path: root/engines/dm/inventory.cpp
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'engines/dm/inventory.cpp')
1 files changed, 126 insertions, 174 deletions
diff --git a/engines/dm/inventory.cpp b/engines/dm/inventory.cpp
index 516bc467dc..9c12835973 100644
--- a/engines/dm/inventory.cpp
+++ b/engines/dm/inventory.cpp
@@ -499,21 +499,16 @@ void InventoryMan::drawPanelObject(Thing thingToDraw, bool pressingEye) {
boxObjectDescCircle, k16_byteWidth, k12_ColorDarkestGray, 27);
- const char *descString = nullptr;
- char str[40];
+ Common::String descString;
+ Common::String str;
if (iconIndex == k147_IconIndiceJunkChampionBones) {
switch (_vm->getGameLanguage()) { // localized
- default:
- case Common::EN_ANY:
- case Common::DE_DEU: // german and english versions are the same
- strcpy(str, champMan._champions[((Junk *)rawThingPtr)->getChargeCount()]._name);
- strcat(str, " ");
- strcat(str, objMan._objectNames[iconIndex]);
- break;
case Common::FR_FRA:
- strcat(str, objMan._objectNames[iconIndex]);
- strcat(str, " ");
- strcpy(str, champMan._champions[((Junk *)rawThingPtr)->getChargeCount()]._name);
+ // Fix original bug dur to a cut&paste error: string was concatenated then overwritten by the name
+ str = Common::String::format("%s %s", objMan._objectNames[iconIndex], champMan._champions[((Junk *)rawThingPtr)->getChargeCount()]._name);
+ break;
+ default: // German and English versions are the same
+ str = Common::String::format("%s %s", champMan._champions[((Junk *)rawThingPtr)->getChargeCount()]._name, objMan._objectNames[iconIndex]);
@@ -521,16 +516,15 @@ void InventoryMan::drawPanelObject(Thing thingToDraw, bool pressingEye) {
} else if ((thingType == k8_PotionThingType)
&& (iconIndex != k163_IconIndicePotionWaterFlask)
&& (champMan.getSkillLevel((ChampionIndex)_vm->ordinalToIndex(_inventoryChampionOrdinal), k2_ChampionSkillPriest) > 1)) {
- str[0] = '_' + ((Potion *)rawThingPtr)->getPower() / 40;
- str[1] = ' ';
- str[2] = '\0';
- strcat(str, objMan._objectNames[iconIndex]);
+ str = ('_' + ((Potion *)rawThingPtr)->getPower() / 40);
+ str += " ";
+ str += objMan._objectNames[iconIndex];
descString = str;
} else {
descString = objMan._objectNames[iconIndex];
- textMan.printToViewport(134, 68, k13_ColorLightestGray, descString);
+ textMan.printToViewport(134, 68, k13_ColorLightestGray, descString.c_str());
drawIconToViewport(iconIndex, 111, 59);
@@ -577,59 +571,47 @@ void InventoryMan::drawPanelObject(Thing thingToDraw, bool pressingEye) {
case k10_JunkThingType: {
if ((iconIndex >= k8_IconIndiceJunkWater) && (iconIndex <= k9_IconIndiceJunkWaterSkin)) {
potentialAttribMask = 0;
- const char *descString_EN_ANY[4] = {"(EMPTY)", "(ALMOST EMPTY)", "(ALMOST FULL)", "(FULL)"};
- const char *descString_DE_DEU[4] = {"(LEER)", "(FAST LEER)", "(FAST VOLL)", "(VOLL)"};
- const char *descString_FR_FRA[4] = {"(VIDE)", "(PRESQUE VIDE)", "(PRESQUE PLEINE)", "(PLEINE)"};
+ const char *descStringEN[4] = {"(EMPTY)", "(ALMOST EMPTY)", "(ALMOST FULL)", "(FULL)"};
