn: OUT long file name, must be at least 256 chars long
+FILE_TYPE return: OUT returns FT_NONE if failed,
+ FT_FILE if it found a file and FT_DIR if it found a directory
+FILE_TYPE FAT_FindNextFileLFN(char* lfn);
+Returns the type of file
+char* filename: IN filename of the file to look for
+FILE_TYPE return: OUT returns FT_NONE if there is now file with
+ that name, FT_FILE if it is a file and FT_DIR if it is a directory
+FILE_TYPE FAT_FileExists (const char* filename);
+FS_TYPE return: OUT returns the current file system type
+FS_TYPE FAT_GetFileSystemType (void);
+u32 return: OUT returns the total disk space (used + free)
+u32 FAT_GetFileSystemTotalSize (void);
+Changes the current working directory
+const char* path: IN null terminated string of directory separated by
+ forward slashes, / is root
+bool return: OUT returns true if successful
+bool FAT_chdir (const char* path);
+// File functions
+FAT_fopen(filename, mode)
+Opens a file
+const char* path: IN null terminated string of filename and path
+ separated by forward slashes, / is root
+const char* mode: IN mode to open file in
+ Supported modes: "r", "r+", "w", "w+", "a", "a+", don't use
+ "b" or "t" in any mode, as all files are openned in binary mode
+FAT_FILE* return: OUT handle to open file, returns -1 if the file
+ couldn't be openned
+FAT_FILE* FAT_fopen(const char* path, const char* mode);
+Closes a file
+FAT_FILE* file: IN handle of the file to close
+bool return OUT: true if successful, false if not
+bool FAT_fclose (FAT_FILE* file);
+Returns the current position in a file
+FAT_FILE* file: IN handle of an open file
+u32 OUT: Current position
+u32 FAT_ftell (FAT_FILE* file);
+FAT_fseek(file, offset, origin)
+Seeks to specified byte position in file
+int file: IN handle of an open file
+u32 offset IN: position to seek to, relative to origin
+int origin IN: origin to seek from
+int OUT: Returns 0 if successful, -1 if not
+int FAT_fseek(FAT_FILE* file, s32 offset, int origin);
+FAT_fread(buffer, size, count, file)
+Reads in length number of bytes into buffer from file, starting
+ from current position. It then sets the current position to the
+ byte after the last byte read. If it reaches the end of file
+ before filling the buffer then it stops reading.
+void* buffer OUT: Pointer to buffer to fill. Should be at least as
+ big as the number of bytes required
+u32 size IN: size of each item to read
+u32 count IN: number of items to read
+FAT_FILE* file IN: Handle of an open file
+u32 OUT: returns the actual number of bytes read
+u32 FAT_fread (void* buffer, u32 size, u32 count, FAT_FILE* file);
+FAT_fwrite(buffer, size, count, file)
+Writes size * count bytes into file from buffer, starting
+ from current position. It then sets the current position to the
+ byte after the last byte written. If the file was openned in
+ append mode it always writes to the end of the file.
+const void* buffer IN: Pointer to buffer containing data. Should be
+ at least as big as the number of bytes to be written.
+u32 size IN: size of each item to write
+u32 count IN: number of items to write
+FAT_FILE* file IN: Handle of an open file
+u32 OUT: returns the actual number of bytes written
+u32 FAT_fwrite (const void* buffer, u32 size, u32 count, FAT_FILE* file);
+Returns true if the end of file has been reached
+FAT_FILE* file IN: Handle of an open file
+bool return OUT: true if EOF, false if not
+bool FAT_feof(FAT_FILE* file);
+FAT_remove (path)
+Deletes the file or empty directory sepecified in path
+const char* path IN: Path of item to delete
+int return OUT: zero if successful, non-zero if not
+int FAT_remove (const char* path);
+FAT_mkdir (path)
+Makes a new directory, so long as no other directory or file has
+ the same name.
+const char* path IN: Path and filename of directory to make
+int return OUT: zero if successful, non-zero if not
+int FAT_mkdir (const char* path);
+FAT_fgetc (handle)
+Gets the next character in the file
+FAT_FILE* file IN: Handle of open file
+bool return OUT: character if successful, EOF if not
+char FAT_fgetc (FAT_FILE* file);
+FAT_fputc (character, handle)
+Writes the given character into the file
+char c IN: Character to be written
+FAT_FILE* handle IN: Handle of open file
+bool return OUT: character if successful, EOF if not
+char FAT_fputc (char c, FAT_FILE* file);
+FAT_fgets (char *tgtBuffer, int num, FAT_FILE* file)
+Gets a up to num bytes from file, stopping at the first
+ newline.
