path: root/devtools/tasmrecover/dreamweb/sblaster.asm
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Diffstat (limited to 'devtools/tasmrecover/dreamweb/sblaster.asm')
1 files changed, 1292 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/devtools/tasmrecover/dreamweb/sblaster.asm b/devtools/tasmrecover/dreamweb/sblaster.asm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..46eb8e2366
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devtools/tasmrecover/dreamweb/sblaster.asm
@@ -0,0 +1,1292 @@
+;Copyright (c) 1990-2011 by Neil Dodwell
+;Released with permission from Neil Dodwell under GPLv2
+;See LICENSE file for full license text
+; Creative Reality Sound Blaster Drivers . (C) 1994 Creative Reality
+; Very sparsly commented.
+;These drivers are not stand alone. We had them as an integral part of the
+;Put interupt no. into SOUNDINT, base address (eg 220h) into SOUNDBASEADD.
+;If interupt is 255 then no card is assumed.
+;Call soundstartup at beginning of program to test card and initialise.
+;This code assumes that EMS has been initialised
+;Emm page frame is in variable EMMPAGEFRAME. Handle is in EMMHANDLE.
+;Call loadsample with a filename in CS:DX (ie. in the code somewhere)
+;To play a sample call playchannel0 or playchannel1 with sound no. in al.
+;Call endsample to restore interupts and halt sound.
+;------------------------------------------- Initial sound set up and end ---
+Loadspeech proc near
+ cmp soundint,255
+ jz dontbother8
+ call cancelch1
+ mov speechloaded,0
+ call createname
+ mov speechlength,0
+ mov dx,offset cs:speechfilename
+ call openfilenocheck
+ jc dontbother8
+ mov bx,speechemmpage
+moreloadspeech: push dx bx
+ push es di bx
+ mov al,2
+ mov dx,emmhandle
+ mov ah,44h
+ int 67h
+ cmp ah,0
+ jnz emmerror
+ mov ds,emmpageframe
+ pop bx di es
+ inc bx
+ push es di
+ mov al,3
+ mov dx,emmhandle
+ mov ah,44h
+ int 67h
+ cmp ah,0
+ jnz emmerror
+ mov ds,emmpageframe
+ mov es,emmpageframe
+ mov di,8000h
+ mov cx,4000h
+ mov ax,0
+ rep stosw
+ pop di es
+ mov cx,8000h
+ mov dx,8000h
+ call readfromfile
+ mov cl,11
+ shr ax,cl
+ add speechlength,ax
+ pop bx dx
+ add bx,2
+ cmp ax,0
+ jnz moreloadspeech
+ call closefile
+ mov es,sounddata2
+ mov di,50*6
+ mov ax,speechemmpage
+ mov [es:di],al
+ mov ax,0
+ mov [es:di+1],ax
+ mov ax,speechlength
+ mov [es:di+3],ax
+ mov speechloaded,1
+dontbother8: ret
+speechfilename: db "SPEECH\"
+speechfile: db "R24C0005.RAW",0
+ endp
+Createname proc near
+ push ax
+ mov di,offset cs:speechfile
+ mov byte ptr [cs:di+0],dl ;"R"
