path: root/engines/access/amazon/amazon_game.cpp
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'engines/access/amazon/amazon_game.cpp')
1 files changed, 786 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/engines/access/amazon/amazon_game.cpp b/engines/access/amazon/amazon_game.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..4c9df7b8ff
--- /dev/null
+++ b/engines/access/amazon/amazon_game.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,786 @@
+/* ScummVM - Graphic Adventure Engine
+ *
+ * ScummVM is the legal property of its developers, whose names
+ * are too numerous to list here. Please refer to the COPYRIGHT
+ * file distributed with this source distribution.
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+ * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
+ * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
+ * of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
+ *
+ */
+#include "access/resources.h"
+#include "access/amazon/amazon_game.h"
+#include "access/amazon/amazon_resources.h"
+#include "access/amazon/amazon_room.h"
+#include "access/amazon/amazon_scripts.h"
+namespace Access {
+namespace Amazon {
+AmazonEngine::AmazonEngine(OSystem *syst, const AccessGameDescription *gameDesc)
+ : AccessEngine(syst, gameDesc), _guardLocation(_flags[122]), _guardFind(_flags[128]),
+ _helpLevel(_flags[167]), _jasMayaFlag(_flags[168]), _moreHelp(_flags[169]),
+ _flashbackFlag(_flags[171]), _riverFlag(_flags[185]), _aniOutFlag(_flags[195]),
+ _badEnd(_flags[218]), _noHints(_flags[219]), _aniFlag(_flags[229]),
+ _allenFlag(_flags[237]), _noSound(_flags[239]) {
+ _ant = nullptr;
+ _cast = nullptr;
+ _guard = nullptr;
+ _jungle = nullptr;
+ _opening = nullptr;
+ _plane = nullptr;
+ _river = nullptr;
+ _charSegSwitch = false;
+ _oldTitleChapter = _chapter = 0;
+ _updateChapter = -1;
+ _rawInactiveX = 0;
+ _rawInactiveY = 0;
+ _inactiveYOff = 0;
+ _hintLevel = 0;
+ Common::fill(&_tileData[0], &_tileData[0] + sizeof(_tileData), 0);
+ Common::fill(&_help1[0], &_help1[0] + sizeof(_help1), 0);
+ Common::fill(&_help2[0], &_help2[0] + sizeof(_help2), 0);
+ Common::fill(&_help3[0], &_help3[0] + sizeof(_help3), 0);
+ _helpTbl[0] = _help1;
+ _helpTbl[1] = _help2;
+ _helpTbl[2] = _help3;
+ _chapter = 0;
+ _rawInactiveX = _rawInactiveY = 0;
+ _inactiveYOff = 0;
+ _hintLevel = 0;
+ _updateChapter = 0;
+ _oldTitleChapter = 0;
+ _iqValue = 0;
+ _chapterCells.push_back(CellIdent(0, 96, 17));
+ _inactive._spritesPtr = nullptr;
+ _inactive._flags = _inactive._frameNumber = _inactive._offsetY = 0;
+ _inactive._position = Common::Point(0, 0);
+AmazonEngine::~AmazonEngine() {
+ delete _inactive._altSpritesPtr;
+ delete _ant;
+ delete _cast;
+ delete _guard;
+ delete _jungle;
+ delete _opening;
+ delete _plane;
+ delete _river;
+void AmazonEngine::freeInactivePlayer() {
+ delete _inactive._altSpritesPtr;
+ _inactive._altSpritesPtr = nullptr;
+void AmazonEngine::configSelect() {
+ // Initialize fields contained in the config file.
