path: root/backends/platform/wince/wince-sdl.cpp
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'backends/platform/wince/wince-sdl.cpp')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 716 deletions
diff --git a/backends/platform/wince/wince-sdl.cpp b/backends/platform/wince/wince-sdl.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index cb26071c97..0000000000
--- a/backends/platform/wince/wince-sdl.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,716 +0,0 @@
-/* ScummVM - Graphic Adventure Engine
- *
- * ScummVM is the legal property of its developers, whose names
- * are too numerous to list here. Please refer to the COPYRIGHT
- * file distributed with this source distribution.
- *
- * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
- * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
- * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
- * of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
- *
- * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * GNU General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
- * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
- *
- */
-// Disable symbol overrides so that we can use system headers.
-#include <windows.h>
-#include "backends/platform/wince/missing/fopen.h"
-#include "backends/platform/wince/wince-sdl.h"
-#include "common/config-manager.h"
-#include "common/debug.h"
-#include "common/events.h"
-#include "common/util.h"
-#include "common/textconsole.h"
-#include "common/timer.h"
-#include "common/translation.h"
-#include "engines/engine.h"
-#include "base/main.h"
-#include "base/plugins.h"
-#include "audio/mixer_intern.h"
-#include "audio/fmopl.h"
-#include "backends/mutex/sdl/sdl-mutex.h"
-#include "backends/timer/sdl/sdl-timer.h"
-#include "gui/Actions.h"
-#include "gui/KeysDialog.h"
-#include "gui/message.h"
-#include "backends/platform/wince/CEActionsPocket.h"
-#include "backends/platform/wince/CEActionsSmartphone.h"
-#include "backends/platform/wince/CEgui/ItemAction.h"
-#include "graphics/scaler/downscaler.h"
-#include "graphics/scaler/aspect.h"
-#include "backends/platform/wince/CEException.h"
-#include "backends/platform/wince/CEScaler.h"
-#include "backends/graphics/wincesdl/wincesdl-graphics.h"
-#include "backends/events/wincesdl/wincesdl-events.h"
-#include "backends/mixer/wincesdl/wincesdl-mixer.h"
-#include <malloc.h>
-#include "backends/plugins/win32/win32-provider.h"
-#ifdef __GNUC__
-extern "C" _CRTIMP FILE *__cdecl _wfreopen(const wchar_t *, const wchar_t *, FILE *);
-extern "C" void *__real_malloc(size_t size);
-extern "C" void __real_free(void *ptr);
-extern "C" void *__wrap_malloc(size_t size) {
- void *ptr = __real_malloc(size);
- printf("malloc(%d) = %p\n", size, ptr);
- return ptr;
- if (size < 64 * 1024) {
- void *ptr = __real_malloc(size+4);
-// printf("malloc(%d) = %p\n", size, ptr);
- if (ptr != NULL) {
- *((HANDLE *)ptr) = 0;
- return 4+(char *)ptr;
- }
- return NULL;
- }
- HANDLE H = CreateFileMapping((HANDLE)INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE, 0, PAGE_READWRITE, 0, size+4, 0);
- void *ptr = MapViewOfFile(H, FILE_MAP_ALL_ACCESS, 0, 0, 0);
- *((HANDLE *)ptr) = H;
- return 4+(char *)ptr;
-extern "C" void __wrap_free(void *ptr) {
- __real_free(ptr);
- printf("free(%p)\n", ptr);
- if (ptr != NULL) {
- HANDLE H = *(HANDLE *)((char *)ptr-4);
- if (H == 0) {
- __real_free((char *)ptr-4);
- return;
- }
- UnmapViewOfFile((char *)ptr-4);
- CloseHandle(H);
- }
-using namespace CEGUI;
-// ********************************************************************************************