+ const char *descStringDE[4] = {"(LEER)", "(FAST LEER)", "(FAST VOLL)", "(VOLL)"};
+ const char *descStringFR[4] = {"(VIDE)", "(PRESQUE VIDE)", "(PRESQUE PLEINE)", "(PLEINE)"};
Junk *junk = (Junk *)rawThingPtr;
switch (_vm->getGameLanguage()) { // localized
- default:
- case Common::EN_ANY:
- descString = descString_EN_ANY[junk->getChargeCount()];
- break;
case Common::DE_DEU:
- descString = descString_DE_DEU[junk->getChargeCount()];
+ descString = descStringDE[junk->getChargeCount()];
case Common::FR_FRA:
- descString = descString_FR_FRA[junk->getChargeCount()];
+ descString = descStringFR[junk->getChargeCount()];
+ break;
+ default:
+ descString = descStringEN[junk->getChargeCount()];
- drawPanelObjectDescriptionString(descString);
+ drawPanelObjectDescriptionString(descString.c_str());
} else if ((iconIndex >= k0_IconIndiceJunkCompassNorth) && (iconIndex <= k3_IconIndiceJunkCompassWest)) {
+ const static char *directionNameEN[4] = {"NORTH", "EAST", "SOUTH", "WEST"};
+ const static char *directionNameDE[4] = {"NORDEN", "OSTEN", "SUEDEN", "WESTEN"};
+ const static char *directionNameFR[4] = {"AU NORD", "A L'EST", "AU SUD", "A L'OUEST"};
potentialAttribMask = 0;
switch (_vm->getGameLanguage()) { // localized
- default:
- case Common::EN_ANY:
- strcpy(str, "PARTY FACING ");
- break;
case Common::DE_DEU:
- strcpy(str, "GRUPPE BLICKT NACH ");
+ str += directionNameDE[iconIndex];
case Common::FR_FRA:
- strcpy(str, "GROUPE FACE ");
+ str = "GROUPE FACE ";
+ str += directionNameFR[iconIndex];
- }
- const static char* directionName_EN_ANY[4] = {"NORTH", "EAST", "SOUTH", "WEST"};
- const static char* directionName_DE_DEU[4] = {"NORDEN", "OSTEN", "SUEDEN", "WESTEN"};
- const static char* directionName_FR_FRA[4] = {"AU NORD", "A L'EST", "AU SUD", "A L'OUEST"};
- switch (_vm->getGameLanguage()) { // localized
- case Common::EN_ANY:
- strcat(str, directionName_EN_ANY[iconIndex]);
- break;
- case Common::DE_DEU:
- strcat(str, directionName_DE_DEU[iconIndex]);
- break;
- case Common::FR_FRA:
- strcat(str, directionName_FR_FRA[iconIndex]);
+ str = "PARTY FACING ";
+ str += directionNameEN[iconIndex];
- drawPanelObjectDescriptionString(str);
+ drawPanelObjectDescriptionString(str.c_str());
} else {
Junk *junk = (Junk *)rawThingPtr;
potentialAttribMask = k0x0001_DescriptionMaskConsumable;
@@ -642,73 +624,54 @@ void InventoryMan::drawPanelObject(Thing thingToDraw, bool pressingEye) {
} // end of switch
if (potentialAttribMask) {
- static const char *attribString_EN_ANY[4] = {"CONSUMABLE", "POISONED", "BROKEN", "CURSED"};
- static const char *attribString_DE_DEU[4] = {"ESSBAR", "VERGIFTET", "DEFEKT", "VERFLUCHT"};
- static const char *attribString_FR_FRA[4] = {"COMESTIBLE", "EMPOISONNE", "BRISE", "MAUDIT"};
+ static const char *attribStringEN[4] = {"CONSUMABLE", "POISONED", "BROKEN", "CURSED"};
+ static const char *attribStringDE[4] = {"ESSBAR", "VERGIFTET", "DEFEKT", "VERFLUCHT"};
+ static const char *attribStringFR[4] = {"COMESTIBLE", "EMPOISONNE", "BRISE", "MAUDIT"};
