path: root/devtools/tasmrecover/dreamweb/vgafades.asm
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Diffstat (limited to 'devtools/tasmrecover/dreamweb/vgafades.asm')
1 files changed, 866 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/devtools/tasmrecover/dreamweb/vgafades.asm b/devtools/tasmrecover/dreamweb/vgafades.asm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..06cc9d6a44
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devtools/tasmrecover/dreamweb/vgafades.asm
@@ -0,0 +1,866 @@
+;Copyright (c) 1990-2011 by Neil Dodwell
+;Released with permission from Neil Dodwell under GPLv2
+;See LICENSE file for full license text
+Fadedos proc near
+ call vsync
+ mov es,buffers
+ mov di,startpal
+ mov al,0
+ mov dx,3c7h
+ out dx,al
+ mov dx,3c9h
+ mov cx,768/4
+dos1: in al,dx
+ stosb
+ loop dos1
+ mov cx,64
+fadedosloop: push cx
+ mov ds,buffers
+ mov si,startpal
+ mov cx,768
+dos3: lodsb
+ cmp al,0
+ jz nodown
+ dec al
+nodown: mov [si-1],al
+ loop dos3
+ call vsync
+ mov ds,buffers
+ mov si,startpal
+ mov al,0
+ mov dx,3c8h
+ out dx,al
+ inc dx
+ mov cx,768/4
+dos2: lodsb
+ out dx,al
+ loop dos2
+ pop cx
+ loop fadedosloop
+ ret
+ endp
+Dofade proc near
+ cmp fadedirection,0
+ jz finishfade
+ mov cl,numtofade
+ mov ch,0
+ mov al,colourpos
+ mov ah,0
+ mov ds,buffers
+ mov si,startpal
+ add si,ax
+ add si,ax
+ add si,ax
+ call showgroup
+ mov al,numtofade
+ add al,colourpos
+ mov colourpos,al
+ cmp al,0
+ jnz finishfade
+ call fadecalculation
+finishfade: ret
+ endp
+Clearendpal proc near
+ mov es,buffers
+ mov di,endpal
+ mov cx,768
+ mov al,0
+ rep stosb
+ ret
+ endp
+Clearpalette proc near
+ mov fadedirection,0
+ call clearstartpal
+ call dumpcurrent
+ ret
+ endp
+Fadescreenup proc near
+ call clearstartpal
+ call paltoendpal
+ mov fadedirection,1
+ mov fadecount,63
+ mov colourpos,0
+ mov numtofade,128
+ ret
+ endp
+Fadetowhite proc near
+ mov es,buffers
+ mov di,endpal
+ mov cx,768
+ mov al,63
+ rep stosb
+ mov di,endpal
+ mov al,0
+ stosb
+ stosb
+ stosb
+ call paltostartpal
+ mov fadedirection,1
+ mov fadecount,63
+ mov colourpos,0
+ mov numtofade,128
+ ret
+ endp
+Fadefromwhite proc near
+ mov es,buffers
+ mov di,startpal
+ mov cx,768
+ mov al,63
+ rep stosb
+ mov di,startpal
+ mov al,0
+ stosb
+ stosb
+ stosb
+ call paltoendpal
+ mov fadedirection,1
+ mov fadecount,63
+ mov colourpos,0
+ mov numtofade,128
+ ret
+ endp
+Fadescreenups proc near
+ call clearstartpal
+ call paltoendpal
+ mov fadedirection,1
+ mov fadecount,63
+ mov colourpos,0
+ mov numtofade,64
+ ret
+ endp
+Fadescreendownhalf proc near
+ call paltostartpal
+ call paltoendpal
+ mov cx,768
+ mov es,buffers
+ mov bx,endpal
+halfend: mov al,[es:bx]
+ shr al,1
+ mov [es:bx],al
+ inc bx
+ loop halfend
+ mov ds,buffers
+ mov es,buffers
+ mov si,startpal+(56*3)
+ mov di,endpal+(56*3)
+ mov cx,3*5
+ rep movsb
+ mov si,startpal+(77*3)
+ mov di,endpal+(77*3)
+ mov cx,3*2
+ rep movsb
+ mov fadedirection,1
+ mov fadecount,31
+ mov colourpos,0
+ mov numtofade,32
+ ret
+ endp
+Fadescreenuphalf proc near
+ call endpaltostart
+ call paltoendpal
+ mov fadedirection,1
+ mov fadecount,31
+ mov colourpos,0
+ mov numtofade,32
+ ret
+ endp
+Fadescreendown proc near
+ call paltostartpal
+ call clearendpal
+ mov fadedirection,1
+ mov fadecount,63
+ mov colourpos,0
+ mov numtofade,128
+ ret
+ endp
+Fadescreendowns proc near
+ call paltostartpal
+ call clearendpal
+ mov fadedirection,1
+ mov fadecount,63
+ mov colourpos,0
+ mov numtofade,64
+ ret
+ endp
+Clearstartpal proc near
+ mov es,buffers
+ mov di,startpal
+ mov cx,256