-// stdin/err redirection
-#define STDOUT_FNAME "\\scummvm_stdout.txt"
-#define STDERR_FNAME "\\scummvm_stderr.txt"
-static FILE *stdout_file = NULL, *stderr_file = NULL;
-static char stdout_fname[MAX_PATH], stderr_fname[MAX_PATH];
-// Static member inits
-typedef void (*SoundProc)(void *param, byte *buf, int len);
-bool OSystem_WINCE3::_soundMaster = true;
-bool _isSmartphone = false;
-bool _hasSmartphoneResolution = false;
-#define DEFAULT_CONFIG_FILE "scummvm.ini"
-// ********************************************************************************************
-bool isSmartphone() {
- //return _isSmartphone;
- return _hasSmartphoneResolution;
-const TCHAR *ASCIItoUnicode(const char *str) {
- static TCHAR ustr[MAX_PATH]; // size good enough
- MultiByteToWideChar(CP_ACP, 0, str, strlen(str) + 1, ustr, sizeof(ustr) / sizeof(TCHAR));
- return ustr;
-// MAIN
-#ifndef __GNUC__
-int handleException(EXCEPTION_POINTERS *exceptionPointers) {
- CEException::writeException(TEXT("\\scummvmCrash"), exceptionPointers);
- drawError("Unrecoverable exception occurred - see crash dump in latest \\scummvmCrash file");
- fclose(stdout_file);
- fclose(stderr_file);
- CEDevice::end();
- SDL_Quit();
- exit(0);
-int SDL_main(int argc, char **argv) {
- FILE *newfp = NULL;
-#ifdef __GNUC__
- // Due to incomplete crt0.o implementation, we go through the constructor function
- // list provided by the linker and init all of them
- // thanks to joostp and DJWillis
- extern void (*__CTOR_LIST__)();
- void (**constructor)() = &__CTOR_LIST__;
- constructor++; // First item in list of constructors has special meaning (platform dependent), ignore it.
- while (*constructor) {
- (*constructor)();
- constructor++;
- }
- CEDevice::init();
- /* Redirect standard input and standard output */
- strcpy(stdout_fname, wce_getcwd(NULL, MAX_PATH));
- strcpy(stderr_fname, wce_getcwd(NULL, MAX_PATH));
- strcat(stdout_fname, STDOUT_FNAME);
- strcat(stderr_fname, STDERR_FNAME);
-#ifndef __GNUC__
- stdout_file = fopen(stdout_fname, "w");
- stderr_file = fopen(stderr_fname, "w");
- stdout_file = newfp = _wfreopen(ASCIItoUnicode(stdout_fname), TEXT("w"), stdout);
- if (newfp == NULL) {
-#if !defined(stdout)
- stdout = fopen(stdout_fname, "w");
- stdout_file = stdout;
- newfp = fopen(stdout_fname, "w");
- if (newfp) {
- //*stdout = *newfp;
- stdout_file = stdout;
- }
- }
- stderr_file = newfp = _wfreopen(ASCIItoUnicode(stderr_fname), TEXT("w"), stderr);
- if (newfp == NULL) {
-#if !defined(stderr)
- stderr = fopen(stderr_fname, "w");
- stderr_file = stderr;
- newfp = fopen(stderr_fname, "w");
- if (newfp) {
- //*stderr = *newfp;
- stderr_file = stderr;
- }
- }
- PluginManager::instance().addPluginProvider(new Win32PluginProvider());
- int res = 0;
-#if !defined(DEBUG) && !defined(__GNUC__)
- __try {
- g_system = new OSystem_WINCE3();
- assert(g_system);
- // Pre initialize the backend
- ((OSystem_WINCE3 *)g_system)->init();
- // Invoke the actual ScummVM main entry point:
- res = scummvm_main(argc, argv);
- // Free OSystem
- g_system->destroy();
-#if !defined(DEBUG) && !defined(__GNUC__)
- }
- __except(handleException(GetExceptionInformation())) {
- }
- return res;
-/* This is the OS startup code in the case of a plugin-enabled build.
- * It contains copied and slightly modified parts of SDL's win32/ce startup functions.
- * We copy these here because the calling stub already has a WinMain procedure
- * which overrides SDL's one and hence we essentially re-implement the startup procedure.
