path: root/engines/avalanche/trip5xf.cpp
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Diffstat (limited to 'engines/avalanche/trip5xf.cpp')
1 files changed, 156 insertions, 139 deletions
diff --git a/engines/avalanche/trip5xf.cpp b/engines/avalanche/trip5xf.cpp
index f83f9c7ec2..eecfa75de2 100644
--- a/engines/avalanche/trip5xf.cpp
+++ b/engines/avalanche/trip5xf.cpp
@@ -11,7 +11,7 @@
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
@@ -30,170 +30,187 @@
namespace Avalanche {
-const string crlf = string('\15')+'\12'; const char eof_ = '\32';
-const array<1,177,char> trip5head =
- string("Sprite*.AVD ... data file for Trippancy Five")+crlf+crlf+
- "[Thorsoft relocatable fiveplane sprite image format]"+crlf+crlf+
- "Thomas Thurman was here. ... Have fun!"+crlf+crlf+eof_+
- "ħħħħħħħ * G. I. E. D. ! * ";
+const string crlf = string('\15') + '\12';
+const char eof_ = '\32';
+const array<1, 177, char> trip5head =
+ string("Sprite*.AVD ... data file for Trippancy Five") + crlf + crlf +
+ "[Thorsoft relocatable fiveplane sprite image format]" + crlf + crlf +
+ "Thomas Thurman was here. ... Have fun!" + crlf + crlf + eof_ +
+ "ħħħħħħħ * G. I. E. D. ! * ";
-const array<1,4,char> tripid = string('\x30')+'\x1'+'\x75'+'\261';
+const array<1, 4, char> tripid = string('\x30') + '\x1' + '\x75' + '\261';
-const array<1,50,char> trip5foot = crlf+crlf+
- " and that's it! Enjoy the game. "+'\3'+crlf+crlf+
- "\n\n\n\n\n\n\n"+"tt";
+const array<1, 50, char> trip5foot = crlf + crlf +
+ " and that's it! Enjoy the game. " + '\3' + crlf + crlf +
+ "\n\n\n\n\n\n\n" + "tt";
struct adxotype {
- varying_string<12> name; /* name of character */
- byte num; /* number of pictures */
- byte xl,yl; /* x & y lengths of pictures */
- byte seq; /* how many in one stride */
- word size; /* the size of one picture */
- byte fgc,bgc; /* foreground & background bubble colours */
+ varying_string<12> name; /* name of character */
+ byte num; /* number of pictures */
+ byte xl, yl; /* x & y lengths of pictures */
+ byte seq; /* how many in one stride */
+ word size; /* the size of one picture */
+ byte fgc, bgc; /* foreground & background bubble colours */
struct adxtype {
- varying_string<12> name; /* name of character */
- varying_string<16> comment; /* comment */
- byte num; /* number of pictures */
- byte xl,yl; /* x & y lengths of pictures */
- byte seq; /* how many in one stride */
- word size; /* the size of one picture */
- byte fgc,bgc; /* foreground & background bubble colours */
+ varying_string<12> name; /* name of character */
+ varying_string<16> comment; /* comment */
+ byte num; /* number of pictures */
+ byte xl, yl; /* x & y lengths of pictures */
+ byte seq; /* how many in one stride */
+ word size; /* the size of one picture */
+ byte fgc, bgc; /* foreground & background bubble colours */
