path: root/devtools/tasmrecover/dreamweb/backdrop.asm
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Diffstat (limited to 'devtools/tasmrecover/dreamweb/backdrop.asm')
1 files changed, 876 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/devtools/tasmrecover/dreamweb/backdrop.asm b/devtools/tasmrecover/dreamweb/backdrop.asm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..5dfe20bf5d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devtools/tasmrecover/dreamweb/backdrop.asm
@@ -0,0 +1,876 @@
+;Copyright (c) 1990-2011 by Neil Dodwell
+;Released with permission from Neil Dodwell under GPLv2
+;See LICENSE file for full license text
+;----------------------------------------------Code to draw floor and panel----
+Blockget proc near
+ mov ah,al
+ mov al,0
+ mov ds,backdrop
+ mov si,blocks
+ add si,ax
+ ret
+ endp
+;--------------------------------------------------------Background display----
+Drawfloor proc near
+ push es bx ;in case this was called during
+ call eraseoldobs ;some sprite update.
+ call drawflags
+ call calcmapad
+ call doblocks
+ call showallobs
+ call showallfree
+ call showallex
+ call paneltomap
+ call initrain
+ mov newobs,0
+ pop bx es
+ ret
+ endp
+Calcmapad proc near
+ call getdimension
+ push cx dx
+ mov al,11
+ sub al,dl
+ sub al,cl
+ sub al,cl
+ cbw
+ mov bx,8
+ mul bx
+ add ax,mapoffsetx
+ mov mapadx,ax
+ pop dx cx
+ mov al,10
+ sub al,dh
+ sub al,ch
+ sub al,ch
+ cbw
+ mov bx,8
+ mul bx
+ add ax,mapoffsety
+ mov mapady,ax
+ ret
+ endp
+Getdimension proc near ;Routine finds width, length
+ ;and top corner of room
+ mov es,buffers
+ mov bx,mapflags
+ mov ch,0
+dimloop1: call addalong
+ cmp al,0
+ jnz finishdim1
+ inc ch
+ jmp dimloop1 ;ch holds y of top corner
+finishdim1: mov bx,mapflags
+ mov cl,0
+dimloop2: push bx
+ call addlength
+ pop bx
+ cmp al,0
+ jnz finishdim2
+ inc cl
+ add bx,3
+ jmp dimloop2 ;cl holds x of top corner
+finishdim2: mov bx,mapflags+(11*3*9)
+ mov dh,10
+dimloop3: push bx
+ call addalong
+ pop bx
+ cmp al,0
+ jnz finishdim3
+ dec dh
+ sub bx,11*3
+ jmp dimloop3 ;dh holds y of bottom corner
+finishdim3: mov bx,mapflags+(3*10)
+ mov dl,11
+dimloop4: push bx
+ call addlength
+ pop bx
+ cmp al,0
+ jnz finishdim4
+ dec dl
+ sub bx,3
+ jmp dimloop4 ;dl holds x of bottom corner
+finishdim4: mov al,cl ;cl holds x start
+ mov ah,0
+ shl ax,1
+ shl ax,1
+ shl ax,1
+ shl ax,1
+ mov mapxstart,ax
+ mov al,ch ;ch holds y start
+ mov ah,0
+ shl ax,1
+ shl ax,1
+ shl ax,1
+ shl ax,1
+ mov mapystart,ax
+ sub dl,cl
+ sub dh,ch
+ ;dx holds x and y size of room
+ mov al,dl ;dl holds x size
+ mov ah,0
+ shl ax,1
+ shl ax,1
+ shl ax,1
+ shl ax,1
+ mov mapxsize,al
+ mov al,dh ;dh holds y size
+ mov ah,0
+ shl ax,1
+ shl ax,1
+ shl ax,1
+ shl ax,1
+ mov mapysize,al ;cx still holds top left corner
+ ret
+ endp
+Addalong proc near
+ mov ah,11
+addloop: cmp byte ptr [es:bx],0
+ jnz gotalong
+ add bx,3
+ dec ah
+ jnz addloop
+ mov al,0
+ ret
+gotalong: mov al,1
+ ret
+ endp
+Addlength proc near
+ mov ah,10
+addloop2: cmp byte ptr [es:bx],0
+ jnz gotlength
+ add bx,3*11
+ dec ah
+ jnz addloop2
+ mov al,0
+ ret
+gotlength: mov al,1
+ ret
+ endp