- * Note also that this has to be here and not in the stub because SDL is statically
- * linked in the scummvm.dll archive.
- * Take a look at the comments in stub.cpp as well.
- */
-int console_main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
- int n;
- char *bufp, *appname;
- appname = argv[0];
- if ((bufp = strrchr(argv[0], '\\')) != NULL)
- appname = bufp + 1;
- else if ((bufp = strrchr(argv[0], '/')) != NULL)
- appname = bufp + 1;
- if ((bufp = strrchr(appname, '.')) == NULL)
- n = strlen(appname);
- else
- n = (bufp - appname);
- bufp = (char *) alloca(n + 1);
- strncpy(bufp, appname, n);
- bufp[n] = '\0';
- appname = bufp;
- error("WinMain() error: %s", SDL_GetError());
- return(FALSE);
- }
- SDL_SetModuleHandle(GetModuleHandle(NULL));
- // Run the application main() code
- SDL_main(argc, argv);
- return(0);
-static int ParseCommandLine(char *cmdline, char **argv) {
- char *bufp;
- int argc;
- argc = 0;
- for (bufp = cmdline; *bufp;) {
- // Skip leading whitespace
- while (isspace(*bufp))
- ++bufp;
- // Skip over argument
- if (*bufp == '"') {
- ++bufp;
- if (*bufp) {
- if (argv)
- argv[argc] = bufp;
- ++argc;
- }
- // Skip over word
- while (*bufp && (*bufp != '"'))
- ++bufp;
- } else {
- if (*bufp) {
- if (argv)
- argv[argc] = bufp;
- ++argc;
- }
- // Skip over word
- while (*bufp && ! isspace(*bufp))
- ++bufp;
- }
- if (*bufp) {
- if (argv)
- *bufp = '\0';
- ++bufp;
- }
- }
- if (argv)
- argv[argc] = NULL;
- return(argc);
-int dynamic_modules_main(HINSTANCE hInst, HINSTANCE hPrev, LPWSTR szCmdLine, int sw) {
- HINSTANCE handle;
- char **argv;
- int argc;
- char *cmdline;
- wchar_t *bufp;
- int nLen;
- if (wcsncmp(szCmdLine, TEXT("\\"), 1)) {
- nLen = wcslen(szCmdLine) + 128 + 1;
- bufp = (wchar_t *) alloca(nLen * 2);
- wcscpy(bufp, TEXT("\""));
- GetModuleFileName(NULL, bufp + 1, 128 - 3);
- wcscpy(bufp + wcslen(bufp), TEXT("\" "));
- wcsncpy(bufp + wcslen(bufp), szCmdLine, nLen - wcslen(bufp));
- } else
- bufp = szCmdLine;
- nLen = wcslen(bufp) + 1;
- cmdline = (char *) alloca(nLen);
- WideCharToMultiByte(CP_ACP, 0, bufp, -1, cmdline, nLen, NULL, NULL);
- // Parse command line into argv and argc
- argc = ParseCommandLine(cmdline, NULL);
- argv = (char **) alloca((argc + 1) * (sizeof * argv));
- ParseCommandLine(cmdline, argv);
- // fix gdb-emulator combo
- while (argc > 1 && !strstr(argv[0], ".exe")) {
- OutputDebugString(TEXT("SDL: gdb argv[0] fixup\n"));
- *(argv[1] - 1) = ' ';
- int i;
- for (i = 1; i < argc; i++)
- argv[i] = argv[i + 1];
- argc--;
- }
- // Run the main program (after a little SDL initialization)
- return(console_main(argc, argv));
-// ********************************************************************************************
-// ********************************************************************************************
-void pumpMessages() {
- MSG msg;
- while (PeekMessage(&msg, NULL, 0, 0, PM_REMOVE)) {
- TranslateMessage(&msg);
- DispatchMessage(&msg);
- }
-void drawError(char *error) {
- TCHAR errorUnicode[200];
- MultiByteToWideChar(CP_ACP, 0, error, strlen(error) + 1, errorUnicode, sizeof(errorUnicode));
- pumpMessages();
- MessageBox(GetActiveWindow(), errorUnicode, TEXT("ScummVM error"), MB_OK | MB_ICONERROR);
- pumpMessages();
-// ********************************************************************************************
-static Uint32 timer_handler_wrapper(Uint32 interval) {
- DefaultTimerManager *tm = (DefaultTimerManager *)g_system->getTimerManager();
- tm->handler();
- return interval;
