path: root/engines/prince/script.cpp
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'engines/prince/script.cpp')
1 files changed, 715 insertions, 412 deletions
diff --git a/engines/prince/script.cpp b/engines/prince/script.cpp
index d790d6d9c3..1aacda4f0b 100644
--- a/engines/prince/script.cpp
+++ b/engines/prince/script.cpp
@@ -22,23 +22,35 @@
#include "prince/script.h"
#include "prince/prince.h"
+#include "prince/flags.h"
+#include "prince/variatxt.h"
+#include "prince/font.h"
#include "common/debug.h"
#include "common/debug-channels.h"
#include "common/stream.h"
+#include "common/archive.h"
+#include "audio/decoders/wave.h"
+#include "audio/audiostream.h"
namespace Prince {
static const uint16 NUM_OPCODES = 144;
Script::Script(PrinceEngine *vm) :
- _code(NULL), _stacktop(0), _vm(vm), _opcodeNF(false) {
+ _code(NULL), _stacktop(0), _vm(vm), _opcodeNF(false),
+ _waitFlag(0), _voiceStream(NULL) {
Script::~Script() {
delete[] _code;
+void Script::setFlag(Flags::Id flagId, uint16 value) {
+ _flags[flagId - 0x8000] = value;
bool Script::loadFromStream(Common::SeekableReadStream &stream) {
_codeSize = stream.size();
_code = new byte[_codeSize];
@@ -46,48 +58,69 @@ bool Script::loadFromStream(Common::SeekableReadStream &stream) {
if (!_code)
return false;
- stream.read(_code, _codeSize);
- // Initialize the script
- _currentInstruction = READ_LE_UINT32(_code + 4);
+ stream.read(_code, _codeSize);
+ // Initialize the script
+ _fgOpcodePC = READ_LE_UINT32(_code + 4);
+ _bgOpcodePC = 0;
return true;
void Script::debugScript(const char *s, ...) {
- char buf[STRINGBUFLEN];
- va_list va;
+ char buf[STRINGBUFLEN];
+ va_list va;
va_start(va, s);
vsnprintf(buf, STRINGBUFLEN, s, va);
- Common::String str = Common::String::format("@0x%04X: ", _lastInstruction);
- str += Common::String::format("op %02d: ", _lastOpcode);
- debug("%s %s", str.c_str(), buf);
+ Common::String str = Common::String::format("@0x%04X: ", _lastInstruction);
+ str += Common::String::format("op %04d: ", _lastOpcode);
+ //debugC(10, DebugChannel::kScript, "PrinceEngine::Script %s %s", str.c_str(), buf);
+ debug("Prince::Script frame %ld %s %s", _vm->_frameNr, str.c_str(), buf);
void Script::step() {
- //while (!_opcodeNF)
- {
- _lastInstruction = _currentInstruction;
- // Prepare the base debug string
- Common::String dstr = Common::String::format("@0x%04X: ", _currentInstruction);
+ if (_bgOpcodePC) {
+ _bgOpcodePC = step(_bgOpcodePC);
+ }
+ if (_fgOpcodePC) {
+ _fgOpcodePC = step(_fgOpcodePC);
+ }
+uint32 Script::step(uint32 opcodePC) {
+ _currentInstruction = opcodePC;
+ while (!_opcodeNF)
+ {
+ _lastInstruction = _currentInstruction;
+ // Prepare the base debug string
+ Common::String dstr = Common::String::format("@0x%04X: ", _currentInstruction);
- // Get the current opcode
- _lastOpcode = readScript16bits();
+ // Get the current opcode
+ _lastOpcode = readScript16bits();
- dstr += Common::String::format("op %02d: ", _lastOpcode);
+ dstr += Common::String::format("op %02d: ", _lastOpcode);
- if (_lastOpcode > NUM_OPCODES)
- error("Trying to execute unknown opcode %s", dstr.c_str());
+ if (_lastOpcode > NUM_OPCODES)
+ error("Trying to execute unknown opcode %s", dstr.c_str());
- debug("%s", dstr.c_str());
+ debugScript("");
- // Execute the current opcode
- OpcodeFunc op = _opcodes[_lastOpcode];
- (this->*op)();
- }
+ // Execute the current opcode
+ OpcodeFunc op = _opcodes[_lastOpcode];
+ (this->*op)();
+ if (_opcodeNF) {
+ _opcodeNF = 0;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ return _currentInstruction;
uint8 Script::getCodeByte(uint32 address) {
@@ -116,258 +149,421 @@ uint32 Script::readScript32bits() {
void Script::O_WAITFOREVER() {
- debugScript("O_WAITFOREVER");
- _currentInstruction -= 2;
+ debugScript("O_WAITFOREVER");
+ _opcodeNF = 1;
+ _currentInstruction -= 2;
void Script::O_BLACKPALETTE() {
- debugScript("O_BLACKPALETTE");
+ debugScript("O_BLACKPALETTE");
void Script::O_SETUPPALETTE() {
- debugScript("O_SETUPPALETTE");
+ debugScript("O_SETUPPALETTE");
void Script::O_INITROOM() {
- uint16 roomId = readScript16bits();
- debugScript("O_INITROOM %d", roomId);
- _vm->loadLocation(roomId);
+ uint16 roomId = readScript16bits();
+ debugScript("O_INITROOM %d", roomId);
+ _vm->loadLocation(roomId);
+ _opcodeNF = 1;
void Script::O_SETSAMPLE() {
- uint16 sampleId = readScript16bits();
- int32 sampleNameOffset = readScript32bits();
- const char * sampleName = (const char *)_code + _currentInstruction + sampleNameOffset - 4;