+CAUTION: does not do strictly streaming. I.e. it's
+ reading more then needed bytes and seeking back.
+ shouldn't matter for random access
+char *tgtBuffer OUT: buffer to write to
+int num IN: size of target buffer
+FAT_FILE* file IN: Handle of open file
+bool return OUT: character if successful, EOF if not
+ Written by MightyMax
+ Modified by Chishm - 2005-11-17
+ * Added check for unix style text files
+ * Removed seek when no newline is found, since it isn't necessary
+char *FAT_fgets(char *tgtBuffer, int num, FAT_FILE* file) ;
+FAT_fputs (const char *string, FAT_FILE* file)
+Writes string to file, excluding end of string character
+const char *string IN: string to write
+FAT_FILE* file IN: Handle of open file
+bool return OUT: number of characters written if successful,
+ EOF if not
+ Written by MightyMax
+ Modified by Chishm - 2005-11-17
+ * Uses FAT_FILE instead of int
+ * writtenBytes is now u32 instead of int
+int FAT_fputs (const char *string, FAT_FILE* file);
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+} // extern "C"
+#endif // ifndef _GBA_NDS_FAT
+ gba_nds_fat.h
+ By chishm (Michael Chisholm)
+ Routines for reading a compact flash card
+ using the GBA Movie Player or M3.
+ Some FAT routines are based on those in fat.c, which
+ is part of avrlib by Pascal Stang.
+ This software is completely free. No warranty is provided.
+ If you use it, please give me credit and email me about your
+ project at chishm@hotmail.com
+ See gba_nds_fat.txt for help and license details.
+// Customisable features
+// Maximum number of files open at once
+// Increase this to open more files, decrease to save memory
+#define MAX_FILES_OPEN 4
+// Allow file writing
+// Disable this to remove file writing support
+// Allow file time functions
+// This adds ~ 14KB to the compiled size
+// Uncomment to enable
+// Platform specific includes
+// When compiling for NDS, make sure NDS is defined
+#ifndef NDS
+ #if defined ARM9 || defined ARM7
+ #define NDS
+ #endif
+#ifdef NDS
+ #include <nds/jtypes.h>
+ #include "gba_types.h"
+ #include <time.h>
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+extern "C" {
+// Important constants
+#define MAX_FILENAME_LENGTH 256 // Maximum LFN length. Don't change this one
+// File Constants
+#ifndef EOF
+#define EOF -1
+#define SEEK_SET 0
+#define SEEK_CUR 1
+#define SEEK_END 2
+// File attributes
+#define ATTRIB_ARCH 0x20 // Archive
+#define ATTRIB_DIR 0x10 // Directory
+#define ATTRIB_LFN 0x0F // Long file name
+#define ATTRIB_VOL 0x08 // Volume
+#define ATTRIB_SYS 0x04 // System
+#define ATTRIB_HID 0x02 // Hidden
+#define ATTRIB_RO 0x01 // Read only
+// Directory Constants
+typedef enum {FT_NONE, FT_FILE, FT_DIR} FILE_TYPE;
+// Filesystem type
+typedef enum {FS_UNKNOWN, FS_FAT12, FS_FAT16, FS_FAT32} FS_TYPE;
+// Open file information structure
+typedef struct
+ u32 firstCluster;
+ u32 length;
+ u32 curPos;
+ u32 curClus; // Current cluster to read from
+ int curSect; // Current sector within cluster
+ int curByte; // Current byte within sector
+ char readBuffer[512]; // Buffer used for unaligned reads
+ u32 appClus; // Cluster to append to
+ int appSect; // Sector within cluster for appending
+ int appByte; // Byte within sector for appending
+ bool read; // Can read from file
+ bool write; // Can write to file
+ bool append;// Can append to file
+ bool inUse; // This file is open
+ u32 dirEntSector; // The sector where the directory entry is stored
+ int dirEntOffset; // The offset within the directory sector
+// CF Card functions
+Reads the FAT information from the CF card.
+You need to call this before reading any files.
+bool return OUT: true if successful.
