path: root/devtools/tasmrecover/dreamweb/vars.asm
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'devtools/tasmrecover/dreamweb/vars.asm')
1 files changed, 564 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/devtools/tasmrecover/dreamweb/vars.asm b/devtools/tasmrecover/dreamweb/vars.asm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..b72f180d74
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devtools/tasmrecover/dreamweb/vars.asm
@@ -0,0 +1,564 @@
+;Copyright (c) 1990-2011 by Neil Dodwell
+;Released with permission from Neil Dodwell under GPLv2
+;See LICENSE file for full license text
+;---------------------------------------------------Equates and definitions----
+Inputport equ 63h
+Mapwidth equ 66 ;132/2
+Maplength equ 60 ;6/2
+Tablesize equ 32 ;size of each entry in spritetable
+Itempicsize equ 44 ;size of inventory slots
+Opsy equ 52
+Opsx equ 60
+Inventx equ 80
+Inventy equ 58
+Zoomx equ 8
+Zoomy equ 132
+Keypadx equ 36+112
+Keypady equ 72
+Diaryx equ 68+24
+Diaryy equ 48+12
+Symbolx equ 64
+Symboly equ 56
+Menux equ 80+40
+Menuy equ 60
+ if foreign
+Undertextsizex equ 228
+Undertextsizey equ 13
+Undertimedysize equ 30
+ else
+Undertextsizex equ 180
+Undertextsizey equ 10
+Undertimedysize equ 24
+ endif
+Numchanges equ 250
+Textunder equ 0 ;offsets for items in buffer segment
+Openinvlist equ textunder+(undertextsizex*undertextsizey)
+Ryaninvlist equ openinvlist+32
+Pointerback equ ryaninvlist+60
+Mapflags equ pointerback+(32*32)
+Startpal equ mapflags+(11*10*3)
+Endpal equ startpal+768
+Maingamepal equ endpal+768
+Spritetable equ maingamepal+768
+Setlist equ spritetable+(32*tablesize)
+Freelist equ setlist+(128*5)
+Exlist equ freelist+(80*5)
+Peoplelist equ exlist+(100*5)
+Zoomspace equ peoplelist+(12*5)
+Printedlist equ zoomspace+(46*40)
+Listofchanges equ printedlist+(5*80)
+Undertimedtext equ listofchanges+(numchanges*4)
+Rainlist equ undertimedtext+(256*undertimedysize)
+Initialreelrouts equ rainlist+(6*64)
+Initialvars equ initialreelrouts+lenofreelrouts
+Lengthofbuffer equ initialvars+lengthofvars
+Flags equ 0 ;offsets of items in backdrop segment
+Blocks equ flags+192
+Map equ 0
+Lengthofmap equ map+(mapwidth*maplength)
+Intextdat equ 0
+Intext equ intextdat+(38*2)
+Blocktextdat equ 0
+Blocktext equ blocktextdat+(98*2)
+Settextdat equ 0
+Settext equ settextdat+(130*2)
+Freetextdat equ 0
+Freetext equ freetextdat+(82*2)
+Numexobjects equ 114
+Exframeslen equ 30000
+Extextlen equ 18000
+Exframedata equ 0
+Exframes equ exframedata+2080
+Exdata equ exframes+exframeslen
+Extextdat equ exdata+(16*numexobjects)
+Extext equ extextdat+((numexobjects+2)*2)
+Lengthofextra equ extext+extextlen
+Framedata equ 0
+Frames equ framedata+2080
+Frframedata equ 0
+Frframes equ frframedata+2080
+Personframes equ 0
+Persontxtdat equ personframes+24
+Persontext equ persontxtdat+(1026*2)
+Pathdata equ 0
+Reellist equ pathdata+(36*144)
+Lenofmapstore equ 22*8*20*8
+Maplen equ mapwidth*maplength
+Freedatlen equ 16*80
+Setdatlen equ 64*128
+Textstart equ 66*2
+startvars db 0
+progresspoints db 0
+watchon db 0
+shadeson db 0
+secondcount db 0
+minutecount db 30
+hourcount db 19
+zoomon db 1
+location db 0
+expos db 0
+exframepos dw 0
+extextpos dw 0
+card1money dw 0
+listpos dw 0
+ryanpage db 0
+watchingtime dw 0
+reeltowatch dw -1 ;reel plays from here in mode 0
+endwatchreel dw 0 ;and stops here. Mode set to 1
+speedcount db 0
+watchspeed db 0
+reeltohold dw -1 ;if mode is 1 hold on this reel
+endofholdreel dw -1 ;if mode is 2 then play to end of
+watchmode db -1 ;hold reel. Set mode back to -1
+destafterhold db 0 ;set walking destination.
