path: root/engines/bladerunner/actor_combat.cpp
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Diffstat (limited to 'engines/bladerunner/actor_combat.cpp')
1 files changed, 602 insertions, 3 deletions
diff --git a/engines/bladerunner/actor_combat.cpp b/engines/bladerunner/actor_combat.cpp
index 4bd8d17c67..47d1c2d3a0 100644
--- a/engines/bladerunner/actor_combat.cpp
+++ b/engines/bladerunner/actor_combat.cpp
@@ -22,25 +22,624 @@
#include "bladerunner/actor_combat.h"
+#include "bladerunner/actor.h"
+#include "bladerunner/audio_speech.h"
+#include "bladerunner/bladerunner.h"
+#include "bladerunner/combat.h"
+#include "bladerunner/game_constants.h"
+#include "bladerunner/game_info.h"
+#include "bladerunner/movement_track.h"
+#include "bladerunner/scene.h"
+#include "bladerunner/scene_objects.h"
+#include "bladerunner/script/ai_script.h"
+#include "bladerunner/set.h"
+#include "bladerunner/settings.h"
namespace BladeRunner {
ActorCombat::ActorCombat(BladeRunnerEngine *vm) {
_vm = vm;
+ reset();
ActorCombat::~ActorCombat() {
-void ActorCombat::hitAttempt() {
+void ActorCombat::setup() {
+ reset();
-void ActorCombat::combatOn(int actorId, int a3, int a4, int otherActorId, int a6, int a7, int a8, int a9, int ammoDamage, int a11, int a12) {
+void ActorCombat::combatOn(int actorId, int initialState, bool rangedAttack, int enemyId, int waypointType, int fleeRatio, int coverRatio, int actionRatio, int damage, int range, bool a12) {
+ _actorId = actorId;
+ _state = initialState;
+ _rangedAttack = rangedAttack;
+ _enemyId = enemyId;
+ _waypointType = waypointType;
+ _damage = damage;
+ _fleeRatioConst = fleeRatio;
+ _coverRatioConst = coverRatio;
+ _actionRatioConst = actionRatio;
+ _fleeRatio = fleeRatio;
+ _coverRatio = coverRatio;
+ _actionRatio = actionRatio;
+ _active = true;
+ if (rangedAttack == 1) {
+ _range = range;
+ } else {
+ _range = 300;
+ }
+ field_3C = a12;
+ Actor *actor = _vm->_actors[_actorId];
+ _actorPosition = actor->getXYZ();
+ _enemyPosition = _vm->_actors[_enemyId]->getXYZ();
+ actor->_movementTrack->flush();
+ actor->stopWalking(false);
+ if (_enemyId == kActorMcCoy) {
+ actor->setTarget(true);
+ }
+ _actorHp = actor->getCurrentHP();
+ _coversWaypointCount = 0;
+ for (int i = 0; i < (int)_vm->_gameInfo->getCoverWaypointCount(); ++i) {
+ if (_vm->_combat->_coverWaypoints[i].type == waypointType && _vm->_combat->_coverWaypoints[i].setId == actor->getSetId()) {
+ ++_coversWaypointCount;
+ }
+ }
+ if (_coversWaypointCount == 0) {
+ _coverRatioConst = 0;
+ _coverRatio = 0;
+ }
+ _fleeWaypointsCount = 0;
+ for (int i = 0; i < (int)_vm->_gameInfo->getFleeWaypointCount(); ++i) {
+ if (_vm->_combat->_fleeWaypoints[i].type == waypointType && _vm->_combat->_fleeWaypoints[i].setId == actor->getSetId()) {
+ ++_fleeWaypointsCount;
+ }
+ }
+ if (_fleeWaypointsCount == 0) {
+ _fleeRatioConst = 0;
+ _fleeRatio = 0;
+ }
void ActorCombat::combatOff() {
+ _active = false;
+ reset();
-void ActorCombat::setup() {
+void ActorCombat::tick() {
+ static int processingCounter = 0;
+ if (!_active || processingCounter > 0) {
+ return;
+ }
+ Actor *actor = _vm->_actors[_actorId];
+ Actor *enemy = _vm->_actors[_enemyId];
+ if (actor->getSetId() != enemy->getSetId()) {
+ actor->combatModeOff();
+ return;
+ }
+ ++processingCounter;
+ _actorPosition = actor->getXYZ();