+wholeloop1: mov ax,0
+ stosw
+ mov al,0
+ stosb
+ loop wholeloop1
+ ret
+ endp
+Showgun proc near
+ mov addtored,0 ;12
+ mov addtogreen,0
+ mov addtoblue,0
+ call paltostartpal
+ call paltoendpal
+ call greyscalesum
+; mov es,buffers
+; mov di,endpal+3
+; mov cx,255
+; mov ax,0
+;reds: mov byte ptr [es:di],63
+; inc di
+; stosw
+; loop reds
+ mov fadedirection,1
+ mov fadecount,63
+ mov colourpos,0
+ mov numtofade,128
+ mov cx,130
+ call hangon
+ call endpaltostart
+ call clearendpal
+ mov fadedirection,1
+ mov fadecount,63
+ mov colourpos,0
+ mov numtofade,128
+ mov cx,200
+ call hangon
+ mov roomssample,34
+ call loadroomssample
+ mov volume,0
+ mov dx,offset cs:gungraphic
+ call loadintotemp
+ call createpanel2
+ mov ds,tempgraphics
+ mov al,0
+ mov ah,0
+ mov di,100
+ mov bx,4
+ call showframe
+ mov ds,tempgraphics
+ mov al,1
+ mov ah,0
+ mov di,158
+ mov bx,106
+ call showframe
+ call worktoscreen
+ call getridoftemp
+ call fadescreenup
+ mov cx,160
+ call hangon
+ mov al,12
+ mov ah,0
+ call playchannel0
+ mov dx,offset cs:endtextname
+ call loadtemptext
+ call rollendcredits2
+ call getridoftemptext
+ ret
+ endp
+Rollendcredits2 proc near
+ call rollem
+ ret
+ endp
+Rollem proc near
+ mov cl,160
+ mov ch,160
+ mov di,25
+ mov bx,20
+ mov ds,mapstore
+ mov si,0
+ call multiget
+ mov es,textfile1
+ mov si,49*2
+ mov ax,[es:si]
+ mov si,ax
+ add si,textstart
+ mov cx,80
+endcredits21: push cx
+ mov bx,10
+ mov cx,linespacing
+endcredits22: push cx si di es bx
+ call vsync
+ mov cl,160
+ mov ch,160
+ mov di,25
+ mov bx,20
+ mov ds,mapstore
+ mov si,0
+ call multiput
+ call vsync
+ pop bx es di si
+ push si di es bx
+ mov cx,18
+onelot2: push cx
+ mov di,25 ;75
+ mov dx,161
+ mov ax,0
+ call printdirect
+ add bx,linespacing
+ pop cx
+ loop onelot2
+ call vsync
+ mov cl,160
+ mov ch,160
+ mov di,25 ;75
+ mov bx,20
+ call multidump
+ pop bx es di si cx
+ cmp lasthardkey,1
+ jz endearly2
+ dec bx
+ loop endcredits22
+ pop cx
+looknext2: mov al,[es:si]
+ inc si
+ cmp al,":"
+ jz gotnext2
+ cmp al,0
+ jz gotnext2
+ jmp looknext2
+gotnext2: cmp lasthardkey,1
+ jz endearly
+ loop endcredits21
+ mov cx,120
+ call hangone
+ ret
+endearly2: pop cx
+endearly: ret
+ endp
+Fadecalculation proc near
+ cmp fadecount,0
+ jz nomorefading
+ mov bl,fadecount
+ mov es,buffers
+ mov si,startpal
+ mov di,endpal
+ mov cx,768
+fadecolloop: mov al,[es:si]
+ mov ah,[es:di]
+ cmp al,ah
+ jz gotthere
+ jc lesscolour
+ dec byte ptr [es:si]
+ jmp gotthere
+lesscolour: cmp bl,ah
+ jz withit
+ jnc gotthere
+withit: inc byte ptr [es:si]
+gotthere: inc si
+ inc di
+ loop fadecolloop
+ dec fadecount
+ ret
+nomorefading: mov fadedirection,0
+ ret
+ endp
+Greyscalesum proc near ;converts palette to grey scale
+ ;summed using formula:
+ mov es,buffers ; .20xred + .59xGreen + .11xBlue
+ mov si,maingamepal
+ mov di,endpal
+ mov cx,256 ;convert 256 colours
+greysumloop1: push cx
+ mov bx,0
+ mov al,[es:si]
+ mov ah,0
+ mov cx,20
+ mul cx
+ add bx,ax
+ mov al,[es:si+1]
+ mov ah,0
+ mov cx,59
+ mul cx
+ add bx,ax
+ mov al,[es:si+2]
+ mov ah,0
+ mov cx,11
+ mul cx
+ add bx,ax ;bx holds equationx100
+ mov al,-1 ;divide result by 100
+greysumloop2: inc al
+ sub bx,100
+ jnc greysumloop2 ;ah holds grey scale number
+ mov bl,al
+ mov al,bl
+ mov ah,addtored
+ cmp al,0
+ ;jz noaddr
+ add al,ah
+noaddr: stosb
+ mov ah,addtogreen
+ mov al,bl
+ cmp al,0
+ jz noaddg
+ add al,ah
+noaddg: stosb ;store result in red, green and
+ mov ah,addtoblue
+ mov al,bl
+ cmp al,0
+ jz noaddb
+ add al,ah
+noaddb: stosb ;blue portions of palette.