- debugScript("O_SETSAMPLE %d %s", sampleId, sampleName);
+ uint16 sampleId = readScript16bits();
+ int32 sampleNameOffset = readScript32bits();
+ const char * sampleName = (const char *)_code + _currentInstruction + sampleNameOffset - 4;
+ debugScript("O_SETSAMPLE %d %s", sampleId, sampleName);
void Script::O_FREESAMPLE() {
- uint16 sample = readScript16bits();
- debugScript("O_FREESAMPLE %d", sample);
+ uint16 sample = readScript16bits();
+ debugScript("O_FREESAMPLE %d", sample);
void Script::O_PLAYSAMPLE() {
- uint16 sampleId = readScript16bits();
- uint16 loopType = readScript16bits();
- debugScript("O_PLAYSAMPLE sampleId %d loopType %d", sampleId, loopType);
+ uint16 sampleId = readScript16bits();
+ uint16 loopType = readScript16bits();
+ debugScript("O_PLAYSAMPLE sampleId %d loopType %d", sampleId, loopType);
+ if (_voiceStream) {
+ Audio::RewindableAudioStream *audioStream = Audio::makeWAVStream(_voiceStream, DisposeAfterUse::YES);
+ _vm->_mixer->playStream(Audio::Mixer::kSFXSoundType, &_soundHandle, audioStream, sampleId);
+ }
void Script::O_PUTOBJECT() {
- uint16 roomId = readScript16bits();
- uint16 slot = readScript16bits();
- uint16 objectId = readScript16bits();
- debugScript("O_PUTOBJECT roomId %d, slot %d, objectId %d", roomId, slot, objectId);
+ uint16 roomId = readScript16bits();
+ uint16 slot = readScript16bits();
+ uint16 objectId = readScript16bits();
+ debugScript("O_PUTOBJECT roomId %d, slot %d, objectId %d", roomId, slot, objectId);
void Script::O_REMOBJECT() {
- uint16 roomId = readScript16bits();
- uint16 objectId = readScript16bits();
+ uint16 roomId = readScript16bits();
+ uint16 objectId = readScript16bits();
- debugScript("O_REMOBJECT roomId %d objectId %d", roomId, objectId);
+ debugScript("O_REMOBJECT roomId %d objectId %d", roomId, objectId);
void Script::O_SHOWANIM() {
- uint16 slot = readScript16bits();
- uint16 animId = readScript16bits();
+ uint16 slot = readScript16bits();
+ uint16 animId = readScript16bits();
- debugScript("O_SHOWANIM slot %d, animId %d", slot, animId);
+ debugScript("O_SHOWANIM slot %d, animId %d", slot, animId);
void Script::O_CHECKANIMEND() {
- uint16 slot = readScript16bits();
- uint16 frameId = readScript16bits();
+ uint16 slot = readScript16bits();
+ uint16 frameId = readScript16bits();
- debugScript("O_CHECKANIMEND slot %d, frameId %d", slot, frameId);
+ debugScript("O_CHECKANIMEND slot %d, frameId %d", slot, frameId);
+ _opcodeNF = 1;
void Script::O_FREEANIM() {
- uint16 slot = readScript16bits();
- debugScript("O_FREEANIM slot %d", slot);
+ uint16 slot = readScript16bits();
+ debugScript("O_FREEANIM slot %d", slot);
void Script::O_CHECKANIMFRAME() {
- uint16 slot = readScript16bits();
- uint16 frameId = readScript16bits();
+ uint16 slot = readScript16bits();
+ uint16 frameId = readScript16bits();
- debugScript("O_CHECKANIMFRAME slot %d, frameId %d", slot, frameId);
+ debugScript("O_CHECKANIMFRAME slot %d, frameId %d", slot, frameId);
+ _opcodeNF = 1;
void Script::O_PUTBACKANIM() {
- uint16 roomId = readScript16bits();
- uint16 slot = readScript16bits();
- uint32 animId = readScript32bits();
- debugScript("O_PUTBACKANIM roomId %d, slot %d, animId %d", roomId, slot, animId);
+ uint16 roomId = readScript16bits();
+ uint16 slot = readScript16bits();
+ uint32 animId = readScript32bits();
+ debugScript("O_PUTBACKANIM roomId %d, slot %d, animId %d", roomId, slot, animId);
void Script::O_REMBACKANIM() {
- uint16 roomId = readScript16bits();
- uint16 slot = readScript16bits();
+ uint16 roomId = readScript16bits();
+ uint16 slot = readScript16bits();
+ debugScript("O_REMBACKANIM roomId %d, slot %d", roomId, slot);
- debugScript("O_REMBACKANIM roomId %d, slot %d", roomId, slot);
+ uint16 slotId = readScript16bits();
+ uint16 frameId = readScript16bits();
+ debugScript("O_CHECKBACKANIMFRAME slotId %d, frameId %d", slotId, frameId);
+ _opcodeNF = 1;
+void Script::O_FREEALLSAMPLES() {
+ debugScript("O_FREEALLSAMPLES");
-void Script::O_FREEALLSAMPLES() {}
+void Script::O_SETMUSIC() {
+ uint16 musicId = readScript16bits();
-void Script::O_SETMUSIC() {}
+ debugScript("O_SETMUSIC musicId %d", musicId);
-void Script::O_STOPMUSIC() {}
+void Script::O_STOPMUSIC() {
+ debugScript("O_STOPMUSIC");
-void Script::O__WAIT() {}
+void Script::O__WAIT() {
+ uint16 pause = readScript16bits();
-void Script::O_UPDATEOFF() {}
+ debugScript("O__WAIT pause %d", pause);
-void Script::O_UPDATEON() {}
+ if (_waitFlag == 0) {
+ // set new wait flag value and continue
+ _waitFlag = pause;
+ _opcodeNF = 1;