+ mov [cs:di+3],cl
+ mov al,dh ;reallocation
+ mov ah,"0"-1
+findten: inc ah
+ sub al,10
+ jnc findten
+ mov [cs:di+1],ah
+ add al,10+"0"
+ mov [cs:di+2],al
+ pop ax
+ mov cl,"0"-1
+thousandsc: inc cl
+ sub ax,1000
+ jnc thousandsc
+ add ax,1000
+ mov [cs:di+4],cl
+ mov cl,"0"-1
+hundredsc: inc cl
+ sub ax,100
+ jnc hundredsc
+ add ax,100
+ mov [cs:di+5],cl
+ mov cl,"0"-1
+tensc: inc cl
+ sub ax,10
+ jnc tensc
+ add ax,10
+ mov [cs:di+6],cl
+ add al,"0"
+ mov [cs:di+7],al
+ ret
+ endp
+Loadsample proc near
+ cmp soundint,255
+ jz dontbother
+ call openfile
+ call readheader
+ mov bx,[es:di]
+ push es di bx
+ mov ds,sounddata
+ pop cx
+ mov dx,0
+ call readfromfile
+ pop di es
+ add di,2
+ mov bx,0
+ mov dx,[es:di]
+ add dx,1
+ shr dx,1
+ mov soundemmpage,0
+moreload: push dx bx
+ push es di bx
+ mov al,2
+ mov dx,emmhandle
+ mov ah,44h
+ int 67h
+ cmp ah,0
+ jnz emmerror
+ mov ds,emmpageframe
+ pop bx di es
+ inc bx
+ push es di
+ mov al,3
+ mov dx,emmhandle
+ mov ah,44h
+ int 67h
+ cmp ah,0
+ jnz emmerror
+ mov ds,emmpageframe
+ pop di es
+ mov cx,8000h
+ mov dx,8000h
+ call readfromfile
+ pop bx dx
+ add bx,2
+ add soundemmpage,2
+ dec dx
+ jnz moreload
+ ;inc soundemmpage
+ call closefile
+dontbother: ret
+emmerror: mov gameerror,7
+ jmp quickquit2
+ endp
+Loadsecondsample proc near
+ cmp soundint,255
+ jz dontbother9
+ cmp ch0playing,12
+ jc ch0oksecond
+ cmp ch0playing,255
+ jz ch0oksecond
+ call cancelch0
+ ;mov cx,100
+ ;call hangon
+ jmp ch0oksecond
+justcancel: call cancelch0
+ch0oksecond: cmp ch1playing,12
+ jc ch1oksecond
+ call cancelch1
+ch1oksecond: call openfile
+ call readheader
+ mov bx,[es:di]
+ push es di bx
+ mov ds,sounddata2
+ pop cx
+ mov dx,0
+ call readfromfile
+ mov cx,100
+ mov di,0
+ mov es,sounddata2
+ mov bx,soundemmpage
+adjustemmpage: mov al,[es:di]
+ add al,bl
+ mov [es:di],al
+ add di,6
+ loop adjustemmpage
+ pop di es
+ add di,2
+ mov bx,soundemmpage
+ mov speechemmpage,bx
+ mov dx,[es:di]
+ add dx,1
+ shr dx,1
+moreload2: push dx bx
+ push es di bx
+ mov al,2
+ mov dx,emmhandle
+ mov ah,44h
+ int 67h
+ cmp ah,0
+ jnz emmerror2
+ mov ds,emmpageframe
+ pop bx di es
+ inc bx
+ push es di
+ mov al,3
+ mov dx,emmhandle
+ mov ah,44h
+ int 67h
+ cmp ah,0
+ jnz emmerror2
+ mov ds,emmpageframe
+ pop di es
+ mov cx,8000h
+ mov dx,8000h
+ call readfromfile
+ pop bx dx
+ add bx,2
+ add speechemmpage,2
+ dec dx
+ jnz moreload2
+ call closefile
+dontbother9: ret
+emmerror2: mov gameerror,7
+ jmp quickquit2
+ endp
+Soundstartup proc near
+ cmp soundint,255
