path: root/engines/cge/vga13h.cpp
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Diffstat (limited to 'engines/cge/vga13h.cpp')
1 files changed, 5 insertions, 132 deletions
diff --git a/engines/cge/vga13h.cpp b/engines/cge/vga13h.cpp
index 7c11653c4e..51be2ed1e8 100644
--- a/engines/cge/vga13h.cpp
+++ b/engines/cge/vga13h.cpp
@@ -100,92 +100,13 @@ static void Video() {
uint16 *SaveScreen() {
- /*
- uint16 cxy, cur, siz, * scr = NULL, * sav;
- // horizontal size of text mode screen
- asm mov ah,0x0F // get current video mode
- Video(); // BIOS video service
- asm xchg ah,al // answer in ah
- asm push ax // preserve width
- // vertical size of text mode screen
- asm mov dl,24 // last row on std screen
- asm xor bx,bx // valid request in BH
- asm mov ax,0x1130 // get EGA's last row #
- Video(); // BIOS video service
- asm inc dl // # of rows = last+1
- // compute screen size in words
- asm pop ax // restore width
- asm mul dl // width * height
- siz = _AX;
- asm mov ax,0x40 // system data segment
- asm mov es,ax
- asm mov ax,0B000H // Mono
- asm cmp byte ptr es:[0x49],0x07
- asm je sto
- asm mov ax,0B800H // Color
- sto: // store screen address
- asm mov word ptr scr+2,ax
- _AH = 0x0F; Video(); // active page
- // take cursor shape
- _AH = 0x03; Video(); // get cursor size
- cur = _CX;
- // take cursor position
- _DH = 0;
- _AH = 0x03; Video(); // get cursor
- cxy = _DX;
- sav = farnew(uint16, siz+3); // +3 extra uint16s for size and cursor
- if (sav)
- {
- sav[0] = siz;
- sav[1] = cur;
- sav[2] = cxy;
- memcpy(sav+3, scr, siz * 2);
- }
- return sav;
- */
- warning("STUB: SaveScreen");
+ // In ScummVM, we don't need to worry about saving the original screen mode
return 0;
void RestoreScreen(uint16 * &sav) {
- /*
- uint16 * scr = NULL;
- asm mov ax,0x40 // system data segment
- asm mov es,ax
- asm mov ax,0B000H // Mono
- asm cmp byte ptr es:[0x49],0x07
- asm je sto
- asm mov ax,0B800H // Color
- sto: // store screen address
- asm mov word ptr scr+2,ax
- memcpy(scr, sav+3, sav[0] * 2);
- _AH = 0x0F; Video(); // active page
- // set cursor shape
- _CX = sav[1];
- _AH = 0x01; Video(); // set cursor size
- // set cursor position
- _DX = sav[2];
- _AH = 0x02; Video(); // set cursor
- free(sav);
- sav = NULL;
- */
- warning("STUB: RestoreScreen");
+ // In ScummVM, we don't need to restore the original text screen when the game exits
@@ -830,7 +751,7 @@ Vga::Vga(int mode)
for (int i = 10; i < 20; i++) {
char *text = _text->getText(i);
if (text) {
- debugN("%s\n", text);
+ debugN(1, "%s\n", text);
std = false;
@@ -879,17 +800,7 @@ Vga::~Vga() {
void Vga::setStatAdr() {
- /*
- asm mov dx,VGAMIr_
- asm in al,dx
- asm test al,1 // CGA addressing mode flag
- asm mov ax,VGAST1_ // CGA addressing
- asm jnz set_mode_adr
- asm xor al,0x60 // MDA addressing
- set_mode_adr:
- StatAdr = _AX;
- */
- warning("STUB: VGA::setStatADR");
+ // No implementation needed for ScummVM
@@ -902,45 +813,7 @@ void Vga::waitVR(bool on) {
void Vga::setup(VgaRegBlk *vrb) {
- /*
- waitVR(); // *--LOOK!--* resets VGAATR logic
- asm cld
- asm mov si, vrb // take address of parameter table
- asm mov dh,0x03 // higher byte of I/O address is always 3
- s:
- asm lodsw // take lower byte of I/O address and index
- asm or ah,ah // 0 = end of table
- asm jz xit // no more: exit
- asm or al,al // indexed register?
- asm js single // 7th bit set means single register
- asm mov dl,ah // complete I/O address
- asm out dx,al // put index into control register
- asm inc dx // data register is next to control
- asm in al,dx // take old data
- write:
- asm mov cl,al // preserve old data
- asm lodsw // take 2 masks from table
- asm xor al,0xFF // invert mask bits
- asm and al,cl // clear bits with "clr" mask
- asm or al,ah // set bits with "set" mask
- asm cmp dl,0xC1 // special case?
- asm jne std2 // no: standard job, otherwise...
- asm dec dx // data out reg shares address with index
- std2:
- asm out dx,al // write new value to register
- asm jmp s
- single: // read address in al, write address in ah
- asm mov dl,al // complete I/O read address
- asm in al,dx // take old data
- asm mov dl,ah // complete I/O write address
- asm jmp write // continue standard routine
- xit:
- */
- warning("STUB: VGA::setup");
+ // No direct VGA setup required, since ScummVM provides it's own graphics interface