path: root/engines/avalanche/scrolls2.cpp
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Diffstat (limited to 'engines/avalanche/scrolls2.cpp')
1 files changed, 148 insertions, 148 deletions
diff --git a/engines/avalanche/scrolls2.cpp b/engines/avalanche/scrolls2.cpp
index 74b7158afc..a9c94b5d95 100644
--- a/engines/avalanche/scrolls2.cpp
+++ b/engines/avalanche/scrolls2.cpp
@@ -36,150 +36,37 @@
#include "avalanche/acci2.h"
#include "avalanche/visa2.h"
#include "avalanche/timeout2.h"
+#include "avalanche/basher2.h"
#include "common/textconsole.h"
-//#include "basher.h"
//#include "avalanche/joystick2.h" - Will be implemented later, if it will be implemented at all...
namespace Avalanche {
-const int16 Scrolls::roman = 0;
-const int16 Scrolls::italic = 1;
+Scrolls::Scrolls() {
+ loadfont();
+ resetscrolldriver();
-const int16 Scrolls::halficonwidth = 19; /* Half the width of an icon. */
-Scrolls::Scrolls() : aboutscroll(false) {
void Scrolls::setParent(AvalancheEngine *vm) {
_vm = vm;
void Scrolls::state(byte x) { /* Sets "Ready" light to whatever */
- byte page_;
- if (_vm->_gyro.ledstatus == x)
- return; /* Already like that! */
- warning("STUB: Scrolls::state(). Calls of Pascal units need to be removed.");
- //switch (x) {
- //case 0:
- // setfillstyle(1, black);
- // break; /* Off */
- //case 1:
- // setfillstyle(9, green);
- // break; /* Half-on (menus) */
- //case 2:
- // setfillstyle(1, green);
- // break; /* On (kbd) */
- //case 3:
- // setfillstyle(6, green);
- // break; /* Hit a key */
- //}
- _vm->_gyro.super_off();
- /* for (page_ = 0; page_ <= 1; page_++) {
- setactivepage(page_);
- bar(419, 195, 438, 197);
- }*/
- _vm->_gyro.super_on();
- _vm->_gyro.ledstatus = x;
+ warning("STUB: Scrolls::state()");
void Scrolls::easteregg() {
- uint16 fv, ff;
- warning("STUB: Scrolls::easteregg(). Calls of Pascal units need to be removed.");
- /* background(15);
- for (fv = 4; fv <= 100; fv++) {
- for (ff = 0; ff <= 70; ff++) {
- sound(fv * 100 + ff * 10);
- delay(1);
- }
- }
- nosound;
- setcolor(10);
- settextstyle(0, 0, 3);
- settextjustify(1, 1);
- outtextxy(320, 100, "GIED");
- settextstyle(0, 0, 1);
- settextjustify(0, 2);*/
- _vm->_gyro.background(0);
+ warning("STUB: Scrolls::easteregg()");
void Scrolls::say(int16 x, int16 y, Common::String z) { /* Fancy FAST screenwriting */
- const int16 locol = 2;
- byte xx, yy, ox, bit, lz, t;
- int16 yp;
- bool offset;
- byte itw[12][80];
- offset = x % 8 == 4;
- x = x / 8;
- lz = z.size();
- ox = 0;
- _vm->_logger.log_scrollline();
- for (xx = 1; xx <= lz; xx++) {
- switch (z[xx]) {
- case '\22':
- cfont = roman;
- _vm->_logger.log_roman();
- break;
- case '\6':
- cfont = italic;
- _vm->_logger.log_italic();
- break;
- default:
- ox += 1;
- for (yy = 1; yy <= 12; yy++)
- itw[yy][ox] = ~ ch[cfont][z[xx]][yy + 1];
- _vm->_logger.log_scrollchar(Common::String(z[xx]));
- break;
- }
- }
- lz = ox;
- if (offset) {