+ jz dontbother2
+ mov dx,soundbaseadd
+ add dx,0eh
+ mov DSP_status,dx
+ mov dx,soundbaseadd
+ add dx,0ch
+ mov DSP_write,dx
+ mov al,1
+ mov dx,soundbaseadd
+ add dx,0006h
+ out dx,al
+ push ax ax ax ax ax ax ax ax
+ pop ax ax ax ax ax ax ax ax
+ mov al,0
+ out dx,al
+ mov dx,DSP_status
+ mov cx,2000
+waitinit: in al,dx
+ and al,128
+ jz waitinit
+ mov dx,soundbaseadd
+ add dx,000ah
+ in al,dx
+ cmp al,0aah
+ jz dspready
+ loop waitinit
+ mov gameerror,2
+ jmp quickquit
+dspready: call trysoundalloc
+ cli
+ mov ah,40h ;set sample rate
+ call out22c
+ mov ah,210 ;of 22050Hz
+ call out22c
+ sti
+ call checksoundint
+ mov ah,35h
+ mov al,soundint
+ add al,8
+ int 21h
+ mov oldsoundintseg,es ; Save es:bx to temp memory
+ mov oldsoundintadd,bx
+ push cs
+ pop ds
+ mov dx,offset cs:dmaend
+ mov ah,25h
+ mov al,soundint
+ add al,8
+ int 21h ; Set to new
+ call enablesoundint
+ mov al,sounddmachannel
+ xor ah,ah
+ mov bx,offset cs:dmaaddresses
+ add bx,ax
+ mov al,[cs:bx]
+ mov dmaaddress,al
+ mov ah,0d1h ;speaker on
+ call out22c
+ mov ah,0d0h
+ call out22c
+dontbother2: ret
+dmaaddresses db 87h,83h,81h,82h
+ endp
+Trysoundalloc proc near
+ cmp needsoundbuff,1
+ jz gotsoundbuff
+ inc soundtimes
+ mov bx,(16384+2048)/16
+ call allocatemem
+ mov soundbuffer,ax
+ push ax
+ mov al,ah
+ mov cl,4
+ shr al,cl
+ mov soundbufferpage,al
+ pop ax
+ mov cl,4
+ shl ax,cl
+ mov soundbufferad,ax
+ cmp ax,0b7ffh
+ jnc soundfail
+ mov es,soundbuffer
+ mov di,0
+ mov cx,16384/2
+ mov ax,7f7fh
+ rep stosw
+ mov needsoundbuff,1
+ ret
+soundfail: mov es,soundbuffer
+ call deallocatemem
+gotsoundbuff: ret
+ endp
+Setsoundoff proc near
+ cmp soundint,255
+ jz dontbother28
+ mov soundbufferwrite,0
+ cli
+ call setupPIT
+ mov soundbufferwrite,4096
+ call startdmablock
+ sti
+dontbother28: ret
+ endp
+Checksoundint proc near
+ mov ah,0d3h ;speaker off
+ call out22c
+ mov testresult,0
+ mov ah,35h
+ mov al,soundint
+ add al,8
+ int 21h
+ mov oldsoundintseg,es
+ mov oldsoundintadd,bx
+ push cs
+ pop ds
+ mov dx,offset cs:interupttest
+ mov ah,25h
+ mov al,soundint
+ add al,8
+ int 21h
+ call enablesoundint
+ mov ah,0f2h
+ call out22c
+ mov cx,20
+ call hangon
+ call disablesoundint
+ mov dx,oldsoundintseg
+ mov ds,dx
+ mov dx,oldsoundintadd ;Restore old interupt vector
+ mov ah,25h
+ mov al,soundint
+ add al,8
+ int 21h
+ cmp testresult,1
+ jz interuptworked
+ mov gameerror,6 ;interupt wrong
+ jmp quickquit ;exit to DOS with error
+interuptworked: ret
+ endp
+Enablesoundint proc near
+ mov dx,21h ; Enable int?