+ _enemyPosition = enemy->getXYZ();
+ if (_actionRatioConst >= 0) {
+ _actionRatio = _actionRatioConst;
+ } else {
+ _actionRatio = calculateActionRatio();
+ }
+ if (_vm->_combat->findCoverWaypoint(_waypointType, _actorId, _enemyId) != -1) {
+ if (_coverRatioConst >= 0) {
+ _coverRatio = _coverRatioConst;
+ } else {
+ _coverRatio = calculateCoverRatio();
+ }
+ } else {
+ _coverRatio = 0;
+ }
+ if (_fleeRatioConst >= 0) {
+ _fleeRatio = _fleeRatioConst;
+ } else {
+ _fleeRatio = calculateFleeRatio();
+ }
+ float dist = actor->distanceFromActor(_enemyId);
+ int oldState = _state;
+ if (_actionRatio < _fleeRatio || _actionRatio < _coverRatio) {
+ if (_coverRatio >= _fleeRatio && _coverRatio >= _actionRatio) {
+ _state = kActorCombatStateCover;
+ } else {
+ _state = kActorCombatStateFlee;
+ }
+ } else {
+ if (_rangedAttack) {
+ if (dist > _range) {
+ _state = kActorCombatStateApproachRangedAttack;
+ } else {
+ if (actor->isObstacleBetween(_enemyPosition)) {
+ _state = kActorCombatStateUncover;
+ } else {
+ _state = kActorCombatStateRangedAttack;
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ if (dist > 36.0f) {
+ _state = kActorCombatStateApproachCloseAttack;
+ } else {
+ _state = kActorCombatStateCloseAttack;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (enemy->isRetired()) {
+ _state = kActorCombatStateIdle;
+ }
+ if (actor->getAnimationMode() == kAnimationModeHit || actor->getAnimationMode() == kAnimationModeCombatHit) {
+ _state = kActorCombatStateIdle;
+ } else {
+ if (_state != oldState) {
+ actor->stopWalking(false);
+ }
+ }
+ switch (_state) {
+ case kActorCombatStateCover:
+ cover();
+ break;
+ case kActorCombatStateApproachCloseAttack:
+ approachToCloseAttack();
+ break;
+ case kActorCombatStateUncover:
+ uncover();
+ break;
+ case kActorCombatStateAim:
+ aim();
+ break;
+ case kActorCombatStateRangedAttack:
+ rangedAttack();
+ break;
+ case kActorCombatStateCloseAttack:
+ closeAttack();
+ break;
+ case kActorCombatStateFlee:
+ flee();
+ break;
+ case kActorCombatStateApproachRangedAttack:
+ approachToRangedAttack();
+ break;
+ }
+ --processingCounter;
+void ActorCombat::hitAttempt() {
+ Actor *actor = _vm->_actors[_actorId];
+ Actor *enemy = _vm->_actors[_enemyId];
+ if (_enemyId == kActorMcCoy && !_vm->playerHasControl() && field_3C == 0) {
+ return;
+ }
+ if (actor->isRetired()) {
+ return;
+ }
+ int aggressiveness = 0;
+ if (_rangedAttack) {
+ aggressiveness = _rangedAttack == 1 ? getaggressivenessRangedAttack() : 0;
+ } else {
+ aggressiveness = getaggressivenessCloseAttack();
+ }
+ if (aggressiveness == 0) {
+ return;
+ }
+ int random = _vm->_rnd.getRandomNumberRng(1, 100);
+ if (random <= aggressiveness) {
+ if (enemy->isWalking()) {
+ enemy->stopWalking(true);
+ }
+ int sentenceId = _vm->_rnd.getRandomNumberRng(0, 1) ? 9000 : 9005;
+ if (enemy->inCombat()) {
+ enemy->changeAnimationMode(22, false);
+ } else {
+ enemy->changeAnimationMode(21, false);
+ }
+ int damage = 0;
+ if (_rangedAttack) {
+ damage = getDamageRangedAttack(random, aggressiveness);
+ } else {
+ damage = getDamageCloseAttack(random, aggressiveness);
+ }
+ int enemyHp = MAX(enemy->getCurrentHP() - damage, 0);
+ enemy->setCurrentHP(enemyHp);
+ if (enemyHp <= 0) {
+ if (!enemy->isRetired()) {
+ if (enemy->inCombat()) {
+ enemy->changeAnimationMode(49, false);
+ } else {