const char **attribString = nullptr;
switch (_vm->getGameLanguage()) { // localized
- default:
- case Common::EN_ANY:
- attribString = attribString_EN_ANY;
- break;
case Common::DE_DEU:
- attribString = attribString_DE_DEU;
+ attribString = attribStringDE;
case Common::FR_FRA:
- attribString = attribString_FR_FRA;
+ attribString = attribStringFR;
+ break;
+ default:
+ attribString = attribStringEN;
- buildObjectAttributeString(potentialAttribMask, actualAttribMask, attribString, str, "(", ")");
- drawPanelObjectDescriptionString(str);
+ char destString[40];
+ buildObjectAttributeString(potentialAttribMask, actualAttribMask, attribString, destString, "(", ")");
+ drawPanelObjectDescriptionString(destString);
+ uint16 weight = dunMan.getObjectWeight(thingToDraw);
switch (_vm->getGameLanguage()) { // localized
- default:
- case Common::EN_ANY:
- strcpy(str, "WEIGHS ");
- break;
case Common::DE_DEU:
- strcpy(str, "WIEGT ");
+ str = "WIEGT " + champMan.getStringFromInteger(weight / 10, false, 3) + ",";
case Common::FR_FRA:
- strcpy(str, "PESE ");
+ str = "PESE " + champMan.getStringFromInteger(weight / 10, false, 3) + "KG,";
- }
- uint16 weight = dunMan.getObjectWeight(thingToDraw);
- strcat(str, champMan.getStringFromInteger(weight / 10, false, 3).c_str());
- switch (_vm->getGameLanguage()) { // localized
- case Common::EN_ANY:
- strcat(str, ".");
- break;
- case Common::DE_DEU:
- strcat(str, ",");
- break;
- case Common::FR_FRA:
- strcat(str, "KG,");
+ str = "WEIGHS " + champMan.getStringFromInteger(weight / 10, false, 3) + ".";
weight -= (weight / 10) * 10;
- strcat(str, champMan.getStringFromInteger(weight, false, 1).c_str());
+ str += champMan.getStringFromInteger(weight, false, 1);
switch (_vm->getGameLanguage()) { // localized
- default:
- case Common::EN_ANY:
- case Common::DE_DEU:
- strcat(str, " KG.");
- break;
case Common::FR_FRA:
- strcat(str, ".");
+ str += ".";
+ break;
+ default:
+ str += " KG.";
- drawPanelObjectDescriptionString(str);
+ drawPanelObjectDescriptionString(str.c_str());
@@ -786,105 +749,95 @@ void InventoryMan::setDungeonViewPalette() {
void InventoryMan::decreaseTorchesLightPower() {
- bool L1048_B_TorchChargeCountChanged = false;
- int16 L1046_i_ChampionCount = _vm->_championMan->_partyChampionCount;
- if (_vm->_championMan->_candidateChampionOrdinal) {
- L1046_i_ChampionCount--;
- }
- Champion *L1050_ps_Champion = _vm->_championMan->_champions;
- while (L1046_i_ChampionCount--) {
- int16 L1047_i_SlotIndex = k1_ChampionSlotActionHand + 1;
- while (L1047_i_SlotIndex--) {
- int16 L1049_i_IconIndex = _vm->_objectMan->getIconIndex(L1050_ps_Champion->_slots[L1047_i_SlotIndex]);
- if ((L1049_i_IconIndex >= k4_IconIndiceWeaponTorchUnlit) && (L1049_i_IconIndex <= k7_IconIndiceWeaponTorchLit)) {
- Weapon *L1051_ps_Weapon = (Weapon *)_vm->_dungeonMan->getThingData(L1050_ps_Champion->_slots[L1047_i_SlotIndex]);
- if (L1051_ps_Weapon->getChargeCount()) {
- if (L1051_ps_Weapon->setChargeCount(L1051_ps_Weapon->getChargeCount() - 1) == 0) {