+ in al,dx
+ mov currentirq,al
+ mov ah,11111110b
+ mov cl,soundint
+ rol ah,cl
+ and al,ah
+ out dx,al
+ ret
+ endp
+Disablesoundint proc near
+ mov al,soundint
+ mov dx,21h
+ mov al,currentirq
+ out dx,al
+ ret
+ endp
+Interupttest proc near
+ cli
+ push ax dx
+ mov testresult,1
+ mov dx,DSP_status
+ in al,dx
+ mov al,20h
+ out 20h,al
+ pop dx ax
+ iret
+ endp
+Soundend proc near
+ cmp soundint,255
+ jz dontbother3
+ call getridofPIT
+ mov ah,0d0h
+ call out22c
+ call disablesoundint
+ mov ds,oldsoundintseg ;for keys
+ mov dx,oldsoundintadd ;Restore old interupt vector
+ mov ah,25h
+ mov al,soundint
+ add al,8
+ int 21h
+dontbother3: ret
+ endp
+Out22c proc near
+ mov dx,DSP_write
+notclear: in al,dx
+ or al,al
+ js notclear
+ mov al,ah
+ out dx,al
+ ret
+ endp
+Playchannel0 proc near ;al=sound no
+ ;ah=times to repeat
+ cmp soundint,255
+ jz dontbother4
+ push es ds bx cx di si
+ mov ch0playing,al
+ mov es,sounddata
+ cmp al,12
+ jc notsecondbank
+ mov es,sounddata2
+ sub al,12
+notsecondbank: mov ch0repeat,ah
+ mov ah,0
+ add ax,ax
+ mov bx,ax
+ add ax,ax
+ add bx,ax
+ mov al,[es:bx]
+ mov ah,0
+ mov ch0emmpage,ax
+ mov ax,[es:bx+1]
+ mov ch0offset,ax
+ mov ax,[es:bx+3]
+ mov ch0blockstocopy,ax
+ cmp ch0repeat,0
+ jz nosetloop
+ mov ax,ch0emmpage
+ mov ch0oldemmpage,ax
+ mov ax,ch0offset
+ mov ch0oldoffset,ax
+ mov ax,ch0blockstocopy
+ mov ch0oldblockstocopy,ax
+nosetloop: pop si di cx bx ds es
+dontbother4: ret
+ endp
+Playchannel1 proc near ;al=sound no
+ cmp soundint,255
+ jz dontbother5
+ cmp ch1playing,7
+ jz dontbother5
+ push es ds bx cx di si
+ mov ch1playing,al
+ mov es,sounddata
+ cmp al,12
+ jc notsecondbank1
+ mov es,sounddata2
+ sub al,12
+notsecondbank1: mov ah,0
+ add ax,ax
+ mov bx,ax
+ add ax,ax
+ add bx,ax
+ mov al,[es:bx]
+ mov ah,0
+ mov ch1emmpage,ax
+ mov ax,[es:bx+1]
+ mov ch1offset,ax
+ mov ax,[es:bx+3]
+ mov ch1blockstocopy,ax
+ pop si di cx bx ds es
+dontbother5: ret
+ endp
+Makenextblock proc near
+ call volumeadjust
+ call loopchannel0
+ cmp ch1blockstocopy,0
+ jz mightbeonlych0
+ cmp ch0blockstocopy,0
+ jz mightbeonlych1
+ dec ch0blockstocopy
+ dec ch1blockstocopy
+ call bothchannels
+ ret
+mightbeonlych1: mov ch0playing,255
+ cmp ch1blockstocopy,0
+ jz notch1only
+ dec ch1blockstocopy
+ call channel1only
+notch1only: ret
+mightbeonlych0: mov ch1playing,255
+ cmp ch0blockstocopy,0
+ jz notch0only
+ dec ch0blockstocopy
+ call channel0only
+ ret
+notch0only: mov es,soundbuffer
+ mov di,soundbufferwrite
+ mov cx,1024
+ mov ax,7f7fh
+ rep stosw
+ and di,16384-1
+ mov soundbufferwrite,di
+ ret
+ endp
+Volumeadjust proc near
+ mov al,volumedirection
+ cmp al,0
+ jz volok
+ mov al,volume
+ cmp al,volumeto
+ jz volfinish
+ add volumecount,64
+ jnz volok
+ mov al,volume
+ add al,volumedirection
+ mov volume,al
+ ret
