path: root/devtools/tasmrecover/dreamweb/debug.asm
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'devtools/tasmrecover/dreamweb/debug.asm')
1 files changed, 381 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/devtools/tasmrecover/dreamweb/debug.asm b/devtools/tasmrecover/dreamweb/debug.asm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..951da4fa3f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devtools/tasmrecover/dreamweb/debug.asm
@@ -0,0 +1,381 @@
+;Copyright (c) 1990-2011 by Neil Dodwell
+;Released with permission from Neil Dodwell under GPLv2
+;See LICENSE file for full license text
+ if debuglevel2
+Debugkeys proc near
+ ret
+ endp
+Debugstart proc near
+ call allpalette
+ mov reeltohold,-1
+ mov newlocation,23
+ mov dreamnumber,0
+ mov al,"W"
+ mov ah,"S"
+ mov cl,"H"
+ mov ch,"D"
+ call findexobject
+ mov byte ptr [es:bx+12],"S"-"A"
+ mov byte ptr [es:bx+13],"C"-"A"
+ mov byte ptr [es:bx+14],"R"-"A"
+ mov byte ptr [es:bx+15],"W"-"A"
+ mov al,"W"
+ mov ah,"E"
+ mov cl,"T"
+ mov ch,"A"
+ call findexobject
+ mov byte ptr [es:bx+12],"G"-"A"
+ mov byte ptr [es:bx+13],"U"-"A"
+ mov byte ptr [es:bx+14],"N"-"A"
+ mov byte ptr [es:bx+15],"A"-"A"
+ mov al,"W"
+ mov ah,"E"
+ mov cl,"T"
+ mov ch,"B"
+ call findexobject
+ mov byte ptr [es:bx+12],"S"-"A"
+ mov byte ptr [es:bx+13],"H"-"A"
+ mov byte ptr [es:bx+14],"L"-"A"
+ mov byte ptr [es:bx+15],"D"-"A"
+ mov card1money,12342
+ ret
+ endp
+Debuggreen proc near
+ push ax dx
+ mov al,0
+ mov dx,3c8h
+ out dx,al
+ mov dx,3c9h
+ mov al,0
+ out dx,al
+ mov al,63
+ out dx,al
+ mov al,0
+ out dx,al
+ pop dx ax
+ ret
+ endp
+Debugred proc near
+ push ax dx
+ mov al,0
+ mov dx,3c8h
+ out dx,al
+ mov dx,3c9h
+ mov al,63
+ out dx,al
+ mov al,0
+ out dx,al
+ mov al,0
+ out dx,al
+ pop dx ax
+ ret
+ endp
+Debugblue proc near
+ push ax dx
+ mov al,0
+ mov dx,3c8h
+ out dx,al
+ mov dx,3c9h
+ mov al,0
+ out dx,al
+ mov al,0
+ out dx,al
+ mov al,63
+ out dx,al
+ pop dx ax
+ ret
+ endp
+Debugblack proc near
+ push dx ax
+ mov al,0
+ mov dx,3c8h
+ out dx,al
+ mov dx,3c9h
+ mov al,0
+ out dx,al
+ mov al,0
+ out dx,al
+ mov al,0
+ out dx,al
+ pop ax dx
+ ret
+ endp
+Debug proc near
+ push ds dx cx
+ mov ah,3ch
+ mov cx,0
+ mov dx,seg filenamed
+ mov ds,dx
+ mov dx,offset filenamed
+ int 21h
+ mov bx,ax
+ pop cx dx ds
+ push bx
+ mov ah,40h
+ int 21h
+ pop bx
+ mov ah,3eh
+ int 21h
+ ret
+filenamed db "DREAMWEB.TXT",0
+ endp
+Shout proc near
+ push ax bx cx dx si di es ds
+ call debugblue
+ mov cx,50
+ call hangon
+ call debugblack
+ mov cx,10
+ call hangon
+ pop ds es di si dx cx bx ax
+ ret
+ endp
+Shoutred proc near
+ push ax bx cx dx si di es ds
+ call debugred
+ mov cx,4
+ call hangon
+ call debugblack
+ mov cx,40
+ call hangon
+ pop ds es di si dx cx bx ax
+ ret
+ endp
+Shoutgreen proc near
+ push ax bx cx dx si di es ds
+ call debuggreen
+ mov cx,4
+ call hangon
+ call debugblack
+ mov cx,40
+ call hangon
+ pop ds es di si dx cx bx ax
+ ret
+ endp
+;Checkmemingame proc near
+; cmp charset1,0
+; jz nodebug
+; mov bx,60000
+; mov ah,48h
+; int 21h
+; mov ax,bx
+; mov cl,6
+; shr ax,cl
+; mov di,offset cs:debugtextig
+; call showword
+; mov ax,soundbufferwrite
+; ;mov ax,exframepos
+; mov di,offset cs:debugtextex
+; call showword
+; ;mov ax,extextpos
+; ;mov di,offset cs:debugtextex2
+; ;call showword
+; push cs
+; pop es
+; mov si,offset cs:debugtextig
+; mov al,0
+; mov ah,0
+; mov dl,100
+; mov di,204
+; mov bx,14
+; call printdirect
+; push cs
+; pop es
+; mov si,offset cs:debugtextex
+; mov al,0
+; mov ah,0
+; mov dl,100
+; mov di,204
+; mov bx,22
+; call printdirect
+; push cs
+; pop es
+; mov si,offset cs:debugtextex2
+; mov al,0
+; mov ah,0
+; mov dl,100
+; mov di,204
+; mov bx,30
+; call printdirect
+; mov di,204
+; mov bx,14
+; mov cl,40
+; mov ch,24
+; call multidump
+;nodebug: ret
+ endp
+debugtextig: db "00000K",0
+debugtextex: db "00000b",0
+debugtextex2: db "00000b",0
+ if recording
+ mov ax,recordpos
+ mov di,offset cs:debugtextr
+ call showword
+ mov al,0
+ call print
+ dw 4,4,100
+debugtextr: db "00000",0
+ mov si,0
+ mov di,0
+ mov cl,40
+ mov ch,12
+ call multidump
+ endif
+ ret
+ endp
+;Debugax proc near
+; push ax
+; call showpanel
+; pop ax
+; mov di,offset cs:debugaxtext
+; call showword
+; mov di,204
+; mov bx,14
+; mov al,0
+; mov ah,0
+; mov dl,100
+; push cs
+; pop es
+; mov si,offset cs:debugaxtext
+; call printdirect
+; mov di,204
+; mov bx,14
+; mov cl,40
+; mov ch,24
+; call multidump
+; ret
+;debugaxtext db "00000 ",0
+; endp
+ endif