path: root/devtools/tasmrecover/dreamweb/talk.asm
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Diffstat (limited to 'devtools/tasmrecover/dreamweb/talk.asm')
1 files changed, 580 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/devtools/tasmrecover/dreamweb/talk.asm b/devtools/tasmrecover/dreamweb/talk.asm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..cb100f6602
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devtools/tasmrecover/dreamweb/talk.asm
@@ -0,0 +1,580 @@
+;Copyright (c) 1990-2011 by Neil Dodwell
+;Released with permission from Neil Dodwell under GPLv2
+;See LICENSE file for full license text
+Talk proc near
+ mov talkpos,0
+ mov inmaparea,0
+ mov al,command
+ mov character,al
+ call createpanel
+ call showpanel
+ call showman
+ call showexit
+ call undertextline
+ call convicons
+ call starttalk
+ mov commandtype,255
+ call readmouse
+ call showpointer
+ call worktoscreen
+waittalk: call delpointer
+ call readmouse
+ call animpointer
+ call showpointer
+ call vsync
+ call dumppointer
+ call dumptextline
+ mov getback,0
+ mov bx,offset cs:talklist
+ call checkcoords
+ cmp getback,0
+ jz waittalk
+finishtalk: mov bx,persondata
+ push cs
+ pop es
+ cmp talkpos,4
+ jc notnexttalk
+ mov al,[es:bx+7]
+ or al,128
+ mov [es:bx+7],al
+notnexttalk: call redrawmainscrn
+ call worktoscreenm
+ cmp speechloaded,1
+ jnz nospeech
+ call cancelch1
+ mov volumedirection,-1 ;fade (louder)
+ mov volumeto,0 ;up to 0 (max)
+nospeech: ret
+talklist: dw 273,320,157,198,getback1
+ dw 240,290,2,44,moretalk
+ dw 0,320,0,200,blank
+ dw 0ffffh
+ endp
+Convicons proc near
+ mov al,character
+ and al,127
+ call getpersframe
+ mov di,234
+ mov bx,2
+ mov currentframe,ax
+ call findsource
+ mov ax,currentframe
+ sub ax,takeoff
+ mov ah,0
+ call showframe
+ ret
+ endp
+Getpersframe proc near
+ mov ah,0
+ add ax,ax
+ mov bx,ax
+ mov es,people
+ add bx,personframes
+ mov ax,[es:bx]
+ ret
+ endp
+Starttalk proc near
+ mov talkmode,0
+ mov al,character
+ and al,127
+ call getpersontext
+ mov charshift,91+91
+ mov di,66
+ mov bx,64
+ mov dl,241
+ mov al,0
+ mov ah,79
+ call printdirect
+ mov charshift,0
+ mov di,66
+ mov bx,80
+ mov dl,241
+ mov al,0
+ mov ah,0
+ call printdirect
+ if cd
+ mov speechloaded,0
+ mov al,character
+ and al,127
+ mov ah,0
+ mov cx,64
+ mul cx
+ mov cl,"C"
+ mov dl,"R"
+ mov dh,reallocation
+ call loadspeech
+ cmp speechloaded,1
+ jnz nospeech1
+ mov volumedirection,1 ;quieter
+ mov volumeto,6 ;quite quiet!
+ mov al,50+12
+ call playchannel1
+ endif
+nospeech1: ret
+ endp
+Getpersontext proc near
+ mov ah,0
+ mov cx,64*2
+ mul cx
+ mov si,ax
+ mov es,people
+ add si,persontxtdat
+ mov cx,persontext
+ mov ax,[es:si]
+ add ax,cx
+ mov si,ax
+ ret
+ endp
+Moretalk proc near
+ ;cmp ch1playing,255
+ ;jnz cantredes
+ cmp talkmode,0
+ jz canmore
+ call redes
+ ret
+canmore: cmp commandtype,215
+ jz alreadymore
+ mov commandtype,215
+ mov al,49
+ call commandonly
+alreadymore: mov ax,mousebutton
+ cmp ax,oldbutton
+ jz nomore
+ and ax,1
+ jnz domoretalk
+nomore: ret
+domoretalk: mov talkmode,2
+ mov talkpos,4
+ cmp character,100
+ jc notsecondpart
+ mov talkpos,48
+notsecondpart: call dosometalk
+ ret
+ endp
+Dosometalk proc near
+ if cd
+dospeech: mov al,talkpos
+ mov al,character
+ and al,127
+ mov ah,0
+ mov cx,64
+ mul cx
+ mov cx,ax
+ mov al,talkpos
+ mov ah,0
+ add ax,cx
+ add ax,ax
+ mov si,ax
+ mov es,people
+ add si,persontxtdat
+ mov cx,persontext
+ mov ax,[es:si]
+ add ax,cx
+ mov si,ax
+ cmp byte ptr [es:si],0
+ jz endheartalk
+ push es si
+ call createpanel
+ call showpanel
+ call showman
+ call showexit
+ call convicons
+ pop si es
+ mov di,164
+ mov bx,64
+ mov dl,144
+ mov al,0
+ mov ah,0
+ call printdirect
+ mov al,character
+ and al,127
+ mov ah,0
+ mov cx,64
+ mul cx
+ mov cl,talkpos
+ mov ch,0
+ add ax,cx