+ _currentInstruction -= 4;
+ return;
+ }
-void Script::O_UPDATE () {}
+ --_waitFlag;
-void Script::O_CLS() {}
+ if (_waitFlag > 0) {
+ _opcodeNF = 1;
+ _currentInstruction -= 4;
+ return;
+ }
+void Script::O_UPDATEOFF() {
+ debugScript("O_UPDATEOFF");
+void Script::O_UPDATEON() {
+ debugScript("O_UPDATEON");
+void Script::O_UPDATE () {
+ debugScript("O_UPDATE");
+void Script::O_CLS() {
+ debugScript("O_CLS");
void Script::O__CALL() {
- int32 address = readScript32bits();
- _stack[_stacktop] = _currentInstruction;
- _stacktop++;
- _currentInstruction += address - 4;
- debugScript("O__CALL 0x%04X", _currentInstruction);
+ int32 address = readScript32bits();
+ _stack[_stacktop] = _currentInstruction;
+ _stacktop++;
+ _currentInstruction += address - 4;
+ debugScript("O__CALL 0x%04X", _currentInstruction);
void Script::O_RETURN() {
- // Get the return address
- if (_stacktop > 0) {
- _stacktop--;
- _currentInstruction = _stack[_stacktop];
- debugScript("O_RETURN 0x%04X", _currentInstruction);
- } else {
- error("Return: Stack is empty");
- }
+ // Get the return address
+ if (_stacktop > 0) {
+ _stacktop--;
+ _currentInstruction = _stack[_stacktop];
+ debugScript("O_RETURN 0x%04X", _currentInstruction);
+ } else {
+ error("Return: Stack is empty");
+ }
void Script::O_GO() {
- int32 opPC = readScript32bits();
- debugScript("O_GO 0x%04X", opPC);
- _currentInstruction += opPC - 4;
+ int32 opPC = readScript32bits();
+ debugScript("O_GO 0x%04X", opPC);
+ _currentInstruction += opPC - 4;
+ uint16 slotId = readScript32bits();
+ debugScript("O_BACKANIMUPDATEOFF slotId %d", slotId);
-void Script::O_BACKANIMUPDATEOFF() {}
- uint16 slot = readScript16bits();
- debugScript("O_BACKANIMUPDATEON %d", slot);
+ uint16 slot = readScript16bits();
+ debugScript("O_BACKANIMUPDATEON %d", slot);
void Script::O_CHANGECURSOR() {
- uint16 cursorId = readScript16bits();
- debugScript("O_CHANGECURSOR %x", cursorId);
+ uint16 cursorId = readScript16bits();
+ debugScript("O_CHANGECURSOR %x", cursorId);
-void Script::O_CHANGEANIMTYPE() {}
+void Script::O_CHANGEANIMTYPE() {
void Script::O__SETFLAG() {
- uint16 flagId = readScript16bits();
- uint16 value = readScript16bits();
- debugScript("O__SETFLAG 0x%04X %d", flagId, value);
- _flags[flagId-0x8000] = value;
+ uint16 flagId = readScript16bits();
+ uint16 value = readScript16bits();
+ if (value & 0x8000) {
+ value = _flags[value - 0x8000];
+ }
+ debugScript("O__SETFLAG 0x%04X (%s) = %d", flagId, Flags::getFlagName(flagId), value);
+ _flags[flagId - 0x8000] = value;
void Script::O_COMPARE() {
- uint16 flagId = readScript16bits();
- uint16 value = readScript16bits();
- debugScript("O_COMPARE flagId 0x%04X, value %d", flagId, value);
- _result = (_flags[flagId-0x8000] == value);
+ uint16 flagId = readScript16bits();
+ uint16 value = readScript16bits();
+ if (value & 0x8000) {
+ uint16 val = _flags[value - 0x8000];
+ debugScript("GetFlagValue 0x%04X (%s), value %d", value, Flags::getFlagName(value), val);
+ value = val;
+ }
+ _result = !(_flags[flagId - 0x8000] == value);
+ debugScript("O_COMPARE flagId 0x%04X (%s), value %d == %d (%d)", flagId, Flags::getFlagName(flagId), value, _flags[flagId - 0x8000], _result);
void Script::O_JUMPZ() {
- int32 offset = readScript32bits();
- debugScript("O_JUMPZ offset 0x%04X", offset);
- if (_result == 0)
- {
- _currentInstruction += offset - 4;
- }
+ int32 offset = readScript32bits();
+ debugScript("O_JUMPZ offset 0x%04X", offset);
+ if (! _result) {
+ _currentInstruction += offset - 4;
+ }
void Script::O_JUMPNZ() {
- int32 offset = readScript32bits();
- debugScript("O_JUMPNZ offset 0x%04X", offset);
- if (_result)
- {
- _currentInstruction += offset - 4;
- }
+ int32 offset = readScript32bits();
+ debugScript("O_JUMPNZ offset 0x%04X", offset);
+ if (_result) {
+ _currentInstruction += offset - 4;
+ }
-void Script::O_EXIT() {}
+void Script::O_EXIT() {
+ uint16 exitCode = readScript16bits();
+ debugScript("O_EXIT exitCode %d", exitCode);
void Script::O_ADDFLAG() {
- uint16 flagId = readScript16bits();
- uint16 value = readScript16bits();
+ uint16 flagId = readScript16bits();
+ uint16 value = readScript16bits();
- _flags[flagId-0x8000] += value;
- if (_flags[flagId-0x8000])
- _result = 1;
- else
- _result = 0;
+ if (value & 0x8000) {
+ value = _flags[value - 0x8000];
+ }
- debugScript("O_ADDFLAG flagId %d, value %d", flagId, value);
+ _flags[flagId - 0x8000] += value;
+ if (_flags[flagId - 0x8000])
+ _result = 1;
+ else
+ _result = 0;