+ _hintLevel = 3;
+void AmazonEngine::initObjects() {
+ _room = new AmazonRoom(this);
+ _scripts = new AmazonScripts(this);
+ _ant = new Ant(this);
+ _cast = new Cast(this);
+ _guard = new Guard(this);
+ _jungle = new Jungle(this);
+ _opening = new Opening(this);
+ _plane = new Plane(this);
+ _river = new River(this);
+void AmazonEngine::playGame() {
+ // Initialize Amazon game-specific objects
+ initObjects();
+ // Setup the game
+ setupGame();
+ configSelect();
+ if (_loadSaveSlot == -1) {
+ // Do introduction
+ _opening->doIntroduction();
+ if (shouldQuit())
+ return;
+ }
+ do {
+ _restartFl = false;
+ _screen->clearScreen();
+ _screen->setPanel(0);
+ _screen->forceFadeOut();
+ _events->showCursor();
+ initVariables();
+ // If there's a pending savegame to load, load it
+ if (_loadSaveSlot != -1) {
+ loadGameState(_loadSaveSlot);
+ _loadSaveSlot = -1;
+ }
+ // Execute the room
+ _room->doRoom();
+ } while (_restartFl);
+void AmazonEngine::setupGame() {
+ // Load death list
+ if (isDemo()) {
+ _deaths.resize(34);
+ for (int i = 0; i < 34; ++i) {
+ _deaths[i]._screenId = DEATH_SCREENS_DEMO[i];
+ _deaths[i]._msg = DEATH_TEXT_DEMO[i];
+ }
+ } else {
+ _deaths.resize(58);
+ for (int i = 0; i < 58; ++i) {
+ _deaths[i]._screenId = DEATH_SCREENS[i];
+ _deaths[i]._msg = DEATH_TEXT[i];
+ }
+ }
+ _deaths._cells.resize(13);
+ for (int i = 0; i < 13; ++i)
+ _deaths._cells[i] = CellIdent(DEATH_CELLS[i][0], DEATH_CELLS[i][1], DEATH_CELLS[i][2]);
+ // Miscellaneous
+ _fonts._font1.load(FONT6x6_INDEX, FONT6x6_DATA);
+ _fonts._font2.load(FONT2_INDEX, FONT2_DATA);
+ initVariables();
+void AmazonEngine::initVariables() {
+ _chapter = 1;
+ // Set player room and position
+ if (isDemo())
+ _player->_roomNumber = 33;
+ else
+ _player->_roomNumber = 4;
+ _converseMode = 0;
+ _inventory->_startInvItem = 0;
+ _inventory->_startInvBox = 0;
+ Common::fill(&_objectsTable[0], &_objectsTable[100], (SpriteResource *)nullptr);
+ _player->_playerOff = false;
+ // Setup timers
+ const int TIMER_DEFAULTS[] = { 3, 10, 8, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2 };
+ for (int i = 0; i < 32; ++i) {
+ TimerEntry te;
+ te._initTm = te._timer = (i < 8) ? TIMER_DEFAULTS[i] : 1;
+ te._flag = 1;
+ _timers.push_back(te);
+ }
+ _player->_playerX = _player->_rawPlayer.x = TRAVEL_POS[_player->_roomNumber][0];
+ _player->_playerY = _player->_rawPlayer.y = TRAVEL_POS[_player->_roomNumber][1];
+ _room->_selectCommand = -1;
+ _events->setNormalCursor(CURSOR_CROSSHAIRS);
+ _mouseMode = 0;
+ _numAnimTimers = 0;
+void AmazonEngine::establish(int screenId, int esatabIndex) {
+ _establishMode = 0;
+ _establishGroup = 0;
+ doEstablish(screenId, esatabIndex);
+void AmazonEngine::establishCenter(int screenId, int esatabIndex) {
+ _establishMode = 1;
+ doEstablish(screenId, esatabIndex);
+const char *const _estTable[] = { "ETEXT0.DAT", "ETEXT1.DAT", "ETEXT2.DAT", "ETEXT3.DAT" };
+void AmazonEngine::loadEstablish(int estabIndex) {
+ if (!_files->existFile("ETEXT.DAT")) {
+ int oldGroup = _establishGroup;
+ _establishGroup = 0;
+ _establish = _files->loadFile(_estTable[oldGroup]);
+ _establishCtrlTblOfs = READ_LE_UINT16(_establish->data());
+ int ofs = _establishCtrlTblOfs + (estabIndex * 2);