+ enemy->changeAnimationMode(48, false);
+ }
+ sentenceId = 9020;
+ }
+ enemy->retire(true, 6, 3, _actorId);
+ }
+ if (_enemyId == kActorMcCoy) {
+ sentenceId += 900;
+ }
+ _vm->_audioSpeech->playSpeechLine(_enemyId, sentenceId, 75, enemy->soundBalance(), 99);
+ }
+void ActorCombat::reset() {
+ _active = false;
+ _actorId = -1;
+ _state = -1;
+ _rangedAttack = -1;
+ _enemyId = -1;
+ _waypointType = -1;
+ _damage = 0;
+ _fleeRatio = -1;
+ _coverRatio = -1;
+ _actionRatio = -1;
+ _fleeRatioConst = -1;
+ _coverRatioConst = -1;
+ _actionRatioConst = -1;
+ _actorHp = 0;
+ _range = 300;
+ field_3C = 0;
+ _actorPosition = Vector3(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);
+ _enemyPosition = Vector3(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);
+ _coversWaypointCount = 0;
+ _fleeWaypointsCount = 0;
+ _fleeingTowards = -1;
+void ActorCombat::cover() {
+ Actor *actor = _vm->_actors[_actorId];
+ if (actor->isWalking()) {
+ return;
+ }
+ if (actor->isObstacleBetween(_enemyPosition)) {
+ faceEnemy();
+ return;
+ }
+ int coverWaypointId = _vm->_combat->findCoverWaypoint(_waypointType, _actorId, _enemyId);
+ if (coverWaypointId == -1) {
+ _state = kActorCombatStateIdle;
+ } else {
+ actor->asyncWalkToXYZ(_vm->_combat->_coverWaypoints[coverWaypointId].position, 0, true, 0);
+ }
+void ActorCombat::approachToCloseAttack() {
+ Actor *actor = _vm->_actors[_actorId];
+ Actor *enemy = _vm->_actors[_enemyId];
+ float dist = actor->distanceFromActor(_enemyId);
+ if (dist > 36.0f) {
+ if (!actor->isWalking() || enemy->isWalking()) {
+ Vector3 target;
+ if (findClosestPositionToEnemy(target)) {
+ actor->asyncWalkToXYZ(target, 0, dist >= 240.0f, 0);
+ } else {
+ _state = kActorCombatStateCover;
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ if (actor->isWalking()) {
+ actor->stopWalking(false);
+ }
+ faceEnemy();
+ _state = kActorCombatStateCloseAttack;
+ }
+void ActorCombat::approachToRangedAttack() {
+ Actor *actor = _vm->_actors[_actorId];
+ Actor *enemy = _vm->_actors[_enemyId];
+ float dist = actor->distanceFromActor(_enemyId);
+ if (dist > _range) {
+ if (!actor->isWalking() || enemy->isWalking()) {
+ Vector3 target;
+ if (findClosestPositionToEnemy(target)) {
+ actor->asyncWalkToXYZ(target, 0, dist >= 240.0f, 0);
+ } else {
+ _state = kActorCombatStateCover;
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ if (actor->isWalking()) {
+ actor->stopWalking(false);
+ }
+ faceEnemy();
+ _state = kActorCombatStateRangedAttack;
+ }
+void ActorCombat::uncover() {
+ Actor *actor = _vm->_actors[_actorId];
+ Actor *enemy = _vm->_actors[_enemyId];
+ if (actor->isObstacleBetween(_enemyPosition)) {
+ actor->asyncWalkToXYZ(enemy->getXYZ(), 16, false, 0);
+ } else {
+ if (actor->isWalking()) {
+ actor->stopWalking(false);
+ }
+ faceEnemy();
+ }
+void ActorCombat::aim() {
+ Actor *actor = _vm->_actors[_actorId];
+ if (actor->isObstacleBetween(_enemyPosition)) {
+ if (actor->getAnimationMode() != kAnimationModeCombatIdle) {
+ actor->changeAnimationMode(kAnimationModeCombatIdle, false);
+ }
+ } else {
+ faceEnemy();
+ if (actor->getAnimationMode() != kAnimationModeCombatAim) {
+ actor->changeAnimationMode(kAnimationModeCombatAim, false);
+ }
+ }
+void ActorCombat::rangedAttack() {
+ Actor *actor = _vm->_actors[_actorId];
+ if (actor->isObstacleBetween(_enemyPosition) || (actor->distanceFromActor(_enemyId) > _range)) {
