path: root/engines/avalanche/chunkxf8.cpp
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Diffstat (limited to 'engines/avalanche/chunkxf8.cpp')
1 files changed, 250 insertions, 203 deletions
diff --git a/engines/avalanche/chunkxf8.cpp b/engines/avalanche/chunkxf8.cpp
index 97b9502dc3..a3a8b14b3e 100644
--- a/engines/avalanche/chunkxf8.cpp
+++ b/engines/avalanche/chunkxf8.cpp
@@ -11,7 +11,7 @@
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
@@ -31,240 +31,287 @@
namespace Avalanche {
-enum flavourtype {ch_ega,ch_bgi, last_flavourtype};
+enum flavourtype {ch_ega, ch_bgi, last_flavourtype};
struct chunkblocktype {
- flavourtype flavour;
- integer x,y;
- integer xl,yl;
- longint size;
- boolean natural;
+ flavourtype flavour;
+ integer x, y;
+ integer xl, yl;
+ longint size;
+ boolean natural;
- boolean memorise; /* Hold it in memory? */
+ boolean memorise; /* Hold it in memory? */
-const array<1,44,char> chunkheader =
-string("Chunk-type AVD file, for an Avvy game.")+'\32'+'\261'+'\x30'+'\x1'+'\x75'+'\261';
+const array<1, 44, char> chunkheader =
+ string("Chunk-type AVD file, for an Avvy game.") + '\32' + '\261' + '\x30' + '\x1' + '\x75' + '\261';
const integer arraysize = 12000;
-array<1,30,longint> offsets;
-byte num_chunks,this_chunk;
-integer gd,gm;
+array<1, 30, longint> offsets;
+byte num_chunks, this_chunk;
+integer gd, gm;
untyped_file f;
-array<0,arraysize,byte> aa;
-void finder()
- char r; integer x,y;
- setfillstyle(0,0); setcolor(14);
- x=320; y=100; setwritemode(xorput);
- do {
- bar(0,0,200,10);
- outtextxy(0,0,strf(x)+','+strf(y));
- line(x-20,y,x+20,y); line(x,y-20,x,y+20);
- do {; } while (!keypressed());
- line(x-20,y,x+20,y); line(x,y-20,x,y+20);
- switch (readkey()) {
- case '\15': return; break;
- case '8': y -= 10; break;
- case '4': x -= 10; break;
- case '6': x += 10; break;
- case '2': y += 10; break;
- case '\0': switch (readkey()) {
- case cup: y -= 1; break;
- case cdown: y += 1; break;
- case cleft: x -= 1; break;
- case cright: x += 1; break;
- }
- break;
- }
- } while (!false);
+array<0, arraysize, byte> aa;
+void finder() {
+ char r;
+ integer x, y;
+ ;
+ setfillstyle(0, 0);
+ setcolor(14);
+ x = 320;
+ y = 100;
+ setwritemode(xorput);
+ do {
+ bar(0, 0, 200, 10);
+ outtextxy(0, 0, strf(x) + ',' + strf(y));
+ line(x - 20, y, x + 20, y);
+ line(x, y - 20, x, y + 20);
+ do {
+ ;
+ } while (!keypressed());
+ line(x - 20, y, x + 20, y);
+ line(x, y - 20, x, y + 20);
+ switch (readkey()) {
+ case '\15':
+ return;
+ break;
+ case '8':
+ y -= 10;
+ break;
+ case '4':
+ x -= 10;
+ break;
+ case '6':
+ x += 10;
+ break;
+ case '2':
+ y += 10;
+ break;
+ case '\0':
+ switch (readkey()) {
+ case cup:
+ y -= 1;
+ break;
+ case cdown:
+ y += 1;
+ break;
+ case cleft:
+ x -= 1;
+ break;
+ case cright:
+ x += 1;
+ break;
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ } while (!false);
-void load()
- byte a1 /*absolute $A400:800*/;
- byte bit;
- untyped_file f;
- assign(f,"place23.avd"); reset(f,1);
- seek(f,177);
- for( bit=0; bit <= 3; bit ++)
- {;
- port[0x3c4]=2; port[0x3ce]=4; port[0x3c5]=1 << bit; port[0x3cf]=bit;
- blockread(f,a1,12080);
- }
- close(f);
- bit=getpixel(0,0);
- setvisualpage(1); setactivepage(1);
- finder();
- setvisualpage(0); setactivepage(0);
+void load() {
+ byte a1 /*absolute $A400:800*/;
+ byte bit;
+ untyped_file f;
+ ;
+ assign(f, "place23.avd");
+ reset(f, 1);
+ seek(f, 177);