+ debugScript("O_ADDFLAG flagId %04x (%s), value %d", flagId, Flags::getFlagName(flagId), value);
void Script::O_TALKANIM() {
- uint16 animSlot = readScript16bits();
- uint16 slot = readScript16bits();
+ uint16 animSlot = readScript16bits();
+ uint16 slot = readScript16bits();
- debugScript("O_TALKANIM animSlot %d, slot %d", animSlot, slot);
+ debugScript("O_TALKANIM animSlot %d, slot %d", animSlot, slot);
void Script::O_SUBFLAG() {
- uint16 flagId = readScript16bits();
- uint16 value = readScript16bits();
+ uint16 flagId = readScript16bits();
+ uint16 value = readScript16bits();
+ if (value & 0x8000) {
+ value = _flags[value - 0x8000];
+ }
- _flags[flagId-0x8000] -= value;
- if (_flags[flagId-0x8000])
- _result = 1;
- else
- _result = 0;
+ _flags[flagId - 0x8000] -= value;
+ if (_flags[flagId - 0x8000])
+ _result = 1;
+ else
+ _result = 0;
- debugScript("O_SUBFLAG flagId %d, value %d", flagId, value);
+ debugScript("O_SUBFLAG flagId %d, value %d", flagId, value);
void Script::O_SETSTRING() {
- int32 offset = readScript32bits();
+ int32 offset = readScript32bits();
+ _currentString = offset;
+ if (offset >= 80000) {
+ debug("GetVaria %s", _vm->_variaTxt->getString(offset - 80000));
+ }
+ else if (offset < 2000) {
+ uint32 of = READ_LE_UINT32(_vm->_talkTxt+offset*4);
+ const char * txt = (const char *)&_vm->_talkTxt[of];
+ _string = &_vm->_talkTxt[of];
+ debug("TalkTxt %d %s", of, txt);
+ }
+ debugScript("O_SETSTRING %04d", offset);
+void Script::O_ANDFLAG() {
+ uint16 flagId = readScript16bits();
+ uint16 value = readScript16bits();
- debugScript("O_SETSTRING 0x%04X", offset);
+ debugScript("O_ANDFLAG flagId %d, value %d", flagId, value);
+ if (value & 0x8000) {
+ value = _flags[value - 0x8000];
+ }
+ _flags[flagId - 0x8000] &= value;
+ if (_flags[flagId - 0x8000]) {
+ _result = 1;
+ } else {
+ _result = 0;
+ }
-void Script::O_ANDFLAG() {}
+void Script::O_GETMOBDATA() {
+ uint16 flagId = readScript16bits();
+ uint16 mobId = readScript16bits();
+ uint16 mobOffset = readScript16bits();
-void Script::O_GETMOBDATA() {}
+ debugScript("O_GETMOBDATA flagId %d, modId %d, mobOffset %d", flagId, mobId, mobOffset);
+void Script::O_ORFLAG() {
+ uint16 flagId = readScript16bits();
+ uint16 value = readScript16bits();
+ debugScript("O_ORFLAG flagId %d, value %d", flagId, value);
-void Script::O_ORFLAG() {}
+ if (value & 0x8000) {
+ value = _flags[value - 0x8000];
+ }
-void Script::O_SETMOBDATA() {}
+ _flags[flagId - 0x8000] |= value;
-void Script::O_XORFLAG() {}
+ if (_flags[flagId - 0x8000]) {
+ _result = 1;
+ } else {
+ _result = 0;
+ }
-void Script::O_GETMOBTEXT() {}
+void Script::O_SETMOBDATA() {
+ uint16 mobId = readScript16bits();
+ uint16 mobOffset = readScript16bits();
+ uint16 value = readScript16bits();
+ debugScript("O_SETMOBDATA mobId %d, mobOffset %d, value %d", mobId, mobOffset, value);
+void Script::O_XORFLAG() {
+ uint16 flagId = readScript16bits();
+ uint16 value = readScript16bits();
+ debugScript("O_XORFLAG flagId %d, value %d", flagId, value);
+ if (value & 0x8000) {
+ value = _flags[value - 0x8000];
+ }
+ _flags[flagId - 0x8000] ^= value;
+ if (_flags[flagId - 0x8000]) {
+ _result = 1;
+ } else {
+ _result = 0;
+ }
+void Script::O_GETMOBTEXT() {
+ uint16 value = readScript16bits();
+ debugScript("O_GETMOBTEXT value %d", value);
void Script::O_MOVEHERO() {
- uint16 heroId = readScript16bits();
- uint16 x = readScript16bits();
- uint16 y = readScript16bits();
- uint16 dir = readScript16bits();
- debugScript("O_MOVEHERO heroId %d, x %d, y %d, dir %d", heroId, x, y, dir);
+ uint16 heroId = readScript16bits();
+ uint16 x = readScript16bits();
+ uint16 y = readScript16bits();
+ uint16 dir = readScript16bits();
+ debugScript("O_MOVEHERO heroId %d, x %d, y %d, dir %d", heroId, x, y, dir);
void Script::O_WALKHERO() {
- uint16 heroId = readScript16bits();
+ uint16 heroId = readScript16bits();
- debugScript("O_WALKHERO %d", heroId);
+ debugScript("O_WALKHERO %d", heroId);
+ _opcodeNF = 1;
void Script::O_SETHERO() {}
void Script::O_HEROOFF() {
- uint16 heroId = readScript16bits();
- debugScript("O_HEROOFF %d", heroId);
+ uint16 heroId = readScript16bits();
+ debugScript("O_HEROOFF %d", heroId);
void Script::O_HEROON() {
- uint16 heroId = readScript16bits();
- debugScript("O_HEROON %d", heroId);
+ uint16 heroId = readScript16bits();
+ debugScript("O_HEROON %d", heroId);
void Script::O_CLSTEXT() {}
@@ -382,8 +578,8 @@ void Script::O_REMWALKAREA() {}
void Script::O_RESTOREWALKAREA() {}
void Script::O_WAITFRAME() {
- debugScript("O_WAITFRAME");
- _opcodeNF = true;
