path: root/engines/avalanche/avmenu.cpp
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'engines/avalanche/avmenu.cpp')
1 files changed, 312 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/engines/avalanche/avmenu.cpp b/engines/avalanche/avmenu.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..3cfff7d8b6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/engines/avalanche/avmenu.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,312 @@
+#include "ptoc.h"
+#include "graph.h"
+/*#include "Crt.h"*/
+/*#include "Tommys.h"*/
+typedef matrix<'\0','\377',0,15,byte> fonttype;
+fonttype font;
+word storage_seg,storage_ofs;
+byte result;
+string registrant;
+void icons()
+ untyped_file f;
+ word gd,gm; byte bit;
+ byte v;
+ assign(f,"menu.avd");
+ reset(f,1);
+ for( bit=0; bit <= 3; bit ++)
+ {
+ port[0x3c4]=2; port[0x3ce]=4; port[0x3c5]=1 << bit; port[0x3cf]=bit;
+ for( gd=70; gd <= 266; gd ++)
+ blockread(f,mem[0xa000*gd*80+6],9);
+ for( gd=0; gd <= 32; gd ++)
+ {
+ blockread(f,v,1);
+ for( gm=0; gm <= 5; gm ++)
+ mem[0xa000*73+((70+gd+gm*33)*80)]=v; /* 79 */
+ }
+ }
+ close(f);
+ bit=getpixel(0,0);
+ setfillstyle(1, 7); for( gd=0; gd <= 5; gd ++) bar(114, 73+gd*33,583, 99+gd*33);
+ setfillstyle(1,15); for( gd=0; gd <= 5; gd ++) bar(114, 70+gd*33,583, 72+gd*33);
+ setfillstyle(1, 8); for( gd=0; gd <= 5; gd ++) bar(114,100+gd*33,583,102+gd*33);
+void load_regi_info();
+static char decode1(char c)
+ byte b;
+ char decode1_result;
+ b=ord(c)-32;
+ decode1_result=chr(( (b & 0xf) << 3) + ((cardinal)(b & 0x70) >> 4));
+ return decode1_result;
+static char decode2(char c)
+ char decode2_result;
+ decode2_result=chr( ((ord(c) & 0xf) << 2) + 0x43);
+ return decode2_result;
+static boolean checker(string proper,string check)
+ byte fv; boolean ok;
+ boolean checker_result;
+ ok=true;
+ for( fv=1; fv <= length(proper); fv ++)
+ if ((ord(proper[fv]) & 0xf)!=((cardinal)(ord(check[fv])-0x43) >> 2))
+ ok=false;
+ checker_result=ok;
+ return checker_result;
+void load_regi_info()
+ text t;
+ byte fv;
+ string x;
+ byte namelen,numlen;
+ string namechk,numchk;
+ string reginum;
+ /*$I-*/
+ assign(t,"register.dat"); reset(t);
+ /*$I+*/
+ if (ioresult!=0)
+ {
+ registrant="(Unregistered evaluation copy.)";
+ return;
+ }
+ for( fv=1; fv <= 53; fv ++) t >> NL;
+ t >> x >> NL;
+ close(t);
+ namelen=107-ord(x[1]); numlen=107-ord(x[2]);
+ registrant=copy(x,3,namelen);
+ reginum=copy(x,4+namelen,numlen);
+ namechk=copy(x,4+namelen+numlen,namelen);
+ numchk=copy(x,4+namelen+numlen+namelen,numlen);
+ for( fv=1; fv <= namelen; fv ++) registrant[fv]=decode1(registrant[fv]);
+ for( fv=1; fv <= numlen; fv ++) reginum[fv]=decode1(reginum[fv]);
+ if ((! checker(registrant,namechk)) || (! checker(reginum,numchk)))
+ registrant="\?\"!\? ((.)";
+ else
+ registrant=registrant+" ("+reginum+").";
+void flesh_colours() {; /* assembler;
+ mov ax,$1012;
+ mov bx,21; { 21 = light pink (why?) */
+ /* mov cx,1;
+ mov dx,seg @flesh;
+ mov es,dx;
+ mov dx,offset @flesh;
+ int $10;
+ mov dx,seg @darkflesh;
+ mov es,dx;
+ mov dx,offset @darkflesh;