+ for (bit = 0; bit <= 3; bit ++) {
+ ;
+ port[0x3c4] = 2;
+ port[0x3ce] = 4;
+ port[0x3c5] = 1 << bit;
+ port[0x3cf] = bit;
+ blockread(f, a1, 12080);
+ }
+ close(f);
+ bit = getpixel(0, 0);
+ setvisualpage(1);
+ setactivepage(1);
+ finder();
+ setvisualpage(0);
+ setactivepage(0);
-void loadtemp(string x)
- byte a0 /*absolute $A000:800*/;
- byte bit;
- untyped_file f;
- assign(f,x); reset(f,1);
- seek(f,177);
- for( bit=0; bit <= 3; bit ++)
- {;
- port[0x3c4]=2; port[0x3ce]=4; port[0x3c5]=1 << bit; port[0x3cf]=bit;
- blockread(f,a0,12080);
- }
- close(f);
- bit=getpixel(0,0);
- finder();
+void loadtemp(string x) {
+ byte a0 /*absolute $A000:800*/;
+ byte bit;
+ untyped_file f;
+ ;
+ assign(f, x);
+ reset(f, 1);
+ seek(f, 177);
+ for (bit = 0; bit <= 3; bit ++) {
+ ;
+ port[0x3c4] = 2;
+ port[0x3ce] = 4;
+ port[0x3c5] = 1 << bit;
+ port[0x3cf] = bit;
+ blockread(f, a0, 12080);
+ }
+ close(f);
+ bit = getpixel(0, 0);
+ finder();
-void open_chunk()
- assign(f,"chunk23.avd");
- rewrite(f,1);
- blockwrite(f,chunkheader,sizeof(chunkheader));
- blockwrite(f,num_chunks,1);
- blockwrite(f,offsets,num_chunks*4);
+void open_chunk() {
+ ;
+ assign(f, "chunk23.avd");
+ rewrite(f, 1);
+ blockwrite(f, chunkheader, sizeof(chunkheader));
+ blockwrite(f, num_chunks, 1);
+ blockwrite(f, offsets, num_chunks * 4);
- this_chunk=0;
+ this_chunk = 0;
-void close_chunk()
- seek(f,45);
- blockwrite(f,offsets,num_chunks*4); /* make sure they're right! */
- close(f);
+void close_chunk() {
+ ;
+ seek(f, 45);
+ blockwrite(f, offsets, num_chunks * 4); /* make sure they're right! */
+ close(f);
-void mgrab(integer x1,integer y1,integer x2,integer y2, word size)
- integer yy; word aapos; byte length,bit;
- if (size>arraysize)
- {;
- restorecrtmode();
- output << "*** SORRY! *** Increase the arraysize constant to be greater" << NL;
- output << " than " << size << '.' << NL;
- exit(0);
- }
- aapos=0;
- length=x2-x1;
- for( bit=0; bit <= 3; bit ++)
- {;
- port[0x3c4]=2; port[0x3ce]=4; port[0x3c5]=1 << bit; port[0x3cf]=bit;
- for( yy=y1; yy <= y2; yy ++)
- {;
- move(mem[0xa400*yy*80+x1],aa[aapos],length);
- aapos += length;
- }
- }
- bit=getpixel(0,0);
+void mgrab(integer x1, integer y1, integer x2, integer y2, word size) {
+ integer yy;
+ word aapos;
+ byte length, bit;
+ ;
+ if (size > arraysize) {
+ ;
+ restorecrtmode();
+ output << "*** SORRY! *** Increase the arraysize constant to be greater" << NL;
+ output << " than " << size << '.' << NL;
+ exit(0);
+ }
+ aapos = 0;
+ length = x2 - x1;
+ for (bit = 0; bit <= 3; bit ++) {
+ ;
+ port[0x3c4] = 2;
+ port[0x3ce] = 4;
+ port[0x3c5] = 1 << bit;
+ port[0x3cf] = bit;
+ for (yy = y1; yy <= y2; yy ++) {
+ ;
+ move(mem[0xa400 * yy * 80 + x1], aa[aapos], length);
+ aapos += length;
+ }
+ }
+ bit = getpixel(0, 0);
-void grab(integer x1,integer y1,integer x2,integer y2,integer realx,integer realy, flavourtype flav,
- boolean mem,boolean nat)
- /* yes, I *do* know how to spell "really"! */
+void grab(integer x1, integer y1, integer x2, integer y2, integer realx, integer realy, flavourtype flav,
+ boolean mem, boolean nat)
+/* yes, I *do* know how to spell "really"! */
- word s;
- pointer p;
- chunkblocktype ch;
-/* rectangle(x1,y1,x2,y2); exit;*/
- this_chunk += 1;
- offsets[this_chunk]=filepos(f);
- s=imagesize(x1,y1,x2,y2);
- getmem(p,s);
- getimage(x1,y1,x2,y2,p);
- {;
- ch.flavour=flav;
- ch.x=realx; ch.y=realy;
- ch.xl=x2-x1;
- ch.yl=y2-y1;