+ debugScript("O_WAITFRAME");
+ _opcodeNF = true;
void Script::O_SETFRAME() {}
@@ -396,8 +592,15 @@ void Script::O_CHECKINV() {}
void Script::O_TALKHERO() {}
void Script::O_WAITTEXT() {
- uint16 slot = readScript16bits();
- debugScript("O_WAITTEXT slot %d", slot);
+ uint16 slot = readScript16bits();
+ if (slot & 0x8000) {
+ slot = _flags[slot - 0x8000];
+ }
+ Text &text = _vm->_textSlots[slot];
+ if (text._time) {
+ _opcodeNF = 1;
+ _currentInstruction -= 4;
+ }
void Script::O_SETHEROANIM() {}
@@ -409,8 +612,9 @@ void Script::O_CHANGEBACKFRAMES() {}
void Script::O_GETBACKANIMDATA() {}
void Script::O_GETANIMDATA() {}
void Script::O_SETBGCODE() {
- int32 bgcode = readScript32bits();
- debugScript("O_SETBGCODE %d", bgcode);
+ int32 bgcode = readScript32bits();
+ debugScript("O_SETBGCODE %d", bgcode);
+ _bgOpcodePC = _currentInstruction + bgcode;
void Script::O_SETBACKFRAME() {}
void Script::O_GETRND() {}
@@ -418,418 +622,517 @@ void Script::O_TALKBACKANIM() {}
void Script::O_LOADPATH() {}
void Script::O_GETCHAR() {
- uint16 flagId = readScript16bits();
- debugScript("O_GETCHAR %d", flagId);
+ uint16 flagId = readScript16bits();
+ _flags[flagId - 0x8000] = *_string;
+ debugScript("O_GETCHAR %04X (%s) %02x", flagId, Flags::getFlagName(flagId), _flags[flagId - 0x8000]);
+ ++_string;
void Script::O_SETDFLAG() {}
void Script::O_CALLDFLAG() {}
-void Script::O_PRINTAT() {}
+void Script::O_PRINTAT() {
+ uint16 slot = readScript16bits();
+ uint16 fr1 = readScript16bits();
+ uint16 fr2 = readScript16bits();
+ debugScript("O_PRINTAT slot %d, fr1 %d, fr2 %d", slot, fr1, fr2);
+ uint8 color = _flags[Flags::KOLOR - 0x8000];
+ _vm->printAt(slot, color, (const char *)_string, fr1, fr2);
+ while (*_string) {
+ ++_string;
+ }
+ ++_string;
void Script::O_ZOOMIN() {}
void Script::O_ZOOMOUT() {}
-void Script::O_SETSTRINGOFFSET() {}
+void Script::O_SETSTRINGOFFSET() {
void Script::O_GETOBJDATA() {}
void Script::O_SETOBJDATA() {}
void Script::O_SWAPOBJECTS() {}
-void Script::O_CHANGEHEROSET() {}
+void Script::O_CHANGEHEROSET() {
+ uint16 hero = readScript16bits();
+ uint16 heroSet = readScript16bits();
+ debugScript("O_CHANGEHEROSET hero %d, heroSet %d", hero, heroSet);
void Script::O_ADDSTRING() {}
void Script::O_SUBSTRING() {}
void Script::O_INITDIALOG() {}
void Script::O_ENABLEDIALOGOPT() {}
void Script::O_DISABLEDIALOGOPT() {}
void Script::O_SHOWDIALOGBOX() {}
void Script::O_STOPSAMPLE() {
- uint16 slot = readScript16bits();
- debugScript("O_STOPSAMPLE slot %d", slot);
+ uint16 slot = readScript16bits();
+ debugScript("O_STOPSAMPLE slot %d", slot);
+ _vm->_mixer->stopID(slot);
+ _voiceStream = NULL;
void Script::O_BACKANIMRANGE() {
- uint16 slotId = readScript16bits();
- uint16 animId = readScript16bits();
- uint16 low = readScript16bits();
- uint16 high = readScript16bits();
+ uint16 slotId = readScript16bits();
+ uint16 animId = readScript16bits();
+ uint16 low = readScript16bits();
+ uint16 high = readScript16bits();
- debugScript("O_BACKANIMRANGE slotId %d, animId %d, low %d, high %d", slotId, animId, low, high);
+ debugScript("O_BACKANIMRANGE slotId %d, animId %d, low %d, high %d", slotId, animId, low, high);
void Script::O_CLEARPATH() {
- debugScript("O_CLEARPATH");
+ debugScript("O_CLEARPATH");
void Script::O_SETPATH() {
- debugScript("O_SETPATH");
+ debugScript("O_SETPATH");
void Script::O_GETHEROX() {
- uint16 heroId = readScript16bits();
- uint16 flagId = readScript16bits();
+ uint16 heroId = readScript16bits();
+ uint16 flagId = readScript16bits();
- debugScript("O_GETHEROX heroId %d, flagId %d", heroId, flagId);
+ debugScript("O_GETHEROX heroId %d, flagId %d", heroId, flagId);
void Script::O_GETHEROY() {
- uint16 heroId = readScript16bits();
- uint16 flagId = readScript16bits();
+ uint16 heroId = readScript16bits();
+ uint16 flagId = readScript16bits();
- debugScript("O_GETHEROY heroId %d, flagId %d", heroId, flagId);
+ debugScript("O_GETHEROY heroId %d, flagId %d", heroId, flagId);
void Script::O_GETHEROD() {
- uint16 heroId = readScript16bits();
- uint16 flagId = readScript16bits();
+ uint16 heroId = readScript16bits();
+ uint16 flagId = readScript16bits();
- debugScript("O_GETHEROD heroId %d, flagId %d", heroId, flagId);
+ debugScript("O_GETHEROD heroId %d, flagId %d", heroId, flagId);
void Script::O_PUSHSTRING() {
- debugScript("O_PUSHSTRING");
+ debugScript("O_PUSHSTRING");
void Script::O_POPSTRING() {
- debugScript("O_POPSTRING");
+ debugScript("O_POPSTRING");
void Script::O_SETFGCODE() {
- int32 offset = readScript32bits();