+newsitem db 0
+liftflag db 0
+liftpath db 0
+lockstatus db 1
+doorpath db 0
+counttoopen db 0
+counttoclose db 0
+rockstardead db 0
+generaldead db 0
+sartaindead db 0
+aidedead db 0
+beenmugged db 0
+gunpassflag db 0
+canmovealtar db 0
+talkedtoattendant db 0
+talkedtosparky db 0
+talkedtoboss db 0
+talkedtorecep db 0
+cardpassflag db 0
+madmanflag db 0
+keeperflag db 0
+lasttrigger db 0
+mandead db 0
+seed db 1,2,3
+needtotravel db 0
+throughdoor db 0
+newobs db 0
+ryanon db 255
+combatcount db 0
+lastweapon db -1
+dreamnumber db 0
+roomafterdream db 0
+shakecounter db 48
+lengthofvars equ $-startvars
+speechcount db 0
+charshift dw 0
+kerning db 0
+brightness db 0
+roomloaded db 0
+didzoom db 0
+linespacing dw 10
+textaddressx dw 13
+textaddressy dw 182 ;address on screen for text
+textlen db 0
+lastxpos dw 0
+icontop dw 0
+iconleft dw 0
+itemframe db 0
+itemtotran db 0
+roomad dw 0
+oldsubject dw 0
+withobject db 0
+withtype db 0
+lookcounter dw 0
+command db 0
+commandtype db 0
+oldcommandtype db 0
+objecttype db 0
+getback db 0
+invopen db 0
+mainmode db 0
+pickup db 0
+lastinvpos db 0
+examagain db 0
+newtextline db 0
+openedob db 0
+openedtype db 0
+oldmapadx dw 0
+oldmapady dw 0
+mapadx dw 0
+mapady dw 0
+mapoffsetx dw 104
+mapoffsety dw 38
+mapxstart dw 0
+mapystart dw 0
+mapxsize db 0
+mapysize db 0
+havedoneobs db 0
+manisoffscreen db 0
+rainspace db 0
+facing db 0
+leavedirection db 0
+turntoface db 0
+turndirection db 0
+maintimer dw 0
+introcount db 0
+arrowad dw 0
+currentkey db 0
+oldkey db 0
+useddirection db 0
+currentkey2 db 0
+timercount db 0
+oldtimercount db 0
+mapx db 0
+mapy db 0
+newscreen db 0
+ryanx db 0
+ryany db 0
+lastflag db 0
+lastflagex db 0
+flagx db 0
+flagy db 0
+currentex db 0
+currentfree db 0
+currentframe dw 0
+framesad dw 0
+dataad dw 0
+frsegment dw 0
+objectx dw 0
+objecty dw 0
+offsetx dw 0
+offsety dw 0
+savesize dw 0
+savesource dw 0
+savex db 0
+savey db 0
+currentob db 0
+priority db 0
+destpos db 0
+reallocation db 0 ;----------;some rooms have more than one
+roomnum db 0 ;place in the Roomdata list, to
+ ;account for different start points
+nowinnewroom db 0 ;this variable holds the rooms
+resetmanxy db 0 ;real value - ie:which file it's in
+newlocation db -1 ;if set then room is loaded at end of watch mode, or straight away if not in watch mode
+autolocation db -1
+mustload db 0
+answered db 0
+saidno db 0
+doorcheck1 db 0
+doorcheck2 db 0
+doorcheck3 db 0
+doorcheck4 db 0
+mousex dw 0
+mousey dw 0
+mousebutton dw 0
+mousebutton1 dw 0
+mousebutton2 dw 0
+mousebutton3 dw 0
+mousebutton4 dw 0
+oldbutton dw 0
+oldx dw 0
+oldy dw 0
+lastbutton dw 0
+oldpointerx dw 0
+oldpointery dw 0
+delherex dw 0
+delherey dw 0
+pointerxs db 32
+pointerys db 32
+delxs db 0
+delys db 0
+pointerframe db 0
+pointerpower db 0
+auxpointerframe db 0
+pointermode db 0
+pointerspeed db 0
+pointercount db 0
+inmaparea db 0
+reelpointer dw 0
+slotdata db 0
+thisslot db 0
+slotflags db 0
+takeoff dw 0
+talkmode db 0
+talkpos db 0
+character db 0
+persondata dw 0
+talknum db 0
+numberinroom db 0
+currentcel db 0
+oldselection db 0
+stopwalking db 0
+mouseon db 0
+played dw 0
+timer1 db 0
+timer2 db 0
+timer3 db 0
+wholetimer dw 0
+timer1to db 0
+timer2to db 0
+timer3to db 0
+watchdump db 0
+currentset dw 0
+logonum db 0
+oldlogonum db 0