+Drawflags proc near
+ mov es,buffers
+ mov di,mapflags
+ mov al,mapy
+ mov ah,0
+ mov cx,mapwidth
+ mul cx
+ mov bl,mapx
+ mov bh,0
+ add ax,bx
+ mov si,map
+ add si,ax
+ mov cx,10
+$28: push cx
+ mov cx,11
+$28a: mov ds,mapdata
+ lodsb
+ mov ds,backdrop
+ push si ax
+ mov ah,0
+ add ax,ax
+ mov si,flags
+ add si,ax
+ movsw
+ pop ax
+ stosb
+ pop si
+ loop $28a
+ add si,mapwidth-11
+ pop cx
+ loop $28
+ ret
+ endp
+;-------------------------------------------------------Set object printing----
+Eraseoldobs proc near
+ cmp newobs,0
+ jz donterase
+ mov es,buffers
+ mov bx,spritetable
+ mov cx,16
+oberase: push cx bx
+ mov ax,[es:bx+20]
+ cmp ax,0ffffh
+ jz notthisob
+ mov di,bx
+ mov al,255
+ mov cx,tablesize
+ rep stosb
+notthisob: pop bx cx
+ add bx,tablesize
+ loop oberase
+donterase: ret
+ endp
+Showallobs proc near
+ mov es,buffers
+ mov bx,setlist
+ mov listpos,bx
+ mov di,bx
+ mov cx,128*5
+ mov al,255
+ rep stosb
+ mov es,setframes
+ mov frsegment,es
+ mov ax,framedata
+ mov dataad,ax
+ mov ax,frames
+ mov framesad,ax
+ mov currentob,0
+ mov ds,setdat
+ mov si,0
+ mov cx,128
+showobsloop: push cx si
+ push si
+ add si,58
+ mov es,setdat
+ call getmapad
+ pop si
+ cmp ch,0
+ jz blankframe
+ mov al,[es:si+18]
+ mov ah,0
+ mov currentframe,ax
+ cmp al,255
+ jz blankframe
+ push es si
+ call calcfrframe
+ call finalframe
+ pop si es
+ mov al,[es:si+18]
+ mov [es:si+17],al
+ cmp byte ptr [es:si+8],0
+ jnz animating
+ cmp byte ptr [es:si+5],5
+ jz animating
+ cmp byte ptr [es:si+5],6
+ jz animating
+ mov ax,currentframe
+ mov ah,0
+ add di,mapadx
+ add bx,mapady
+ call showframe
+ jmp drawnsetob
+animating: call makebackob
+drawnsetob: mov si,listpos
+ mov es,buffers
+ mov al,savex
+ mov ah,savey
+ mov [es:si],ax
+ mov cx,ax
+ mov ax,savesize
+ add al,cl
+ add ah,ch
+ mov [es:si+2],ax
+ mov al,currentob
+ mov [es:si+4],al
+ add si,5
+ mov listpos,si
+blankframe: inc currentob
+ pop si cx
+ add si,64
+ dec cx
+ jz finishedsetobs
+ jmp showobsloop
+finishedsetobs: ret
+ endp
+Makebackob proc near
+ cmp newobs,0
+ jz nomake
+ mov al,[es:si+5] ; priority
+ mov ah,[es:si+8] ; type - steady, constant,random,door etc.
+ push si ax si
+ mov ax,objectx
+ mov bx,objecty
+ mov ah,bl
+ mov si,ax
+ mov cx,offset cs:backobject
+ mov dx,setframes
+ mov di,framedata
+ call makesprite
+ pop ax
+ mov [es:bx+20],ax
+ pop ax
+ cmp al,255
+ jnz usedpriority ; forgotten to specify priority
+ mov al,0
+usedpriority: mov [es:bx+23],al
+ mov [es:bx+30],ah
+ mov byte ptr [es:bx+16],0
+ mov byte ptr [es:bx+18],0
+ mov byte ptr [es:bx+19],0
+ pop si
+nomake: ret
+ endp
+;------------------------------------------------------Free object printing----
+Showallfree proc near
+ mov es,buffers
+ mov bx,freelist
+ mov listpos,bx
+ mov di,freelist
+ mov cx,80*5
+ mov al,255
+ rep stosb
+ mov es,freeframes
+ mov frsegment,es
+ mov ax,frframedata
+ mov dataad,ax
+ mov ax,frframes
+ mov framesad,ax
+ mov al,0
+ mov currentfree,al
+ mov ds,freedat
+ mov si,2
+ mov cx,0
+loop127: push cx si
+ push si
+ mov es,freedat
+ call getmapad
+ pop si
+ cmp ch,0
+ jz over138
+ mov al,currentfree
+ mov ah,0
+ mov dx,ax
+ add ax,ax