+ mov cl,"C"
+ mov dl,"R"
+ mov dh,reallocation
+ call loadspeech
+ cmp speechloaded,0
+ jz noplay1
+ mov al,62
+ call playchannel1
+noplay1: mov pointermode,3
+ call worktoscreenm
+ mov cx,180
+ call hangonpq
+ jnc $1
+ ret
+ inc talkpos
+ mov al,talkpos
+ mov al,character
+ and al,127
+ mov ah,0
+ mov cx,64
+ mul cx
+ mov cx,ax
+ mov al,talkpos
+ mov ah,0
+ add ax,cx
+ add ax,ax
+ mov si,ax
+ mov es,people
+ add si,persontxtdat
+ mov cx,persontext
+ mov ax,[es:si]
+ add ax,cx
+ mov si,ax
+ cmp byte ptr [es:si],0
+ jz endheartalk
+ cmp byte ptr [es:si],":"
+ jz skiptalk2
+ cmp byte ptr [es:si],32
+ jz skiptalk2
+ push es si
+ call createpanel
+ call showpanel
+ call showman
+ call showexit
+ call convicons
+ pop si es
+ mov di,48
+ mov bx,128
+ mov dl,144
+ mov al,0
+ mov ah,0
+ call printdirect
+ mov al,character
+ and al,127
+ mov ah,0
+ mov cx,64
+ mul cx
+ mov cl,talkpos
+ mov ch,0
+ add ax,cx
+ mov cl,"C"
+ mov dl,"R"
+ mov dh,reallocation
+ call loadspeech
+ cmp speechloaded,0
+ jz noplay2
+ mov al,62
+ call playchannel1
+noplay2: mov pointermode,3
+ call worktoscreenm
+ mov cx,180
+ call hangonpq
+ jnc skiptalk2
+ ret
+skiptalk2: inc talkpos
+ jmp dospeech
+endheartalk: mov pointermode,0
+ ret
+ else
+watchtalk: mov al,talkpos
+ mov al,character
+ and al,127
+ mov ah,0
+ mov cx,64
+ mul cx
+ mov cx,ax
+ mov al,talkpos
+ mov ah,0
+ add ax,cx
+ add ax,ax
+ mov si,ax
+ mov es,people
+ add si,persontxtdat
+ mov cx,persontext
+ mov ax,[es:si]
+ add ax,cx
+ mov si,ax
+ cmp byte ptr [es:si],0
+ jz endwatchtalk
+ push es si
+ call createpanel
+ call showpanel
+ call showman
+ call showexit
+ call convicons
+ pop si es
+ mov di,164
+ mov bx,64
+ mov dl,144
+ mov al,0
+ mov ah,0
+ call printdirect
+ mov pointermode,3
+ call worktoscreenm
+ mov cx,180
+ call hangonpq
+ jnc $1
+ ret
+ inc talkpos
+ mov al,talkpos
+ mov al,character
+ and al,127
+ mov ah,0
+ mov cx,64
+ mul cx
+ mov cx,ax
+ mov al,talkpos
+ mov ah,0
+ add ax,cx
+ add ax,ax
+ mov si,ax
+ mov es,people
+ add si,persontxtdat
+ mov cx,persontext
+ mov ax,[es:si]
+ add ax,cx
+ mov si,ax
+ cmp byte ptr [es:si],0
+ jz endwatchtalk
+ cmp byte ptr [es:si],":"
+ jz skiptalk
+ cmp byte ptr [es:si],32
+ jz skiptalk
+ push es si
+ call createpanel
+ call showpanel
+ call showman
+ call showexit
+ call convicons
+ pop si es
+ mov di,48
+ mov bx,128
+ mov dl,144
+ mov al,0
+ mov ah,0
+ call printdirect
+ mov pointermode,3
+ call worktoscreenm
+ mov cx,180
+ call hangonpq
+ jnc skiptalk
+ ret
+skiptalk: inc talkpos
+ jmp watchtalk
+endwatchtalk: mov pointermode,0
+ ret
+ endif
+ endp
+Hangonpq proc near
+ mov getback,0
+ mov bx,0
+hangloopq: push cx bx
+ call delpointer
+ call readmouse
+ call animpointer
+ call showpointer
+ call vsync
+ call dumppointer
+ call dumptextline
+ mov bx,offset cs:quitlist
+ call checkcoords
+ pop bx cx
+ cmp getback,1
+ jz quitconv
+ cmp speechloaded,1
+ jnz notspeaking
+ cmp ch1playing,255
+ jnz notspeaking
+ inc bx
+ cmp bx,40 ;pause after speech ends
+ jz finishconv
+notspeaking: cmp mousebutton,0
+ jz hangloopq
+ cmp oldbutton,0
+ jnz hangloopq
+finishconv: call delpointer
+ mov pointermode,0
+ clc
+ ret
+quitconv: call delpointer
+ mov pointermode,0
+ call cancelch1
+ stc
+ ret
+quitlist: dw 273,320,157,198,getback1
+ dw 0,320,0,200,blank
+ dw 0ffffh
+ endp
+Redes proc near
+ cmp ch1playing,255
+ jnz cantredes
+ cmp talkmode,2
+ jz canredes
+cantredes: call blank
+ ret
+canredes: cmp commandtype,217
+ jz alreadyreds
+ mov commandtype,217
+ mov al,50
+ call commandonly
+alreadyreds: mov ax,mousebutton
+ and ax,1
+ jnz doredes
+ ret
+doredes: call delpointer
+ call createpanel
+ call showpanel
+ call showman
+ call showexit
+ call convicons
+ call starttalk
+ call readmouse
+ call showpointer
+ call worktoscreen
+ call delpointer
+ ret
+ endp
+ \ No newline at end of file