+ mov bx,5; { 5 = dark pink. */
+ /*int $10;
+ jmp @TheEnd;
+ @flesh:
+ db 56,35,35;
+ @darkflesh:
+ db 43,22,22;
+ @TheEnd: */
+ }
+void setup()
+ integer gd,gm;
+ file<fonttype> ff;
+ if (paramstr(1)!="jsb") exit(255);
+ checkbreak=false;
+ val(paramstr(2),storage_seg,gd);
+ val(paramstr(3),storage_ofs,gd);
+ assign(ff,"avalot.fnt");
+ reset(ff); ff >> font; close(ff);
+ gd=3; gm=1; initgraph(gd,gm,"");
+ setvisualpage(1);
+ icons();
+void big(word x,word y, string z, boolean notted);
+static word start,image;
+static void generate(byte from, boolean& notted)
+ byte fv;
+ image=0;
+ for( fv=0; fv <= 7; fv ++)
+ image += (from & (1 << fv)) << fv;
+ image += image << 1;
+ image=hi(image)+lo(image)*256;
+ if (notted) image=~ image;
+void big(word x,word y, string z, boolean notted)
+ byte fv,ff;byte bit;
+ start=x+y*80;
+ for( fv=1; fv <= length(z); fv ++)
+ {
+ for( ff=1; ff <= 12; ff ++)
+ {
+ generate(font[z[fv]][ff+1], notted);
+ for( bit=0; bit <= 2; bit ++)
+ {
+ port[0x3c4]=2; port[0x3ce]=4; port[0x3c5]=1 << bit; port[0x3cf]=bit;
+ memw[0xa000*start+ ff*160]=image;
+ memw[0xa000*start+80+ff*160]=image;
+ }
+ }
+ start += 2;
+ }
+ bit=getpixel(0,0);
+void centre(integer y, string z)
+ big(40-(length(z)),y,z,false);
+void option(byte which, string what)
+ big(16,41+which*33,string((char)(which+48))+')',true);
+ big(24,41+which*33,what,true);
+void invert(integer x1,integer y1,integer x2,integer y2)
+ word s; pointer p;
+ s=imagesize(x1,y1,x2,y2);
+ getmem(p,s);
+ getimage(x1,y1,x2,y2,p);
+ putimage(x1,y1,p,4);
+ sound(y1); delay(30);
+ sound(600-y2); delay(20);
+ nosound; delay(200);
+ putimage(x1,y1,p,0);
+ delay(250);
+void wait()
+ word x; char r; boolean pressed;
+ x=0; pressed=false;
+ do {
+ setfillstyle(6,15); bar(x ,330,x-1,337);
+ setfillstyle(1, 0); bar(x-2,330,x-3,337);
+ delay(40); x += 1;
+ if (keypressed())
+ {
+ r=readkey();
+ if (r=='\0')
+ {
+ r=readkey(); /* and...? */
+ } else
+ { /* Not an extended keystroke. */
+ if (set::of(range('1','6'),cspace,cescape,creturn, eos).has(r)) pressed=true;
+ }
+ }
+ } while (!((x==640) || pressed));
+ if ((r==cspace) || (r==creturn)) r='1';
+ if (r==cescape) r='6';
+ if (pressed)
+ {
+ result=ord(r)-48;
+ invert(48,37+result*33,114,69+result*33);
+ } else result=177;
+void show_up()
+ setvisualpage(0);
+void loadmenu()
+ untyped_file f; byte bit;
+ assign(f,"mainmenu.avd");
+ reset(f,1);
+ for( bit=0; bit <= 3; bit ++)
+ {
+ port[0x3c4]=2; port[0x3ce]=4; port[0x3c5]=1 << bit; port[0x3cf]=bit;
+ blockread(f,mem[0xa000*0],59*80);
+ }
+ close(f);
+ bit=getpixel(0,0);
+int main(int argc, const char* argv[])
+ pio_initialize(argc, argv);
+ setup();
+ loadmenu();
+ load_regi_info();
+ option(1,"Play the game.");
+ option(2,"Read the background.");
+ option(3,"Preview... perhaps...");
+ option(4,"View the documentation.");
+ option(5,"Registration info.");
+ option(6,"Exit back to DOS.");
+ centre(275,registrant);
+ centre(303,"Make your choice, or wait for the demo.");
+ show_up();
+ wait();
+ mem[storage_seg*storage_ofs]=result;
+ closegraph();
+ return EXIT_SUCCESS;