-void OSystem_WINCE3::initBackend() {
- assert(!_inited);
- // Create the backend custom managers
- if (_eventSource == 0)
- _eventSource = new WINCESdlEventSource();
- if (_mixerManager == 0) {
- _mixerManager = new WINCESdlMixerManager();
- // Setup and start mixer
- _mixerManager->init();
- }
- if (_graphicsManager == 0)
- _graphicsManager = new WINCESdlGraphicsManager(_eventSource, _window);
- ((WINCESdlEventSource *)_eventSource)->init(dynamic_cast<WINCESdlGraphicsManager *>(_graphicsManager));
- // Call parent implementation of this method
- OSystem_SDL::initBackend();
- // Initialize global key mapping
- GUI::Actions::init();
- GUI_Actions::Instance()->initInstanceMain(this);
- if (!GUI_Actions::Instance()->loadMapping()) { // error during loading means not present/wrong version
- warning("Setting default action mappings");
- GUI_Actions::Instance()->saveMapping(); // write defaults
- }
- _inited = true;
-int OSystem_WINCE3::getScreenWidth() {
- return _platformScreenWidth;
-void OSystem_WINCE3::initScreenInfos() {
- // sdl port ensures that we use correctly full screen
- _isOzone = 0;
- SDL_Rect **r;
- r = SDL_ListModes(NULL, 0);
- _platformScreenWidth = r[0]->w;
- _platformScreenHeight = r[0]->h;
-int OSystem_WINCE3::getScreenHeight() {
- return _platformScreenHeight;
-bool OSystem_WINCE3::isOzone() {
- return _isOzone;
-Common::String OSystem_WINCE3::getDefaultConfigFileName() {
- char configFile[MAXPATHLEN];
- strcpy(configFile, wce_getcwd(NULL, MAX_PATH));
- strcat(configFile, "\\");
- strcat(configFile, DEFAULT_CONFIG_FILE);
- return configFile;
-// ********************************************************************************************
-OSystem_WINCE3::OSystem_WINCE3() : OSystem_SDL(),
- _forcePanelInvisible(false) {
- // Initialze File System Factory
- _fsFactory = new WindowsFilesystemFactory();
- _mixer = 0;
-OSystem_WINCE3::~OSystem_WINCE3() {
- delete _mixer;
-void OSystem_WINCE3::swap_sound_master() {
- _soundMaster = !_soundMaster;
- //WINCESdlGraphicsManager _graphicsManager
- WINCESdlGraphicsManager *graphicsManager = dynamic_cast<WINCESdlGraphicsManager *>(_graphicsManager);
- if (graphicsManager->_toolbarHandler.activeName() == NAME_MAIN_PANEL)
- graphicsManager->_toolbarHandler.forceRedraw(); // redraw sound icon
-void OSystem_WINCE3::engineInit() {
- check_mappings(); // called here to initialize virtual keys handling
- dynamic_cast<WINCESdlGraphicsManager *>(_graphicsManager)->update_game_settings();
- // finalize mixer init
- _mixerManager->init();
-void OSystem_WINCE3::check_mappings() {
- CEActionsPocket *instance;
- Common::String gameid(ConfMan.get("gameid"));
- if (gameid.empty() || GUI_Actions::Instance()->initialized())
- return;
- GUI_Actions::Instance()->initInstanceGame();
- instance = (CEActionsPocket *)GUI_Actions::Instance();
- // Some games need to map the right click button, signal it here if it wasn't done
- if (instance->needsRightClickMapping()) {
- GUI::KeysDialog *keysDialog = new GUI::KeysDialog(_("Map right click action"));
- while (!instance->getMapping(POCKET_ACTION_RIGHTCLICK)) {
- keysDialog->runModal();
- if (!instance->getMapping(POCKET_ACTION_RIGHTCLICK)) {
- GUI::MessageDialog alert(_("You must map a key to the 'Right Click' action to play this game"));
- alert.runModal();
- }
- }
- delete keysDialog;
- }
- // Map the "hide toolbar" action if needed
- if (instance->needsHideToolbarMapping()) {
- GUI::KeysDialog *keysDialog = new GUI::KeysDialog(_("Map hide toolbar action"));