- /* offsetting routine */
- lz += 1;
- for (yy = 1; yy <= 12; yy++) {
- bit = 240;
- itw[yy][lz] = 255;
- for (xx = 1; xx <= lz; xx++) {
- t = itw[yy][xx];
- itw[yy][xx] = bit + t / 16;
- bit = t << 4;
- }
- }
- }
- yp = x + y * 80 + (1 - _vm->_gyro.cp) * _vm->_gyro.pagetop;
- for (yy = 1; yy <= 12; yy++) {
- yp += 80;
- for (bit = 0; bit <= locol; bit++) {
- /*port[0x3c4] = 2;
- port[0x3ce] = 4;
- port[0x3c5] = 1 << bit;
- port[0x3cf] = bit;
- move(itw[yy], mem[0xa000 * yp], lz);
- Some old Pascal-ish. To be removed. */
- warning("STUB: Scrolls::say()");
- }
- }
+ warning("STUB: Scrolls::say()");
-/* Here are the procedures that Scroll calls */ /* So they must be... */ /*$F+*/
+/* Here are the func2edures that Scroll calls */ /* So they must be... */ /*$F+*/
void Scrolls::normscroll() {
warning("STUB: Scrolls::normscroll()");
@@ -189,51 +76,164 @@ void Scrolls::dialogue() {
warning("STUB: Scrolls::dialogue()");
void Scrolls::store_(byte what, tunetype &played) {
- memcpy(played, played+1, sizeof(played) - 1);
- played[30] = what;
+ memcpy(played+1, played+2, sizeof(played) - 1);
+ played[31] = what;
bool Scrolls::they_match(tunetype &played) {
byte fv, mistakes;
- bool they_match_result;
mistakes = 0;
- for (fv = 1; fv <= sizeof(played); fv++)
- if (played[fv] != Gyro::tune[fv])
- mistakes++;
+ for (fv = 1; fv <= sizeof(played); fv ++)
+ if (played[fv] != _vm->_gyro.tune[fv]) {
+ mistakes += 1;
+ }
- they_match_result = mistakes < 5;
- return they_match_result;
+ return mistakes < 5;
void Scrolls::music_scroll() {
- char r;
- byte value;
+ warning("STUB: Scrolls::music_scroll()");
+/* ThatsAll, so put us back to */ /*$F-*/
+void Scrolls::resetscrolldriver() { /* phew */
+ _vm->_gyro.scrollbells = 0;
+ cfont = roman;
+ _vm->_logger.log_epsonroman();
+ use_icon = 0;
+ _vm->_gyro.interrogation = 0; /* always reset after a scroll comes up. */
+void Scrolls::dingdongbell() { /* Pussy's in the well. Who put her in? Little... */
+ byte fv;
+ for (fv = 1; fv <= _vm->_gyro.scrollbells; fv ++) _vm->_lucerna.errorled(); /* ring the bell "x" times */
+void Scrolls::dodgem() { /* This moves the mouse pointer off the scroll so that you can read it. */
+ _vm->_gyro.xycheck(); /* Mx & my now contain xy pos of mouse */
+ dodgex = _vm->_gyro.mx;
+ dodgey = _vm->_gyro.my; /* Store 'em */
+ _vm->_gyro.hopto(dodgex, _vm->_gyro.underscroll); /* Move the pointer off the scroll. */
+void Scrolls::undodgem() { /* This is the opposite of Dodgem. It moves the
+ mouse pointer back, IF you haven't moved it in the meantime. */
+ _vm->_gyro.xycheck();
+ if ((_vm->_gyro.mx == dodgex) && (_vm->_gyro.my == _vm->_gyro.underscroll))
+ /* No change, so restore the pointer's original position. */
+ _vm->_gyro.hopto(dodgex, dodgey);
+void Scrolls::geticon(int16 x, int16 y, byte which) {
+ warning("STUB: Scrolls::geticon()");
+void Scrolls::block_drop(Common::String fn, int16 xl, int16 yl, int16 y) {