+ int32 offset = readScript32bits();
+ debugScript("O_SETFGCODE offset %04X", offset);
- debugScript("O_SETFGCODE offset %04X", offset);
+ _fgOpcodePC = _currentInstruction + offset;
void Script::O_STOPHERO() {
- uint16 heroId = readScript16bits();
+ uint16 heroId = readScript16bits();
- debugScript("O_STOPHERO heroId %d", heroId);
+ debugScript("O_STOPHERO heroId %d", heroId);
void Script::O_ANIMUPDATEOFF() {
- uint16 slotId = readScript16bits();
- debugScript("O_ANIMUPDATEOFF slotId %d", slotId);
+ uint16 slotId = readScript16bits();
+ debugScript("O_ANIMUPDATEOFF slotId %d", slotId);
void Script::O_ANIMUPDATEON() {
- uint16 slotId = readScript16bits();
- debugScript("O_ANIMUPDATEON slotId %d", slotId);
+ uint16 slotId = readScript16bits();
+ debugScript("O_ANIMUPDATEON slotId %d", slotId);
void Script::O_FREECURSOR() {
- debugScript("O_FREECURSOR");
+ debugScript("O_FREECURSOR");
void Script::O_ADDINVQUIET() {
- uint16 heroId = readScript16bits();
- uint16 itemId = readScript16bits();
+ uint16 heroId = readScript16bits();
+ uint16 itemId = readScript16bits();
- debugScript("O_ADDINVQUIET heorId %d, itemId %d", heroId, itemId);
+ debugScript("O_ADDINVQUIET heorId %d, itemId %d", heroId, itemId);
void Script::O_RUNHERO() {
- uint16 heroId = readScript16bits();
- uint16 x = readScript16bits();
- uint16 y = readScript16bits();
- uint16 dir = readScript16bits();
+ uint16 heroId = readScript16bits();
+ uint16 x = readScript16bits();
+ uint16 y = readScript16bits();
+ uint16 dir = readScript16bits();
- debugScript("O_RUNHERO heroId %d, x %d, y %d, dir %d", heroId, x, y, dir);
+ debugScript("O_RUNHERO heroId %d, x %d, y %d, dir %d", heroId, x, y, dir);
void Script::O_SETBACKANIMDATA() {
- uint16 animId = readScript16bits();
- uint16 animOffset = readScript16bits();
- uint16 wart = readScript16bits();
+ uint16 animId = readScript16bits();
+ uint16 animOffset = readScript16bits();
+ uint16 wart = readScript16bits();
- debugScript("O_SETBACKANIMDATA animId %d, animOffset %d, wart %d", animId, animOffset, wart);
+ debugScript("O_SETBACKANIMDATA animId %d, animOffset %d, wart %d", animId, animOffset, wart);
void Script::O_VIEWFLC() {
- uint16 animNr = readScript16bits();
- debugScript("O_VIEWFLC animNr %d", animNr);
+ uint16 animNr = readScript16bits();
+ debug("O_VIEWFLC animNr %d", animNr);
+ _vm->loadAnim(animNr, false);
void Script::O_CHECKFLCFRAME() {
- uint16 frameNr = readScript16bits();
+ uint16 frameNr = readScript16bits();
- debugScript("O_CHECKFLCFRAME frame number %d", frameNr);
+ debugScript("O_CHECKFLCFRAME frame number %d", frameNr);
- const Video::FlicDecoder &flicPlayer = _vm->_flicPlayer;
+ const Video::FlicDecoder &flicPlayer = _vm->_flicPlayer;
- if (flicPlayer.getCurFrame() != frameNr)
- {
- // Move instruction pointer before current instruciton
- // must do this check once again till it's false
- _currentInstruction -= 2;
- }
+ if (flicPlayer.getCurFrame() != frameNr)
+ {
+ // Move instruction pointer before current instruciton
+ // must do this check once again till it's false
+ _currentInstruction -= 2;
+ _opcodeNF = 1;
+ }
void Script::O_CHECKFLCEND() {
- debugScript("O_CHECKFLCEND");
+ //debugScript("O_CHECKFLCEND");
- const Video::FlicDecoder &flicPlayer = _vm->_flicPlayer;
+ const Video::FlicDecoder &flicPlayer = _vm->_flicPlayer;
- if (flicPlayer.getFrameCount() - flicPlayer.getCurFrame() <= 1)
- {
- // Move instruction pointer before current instruciton
- // must do this check once again till it's false
- _currentInstruction -= 2;
- }
+ //debug("frameCount %d, currentFrame %d", flicPlayer.getFrameCount(), flicPlayer.getCurFrame());
+ if (flicPlayer.getFrameCount() - flicPlayer.getCurFrame() > 1)
+ {
+ // Move instruction pointer before current instruciton
+ // must do this check once again till it's false
+ _currentInstruction -= 2;
+ _opcodeNF = 1;
+ }
void Script::O_FREEFLC() {
- debugScript("O_FREEFLC");
+ debugScript("O_FREEFLC");
void Script::O_TALKHEROSTOP() {
- uint16 heroId = readScript16bits();
- debugScript("O_TALKHEROSTOP %d", heroId);
+ uint16 heroId = readScript16bits();
+ debugScript("O_TALKHEROSTOP %d", heroId);
void Script::O_HEROCOLOR() {
- uint16 heroId = readScript16bits();
- uint16 kolorr = readScript16bits();
- debugScript("O_HEROCOLOR heroId %d, kolorr %d", heroId, kolorr);
+ uint16 heroId = readScript16bits();
+ uint16 kolorr = readScript16bits();
+ debugScript("O_HEROCOLOR heroId %d, kolorr %d", heroId, kolorr);
void Script::O_GRABMAPA() {
- debugScript("O_GRABMAPA");
+ debugScript("O_GRABMAPA");