varying_string<2> sn;
adxotype oa;
adxtype a;
-matrix<1,24,0,1,pointer> pic; /* the pictures themselves */
-array<1,16000,byte> aa;
+matrix<1, 24, 0, 1, pointer> pic; /* the pictures themselves */
+array<1, 16000, byte> aa;
untyped_file out;
integer bigsize;
-void copyaoa()
- {;
- a.name=oa.name;
- a.comment="Transferred";
- a.num=oa.num;
- a.xl=oa.xl;
- a.yl=oa.yl;
- a.seq=oa.seq;
- a.size=oa.size;
- a.fgc=oa.fgc;
- a.bgc=oa.bgc;
- }
+void copyaoa() {
+ ;
+ {
+ ;
+ a.name = oa.name;
+ a.comment = "Transferred";
+ a.num = oa.num;
+ a.xl = oa.xl;
+ a.yl = oa.yl;
+ a.seq = oa.seq;
+ a.size = oa.size;
+ a.fgc = oa.fgc;
+ a.bgc = oa.bgc;
+ }
-void load()
- untyped_file f; byte gd,gm,sort,n; pointer p,q;
- pointer xf;
- assign(f,string("v:osprte")+sn+".avd"); reset(f,1); seek(f,59);
- blockread(f,oa,sizeof(oa)); blockread(f,bigsize,2);
- copyaoa();
- getmem(xf,a.size);
- for( sort=0; sort <= 1; sort ++)
- {;
- mark(q); getmem(p,bigsize);
- blockread(f,p,bigsize);
- putimage(0,0,p,0); release(q); n=1;
- if (sort==0) setfillstyle(1,15); else setfillstyle(1,0);
- bar(177,125,300,200);
- for( gm=0; gm <= (a.num / a.seq)-1; gm ++) /* directions */
- for( gd=0; gd <= a.seq-1; gd ++) /* steps */
- {;
- getmem(pic[n][sort],a.size); /* grab the memory */
- getimage((gm / 2)*(a.xl*6)+gd*a.xl,(gm % 2)*a.yl,
- (gm / 2)*(a.xl*6)+gd*a.xl+a.xl-1,(gm % 2)*a.yl+a.yl-1,
- xf);
- putimage(177,125,xf,0);
- getimage(177,125,177+a.xl,125+a.yl,pic[n][sort]); /* grab the pic */
- n += 1;
- }
- }
- close(f);
- freemem(xf,a.size);
- cleardevice();
- for( gm=0; gm <= 1; gm ++)
- for( gd=1; gd <= a.num; gd ++)
- putimage(gd*15,gm*40,pic[gd][gm],0);
+void load() {
+ untyped_file f;
+ byte gd, gm, sort, n;
+ pointer p, q;
+ pointer xf;
+ ;
+ assign(f, string("v:osprte") + sn + ".avd");
+ reset(f, 1);
+ seek(f, 59);
+ blockread(f, oa, sizeof(oa));
+ blockread(f, bigsize, 2);
+ copyaoa();
+ getmem(xf, a.size);
+ for (sort = 0; sort <= 1; sort ++) {
+ ;
+ mark(q);
+ getmem(p, bigsize);
+ blockread(f, p, bigsize);
+ putimage(0, 0, p, 0);
+ release(q);
+ n = 1;
+ if (sort == 0) setfillstyle(1, 15);
+ else setfillstyle(1, 0);
+ bar(177, 125, 300, 200);
+ for (gm = 0; gm <= (a.num / a.seq) - 1; gm ++) /* directions */
+ for (gd = 0; gd <= a.seq - 1; gd ++) { /* steps */
+ ;
+ getmem(pic[n][sort], a.size); /* grab the memory */
+ getimage((gm / 2) * (a.xl * 6) + gd * a.xl, (gm % 2)*a.yl,
+ (gm / 2) * (a.xl * 6) + gd * a.xl + a.xl - 1, (gm % 2)*a.yl + a.yl - 1,
+ xf);
+ putimage(177, 125, xf, 0);
+ getimage(177, 125, 177 + a.xl, 125 + a.yl, pic[n][sort]); /* grab the pic */
+ n += 1;
+ }
+ }
+ close(f);
+ freemem(xf, a.size);
+ cleardevice();
+ for (gm = 0; gm <= 1; gm ++)
+ for (gd = 1; gd <= a.num; gd ++)
+ putimage(gd * 15, gm * 40, pic[gd][gm], 0);
-void setup()
- integer gd,gm;