+volfinish: mov volumedirection,0
+volok: ret
+ endp
+Loopchannel0 proc near
+ cmp ch0blockstocopy,0
+ jnz notloop
+ cmp ch0repeat,0
+ jz notloop
+ cmp ch0repeat,255
+ jz endlessloop
+ dec ch0repeat
+endlessloop: mov ax,ch0oldemmpage
+ mov ch0emmpage,ax
+ mov ax,ch0oldoffset
+ mov ch0offset,ax
+ mov ax,ch0blockstocopy
+ add ax,ch0oldblockstocopy
+ mov ch0blockstocopy,ax
+ ret
+notloop: ret
+ endp
+Cancelch0 proc near
+ mov ch0repeat,0
+ mov ch0blockstocopy,0
+ mov ch0playing,255
+ ret
+ endp
+Cancelch1 proc near
+ mov ch1blockstocopy,0
+ mov ch1playing,255
+ ret
+ endp
+Channel0only proc near
+ call saveems
+ mov al,0
+ mov bx,ch0emmpage
+ mov dx,emmhandle
+ mov ah,44h
+ int 67h
+ mov es,soundbuffer
+ mov ds,emmpageframe
+ mov di,soundbufferwrite
+ mov si,ch0offset
+ call channel0tran
+ call restoreems
+ and di,16384-1
+ mov soundbufferwrite,di
+ and si,16384-1
+ mov ch0offset,si
+ cmp si,0
+ jnz notch0endofpage0
+ inc ch0emmpage
+notch0endofpage0: ret
+ endp
+Channel1only proc near
+ call saveems
+ mov al,1
+ mov bx,ch1emmpage
+ mov dx,emmhandle
+ mov ah,44h
+ int 67h
+ mov es,soundbuffer
+ mov ds,emmpageframe
+ mov di,soundbufferwrite
+ mov si,ch1offset
+ add si,16384
+ mov cx,1024
+ rep movsw
+ call restoreems
+ and di,16384-1
+ mov soundbufferwrite,di
+ and si,16384-1
+ mov ch1offset,si
+ cmp si,0
+ jnz notch1endofpage1
+ inc ch1emmpage
+notch1endofpage1: ret
+ endp
+Channel0tran proc near
+ cmp volume,0
+ jnz lowvolumetran
+ mov cx,1024
+ rep movsw
+ ret
+lowvolumetran: mov cx,1024
+ mov bh,volume
+ mov bl,0
+ add bx,16384-256
+volloop: lodsw
+ mov bl,al
+ mov al,[es:bx]
+ mov bl,ah
+ mov ah,[es:bx]
+ stosw
+ loop volloop
+ ret
+ endp
+Bothchannels proc near ;rather slow routine
+ ;to mix two channels
+ call saveems
+ mov al,0
+ mov bx,ch0emmpage
+ mov dx,emmhandle
+ mov ah,44h
+ int 67h
+ mov al,1
+ mov bx,ch1emmpage
+ mov dx,emmhandle
+ mov ah,44h
+ int 67h
+ mov es,soundbuffer
+ mov ds,emmpageframe
+ mov di,soundbufferwrite
+ mov si,ch0offset
+ mov bx,ch1offset
+ add bx,16384
+ mov cx,2048
+ mov dh,128
+ mov dl,255
+ call domix
+ call restoreems
+ and di,16384-1
+ mov soundbufferwrite,di
+ mov si,ch0offset
+ add si,2048
+ and si,16384-1
+ mov ch0offset,si
+ cmp si,0
+ jnz notbothendofpage0
+ inc ch0emmpage
+notbothendofpage0: mov si,ch1offset
+ add si,2048
+ and si,16384-1
+ mov ch1offset,si
+ cmp si,0
+ jnz notbothendofpage1
+ inc ch1emmpage
+notbothendofpage1: ret
+ endp
+Saveems proc near
+ mov ah,4eh
+ mov al,0
+ mov es,soundbuffer
+ mov di,16384+2048-256
+ int 67h
+ ret
+ endp
+Restoreems proc near
+ push si di
+ mov ah,4eh
+ mov al,1
+ mov ds,soundbuffer
+ mov si,16384+2048-256
+ int 67h
+ pop di si
+ ret
+ endp
+Domix proc near
+ cmp volume,0
+ jnz lowvolumemix
+slow: lodsb
+ mov ah,[bx]
+ inc bx
+ cmp al,dh
+ jnc toplot
+botlot: cmp ah,dh
+ jnc nodistort