+ warning("STUB: Scrolls::block_drop()");
+void Scrolls::drawscroll(func2 gotoit) { /* This is one of the oldest func2s in the game. */
+ warning("STUB: Scrolls::drawscroll()");
+void Scrolls::bubble(func2 gotoit) {
+ warning("STUB: Scrolls::bubble()");
+bool Scrolls::ask(Common::String question) {
+ warning("STUB: Scrolls::ask()");
+ return true;
+void Scrolls::resetscroll() {
+ _vm->_gyro.scrolln = 1;
+ for (int j = 0; j < 15; j ++)
+ for (int i = 0; i < sizeof(_vm->_gyro.scroll); i++)
+ _vm->_gyro.scroll[j].setChar(0, i);
+void Scrolls::natural() { /* Natural state of bubbles */
+ _vm->_gyro.talkx = 320;
+ _vm->_gyro.talky = 200;
+ _vm->_gyro.talkb = 8;
+ _vm->_gyro.talkf = 15;
+Common::String Scrolls::lsd() {
+ Common::String x;
+ Common::String lsd_result;
+ if (_vm->_gyro.dna.pence < 12) {
+ /* just pence */
+ x = _vm->_gyro.strf(_vm->_gyro.dna.pence) + 'd';
+ } else if (_vm->_gyro.dna.pence < 240) {
+ /* shillings & pence */
+ x = _vm->_gyro.strf(_vm->_gyro.dna.pence / int32(12)) + '/';
+ if ((_vm->_gyro.dna.pence % int32(12)) == 0) x = x + '-';
+ else x = x + _vm->_gyro.strf(_vm->_gyro.dna.pence % int32(12));
+ } else /* L, s & d */
+ x = Common::String('œ') + _vm->_gyro.strf(_vm->_gyro.dna.pence / int32(240)) + '.' + _vm->_gyro.strf((_vm->_gyro.dna.pence / int32(12)) % int32(20))
+ + '.' + _vm->_gyro.strf(_vm->_gyro.dna.pence % int32(12));
+ if (_vm->_gyro.dna.pence > 12) x = x + " (that's " + _vm->_gyro.strf(_vm->_gyro.dna.pence) + "d)";
+ lsd_result = x;
+ return lsd_result;
+void Scrolls::strip(Common::String &q) {
+ warning("STUB: Scrolls::strip()");
+void Scrolls::solidify(byte n) {
+ warning("STUB: Scrolls::solidify()");
+void Scrolls::calldrivers() {
+ warning("STUB: Scrolls::calldrivers()");
+void Scrolls::display(Common::String z) {
+ _vm->_gyro.bufsize = z.size();
+ memcpy(_vm->_gyro.buffer, z.c_str() + 1, _vm->_gyro.bufsize);
+ calldrivers();
+void Scrolls::loadfont() {
+ warning("STUB: Scrolls::loadfont()");
+void Scrolls::okay() {
+ display("Okay!");
+void Scrolls::musical_scroll() {
+ bool was_virtual;
- byte last_one, this_one;
+ display(Common::String("To play the harp...\r\rUse these keys:\r\n") +
+ "Q W E R T Y U I O P [ ]\r\rOr press Enter to stop playing.\4");
- tunetype played;
+ _vm->_lucerna.sprite_run();
+ was_virtual = _vm->_gyro.visible == _vm->_gyro.m_virtual;
- state(3);
- _vm->_gyro.seescroll = true;
- _vm->_gyro.on();
- _vm->_gyro.newpointer(4);
- //do {
- // do {
- // Gyro::check(); /* was "checkclick;" */
- // if (Enhanced::keypressede())
- // break;
- // } while (!(Gyro::mpress > 0) || buttona1() || buttonb1());
- //
- // Needs joystick - not sure it will be implemented.
+ if (was_virtual)
+ _vm->_gyro.off_virtual();
- // if (Gyro::mpress == 0)
- // inkey(); Needs Lucerna to proceed.
- //}
+ drawscroll(&Avalanche::Scrolls::music_scroll);
+ if (was_virtual)
+ _vm->_gyro.on_virtual();
+ resetscroll();