+ add si,3
+ pop cx
+ loop greysumloop1
+ ret
+ endp
+Showgroup proc near
+ mov dx,3c8h
+ out dx,al
+ mov dx,3c9h
+showgroup1: lodsb
+ out dx,al
+ lodsb
+ out dx,al
+ lodsb
+ out dx,al
+ loop showgroup1
+ ret
+ endp
+Paltostartpal proc near
+ mov es,buffers
+ mov ds,buffers
+ mov si,maingamepal
+ mov di,startpal
+ mov cx,768/2
+ rep movsw
+ ret
+ endp
+Endpaltostart proc near
+ mov es,buffers
+ mov ds,buffers
+ mov si,endpal
+ mov di,startpal
+ mov cx,768/2
+ rep movsw
+ ret
+ endp
+Startpaltoend proc near
+ mov es,buffers
+ mov ds,buffers
+ mov di,endpal
+ mov si,startpal
+ mov cx,768/2
+ rep movsw
+ ret
+ endp
+Paltoendpal proc near
+ mov es,buffers
+ mov ds,buffers
+ mov di,endpal
+ mov si,maingamepal
+ mov cx,768/2
+ rep movsw
+ ret
+ endp
+Allpalette proc near
+ mov es,buffers
+ mov ds,buffers
+ mov di,startpal
+ mov si,maingamepal
+ mov cx,768/2
+ rep movsw
+ call dumpcurrent
+ ret
+ endp
+Dumpcurrent proc near
+ mov si,startpal
+ mov ds,buffers
+ call vsync
+ mov al,0
+ mov cx,128
+ call showgroup
+ call vsync
+ mov al,128
+ mov cx,128
+ call showgroup
+ ret
+ endp
+Fadedownmon proc near
+ call paltostartpal
+ call paltoendpal
+ mov es,buffers
+ mov di,endpal+(231*3)
+ mov cx,3*8
+ mov ax,0
+ rep stosb
+ mov di,endpal+(246*3)
+ stosb
+ stosw
+ mov fadedirection,1
+ mov fadecount,63
+ mov colourpos,0
+ mov numtofade,128
+ mov cx,64 ;100
+ call hangon ;curs
+ ret
+ endp
+Fadeupmon proc near
+ call paltostartpal
+ call paltoendpal
+ mov es,buffers
+ mov di,startpal+(231*3)
+ mov cx,3*8
+ mov ax,0
+ rep stosb
+ mov di,startpal+(246*3)
+ stosb
+ stosw
+ mov fadedirection,1
+ mov fadecount,63
+ mov colourpos,0
+ mov numtofade,128
+ mov cx,128
+ call hangon ;curs
+ ret
+ endp
+Fadeupmonfirst proc near
+ call paltostartpal
+ call paltoendpal
+ mov es,buffers
+ mov di,startpal+(231*3)
+ mov cx,3*8
+ mov ax,0
+ rep stosb
+ mov di,startpal+(246*3)
+ stosb
+ stosw
+ mov fadedirection,1
+ mov fadecount,63
+ mov colourpos,0
+ mov numtofade,128
+ mov cx,64
+ call hangon
+ mov al,26
+ call playchannel1
+ mov cx,64
+ call hangon
+ ret
+ endp
+Fadeupyellows proc near
+ ;call startpaltoend
+ call paltoendpal
+ mov es,buffers
+ mov di,endpal+(231*3)
+ mov cx,3*8
+ mov ax,0
+ rep stosb
+ mov di,endpal+(246*3)
+ stosb
+ stosw
+ mov fadedirection,1
+ mov fadecount,63
+ mov colourpos,0
+ mov numtofade,128
+ mov cx,128
+ call hangon
+ ret
+ endp
+Initialmoncols proc near
+ call paltostartpal
+ mov es,buffers
+ mov di,startpal+(230*3)
+ mov cx,3*9
+ mov ax,0
+ rep stosb
+ mov di,startpal+(246*3)
+ stosb
+ stosw
+ mov ds,buffers
+ mov si,startpal+(230*3)
+ mov al,230
+ mov cx,18
+ call showgroup
+ ret
+ endp