+ _state = kActorCombatStateApproachRangedAttack;
+ } else {
+ faceEnemy();
+ if (actor->getAnimationMode() != kAnimationModeCombatAttack) {
+ if (_enemyId != kActorMcCoy || _vm->playerHasControl() || field_3C != 0) {
+ actor->changeAnimationMode(kAnimationModeCombatAttack, false);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+void ActorCombat::closeAttack() {
+ Actor *actor = _vm->_actors[_actorId];
+ if (actor->isObstacleBetween(_enemyPosition) || (actor->distanceFromActor(_enemyId) > 36.0f)) {
+ _state = kActorCombatStateApproachCloseAttack;
+ } else {
+ faceEnemy();
+ if (actor->getAnimationMode() != kAnimationModeCombatAttack) {
+ if (_enemyId != kActorMcCoy || _vm->playerHasControl() || field_3C != 0) {
+ actor->changeAnimationMode(kAnimationModeCombatAttack, false);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+void ActorCombat::flee() {
+ Actor *actor = _vm->_actors[_actorId];
+ if (_fleeingTowards != -1 && actor->isWalking()) {
+ Vector3 fleeWaypointPosition = _vm->_combat->_fleeWaypoints[_fleeingTowards].position;
+ if (distance(_actorPosition, fleeWaypointPosition) <= 12.0f) {
+ _vm->_aiScripts->fledCombat(_actorId/*, _enemyId*/);
+ actor->setSetId(kSetFreeSlotG);
+ actor->combatModeOff();
+ _fleeingTowards = -1;
+ }
+ } else {
+ int fleeWaypointId = _vm->_combat->findFleeWaypoint(actor->getSetId(), _enemyId, _actorPosition);
+ if (fleeWaypointId == -1) {
+ _state = kActorCombatStateIdle;
+ } else {
+ Vector3 fleeWaypointPosition = _vm->_combat->_fleeWaypoints[fleeWaypointId].position;
+ actor->asyncWalkToXYZ(fleeWaypointPosition, 0, true, 0);
+ _fleeingTowards = fleeWaypointId;
+ }
+ }
+void ActorCombat::faceEnemy() {
+ _vm->_actors[_actorId]->setFacing(angle_1024(_actorPosition.x, _actorPosition.z, _enemyPosition.x, _enemyPosition.z), false);
+int ActorCombat::getaggressivenessCloseAttack() const{
+ Actor *actor = _vm->_actors[_actorId];
+ Actor *enemy = _vm->_actors[_enemyId];
+ float distance = actor->distanceFromActor(_enemyId);
+ if (distance > 36.0f) {
+ return 0;
+ }
+ int aggressiveness = 0;
+ if (enemy->isRunning()) {
+ aggressiveness = 11;
+ } else if (enemy->isMoving()) {
+ aggressiveness = 22;
+ } else {
+ aggressiveness = 33;
+ }
+ aggressiveness += actor->getCombatAggressiveness() / 3;
+ int angle = abs(actor->angleTo(_enemyPosition));
+ if (angle > 128) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ return aggressiveness + (abs(angle - 128) / 3.7f);
+int ActorCombat::getaggressivenessRangedAttack() const {
+ Actor *actor = _vm->_actors[_actorId];
+ Actor *enemy = _vm->_actors[_enemyId];
+ if (actor->isObstacleBetween(_enemyPosition)) {
+ return 0;
+ }
+ float distance = MIN(actor->distanceFromActor(_enemyId), 900.0f);
+ int aggressiveness = 0;
+ if (enemy->isRunning()) {
+ aggressiveness = 10;
+ } else if (enemy->isMoving()) {
+ aggressiveness = 20;
+ } else {
+ aggressiveness = 30;
+ }
+ aggressiveness += actor->getCombatAggressiveness() / 5;
+ return aggressiveness + abs((distance / 30) - 30) + actor->getIntelligence() / 5;
+int ActorCombat::getDamageCloseAttack(int min, int max) const {
+ if (_enemyId == kActorMcCoy && _vm->_settings->getDifficulty() == 0) {
+ return _damage / 2;
+ }
+ if (_enemyId == kActorMcCoy && _vm->_settings->getDifficulty() == 2) {