+ int idx = READ_LE_UINT16(_establish->data() + ofs);
+ _narateFile = READ_LE_UINT16(_establish->data() + idx);
+ _txtPages = READ_LE_UINT16(_establish->data() + idx + 2);
+ if (!_txtPages)
+ return;
+ _sndSubFile = READ_LE_UINT16(_establish->data() + idx + 4);
+ for (int i = 0; i < _txtPages; ++i)
+ _countTbl[i] = READ_LE_UINT16(_establish->data() + idx + 6 + (2 * i));
+ } else {
+ _establishGroup = 0;
+ _narateFile = 0;
+ _txtPages = 0;
+ _sndSubFile = 0;
+ _establish = _files->loadFile("ETEXT.DAT");
+ }
+void AmazonEngine::doEstablish(int screenId, int estabIndex) {
+ _establishMode = 1;
+ _events->clearEvents();
+ _screen->forceFadeOut();
+ _screen->clearScreen();
+ _screen->setPanel(3);
+ if (screenId != -1) {
+ _files->loadScreen(95, screenId);
+ _buffer2.copyBuffer(_screen);
+ }
+ _screen->setIconPalette();
+ _screen->forceFadeIn();
+ _fonts._charSet._lo = 1;
+ _fonts._charSet._hi = 10;
+ _fonts._charFor._lo = 29;
+ _fonts._charFor._hi = 32;
+ _screen->_maxChars = 37;
+ _screen->_printOrg = _screen->_printStart = Common::Point(48, 35);
+ loadEstablish(estabIndex);
+ uint16 msgOffset;
+ if (!isCD())
+ msgOffset = READ_LE_UINT16(_establish->data() + (estabIndex * 2));
+ else
+ msgOffset = READ_LE_UINT16(_establish->data() + (estabIndex * 2) + 2);
+ _printEnd = 155;
+ Common::String msg((const char *)_establish->data() + msgOffset);
+ if ((_txtPages == 0) || !isCD()) {
+ printText(_screen, msg);
+ } else {
+ speakText(_screen, msg);
+ }
+ _screen->forceFadeOut();
+ _screen->clearScreen();
+ delete _establish;
+ _establish = nullptr;
+ if (_establishMode == 0)
+ _room->init4Quads();
+const char *const _tileFiles[] = {
+void AmazonEngine::tileScreen() {
+ if (!_screen->_vesaMode)
+ return;
+ if (!_clearSummaryFlag && (_oldTitleChapter == _chapter))
+ return;
+ _oldTitleChapter = _chapter;
+ int idx = _chapter - 1;
+ if (!_files->existFile(_tileFiles[idx]))
+ return;
+ Resource *res = _files->loadFile(_tileFiles[idx]);
+ int x = res->_stream->readSint16LE();
+ int y = res->_stream->readSint16LE();
+ int size = ((x + 2) * y) + 10;
+ for (int i = 0; i < size; ++i)
+ _tileData[i] = res->_stream->readByte();
+ // CHECKME: Depending on the Vesa mode during initialization, 400 or 480
+ Common::Point tilePos;
+ for (tilePos.y = 0; tilePos.y < 480; tilePos.y += y) {
+ for (tilePos.x = 0; tilePos.x < 640; tilePos.x += x)
+ warning("TODO: DRAWOBJECT");
+ }
+ delete res;
+void AmazonEngine::updateSummary(int chap) {
+ if (!_screen->_vesaMode)
+ return;
+ int chapter = chap;
+ if (chapter > 16)
+ chapter = 16;
+ if (!_clearSummaryFlag && (chapter == _updateChapter))
+ return;
+ _clearSummaryFlag = false;
+ int celSubFile = 0;
+ _updateChapter = chapter;
+ Common::Array<CellIdent> summaryCells;
+ loadCells(summaryCells);
+ for (int i = celSubFile; i < 16; ++i) {
+ if (i > 7)
+ warning("TODO: DRAWOBJECT");
+ else
+ warning("TODO: DRAWOBJECT");
+ }
+ delete _objectsTable[93];
+ _objectsTable[93] = nullptr;
+ for (int i = 1; i <= _updateChapter; ++i) {
+ celSubFile = i;
+ loadCells(summaryCells);
+ if (i > 8)
+ warning("TODO: DRAWOBJECT");
+ else
+ warning("TODO: DRAWOBJECT");
+ delete _objectsTable[93];
+ _objectsTable[93] = nullptr;
+ }
+void AmazonEngine::calcIQ() {
+ int tmpIQ = 170;