- output << "TRIP5XF (c) 1992, Thomas Thurman." << NL; output << NL;
- output << "Enter number of SPRITE*.AVD file to convert:"; input >> sn >> NL;
- gd=3; gm=0; initgraph(gd,gm,"c:\\bp\\bgi");
- load();
+void setup() {
+ integer gd, gm;
+ ;
+ output << "TRIP5XF (c) 1992, Thomas Thurman." << NL;
+ output << NL;
+ output << "Enter number of SPRITE*.AVD file to convert:";
+ input >> sn >> NL;
+ gd = 3;
+ gm = 0;
+ initgraph(gd, gm, "c:\\bp\\bgi");
+ load();
-string strf(longint x)
- string q;
-string strf_result;
- str(x,q); strf_result=q;
-return strf_result;
+string strf(longint x) {
+ string q;
+ string strf_result;
+ ;
+ str(x, q);
+ strf_result = q;
+ return strf_result;
-void save()
- byte sort,n;
- word fv,ff; char r; byte xw;
- byte nxl,nyl;
- word soa;
- cleardevice();
- {;
- a.size=imagesize(0,0,a.xl,a.yl);
- soa=sizeof(a);
- assign(out,string("v:sprite")+sn+".avd"); rewrite(out,1);
- blockwrite(out,trip5head,177);
- blockwrite(out,tripid,4);
- blockwrite(out,soa,2);
- blockwrite(out,a,soa);
- nxl=a.xl; nyl=a.yl;
- xw=nxl / 8;
- if ((nxl % 8)>0) xw += 1;
- for( n=1; n <= a.num; n ++)
- {;
- putimage( 0,0,pic[n][0],0);
- getimage( 0,0,a.xl,a.yl,aa);
- for( fv=0; fv <= nyl; fv ++)
- blockwrite(out,aa[5+fv*xw*4],xw);
- putimage(100,0,pic[n][1],0);
- getimage(100,0,100+a.xl,a.yl,aa);
- putimage(100,100,aa,4);
-/* for ff:=1 to 4 do { actually 2 to 5, but it doesn't matter here }
- for fv:=0 to nyl do*/
-/* for ff:=5 to size-2 do
- blockwrite(out,aa[ff],1);*/
- blockwrite(out,aa[5],a.size-6);
- }
- }
+void save() {
+ byte sort, n;
+ word fv, ff;
+ char r;
+ byte xw;
+ byte nxl, nyl;
+ word soa;
+ ;
+ cleardevice();
+ {
+ ;
+ a.size = imagesize(0, 0, a.xl, a.yl);
+ soa = sizeof(a);
+ assign(out, string("v:sprite") + sn + ".avd");
+ rewrite(out, 1);
+ blockwrite(out, trip5head, 177);
+ blockwrite(out, tripid, 4);
+ blockwrite(out, soa, 2);
+ blockwrite(out, a, soa);
+ nxl = a.xl;
+ nyl = a.yl;
+ xw = nxl / 8;
+ if ((nxl % 8) > 0) xw += 1;
+ for (n = 1; n <= a.num; n ++) {
+ ;
+ putimage(0, 0, pic[n][0], 0);
+ getimage(0, 0, a.xl, a.yl, aa);
+ for (fv = 0; fv <= nyl; fv ++)
+ blockwrite(out, aa[5 + fv * xw * 4], xw);
+ putimage(100, 0, pic[n][1], 0);
+ getimage(100, 0, 100 + a.xl, a.yl, aa);
+ putimage(100, 100, aa, 4);
+ /* for ff:=1 to 4 do { actually 2 to 5, but it doesn't matter here }
+ for fv:=0 to nyl do*/
+ /* for ff:=5 to size-2 do
+ blockwrite(out,aa[ff],1);*/
+ blockwrite(out, aa[5], a.size - 6);
+ }
+ }
-int main(int argc, const char* argv[])
-{pio_initialize(argc, argv);
- setup();
- save();
+int main(int argc, const char *argv[]) {
+ pio_initialize(argc, argv);
+ ;
+ setup();
+ save();
- blockwrite(out,trip5foot,50);
- close(out);
+ blockwrite(out, trip5foot, 50);
+ close(out);
+ return EXIT_SUCCESS;
} // End of namespace Avalanche. \ No newline at end of file