+ return _damage;
+ }
+ return ((MIN(max - min, 30) * 100.0f / 60.0f) + 50) * _damage / 100;
+int ActorCombat::getDamageRangedAttack(int min, int max) const {
+ if (_enemyId == kActorMcCoy && _vm->_settings->getDifficulty() == 0) {
+ return _damage / 2;
+ }
+ if (_enemyId == kActorMcCoy && _vm->_settings->getDifficulty() == 2) {
+ return _damage;
+ }
+ return ((MIN(max - min, 30) * 100.0f / 60.0f) + 50) * _damage / 100;
+int ActorCombat::calculateActionRatio() const {
+ Actor *actor = _vm->_actors[_actorId];
+ Actor *enemy = _vm->_actors[_enemyId];
+ int aggressivenessFactor = actor->getCombatAggressiveness();
+ int actorHpFactor = actor->getCurrentHP();
+ int enemyHpFactor = 100 - enemy->getCurrentHP();
+ int combatFactor = enemy->inCombat() ? 0 : 100;
+ int angleFactor = (100 * abs(enemy->angleTo(_actorPosition))) / 512;
+ int distanceFactor = 2 * (50 - MAX(actor->distanceFromActor(_enemyId) / 12.0f, 50.0f));
+ if (_rangedAttack) {
+ return
+ angleFactor * 0.25f +
+ combatFactor * 0.05f +
+ enemyHpFactor * 0.20f +
+ actorHpFactor * 0.10f +
+ aggressivenessFactor * 0.40f;
+ } else {
+ return
+ distanceFactor * 0.20f +
+ angleFactor * 0.10f +
+ combatFactor * 0.10f +
+ enemyHpFactor * 0.15f +
+ actorHpFactor * 0.15f +
+ aggressivenessFactor * 0.30f;
+ }
+int ActorCombat::calculateCoverRatio() const {
+ if (_coversWaypointCount == 0) {
+ return 0;
+ }
+ Actor *actor = _vm->_actors[_actorId];
+ Actor *enemy = _vm->_actors[_enemyId];
+ int angleFactor = 100 - (100 * abs(enemy->angleTo(_actorPosition))) / 512;
+ int actorHpFactor = 100 - actor->getCurrentHP();
+ int enemyHpFactor = enemy->getCurrentHP();
+ int aggressivenessFactor = 100 - actor->getCombatAggressiveness();
+ int distanceFactor = 2 * MAX(actor->distanceFromActor(_enemyId) / 12.0f, 50.0f);
+ if (_rangedAttack) {
+ return
+ angleFactor * 0.40f +
+ enemyHpFactor * 0.05f +
+ actorHpFactor * 0.15f +
+ aggressivenessFactor * 0.50f;
+ } else {
+ return
+ distanceFactor * 0.25f +
+ angleFactor * 0.20f +
+ enemyHpFactor * 0.05f +
+ actorHpFactor * 0.10f +
+ aggressivenessFactor * 0.50f;
+ }
+int ActorCombat::calculateFleeRatio() const {
+ if (_fleeWaypointsCount == 0) {
+ return 0;
+ }
+ Actor *actor = _vm->_actors[_actorId];
+ Actor *enemy = _vm->_actors[_enemyId];
+ int aggressivenessFactor = 100 - actor->getCombatAggressiveness();
+ int actorHpFactor = 100 - actor->getCurrentHP();
+ int combatFactor = enemy->inCombat() ? 100 : 0;
+ return
+ combatFactor * 0.2f +
+ actorHpFactor * 0.4f +
+ aggressivenessFactor * 0.4f;
+bool ActorCombat::findClosestPositionToEnemy(Vector3 &output) const {
+ output = Vector3();
+ Vector3 offsets[] = {
+ Vector3( 0.0f, 0.0f, -28.0f),
+ Vector3( 28.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f),
+ Vector3( 0.0f, 0.0f, 28.0f),
+ Vector3(-28.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f)
+ };
+ float min = -1.0f;
+ for (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i) {
+ Vector3 test = _enemyPosition + offsets[i];
+ float dist = distance(_actorPosition, test);
+ if ( min == -1.0f || dist < min) {
+ if (!_vm->_sceneObjects->existsOnXZ(_actorId, test.x, test.z, true, true) && _vm->_scene->_set->findWalkbox(test.x, test.z) >= 0) {
+ output = test;
+ min = dist;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return min >= 0.0f;
} // End of namespace BladeRunner