+ add al,ah
+ js botok
+ xor al,al
+ stosb
+ loop slow
+ jmp doneit
+botok: xor al,dh
+ stosb
+ loop slow
+ jmp doneit
+toplot: cmp ah,dh
+ jc nodistort
+ add al,ah
+ jns topok
+ mov al,dl
+ stosb
+ loop slow
+ jmp doneit
+topok: xor al,dh
+ stosb
+ loop slow
+ jmp doneit
+nodistort: add al,ah
+ xor al,dh
+ stosb
+ loop slow
+ jmp doneit
+lowvolumemix: lodsb
+ push bx
+ mov bh,volume
+ add bh,63
+ mov bl,al
+ mov al,[es:bx]
+ pop bx
+ mov ah,[bx]
+ inc bx
+ cmp al,dh
+ jnc toplotv
+botlotv: cmp ah,dh
+ jnc nodistortv
+ add al,ah
+ js botokv
+ xor al,al
+ stosb
+ loop lowvolumemix
+ jmp doneit
+botokv: xor al,dh
+ stosb
+ loop lowvolumemix
+ jmp doneit
+toplotv: cmp ah,dh
+ jc nodistortv
+ add al,ah
+ jns topokv
+ mov al,dl
+ stosb
+ loop lowvolumemix
+ jmp doneit
+topokv: xor al,dh
+ stosb
+ loop lowvolumemix
+ jmp doneit
+nodistortv: add al,ah
+ xor al,dh
+ stosb
+ loop lowvolumemix
+doneit: ret
+ endp
+Dmaend proc near
+ cli
+ push ax cx dx
+ call startdmablock
+ mov dx,DSP_status
+ in al,dx
+ mov al,20h
+ out 20h,al
+ pop dx cx ax
+ iret
+ endp
+Startdmablock proc near
+ mov al,sounddmachannel ;cx=length
+ or al,4 ;bx=offset
+ out 0ah,al
+ xor al,al
+ out 0ch,al
+ mov al,48h
+ or al,sounddmachannel
+ out 0bh,al
+ mov cx,soundbufferad
+ xor dh,dh
+ mov dl,sounddmachannel
+ shl dl,1
+ mov al,cl
+ out dx,al
+ mov al,ch
+ out dx,al
+ mov dl,dmaaddress
+ mov al,soundbufferpage ;hardware page
+ out dx,al
+ mov dl,sounddmachannel
+ shl dl,1
+ inc dl
+ mov cx,16384-1
+ mov al,cl
+ out dx,al
+ mov al,ch
+ out dx,al
+ mov al,sounddmachannel
+ out 0ah,al ;dmac programmed
+ mov dx,DSP_write
+notclear1: in al,dx
+ or al,al
+ js notclear1
+ mov al,14h
+ out dx,al
+notclear2: in al,dx
+ or al,al
+ js notclear2
+ mov al,cl
+ out dx,al
+notclear3: in al,dx
+ or al,al
+ js notclear3
+ mov al,ch
+ out dx,al
+ ret
+ endp
+SetupPIT proc near
+ mov ah,35h
+ mov al,8
+ int 21h
+ mov oldint8seg,es ; Save es:bx to temp memory
+ mov oldint8add,bx
+ push cs
+ pop ds
+ mov dx,offset cs:PITinterupt
+ mov ah,25h
+ mov al,8
+ int 21h ; Set to new
+ mov al,34h
+ out 43h,al
+ mov al,0h
+ out 40h,al
+ mov al,0dah
+ out 40h,al
+ ret
+ endp
+Getridofpit proc near
+ cmp oldint8seg,-1
+ jz noresetPIT
+ mov dx,oldint8add
+ mov ax,oldint8seg
+ mov ds,ax
+ mov ah,25h
+ mov al,8
+ int 21h
+ mov al,34h
+ out 43h,al
+ mov al,0
+ out 40h,al
+ mov al,0
+ out 40h,al
+noresetPIT: ret
+ endp
+PITinterupt proc near
+ cli
+ push ax dx cx
+ xor dh,dh
+ mov dl,sounddmachannel
+ shl dl,1
+ in al,dx
+ mov cl,al
+ in al,dx
+ mov ch,al
+ sub cx,soundbufferad
+ mov ax,soundbufferwrite
+ sub ax,cx
+ and ax,3fffh
+ sti
+ cmp ax,8192
+ jnc mustgo
+ cmp ax,2048
+ jnc nopitflip
+mustgo: push bx si di es ds
+ call makenextblock
+ pop ds es di si bx
+nopitflip: cli
+ mov al,20h
+ out 20h,al
+ pop cx dx ax
+ iret
+ endp