- while (!instance->getMapping(POCKET_ACTION_HIDE)) {
- keysDialog->runModal();
- if (!instance->getMapping(POCKET_ACTION_HIDE)) {
- GUI::MessageDialog alert(_("You must map a key to the 'Hide toolbar' action to play this game"));
- alert.runModal();
- }
- }
- delete keysDialog;
- }
- // Map the "zoom" actions if needed
- if (instance->needsZoomMapping()) {
- GUI::KeysDialog *keysDialog = new GUI::KeysDialog(_("Map Zoom Up action (optional)"));
- keysDialog->runModal();
- delete keysDialog;
- keysDialog = new GUI::KeysDialog(_("Map Zoom Down action (optional)"));
- keysDialog->runModal();
- delete keysDialog;
- }
- // Extra warning for Zak Mc Kracken
- if (strncmp(gameid.c_str(), "zak", 3) == 0 &&
- !GUI_Actions::Instance()->getMapping(POCKET_ACTION_HIDE)) {
- GUI::MessageDialog alert(_("Don't forget to map a key to 'Hide Toolbar' action to see the whole inventory"));
- alert.runModal();
- }
-void OSystem_WINCE3::setGraphicsModeIntern() {
- // Scalers have been pre-selected for the desired mode.
- // No further tuning required.
-void OSystem_WINCE3::initSDL() {
- // Check if SDL has not been initialized
- if (!_initedSDL) {
- if (ConfMan.hasKey("disable_sdl_parachute"))
- if (ConfMan.hasKey("use_GDI") && ConfMan.getBool("use_GDI")) {
- SDL_VideoInit("windib", 0);
- sdlFlags ^= SDL_INIT_VIDEO;
- }
- // Initialize SDL (SDL Subsystems are initiliazed in the corresponding sdl managers)
- if (SDL_Init(sdlFlags) == -1)
- error("Could not initialize SDL: %s", SDL_GetError());
- _initedSDL = true;
- }
-void OSystem_WINCE3::init() {
- // Create SdlMutexManager instance as the TimerManager relies on the
- // MutexManager being already initialized
- if (_mutexManager == 0)
- _mutexManager = new SdlMutexManager();
- // Create the timer. CE SDL does not support multiple timers (SDL_AddTimer).
- // We work around this by using the SetTimer function, since we only use
- // one timer in scummvm (for the time being)
- if (_timerManager == 0) {
- _timerManager = new DefaultTimerManager();
- SDL_SetTimer(10, &timer_handler_wrapper);
- }
- // Call parent implementation of this method
- OSystem_SDL::init();
-void OSystem_WINCE3::quit() {
- fclose(stdout_file);
- fclose(stderr_file);
- if (gDebugLevel <= 0) {
- DeleteFile(ASCIItoUnicode(stdout_fname));
- DeleteFile(ASCIItoUnicode(stderr_fname));
- }
- CEDevice::end();
- OSystem_SDL::quit();
-void OSystem_WINCE3::getTimeAndDate(TimeDate &t) const {
- SYSTEMTIME systime;
- GetLocalTime(&systime);
- t.tm_year = systime.wYear - 1900;
- t.tm_mon = systime.wMonth - 1;
- t.tm_mday = systime.wDay;
- t.tm_hour = systime.wHour;
- t.tm_min = systime.wMinute;
- t.tm_sec = systime.wSecond;
- t.tm_wday = systime.wDayOfWeek;
-void OSystem_WINCE3::logMessage(LogMessageType::Type type, const char *message) {
- OSystem_SDL::logMessage(type, message);
-#if defined( USE_WINDBG )
- TCHAR buf_unicode[1024];
- MultiByteToWideChar(CP_ACP, 0, message, strlen(message) + 1, buf_unicode, sizeof(buf_unicode));
- OutputDebugString(buf_unicode);
- if (type == LogMessageType::kError) {
-#ifndef DEBUG
- drawError(message);
- int cmon_break_into_the_debugger_if_you_please = *(int *)(message + 1); // bus error
- printf("%d", cmon_break_into_the_debugger_if_you_please); // don't optimize the int out
- }
-Common::String OSystem_WINCE3::getSystemLanguage() const {
- // We can not use "setlocale" (at least not for MSVC builds), since it
- // will return locales like: "English_USA.1252", thus we need a special
- // way to determine the locale string for Win32.