- L1051_ps_Weapon->setDoNotDiscard(false);
+ bool torchChargeCountChanged = false;
+ int16 championCount = _vm->_championMan->_partyChampionCount;
+ if (_vm->_championMan->_candidateChampionOrdinal)
+ championCount--;
+ Champion *curChampion = _vm->_championMan->_champions;
+ while (championCount--) {
+ int16 slotIndex = k1_ChampionSlotActionHand + 1;
+ while (slotIndex--) {
+ int16 iconIndex = _vm->_objectMan->getIconIndex(curChampion->_slots[slotIndex]);
+ if ((iconIndex >= k4_IconIndiceWeaponTorchUnlit) && (iconIndex <= k7_IconIndiceWeaponTorchLit)) {
+ Weapon *curWeapon = (Weapon *)_vm->_dungeonMan->getThingData(curChampion->_slots[slotIndex]);
+ if (curWeapon->getChargeCount()) {
+ if (curWeapon->setChargeCount(curWeapon->getChargeCount() - 1) == 0) {
+ curWeapon->setDoNotDiscard(false);
- L1048_B_TorchChargeCountChanged = true;
+ torchChargeCountChanged = true;
- L1050_ps_Champion++;
+ curChampion++;
- if (L1048_B_TorchChargeCountChanged) {
+ if (torchChargeCountChanged) {
void InventoryMan::drawChampionSkillsAndStatistics() {
+ static const char* statisticNamesEN[7] = {"L", "STRENGTH", "DEXTERITY", "WISDOM", "VITALITY", "ANTI-MAGIC", "ANTI-FIRE"};
+ static const char* statisticNamesDE[7] = {"L", "STAERKE", "FLINKHEIT", "WEISHEIT", "VITALITAET", "ANTI-MAGIE", "ANTI-FEUER"};
+ static const char* statisticNamesFR[7] = {"L", "FORCE", "DEXTERITE", "SAGESSE", "VITALITE", "ANTI-MAGIE", "ANTI-FEU"};
+ const char **statisticNames;
- uint16 L1090_ui_Multiple;
-#define AL1090_ui_SkillIndex L1090_ui_Multiple
-#define AL1090_ui_StatisticIndex L1090_ui_Multiple
- int16 L1091_i_Y;
- int16 L1092_i_Multiple;
-#define AL1092_i_SkillLevel L1092_i_Multiple
-#define AL1092_i_StatisticCurrentValue L1092_i_Multiple
- uint16 L1093_ui_ChampionIndex;
- Champion* L1094_ps_Champion;
- int16 L1095_i_StatisticColor;
- uint16 L1096_ui_StatisticMaximumValue;
- char L1097_ac_String[20];
- static const char* G0431_apc_StatisticNames_EN_ANY[7] = {"L", "STRENGTH", "DEXTERITY", "WISDOM", "VITALITY", "ANTI-MAGIC", "ANTI-FIRE"};
- static const char* G0431_apc_StatisticNames_DE_DEU[7] = {"L", "STAERKE", "FLINKHEIT", "WEISHEIT", "VITALITAET", "ANTI-MAGIE", "ANTI-FEUER"};
- static const char* G0431_apc_StatisticNames_FR_FRA[7] = {"L", "FORCE", "DEXTERITE", "SAGESSE", "VITALITE", "ANTI-MAGIE", "ANTI-FEU"};
- const char **G0431_apc_StatisticNames;
switch (_vm->getGameLanguage()) { // localized
+ case Common::DE_DEU:
+ statisticNames = statisticNamesDE;
+ break;
+ case Common::FR_FRA:
+ statisticNames = statisticNamesFR;
+ break;
- case Common::EN_ANY: G0431_apc_StatisticNames = G0431_apc_StatisticNames_EN_ANY; break;
- case Common::DE_DEU: G0431_apc_StatisticNames = G0431_apc_StatisticNames_DE_DEU; break;
- case Common::FR_FRA: G0431_apc_StatisticNames = G0431_apc_StatisticNames_FR_FRA; break;
+ statisticNames = statisticNamesEN;
+ break;
- L1094_ps_Champion = &_vm->_championMan->_champions[L1093_ui_ChampionIndex = _vm->ordinalToIndex(_inventoryChampionOrdinal)];
