path: root/backends/vkeybd/virtual-keyboard-parser.h
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diff --git a/backends/vkeybd/virtual-keyboard-parser.h b/backends/vkeybd/virtual-keyboard-parser.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..59a770bdce
--- /dev/null
+++ b/backends/vkeybd/virtual-keyboard-parser.h
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+/* ScummVM - Graphic Adventure Engine
+ *
+ * ScummVM is the legal property of its developers, whose names
+ * are too numerous to list here. Please refer to the COPYRIGHT
+ * file distributed with this source distribution.
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+ * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
+ * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
+ * of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
+ *
+ * $URL$
+ * $Id$
+ *
+ */
+#include "common/xmlparser.h"
+#include "backends/vkeybd/virtual-keyboard.h"
+ TODO - information about optional attributes and their default values
+ ***************************************
+ ** Virtual Keyboard Pack File Format **
+ ***************************************
+The new virtual keyboard for ScummVM is implemented in the same way as a HTML
+ImageMap. It uses a single bitmap of the entire keyboard layout and then a
+image map description allows certain areas of the bitmap to be given special
+actions. Most of these actions will be a virtual key press event, but there
+will also be special keys that will change the keyboard layout or close the
+keyboard. The HTML image map description is contained in a larger XML file that
+can describe all the different modes of the keyboard, and also different
+keyboard layouts for different screen resolutions.
+ ********************************************
+ ** Example keyboard pack description file **
+ ********************************************
+<keyboard modes="normal,caps" initial_mode="normal" v_align="bottom" h_align="centre">
+ <mode name="normal" resolutions="640x400,320x200">
+ <layout resolution="640x400" bitmap="normal_640x400.bmp" transparent_color="255,0,255">
+ <map>
+ <area shape="poly" coords="65,50,67,48,94,48,96,50,96,77,94,79,67,79,65,77" target="q" />
+ <area shape="poly" coords="105,50,107,48,134,48,136,50,136,77,134,79,107,79,105,77" target="w" />
+ <area shape="poly" coords="146,50,148,48,174,48,176,50,176,77,174,79,148,79,146,77" target="e" />
+ ...
+ <area shape="poly" coords="11,89,12,88,69,88,70,89,70,116,69,117,12,117,11,116" target="caps" />
+ </map>
+ </layout>
+ <layout resolution="320x200" bitmap="normal_320x200.bmp" transparent_color="255,0,255">
+ ...
+ </layout>
+ <event name="a" type="key" code="97" ascii="97" modifiers="" />
+ <event name="b" type="key" code="98" ascii="98" modifiers="" />
+ <event name="c" type="key" code="99" ascii="99" modifiers="" />
+ ...
+ <event name="caps" type="switch_mode" mode="caps" />
+ </mode>
+ <mode name="caps" resolutions="640x400">
+ <layout resolution="640x400" bitmap="caps_640x480.bmp" transparent_color="255,0,255">
+ <map>
+ <area shape="poly" coords="65,50,67,48,94,48,96,50,96,77,94,79,67,79,65,77" target="Q" />
+ ...
+ </map>
+ </layout>
+ <event name="A" type="key" code="97" ascii="65" modifiers="shift" />
+ <event name="B" type="key" code="98" ascii="66" modifiers="shift" />
+ <event name="C" type="key" code="99" ascii="67" modifiers="shift" />
+ ...
+ </mode>
+** Description of tags **
+This is the required, root element of the file format.
+ - modes: lists all the modes that the keyboard pack contains
+ - initial_mode: which mode the keyboard should show initially
+ - v_align/h_align: where on the screen should the keyboard appear initially
+child tags:
+ - mode
+This tag encapsulates a single mode of the keyboard. Within are a number of
+layouts, which provide the specific implementation at different resolutions.
+ - name: the name of the mode
+ - resolutions: list of the different layout resolutions
+child tags:
+ - layout
+ - event
+These tags describe a particular event that will be triggered by a mouse click
+on a particular area. The target attribute of each image map area should be the
+same as an event's name.
+ - name: name of the event
+ - type: what sort of event is it (key | switch_mode | close)
+ - for key events
+ - code / ascii / modifiers: describe a key press in ScummVM KeyState format
+ - for switch_mode events
+ - mode: the mode that should be switched to
+These tags encapsulate an implementation of a mode at a particular resolution.
+ - resolution: the screen resolution that this layout is designed for
+ - bitmap: filename of the 24-bit bitmap that will be used for this layout
+ - transparent_color: color in r,b,g format that will be used for keycolor
+ transparency.
+child nodes:
+ - map: this describes the image map using the same format as html image maps
+These tags describe the image map for a particular layout. It uses the exact
+same format as HTML image maps. The only area shapes that are supported are
+rectangles and polygons. The target attribute of each area should be the name
+of an event for this mode (see <event> tag). For information on HTML image map
+format see
+ - http://www.w3schools.com/TAGS/tag_map.asp
+ - http://www.w3schools.com/TAGS/tag_area.asp
+namespace Common {
+enum ParseMode {
+ kParseFull, // when loading keyboard pack for first time
+ kParseCheckResolutions // when re-parsing following a change in screen size
+class VirtualKeyboardParser : public Common::XMLParser {
+ typedef bool (VirtualKeyboardParser::*ParserCallback)();
+ VirtualKeyboardParser(VirtualKeyboard *kbd);
+ void setParseMode(ParseMode m) {
+ _parseMode = m;
+ }
+ VirtualKeyboard *_keyboard;
+ /** internal state variables of parser */
+ ParseMode _parseMode;
+ VirtualKeyboard::Mode *_mode; // pointer to mode currently being parsed
+ String _initialModeName;
+ bool _kbdParsed;
+ bool _layoutParsed;
+ bool keyCallback(String keyName);
+ bool closedKeyCallback(String keyName);
+ void cleanup();
+ bool parserCallback_Keyboard();
+ bool parserCallback_Mode();
+ bool parserCallback_Event();
+ bool parserCallback_Layout();
+ bool parserCallback_Map();
+ bool parserCallback_Area();
+ bool parserCallback_KeyboardClosed();
+ bool parserCallback_ModeClosed();
+ byte parseFlags(const String& flags);
+ bool parseRect(Rect *rect, const String& coords);
+ bool parsePolygon(Polygon *poly, const String& coords);
+ bool parseRectAsPolygon(Polygon *poly, const String& coords);
+ HashMap<String, ParserCallback, IgnoreCase_Hash, IgnoreCase_EqualTo> _callbacks;
+ HashMap<String, ParserCallback, IgnoreCase_Hash, IgnoreCase_EqualTo> _closedCallbacks;
+} // end of namespace GUI