- char langName[9];
- char ctryName[9];
- TCHAR langNameW[32];
- TCHAR ctryNameW[32];
- int i = 0;
- bool localeFound = false;
- Common::String localeName;
- // Really not nice, but the only way to map Windows CE language/country codes to posix NLS names,
- // because Windows CE doesn't support LOCALE_SISO639LANGNAME and LOCALE_SISO3166CTRYNAME,
- // according to this: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/aa912934.aspx
- //
- // See http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/goglobal/bb896001.aspx for a translation table
- // This table has to be updated manually when new translations are added
- const char *posixMappingTable[][3] = {
- {"CAT", "ESP", "ca_ES"},
- {"CSY", "CZE", "cs_CZ"},
- {"DAN", "DNK", "da_DK"},
- {"DEU", "DEU", "de_DE"},
- {"ESN", "ESP", "es_ES"},
- {"ESP", "ESP", "es_ES"},
- {"FRA", "FRA", "fr_FR"},
- {"HUN", "HUN", "hu_HU"},
- {"ITA", "ITA", "it_IT"},
- {"NOR", "NOR", "nb_NO"},
- {"NON", "NOR", "nn_NO"},
- {"PLK", "POL", "pl_PL"},
- {"PTB", "BRA", "pt_BR"},
- {"RUS", "RUS", "ru_RU"},
- {"SVE", "SWE", "sv_SE"},
- {"UKR", "UKR", "uk_UA"},
- };
- if (GetLocaleInfo(LOCALE_USER_DEFAULT, LOCALE_SABBREVLANGNAME, langNameW, sizeof(langNameW)) != 0 &&
- GetLocaleInfo(LOCALE_USER_DEFAULT, LOCALE_SABBREVCTRYNAME, ctryNameW, sizeof(ctryNameW)) != 0) {
- WideCharToMultiByte(CP_ACP, 0, langNameW, -1, langName, (wcslen(langNameW) + 1), NULL, NULL);
- WideCharToMultiByte(CP_ACP, 0, ctryNameW, -1, ctryName, (wcslen(ctryNameW) + 1), NULL, NULL);
- debug(1, "Trying to find posix locale name for %s_%s", langName, ctryName);
- while (posixMappingTable[i][0] && !localeFound) {
- if ( (!strcmp(posixMappingTable[i][0], langName) || !strcmp(posixMappingTable[i][0], "*")) &&
- (!strcmp(posixMappingTable[i][1], ctryName) || !strcmp(posixMappingTable[i][0], "*")) ) {
- localeFound = true;
- localeName = posixMappingTable[i][2];
- }
- i++;
- }
- if (!localeFound) warning("No posix locale name found for %s_%s", langName, ctryName);
- }
- if (localeFound) {
- debug(1, "Found posix locale name: %s", localeName.c_str());
- return localeName;
- } else {
- return ModularBackend::getSystemLanguage();
- }
- return ModularBackend::getSystemLanguage();
-int OSystem_WINCE3::_platformScreenWidth;
-int OSystem_WINCE3::_platformScreenHeight;
-bool OSystem_WINCE3::_isOzone;