+ for (int i = 0; i < 256; i++) {
+ if (_help1[i] == 1)
+ tmpIQ -= 3;
+ }
+ for (int i = 0; i < 256; i++) {
+ if (_help2[i] == 1)
+ tmpIQ -= 5;
+ }
+ for (int i = 0; i < 256; i++) {
+ if (_help3[i] == 1)
+ tmpIQ -= 10;
+ }
+ if (tmpIQ < 0)
+ tmpIQ = 0;
+ _iqValue = tmpIQ;
+ if (_iqValue <= 100)
+ _badEnd = 1;
+ if (_iqValue <= 0)
+ _noHints = 1;
+void AmazonEngine::helpTitle() {
+ int width = _fonts._font2.stringWidth(_bubbleBox->_bubbleTitle);
+ int posX = 160 - (width / 2);
+ _fonts._font2._fontColors[0] = 0;
+ _fonts._font2._fontColors[1] = 33;
+ _fonts._font2._fontColors[2] = 34;
+ _fonts._font2._fontColors[3] = 35;
+ _fonts._font2.drawString(_screen, _bubbleBox->_bubbleTitle, Common::Point(posX, 24));
+ width = _fonts._font2.stringWidth(HELPLVLTXT[_helpLevel]);
+ posX = 160 - (width / 2);
+ _fonts._font2._fontColors[0] = 0;
+ _fonts._font2._fontColors[1] = 10;
+ _fonts._font2._fontColors[2] = 11;
+ _fonts._font2._fontColors[3] = 12;
+ _fonts._font2.drawString(_screen, HELPLVLTXT[_helpLevel], Common::Point(posX, 36));
+ Common::String iqText = "IQ: ";
+ calcIQ();
+ Common::String scoreIQ = Common::String::format("%d", _iqValue);
+ while (scoreIQ.size() < 4)
+ scoreIQ = " " + scoreIQ;
+ iqText += scoreIQ;
+ int index = _iqValue;
+ if (index == 170)
+ index = 169;
+ index /= 20;
+ iqText += " ";
+ iqText += IQLABELS[index];
+ width = _fonts._font2.stringWidth(iqText);
+ posX = 160 - (width / 2);
+ _fonts._font2._fontColors[0] = 0;
+ _fonts._font2._fontColors[1] = 10;
+ _fonts._font2._fontColors[2] = 11;
+ _fonts._font2._fontColors[3] = 12;
+ _fonts._font2.drawString(_screen, iqText, Common::Point(posX, 44));
+void AmazonEngine::drawHelpText(const Common::String &msg) {
+ _screen->_maxChars = 39;
+ _screen->_printOrg = Common::Point(26, 58);
+ _screen->_printStart = Common::Point(26, 58);
+ Common::String lines = msg;
+ Common::String line;
+ int width = 0;
+ bool lastLine = false;
+ do {
+ lastLine = _fonts._font2.getLine(lines, _screen->_maxChars * 6, line, width);
+ // Set font colors
+ _fonts._font2._fontColors[0] = 0;
+ _fonts._font2._fontColors[1] = 27;
+ _fonts._font2._fontColors[2] = 28;
+ _fonts._font2._fontColors[3] = 29;
+ _fonts._font2.drawString(_screen, line, _screen->_printOrg);
+ _screen->_printOrg = Common::Point(_screen->_printStart.x, _screen->_printOrg.y + 8);
+ } while (!lastLine);
+ _events->showCursor();
+void AmazonEngine::drawHelp(const Common::String str) {
+ _events->hideCursor();
+ if (_useItem == 0) {
+ _buffer2.copyBuffer(_screen);
+ if (_screen->_vesaMode) {
+ _screen->setPanel(2);
+ _screen->saveScreen();
+ }
+ _screen->savePalette();
+ _screen->fadeOut();
+ _screen->clearBuffer();
+ if (_moreHelp == 1) {
+ // Set cells
+ Common::Array<CellIdent> cells;
+ cells.push_back(CellIdent(95, 95, 3));
+ loadCells(cells);
+ }
+ }
+ _files->loadScreen(95, 2);
+ if (_moreHelp == 1) {
+ ASurface *oldDest = _destIn;
+ _destIn = _screen;
+ int oldClip = _screen->_clipHeight;
+ _screen->_clipHeight = 200;
+ _screen->plotImage(_objectsTable[95], 0, Common::Point(76, 168));
+ _destIn = oldDest;
+ _screen->_clipHeight = oldClip;
+ }
+ if ((_useItem == 0) && (_screen->_vesaMode == 0))
+ _screen->fadeIn();
+ helpTitle();
+ drawHelpText(str);