+ uint16 championIndex = _vm->ordinalToIndex(_inventoryChampionOrdinal);
+ Champion *curChampion = &_vm->_championMan->_champions[championIndex];
_vm->_displayMan->blitToViewport(_vm->_displayMan->getNativeBitmapOrGraphic(k20_PanelEmptyIndice), _boxPanel, k72_byteWidth, k8_ColorRed, 73);
- L1091_i_Y = 58;
- for (AL1090_ui_SkillIndex = k0_ChampionSkillFighter; AL1090_ui_SkillIndex <= k3_ChampionSkillWizard; AL1090_ui_SkillIndex++) {
- AL1092_i_SkillLevel = MIN((uint16)16, _vm->_championMan->getSkillLevel(L1093_ui_ChampionIndex, AL1090_ui_SkillIndex | k0x8000_IgnoreTemporaryExperience));
- if (AL1092_i_SkillLevel == 1)
+ int16 textPosY = 58;
+ for (uint16 idx = k0_ChampionSkillFighter; idx <= k3_ChampionSkillWizard; idx++) {
+ int16 skillLevel = MIN((uint16)16, _vm->_championMan->getSkillLevel(championIndex, idx | k0x8000_IgnoreTemporaryExperience));
+ if (skillLevel == 1)
+ Common::String displayString;
switch (_vm->getGameLanguage()) { // localized
- default:
- case Common::EN_ANY:
- case Common::DE_DEU: // english and german versions are the same
- strcpy(L1097_ac_String, _skillLevelNames[AL1092_i_SkillLevel - 2]);
- strcat(L1097_ac_String, " ");
- strcat(L1097_ac_String, _vm->_championMan->_baseSkillName[AL1090_ui_SkillIndex]);
- break;
case Common::FR_FRA:
- strcat(L1097_ac_String, _vm->_championMan->_baseSkillName[AL1090_ui_SkillIndex]);
- strcat(L1097_ac_String, " ");
- strcpy(L1097_ac_String, _skillLevelNames[AL1092_i_SkillLevel - 2]);
+ // Fix original bug: Due to a copy&paste error, the string was concatenate then overwritten be the last part
+ displayString = Common::String::format("%s %s", _vm->_championMan->_baseSkillName[idx], _skillLevelNames[skillLevel - 2]);
+ break;
+ default: // English and German versions are built the same way
+ displayString = Common::String::format("%s %s", _skillLevelNames[skillLevel - 2], _vm->_championMan->_baseSkillName[idx]);
- _vm->_textMan->printToViewport(108, L1091_i_Y, k13_ColorLightestGray, L1097_ac_String);
- L1091_i_Y += 7;
+ _vm->_textMan->printToViewport(108, textPosY, k13_ColorLightestGray, displayString.c_str());
+ textPosY += 7;
- L1091_i_Y = 86;
- for (AL1090_ui_StatisticIndex = k1_ChampionStatStrength; AL1090_ui_StatisticIndex <= k6_ChampionStatAntifire; AL1090_ui_StatisticIndex++) {
- _vm->_textMan->printToViewport(108, L1091_i_Y, k13_ColorLightestGray, G0431_apc_StatisticNames[AL1090_ui_StatisticIndex]);
- AL1092_i_StatisticCurrentValue = L1094_ps_Champion->_statistics[AL1090_ui_StatisticIndex][k1_ChampionStatCurrent];
- L1096_ui_StatisticMaximumValue = L1094_ps_Champion->_statistics[AL1090_ui_StatisticIndex][k0_ChampionStatMaximum];
- if (AL1092_i_StatisticCurrentValue < L1096_ui_StatisticMaximumValue) {
- L1095_i_StatisticColor = k8_ColorRed;
- } else {
- if (AL1092_i_StatisticCurrentValue > L1096_ui_StatisticMaximumValue) {
- L1095_i_StatisticColor = k7_ColorLightGreen;
- } else {
- L1095_i_StatisticColor = k13_ColorLightestGray;
- }
- }