+bool FAT_InitFiles (void);
+Closes all open files then resets the CF card.
+Call this before exiting back to the GBAMP
+bool return OUT: true if successful.
+bool FAT_FreeFiles (void);
+Get the alias (short name) of the last file or directory entry read
+ using GetDirEntry. Works for FindFirstFile and FindNextFile
+char* alias OUT: will be filled with the alias (short filename),
+ should be at least 13 bytes long
+bool return OUT: return true if successful
+bool FAT_GetAlias (char* alias);
+Get the long name of the last file or directory retrived with
+ GetDirEntry. Also works for FindFirstFile and FindNextFile
+char* filename: OUT will be filled with the filename, should be at
+ least 256 bytes long
+bool return OUT: return true if successful
+bool FAT_GetLongFilename (char* filename);
+Get the file size of the last file found or openned.
+This idea is based on a modification by MoonShine
+u32 return OUT: the file size
+u32 FAT_GetFileSize (void);
+Get the first cluster of the last file found or openned.
+u32 return OUT: the file start cluster
+u32 FAT_GetFileCluster (void);
+Get the attributes of the last file found or openned.
+u8 return OUT: the file's attributes
+u8 FAT_GetFileAttributes (void);
+Set the attributes of a file.
+const char* filename IN: The name and path of the file to modify
+u8 attributes IN: The attribute values to assign
+u8 mask IN: Detemines which attributes are changed
+u8 return OUT: the file's new attributes
+u8 FAT_SetFileAttributes (const char* filename, u8 attributes, u8 mask);
+Get the creation time of the last file found or openned.
+time_t return OUT: the file's creation time
+time_t FAT_GetFileCreationTime (void);
+Get the creation time of the last file found or openned.
+time_t return OUT: the file's creation time
+time_t FAT_GetFileLastWriteTime (void);
+Gets the name of the next directory entry
+ (can be a file or subdirectory)
+char* filename: OUT filename, must be at least 13 chars long
+FILE_TYPE return: OUT returns FT_NONE if failed,
+ FT_FILE if it found a file and FT_DIR if it found a directory
+FILE_TYPE FAT_FindNextFile (char* filename);
+Gets the name of the first directory entry and resets the count
+ (can be a file or subdirectory)
+char* filename: OUT filename, must be at least 13 chars long
+FILE_TYPE return: OUT returns FT_NONE if failed,
+ FT_FILE if it found a file and FT_DIR if it found a directory
+FILE_TYPE FAT_FindFirstFile (char* filename);
+Gets the long file name of the first directory entry and resets
+ the count (can be a file or subdirectory)
+char* lfn: OUT long file name, must be at least 256 chars long
+FILE_TYPE return: OUT returns FT_NONE if failed,
+ FT_FILE if it found a file and FT_DIR if it found a directory
+FILE_TYPE FAT_FindFirstFileLFN(char* lfn);
+Gets the long file name of the next directory entry
+ (can be a file or subdirectory)
+char* lfn: OUT long file name, must be at least 256 chars long
+FILE_TYPE return: OUT returns FT_NONE if failed,
+ FT_FILE if it found a file and FT_DIR if it found a directory
+FILE_TYPE FAT_FindNextFileLFN(char* lfn);
+Returns the type of file
+char* filename: IN filename of the file to look for
+FILE_TYPE return: OUT returns FT_NONE if there is now file with
+ that name, FT_FILE if it is a file and FT_DIR if it is a directory
+FILE_TYPE FAT_FileExists (const char* filename);
+FS_TYPE return: OUT returns the current file system type
+FS_TYPE FAT_GetFileSystemType (void);
+u32 return: OUT returns the total disk space (used + free)
+u32 FAT_GetFileSystemTotalSize (void);
+Changes the current working directory
+const char* path: IN null terminated string of directory separated by
+ forward slashes, / is root
+bool return: OUT returns true if successful
+bool FAT_chdir (const char* path);
+// File functions
+FAT_fopen(filename, mode)
+Opens a file
+const char* path: IN null terminated string of filename and path
+ separated by forward slashes, / is root
+const char* mode: IN mode to open file in
+ Supported modes: "r", "r+", "w", "w+", "a", "a+", don't use
+ "b" or "t" in any mode, as all files are openned in binary mode
+FAT_FILE* return: OUT handle to open file, returns -1 if the file
+ couldn't be openned
+FAT_FILE* FAT_fopen(const char* path, const char* mode);
+Closes a file
+FAT_FILE* file: IN handle of the file to close
+bool return OUT: true if successful, false if not
+bool FAT_fclose (FAT_FILE* file);
+Returns the current position in a file
+FAT_FILE* file: IN handle of an open file
+u32 OUT: Current position
+u32 FAT_ftell (FAT_FILE* file);
+FAT_fseek(file, offset, origin)
+Seeks to specified byte position in file
+int file: IN handle of an open file
+u32 offset IN: position to seek to, relative to origin
+int origin IN: origin to seek from
+int OUT: Returns 0 if successful, -1 if not
+int FAT_fseek(FAT_FILE* file, s32 offset, int origin);
+FAT_fread(buffer, size, count, file)
+Reads in length number of bytes into buffer from file, starting
+ from current position. It then sets the current position to the
+ byte after the last byte read. If it reaches the end of file
+ before filling the buffer then it stops reading.