void Script::O_ENABLENAK() {
- uint16 nakId = readScript16bits();
- debugScript("O_ENABLENAK nakId %d", nakId);
+ uint16 nakId = readScript16bits();
+ debugScript("O_ENABLENAK nakId %d", nakId);
void Script::O_DISABLENAK() {
- uint16 nakId = readScript16bits();
- debugScript("O_DISABLENAK nakId %d", nakId);
+ uint16 nakId = readScript16bits();
+ debugScript("O_DISABLENAK nakId %d", nakId);
void Script::O_GETMOBNAME() {
- uint16 war = readScript16bits();
- debugScript("O_GETMOBNAME war %d", war);
+ uint16 war = readScript16bits();
+ debugScript("O_GETMOBNAME war %d", war);
void Script::O_SWAPINVENTORY() {
- uint16 heroId = readScript16bits();
- debugScript("O_SWAPINVENTORY heroId %d", heroId);
+ uint16 heroId = readScript16bits();
+ debugScript("O_SWAPINVENTORY heroId %d", heroId);
void Script::O_CLEARINVENTORY() {
- uint16 heroId = readScript16bits();
- debugScript("O_CLEARINVENTORY heroId %d", heroId);
+ uint16 heroId = readScript16bits();
+ debugScript("O_CLEARINVENTORY heroId %d", heroId);
void Script::O_SKIPTEXT() {
- debugScript("O_SKIPTEXT");
+ debugScript("O_SKIPTEXT");
+void Script::SetVoice(uint32 slot) {
+ const uint16 VOICE_H_LINE = _flags[Flags::VOICE_H_LINE - 0x8000];
+ const Common::String streamName = Common::String::format("%03d-%02d.WAV", _currentString, VOICE_H_LINE);
+ debugScript("Loading wav %s slot %d", streamName.c_str(), slot);
+ _voiceStream = SearchMan.createReadStreamForMember(streamName);
+ if (!_voiceStream) {
+ error("Can't open %s", streamName.c_str());
+ }
+ uint32 id = _voiceStream->readUint32LE();
+ if (id != 0x46464952) {
+ error("It's not RIFF file %s", streamName.c_str());
+ return;
+ }
+ _voiceStream->skip(0x20);
+ id = _voiceStream->readUint32LE();
+ if (id != 0x61746164) {
+ error("No data section in %s id %04x", streamName.c_str(), id);
+ return;
+ }
+ id = _voiceStream->readUint32LE();
+ debugScript("SetVoice slot %d time %04x", slot, id);
+ id <<= 3;
+ id /= 22050;
+ id += 2;
+ _vm->_textSlots[slot]._time = id;
+ debugScript("SetVoice slot %d time %04x", slot, id);
+ _voiceStream->seek(0);
void Script::O_SETVOICEH() {
- uint16 txn = readScript16bits();
- debugScript("O_SETVOICEH txn %d", txn);
+ uint16 txn = readScript16bits();
+ debugScript("O_SETVOICEH txn %d", txn);
+ SetVoice(txn);
void Script::O_SETVOICEA() {
- uint16 txn = readScript16bits();
- debugScript("O_SETVOICEA txn %d", txn);
+ uint16 txn = readScript16bits();
+ debugScript("O_SETVOICEA txn %d", txn);
+ SetVoice(txn);
void Script::O_SETVOICEB() {
- uint16 txn = readScript16bits();
- debugScript("O_SETVOICEB txn %d", txn);
+ uint16 txn = readScript16bits();
+ debugScript("O_SETVOICEB txn %d", txn);
+ SetVoice(txn);
void Script::O_SETVOICEC() {
- uint16 txn = readScript16bits();
- debugScript("O_SETVOICEC txn %d", txn);
+ uint16 txn = readScript16bits();
+ debugScript("O_SETVOICEC txn %d", txn);
+ SetVoice(txn);
void Script::O_VIEWFLCLOOP() {
- uint16 animId = readScript16bits();
- debugScript("O_VIEWFLCLOOP animId %d", animId);
+ uint16 value = readScript16bits();
+ debugScript("O_VIEWFLCLOOP animId %d", value);
+ if (value & 0x8000) {
+ value = _flags[value - 0x8000];
+ }
+ _vm->loadAnim(value, true);
void Script::O_FLCSPEED() {
- uint16 speed = readScript16bits();
- debugScript("O_FLCSPEED speed %d", speed);
+ uint16 speed = readScript16bits();
+ debugScript("O_FLCSPEED speed %d", speed);
void Script::O_OPENINVENTORY() {
- debugScript("O_OPENINVENTORY");
+ debugScript("O_OPENINVENTORY");
+ _opcodeNF = 1;
void Script::O_KRZYWA() {
- debugScript("O_KRZYWA");
+ debugScript("O_KRZYWA");
void Script::O_GETKRZYWA() {
- debugScript("O_GETKRZYWA");
+ debugScript("O_GETKRZYWA");
void Script::O_GETMOB() {
- uint16 flagId = readScript16bits();
- uint16 mx = readScript16bits();
- uint16 my = readScript16bits();
- debugScript("O_GETMOB flagId %d, mx %d, my %d", flagId, mx, my);
+ uint16 flagId = readScript16bits();
+ uint16 mx = readScript16bits();
+ uint16 my = readScript16bits();
+ debugScript("O_GETMOB flagId %d, mx %d, my %d", flagId, mx, my);
void Script::O_INPUTLINE() {
- debugScript("O_INPUTLINE");
+ debugScript("O_INPUTLINE");
void Script::O_SETVOICED() {
- uint16 txn = readScript16bits();
- debugScript("O_SETVOICED txn %d", txn);
+ uint16 txn = readScript16bits();
+ debugScript("O_SETVOICED txn %d", txn);
+ SetVoice(txn);
void Script::O_BREAK_POINT() {
- debugScript("O_BREAK_POINT");
+ debugScript("O_BREAK_POINT");
Script::OpcodeFunc Script::_opcodes[NUM_OPCODES] = {
- &Script::O_INITROOM,
- &Script::O_SETSAMPLE,