- _vm->_textMan->printToViewport(174, L1091_i_Y, (Color)L1095_i_StatisticColor, _vm->_championMan->getStringFromInteger(AL1092_i_StatisticCurrentValue, true, 3).c_str());
- strcpy(L1097_ac_String, "/");
- strcat(L1097_ac_String, _vm->_championMan->getStringFromInteger(L1096_ui_StatisticMaximumValue, true, 3).c_str());
- _vm->_textMan->printToViewport(192, L1091_i_Y, k13_ColorLightestGray, L1097_ac_String);
- L1091_i_Y += 7;
+ textPosY = 86;
+ for (uint16 idx = k1_ChampionStatStrength; idx <= k6_ChampionStatAntifire; idx++) {
+ _vm->_textMan->printToViewport(108, textPosY, k13_ColorLightestGray, statisticNames[idx]);
+ int16 statisticCurrentValue = curChampion->_statistics[idx][k1_ChampionStatCurrent];
+ uint16 statisticMaximumValue = curChampion->_statistics[idx][k0_ChampionStatMaximum];
+ int16 statisticColor;
+ if (statisticCurrentValue < statisticMaximumValue)
+ statisticColor = k8_ColorRed;
+ else if (statisticCurrentValue > statisticMaximumValue)
+ statisticColor = k7_ColorLightGreen;
+ else
+ statisticColor = k13_ColorLightestGray;
+ _vm->_textMan->printToViewport(174, textPosY, (Color)statisticColor, _vm->_championMan->getStringFromInteger(statisticCurrentValue, true, 3).c_str());
+ Common::String displayString = "/" + _vm->_championMan->getStringFromInteger(statisticMaximumValue, true, 3);
+ _vm->_textMan->printToViewport(192, textPosY, k13_ColorLightestGray, displayString.c_str());
+ textPosY += 7;
@@ -898,14 +851,13 @@ void InventoryMan::drawStopPressingMouth() {
void InventoryMan::drawStopPressingEye() {
- Thing L1100_T_LeaderHandObject;
drawIconToViewport(k202_IconIndiceEyeNotLooking, 12, 13);
- if ((L1100_T_LeaderHandObject = _vm->_championMan->_leaderHandObject) != Thing::_none) {
- _vm->_objectMan->drawLeaderObjectName(L1100_T_LeaderHandObject);
- }
+ Thing leaderHandObject = _vm->_championMan->_leaderHandObject;
+ if (leaderHandObject != Thing::_none)
+ _vm->_objectMan->drawLeaderObjectName(leaderHandObject);
@@ -943,9 +895,9 @@ void InventoryMan::clickOnMouth() {
if (_vm->_championMan->_leaderEmptyHanded) {
- if (_panelContent == k0_PanelContentFoodWaterPoisoned) {
+ if (_panelContent == k0_PanelContentFoodWaterPoisoned)
- }
_vm->_eventMan->_ignoreMouseMovements = true;
_vm->_pressingMouth = true;
if (!_vm->_eventMan->isMouseButtonDown(k1_LeftMouseButton)) {
@@ -960,14 +912,14 @@ void InventoryMan::clickOnMouth() {
- if (_vm->_championMan->_candidateChampionOrdinal) {
+ if (_vm->_championMan->_candidateChampionOrdinal)
- }
L1078_T_Thing = _vm->_championMan->_leaderHandObject;
- if (!getFlag(_vm->_dungeonMan->_objectInfos[_vm->_dungeonMan->getObjectInfoIndex(L1078_T_Thing)]._allowedSlots, k0x0001_ObjectAllowedSlotMouth)) {
+ if (!getFlag(_vm->_dungeonMan->_objectInfos[_vm->_dungeonMan->getObjectInfoIndex(L1078_T_Thing)]._allowedSlots, k0x0001_ObjectAllowedSlotMouth))
- }
L1079_ui_IconIndex = _vm->_objectMan->getIconIndex(L1078_T_Thing);
AL1088_ui_ThingType = L1078_T_Thing.getType();
L1089_ui_Weight = _vm->_dungeonMan->getObjectWeight(L1078_T_Thing);