+void* buffer OUT: Pointer to buffer to fill. Should be at least as
+ big as the number of bytes required
+u32 size IN: size of each item to read
+u32 count IN: number of items to read
+FAT_FILE* file IN: Handle of an open file
+u32 OUT: returns the actual number of bytes read
+u32 FAT_fread (void* buffer, u32 size, u32 count, FAT_FILE* file);
+FAT_fwrite(buffer, size, count, file)
+Writes size * count bytes into file from buffer, starting
+ from current position. It then sets the current position to the
+ byte after the last byte written. If the file was openned in
+ append mode it always writes to the end of the file.
+const void* buffer IN: Pointer to buffer containing data. Should be
+ at least as big as the number of bytes to be written.
+u32 size IN: size of each item to write
+u32 count IN: number of items to write
+FAT_FILE* file IN: Handle of an open file
+u32 OUT: returns the actual number of bytes written
+u32 FAT_fwrite (const void* buffer, u32 size, u32 count, FAT_FILE* file);
+Returns true if the end of file has been reached
+FAT_FILE* file IN: Handle of an open file
+bool return OUT: true if EOF, false if not
+bool FAT_feof(FAT_FILE* file);
+FAT_remove (path)
+Deletes the file or empty directory sepecified in path
+const char* path IN: Path of item to delete
+int return OUT: zero if successful, non-zero if not
+int FAT_remove (const char* path);
+FAT_mkdir (path)
+Makes a new directory, so long as no other directory or file has
+ the same name.
+const char* path IN: Path and filename of directory to make
+int return OUT: zero if successful, non-zero if not
+int FAT_mkdir (const char* path);
+FAT_fgetc (handle)
+Gets the next character in the file
+FAT_FILE* file IN: Handle of open file
+bool return OUT: character if successful, EOF if not
+char FAT_fgetc (FAT_FILE* file);
+FAT_fputc (character, handle)
+Writes the given character into the file
+char c IN: Character to be written
+FAT_FILE* handle IN: Handle of open file
+bool return OUT: character if successful, EOF if not
+char FAT_fputc (char c, FAT_FILE* file);
+FAT_fgets (char *tgtBuffer, int num, FAT_FILE* file)
+Gets a up to num bytes from file, stopping at the first
+ newline.
+CAUTION: does not do strictly streaming. I.e. it's
+ reading more then needed bytes and seeking back.
+ shouldn't matter for random access
+char *tgtBuffer OUT: buffer to write to
+int num IN: size of target buffer
+FAT_FILE* file IN: Handle of open file
+bool return OUT: character if successful, EOF if not
+ Written by MightyMax
+ Modified by Chishm - 2005-11-17
+ * Added check for unix style text files
+ * Removed seek when no newline is found, since it isn't necessary
+char *FAT_fgets(char *tgtBuffer, int num, FAT_FILE* file) ;
+FAT_fputs (const char *string, FAT_FILE* file)
+Writes string to file, excluding end of string character
+const char *string IN: string to write
+FAT_FILE* file IN: Handle of open file
+bool return OUT: number of characters written if successful,
+ EOF if not
+ Written by MightyMax
+ Modified by Chishm - 2005-11-17
+ * Uses FAT_FILE instead of int
+ * writtenBytes is now u32 instead of int
+int FAT_fputs (const char *string, FAT_FILE* file);
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+} // extern "C"
+#endif // ifndef _GBA_NDS_FAT