- &Script::O_FREESAMPLE,
- &Script::O_PLAYSAMPLE,
- &Script::O_PUTOBJECT,
- &Script::O_REMOBJECT,
- &Script::O_SHOWANIM,
- &Script::O_FREEANIM,
- &Script::O_SETMUSIC,
- &Script::O_STOPMUSIC,
- &Script::O__WAIT,
- &Script::O_UPDATEOFF,
- &Script::O_UPDATEON,
- &Script::O_UPDATE ,
- &Script::O_CLS,
- &Script::O__CALL,
- &Script::O_RETURN,
- &Script::O_GO,
- &Script::O__SETFLAG,
- &Script::O_COMPARE,
- &Script::O_JUMPZ,
- &Script::O_JUMPNZ,
- &Script::O_EXIT,
- &Script::O_ADDFLAG,
- &Script::O_TALKANIM,
- &Script::O_SUBFLAG,
- &Script::O_SETSTRING,
- &Script::O_ANDFLAG,
- &Script::O_GETMOBDATA,
- &Script::O_ORFLAG,
- &Script::O_SETMOBDATA,
- &Script::O_XORFLAG,
- &Script::O_GETMOBTEXT,
- &Script::O_MOVEHERO,
- &Script::O_WALKHERO,
- &Script::O_SETHERO,
- &Script::O_HEROOFF,
- &Script::O_HEROON,
- &Script::O_CLSTEXT,
- &Script::O_CALLTABLE,
- &Script::O_CHANGEMOB,
- &Script::O_ADDINV,
- &Script::O_REMINV,
- &Script::O_REPINV,
- &Script::O_WAITFRAME,
- &Script::O_SETFRAME,
- &Script::O_RUNACTION,
- &Script::O_COMPAREHI,
- &Script::O_COMPARELO,
- &Script::O_PRELOADSET,
- &Script::O_CHECKINV,
- &Script::O_TALKHERO,
- &Script::O_WAITTEXT,
- &Script::O_SETBGCODE,
- &Script::O_GETRND,
- &Script::O_LOADPATH,
- &Script::O_GETCHAR,
- &Script::O_SETDFLAG,
- &Script::O_CALLDFLAG,
- &Script::O_PRINTAT,
- &Script::O_ZOOMIN,
- &Script::O_ZOOMOUT,
- &Script::O_GETOBJDATA,
- &Script::O_SETOBJDATA,
- &Script::O_ADDSTRING,
- &Script::O_SUBSTRING,
- &Script::O_INITDIALOG,
- &Script::O_STOPSAMPLE,
- &Script::O_CLEARPATH,
- &Script::O_SETPATH,
- &Script::O_GETHEROX,
- &Script::O_GETHEROY,
- &Script::O_GETHEROD,
- &Script::O_PUSHSTRING,
- &Script::O_POPSTRING,
- &Script::O_SETFGCODE,
- &Script::O_STOPHERO,
- &Script::O_FREECURSOR,
- &Script::O_RUNHERO,
- &Script::O_VIEWFLC,
- &Script::O_FREEFLC,
- &Script::O_HEROCOLOR,
- &Script::O_GRABMAPA,
- &Script::O_ENABLENAK,
- &Script::O_DISABLENAK,
- &Script::O_GETMOBNAME,
- &Script::O_SKIPTEXT,
- &Script::O_SETVOICEH,
- &Script::O_SETVOICEA,
- &Script::O_SETVOICEB,
- &Script::O_SETVOICEC,
- &Script::O_FLCSPEED,
- &Script::O_KRZYWA,
- &Script::O_GETKRZYWA,
- &Script::O_GETMOB,
- &Script::O_INPUTLINE,
- &Script::O_SETVOICED,
- &Script::O_BREAK_POINT,
+ &Script::O_INITROOM,
+ &Script::O_SETSAMPLE,
+ &Script::O_FREESAMPLE,
+ &Script::O_PLAYSAMPLE,
+ &Script::O_PUTOBJECT,
+ &Script::O_REMOBJECT,
+ &Script::O_SHOWANIM,
+ &Script::O_FREEANIM,
+ &Script::O_SETMUSIC,
+ &Script::O_STOPMUSIC,
+ &Script::O__WAIT,
+ &Script::O_UPDATEOFF,
+ &Script::O_UPDATEON,
+ &Script::O_UPDATE ,
+ &Script::O_CLS,
+ &Script::O__CALL,
+ &Script::O_RETURN,
+ &Script::O_GO,
+ &Script::O__SETFLAG,
+ &Script::O_COMPARE,
+ &Script::O_JUMPZ,
+ &Script::O_JUMPNZ,
+ &Script::O_EXIT,
+ &Script::O_ADDFLAG,
+ &Script::O_TALKANIM,
+ &Script::O_SUBFLAG,
+ &Script::O_SETSTRING,
+ &Script::O_ANDFLAG,
+ &Script::O_GETMOBDATA,
+ &Script::O_ORFLAG,
+ &Script::O_SETMOBDATA,
+ &Script::O_XORFLAG,
+ &Script::O_GETMOBTEXT,
+ &Script::O_MOVEHERO,
+ &Script::O_WALKHERO,
+ &Script::O_SETHERO,
+ &Script::O_HEROOFF,
+ &Script::O_HEROON,
+ &Script::O_CLSTEXT,
+ &Script::O_CALLTABLE,
+ &Script::O_CHANGEMOB,
+ &Script::O_ADDINV,
+ &Script::O_REMINV,
+ &Script::O_REPINV,
+ &Script::O_WAITFRAME,
+ &Script::O_SETFRAME,
+ &Script::O_RUNACTION,
+ &Script::O_COMPAREHI,
+ &Script::O_COMPARELO,
+ &Script::O_PRELOADSET,
+ &Script::O_CHECKINV,
+ &Script::O_TALKHERO,
+ &Script::O_WAITTEXT,
+ &Script::O_SETBGCODE,
+ &Script::O_GETRND,
+ &Script::O_LOADPATH,
+ &Script::O_GETCHAR,
+ &Script::O_SETDFLAG,
+ &Script::O_CALLDFLAG,
+ &Script::O_PRINTAT,
+ &Script::O_ZOOMIN,
+ &Script::O_ZOOMOUT,
+ &Script::O_GETOBJDATA,
+ &Script::O_SETOBJDATA,
+ &Script::O_ADDSTRING,
+ &Script::O_SUBSTRING,
+ &Script::O_INITDIALOG,
+ &Script::O_STOPSAMPLE,
+ &Script::O_CLEARPATH,
+ &Script::O_SETPATH,
+ &Script::O_GETHEROX,
+ &Script::O_GETHEROY,
+ &Script::O_GETHEROD,
+ &Script::O_PUSHSTRING,
+ &Script::O_POPSTRING,
+ &Script::O_SETFGCODE,
+ &Script::O_STOPHERO,
+ &Script::O_FREECURSOR,
+ &Script::O_RUNHERO,
+ &Script::O_VIEWFLC,
+ &Script::O_FREEFLC,
+ &Script::O_HEROCOLOR,
+ &Script::O_GRABMAPA,
+ &Script::O_ENABLENAK,
+ &Script::O_DISABLENAK,
+ &Script::O_GETMOBNAME,
+ &Script::O_SKIPTEXT,
+ &Script::O_SETVOICEH,
+ &Script::O_SETVOICEA,
+ &Script::O_SETVOICEB,
+ &Script::O_SETVOICEC,
+ &Script::O_FLCSPEED,
+ &Script::O_KRZYWA,
+ &Script::O_GETKRZYWA,
+ &Script::O_GETMOB,
+ &Script::O_INPUTLINE,
+ &Script::O_SETVOICED,
+ &Script::O_BREAK_POINT,
+/* vim: set tabstop=4 noexpandtab: */