+void AmazonEngine::startChapter(int chapter) {
+ _chapter = chapter;
+ assert(_chapter <= 14);
+ if (chapter != 1) {
+ _room->clearRoom();
+ freeChar();
+ _midi->newMusic(32, 0);
+ playVideo(0, Common::Point());
+ if (shouldQuit())
+ return;
+ _events->debounceLeft();
+ _events->zeroKeys();
+ playVideo(_chapter, Common::Point(4, 113));
+ if (shouldQuit())
+ return;
+ _timers[20]._timer = 500;
+ _timers[20]._initTm = 500;
+ _timers[20]._flag++;
+ _sound->freeSounds();
+ if (isCD()) {
+ _sound->loadSoundTable(0, 115, 0);
+ _sound->loadSoundTable(1, 115, 1);
+ _sound->playSound(0);
+ _sound->playSound(1);
+ _sound->freeSounds();
+ }
+ // Wait loop
+ while (!shouldQuit() && !_events->isKeyMousePressed() && _timers[20]._flag) {
+ _events->pollEventsAndWait();
+ }
+ }
+ _screen->forceFadeOut();
+ _events->debounceLeft();
+ _events->zeroKeys();
+ _screen->clearScreen();
+ _screen->setPanel(3);
+ // Set up cells for the chapter display
+ Common::Array<CellIdent> chapterCells;
+ chapterCells.push_back(CellIdent(0, 96, 17));
+ const int *chapCell = &CHAPTER_CELLS[_chapter - 1][0];
+ chapterCells.push_back(CellIdent(chapCell[0], chapCell[1], chapCell[2]));
+ loadCells(chapterCells);
+ // Show chapter screen
+ _files->loadScreen(96, 15);
+ _buffer2.blitFrom(*_screen);
+ const int *chapImg = &CHAPTER_TABLE[_chapter - 1][0];
+ _screen->plotImage(_objectsTable[0], _chapter - 1,
+ Common::Point(chapImg[1], chapImg[2]));
+ _screen->plotImage(_objectsTable[_chapter], 0,
+ Common::Point(chapImg[3], chapImg[4]));
+ if (chapter == 14)
+ _screen->plotImage(_objectsTable[_chapter], 1, Common::Point(169, 76));
+ _midi->newMusic(chapImg[4], 1);
+ _midi->newMusic(33, 0);
+ _screen->forceFadeIn();
+ _timers[20]._timer = 950;
+ _timers[20]._initTm = 950;
+ _timers[20]._flag++;
+ // Wait loop
+ while (!shouldQuit() && !_events->isKeyMousePressed() && _timers[20]._flag) {
+ _events->pollEventsAndWait();
+ }
+ if (shouldQuit())
+ return;
+ _screen->forceFadeOut();
+ _events->debounceLeft();
+ _events->zeroKeys();
+ _screen->clearBuffer();
+ _files->loadScreen(96, 16);
+ _buffer2.blitFrom(*_screen);
+ _screen->plotImage(_objectsTable[0], chapImg[0], Common::Point(90, 7));
+ _midi->newMusic(7, 1);
+ _midi->newMusic(34, 0);
+ _screen->forceFadeIn();
+ _buffer2.blitFrom(*_screen);
+ _fonts._charSet._lo = 1;
+ _fonts._charSet._hi = 10;
+ _fonts._charFor._lo = 55;
+ _fonts._charFor._hi = 0xFF;
+ _screen->_maxChars = 43;
+ _screen->_printOrg = Common::Point(31, 77);
+ _screen->_printStart = Common::Point(31, 77);
+ _establishGroup = 1;
+ loadEstablish(0x40 + _chapter);
+ uint16 msgOffset = READ_LE_UINT16(_establish->data() + ((0x40 + _chapter) * 2) + 2);
+ _printEnd = 170;
+ Common::String msg((const char *)_establish->data() + msgOffset);
+ if ((_txtPages == 0) || !isCD()) {
+ printText(_screen, msg);
+ } else {
+ speakText(_screen, msg);
+ }
+ if (shouldQuit())
+ return;
+ _screen->forceFadeOut();
+ _screen->clearBuffer();
+ freeCells();
+ _midi->newMusic(_chapter * 2, 1);
+ if (chapter != 1 && chapter != 14) {
+ _room->init4Quads();
+ }
+ if (chapter == 14) {
+ _conversation = 31;
+ _char->loadChar(_conversation);
+ _events->setCursor(CURSOR_ARROW);
+ _images.clear();
+ _oldRects.clear();