+ add ax,dx
+ mov currentframe,ax
+ push es si
+ call calcfrframe
+ mov es,mapstore
+ mov ds,frsegment
+ call finalframe
+ pop si es
+ cmp cx,0
+ jz over138
+ mov ax,currentframe
+ mov ah,0
+ add di,mapadx
+ add bx,mapady
+ call showframe
+ mov si,listpos
+ mov es,buffers
+ mov al,savex
+ mov ah,savey
+ mov [es:si],ax
+ mov cx,ax
+ mov ax,savesize
+ add al,cl
+ add ah,ch
+ mov [es:si+2],ax
+ pop ax cx
+ push cx ax
+ mov [es:si+4],cl
+ add si,5
+ mov listpos,si
+over138: inc currentfree
+ pop si cx
+ add si,16
+ inc cx
+ cmp cx,80
+ jz finfree
+ jmp loop127
+finfree: ret
+ endp
+Showallex proc near
+ mov es,buffers
+ mov bx,exlist
+ mov listpos,bx
+ mov di,exlist
+ mov cx,100*5
+ mov al,255
+ rep stosb
+ mov es,extras
+ mov frsegment,es
+ mov ax,exframedata
+ mov dataad,ax
+ mov ax,exframes
+ mov framesad,ax
+ mov currentex,0
+ mov si,exdata+2
+ mov cx,0
+exloop: push cx si
+ mov es,extras
+ push si
+ mov ch,0
+ cmp byte ptr [es:si],255
+ jz notinroom
+ mov al,[es:si-2]
+ cmp al,reallocation
+ jnz notinroom
+ call getmapad
+notinroom: pop si
+ cmp ch,0
+ jz blankex
+ mov al,currentex
+ mov ah,0
+ mov dx,ax
+ add ax,ax
+ add ax,dx
+ mov currentframe,ax
+ push es si
+ call calcfrframe
+ mov es,mapstore
+ mov ds,frsegment
+ call finalframe
+ pop si es
+ cmp cx,0
+ jz blankex
+ mov ax,currentframe
+ mov ah,0
+ add di,mapadx
+ add bx,mapady
+ call showframe
+ mov si,listpos
+ mov es,buffers
+ mov al,savex
+ mov ah,savey
+ mov [es:si],ax
+ mov cx,ax
+ mov ax,savesize
+ add al,cl
+ add ah,ch
+ mov [es:si+2],ax
+ pop ax cx
+ push cx ax
+ mov [es:si+4],cl
+ add si,5
+ mov listpos,si
+blankex: inc currentex
+ pop si cx
+ add si,16
+ inc cx
+ cmp cx,100
+ jz finex
+ jmp exloop
+finex: ret
+ endp
+Calcfrframe proc near
+ mov dx,frsegment
+ mov ax,framesad
+ push ax
+ mov cx,dataad
+ mov ax,currentframe
+ mov ds,dx
+ mov bx,6
+ mul bx
+ add ax,cx
+ mov bx,ax
+ mov cx,[bx]
+ mov ax,[bx+2]
+ mov dx,[bx+4]
+ pop bx
+ push dx
+ add ax,bx ;ax=source add, cx=x,y
+ ;need this later
+ mov savesource,ax
+ mov savesize,cx
+ pop ax
+ push ax
+ mov ah,0
+ mov offsetx,ax
+ pop ax
+ mov al,ah
+ mov ah,0
+ mov offsety,ax
+ ret
+nullframe: pop ax
+ mov cx,0
+ mov savesize,cx
+ ret
+ endp
+Finalframe proc near
+ mov ax,objecty
+ add ax,offsety
+ mov bx,objectx
+ add bx,offsetx
+ mov savex,bl
+ mov savey,al
+ mov di,objectx
+ mov bx,objecty
+ ret
+ endp
+Adjustlen proc near
+ mov ah,al
+ add al,ch
+ cmp al,100
+ jc over242
+ mov al,224
+ sub al,ch
+ mov ch,al
+over242: ret
+ endp
+Getmapad proc near
+ call getxad
+ cmp ch,0
+ jz over146
+ mov objectx,ax
+ call getyad
+ cmp ch,0
+ jz over146
+ mov objecty,ax
+ mov ch,1
+over146: ret
+ endp
+Getxad proc near
+ mov cl,[es:si]
+ inc si
+ mov al,[es:si]
+ inc si
+ mov ah,[es:si]
+ inc si
+ cmp cl,0
+ jnz over148
+ sub al,mapx
+ jc over148
+ cmp al,11
+ jnc over148
+ mov cl,4
+ shl al,cl
+ or al,ah
+ mov ah,0
+ mov ch,1
+ ret
+over148: mov ch,0
+ ret
+ endp
+Getyad proc near
+ mov al,[es:si]
+ inc si
+ mov ah,[es:si]
+ inc si
+ sub al,mapy
+ jc over147
+ cmp al,10
+ jnc over147
+ mov cl,4
+ shl al,cl
+ or al,ah
+ mov ah,0
+ mov ch,1
+ ret
+over147: mov ch,0
+ ret
+ endp