- ch.size=s;
- ch.memorise=mem;
- ch.natural=nat;
- }
- setvisualpage(1);
- setactivepage(1);
- input >> NL;
- putimage(ch.x,ch.y,p,0);
- if (flav==ch_ega)
- {;
- freemem(p,s);
- s=4*(((x2 / 8)-(x1 / 8))+2)*(y2-y1+1);
- {;
- ch.size=s;
- ch.x=ch.x / 8;
- ch.xl=(ch.xl / 8)+2;
- mgrab(ch.x,ch.y,ch.x+ch.xl,ch.y+ch.yl,s);
- }
- } else
- /* For BGI pictures. */
- {;
- ch.x=ch.x / 8;
- ch.xl=(ch.xl+7) / 8;
- ch.size=imagesize(ch.x*8,ch.y,(ch.x+ch.xl)*8,ch.y+ch.yl);
- }
- input >> NL;
- setvisualpage(0);
- setactivepage(0);
- blockwrite(f,ch,sizeof(ch));
- switch (flav) {
- case ch_ega : if (! nat) blockwrite(f,aa,s); break;
- case ch_bgi : {;
- if (! nat) blockwrite(f,p,s);
- freemem(p,s);
- }
- break;
- }
-/* rectangle(x1,y1,x2,y2);*/
+ word s;
+ pointer p;
+ chunkblocktype ch;
+ ;
+ /* rectangle(x1,y1,x2,y2); exit;*/
+ this_chunk += 1;
+ offsets[this_chunk] = filepos(f);
+ s = imagesize(x1, y1, x2, y2);
+ getmem(p, s);
+ getimage(x1, y1, x2, y2, p);
+ {
+ ;
+ ch.flavour = flav;
+ ch.x = realx;
+ ch.y = realy;
+ ch.xl = x2 - x1;
+ ch.yl = y2 - y1;
+ ch.size = s;
+ ch.memorise = mem;
+ ch.natural = nat;
+ }
+ setvisualpage(1);
+ setactivepage(1);
+ input >> NL;
+ putimage(ch.x, ch.y, p, 0);
+ if (flav == ch_ega) {
+ ;
+ freemem(p, s);
+ s = 4 * (((x2 / 8) - (x1 / 8)) + 2) * (y2 - y1 + 1);
+ {
+ ;
+ ch.size = s;
+ ch.x = ch.x / 8;
+ ch.xl = (ch.xl / 8) + 2;
+ mgrab(ch.x, ch.y, ch.x + ch.xl, ch.y + ch.yl, s);
+ }
+ } else
+ /* For BGI pictures. */
+ {
+ ;
+ ch.x = ch.x / 8;
+ ch.xl = (ch.xl + 7) / 8;
+ ch.size = imagesize(ch.x * 8, ch.y, (ch.x + ch.xl) * 8, ch.y + ch.yl);
+ }
+ input >> NL;
+ setvisualpage(0);
+ setactivepage(0);
+ blockwrite(f, ch, sizeof(ch));
+ switch (flav) {
+ case ch_ega :
+ if (! nat) blockwrite(f, aa, s);
+ break;
+ case ch_bgi : {
+ ;
+ if (! nat) blockwrite(f, p, s);
+ freemem(p, s);
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ /* rectangle(x1,y1,x2,y2);*/
-int main(int argc, const char* argv[])
-{pio_initialize(argc, argv);
- gd=3; gm=0; initgraph(gd,gm,"c:\\bp\\bgi");
- load();
- loadtemp("chunkbi3.avd");
- setwritemode(xorput);
+int main(int argc, const char *argv[]) {
+ pio_initialize(argc, argv);
+ ;
+ gd = 3;
+ gm = 0;
+ initgraph(gd, gm, "c:\\bp\\bgi");
+ load();
+ loadtemp("chunkbi3.avd");
+ setwritemode(xorput);
- num_chunks=6;
+ num_chunks = 6;
- open_chunk();
+ open_chunk();
- grab(226, 21,242, 29,348, 96,ch_bgi, true,true ); /*1 Looking forwards. */
- grab(226, 21,242, 29,348, 96,ch_ega, true,false); /*2 Looking left. */
- grab(253, 21,269, 29,348, 96,ch_ega, true,false); /*3 Looking right. */
- grab(240, 11,256, 19,348, 96,ch_ega, true,false); /*4 Blinking. */
+ grab(226, 21, 242, 29, 348, 96, ch_bgi, true, true); /*1 Looking forwards. */
+ grab(226, 21, 242, 29, 348, 96, ch_ega, true, false); /*2 Looking left. */
+ grab(253, 21, 269, 29, 348, 96, ch_ega, true, false); /*3 Looking right. */
+ grab(240, 11, 256, 19, 348, 96, ch_ega, true, false); /*4 Blinking. */
- loadtemp("chunkbi4.avd");
+ loadtemp("chunkbi4.avd");
- grab( 48, 83,110,126,324, 96,ch_ega,false,false); /*5 Eyes shut... */
- grab(112, 83,173,126,325, 96,ch_ega,false,false); /*6 Asleep. */
+ grab(48, 83, 110, 126, 324, 96, ch_ega, false, false); /*5 Eyes shut... */
+ grab(112, 83, 173, 126, 325, 96, ch_ega, false, false); /*6 Asleep. */
- close_chunk();
+ close_chunk();
+ return EXIT_SUCCESS;
} // End of namespace Avalanche. \ No newline at end of file