+ _scripts->_sequence = 0;
+ _scripts->searchForSequence();
+ if (_screen->_vesaMode) {
+ _converseMode = 1;
+ }
+ } else if (chapter != 1) {
+ _player->_roomNumber = CHAPTER_JUMP[_chapter - 1];
+ _room->_function = FN_CLEAR1;
+ _converseMode = 0;
+ _scripts->cmdRetPos();
+ }
+void AmazonEngine::dead(int deathId) {
+ _events->hideCursor();
+ _screen->forceFadeOut();
+ _scripts->cmdFreeSound();
+ _events->debounceLeft();
+ _events->zeroKeys();
+ _sound->_soundTable.push_back(SoundEntry(_files->loadFile(98, 44), 1));
+ _screen->clearScreen();
+ _screen->setPanel(3);
+ if ((deathId == 10) && !isDemo()) {
+ quitGame();
+ _events->pollEvents();
+ return;
+ } else {
+ if (!isDemo())
+ _midi->newMusic(62, 0);
+ _files->_setPaletteFlag = false;
+ _files->loadScreen(94, 0);
+ _files->_setPaletteFlag = true;
+ _buffer2.blitFrom(*_screen);
+ if (!isDemo() || deathId != 10) {
+ for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i) {
+ _sound->playSound(0);
+ _screen->forceFadeIn();
+ _sound->playSound(0);
+ _screen->forceFadeOut();
+ _events->pollEvents();
+ if (shouldQuit())
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ if (!isDemo()) {
+ freeCells();
+ // Load the cell list for the death screen
+ DeathEntry &de = _deaths[deathId];
+ Common::Array<CellIdent> cells;
+ cells.push_back(_deaths._cells[de._screenId]);
+ loadCells(cells);
+ _screen->setDisplayScan();
+ _files->_setPaletteFlag = false;
+ _files->loadScreen(&_buffer2, 94, 1);
+ _screen->setIconPalette();
+ _buffer2.plotImage(_objectsTable[0], 0, Common::Point(105, 25));
+ _buffer2.copyTo(_screen);
+ _screen->forceFadeIn();
+ _fonts._charSet._hi = 10;
+ _fonts._charSet._lo = 1;
+ _fonts._charFor._lo = 55;
+ _fonts._charFor._hi = 255;
+ _screen->_maxChars = 46;
+ _screen->_printOrg = Common::Point(20, 155);
+ _screen->_printStart = Common::Point(20, 155);
+ Common::String &msg = de._msg;
+ _printEnd = 180;
+ printText(_screen, msg);
+ _screen->forceFadeOut();
+ _midi->newMusic(0, 1);
+ _events->showCursor();
+ _room->clearRoom();
+ freeChar();
+ _currentManOld = 1;
+ _player->removeSprite1();
+ } else {
+ _files->loadScreen(_screen, 94, _deaths[deathId]._screenId);
+ _screen->forceFadeIn();
+ _fonts._charSet._hi = 10;
+ _fonts._charSet._lo = 1;
+ _fonts._charFor._lo = 55;
+ _fonts._charFor._hi = 255;
+ _screen->_maxChars = 49;
+ _screen->_printOrg = Common::Point(15, 165);
+ _screen->_printStart = Common::Point(15, 165);
+ Common::String msg = Common::String(_deaths[deathId]._msg);
+ _printEnd = 200;
+ printText(_screen, msg);
+ _screen->fadeOut();
+ _events->showCursor();
+ _room->clearRoom();
+ freeChar();
+ _currentManOld = 1;
+ _player->removeSprite1();
+ }
+ // The original was jumping to the restart label in main
+ _restartFl = true;
+ _events->pollEvents();
+ }
+void AmazonEngine::synchronize(Common::Serializer &s) {
+ AccessEngine::synchronize(s);
+ s.syncAsSint16LE(_chapter);
+ s.syncAsSint16LE(_rawInactiveX);
+ s.syncAsSint16LE(_rawInactiveY);
+ s.syncAsSint16LE(_inactiveYOff);
+ for (int i = 0; i < 366; ++i) {
+ s.syncAsByte(_help1[i]);
+ s.syncAsByte(_help2[i]);
+ s.syncAsByte(_help3[i]);
+ }
+ _river->synchronize(s);
+ _ant->synchronize(s);
+} // End of namespace Amazon
+} // End of namespace Access