+newlogonum db 0
+netseg dw 0
+netpoint dw 0
+keynum db 0
+cursorstate db 0
+pressed db 0
+presspointer dw 0
+graphicpress db 0
+presscount db 0
+keypadax dw 0
+keypadcx dw 0
+lightcount db 0
+folderpage db 0
+diarypage db 0
+menucount db 0
+symboltopx db 0
+symboltopnum db 0
+symboltopdir db 0
+symbolbotx db 0
+symbolbotnum db 0
+symbolbotdir db 0
+symboltolight db 0
+symbol1 db 0
+symbol2 db 0
+symbol3 db 0
+symbolnum db 0
+dumpx dw 0
+dumpy dw 0
+walkandexam db 0
+walkexamtype db 0
+walkexamnum db 0
+cursloc dw 0
+curslocx dw 0
+curslocy dw 0
+curpos dw 0
+monadx dw 0
+monady dw 0
+gotfrom dw 0
+monsource dw 0
+numtodo dw 0
+timecount dw 0
+counttotimed dw 0
+timedseg dw 0
+timedoffset dw 0
+timedy db 0
+timedx db 0
+needtodumptimed db 0
+;recordpos dw 0
+;rechandle dw 0
+handle dw 0
+loadingorsave db 0 ;1 if load 2 if save
+currentslot db 0
+cursorpos db 0
+colourpos db 0
+fadedirection db 0
+numtofade db 0
+fadecount db 0
+addtogreen db 0
+addtored db 0
+addtoblue db 0
+lastsoundreel dw 0
+soundbuffer dw 0
+soundbufferad dw 0
+soundbufferpage db 0
+soundtimes db 0
+needsoundbuff db 0
+oldint9seg dw -1
+oldint9add dw -1
+oldint8seg dw -1
+oldint8add dw -1
+oldsoundintseg dw 0
+oldsoundintadd dw 0
+soundbaseadd dw 0
+dsp_status dw 0
+dsp_write dw 0
+dmaaddress db 0
+soundint db 5
+sounddmachannel db 1
+sampleplaying db 255
+testresult db 0
+currentirq db 0
+speechloaded db 0
+speechlength dw 0
+volume db 0
+volumeto db 0
+volumedirection db 0
+volumecount db 0
+playblock db 0
+wongame db 0
+lasthardkey db 0
+bufferin dw 0
+bufferout dw 0
+extras dw 0 ;for allocated memory
+workspace dw 0 ;allocated mem for screen buffer
+mapstore dw 0 ;allocated mem for copy of room
+charset1 dw 0 ;allocated mem for normal charset
+tempcharset dw 0 ;monitor char set
+icons1 dw 0 ;allocated mem for on screen stuff
+icons2 dw 0
+buffers dw 0 ;allocated mem for buffers
+mainsprites dw 0 ;allocated mem for Ryan sprites
+backdrop dw 0
+mapdata dw 0
+sounddata dw 0
+sounddata2 dw 0
+recordspace dw 0
+freedat dw 0
+setdat dw 0
+reel1 dw -1
+reel2 dw -1
+reel3 dw -1
+roomdesc dw -1
+freedesc dw -1
+setdesc dw -1
+blockdesc dw -1
+setframes dw -1
+freeframes dw -1
+people dw -1
+reels dw -1
+commandtext dw -1
+puzzletext dw -1
+traveltext dw -1
+tempgraphics dw -1
+tempgraphics2 dw -1
+tempgraphics3 dw -1
+tempsprites dw -1
+textfile1 dw -1
+textfile2 dw -1
+textfile3 dw -1
+blinkframe db 23
+blinkcount db 0
+reasseschanges db 0 ; if it's a 1 then obname will assume that
+pointerspath db 0 ;the command has changed.
+manspath db 0 ;ie. from "walk to" to "Examine"
+pointerfirstpath db 0
+finaldest db 0
+destination db 0
+linestartx dw 0
+linestarty dw 0
+lineendx dw 0
+lineendy dw 0
+increment1 dw 0
+increment2 dw 0
+lineroutine db 0
+linepointer db 0
+linedirection db 0
+linelength db 0
+liftsoundcount db 0
+emmhandle dw 0
+emmpageframe dw 0
+emmhardwarepage db 0
+ch0emmpage dw 0
+ch0offset dw 0
+ch0blockstocopy dw 0
+ch0playing db 0
+ch0repeat db 0
+ch0oldemmpage dw 0
+ch0oldoffset dw 0
+ch0oldblockstocopy dw 0
+ch1playing db 255
+ch1emmpage dw 0
+ch1offset dw 0
+ch1blockstocopy dw 0
+ch1blocksplayed dw 0
+soundbufferwrite dw 0
+soundemmpage dw 0
+speechemmpage dw 0
+currentsample db -1
+roomssample db 0
+gameerror db 0
+howmuchalloc dw 0
+ \ No newline at end of file